Revive flat plan 1 for contents page

Conten RM2015 Revive magazine Live, Thumb nail photo of the cover Pictures of musician’s who have Image relating to the main article that is featured in the Features- one of stories such as the main coverlines and will give Regulars- this will include articles that are featured in the magazine every time it is publish Images relating to the articles that are featured in the magazine

Transcript of Revive flat plan 1 for contents page

Page 1: Revive flat plan 1 for contents page


RM2015Revive magazine 2015

Live, Life, Loud

Thumb nail photo of the


Pictures of musician’s who have featured in the magazine

Image relating to the main article that is featured in the magazine.

Features- one of stories such as the main coverlines and will give a small blurb to what the article is about.

Regulars- this will include articles that are featured in the magazine every time it is publish and it will give a small blurb to what the article is about.

Images relating to the articles that are featured in the magazine