Revolution in Natural Science: New Physics xxi

SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY XXI New Physical Science 21: THE F IRST P RINCIPLES IN NATURE: F ORCE -I NTERACTIONS, SUPER SYMMETRY F ORCE , OR P ROTO F ORCE CONVERTIBILITY OF FORCES CONSERVATION OF FORCES R EVERSIBILITY OF FORCES UNITY OF FORCES All Existence is Relative, All Nature is Reversible, All Forces are coming from one Proto Force Read i-book: SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY 21, New PHYSICA, to completely change your standard conception of PHYSICAL REALITY Azamat Abdoullaev, PhD EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems (Europe, Russia) Total Force of the Universe is always Conserved, Symmetrical and Equal Zero EU, RF, 2016

Transcript of Revolution in Natural Science: New Physics xxi

SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY XXI New Physical Science 21:




All Existence is Relative, All Nature is Reversible, All Forces are coming from one Proto Force

Read i-book: SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY 21, New PHYSICA, to completely change your standard conception of PHYSICAL REALITY Azamat Abdoullaev, PhD

EIS Encyclopedic Intelligent Systems (Europe, Russia)

Total Force of the Universe is always Conserved, Symmetrical and Equal Zero

EU, RF, 2016

Presentation Notes
To discard our commonsense notion of a causality as a linear relation of cause and effect, a causal ordering, the asymmetry of the causal relation, a linear relation between values of variables or a function of one variable (the cause) on to another (the effect). Causality is the Interrelation of Cause and Effect. Causation Interrelates the World, involving all entities and things. �‘ the happening of a reverse order’, ‘reciprocal causation’, ‘causality from… to is found to be stronger than causality in the reverse direction’, ‘reverse the direction of causality’, ‘the causality reverses’, ‘causality might be in reverse’, ‘causality operates in the reverse direction’, ‘the presence of reverse causality’, ‘reverse the causality flow’, ‘reverse the arrow of causality’, ‘to reverse the normal order of causality’, ‘ a bidirectional perspective of a cause-and-effect relationship reverses the primary direction of causality’, ‘reverse the normal order of causality’, ‘reverse the cause and effect and see if you can generate a new relation making sense’, etc. �

Physical sciences: Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth science, Physics

• Physical science is traditionally defined as the natural science doing the systematic study of the inorganic world, as being completed with the life science of biology doing the systematic study of the organic world.

• Its subject is treating of the general properties of matter as a whole, its composition and structure, properties and states, energy and force-relations to formulate the first laws of behavior of the universe and nature, as divided among four interrelated branches: astronomy, physics, chemistry and the Earth science.

• Astronomy, including astrophysics and cosmology, studies the entire universe beyond the Earth, including the universe’s structure and evolution, its cosmic objects (as stars, galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and nebulae) and their physical processes (as supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation, etc.), and how the Earth relates to interactions with the solar system.

• Chemistry treats of the structure, composition and properties of substances and all possible changes, transformations or reactions they undergo, being about the properties and reactions of molecules. It is about the interactions of substances through chemical reactions to form different substances, including analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, and industrial chemistry.

• Earth science is dealing with planet Earth, how the natural environment (ecosphere of geosphere and biosphere or Earth ecosystem) works and evolves, including the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, involving atmospheric science and environmental science, geology and geography, geoinformatics, glaciology, oceanography and soil science.

• Physics deals with the structure of the matter and the interactions of the fundamental constituents of the universe.

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The Natural Science of Physics

• The core of physical science, physics, is one of ancient studies, commencing with Aristotle’s Rational Physics, transformed to Natural Philosophy, and through Modern Physics, to New Physics of the 21st century, aiming at the Theory of Everything.

• New Physics deals with the structure of the matter and nature of force and the interactions of the fundamental constituents of the universe, including all the hypothetical constructs like as “dark energy”.

• It is the science that treats of matter and energy, forces and interactions and their regularities and laws governing the reciprocal interplay while being tested and proved by analysis and observation, control and measurement.

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Modern physics: Force and Energy, Reversibility and Convertibility

• Physical science, including its basic science of physics, has been evolving without any single strategy since its revolutionary formation as modern natural science.

• Modern physics was founded as a synthesis of separate sciences: mechanics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism, heat and studies of matter and its properties.

• The whole idea of the modern physics consisted in the intuitive understanding that different forces of nature and forms of energy are INTERRELATED and INTERCONVERTIBLE.

• But these universal phenomena have never been expressly formulated as the basic laws of nature, as underlying guiding strategic principles.

• Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Physics and Technology of the 21st Century, New Physica; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016; ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-2-9


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Modern Physics: Its Key Subjects and Principles

• Physics includes the subjects of gravitation, mechanics and sound, particles and atoms, thermodynamics and heat, electricity and magnetism, light and electromagnetic radiation. Its main task is the nature, origin, actions and interactions of force-fields, gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear.

• In all, physics viewed as natural science doing the general analysis of nature to understand how the universe behaves, while being moved in the force fields, relying on a few simple laws and principles of nature and the universe.

• Its fundamental principles, causes and theories are unity and diversity, reversibility and convertibility, regularity and order, symmetry and conservation, change and motion, space and time, mass and energy, fields and forces, as well as thermodynamics, quantum theory, field theory, relativity and nonlinear dynamic systems theory.

• The fundamental axioms and postulates of physics is that all is interrelated and interacted in the physical universe, space, time, mass, energy and force, as well as the basic principles and laws, as reversibility and convertibility, symmetry and conservation. The same symmetry properties of a physical system are mutually related to its conservation laws. And each conserved quantity (of energy or momentum) has a corresponding symmetry, or invariance and uniformity (as time reversal or space inversion), all generally specified by symmetry groups, as Lie and finite groups, the foundation for the fundamental theories of modern physics.

• Most of modern theoretical physics is about the types of symmetries of the Universe and finding the invariants (under all the symmetries) to construct field theories as its general models, like as the Standard model of CPT symmetry. It is to describe forces between particles predicting that exchanged particles called gauge bosons are the fundamental means by which forces are emitted and absorbed.

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The State of Affairs: What Is Lacking in the Leading Science of Nature

• Physical Science: the Scope and Scale • Physical science is the leading empirical science being simple in its principles but

universal in the scale and scope of the application. • Regardless of increasing numbers of experiments and observations, discoveries and

divisions, effects and their applications, a small number of universal laws are operating all the acts of the universe, and the same principles regulate the most complex processes and effects of all natural forces.

• It is recognized that all physical sciences have three common characteristics while studying the world of changing things, as matter in motion, energy in conversion, forces in action, and processes in effects:

• 1. experimentation and observation and scientific method to study, demonstrate and discover,

• 2. applying mathematics and strict symbolical formalism to formulate hypotheses, empirical laws, generalizations and their consequences,

• 3. putting all the phenomena of nature and actions of universe under the fewest number of primary principles and basic laws of nature in the simplest mathematical statements, logical formulations and consistent theories.

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New Physics: From Forces and Force-Fields to One Force-Interaction

• In modern physics, all of the forces in the universe are based on four fundamental interactions: the strong and weak forces as nuclear forces acting at very short distances, and responsible for the interactions between subatomic particles; the electromagnetic force acting between electric charges, and the gravitational force acting between masses, as the Earth-body system.

• The final cause of natural science of physics is, in the most general way, to formulate a system of comprehensive principles uniting and explaining all physical phenomena, physical causes and forces, mechanical, gravitational, thermal, electromagnetic, and nuclear forces, weak and strong.

• All of the forces in the universe are tended to be interrelated and united as a single super symmetrical force or supra power, one proto force. The weak and electromagnetic forces are now expressions of a more fundamental electroweak interaction.

• A Grand Unified Theory relates the electroweak interaction with the strong force. And four main force-interactions, strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational, would combine into a theory of everything, as a string theory.

• That might implies that all the fundamental force-interactions might come out as different manifestations of the prime natural force, super symmetry Force, or Proto Force, the prime mover, the first cause of all changes in the universe, including the original event of the Big Bang, the singularity referring to the early hot, dense state considered the "birth" of the universe.

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Great Schema of Forces • Prime Force (ToE):: • Quantum Gravity Forces (Space Curvature, Standard Model of

Cosmology; Electronuclear Force (GUT, Standard Model of Particle Physics)::

• Strong Interaction (SU (3); Electroweak Interaction (SU(2) x U(1)):: • Weak Interaction and Electromagnetism U(1em):: • Magnetism and Electricity:: • Non-Fundamental Forces (nonconservative forces, contact forces,

normal repulsive force, cohesion and adhesion, elasticity, viscosity, drag, friction, pressure, compression, tension forces, torques, fictitious forces, centrifugal force and the Coriolis force, etc.)

• Read “SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XXI: Physics X.0 & Technology X.0” to completely change your standard conception of PHYSICAL REALITY

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What’s Necessary for the Physical Science of the 21 Century

• Our 40 years long research in theoretical physics, mathematics of relationships and formal ontology has been leading to the necessity of formulation of the new integrative concepts of physical science of the 21st century: Force-Interaction, or Force-Interrelationship, and its Principle of Reversibility and Convertibility Laws, as being among the most basic principles and fundamental laws in nature.

• That also reflects the general fact that we live in the dynamic universe of force-interactions defining all ensuing regularities in the order of physical entities and processes, as symmetries and conservation laws (Abdoullaev A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World, IGI Global, USA, 2008).

• The enormous theoretical value and practical utility of them as the basic laws of physics and physical sciences are proved by the reverse force-relationships, reversible actions, of all natural effects and physical processes, of all interacting physical forces and fields.

• As a consequence, each real physical process must have its inverse counterpart, as there are magneto-optical processes and there converse, opto-magnetic processes, otherwise their nature, law and description should be properly reviewed.

• As another consequence, each real direct physical effect when properly defined must have its inverse counterpart, as the Faraday effect relating magnetism and optics has the inverse Faraday effect, otherwise its nature, law and description need a deeper study and should be properly reviewed.

• Currently, there may be about 10000 physical effects specified by a multitude of physical materials, systems, or force fields, of which the most part happens to be represented by only one-side effects.

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Mathematics of Force-Relations: Reversibility and Convertibility

• Mathematics as the study of quantitative relationships and its branches, as analysis and abstract algebra of abstract structures, is the critical tool in the natural science of modern physics.

• Specially, theoretical physics has made many successful achievements due to functional analysis, linear algebra, groups, fields and rings, while lattice theory, relation algebras and categories got the least application.

• The language of relations, categories and functors looks the best mathematical instruments for a formal description of interactions of physical phenomena in terms of cause-effect interrelationships described as force-relations and defined as the productive interrelationships of force, energy or power, represented by varying quantities of physical changes. For the interactive forces of relations are the interrelationships among specific kinds of entity variables, neither object variables nor state variables, but change variables, presented in the material world as physical forces involving changes in quantity (state) variables.

• Because of its nature, the most full formal description of natural forcible relations exchanging forces, power and energy can be given in terms of ordered sets, functions, and categories instead of the group-like concepts for symmetrical transformations of physical systems and processes and fundamental force-interactions.

• The physical science stands in need of a universal principle of nature to be accountable for the interconnection and convertibility of all physical phenomena, as inverse physical effects, for all nonlinear phenomena and complex dynamic systems, like as the formulated concept of the Force-Interrelationship, the Principle of Reversibility and Convertibility of physical phenomena, standard or quantized.

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What is the Proto Force? • The Faraday’s intuitive belief in the unity of the forces of nature, or that all the forces of nature are but

manifestations of a single universal force and must be convertible one into another made possible the classical electromagnetic field theory, the foundation of modern physics.

• In modern physics, all of the forces in the universe are based on four fundamental interactions: the strong and weak forces as nuclear forces acting at very short distances and responsible for the interactions between subatomic particles; the electromagnetic force acting between electric charges, and the gravitational force acting between masses, as the Earth-body system.

• In new physics, all of the forces in the universe are tended to be interrelated and united as a single super symmetrical force or supra power, one proto force.

• The weak and electromagnetic forces are already manifestations or expressions of a more fundamental electroweak interaction. A Grand Unified Theory relates the electroweak interaction with the strong force of QCD. And four main force-interactions, strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational, would combine into the proto force, the Faraday’s one universal force in a theory of everything, like as a string theory.

• That might implies that all the fundamental force-interactions might come out as different manifestations of the prime natural force, the prime mover, the first cause of all changes in the universe, including the original event of the Big Bang, the singularity referring to the early hot, dense state considered the "birth" of the universe.

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What is the Force in Modern Physics? • In modern physics, force is commonly explained in terms of Newton’s three laws of motion set forth in the Principia

Mathematica (1687), as any action that maintains or alters the position of a body. • In modern physics, a force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. A force can

cause an object with mass to change its velocity (moving from a state of rest), to increase or decrease. • It has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector quantity, and represented graphically as a directed line

segment. It is measured in the SI unit of newtons, calculated by the formula F=ma, and represented by the symbol F. • The original form of Newton's second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its

momentum changes with time. If the mass of the object is constant, this law implies that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, is in the direction of the net force, and is inversely proportional to the mass of the object

• Related concepts to force include: thrust, which increases the velocity of an object; drag, which decreases the velocity of an object; and torque, which produces changes in rotational speed of an object.

• In an extended body, each part usually applies forces on the adjacent parts; the distribution of such forces through the body is the mechanical stress. Pressure is a simple type of stress. Stress usually causes deformation of solid materials, or flow in fluids.

• Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or a pull. • There are force-points, lines of force, force fields, as electric, magnetic, nuclear or gravitational, and force-interactions:

strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational, as well as conservative and non-conservative forces. • High-energy particle physics confirmed that the weak and electromagnetic forces are expressions of a more

fundamental electroweak interaction. • The Standard Model predicts that exchanged particles called gauge bosons are the fundamental means by which forces

are emitted and absorbed.


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New Physics: Revisiting analytic approaches • Modern physics is mostly mathematical physics deduced from Newton’s laws, interrelating net

force, momentum, velocity, displacement and time: • F = dp/dt; dr/dt = p/m • It is tending to exclude forces by introducing analytic approaches involving no New Physics, but

new concepts, new language and mathematical techniques, such as: • Configuration Space, 3N dimensional hyperspace, the constraints of problems, generalized dynamic variables • The Principle of Virtual Work, the calculus of variations, systems in equilibrium, all forces are balanced • Lagrange’s Equations, L = T - V, generalized coordinates and generalized velocities, 6N dynamic variables • Hamilton’s Equation, H = T + E, the total energy of the system, classical and quantum, generalized momentum

and velocity, describes the constraints of problems as independent in time, isotropic or homogenous in space, to produce the conservation laws for energy, momentum and angular momentum.

• New Physica formulates the conservation law of force as the base for the conservation laws for mass, energy, momentum and angular momentum.

• Total Force of the Universe is always Balanced and Equal Zero • F1 + F2 + F3 +… + Fn = 0 • Most important principles in all physica, the conservation laws of momentum and angular

momentum, come from the conservation of force: eg, total angular momentum is conserved, or constant, if there is no net torque, ∑r x F, the total twisting force is equal to zero.

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Conservation of Force: Basic Law of New Physics

• The concept of force is the basic construct of New Physica. • It generalizes Newton’s three laws of motion, specifically, the principle of action and reaction as the universal

principle of reversibility. • New Physica formulates the conservation law of force as the base for the conservation laws for mass, energy,

momentum and angular momentum. • Conservation law states: basic physical quantities of an isolated physical system does not change with time, which

are force, mass, energy, momentum, or electric charge, barion number, lepton number, etc. • Conservation of Force: Interaction is neither created nor destroyed • Conservation of Mass: Matter is neither created nor destroyed • Conservation of Energy: Energy is neither created no destroyed • Conservation of Momentum: Motion, its momentum and angular momentum, is neither created nor destroyed • Total Force of the Universe is always Conserved and Equal Zero • Total Momentum of the Universe is always Conserved • Total Angular Momentum of the Universe is always Conserved • Total Mass-Energy of the Universe is always Conserved, etc.

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New Physics: Newton’s Law of Motion and Equilibrium I. Every body continues in the state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces

impressed upon it (the principle of inertia) II. The change of motion of an object is proportional to the force impressed and is made in the direction of a straight line in which the

force is impressed III. To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: or, the mutual action of two bodies upon each other are always equal

and directed to contrary parts (when two bodies interact, there is an action and reaction couple of equal and opposite forces, each acting on a different body, for action and reaction forces never act on the same body. Third law applies whether the bodies are at rest, in uniform motion, or in accelerated motion, regardless the nature of interaction).

• These laws may be generalized, regardless of the complexity of a system, the motions of its parts, or the nature of the forces between the parts (all interactions between physical entities, acting by way of force of any kind and sort, strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational, conservative and non-conservative forces, are covered).

I. No force, no change; as no change, no force (objects at rest or moving at a constant velocity have the vector sum of all forces acting on them as zero, static equilibrium or dynamic equilibrium, respectively)

II. Net force causes the change of motion III. Total force of all physical interactions is vanishing. Or, the total force of the universe is equal to the zero-

vector or null-tensor • F1 + F2 + F3 +… + Fn = 0 • ∑(∑Fij) =0 • Fij = -Fij • There is a system of N bodies, the stars in galaxy or the atoms in a rigid body, where Fi is the net force, Fij is

the force on body i due to body j, and which mass center is found by the displacement vector R from the origin to the centre of mass of the N-body system: MR = ∑miri

• •

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Universal Force: the Zero Force –Energy–Momentum Tensor

• Total force of all physical interactions is vanishing.

• The total force of the universe is equal to the zero-vector or null-tensor, Tij of order two, symmetric and conserved

• ∑(∑Fij) =0; Fij = -Fij • It includes the stress–energy tensor, stress–

energy–momentum tensor or energy–momentum tensor, describing the density and flux of energy and momentum in spacetime

• Gravitational stress–energy • The stress tensor of Newtonian physics • Electromagnetic stress–energy tensor • Contravariant components of the stress-

energy tensor >>>

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How Modern Physics Reversibility Lost

• The reason why the Reversibility Principle of the Physical Universe has been missing as the fundamental law of nature is the matter of scientific methodology: how we see and formalize the cause-effect relationship, the most important concept in empirical sciences.

• It is often overstated that “the great conceptual revolutions of modern natural science of physics” consisted in displacing the “causal interactions of physical entities” with the “functional relationships of variables””.

• Here is a standard approach typified by Nobel Prize laureate Herbert A. Simon claiming the asymmetry of a causal relation, that a strict ordering is its key feature, that it is an asymmetrical relation between variables or their values, a function of one variable (the cause) on to another (the effect).

• And that, given a system of equations and a set of variables appearing in these equations, one can introduce a series of asymmetric relations among individual equations and variables following such a partial notion of a causal ordering of physical processes.

• In physical sciences, theoretical causality is viewed as a lawful relationship of general changes to matter and energy occurring to different objects in different places at different times, involving fundamental processes and physical effects, where the input variables function as causes and the output variables as effects.

• On the other side, physical causation, the working causality, will be the actual productive connections among distinct change-occurrences happening to a specific object (or a system of objects) at a unique spatiotemporal location.

• This level applies to so-called “singular causation”, deterministic or probabilistic, as a temporally ordered asymmetrical and irrefexive relation of individual events, still acting in forward or backward directions. NEW PHYSICS XXI 2016 All Rights Reserved

Reversibility and Convertibility as the Engine of the Physical World

• There is the thermodynamic reversibility of the way of behavior and the universal natural reversibility of the order of actions of force-relationships of energy and power.

• To sum up, any physical phenomena has a reversed process, any physical effect has a converse, the reciprocal, reverse, inverse, opposite effect, where the change-cause and the change-effect are turned about in order of interactive relationship.

• The reversibility principle is universal in its scope and scale, applying to the dynamics of the whole universe as well.

• That means if there is "the accelerating expansion of the Universe”, so there must be (or going to be) a cosmic retrogression, or the universe’s retroaction: "the accelerating compression of the Universe”.

• If the entropic regression from order to disorder is about chaotic disruptions of structure and organization of the universe, then its inverse, the entropic progression from disorder to order is about creative disruptions of structure and organization of the universe.

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Reversing All Processes and Converting All Effects

• It is the universality of the reversibility of physical processes and convertibility of natural forces and thence their inherent unity inspired Faraday, Maxwell and Einstein to seek unification of all the physical processes by a single set of physical laws.

• It is the universality and completeness and reversibility of scientific laws enabled all the variety of modern technological applications.

• It is the universality and completeness and reversibility of the conservation principles, like the energy conservation and transformation laws, enabled all kinds and manner of productive applications like energy-conversion systems, from chemical batteries to thermonuclear fusion reactors.

• It is the reversibility principle and its correlative of the conservation law of energy determines all the energy changes from one form to another: nuclear, radiant, mass, gravitational, kinetic, thermal, elastic, electrical, and chemical.

• Again, it is the reversibility principle and its correlative of the conservation law is enabling the relativity theory, the principle of interdependence of matter, energy, space and time, as mathematically formulated by Einstein.

• Currently, there may be about 10000 physical effects specified by a multitude of physical materials, systems, or force fields, of which the most part happens to represent only one-side effects.

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Reversing Physical-Chemical Processes and Effects

• Now adding chemical change to the above physical phenomena, we obtain a distributed network of heterogenious physico-chemical processes:

• Mechanochemical processes; • QM- chemical processes; • Magnetochemical processes; • Electrochemical processes; • Thermochemical changes; • Radiation-chemical changes. • Each part of the disparate processes is capable to act as the cause and the effect of a forward process, as well as the cause and the

effect of the converse process. As an example, electrochemical phenomena consists of chemical changes of substances produced by electricity, while chemo-electrical processes represents the other way around.

• Then here additionally to current electricity, static electricity, thermoelectricity, piezoelectric effect, photoelectricity and hydroelectricity we get galvanism, electricity produced by chemical action, as well as the converse chemo-electrical phenomena, when chemical reactions produce electrical fields.

• For instance, such significant processes for all living systems as photochemical reactions, where chemical changes produced by radiation, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, fall into the causative couple of electromagnetic waves-chemical phenomena; both photosynthesis and vision in living things come from the photochemical changes of substances.

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All Nature is Reversible • The reversibility properties of nature implies that everything in the physical world is converted and

reversed, matter, energy, motion, and all physical phenomena (processes, effects, forces, interactions, reactions), from particles into anti-particles and matter into anti-matter to all the known and unknown laws of physics. The symmetry properties of nature and the conservation laws following from them might also have the ground in the Reversibility Principle of Nature, like as the symmetry of action and reaction forces.

• The Process Reversibility Principle applies to the organic world of life sciences as a complement of the inorganic world of physical sciences.

• Biological, or organic phenomena occurring in living organisms causally interacting with physical processes and chemical changes in both directions, like bioelectricity and electro-organic phenomena, connecting electrical changes and biological processes, or thermogenesis and thermobiological phenomena, interrelating heat and organic actions.

• All the forces of nature, mechanical motions and forces, gravity, heat, magnetism, electricity, radiation, chemical force, and biological actions, are forcibly interrelated, tied together, or mutually dependent, reversing the order of causal action in opposite directions, from the direct to the inverse.

• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global • •

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• Physical science, including its basic science of physics, has been evolving without any single strategy since its revolutionary formation as modern natural science. The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded 109 times to 201 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2015, according to the Nobel Foundation. The key achievements lie in the serendipitous and intuitive and ingenious discovering of empirical physical laws and effects, as the Lorentz-Zeeman effects, the Doppler effect, the Einstein’s law of photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, the Cherenkov effect, the Mössbauer effect, the Hall effects and others, enriched with new discoveries of subatomic entities, symmetry principles, conservation laws and unified force fields theories.

• Modern physics was founded as a synthesis of separate sciences: mechanics, optics, acoustics, electricity, magnetism, heat and studies of matter and its properties. The whole idea of the modern physics consisted in the intuitive understanding that different forces of nature and forms of energy are INTERRELATED and INTERCONVERTIBLE, but these universal phenomena have never been expressly formulated as the basic principles of nature or the physical world or the universe.

• The formulated Reversibility Theory with its Principle of Process Reversal and Convertibility Laws enables one single strategy for Physical Science and Physics, providing the description of diverse physical forces and energies, processes and phenomena and the prediction of actions of physical forces and effects in the most systematic and consistent ways without having to resort to pure accidents and assumptions and guesses, and without considering the details of the courses of physical processes and systems.

• The Principle of Reversibility combines all the key attribute of universal laws of nature: asserting the interdependence between varying quantities of physical properties; stating that physical events occur in an invariant order; enriching cause and effect relationships, and demonstrating a constant regularity in the relations or order of physical phenomena in the world, embracing the empirical regularities of numerous physical effects.

• Above everything, the Reversibility Law implies that if there is some physical effect in nature, there must be its inverse, converse or reversed action, otherwise it is not a real effect. The very electromagnetic theory of light is due to the Maxwell’s ingenious conjecture: “if changing magnetic fields, then changing electric fields might create magnetic fields”. The Reversibility Theory is replacing “might” with “must”, here and everywhere.

• Simply, if there is the Doppler effect, there MUST be the Inverse Doppler effect by LAW, the Law of Reversibility of Force and Convertibility of Energy.


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ALL THE UNIVERSE IS REVERSIBLE: Prime Force and the Bing Bang

• The reversibility principle is universal in its scope and scale,

applying to the dynamics of the whole universe as well. • That means if there is "the accelerating expansion of the

Universe”, so there must be (or going to be) a cosmic retrogression, or the universe’s retroaction: "the accelerating compression of the Universe”.

• If the entropic regression from order to disorder is about chaotic disruptions of structure and organization of the universe, then its inverse, the entropic progression from disorder to order is about creative disruptions of structure and organization of the universe.

• All the fundamental force-interactions might come out as different manifestations of the prime natural force, the prime mover, the first cause of all changes in the universe, including the original event of the hypothetical Big Bang, the singularity referring to the early hot, dense state considered the "birth" of the universe.

• The Proto-Force (Quantum Gravity) Disbalance caused Baryogenesis, violating the conservation of baryon number due to asymmetrical interactions leading to the excess of quarks and leptons over antiquarks and antileptons resulting in predominance of matter over antimatter, or gravitation over anti-gravitation.

• see The Big Bang Theory NEW PHYSICS XXI 2016 All Rights


Original Sources of New Physics: Force-Relation,

Convertibility , Reversibility, CIRCULARITY • Новик И.Б., Абдуллаев А.Ш. "Введение в информационный мир", М. Наука, 1991, in Russian;

see Supplement: Encyclopedic Knowledge Base in Physics • А. Ш. Абдуллаев, База знаний энциклопедического искусственного интеллекта: Об

исследовательском прототипе энциклопедической системы по физике, Москва, ВИНИТИ, 1989

• Abdullaev A., Sov. J. Plasma Physics, 14, 214 (1988) • Abdullaev A., Frolov A., Inverse Faraday Effect in Relativistic Electron Plasma, JETF, 81, 917-932,

1981) • Abdoullaev, A., Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Towards an Intelligent World,

2008, IGI Global, USA:

• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Orders Reality: Relationship, Relatives, and Relations. IGI Global;

• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Organizes the World: N-Relational Entities. IGI Global;

• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). What Determines the World: Causality as the Life-or-Death Relationship. IGI Global;

• Abdoullaev, A. (2008). Reality Classification System: A Product Line of the EIS UFO. IGI Global;

• •


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SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY XXI Monographic Series • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Physics and Technology of the 21st Century, New Physica; EIS; EU, Russia,

2016; ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-2-9 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Disrupting Modern Science, Technology and Engineering with Wisdom

Science; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016; ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-7-4 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Wise World Wide Web and Technological Singularity; EIS ; EU, Russia, 2016;

ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-4-3 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Wise Encyclopedia for Minds and Machines; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016; ISBN set

978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-5-0 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, NEW WISDOM BOOK, Universal Standard Entity Classification System,

USECS; EIS; EU, Russia, 2015; ISBN 978-9963-8421-8-6 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Neapolis Smart Eco City: A Development Framework for Sustainable Cities;

EIS; EU, Russia, 2010; ISBN 978-9963-9958-0-6 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Future Communities Guide: Smart Cities and Wise Urbanization; EIS; EU,

Russia, 2016; ISBN set 978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-6-7 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Project Russia 21_Wise Intelligent Superpower; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016; ISBN

978-5-600-01518-0 (in Russian) • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Wise Nations, Powers and Superpowers; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016; ISBN set

978-9963-2202-1-2; ISBN 978-9963-2202-3-6 • Azamat Sh. Abdoullaev, Wise World vs. Ill World; EIS; EU, Russia, 2016


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