Revivors of Global Khilafah Shuhada Stories 2013 (2005-2010)



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Transcript of Revivors of Global Khilafah Shuhada Stories 2013 (2005-2010)

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    Stories of the Shuhadaa (Martyrs) .......................................................P3 How did they get into Syria? ....................................................................................... P92 How are wars fought today? .........................................................................................P94 Smiling Shuhadaa (Martyrs) pics ...................................................................................P95 How to cross into Syria from Turkey? .......................................................................... P99 Indepth Travel Story: a brothers Hijrah (migration) to Syria from the UK (England) ..P100 Sunni-safe areas in Syria: ............................................................................................P105 Do the Islamic fightes speak other languages including English in Syria? ................. P106 Daily timetable of a member of Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (Syria) .................... P107 What next after the Syria war? ...................................................................................P108 TWITTER accounts to follow & ask Questions ........................................................... P109 MORE BOOKS: Further Reading ................................................................................. P110

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    Abu Hamzah Muhammad al Muhajir

    In the name of Allah, all praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings be upon His last and final messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdullah (sallahu 'alayhi wa sallam). I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad(sallalaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is His last and final messenger, the seal of all prophets. Amma ba'd, Shaykh Abdullah Azzam once said with regards to the martyrs, "They are Shuhadaa (witnesses) to the fact that this Deen is greater than life, that values are more important than blood and that principles are more precious than souls." It's quite seldom that we are blessed to hear about modern day examples of the righteous slaves of Allah ta'ala, for they are becoming few in number as the filth and disobedience of Allah increases in what seems to be an exponential fashion. This paper will be an attempt to touch on the life of our brother in Islam Abu Hamzah Muhammed Al Mujahiri, whose martyrdom was made vastly known all over every media source just over a month ago. Muhammad was born in the town of Boramo, Somalia in May of 1987 right before the civil war and illegitimate bloodshed started up in the country. He was the eldest of the children in his family. Shortly afterwards, his family migrated to Canada while Muhammad was still in his toddler years. As Allah willed, he was to grow up in the lands of kufr and fasaad, but he was never swayed in his determination in pleasing Allah and striving to perfect his mannerisms. His younger sister of one year related while lost in memory, "I remember when Muhammad was in middle school, he used to have this friend, a muslim boy. Honestly his friend was quite pudgy at the time and had a difficult time running laps for gym class. So one day, Muhammad came and told him to come for a run with him. Muhammad coached him, stopped on the track whenever his friend ran out of breath and kept him motivated, supporting him all the way through." Drowning in awe of her older brother, his sister repeatedly admitted "Competition was almost impossible with him. Everytime I wanted to exceed him in good deeds, he was already way ahead. He was born during the last ten nights of Ramadan, he just had it made from the beginning." Blessed with the fluency and eloquence of language, he began to pursue his undergraduate degree in English in one of the most competitive schools in Canada, the University of Toronto. As he had continued his higher education, this demanding secluar institute did not divert him from his attachement to Islam as he was of the foremost to grow in thirst for seeking Islamic knowlegde. "Whenever he came across a hadith or an ayah of the Quraan that was new to him, he would immediately apply it. He truly believed that it was a sign of nifaaq (hypocrisy) to not accompany actions with beliefs." his sister related. She also said, "His akhlaq was amazing. I remember Muhammad one time sat me down and told me, "My sister, your true face is the face you show your family." Honestly, Muhammad was the glue that held our family together." He was described as being humble, not even owning a bed to sleep on in his own house, but at the same time was firm when it came to upholding the commands of Allah ta'ala. It was this pure understanding of Islam that captivated his mind and it was the love of Allah 'azza wa jal that was the fuel that drove him forth. This was the time when life was finally exposing its temporary jewels to the young man now of age 22 in attempt to dazzle him with false adornments. Muhammad was nearing the end of school and his parents were readily assisting him in settling down and getting married but Allah

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    ordained that he join those who abandoned all that were dear to them other than Allah and His messenger (sallalaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). So, he went forth to answer the call of the the Lord of the heavens and the earth in the Noble Quraan: "Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause , then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." (Surah Tawbah, Verse 24) "O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter. If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allah is Able to do all things." (Surah Tawbah, Verse 38-39) "March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew" (Surah Tawbah, Verse 41) Let these verses peirce your heart and penetrate your mind, lest you may attain success! In May of 2009, Muhammad was to leave the kaafir land of Canada permenantly. He joined a group of youth at his local masjid that set out to preform 'umrah, but he was the only one from the group that was to stay behind in Saudia Arabia. From there he was to travel to the land of his ancestry, now a land counted among the lands of jihad. It was there that he has come to be known as Abu Hamzah Muhammad al Muhajiri, a mujahid inshaAllah and defender of the weak, ill treated muslims among this ummah. On March 15, 2010, less than a year after he had left, the glad tidings of the shahadah of Abu Hamzah was announced from the mujahideen. The night before the battle was to take place, Abu Hamzah had a dream however the details of the dream were not obtained. Abu Hamzah shared this dream with his fellow mujahid and this mujahid adviced him to go forth in the upcoming battle. He did as he was adviced and during the fight, he recieved a fatal wound to the point that he was unable to participate. The mujahideen that were with him carried him and placed him down in a safe area. However, the desire for victory still overtook Abu Hamzah even in this state and he ordered the mujahideen that were with him to take and use his weapon to continue to defend the religion of Allah ta'ala. The fierce battle ended and the mujahideen returned back to where Abu Hamzah was laid down and they found that the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the One whose Hand is the Dominion took the soul of his slave in this beautiful state inshaAllah ta'ala. Walhamdulillah ta'ala, the kaafir country of Canada stood witness to this event as they aired the news on every known mainstream news outlet in the city of Toronto. The martyrdom of our brother Muhammad al Muhajir was the the talk for weeks which everyone spoke about whether they condoned or condemned it. Allahu akbar! So what shall we say to you O you shaheed who has sold his existence on this earth in exchange for the everlasting pleasure of our Lord! We can only say to you what the Messenger of Allah

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    (sallalaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said when his son Ibrahim died, "The eyes send their tears and the heart is full of grief, but we do not say anything except for that which pleases our Lord." Indeed yaa Abu Hamzah we are saddened by your departure. Truly, you have given your life and wealth to Allah in exchange for al Jannah. We ask Allah ta'ala to sit you on thrones in al jannah among the prophets, the truthful and the rest of the shuhadaa and that Allah place over you a crown of honor and sorround you with the hoor al 'ayn. May our meeting place be al firdaws. Allahumma ameen. Let the story of this brother and the stories of the martyrs before him be a lesson to those who have yet to realize the predicament that the ummah of Muhammad (sallalaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is in. As our beloved Shaykh and Shaheed (inshaAllah) Abdullah Azzam once said, "May your eyes be plucked out if you don't think jihad is fard 'ayn." As for those who have cast their fingers in their ears in order to reject the commands of Allah, what will you do when the youth that you hoped would be "constructive members" of the countries of kufr have turned away and plegded complete alliegance to the ones who wanted them to fear? Allah subhana wa ta'ala has already informed us of your state when He said: "Those who believe say: "Why is not a Surah (chapter of the Qur'an) sent down (for us)? But when a decisive Surah (explaining and ordering things) is sent down, and fighting (Jihad holy fighting in Allah's Cause) is mentioned (i.e. ordained) therein, you will see those in whose hearts is a disease (of hypocrisy) looking at you with a look of one fainting to death. But it was better for them (hypocrites, to listen to Allah and to obey Him). Obedience (to Allah) and good words (were better for them). And when the matter (preparation for Jihad) is resolved on, then if they had been true to Allah, it would have been better for them." (Surah Muhammad, Verses 20-21) Everytime you hear of the success of Islam through the hands of the mujahideen, you're hearts sink in despair as you see that you are indeed losing the war that you have waged against Allah and His religion. Therefore, we say to you what Allah has commanded us to say in the Quran to a people like you, "..Say: "Perish in your rage. Certainly, Allah knows what is in the breasts (all the secrets)." (Surah Al e Imran, Verse 119). Among the rights that a muslim has over his brother is that he be given a goodly word of advice. Although we are no where near the status of the mujahideen, we wish to give them a word of advice and encouragement, lest Allah may give us something of His vast mercy. We tell you, O mujahid in the cause of the Allah, fear the One who is ought to be feared. We tell you, O defender of Islam, "So do not weaken and not grieve, for you will indeed be superior if you are truly believers." (Surah Al e Imran :139) Indeed for you will be one of glorious things (ie: martyrdom or victory).

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    UPDATE 4/19/13 9:23 AM:

    In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious the Most Mercifull

    --( ) Life of the Shaheed -by the permission of Allaah- :: Al-Akh Bilaal al-Barjaawi al-Lebnaani (Abu Hafs) Bilaal al-Barjaawi (and he is also known by Abee and Abee Dujaanah) joined with the Mujaahideen in Somaalia during the time of the Islamic Courts Union, so he got his first training from al-Qaaidayn (the two Military Commanders) a-Shaheedayn (as we reckon them) Abdullah Muhammad Faadhil and his beloved companion Abu Yoosef Saalih an-Nabhaani. So he went for some days with his companion between training and battles. And after the withdrawal of the courts brothers entrusted him the task of collecting money and arranging a permanent line, along with some other tasks, he returned to Britain and engaged there in the organizing of Secret Ways to work, in which he took responsibility for, and in particular the collection of funds and its delivery, Bilal excelled in this area so he was able (thanks to Allaah) bi Fdl lilaah to provide several permanent income-generating projects for the Brothers the Mujaahideen and in many ways, as it was a permanent communication with our brothers and especially Fadel. In the length of his stay in Britain has not gone unnoticed with him and his companions from the eyes of the British intelligence. Bilal was able to leave Britain in 20098 from the eyes of the Intelligence, so he made a journey for a long period to a number of countries until he reached Somaalia with his companion Abee Ahad al-Misri. Bilaal, or as he liked to be called (Abu Dujaana) eventually arrived to Somaalia, so he entered Baido then transferred to the Military Training Camps, since the start of the camp he excelled at Listening and Obeying the other two standards, for this is not something strange for one that participated in the Jihaad in the past so he understood the importance of al-Samu wat Taaat (Listening and Obeying) and despite that he had previous ability amongst the brothers in the camp and he educated them in a number of issues, he was not astonished by himself in his

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    heart, and he never got proud or arrogant over his Brothers. Rather, he used to listen and obey. In his innocence you would see him as a small child, but with Mount the smell of a mountain. He was very patient in everything despite his health conditions which he used to face in the camp, and despite that he was injured with a bullet-wound in his stomach he was not able to move because of its affect only except that he had patience and he didnt get fazed. And he used to be relaxed with his Brother joking with them and he didnt leave anybody except that he shared their concerns and opinions. He was socializing and he never refused to look at the opinion or question of anyone. He was performing difficult tasks in the military camps. One day he was digging the trenches in underground shelters, so his brothers participated with him, but he was the most active of brothers, he would encourage them and organize their tasks.

    He was attentive inj his military studiesas well as being a responsible person he felt responsible for meeting the weight on his shoulders, and from the days of the military training camps he used to be open with the Brothers and talk about the issues of the Jihaad with them and work which is obligated to be performed. He always sat with his Brothers, tell them many things about his life and his Hijrah and the life of Shuhadaa and about the Karamaat (The Miraculous events) which he once mentioned, what happened during the martyrdom of Abee Maryam (Raheemahullaah) he said: Abaa Maryam went into a battle and his was holding his weapon in a sitting position, so he was wounded and gained martyrdom in the same condition, the Brothers tried to change what passed by removing his weapon or by extending it to him, but they couldnt, and it was as if he was frozen with his weapon in his hand not leaving him. the brothers tried many times but could not do it so they decided to bury him with his weapon..after some time one of the Brothers remembered that they maybe could not make him in a side facing the Qiblah , then they returned and dag the grave finding him in the same condition, then they tried to to remove the weapon one of the Brothers, but he couldnt do it, then one of the Brothers said to hm : Yaa Abaa Maryam we are your brothers the Mujaahideen and we need the weapon , so Abu Maryam (Raheemahullaah) Maryam let go of his weapon and smiled, a light smile extending his weapon to the Ikhwah fa subhanAllaah . these are the miracles with which Allaah makes firm His slaves the Mujaahideen on their pat. And he relates may Allaah accept him, about the battle of Saleh An-Nabhaan in which the camp passed by an atmosphere of very beautiful Brothers regardless of the clashing events. And he was charged with the spreading of things to the students intending to provide for them and relax them, like offering fruits, biscuits and things that are impossible to find in the Military Camps as well he was always in communication with the Admin of the Mujaahideen and those outside despite his presence in the training camps (in order that his good deeds are not put to waste.) Also communicating with some of the brothers and the camp passed by with this kind of atmosphere and this atmosphere was absolutely amazing. Then he traveled to Mogadishu and when he was in the rest room he was always thinking of the times with his Brothers the Muhaajireen and their state as he was in charge of their issues and his was advising the Ikhwah in charge with sorting out the conditions of the Junood (soldiers) also he was active in the position which established in the house, in fact, he was the one that arranged its issues and he helped in making the importance of that work, he was known for seeking the best in all of its situations. A few days went by with the Brothers, then he left them going with his close friend Abu Ahad al-Misri. He love battles very much, as whenever the changes of the battles began he would go and participate despite the importance of his work, he would sit for long days on the front line, he had great manners, alive and shy in front of his Brothers and he gave them service (al-Khudamaat) in accordance with the word of Allah aza wa jall: Humble towards the Believers and he was in truth humble with the Believers, where if a person would speak with him he lower his head -may Allah have mercy on him- revered but humbled , and this is from the small traits among the brothers.

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    The tounge becomes unable to mention his Hasanaat (Raheemahullaah), the one that does not know his clemency will leave (forget) it all., he was in charge of the issues concerning the Shuhadaa and their family , as well he was in charge of sending them assistance as much as one can , as well as being in charge of the children of the Mujaahideen and the martyrs in particular. And also he never stopped sending gifts to the Mujaahideen in general and the Muhaajireen (migrants) and Muraabiteen in particular. Such as buying clothes, and sending them warm clothes in the Winter, and light clothes in the Summer, and he was in charge in the side of Ashyaa al-Haydah and also in charge of the weapons field. In all this time he was communicating with Faadhil al-Qamrii (Raheemahullaah)n and we reckon that all of these directions came from Faadhil al-Qamrii himself, as he used to give glad tidings to the fore runners with the close arrival of The Commander Faadhil to Somaalia, and he was the one that was really in responsible of the condition of the Muhaajieen alot, hence a group of people waited for his arrival as if holding onto the most free from the hot-coal of the Believers. Where if one would talk with him he would lower his head (Raheemahullaah) revered and humble with the Brothers, and these are from among the traits of the believers between the Brothers. Faadil was able to arrive to Somaalia with the arrangement with Abu Hafs (Belaal), so he began with work on the side of the Muhaajireen, he joined Bilal al-Barjaawii in the first role from the camp which was arranged by the Teachers who came with Faadhil on his journey to Somaalia, after that period Allaah did not decree for him to complete the military camp, Faadil gained martyrdom in the event of planned assasaination in Dhawaahee , Mogadisho, after which Bilal became sad about the exit (of Faadil) along with his companion Abee Ahad. The British intelligence where still monitoring his movements, and his contact with the help of the spies and the Munaafiqiin, their aim was to bomb with an unmanned drone when he was trying to leave the companionship of his Teachers, Bilaal was exposed to severe injuries and he was pressured because of its affects to go to the hospital , and after that with the support of medicine for a number of month as he was transported during that time to the city of Afogye and he started to get better. He was heading to serve his companion Abu Ahad al-Misri (Raheemahullaah) and he was adherent to following the situation of the Brothers despite his difficult condition, after he was transported to the city of Merka and there his condition became better, so it became healthy and started to walk and drive the car on his own. That day he became anxious to meet one of the Ikhwah in the city of Aleish Baiyo so he headed to the city along with his Driver who had been recruited from the side of the American Intelligence, so the informer Driver began pressing the phone in the car to specify the location , the Driver in his filthy work left with the Hujjah (Argument) that he is going to pray Salaah!! Whilst Belaal was busy inside the car on telephone then came the bomb from an unmanned drone with a number of Missiles destroying the car completely! Nothing remained from his body besides his l iver may Allaah bestow him with His wide mercy upon him place him in the Gardens of Paradise. We ask Allaah the All-able Protector that He writes for your reward and good deeds, and that He makes for you a place in al-Firdaws and those who He blessed from amongst the Prophets, the Truthfull, the Martyrs and the Righteous and those are the best of companions.

    . All praise belongs to Allaah swt.

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    New release Biography of the Martyred Figures in East Africa #3: Shaykh Abud Rgh March 26, 2013 2:00 PM

    In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    All praise is due to Allaah and may the peace and prayers be upon the Messenger of Allaah

    : : as to what follows, Allaah says:

    The Shaikh, Aboud Rogo Muhammad born in 1968 in Siyu, Kenya. He got his first studies in the Arabian Peninsula itself, then he transferred to Mombassa in 1989. As you know he is from the most famous callers to Islam in East Africa in general and in Kenya more specifically. Rogo was accused of the destruction of the Intelligence Services in Nairobi Dar es Salaam 1998, In 2002 he was arrested with the alleged charge of being involved in the Kikambala hotel bombing, in the Ugandan capital of Kampala, he was released in year 2005.

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    In 2010 Rogo left for Hijra to Somalia for preparation and Jihaad, he joined the military camp after passing his beginning stage, then he completed the remaining courses, and he was -Raheemahullah- hardworking, patient, and always advising his Brothers, always encouraging them He was excellent in obedience and listening, and respecting his brothers as they would seek his counseling with the problems in the military camp and its issues. Despite his old age he would participate with his Brothers in all activities like cooking and his cooking was very delicious, (even all the Brothers always used to ask him to cook) bringing water, digging trenches and other arduous activities, he was a humble man with a forgiving character to everyone, and if they were in action he wouldnt begin unless he consults his brothers out of his love and respect for them. He was studying the book Mashaari al-Ashwaaq ila Masaari al-Ashaaq And that day just after finishing from the Camp with his Brothers, he participated in a training ambush with live bullets, and they had to retreat after the ambush quickly to a meeting place, and it had been like that until he was strained -Raheemahullaah- but he was very pleased with this work. After the leaving the training camp, the Brothers has to walk a long distance till they reached the place of the car, so they walked for a complete night and he was so patient may Allah have mercy upon him. After arriving at Mogodisho, some Brothers came to him to take him to the front-lines to inspire the Brothers, as he was known especially to the Kenyan brothers, whenever they would leave he would take permission. After the strategic period ended he faced one of the fronts close to Mogodisho with his Brothers and there was a link to take advantage of their time in the Front He had a share in delivering The Lessons And after a period the Brothers left the Front heading towards Mogodisho, and from there he traveled -Raheemahullaah- to the City of Kismayo from there returning back to Kenya, and the Kenyan Intelligence Services did not leave him in his position, they had harrased in all the time as he was put imprisoned a number of times then released. In year 2012 America imposed restrictions on him with a travel ban, as well as freeze funds, and all of that was with a charge of what is called supporting Terrorism In the last lecture he gave in May 2012, Rogo said that he is ready for the Shahadah and he hopes to become a Saheed for the sake of his religion, and on the 27th of August the same year he opened the Unidentified Gunmen n the car as he was with his Wife taking her to the hospital, so he was killed Shaheed -may Allah have mercy upon him- In return after his death there were demonstrations in the city of Mombasa in the area of Majengo, where there was a Masjid which he used to teach the people.There has been an attack on two churches, the protestors came out and lit tires in the roads, 2 were Police men where killed and 16 others wounded.

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    We ask Allaah the All-able Protector that He writes for your reward and good deeds, and that He makes for you a place in al-Firdaws and those who He blessed from amongst the Prophets, the Truthfull, the Martyrs and the Righteous and those are the best of companions.

    . All prasie belongs to Allaah swt. Please remember us in your Dua.

    . __________ Source: --- Please remember us in your Dua.

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    New release Biography of the Martyred Figures in East Africa #2: Ab Hurayrah al-Anr March 16, 2013 11:47 AM /

    In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious, Most Mercifull

    All praise belongs to Allaah and may the peace and blessings be upon the final Messenger of Allah

    : : And after: Allah says,

    Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of ALLAH, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord, and are granted gifts from HIM; Life of The Shaheed (As we reckon him) Abu Huraira Al-Ansari Abu Huraira.. A man from the best of the Ansar (the Supporters).. He had a kind heart may Allaah have mercy on him, loved by his Brothers the Muhaajireen, working tireless at their service night and day seeking the reward from Allah, (as we reckon him and Allaah is aware of His slaves), He participated in many battles, and he was brave and bold to Allaah he returns and with Allaah is his reward He was injured one time in his left hand with a serious injury and because of its severity was amputated, but he was not deterred by the constants of Jihad so his hand was replaced with a manufactured one and he continued Jihaad in carrying his weapon and going for Ribaat side by side with his brothers in the front-lines. He was always joking about with his Muhaajireen brothers, he was loved by everybody and he

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    received an injury in his leg And still he didnt stop, he continued on the road with no sadness and no boredom, in fact we used to see him as the most happiest, unless one of the Brothers was marytred he would be saddened by their separation as well as his remain in this minute Dunya and with the withdrawal from Mogodisho he went with his Muhaajireen Brothers to another front, when the period of his stay on the front ended his joined his Brothers in the section of Al-Istishaadiyeen (The Martyrdom Seekers), and when we met him to speak he used to talk alot about Jannah and the Hoor el-Ayn. After a number of months came his role to join his Brothers Al-Istishaadiyeen, so he immersed with his martyrdom belt with a group of the Murtadeen at a number of inspection points in the city of Afgooye.

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    And after a period from the operation one of the Brothers saw him in his dream, so he said to him: What has happened to you? All did was press on a button till I found myself in al-Jannat. So may Allah have mercy upon you oh Abu Huraira and we ask Allaah.. to join us with you in Gardens of Paradise, and Rivers with the King al-Malik the All-Capable. (Ameen) Oh Allah theres no life except the life of the Hereafter, so forgive the Ansaar and the Muhaajira We ask Allaah the All-Able King, to write for you reward and the best prize, and that He makes you a resident of Paradise with those who He blessed from the Prophets, the Truthful, Martyrs and the Righteous, and those are the best companions.

    . All praise belongs to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds Please remember us in your Dua.

    . __________

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    Source: New release Biography of the Martyred Figures in East Africa #1: Ubaydah al-Tshd (al-Chd)

    In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious, Most Merci full All praise belongs to Allaah and may the peace and blessings be upon the final Messenger of Allah

    : : And after: Allah says,

    Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of ALLAH, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord, and are granted gifts from HIM; We our pleased your brothers in East Africa to present to you the first edition of series of Flags of

    Martyrs [center]Seerah of Al-Akh Abu Obeida Al-Chadi (the Chadian) - Raheemahullaah- Abu Obeida al-Chadi..unmatched modesty He was a shy man.. He grew up in the Arabian Peninsula, there he was pracistising the Deen and he began with seeking knowledge, he was no older than 18 years old.He had fellow companions, he was firm in commitment to the path which Allaah was pleased with them (A wonderful path to the land of Somalia) and this path is a story in itself Our hero joined his brothers for a number of months and entered into the forum of men ..Indeed, its the Military Camp.. He was may Allah have mercy on him a young man with patience, he would fulfill the military work to the fullest, and he was disciplined in his work, respected and loved by his brothers. Sometimes he would sing Nasheeds to his brothers in the mosque and the military camp, he had a passionate voice As for his character .. then its a blessing to speak about .. With the witness of everyone that knew him he was a man of a high moral in character. He used to

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    respect the teachers with the utmost respect and their relationship with him was like a relation like an older brother to a little brother, and he would ask -may Allah have mercy on him- Whose the most knowledgeable about the worship of the heart?. This was from his commitment -may have mercy on him- about these acts of worship which many have become heedless about, despite his young age! And I remember a story which clarifies the brothers motivation and truthfulness with Allaah (and Allah is All-aware of His servants) he was marked by his brothers that he was known for fasting in the day and praying at night in the camp, despite the severity of the camp and despite of the efforts made in the night and the day, he used to fast and work until the time of Dhur, he got affected his body became very poor, and I remember once that time in the queue one brother asked him What has befallen you? Youve become very thin and weak? And he use to hide his fasting and does not tell anyone.

    poetry You see the man slim but in his garments flouts a Persistent Lion One night his brothers said that fasting is optional (al-Naafila) and preparation is an individual obligation (Fard el-Ain) and so you should leave what is optional and perform the Fard. And he was tested -may Allaah have mercy on him- with fungi on his feet because of the shoes in the training camp, he was not used to wearing these type of shoes before, and despite this he dd not stop doing the military work. He was fulfilling in establishing the penalties which came with him coming late to the queue due to lack of sleep and fatigue. The smile never leaving his face. And we record that for him and Allaah is Aware of His slaves. Whoever would see him would remember Allaah aza wa jal. One day his platoon marched forth for a battle that was as clear as the day and the distance was very far and after arriving at the target the brothers started dispatching guards to take time to rest, but our hero chose to collect a number of firewood for his brothers that he was at the service of his brothers and he would cook food for them all despite the fatigue and tiredness. After completing the military work to head towards the center of Mogodisho, and after arriving in the capital our brother -may Allah accept him- joined his companions who he left and he from then will remain on the land of Jihaad and it was a very warm meeting, the brothers were very happy to meet their companion, and there was a link with the brothers and the Front lines. And In Ramadhan Year 1432 there was a fierce battle attacking and retreating, so the brothers in that battle went to new spots, and our hero brother was a Muraabit (one who guards on the front lines) at one of the buildings. The enemy discovered their place so they where targeted by a tank shell then he was hit with shrapnel and our hero attained the Shahadah because of the effects and one of his companions heard before his Shahadah him repeating Laa ilaha illaLLAH so it wasnt soon except that his soul came out . So may Allah have mercy upon you oh Abu Obeida and may He put you in the highest ranks of Jannat O Allaah please accept our brother Abu Obeida in Al-iliyeen (Ameen) I ask Allah S.W.T to write for you the best, and that He makes you a resident of Paradise with those who He blessed from the Prophets and the truthful and martyrs and the righteous, and those are the best companion.

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    Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. __________ Source: ___________ Source: --

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    Abu Maysarah al Iraqi:

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    Abu Zahra al-Issawi

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    Mu'adh and Mu'awwaidh

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    Amir Sayfullah

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    Abu Hussein al-Yusufiyah

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    Abu Ataa al-Tamimi. from the Land of the Two Holy Mosques (Arabia): With the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind. Arabic: He emigrated -may Allah have mercy on him- to Iraq in mid 2006. He left his family, his wife, his young son, his mansion, and the delights of this life behind him. He used to be from a very rich family, living a high class life. He emigrated from Riyadh (Arabia) and he was a person of Media. He entered Iraq quickly through crossing through Syria. The brothers in Iraq were strongly in need of someone who could do Media productions so that they could fill in the gap of those (Media producers) who had been martyred before. He said to me once; I asked Allah to make me from the Battalion of Aa'isha (may Allah be pleased with her). Then it was the Qadr (power and destiny) of Allah that he caught up with that Kateebah (battalion) under the command of Usamah al-Tunisi (Allah have mercy on him). From the earliest days I was with him, after we prayed the Fajr (morning) prayer, I stood with him and we opened the laptop while watching the operations. The videos had just started and he began to cry, I was amazed at what he was crying at, may Allah have mercy on him. He would always fast, pray and cry (he was soft-hearted). When I separated from him, he had memorized 20 juzz (20 parts out of 30) from the Book of Allah (the Quran.) The Ansaar (helpers in Iraq) loved him intensely. He would sit with them, tell them stories and jokes. He would remind them and spend alot of time in advising them with sincere advice. One of them offered their daughter in marriage to him, through which he had one son. He would love hunting, and he had a falcon (bird) which he hunted with. He would wish he could use the falcon to attack the disbelievers. Me and him used to always ask Abu Usaamah to let us fight along with our brothers, but he did not want us to fight because we had to do the Media productions. So we would leave once every 2 months, and we were satisfied with that -Allah have mercy on him- until one day a [most likely a Sunni] questioner came to us in the heart of Baghdad (Iraq's capital city) and said; 'You all have been a big disaster (fitnah) to us! The elders (of the community) have heard

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    that you have come out to perform a combat Operation, and they are pressurising us to force you to leave..' and it is Allah whose help we seek. And he would give people their time, he was the one who everyone shared their troubles with. And his martyrdom (shahadah) was blessed in the sight of the high ranked brothers. So he did it (the martyrdom operation) - may Allah accept it from him, ameen. Alot of people were attached to him especially because of his unique voice, he had a beautiful voice which he would use to say beautiful words of poetry. And why wouldn't it be amazing? When he was a speaker (khateeb), son of a speaker! And his brother was a muhaddith (scholar of hadeeth - Prophetic sayings). More moments: Once, a small dispute happened between me and him, so I raised my voice over him (in an argument), and that was my mistake. So I went, and when I came back, he said to me - 'What is that on your chest (or shirt)? So I lowered my head to look down, and he kissed it (out of Islamic brotherhood.) And another event after the beginning of the Sahawaat (Awakening councils of Sunni Iraq tribes being payed by America) to fight the Mujahideen (Islamic fighters): I heard him saying to the helpers (Ansaar) in Iraq: 'Soon there will come a time upon us that we will look to our right and to our left, and there will be no brothers left amongst us, so stay firm.' meaning: the killing (and betrayals of others against) us will leave nothing of us except only a few will survive. The Sahwa tribes were only in their 1st stage yet, so I denied what he had said. But the days and months passed and I realised that what he had said was coming true. The brother became thin, when before that he had alot of weight. The blockade against the brothers became intense and fearful. Abu Usaamah al-Tunisi -may Allah have mercy on him- was killed when he wanted the Abu Ataa to climb up a place and find an exit from the blockade. Abu Usaamah encouraged Abu Ataa to follow his pattern of climbing. When Abu Usaamah reached the high building, he reached out for Abu Ataa to hold his hand and climb up with him. As soon as Abu Ataa reached out to his hand, the Americans' saw them and began shooting at them repeatedly. So Allah took them as martyrs (shuhadaa). Abu Ataa was killed in Madaahimah on April 2012. He was never imprisoned like some people claim. We ask Allah to accept him and and to unite us with him in the highest parts of Jannah al Firdaws (Paradise.) ameen.

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    (Martyrs from the Arabian Peninsula Yemen)

    Abu Jandal al-Qasimi

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    Salman al-San'ani

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    Biography of Abu Khaythama, Limburg Martyrdom Operation (November 23, 2010)

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    Abu Human al Qahtani

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    Abu Saber al Abyani

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    European born Muslims in Syria:

    Their Armor:

    The armor of the Dutch (Netherlands) Mujahideen:

    A Kalashnikov AK46 and 6 extra magazines

    A Makarov pistol

    Two handgrenades: one defensive, one offensive

    A sharp knife

    A Casio watch

    This photo was taken an hour before a battle in the larger Homs area. The operation counted 150 fighters against about 400 regime forces.

    Perhaps the most important belonging of a Dutch fighter is a translation of the Quran.

    (This one is the translation by Fred Leemhuis (ISBN 90 269 4078 5), without any doubt the best translation of the Quran in Dutch)

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    The story of Mujahid Mourad Massali Abu Baseer

    It was at the end of 2012 when we in Holland said goodbye to Abu Baseer. We were going training that evening but Abu Baseer came with the intention of saying farewell to the brothers. At first Abu Baseer didnt want to participate in the training but after some brothers insisted he joined in. After the training we said farewell, Abu Baseer embraced us and asked for forgiveness. We later found out that this was to be the last night Abu Baseer was amongst us.

    Abu Baseer is a brother who inspired many in The Netherlands to take the path of Jihad. He always called for truth, whether at work, in the streets, in the Mosque and even from Syria. He called us from Syria and told us about the beauty of Jihad; we would be foolish not to come over. This brother had everything he could wish for living in The Netherlands; he had a college degree, was married at the age of 20 and was soon to become father, he had a good job and lived with his wife in his own house. He was a lucky young man and yet he choose to sacrifice his life fighting for the cause of Allah.

    It was not only the love for Allah that made Abu Baseer leave for Syria, but more importantly his love for the Ummah. For when a Muslim sees the suffering of the Syrian people, he sees them as if they were his own parents, his own children. It cannot be that the tears from our mothers in The Netherlands are more important than the tears of the hundreds of thousands Syrian mothers. These Syrian women lose husbands, children and family daily. These women get killed, raped or tortured. These women we see as our own mothers, we feel their grief as if it was our own. The same applies for the Syrian men and children who we see as our own kin.

    If I would have to describe Abu Baseer in one word, I would use Izz (honor). He was a man of honor and strength loyal to his Brothers. When he heard some Muslims were in hardship he always was the first to start collecting money to help them out. Whenever you were in trouble, Abu Baseer was there to help you out.

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    We arrived in Syria a month after him, we had to wait before meeting him because he was on a mission protecting the borders. Me and the Brothers were in the [military] training camp at that point. He was on his mission on the front for over 40 days. On missions like this you are at guard, facing the enemy constantly. Sometimes sleeping in your battle gear.

    It was later that evening I saw Abu Baseer again. It had been about two months ago. We embraced; a moment not to forget. We spent hours with the brothers around a fire, talking about The Netherlands. And there we were in the blessed land of as-Sham al-Mujahideen. It was a dream to be participating in Jihad and Allahs blessing to be in the company of an old group of friends.

    Abu Baseer always had a prominent role on the battlefield. His courage and caring for wounded brothers are remembered. He was always the first on the frontline; even though he was younger, he engaged us all in Jihad.

    The Battle of Khan Touman

    We heard about a major battle coming up. It was directed against a major army base. That morning we left in several groups towards Khan Touman. Our orders were strict; no prisoners were to be taken and there was no such thing as retreat. We said goodbye to each other, we made some photos

    We divided into seven platoons. In total we were about 500 taking on about 2000 or more in open field. We were to attack after dusk. The platoon of Abu Baseer, led by Abu Baraa al-Homsi, was one of the first in battle. After initial silence, suddenly fire broke loose on Abu Baseers front. The group had overrun al-Assads troops and penetrated deep into enemy frontlines. Those who returned, told me bullets and bombs were all around but didnt hit the brothers. One of the wonders they told about was that a mortar grenade landed in their middle and didnt explode.

    The next day me, Abu Baseers brother and other brothers we knew from The Netherlands, were sent to reinforce another frontline. Abu Baseer was there, he welcomed us and we decided to fight side by side. A dream came true. Every Muslim caring for Jihad dreams about fighting side by side with his brothers. Fighting the enemies of the Ummah. Who would have known this when we were in The Netherlands ?

    After the evening prayer the enemy had fallen back to its original positions. I would protect this outpost together with Abu Baseer and four other Ansar during nighttime. It was a cold night and we were hungry. We had almost no blankets and slept on a concrete floor. Some of us hadnt slept in over 48 hours. And yet in turn we had to take guard and stay on the look-out for the enemy. It is in times like this you experience Jihad an-Nafs fully; the internal strife youre going through is but a reflection of the external battle you experience. But if you lose your internal strife it will reflect on battle and vice versa.

    After we prayed Fajr we were going to the front line and awaited the enemy. This time they returned with more heavy weapons, covered by tank fire and heavy artillery. At a certain point I lost track of Abu Baseer and went out looking for him at the front. After I didnt find him there, I returned to the other Dutch brothers. It is at this time we ran into Abu Baseer; he was carrying a box of food and fruit. We never knew where he got it, but he by himself thus provided over twenty men with breakfast. This is how Abu Baseer always thought about his brothers first and why we loved him so deeply.

    After we ate Abu Baseer told me it would be better if we would reinforce the right flank because fighting was heavier there. We asked the Amir for permission to go there. Once arrived we ran

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    into some brothers with food and drinks. One of them offered us some energy drinks; Abu Baseer took one and put it in my vest saying here, take this, youll need it. When the brother offered Abu Baseer one, he decisively said: no, no, not for me, today I will drink in Paradise.

    The fighting was heavy, it was the last outpost of the enemy. We were under heavy fire from tanks. Luckily the Mujahideen as well had tanks and anti-tank rockets. Our Amir Abu al-Baraa had a rocket launcher he wanted to use on one of the tanks that shelled us constantly. He asked for volunteers to approach the tank. Abu Baseer was the first one to volunteer, I went with him.

    The three of us now had to cross an open field, with only some high grass as cover. One of the brothers helped us cutting the barbed wire and we ran into the open land. They fired upon us with all they had; machine guns and snipers. The tank didnt spot us yet but we were under heavy fire. Abu al-Baraa and Abu Baseer were three feet in front of me, they were going to fire the rocket at the tank which was only fifty feet away. When the tank spotted us it fired at us with its heavy machine gun and soon the shelling started.

    The rocket, although it was brand new, blocked. Abu al-Baraa ordered me to go back to the others and return with the brother specialized in using these rockets. So once again I had to run across the field while the enemy had us in sight. The last thing I heard was Abu Baseer advising me to keep to the right. This was to be the last time he spoke to me

    When I arrived back I explained the situation to the others, the brother was to prepare to return back with me. Suddenly we heard via the radio one of us was martyred at the right flank. Some rushed in to get the body of the martyr. When I saw Abu al-Baraa and the others returning with a body, I knew Abu Baseer got what he wanted; to die as a Shaheed. Abu Baseer had been shot in the neck. We buried our friend the same day, a smile on his face.

    A few hours after Abu Baseer died we took over the enemy base, after only two days of battle. We later destroyed the tank that caused Abu Baseers death. We captured 27 hidden bunkers stuffed with weapons and ammunition and two million liters of diesel. This was a marvelous victory, a glorious day to die as a Martyr. We later realized it was only because Allah wanted it we were victorious in this battle.

    A month later I ran into Abu al-Baraa again; he told us he asked Abu Baseer moments before his death whether he was afraid. He answered: Why should I be afraid when I will be in Paradise soon?

    We ask Allah to take care of Abu Baseers relatives and to accept him as true Martyr. We ask Allah to reunite us in Paradise, Oh Allah favor us with martyrdom, take our blood, our belongings and our endeavors untilled You are satisfied with us.

    Your brother Abu Jandal (Dutch language website)

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    European Muslims - The Story of 28 year old Chokri Massali Abu Walae

    Martyred on Sunday July 28th 2013

    In an earlier post I presented you the story of Abu Baseer, who died in the Battle of Khan Touman. Here is the story of one of his older brothers, who died only a few months later.

    Abu Walae and two other brothers from the Netherlands were waiting for Iftaar in their base camp, when via the radio they heard that a group of Mujahideen was surrounded by al-Assads troops in a village nearby. The brothers quickly prepared for battle and left camp. When they arrived on the scene they were immediately fired upon by snipers. Nonetheless the war party breached the enemy ranks; after heavy fighting Abu Walae and ten other brothers were ordered to control the left flank of the occupied village.

    It was a pitch dark night; they only had limited sight on the frontline. After a little while they stumbled upon Bashars troops and opened fire. Abu Walae turned his weapon on automatic and stormed forward; he almost immediately took a bullet through the head. This action, led by Abu Walae, resulted in the death of all 22 enemy soldiers. On our side only Abu Walae got killed, another brother got shot in his leg. Abu Walae never feard the Kufar, he was a brave man

    A man asked: Who is the superior Martyr? The Prophet answered: Those who stand in the line of battle and do not turn their heads until they die. They will dwell in highest region of Paradise, their Lord will smile at them. And when Allah smiles at one, there will be no reckoning on Judgement Day. [at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb]

    Earlier this week, in the wonderful battle of Khan Asal in which the life of our Belgian brother Abu Mujahid was taken, several brothers witnessed Abu Walae killing six or seven soldiers all by himself. In the end we took over the town, killing about 250 Kufar.

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    When the Mujahideen captured soldiers of Bashars army on the battle field of Khan Asal, Abu Walae offered one of the captives some of his soft drink; laughing They dont even realize theyll get a one way ticket to hell. He told another soldier hey, I know you ! Arent you one of the Mujahideen from our group ? The soldier thought he found a way to escape death and replied yes, thats right ! I was in your group but they captured me at the checkpoint and made me fight you guys. Abu Walae turned to one of the brothers: Put your weapon on automatic and shoot this guy

    Abu Walae prayed to God frequently, asking Him to kill lots of enemies before dying as a martyr himself. He dreamt of being united in Paradise with his younger brother Abu Baseer. And Inshaallah his prayers have been answered in this Holy month of Ramadan. May these two martyred brothers be offered the favors of the Shuhadaa. What an honor for this family to have two of their sons martyred.

    For a Mujahid it is very important to be tolerant towards others, for in this Jihad you will be meeting people from different nations, with different habits and cultures. Furthermore you are in a completely different country, far away from life as you knew it. You have to adapt to the situation and the variety of people you will deal with. If you do not have an open heart and are impatient then you will probably not persevere this Jihad. It is during Jihad that you will truly get to know your comrades; it is here your true friends will be revealed.

    One may believe the only thing you will deal with in Jihad are bullets and shelling. A Mujahid however must also stand hunger, pain, insomnia. He must be patient with the people he meets and has to adapt to a whole new situation. Sometimes you will have to stay put for weeks, enduring hunger, cold, rain This asks for endurance and patience.

    I knew Abu Walae for years, he was my best friend. I knew him for years at home and I got to know him better, thousands of kilometers away from home, fighting on the Syrian battle field. It was an honor to get to know him better whilst fighting together. He was a great man, he became even more exalted in Jihad. The same goes for all the other brothers I knew back home and here, both in good as in harder times. Me and Abu Walae were friends, for five years we shared everything. We left for Syria together, we followed each other from basecamp to basecamp, we fought side by side on the battle field. We shared everything, every day with him was a pleasure. We spent many hours at nights sitting together drinking tea or coffee, talking with other brothers. Daily we talked about Martyrdom and how it would be like to die like a Shaheed. He always stated firmly if that bullet comes, so be it.

    Abu Walae was a well-informed brother, his Arabic was excellent and both at home as in Syria he was very involved with Dawah. He offered help to other brothers translating Arabic for them. If the brothers had any questions, he patiently took his time to explain everything in length. He did this in a humble way, never humiliating them with his knowledge. Other wise people could learn from Abu Walae. He was straightforward in his words yet easily forgiving.

    Jihad without patience is impossible and our brother Abu Walae was a very patient man. Here you have to cope by yourself; there is no loving mother here cooking and washing for you. Here you learn to be independent. Jihad is a school of life; its not only fighting, you learn to be obedient and disciplined. If you fail to be patient, if you do not have these virtues, you will fail in Jihad. In a way your Jihad starts before you leave for the battle field. You will have to fight your own will, your doubts and fears. You will be in two minds, thinking about your family, you will worry. You have to be strong to overcome these feelings and to take the next step.

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    Abu Walae enjoyed Jihad even despite the hardship and sacrifices. Those who didnt wage Jihad will hardly understand but for Muslims heres a comparison. The Holy Month of Ramadan means fasting during the day and praying at night time. Both the fasting and praying are hard to endure, yet we see Ramadan as a time of joy, time flies by because of this. The same stands for Jihad; as in Ramadan, we are surrounded with brothers and close friends, you feel close to Allah.

    It is quite evident why Abu Walae enjoyed Jihad. Jihad bestows the Ummah with life and nobleness, it is a source of victories for the Muslims. As we witnessed, leaving Jihad means indignation and dismay. Although at times you will have no food, no shelter, sleeping under trees or on a concrete floor, the Mujahid feels joy and satisfaction. Compare this with living in the West, where, despite having all they need, people live in sorrow and depression.

    About a month ago, a brother had a dream about Abu Walae. He saw him drinking and asked what it was. Abu Walae said he was drinking the wine of Paradise. This brother saw this dream as a prediction of his Martyrdom. He later talked Abu Walae about this dream and Abu Walae answered that there was no worth in this life, that he wanted to be with Allah. Indeed a few weeks later Abu Walae was martyred.

    Abu Walaes mother had a similar dream. She saw her son entering the living room wearing his qamis, his gun over his left shoulder. He approached his mother and embraced her firmly. My son, did you return? No, he said, I came to see you and will go back. This dream was like a confirmation for his family that Abu Walae would die as a Martyr.

    My family told me about the faith and perseverance the family of Abu Walae shows. This mother sacrificed two of her sons and when Allah will ask her what she did in her life she can tell Him she raised two sons whom she sacrificed for Allahs cause. How many are there who can claim that these days ? Is there a greater sacrifice any mother can make ? May Allah protect her and unite her with her two martyred sons in Paradise.

    If parents in the Netherlands love their children, they shouldnt stand between them and Paradise. Indeed, they should give their children the example by first sending in the fathers to fight Jihad. Abu Walae cared deeply for his mother, he understood why for Islam it is so important to take good care of your mother. If he heard about one of the brothers not calling home for a long time, he would reprimand them. He would talk to the brother and convince him to call home. He was one of the brothers who took good care for the younger brothers from The Netherlands.

    We ask Allah to accept our brother as a Martyr and to reunite us all in Paradise. Oh Allah, favor us with martyrdom and take our blood, our possessions, our effort and our sacrifices until it favors you.

    Your Brothers from Bilad as-Sham

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    How did they get into Syria?

    Most people who left the West to join their brothers in Syria joined a Charity to give aid to the people of Syria. (Example: the Syrian Aid Convoy in the UK).

    They then went through Turkey, entered Turkey and researched with caution- until they found an Islamic group which supported an Islamic cause. (Islamic groups include: Islamic State of Iraq and

    Sham [Syria], Jabhat al Nusra, Ahrar al Sham (the Free of Syria), and their allies.)

    What kind of help do they need?

    Any person who is willing to help the oppressed Muslims. Especially if they have medical, military or technical or governance expertise, or even if they are a scholar.

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    How are wars fought today?

    War today is like the old times, except the weapons used today have a further reach. Objective: You are armed with weapons to target an enemy who is defending an important place (i.e. a border) or an important building (which might hold important people or items). Mission: Getting there isnt easy though because your opponent will have different defense mechanisms, ranging from booby traps (like mines) to tanks and high security (soldiers, machines, weaponry/) Your mission is to surpass all of these with the weapons and men you have. Attack plan: your attack will have to be well planned, and because you are likely using guerrilla warfare (of hit and run attacks on the enemy) [usually because you are less in number than the enemy] you will research as much as you can about the area. The best way to take over an area is if the population of that area are on your side (they can tell you about secret passageways, tunnels, hiding places etc). The Islamic fighters in Syria use Google Maps (the software) to study an area from birds eye view to see which might be the best street to attack from. ATTACK: Cars with bombs installed in them (called VBIEDs) by Islamic groups usually drive and explode outside a target place, this is followed by mortars (bombs [Arabic: shawaari] which are thrown like cannons) at the target location, followed by a gun(rashaash) attack by your soldiers. A battle begins between soldiers of both sides, and if you win, your men surround the area and call backups. You will secure that area by putting guards there who always stay there for your strategic benefits (Ribaat). Defend your territory: you will now have to secure your area and always look for intelligence and always be cautious that the enemy does not surprise attack you and take back over your territory.

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    (above) a brother who is shaheed (martyred). He looks alive, and smiling, they smile because the shaheed sees his home in Paradise before his soul leaves his body. Allah says: And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision (in Paradise), (Quran 3:162)

    (< left - he is shaheed [martyred] and he is smiling, while she is alive [in this world] and she is crying...)

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    Bab al Hawa (above) Bab al Salaama (below) both these border points from Turkey to Syria are the safest points to join the Islamic groups as of now (October 2013). but this should be confirmed from the likes of

    brother AbuSiqr on twitter. ( )

    How to cross into Syria from Turkey?

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    Indepth Travel Story: a brothers Hijrah (migration) to Bilaadul-Izzah (The Land of Honor - Shaam [Greater Syria]) from the UK (England).

    First of all, before we begin anything it is upon us to start according to the way of Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be on him) by saying or in this case typing al-basmala which is Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem

    In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. Secondly I would like to state that my intention in writing this text is to invite you all to the land of izzah. It is not to show off, nor appear or seem as if I am some kind of hero as you (the reader) are most likely better than me in so many ways. Neither is this an essay or any other type of academic text but it is a form of expression so there may be repeated words, slang, abbreviations, smileys and so on used during this text. We begin this journey by trying to understand the statement: Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billah (There is NO might NOR power EXCEPT with Allah) Why do I start with this? Simply because along this journey we came across hardships which possibly could of led to near death experiences but never the less by Power of Allah we were made successful without even a mosquito bite touching us Well some of us. ;) The land of Izzah (honor) is something I had spoken about for at least 2 years. The nifaaq (hypocrisy) I had felt would burn me inside and out because of the luxurious life style we had compared to that of the oppressed even though it wasnt as if I came from a so called wealthy/well off background. When I state this its important you understand the meaning behind this. What is meant by this statement is that my parents where not of those who completed education as they had me around the age of 17/18 . Therefore the majority of the time they would struggle to receive work and obtain an income. My father would always talk to me about breaking the chain, meaning break through this system in order to gain a way towards hijrah and jihad. Of course we always had food and money but my parents had to prioritise. This is what I can remember but even in this situation, when I was young and all praise is due to Allah, I dont remember my parents complaining about anything. Later in life (now) rizq (wealth) came. My point is to show you that I never came from the life laid out kind of background however even with the luxuries surrounding me I still felt great nifaaq (hypocrisy) in my heart. Our jamaaah had been waiting a long time for some form of link into bilaadul-Izzah (the land of honor) however we knew of no one who had been there or was there already from our community. As time went by we gained frustration and I know I did especially seeing pictures of our brothers and sisters dying and injured on tumblr whilst we all remained behind with talk rather than action. We began to discuss the situation more openly amongst ourselves to see if anyone had any ideas available but in the end we were in the exact same place we started. Our frustration soon led to us being rather irrational according to some. I remember one day we were in the masjid and I was approached by brothers who said to me: khalaas (enough) lets go and tawwakul alallah (rely on Allah alone). This wasnt surprising to me as it was something I had contemplated alone for quite some time and had come to the point where i had been willing to accept anything. It was between waiting and finishing my degree as my family had desired from me and then going to help whilst my sisters, mothers and children were raped while I waited or leaving right away to be a part of the pain of this ummah even if this meant imprisonment. As the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) said: "The ummah is one body" I remember a quote by Imam Anwar al-Awlaqi ( ) in his lecture on the topic of Hijrah where he states: "Hijrah is like jumping off a cliff and not knowing what to expect at the bottom" The relevance of this statement concerning our times and the situation which I was about to

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    undertake helped to keep me strong and strengthen my reliance on Allah alone. During my contemplation on how to go about leaving the UK two brothers came to the decision of leaving without any link and had booked their flights already. As soon as I heard about this I jumped towards them in excitement! I wanted to know when they were going, who were they going with, how were they going, did they have a link and finally could I have to come. Even though they accepted me I could feel my heart clinging to dunyaa. Thoughts of my family, comfort and so on started to spring into my chest and I could feel the whispers of shaytan becoming more intense as things started to become a reality to me. This feeling gave me the motivation I needed as I knew what my soul was clinging to was nothing but desires and it was time to let go and move on. I decided not to tell anyone for personal reasons as I was afraid of hurting any individual who may be close to me in any particular way no matter how small as I feared it may become a fitnah for me because of the pain it may cause to my heart. Around two days before these brothers were leaving we booked my flight and all praise belongs to Allah as these brothers paid for me. May Allah bless them with the highest of rewards as now my reward in jihad by the permission of Allah also belongs to them on the day of judgement. Look at the mercy of Allah glory be to Him, Lord of the 7 heavens and the 7 earths. The day came and it was time to purify our intentions and make plenty of duaa as I was taking my flight alone and Allah knows best the type of abominations the UK try to accuse us with. May Allah bring about guidance upon them. Not that there is much to talk about here as its best not to discuss these kind of details however I was astonished when the flight attendant had no idea what the word halal meant lol even though she spoke English. Once I arrived in Turkey my battery was beginning to run out. I had no connection and was wondering how I was going to find these brothers but alhamdu lillah by the will of Allah I decided to get up walk towards the exit and bumped straight into them by the grace of Allah and we had never been so happy to see one another. We made our way the next morning to a random hotel near the Syrian border where we decided to stayed for around 3 days straight in frustration. All we wanted was to cross the border but wasnt sure what may have been on the other side. (Editor the next part is IMPORTANT:) A brother among us was in contact with a mujahid from within Syria but things were difficult. To him we had only met over the Internet and could have been spies for all he knew. He was stuck between helping us and placing himself into major trouble if we wasnt as we claimed to be which we accepted and understood clearly. It came to the point we was ready for him to even take us into Syria and hand us into the authorities above due to our frustration and the fact we had nothing to hide but all praise is due to Allah, it never came to this. We were contacted by the brother on the 3rd day of being at this hotel and he informed us that some friends were on their way and asked if we could we help them by leading them towards our hotel. We were happy at such an opportunity for many reasons. The first being an opportunity to meet new brothers as we know that there is nothing like the brother and sisterhood in Islam. Nothing can compare to it. The second, meeting brothers who understood the deen. Brothers who understood the reason we had been placed on this earth and who knew what was incumbent upon them from the commands of Allah. This instantly placed love in our hearts for them and we began to love them for the sake of Allah.

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    The third, by them meeting us. They had the chance to check us out and watch over us to see if they found our movements suspicious. Not to say that this was their intention but this was best for both sides. By Allahs grace the brothers approved of us and that very next day we made steps towards the borders of sham! We ordered our taxies, packed our things and made our way. In the morning we realised a random white man was smoking outside the hotel, no one took notice of him as they simply thought he was Syrian as they tend to have a light complexion but I pointed him out as to me he looked European. He was wearing military boots, fitted jeans, a grey jacket and sun glasses. He looked like a man you would find in the pub after a football game but even though some of us stated he was Mi5 we still didnt take much notice. As we arrived at the border, through all the distress and the children begging for money we noticed the same man sat on a stool between all of this watching with a notepad in his hand. His presence was irrelevant to us. All we were concerned about was crossing the border. Our frustration grew as the people started to surround us and kept on trying to interfere by trying to help us cross in order to attain money from us. We never gave in as these children had camera phones and seemed well clothed. I remember saying to myself alhamdu lillah I didnt bring any women to this place as this was not the place for a woman especially a wife. As soon as the people surrounding us brought us to the border, instantly we were rejected simply for having British passports. I cant explain how our hearts dropped when we realised they wasnt letting us through no matter what we did. The Amir of our group tried to bargain with them but they wanted a 6000 dollar charge in order to let us through. In my heart I was willing to pay that as long as they would let us in but I didnt have the money even if I wanted to. Upon rejection we returned back to the hotel extremely disheartened. We were discussing amongst each other how tears were ready to flow from our eyes. I was lay with my head on the lap of my brother Abu Layth. Your average person would never understand this. This is why the brotherhood in Islam is so beautiful, it is something unique, something you could never understand unless you were a Muslim. We lay there for around half an hour in silence while a brother from among the brothers we had met by the name of Abu Uthmaan was trying his best to make us look at the bright side of things. Even if it was something small. All I remember is telling myself there is no way on the face of the earth am I returning back to Daarul-Kufr (the land of disbelief). Just when everything seemed negative and we could was make duaa, the Amir of our group received a phone call saying that a van will be coming to pick us up shortly so be ready to leave. Words cannot explain the excitement that rushed through our blood. We were told to be ready so we could move as soon as possible. Within 5 minutes the van arrived and we rushed outside to find a van with deck chairs in the back and no seats. It didnt even interest us. The excitement got to me so much I sat on the floor and gave everyone else my seat until the brothers forced me, lovingly to come off the floor and sit among them as there was an extra place to sit. Again it was time to renew the intentions and the journey began. It was only a short journey, around about 20 minutes long, even though because of our lack of arabic we thought he said 20 hours but even with this we didnt care. The driver brought us to a local village where we were dropped off and then left us with people who didnt speak a word of english. We had no idea what was going on or what to think. On this note the Amir tried phoning back the brother from within but signal was poor where we were. Waiting played a huge part in this journey and it was important that we remained patient, as Allah says in the Quran: (Indeed Allah is with the patient) As our group continued to wait we received a call from the brother once we finally managed to gain some signal and passed it over to the man whose house we had been left at. The phone call finished and it was time to move. We jumped in the the back of a pick up truck along with our luggage and began phase 2. I have videos which I would love to share with you all but they have our faces in and obviously us brothers dont want to be a fitnah

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    to all you sisters who may read this even though we have more slots to fill (this is a joke btw lol). Its strictly because we must hide our identity but continuing with the story, shortly 5 minutes into the drive a huge army vehicle from the Turkish army appeared from the border we were about to cross. On top of it was a machine gun with a soldier in control of it and two more men inside. A few of the brothers thought this was it, that we were going to attain martyrdom or be arrested, strangely enough my heart felt at ease and content. They commanded us to get out of the car and asked us to open our luggage. They asked us were we jaysh al-hur (free syrian army) but we replied no we are here for sadaqah and we werent lying as we had no intentions of being anything to do with jaysh al-hur (free Syrian army) as many among them are murtadn (apostates). The commander was debating between whether to send us back or let us through the border but as soon as our driver told them we was British, they smiled and were inspired by our presence. The sad thing was to see they had love for the deen (religion/straight path) but they had sworn allegiance to the tawagheet (tyrant rulers). After searching our luggage and taking a pair of our gloves as a gift (they gave us no choice) they let us go on our way. Our happiness wasnt hidden, it gleamed from our faces so much that it brought smiles to theirs but they made the vehicle we were in turn around and leave, leaving us to travel through the border on foot. We came through the border with no cities at all in site. All I remember was how sweet the tangerine was that one of the brothers Abu Dujana gave me. A man was there on the opposite side of the border as soon as we crossed and was trying to help us with our luggage. We didnt know who to trust and because we didnt approve of someone older than us handling our luggage while we were younger from adab and akhlaaq (manners and conduct) we tried to stop him until we realised he had a hand gun strapped to the side of his hip. As soon as we realised this we was happy for him to help :) lol. Walking up the path I started to discuss with him using the little arabic I knew and realised he was from the group Ahrar ash-Sham. We realised we were in safe hands and none could have provided this for us except Allah. He asked us which group we was going to join and how was our journey. He was very comforting and it was beautiful to meet such a brother. Again we couldnt get hold of the brother from within but out new brother from ahrar ash-sham invited as guests until we were able to contact him and understand what we were going to do from this point. Finally after some wait we managed to contact him and the brothers from ahrar ash-Sham placed us in the back of a van. They dropped us into the city without taking anything from us and wouldnt take any gifts we wanted to give them. All they requested was duaa (supplication) for the death of a shaheed (martyrdom). What more could you ask for. As soon as we jumped out the van a pick up truck swang round the corner and out jumped the brother we had been in contact with [from the internet], Abu Abdurrahman al-Biritaani. He jumped at out at such speed while the vehicle was moving that he nearly toppled over. The smile that was on this brothers face gave him away instantly. Even though he was with other brothers I knew straight away it was him and he seemed as eager to me to meet us as we were to meet him. Instantaneously love was stored between our hearts and we hugged each other tightly with the biggest of smiles on our faces. What was strange is when we jumped in the back of the van and was asking the brother about his journey, he seemed so excited. It was as if he had only arrived in Sham that moment. Its strange, even while writing this I still cannot believe Allah has chosen me to be here. The fact that you could have been chosen by the grace of Allah is something you cant even contemplate over. Our journey took about 2 hours to arrive to the destination we had in mind. Along the way we were smiling so much the muscles in our face began to hurt! We would listen to the stories Abu

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    Abdurrahman would tell us about his experiences here in the past few months. Once we arrived at our destination there were major problems between Dawlatul-Islam (the Islamic state) and jaysh al-hur (free Syrian army), so the brothers rushed us inside to safety. Even though there were problems between the groups, still the brothers brought us into a place we could rest, showed us around, fed us with some beautiful pasta and yoghurt, showed us the entertainment room and where we could find medicine in the stock room. All of this even though there was major problems that day. If I remember correctly at least 5 Dawlatul-Islam members and 1 Jabhatun-Nusrah member were martyred that day. I remember a brother I had met called Khattab took me to see the bodies secretly and to my amazement it was if they werent dead. Wallahi (by Allah) it was as if they were sleeping but more paler. This reminded me of the ayat (verse/sign) in the Quran:

    (Do not think of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, Nay they are alive!) (Quran 3: 169 )

    One of the brothers the next day lifted up the cover to find the body still bleeding which astonished him and the blood hadnt even dried nor changed to a dark red or blackish color but was the same coulour as if it was fresh. The bodies didnt even smell in the slightest Subhaan Allah (Glory be to Allah). The day I met Khattab, before he snook me upstairs to see the bodies, he asked me my name and I gave him my real name accidentally. He grabbed my hand firmly and told me never ever to do that again. Dont tell me or anyone else your name! He asked again what is your kunya, so I replied Im not sure, my friends call me Abu Haajar and to the madaakhilah Im known as Abu Jarraah. He told me that Abu Haajar was no good for me and that I need the name of a companion and he gave me the name We will leave that for another day :) Forgive me for all the mistakes as this was typed up very fast. The point of this is to inspire you the reader to rely on Allah alone and make your way to us. Your brothers and sisters are in need of you. We are in need of you. We need more men! Your brother from Shaam (Syria) This is his website where he mentioned his own story & you can ask Questions:

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    Sunni-safe areas in Syria: Green Areas liberated by the Syrian opposition Green areas liberated by the Syrian rebels and Islamic groups against Bashar al Assad (October 2013). Red areas are a danger for Sunni Muslims.

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    Do the Islamic fightes speak other languages including English in Syria? Yes. Even if you dont know Arabic, languages from all around the world are spoken there by Muslims from around the world who have come to help the Syrian Muslims. Do they get paid? Yes. They are given $250 a month and a place to live (similar to an average pay in Europe). If you have family, they might even give a free home in al-Raqqah province of Syria, but it is often difficult to get family inside due to the country being a warzone, however some have been successful in this.

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    Timetable of a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Syria: 04:45 (early morning): Getting up in the morning. 05:00 : Fajr prayer.

    05:30 : Quran study. 06:30: Intense running/foot exercises

    08:00 Handling weapons (dismantling and re-mantling, cleaning etc.) 11:00 : Weapons Exercises (shooting, target practise etc)

    Zuhr prayer and rest until Asr prayer. After Asr, a Dars (Islamic class). After Maghrib they can do daily activities. Then Eat.

    22:00 (10pm) Sleep. [Note: as a payed Mujahid you have to follow the timetable Fulltime]

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    What next after the Syria war?

    Arabic: Moving from Syria, and our eyes are on Jerusalem (Bayt al Maqdis) (Which is only 220 kilometres away).

    The war in Syria will spread to neighbouring countries and will not stop. Within the upcoming years, it is likely that the war will spread to Arabia and Iran (Persia) and a major Sunni vs Shia war. This is likely to last upto 10 years. After that the fight will be against Rome (Italy) (it is likely that the Western countries will do genoice against European Muslims in the coming years.) See the news to see the hatred of the West against Muslims in Europe. Its only then that the fight will turn against al-Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) in Israel.

    Allah (God)s Messenger, Muhammad (peace be on him) said (meaning):

    You will attack 1 - Arabia and Allah will enable you to conquer it, then you would attack 2- Persia (Iran) and He would make you to Conquer it. Then you would attack

    3 - Rome and Allah will enable you to conquer it*, then you would attack 4 - the

    Dajjal (the AntiChrist in Israel) and Allah will enable you to conquer him. (

    Sahih Muslim #6930

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    Twitter Twitter accounts of Muslims who left the West (they speak English) and can be messaged to answer Questions (best way is to make a new account, and then Following them and asking them to follow you, then Direct Message [DM] (Direct messages are for private messaging)).

    @Fulan2weet (Syria):

    @AbuHarith5 (Syria):

    I_Jaman_ (Syria): -

    @s7bhijratain (in Somalia):

    @NasserJan2 (in Iran):

    For daily updates about the Muslim world, see:

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    MORE BOOKS FURTHER READING: Lovers of the Hur al Ayn (women of Paradise) Afghanistan (80s): Undead Warriors (Iraq - 2000s): Book 1: Black Flags from the East: Book 2: Black Flags from Syria Book 3: Black Flags from Arabia: If you know Arabic, then you will often see the latest articles by the Islamic groups pasted anonymously on: