
Measure Yourself in “Rockometro” Her story tells Andrea ®


mi nwe y primera revista de ingles llamada glath

Transcript of Revistauno

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Measure Yourself in “Rockometro”

Her story




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Shells (pearly) Sea water hammer Cup or small bowl

Here's how:

1.Beam with a hammer you got dust shells in the sea, should be a fine powder so it does not hurt your face.

2.In a cup or small bowl, place the dust shells, after add sea water gradually until you achieve a smooth paste.

3.Apply the mixture in your face with circular movements, let stand for 15 minutes and remove with cool water.

4.We recommend that you use every day.


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The ice hotel of jukkasjärvi, on Suecia occupies a surface of 4 thousand and 5 thousand meters square. The construction is totally of ice. The first ocation that built was in 1990 and only occupied 50 meters. Thanks your very succes is built every december.

One person from U.S. Her name is Carol Smith of 42 old of age, is able of remember each one of the details of her life. Was submitted to differents studies for analize her surprising memory and the doctors discovered that he had one memory photographic incredible. But the most curious is that the moment of remember some detail can not close the eyes because if close the eyes it is impossible continue with the remember.

“Most of the failures come to us for wanting to advance the hour of success.”


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The enormous spaces that exist between the

stars are not absolutely empty, in they are the

called matter interstellar. Is extremely fine.

One liter of water contains thousand millions

of atoms. for this motive is impossible see

other thing that not is a deep dark with our


Exist a allergy incurable to the water called

"Aquagenic Urticaria". The persons that

have the problem can not be in the rain,

not is them allows swim and have that

remain enclosed some hours after the

shower after of that disappear the spots of

the skin.


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It appears that you're ready to take a risk to get something you want. But behind your

optimistic veneer, you might be more calculating than anyone realizes. Fortunately,

once you finally climb out on a precarious limb, you're confident that you won't fall. A

concrete plan can make the difference between failure and success, so build your

strategy on proven facts and not faulty assumptions based on unrealistic dreams.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Although the Moon's visit to your 5th House of Play boosts your desire for pleasure, her shift into your 6th House of Work reminds you of unfinished business. But your key planet Venus titillates you with visions of romance, tempting you to drop everything for the possibility of love. Nevertheless, don't act too quickly because clarity is elusive today and by tomorrow you might want something else. You don't need to give up on finding satisfaction if you can be patient and persistent. Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

You may be a bit anxious today because there are so many things you want to do, yet you have trouble prioritizing your projects. Normally, you are quite comfortable juggling several tasks at once, but now, the closer you get to making up your mind, the more unsure you become. Thankfully, your confusion should dissipate once you choose to postpone a big decision until tomorrow.


(Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Your imagination is very active today, but even those closest to you might not realize how much you have going on behind your calm demeanor. Unfortunately, your current lack of clarity can get you into trouble if you jump to an incorrect conclusion. Don't trust your logic now since you're able to bend reality in your favor. Be smart and ask someone you trust to give you a different perspective; you'll have a more realistic outlook once you get another point of view.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

There's nothing wrong with your ability to make decisions now, yet you could mess things up if you act on an impulse instead of trusting your logic. If you are enamored with an idea or attracted to someone special, self-restraint is wise while you consider the consequences of immediately pursuing your desires. If your plan makes sense, waiting a little while won't lessen your chances to find satisfaction.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

The analytical Virgo Moon is a reminder that you do your best work if you filter out extraneous data before making any important decisions. But the Moon's shift into objective Libra prompts you to do more research so you can see both sides of a current issue. Nevertheless, it's difficult to discern which information is valid and which is not. Once you accept that fantasies can appear as real now, you're more inclined to spend the time needed to adequately distinguish fact from fiction.


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Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct


Your desire for pleasure can lead you into a complicated set of circumstances with no clear way out as your key planet Venus squares inscrutable Pluto. However, you don't have any reason to avoid the complexity because the delicious possibilities are so sweet. Unfortunately, you may find yourself in deeper water than you expected. For now, err on the side of common sense rather than being disappointed by your lack of satisfaction.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

You are motivated by the notion of accomplishing

something very concrete today with the Moon in

pragmatic Virgo. However, it's nearly impossible to

keep your mind from wandering once the Moon shifts

into pleasure-seeking Libra midday. Although your

fantasies may be lovely now, it's up to you whether or

not to encourage them with your attention. You can

enjoy the present moment more thoroughly if you

understand how it contributes to the lasting satisfaction

of reaching your goals.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Follow through with your promises today because others have

taken your words at face value and are counting on your

performance. You take your job quite seriously now, yet it's easy

to misinterpret what is expected from you if you get the details

mixed up. Pay careful attention to your instructions by writing

them down and then double checking that you heard them

correctly. This might seem like overcompensation to someone

else, but your meticulous research can save you from wasting

time and energy later on.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Even with your current abundance of creative energy, it's still challenging to find an outlet for your more

practical ideas. Your actions might not have the positive results you want, turning your enthusiasm into

discouragement. But it's not wise to give up now, for your clouds of illusion are ready to dissipate, leaving you

with clear vision. Thankfully, your unwavering determination and hard work eventually pay off if you stay

focused on your goals.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You may reconsider your travel or education plans today,

especially if you discover an option that's potentially more

enjoyable. However, you could make a foolish decision since

you're viewing your future through Neptune's rose-colored

glasses now. Although you might be quite sure about your desire

to change direction, it's smarter to let things settle down

overnight. Don't get caught up in chasing bright lights and

heightened expectations. You can always take a more radical

approach once you see things in the light of a new day.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar


The Moon's shift from your 7th House of Partners

into your 8th House of Deep Sharing rekindles a

relationship dilemma as you balance your innate

need for security and your attraction to individual

freedom. Although you can be quite obstinate

now in your unwillingness to compromise, you

don't want to be alone. If you choose your battles

carefully, you won't need to sacrifice what is

ultimately most important to you.


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ME: Hi, in this moment I’m with a beautiful person, her name is Andrea. Andrea, can I do some questions? ANDREA: sure!! I want to tell my story REPORTER: well, can you tell me, what was your problem? ANDREA: when I had 13 years, I knew that I had a beautiful body; The school children told me all the time. Once time saw in the television a convocation of modeling in my city I asked my mom to take me and I immediately accepted,for my "luck" after that I had a scholarship to a popular modeling school, I felt very happy, I had a very nice body, I was a pretty girl and “wow” it was all wonderful to me, thought I was made to model. REPORTER: it was wonderful, really! What happened after that? ANDREA: after half a year I was a good student, I had good grades, I had no problems with my parents and had some good friends, had a great life! ... After a time, school of modeling, I demanded to lose more weight, they put a diet to go on the catwalk, my mother did not understand why if you only weighed 40 kg and I measure height 1.60mts REPORTER: and that was what you did? ANDREA: I always knew I was very thin ...... but I thought, "is the career I'm about to start, I believed that if teachers were telling me about something, my parents never agreed, and my mom forbade me lose weight ... I was confused, because on the one hand was my "duty" to do what my teachers would tell me, but on the other hand I knew I was not sure why I was really thin and everyone told me ...... I started with my diet and apart in the course had to do 3 hours of daily exercise, I know that was an exaggeration but I did .... teachers began to tell me I was fat and my classmates as well, they were made of a straw ... yes, more than me. I quickly removed from competitions and gateways, because I was a little overweight, there began my problem………. REPORTER: what happened? ANDREA: I was depressed because my dream was slipping through my hands and I started to

believe that there was fat ... can you believe it? I know now that was crazy! but I had a

distortion of my weight since I was 14 and really was made a bone .... was attempting to enter

the fashion school but my mother would not let me really stopped eating, sometimes when

nobody was ate much, all I could because part of me told me not to eat that was wrong ... but

then I repented and I threw up everything according to burn calories, also chewing ice ... to fool

my body! everything was worse soon the pretty girl that everyone saw was disappearing before

.. I marked a horrible dark circles, my hair was dry and very fine, my skin was a little jaundice, he


Tell your story…

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was always tired and yet was still energetic immediately when no one saw me ... and my school

friends began to tell me that I had dark circles that they now believed they had wrinkles and I

came out of the school and was going to buy those creams that moms used for expression lines,

weight loss pills and things that not the case .... I was going crazy!

REPORTER: what were the consequences of what you were doing to your body?

Andrea: Soon, my grades dropped, once was exposing the entire school against a day of honor

to the flag and fell before the eyes of all ... just fainted, I lasted 2 days in a coma, because I had a

type of glass but lower myocardial .... When I awoke I was in hospital with many drugs, it was

very painful for me to see how my parents suffered so, I felt shame! almost 1 month I was

hospitalized and was in psychological therapy a long year .... was hard because my stomach was

small, like my body was accustomed to little food and shrugged my intestines was very difficult

for me to eat without already vomited same reaction when ingested body something ..

REPORTER: was long the recovery process?

Andrea: it was a long process, now I have 15 years, 4 months perform my 16!! and now I

measure 1.63 and weight 44 kgs ... I am By taking forward, I'll keep dancing workout at home,

but eating healthily and three times a day!!

Eventually my parents sued the agency but still works today ....

REPORTER: that's good, you're a great person for sharing your experience

Andrea: I hope my story will serve, not just overweight people suffer from anorexia, bulimia or

any eating disorder ... take care of your body, take care of your life!!


REPORTER: thank you very much I’m sure that this story will be very important for girls that

happen for similar situation.


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