Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Revised Wing Rules 1.1 By WarbossJim Wings now work in a similar way to those rules presented in Dystopian Wars. Wing types- There are now only two types of wings. Attack Craft and Assault Shuttles. The player must decide which his carriers are holding prior to starting play. Configuration- Attack Craft can be configured for one of three missions before being launched and can be reconfigured when recovered. They are launched the next time their parent carrier activates but not on the same turn they landed. Flights may be no larger than six Wings. All wings in a flight must be of the same type. Wings can be launched as Fighters, Bombers or Interceptors. Stats are the same as in Firestorm but the Bomber has a movement of 16”. One exception to this is Bombers may “jettison” their ordinance at any time and so doing will allow them to revert to fighters. Reorganization- Many ships are able to hold more than the standard squadron size of six wings. Any flight may combine or “absorb” wings from another flight if it is below the full strength size of six wings. However this may only be done on the carrier and the Flight cannot launch on the same turn it is Reorganizing. For example: A Ralthoza carrier has 8 wings on board. The player launches 6 wings in one flight and in a later turn suffers three losses. He then returns them to the carrier and has the Flight Reorganize to include the 2 wings that were left on board, bringing the flight up to strength of 5. He then re-launches them on the following turn. In another example- an Aquan Battle Carrier has 10 wings grouped in two flights of 5. Both flights get badly mauled in combat and return to the carrier after each losing two wings. The Aquan player then reorganizes them into one squadron of 6 and launches them the following turn. Note- Wings may be Reconfigured the same turn they are Reorganizing. Additionally, if a Flight has Wings that have been Driven Off, they may go with their Flight when activated if the Flight is returning to a carrier in its activation. Assaulters- In the revised rules Assaulters may now return to their carrier and load more marines. These come from the ships own AP of course. Additionally, any ship that starts the game with Assault Wings may double its AP capacity at a cost of 2 points per AP added or 3 points if the ship has the MAR Elite Crew or Special Forces. However you may not add more AP than the number of Assault Wings assigned to the ship. Additionally, only the ships original AP value may participate in any given boarding action. So for example: a Carrier has 4 AP, loads 9 Assaulters and buys an additional 4AP to reload the assaulters. If the carrier Moves Alongside and initiates a Boarding Assault only 4AP may actually board the enemy ship. The next activation it could Move Alongside again and send over another 4AP.


Space Fighter Rules for Firestorm Armada. Includes conversion for BSG and SW.

Transcript of Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Page 1: Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Revised Wing Rules 1.1 By WarbossJim Wings now work in a similar way to those rules presented in Dystopian Wars.

Wing types- There are now only two types of wings. Attack Craft and Assault Shuttles. The player must decide which his carriers are holding prior to starting play.

Configuration- Attack Craft can be configured for one of three missions before being launched and can be reconfigured when recovered. They are launched the next time their parent carrier activates but not on the same turn they landed. Flights may be no larger than six Wings. All wings in a flight must be of the same type. Wings can be launched as Fighters, Bombers or Interceptors. Stats are the same as in Firestorm but the Bomber has a movement of 16”. One exception to this is Bombers may “jettison” their ordinance at any time and so doing will allow them to revert to fighters.

Reorganization- Many ships are able to hold more than the standard squadron size of six wings. Any flight may combine or “absorb” wings from another flight if it is below the full strength size of six wings. However this may only be done on the carrier and the Flight cannot launch on the same turn it is Reorganizing. For example: A Ralthoza carrier has 8 wings on board. The player launches 6 wings in one flight and in a later turn suffers three losses. He then returns them to the carrier and has the Flight Reorganize to include the 2 wings that were left on board, bringing the flight up to strength of 5. He then re-launches them on the following turn. In another example- an Aquan Battle Carrier has 10 wings grouped in two flights of 5. Both flights get badly mauled in combat and return to the carrier after each losing two wings. The Aquan player then reorganizes them into one squadron of 6 and launches them the following turn. Note- Wings may be Reconfigured the same turn they are Reorganizing. Additionally, if a Flight has Wings that have been Driven Off, they may go with their Flight when activated if the Flight is returning to a carrier in its activation. Assaulters- In the revised rules Assaulters may now return to their carrier and load more marines. These come from the ships own AP of course. Additionally, any ship that starts the game with Assault Wings may double its AP capacity at a cost of 2 points per AP added or 3 points if the ship has the MAR Elite Crew or Special Forces. However you may not add more AP than the number of Assault Wings assigned to the ship. Additionally, only the ships original AP value may participate in any given boarding action. So for example: a Carrier has 4 AP, loads 9 Assaulters and buys an additional 4AP to reload the assaulters. If the carrier Moves Alongside and initiates a Boarding Assault only 4AP may actually board the enemy ship. The next activation it could Move Alongside again and send over another 4AP.

Page 2: Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Attacks - Wing vs. Wing This is unchanged from Firestorm

Attacks- Ship vs. Wing This is unchanged from Firestorm and ships may attack Wings during the ships movement.

Attacks- Wing vs. Ship Wings now link fire with FULL dice. They may attack in one of two different modes. Stand Off and Point Blank. In a Stand Off attack the Wing is firing its long range ordinance or perhaps tactical nukes/Anti-matter Torpedoes. It does so at any point in range band one. This will keep the Wing itself from coming under attack by the ships PD, however the target ships PD will be able to fire on the incoming Ordinance and any hits that make it thru that will

impact the ships shields (if it has any). Long Range attacks do not use the exploding D6 game mechanic. In a Point Blank attack the wing is heading straight in to the enemy ship and targeting its most vulnerable spots. Move the wing to within 4” and stop, allowing the target ship to defend itself with any PD it may have. The surviving Wings then move into base contact and roll AD as above but add+1 to the die rolls. PD fire and shield may not defend against this type of attack.

Fuel- Fighter craft in most SF shows and movies seem to be able to very long periods without needing to refuel and can apparently operate for several hours without have to “re-tank” even when operating in a planet’s atmosphere. Therefore players do not need to keep track of how much fuel a given Flight is using. Also, a great deal of feedback on the Dystopian forum seems to suggest how tedious it is to track fuel on each counter. With the likelihood of 20 or more wings on the table I feel requiring such tracking would bog the game down too much. Flight support (CAP- Combat air support) - No change from Firestorm however Flights can fly CAP on any or all ships of a given squadron, not just one. In addition, wings on CAP may not make Long Range attacks. They are far too busy protecting the ship they are covering.

Page 3: Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Intercept Movement- No change from Firestorm however Flights may only make one Intercept move per turn.

Optional Rules- It is suggested that Battle Carriers or other Large ships that hold 10 FW be allowed to increase their FW to 12. This will allow them to carry two complete groups rather than any understrength groups which doesn’t seem very Battle Carrier “like”. Leviathans should have up to 18 Wings. Wing Model Assigned Rules- Some wings have their own Model Assigned Rules, which are specific to individual fleets either because of different technology or fleet doctrine. Rugged Construction (Dindrenzi)- If the token suffers one or more destroyed results roll a 1D6 to cancel each of them. The hit is ignored on a roll of 5 or 6 (without an extra roll for the six). A roll or 1,2,3, or 4 has no effect. Faster Torpedoes (Terran)- If a Bomber token makes a Long Range attack (RB1) against a ship, that ship must re-roll all of its PD hits against the torpedoes. Any ships assisting with their own PD or any Wings on CAP must also re-roll their hits. More PD turrets (Directorate)- The wings are equipped with a self-firing rear PD turret. Anytime the wing is in combat with other wings it gains +1 to its PD. Superior Engine (Aquan Assaulters)- The token increases its movement rating by +2 High Speed Run (Sorylian)-

If this token makes a Point Blank attack against a ship that ship must re-roll all of its PD hits against the Wing. Any ships assisting with their own PD or any Wings on CAP must also re-roll their hits. However in so doing the Attack Craft sacrifice the +1 on AD rolls, thus only hitting on a 4,5, or 6. The Sorlian player may choose to make a regular Point Blank attack if he wishes instead. Hive Mind (Ralthoza)- When Flight that has Swarm Tactics makes an AD attack against a model and uses Linked Fire, the COMBINED attack receives a +1 dice. Additionally Squadrons that have not been attacked or made any attacks this turn may Reorganize as if they had landed on a carrier. High Speed Evasion (Aquan Attack craft)- The Attack Craft is extremely maneuverable. If the token suffers one or more Driven Off results roll a 1D6 to cancel each of them. The hit is ignored on a roll of 5 or 6 (without an extra roll for the six). A roll or 1,2,3, or 4 has no effect. Well Trained (Kedorian, Ryushi )- This token can deploy within 6” of its carrier when it is launched and can land on the carrier so long as it is within 6”. Also, the Flight may choose to redeploy anywhere in the players set up area after the opposing fleet has set up. This is done after any redeployment due to Scout MARs.

Page 4: Revised Wing Rules by Warboss Jim

Flight Tracker: Below is a simple Flight Tracker players may use at their option to record the status of their individual Flights. Squadron Designator is for how you have your models described or marked on the table such as yellow squadron, blue squadron, etc. Flight Type is either going to be Attack Craft or Assault Shuttles. Configuration is to record what configuration your Attack Craft are in. In the case of assault Shuttles you can use this to show if they have AP on board or not. Turns Activated are just that and number destroyed is for those wishing to track casualties.

It is suggested you print this page out and either laminate it or slide into a page protector. You can then use a grease pencil or dry erase marker to enable you to update each Flights information as the game progresses.

Flight Tracker Squadron Designator:__________________ Flight Type:__________________________ Configuration:________________________ Turns Activated: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [] [] [] [] [] [] Number Destroyed:____________

Squadron Designator:__________________ Flight Type:__________________________ Configuration:________________________ Turns Activated: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [] [] [] [] [] [] Number Destroyed:____________

Squadron Designator:__________________ Flight Type:__________________________ Configuration:________________________ Turns Activated: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [] [] [] [] [] [] Number Destroyed:____________

It is suggested you print this page out and either laminate it or slide into a page protector. You can then use a grease pencil or dry erase marker to enable you to update each Flights information as the game progresses. Squadron Designator:__________________ Flight Type:__________________________ Configuration:________________________ Turns Activated: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [] [] [] [] [] [] Number Destroyed:____________

Squadron Designator:__________________ Flight Type:__________________________ Configuration:________________________ Turns Activated: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [] [] [] [] [] [] Number Destroyed:____________