Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures Alfred Hermida, University of British Columbia @hermida ICA London, June 20 2013
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Social media platforms, especially Twitter, have emerged as networks for real-time news and information where reports, rumours and speculation are challenged, contradicted or corroborated. The characteristics and use of Twitter nourish an always-on, ambient news environment, affecting how individuals interpret and communicate information in meaningful ways. This paper applies research in new literacies to contextualize the interplay between networked communication technologies and journalism. As new forms of communication emerge, journalism seeks to adopt and adapt new affordances that disrupt prevailing norms and principles through a contested process of negotiation. The new literacies of Twitter and similar platforms give rise to tensions between conventional ways of working and new possibilities in reporting, analysing and explaining the news. This paper explores how journalism is being shaped by, and shaping, the new literacies of networked communication architectures.

Transcript of Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Page 1: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Rewiring journalism:

The new literacies of networked communication architecturesAlfred Hermida, University of British Columbia @hermida

ICA London, June 20 2013

Page 2: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Journalists and Twitter: It’s complicated

Photo: the half-blood prince -

Page 3: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

From modern, industrial literacies towards post-industrial, knowledge society literacies

Lankshear and Knobel, 2011Photo: phub -

Page 4: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Journalism: Uniform, monolithic, enclosed, stable, linear

Photo: Mike65444 -

Page 5: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Twitter: Distributed, open, collaborative, dynamic, non-linear

Photo: Kristina Alexanderson -

Page 6: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

The finished productPhoto: albyantoniazzi -

Page 7: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Journalism as a tentative and iterative process where contested accounts are examined & evaluated in public in real-time

Photo: Cathy Arkie -

Page 8: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Andy Carvin: Twitter as newsroom

Photo: personaldemocracy -

Page 9: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Networked news, networked powerPhoto: Matthijs -

Page 10: Rewiring journalism: The new literacies of networked communication architectures

Thank [email protected] @hermida

• WORKS• Hermida, Alfred, Seth C. Lewis, Rodrigo Zamith. (forthcoming).

Sourcing the Arab Spring: A case study of Andy Carvin’s sources on Twitter during the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communications

• Hermida, Alfred. (in press). Twitter as an ambient news network, in Bruns, K. Weller, J. Burgess, M. Mahrt & C. Puschmann (eds.), Twitter and Society. New York, NY: Peter Lang

• Hermida, Alfred (forthcoming). #journalism: Reconfiguring journalism research about Twitter, one tweet at a time, Digital Journalism