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1 M I T SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT PUNE One-year Full Time Masters Program in Government Batch 02, Year 2006-07



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One-year Full Time

Masters Program in Government

Batch 02, Year 2006-07

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Index Particulars Pg. No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inauguration Ceremony 5

Eminent Lectures

Mr. V. K. Saraf 7

Mr. Prakash Javadekar 8

Mr. Ram Gopal Varma 9

Mr. K. G. Kannabiran 10

Mr. K. N. Govindacharya 11

Mr. Anupam Mishra 12

Mr. V. Ranganathan 13

Mr. Satyavrat Chaturvedi 14

Mr. Sanjay Bapna 15

Mr. Jimmy Gurule 16

Mr. P. A. Sangma 17

Mr. Bharat Parekh 18

Mr. Arjun Singh 19

Mr. Avinash Dharmadhikari 20

Mr. Kumar Saptarshi 21

Mr. Tripurari Sharan 22

Mr. Prabhakar Karandikar 23

Ms. Poonam Mahajan 24

Mr. A. Vasudevan 25

Mr. V. P. Rane 26

Mr. Santosh Dutta 27

Mr. B. G. Deshmukh 28

Mr. K. Natwar Singh 29

Sri. Sri. Ravi Shankar 30

Mr. T. N. Seshan 30

Mr. Sanjay Kumar 31

Mr. Sharad Joshi 32

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Mr. Karti Chidambaram 33

Mr. Chandan Mitra 34

Mr. Jaswant Singh 35

Mr. G. V. Rao 36

Dr. Raj S. Babu 37

Mr. P. N. Siva 38

Mr. Vishwas Gangurde 39


One-Day Round Table Conference 41

An Initiative On The Worlds Aids Day - Street Play 42

Workshop On Electoral Processes-By CSDS 43

One-Day Round Table SEZ 43

NGO Exposure Workshop 44

Discussion On Current Constitutional Issues 44

Building a career, building the nation:

Career-counseling workshop by MAFOI 45

Local Field Visit

15-Day Field Study of Farmers' Suicide in The

Vidarbha Region Of Maharashtra, 47

Wadki Grampanchayat 48

Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF) 49

Manavya 50

Katewadi Visit 51

Model Parliament 53

Convocation Ceremony 55

Academic Team 58

Academic Awards 60

Advertisement 63

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Inauguration Ceremony

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Inauguration Ceremony

MIT School of Government initiated the second

batch of Master‟s Program in Government for the

academic year 2006-07. It was a privilege to have

Hon‟ble Union Minister, HRD Shri. Arjun Singh

along with Shri. Narendra Jadhav to grace the

occasion and have his blessings for the second

batch – MPG 02.

During the event Shri. Narendra Jadhav Vice

Chancellor of Pune University spoke about India

becoming super power in near future. Also he

added that India reemerging or regaining as an

economic super power in the committee of nations.

Shri. Arjun Singh Hon‟ble Union Minister HRD

through his much gained experience in the political

world has beautifully expressed an echoed feeling

for the nation.

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Eminent Lectures

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DATE: September 11, 2006


DESIGNATION: Former Managing Director,

IPS, Centre for Police Research

SUBJECT: Criminal Investigation Procedures and

Reliability of Witnesses

“Statement of witness can be used only in respect of his disposition, not to contradict or

corroborate any other witnesses, it is limited to himself.

Investigation is a form of research.

Over dependence on oral testimony of witnesses has to be reduced and so there has to

be change in the investigation agencies and the judiciary, and change of attitude, in the

form of paradigm shift.

Change in the procedural law is crucial; it should not be a halfhearted patchwork as we

see now, but a radical change in the total concept of administration.”

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DATE: September 12, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Prakash Javadekar

DESIGNATION: Spokesperson, BJP

SUBJECT: Qualification of a Good Politician- special focus on

Qualities of Effective Spokesperson

“A social worker is one who can stretch their

hand to pull out someone's thorn while consoling

the other person!” The 3 S‟s which are necessary to

be a good leader are being Sensitive, having the

will to Struggle, and ready to Sacrifice their own

self. He spoke about the evils of dynastic politics -

he questioned what happened to meritocracy? He

also questioned if the society is becoming a feudal

society. The essential ingredients of joining politics are having a passion for service,

mastering the art of good communication while having a vision and a mission. He

requested people to vote for the person and not the purse, rather vote for the party and

not the person.

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DATE: September 16, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Ram Gopal Verma

DESIGNATION: Film Director

SUBJECT: Extempore

“I was never much to politics, thinking for

anyone except myself and what I want and used

to take pride in it. I never voted in my life ever

till today. When I read a line that something

which is working against „I don‟t care culture‟, it

completely took me back. I always took pride in

saying I don‟t care. But after visit to this institute

no longer I can say that.

The idea of having a school for politicians

is incredibly renovating. I was always

resistant towards voting for anybody and

feel that what this man deserve to be MLA

or MP, because none of them have any

qualification, knowledge or education, but

no choice you vote for that person.

This institute will assure to the common man that the student coming out of this institute

will be having the basic knowledge, qualification, motivation and doing it with specific

purpose will instill lot of confidence and trust.”

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DATE: September 20, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. K. G. Kannabiran

DESIGNATION: National President for People‟s Union for Civil Liberties

SUBJECT: Terror Laws and Peace

“With young, you forget your age, you also become

young.” “I have been contending all my life that

governance is not enforcing penal laws alone, governance

is something which will manage the society in such a way

that, it will improve the living conditions of people. It will

ensure the prevalence of human dignity in our relationship

with each other. It will see to that majority of the

populations in this country who are poor, are provided with the right to life and right to

a living.

Incompetence of Governance increased in these years. Satyagraha is an act of

defence, it begin with as a strategy later, evolved into as a philosophy. Terrorism has

become an act of defiance by a handful of people against a nation state and it is very

difficult for the state to respond to this.

With the war on terrorism, there is a

qualitative change in the character of the

war that you do not know which country to

attack but you have the freedom to attack.

Congress government being closer to

America and having joined war on

terrorism cannot be without law on terrorism. He also mentioned about “Unlawful

prevention of Act, 1967.

If this law traps a guilty, it traps a hundred innocent people, that is the problem.

“When political system is insufficient, when justice is not done, terrorism emerges. Penal

law cannot correct social imbalance, what is needed is the improvement of living

condition of all categories of people. Today the possibility of having a dialogue is

meager as the characteristics of war which we are having changed. There is a vested

interest in disorder in the kind of politics we are having in our country today.”

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DATE: September 21, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. K. N. Govindacharya

DESIGNATION: Convenor, Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan

SUBJECT: Globalization with reference to Swadeshi

Mr. K.N. Govindacharya on his interaction with MPG-02 students spoke on

“Globalization”. How globalization has affected the whole world, whether we all are

benefitted or not and what our country expects from globalization. He also briefed the

students about working of WTO, the participation of countries in WTO. Then he

informed the participants about the role of WTO towards developed and developing

nations and how Globalization is affecting developing nations. At the end there was a

question answer session for the participants and the lecture was concluded by the vote

of thanks which was proposed by one the participants

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DATE: September 22, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Anupam Mishra

DESIGNATION: Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation, NGO

SUBJECT: Recent Floods, Draughts and Traditional Rain

Water Harvesting System

Quote: Our society is not a clear slate. It has already

got its own customs, languages, traditional culture etc.

India is a country made of villages. There are more

than 5 lakhs of villages. Compared to that, governance

is through the Prime Minister and his council of

Ministers, the state chief ministers and their ministers,

the district collectors and commissioners. These are highly inadequate to monitor daily

the administration of these villages and cities. Hence, local self-governance is necessary

for it. In Rajasthan, there are 4-5 districts, which are having a desert environment. They

have their own methods of rainwater harvesting which has been used for centuries.

These are controlled by the village panchayats and are managed very efficiently.

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DATE: September 25, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. V. Ranganathan

DESIGNATION: Former Chief Secretary of Government of Maharashtra

SUBJECT: Role of Chief Secretary in a state government

He clarified the correlation between citizens,

legislature, cabinet, Administration and Governor. “It

is not true to say that our delivery system is poor.

Political masters run the administration. They have the

right to take actions against any inefficiency.

There are collective responsibilities. The Chief Secretary is expected to state the

facts of the case as accurately and thoroughly as possible and make recommendations

that it is prerogative of the minister to take correct decision and to implement the

decision faithfully. The Chief Secretary has to make suggestions if he knows that

something is wrong in the decision. While

mentioning the role of Chief Secretary in the

administrative set up, he said,

1. Chief Secretary is the considered to be

the head of the civil services who guides or

instructs the civil services and sets the tone of the administration through personal


2. As the head of the civil services, if there are any grievances with any one, he can

meet the Chief Secretary.

3. He is also Secretary to the Cabinet; he will have to prepare notes, will have to be

present in the Cabinet meeting, must be available to give suggestions and will have to

implement the decisions quickly. Today there are hundreds of laws, which serve no

purpose. Systems and procedures are too slow in India. There must be independent

grievances redress mechanism must be there.

Other options are e governance, delegation and decentralization. Chief Secretary

must spare some time to manage and monitor every activity to improve efficiency. One

way to improve the Governance is through public participation. The Chief Secretary is

not only the kingpin of the administrative set up of the state, but a role model, his

inspiration, commitment will certainly improve the tone of administration in the state

and his effort in institutionalizing his improvement thorough system reengineering that it

acquires permanence. Because our procedures and opaque are complicated,

corruption is high in India.”

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DATE: October 3, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Satyavrat Chaturvedi

DESIGNATION: Member of Parliament & General Secretary AICC

SUBJECT: OBC Reservation Policy

“Those who would like to come to politics they must be

mentally and emotionally prepared.

Politics is not good or bad. You will find best scholars in

politics. Politics is the way to achieve gigantic goal through

the practical means. But we will have to look at Aryans

from Aryan standard and Adivasis from Adivasi standard.

It is very difficult to abide by the true ideals, even in the Ramarajya, ideals changed with


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DATE: October 4, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Sanjay Bapna


SUBJECT: Role of Youth in Indian Politics

“The quality of people that have been coming to

politics and the quality of mass attached with politics is not

to the standards as it should be. Most of the political parties

don‟t have internal democracy. Any political decision taken

is in relativity of times.

Politics is not a priority career to the youths today.

Those youths who are in politics today are due to three


1. Active during student life.

2. Political family background.

3. Opportunity through friends, networks that connect with politicians.

Until politics comes up as a career, in the career chart of the youths in this country,

current crisis of talent in politics will carry on. Most of the political parties are feudalistic.

The educated mass does not vote. They are insensitive and indifferent to the country.

Today the image of the politicians has gone down so that even such people with

great heights are considered as scoundrel.

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DATE: October 10, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Jimmy Gurule

DESIGNATION: Professor of Law

SUBJECT: Terrorist Financing & Anti-money Laundering

“Most effective way, in the matter of policy to

influence criminal syndicate and organized crimes

was to deprive them of the finances. If you give

me the option arresting the drug kingpin, ceasing

a million dollars‟ worth of drugs or ceasing the

million dollars in cash, my option will be to go

after money, cease the cash that is the life blood

of criminal organization.

Money is not easily replaceable. Money we will have to look from operational and

organizational perspective. The more ambitious the terrorist organization in terms of

objectives and goals, more money they need to sustain or to finance.

Today going after money is the

key to dismantling the terrorism

around the world. One of the

lessons we learned is that the

main sources of funding for the

Al-Qaeda and other terrorist

organization is Islamic charity.

It is not true that the terrorists are the product of socio-economic disadvantage. Many of

the Al-Qaeda leaders are qualified, from sound financial background, these educated

are taking advantage of other Muslim men who are poor and disadvantaged to fulfill

their plans.

It is not easy to balance between civil liberty, privacy and security.

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DATE: October 14, 2006


DESIGNATION: Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)

SUBJECT: Participated in shadow parliament & in

Classroom- extempore speech

The biggest achievement of India after Independence in one sentence is preservation of

parliamentary democracy without interruption. The definition of democracy by President

Abraham Lincoln is “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”. But

practically it means „sharing of power‟. Sharing is the word, in a parliamentary

democracy, sharing is the best-afforded forum. Till 1977, we were perhaps alright; it

was ruled by a single party, Indian National Congress Party and National Party. From

1977 onwards, you can see the decline of National Party and the immerging of

regional parties.

Today, we have 700+ political party registered with election commissioner of

India. India is suffering today in

crises of the leadership and here

comes the importance of your

institution. Yours is the only

institution, which has applied on

this aspect that you are mine.

We need leaders in this country, if

people can‟t produce these leaders, if political parties do not like to produce leaders,

then institutions like you have to produce leaders and this is a must.

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DATE: October 16, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Bharat Parekh

DESIGNATION: General Manager, Special Project Cell ABMC

SUBJECT: Indian Industries‟ contribution in the social sector

Our mission is to deliver superior value to our

customers, shareholders, employees and

society at large. Our projects are planned in

participatory manner, looking at long-term

sustainability. The biggest value that our

group has achieved is the value of trusteeship.

We need ourselves to guide us. Aditya Birla group started with Grasim industries, the

largest producers of fiber, which is an alternative to cotton. The father of

Kumaramangalam Birla, after returning from US, understood that there is too much of

red tapism around and people don‟t know what he is talking about and he got

frustrated. He visited countries abroad for e.g., South East Asia, Thailand, Philippines

and proved to the people there that Indian can prove itself and is equally good, if not

better, in the open market situations anywhere.

Outside India, there was too much of competition,

but the group never lagged behind. In the 43

years of my career with Aditya Birla group, one

single value unchanged is character, which is to

excel and to be at trust.

There are certain Mantras coined by the chairman, they are –

1. Integrity

2. Commitment

3. Passion

4. Seamlessness

5. Speed

All these mantras are equally important. No value will take precedence. It is the greater

value creation for our stakeholders. Our vision is to be a premium global conglomerate

with a clear focus on each business.

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DATE: October 27, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Arjun Singh

DESIGNATION: Union Minister, HRD

SUBJECT: Inauguration of MPG-02

Leadership of men and women is not learned

in any classroom. That Karad Sir has brought

it about in this classroom is an effort for

which he must be lauded and is a fact. I

would suggest that let us explore the

possibilities and find out whether it is all

possible that intuitions like this are multiplied

because the need of the nation for leadership

in all dimensions in the future is going to be very great. Nature will throw them up. Our

genius will fashion them but perhaps it would be a good thing. Similarly in every corner

of this great country, we had such institutions, which would also give them some

necessity grounding and able them to take up the task of the future. His own experience

says that the biggest thing that makes politics and during is acquiring the trust of

people. Your first effort to acquire trust succeeds in how small or big way you want to

do something, it will get legitimacy and once it will get legitimacy, today or tomorrow,

society will except and doing what society excepts is the basic duty of a political work.

This Nation will immerge not as a political power or a military power or a super power

but as a great magnet for knowledge, which

will really fuel the future growth of the world

and in that exercise India will play a very

important role. He said that he don‟t know

whether Shri. Karadji would allow him to join

one of his classes, sometime later but today he

won‟t mind coming back to the institution as a

student sometime later because in the school of life it is never too late to learn.

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DATE: November 9, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Avinash Dharmadhikari

DESIGNATION: Retd. IAS & Director, Chanakya Mandal

SUBJECT: Politics- Bureaucracy: Interface

It is through our capacity and character the

future of our country will be shaped. Politics is the art of

the possible. Politics has become economy driven. Our

democracy is based upon the western model. Politician

and bureaucrats are two wheels of the chariots.

Bureaucracy should be made answerable to people.

Bureaucrats are accountable to people‟s representatives and people‟s representatives

are answerable to people. Essential role assigned to the politicians, the people‟s

representative is to represent people‟s will by forming policies and programs which

would give shape to the aspirations of people.

Essential role of bureaucrats is two-fold,

firstly to give free and fair advice to the

politicians and secondly to helping them to

formulate policies and programs.

Corruption cannot occur unless politicians

and bureaucrats are hand in hand with

each other.

My campaigns, movements throughout the country help me understand the strength of

bureaucracy. I claimed have seen both from the side of a journalist, activist, bureaucrat

and politicians. Politics, in fact, is one more medium to serve the country. As per

Gandhiji, politics is the means to achieve oneness with god. Today politics almost

borders on treason.

In our country politicians are on a position for life. No politicians take the responsibility

of anything. It needs immense courage for the politicians to confess politically in front of

public. Unless first we make bureaucracy answerable to the people, taking the power of

transfer away from politicians is not advisable.

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DATE: November 10, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Kumar Saptarshi

DESIGNATION: Editor, Satyagrahi

SUBJECT: Youth Movement in Maharashtra

Quote: Man is the only animal who attacks his own kind.

The strong attack the weak. Governance is required to stop

the strong from attacking the weak.

Every person has to get the company of proper people at the proper time for him to

achieve something in life. As a young man, I was in constant search for this enviable

company. As the first educated youth of my village, I wanted to do something for my

country and my village. I went to all political parties but could not find any answers.

Congress did not like us asking questions. BJP wanted to bring back the glorious period

of Ramayana into today‟s world. Was Ramayana flawless? Did not Sita suffer even in

Ramayana? CPI (M) wanted us to bring in armed revolution. How does one do it? We,

the youth of Maharashtra got our leadership in the form of Jayaprakash Narayan. He

was our leader during the dark era of Emergency.

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DATE: November 13, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Tripurari Sharan


SUBJECT: Management of Public Institutions in India

What is important to any institution is the

strategy that they adopt and who will

decide on this strategy. No competition or

threats to any efficiently run public

institutions because of cost factor and

wider net.

Leadership is crucial to adopt relevant

strategy and the proper management of

any public or private institutions. Market orientation of Indian cinema advanced to such

an extent that some institutions like NFDC in

tune with those changes outfitted the

objective for which it started. Many public

sectors are reinvented themselves to equip

for the changes.

Whether Democracy as a political system is

capable of successfully tackling and

eliminating the poverty in the same way as

authoritarian regimes? In democratic regimes what is most important is the strategy that

you are adopting.

Two strategies adapted to tackling poverty, since independence are direct attack on

poverty and trickle-down effect.

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DATE: November 15, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Prabhakar Karandikar

DESIGNATION: Divisional Commissioner, Pune

SUBJECT: Working of Self-Help Group & Micro Finance

The idea of Self-Help Group is that instead of waiting till the fruits of economic growth

trickle down to the lowest rank of the society, help them to cross the poverty line and

come up to the social and economic ladder. Instead of looking at individual borrowers,

you feel to look at as a group who share certain common interests, common

commitments who are able to take collateral guarantee as the group dynamics work


Definition of poverty is not easy. The idea of self-help group emerged from the

experience of Gramin Bank of Bangladesh. It is adopted in different forms in different

countries depending on local situations and needs.

The main theme is that how poor can be made bankable and how the small doses of

institutional finance can transform their lives. People realized after watching this silent

revolution that it leads to the women empowerment. It helps in building financial

capabilities and self-confidence in

the rural poor, through internal

savings and lending from the

owned funds of Self-Help Groups.

No element of subsidy refinance by

NABARD to Banks.

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DATE: November 17, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Ms. Poonam Mahajan


SUBJECT: Extempore

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DATE: November 19, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. A. Vasudevan

SUBJECT: Financing Future Growth of Indian Economy

Quote: A good economist must have

knowledge of Mathematics, Accounts, History,

Philosophy and Geography of his country.

All over the world, India has been lauded as

the country with highest economic growth in

recent times. But this growth is only in some

sectors. Financial aspects have been largely

ignored. In the 1950, it was envisaged that

India would have a certain growth index in 25

years. It would have to match the International standards. Accordingly, the 5-year plans

were created. Now, for every growth, a large amount of investment is necessary.

Policies have to be made, they have to be announced and then implemented. Private

sector also has to be invited to invest in these areas. All this is a very complex


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DATE: November 22, 2006


DESIGNATION: (Retd. IAS) & Former Director, Vasantdada Sugar Institute

SUBJECT: Accountability in Bureaucracy

Quote: Good governance means self-governance.

Democracy must be accompanied with good


India is facing stupendous problems which can be

resolved by a very good and trained leadership. A

leader who understands the problems of this very

complex nation of ours and can also foresee the

development of the country into a super power is needed. There are two events which

stand out in our history. One is Mahatma Gandhi‟s leadership and the other is Pandit

Nehru‟s speech on the eve of our freedom. Gandhiji was not only fighting for our

country‟s freedom but also fighting to wipe the tears from the eyes of the poor people of

India. Pandit Nehru in his speech had talked of a Nation Awakening while the world

sleeps. Has our Nation truly awakened? Are we self-sufficient? Have we rid ourselves of

poverty? These are the questions we must ask ourselves. Only our Democracy has

flourished. We have had

regular elections. Not

many countries in our

neighborhood can boast

of this achievement. But

accountability? That will

have a very different


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DATE: November 29, 2006

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Santosh Dutta

DESIGNATION: Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Pune

SUBJECT: Present Income Tax scenario in India

Quote: Income Tax Department helps in the nation building process and hence must

not be seen with resentment.

Today, when one talks about the Income Tax Department, one always talks with

resentment. It takes away hard earned money of the people – be it salaried or

businesspersons. This money is used to build the infrastructure necessary for the

development of the country. In the early 1960, taxation rate was very high. People used

to avoid paying taxes. Now, however, taxation rate has been lowered, but collection has

become very high. On the other hand, new taxes have been launched.

Government service is considered a permanent service. Hence, the quality of service

given by the government servants is very bad. Even if one is paying very high taxes, he

will not be given good service in the Income Tax office. This has changed for the better

in recent times.

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DATE: January 8, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. B. G. Deshmukh

DESIGNATION: Former Cabinet Secretary,

President, CASP (Community AIDS Sponsorship Program)

SUBJECT: My experiences as Chairman of AGNI

Quote: “You do not get anything by asking, you

need to strive for it”

Creating awareness among the citizens about need for good governance was the

reason for starting our NGO AGNI – „Action for Governance Networking in India‟. The

citizens have to know their rights as well as responsibilities. This is the meaning of good

governance. Once AGNI was established it was found that institutions and mechanisms

for good governance were needed. People needed to know where to go with their

grievances. A common man has most of his work and related problems with the

Municipal Corporation- in case of urban areas – and the police force. Secondly, they

have problems with educational institutions and health related problems. Hence, AGNI

thought of establishing grievance cells in each of the wards. A coordinator or a

volunteer would be appointed by AGNI, who would in turn create a cell to address

people‟s grievances and make an honest effort to solve their problems.

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DATE: January 9, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. K. Natwar Singh

DESIGNATION: Hon‟ble Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

SUBJECT: Indian Foreign Policy in next decade

Today is the 9th Jan and on 9th Jan 1953, he appeared before the Union public service

commission for his interview for the Indian Foreign Service in the Indian Administrative

Service and he came first in India. How and why has Indian democracy survived?

One of the strongest points in India Governance, crises management is India‟s

strong point. Be a good, reconciling contradictions because we were not when our

democracy won‟t work and if we were not good in a crises management than you will

have total chaos in all part of the country. He also spoke on Diplomacy and Foreign

Policy. Foreign policy is what you do; diplomacy is how you do it. You can have

perfectly good policy and perfectly useless diplomacy. Diplomacy is not a science, it‟s a

craft. You are dealing with human beings were equally proficient in their profession.

The qualities of an ideal

diplomat are truth,

accuracy, calm, patience,

good temper, modesty,

loyalty, intelligence,


deraignment, prudence,

charm, industry, courage

and tact.

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DATE: January 11, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Sri. Sri. Ravi Shankarji

DESIGNATION: Spiritual Saint and Guru

SUBJECT: Blessing to MIT-SOG students

Politics means caring for the people, things concerned

to the people. He has written an article on loyalty and choice. You should have loyalty

towards nation, people then you are able to choose independently. The first and

foremost quality of a leader is to free your mind from the prejudice. The politics putting

you on the chair is not a position of power, it‟s a position to serve and we cannot take

pride to renouncing service. For youth, you should have three qualifications enthusiasm,

innovative spirit, and respect for others. If

you have these three things, life will take

you in the right direction.

DATE: January 11, 2007


DESIGNATION: Former Chief Election Commissioner of India

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DATE: January 13, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Sanjay Kumar


SUBJECT: Workshop on Election Studies in India

Quote: In India, religion, caste and region is used in a derogatory manner in politics.

The sample size that was taken for our research study comprised of 27,000 Hindu

people comprising of men and women, urban and rural, educated and illiterate, across

all age groups as also the rich and the poor. The findings regarding religiosity threw up

very surprising results. The popular notion that it is the rural, illiterate population, which

is more religious, has been proved wrong. The study took into account –

1. Whether they performed pooja daily, weekly, occasionally or never

2. Visit to temple

3. Observing fasts etc. when the survey was through, it was found that women were

more religious than men, older age groups were more inclined towards religion and

that the urban populace was more religious than their rural counterparts. It was also

found that the rich were more religious than the poor. Similarly, caste as a factor if

used, one can see that the upper caste people were more religious. Then came the

OBCs and lastly we find the SCs and STs, who are least religious.

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DATE: January 16, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Sharad Joshi

DESIGNATION: Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

SUBJECT: Developing Leadership Qualities

My new life began from 1980, when I started work of Shetkari Sangathana. The interest

of the politician was to make agriculture a closed field; nobody can go out because you

can‟t sell the land and nobody can go in because if u will let go one man, who has the

intellectual caliber and who has the financial power and the managerial ability than he

will disclose the whole nature of the governmental conspiracy against the farmer and

that would be a dangerous field. In 1986, we had that Chandaward women‟s

conference, which was attended by over 2 hundred thousand women and which

became a kind of milestone in the history of women‟s literature and also the women‟s

movement which skilled unheard of heights for getting the women‟s property rights and

also getting the women‟s educational rights. He said that the no farm leader even born

in a farmer‟s family and who belongs to their caste has ever succeeded in obtaining as

much love and affection from the farmers in India as I have and I considered that as a

major success. Leadership qualities or qualities of greatness are not necessary better

mental intellectual of physical parameters.

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DATE: January 17, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Karti Chidambaram

DESIGNATION: Member, All India Congress Committee

SUBJECT: Role of Youth in Politics

Quote: Any youngster, if he wants to create an impact in the development of his

country, must take an active interest in the politics of his country.

Usually, the educated middle class likes to blame the government for all the things that

are going wrong in the country. There is tremendous cynicism among the urban

educated youth about politics. They feel totally alienated from the processes of

democracy. They don‟t vote nor know about their elected representatives. This is a very

depressing attitude. This results in election of a class of people that are only out there

for selfish motives. During the freedom struggle, the one common thing amongst all our

leaders was that they were from this same educated middle class. They were committed,

highly qualified and totally answerable to their countrymen. Today, this same middle

class has forsaken its responsibility. For India to change, its middle class needs to take

up this responsible role

again. Only then will we

get a responsible,

accountable government.

This role will have to be

taken up by the young,

educated middle class of

our country. Take up any profession, but keep abreast of the politics of your country.

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DATE: January 25, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Chandan Mitra

DESIGNATION: Hon‟ble Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

SUBJECT: Role of Media in Indian Elections

I have found in the last three years that the

Parliament is a complicated place. It takes

time to understand that how the system

works. So, it really takes a long time for the

member to come to the integrities.

Media has played all through a very

significant role in promoting clean, fair and

participative elections. I would like to see an election commission that is open to ideas,

suggestion and consultation. I sometimes feel that they keep themselves too cooked up.

They should open themselves for much better interaction and dialogue not just for the

eve of elections but for throughout the year for the ongoing process and I think media

people can guide them a lot.

There are some roles that are universal for the media worldwide. First thing we have to

understand and appreciate is that without media you cannot have democracy at all.

Media is the pillar of democracy and if you will remove the media it will collapse.

There are 3 universal principal roles of


1. The media must give information to the


2. The media should explain that

information to the people. It is not enough

to give the raw data but to explain that what

the data that you have given is.

3. Media can also guide in their thought process.

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DATE: February 17, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Jaswant Singh

DESIGNATION: Hon‟ble Leader of Opposition, Rajya Sabha

Quote: The first Government is to govern yourself. If your own self is not governed, you

cannot govern anybody.

The first Government is to govern yourself. If your own self is not governed, you cannot

govern anybody. So, the first requirement is to know you and the second is true genuine

humility. So, set your objectives, never ever give up your object. Please remember, I

never forget that you can reach the horizon. The country is the collective of all of us. It is

not one individual or family and it cannot be, therefore you should learn about your

country. You cannot govern India, unless you know India. If you don‟t have the passion

about Politics and Government, then please don‟t make it a source of livelihood

because Government requires you to give, not to take.

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DATE: February 27, 2007


DESIGNATION: Ex-Assistant Director General, UNESCO

SUBJECT: UN and its specialized agencies (UNESCO, ILO, WHO, FAO)

Quote: “War begins in the mind of men; it is in the minds of men that foundations of

peace need to be constructed.”

UN has many defects similar to the earlier League of Nations. These defects need to be

resolved, but the biggest contributors to the UN do not want to resolve them. Hence, it is

for the Member states to try and keep the spirit of the UN alive and resolve the defects


Tolerance towards cultural diversity must be taught at a very young age so that peaceful

solutions to all conflicts can be achieved. It is always easy to start a war but very difficult

to end it. UN and its agencies have to strive towards peaceful co-existence, international

peace and security. Today the world is shrinking and becoming a global village.

“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – the entire world is like one family - is the new mantra

which was taught to us by our ancient seers. This is the goal that has to be achieved by

the UN and its agencies.

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DATE: March 14, 2007



SUBJECT: Health Care for all

Health Care for all, is it possible? It is possible in the developed countries of the world.

Health of its citizens is the true reflection of the wealth of any country. A healthy citizen

can really contribute to the development of the country. The great countries of the world

spend 19% of its GDP towards healthcare. 4300 Dollars / person is the amount spent in

USA on healthcare. In India it is dismal. We spend much more on our Defense. In India

a National Health Policy had been launched in 1983 which aimed at “Health for all” by

2000. Did we achieve it? World Bank had financed this project. Health care included

sanitation, nutrition, drinking water, pollution reduction and health education.

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DATE: April 12, 2007


DESIGNATION: Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

SUBJECT: Role & Responsibility of Youth in Indian Politics

Quote: “Young people of the developing countries are more optimistic despite facing

great challenges than the youngsters of the developed world despite their material


DMK initially was a socially reformative party, which later entered democratic electoral

process. The period of Emergency was like a second war of independence. In the early

days of the Emergency, till the DMK was the ruling party in Tamil Nadu, the Congress

under Mrs. Gandhi was all praise for the democratic rule in Tamil Nadu. It was only,

when the DMK was told to justify the Emergency, which it denied forthright, that the

DMK government was dismissed. Even today, the people of Tamil Nadu respect the

DMK for taking a stand in favor of democracy. DMK also has taken a consistent stand

that no language, be it Hindi or any other language, must be imposed on any State.

Material growth is not the only criteria for any growth. India is bound to be a great force

by 2020. But this growth must have a blend of traditions with science. Only then will

there be real development.

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DATE: May 8, 2007

GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Vishwas Gangurde


SUBJECT: Planning & executing a political campaign

Mahatma Gandhi is the biggest strategizer of

political campaign - his Dandi March, and

uniting the country with weaving hand spun

khadi. He said that everyone wants power, but

what is it that is done with the power that is given

is the most important criterion in the politician

with a difference. He sarcastically commented

that the opposition party can always use the

failure of the ruling government as their political

campaign. There are 3 types of votes during the elections; one are the fixed voters for

your party, second are the fixed voters for the opposition, and the third are the "floating"

voters - to whom the campaign has to be targeted.

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Democracy demands peace and peace perpetuates

democracy. The unity of the visions of MAEER‟s and

MIT-SOG thus came together to organize the one day

round table conference on the Need to Promote

Tolerance, Unity and Cultural Diversity for World

Peace. Eminent speakers and specialists in the realm

attended the conference and spoke on the premises

of religion and its obvious relation to tolerance, unity and diversity. A thought-provoking

agenda it was; to say the least.

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The scourge of the modern word - AIDS - was marked by street plays all over the city of

Pune, on World AIDS Day - 1st December 2006. An AIDS Devil, on stilts, was let loose

in the city and then finally captured and controlled by the Participants of MDG 02. One

of the highlights of the day was performance of the Street Play performed amidst

Commercial Sex Workers of Pune. The Grand finale, of the street plays, took place at

the Shanivaar Wada - a historic monument of Pune. Leading newspapers of the City

and State flashed this event for many weeks following the event.

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The workshop on Electoral Processes by

CSDS provided the inside stories and those

outside it other valuable insights to the

participants in the daylong workshop. The

speaker focused on the misuse of Money and

Muscle Power in Electoral processes in India.

And also stressed on the importance of youth

involvement in politics to change the dynamics of the entire political structure.


The MIT-School of Government organized the one-day national conference on Special

Economic Zones. The Governmental Authorities, Private Players, Economists and

representatives of the farmers discussed the SEZ Issue. The SEZ Act was also included in

the discussion - and the suggestions of these Experts were formulated as Pune


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“NGO Exposure Workshop”, 24 & 25

February, 2007 was held by Gandhi

National Memorial Society, Agakhan

Palace, Pune. In this two-day workshop

the participants got an insight into the

functioning, registration process,

fundraising technique, strategic

management and other operational challenges of NGO. The participants got hands on

experience as they not only saw current set-up and activities undertaken by the Gandhi

National Memorial Society, an NGO

working at Agakhan Palace, but also got

to learn from the stalwarts about their

experiences. This workshop was conducted

exclusively for MIT-SOG participants.


“Discussion on current constitutional

issues” was held by ILS Law College,

Pune on 11th March 2007. One-day

workshop was held by ILS Law College in

the memory of late Dr. S.P. Sathe.

MPG02 participants attended this

workshop and were privileged to listen

the eminent speakers.

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The niche career of politics needs more than just regular counseling. It was with this

view that the daylong workshop with the vibrant counselors from Ma Foi Placement

Consultants was held. The workshop provided the participants an insight about

everything pertinent to a career, especially a political one. Ranging from the importance

of communication to the exploration of invisible career avenues, the counselors taught

them the importance of standing tall and thinking big.

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Local Field Visits

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The high rate of Farmers' suicide in the

Vidarbha region needed to be studied at

close quarters. Thus during the study l eave

in December, 2007, 10 participants

aspiring for the social change decided to

take the call of Shri Bhairav Singh

Shekhawat, former Vice President of India,

to look into the core issue relating to the

farmers suicide in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra.

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The participants got to learn the

practical aspects of the actual

functioning of the rural Local

Self Government units. The

interaction with the Lady

Sarpanch and other members

was very informative and

stimulating. The participants

could see the impact and relate

to what they learnt in the classroom about the 73rd and 74th amendments especially in

the area of women empowerment.

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The mission and the set-up of this NGO

enchanted the participants. The experts from

these centres informed the MITSOG

participants about the activities/projects being

carried out and the mission with which a

staunch Gandhian, Shri Manibhai Desai,

started BAIF.

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Manavya, an NGO and home for the orphaned and destitute children afflicted by

HIV/AIDS on 30th June 2007. It was indeed an intriguing experience to meet the 54

children and the challenges faced by this NGO. The participants not only understood

ho w the HIV/AIDS research and

funding helps such local NGOs, but

also got to know the societal attitude

and other challenges.

In July as the part of the NGO

specialization the participants visited

Sarhad, an NGO that works for the

orphans from war torn area especially

Jammu and Kashmir.

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The participants undertook a 5-day field

study at the Katewadi village in Baramati

taluka. A comprehensive house-to-house

survey was undertaken for the Health,

Education and Sanitation and the

participants prepared a project report too

with some practical recommendations. A

special survey for Women's Groups - a

vulnerable group in the Indian Society -

was also conducted.

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Model Parliament

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The participants conducted Model Parliament, emulating the seat of Indian Democracy

in the presence of Mr. P.A. Sangma on 14th October, 2006. Graced by the presence of

very charismatic and erudite Ex-Speaker of Lok Sabha, Mr. Purno Sangma, who also

acted as a Speaker in this Model Parliament,

it was exclusively set up and performed by

the participants of MIT-SOG MDG 02. All

factual proceedings of the Lok Sabha,

including Passing of a Bill, Amendment

Procedures, and Rejection of No-Confidence

Motion posed by the Opposition, Laying of

the Papers etc. were performed under the

able guidance of Mr. Bhagwan Gujar (Ex- Secretary General of the Rajya Sabha).

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Convocation Ceremony

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On the auspicious day of Gandhi Jayanti, 2nd October 2007, the Convocation

Ceremony of MPG Batch - 02 was

organized. The august ceremony

commenced with the procession led by Prof.

(Gp. Capt.) D. P. Apte, followed by His

Excellency Lt. Gen. (Retd.) S. K. Sinha, PVSM,

Governor of Jammu and Kashmir – along

with Dr. Vishwanath Karad, Shri T. N.

Seshan, Dr. Shrikant Paranjpe, Dr. Francis A. Menezes, Shri. Rahul V. Karad, Prof.

Mangesh Karad, Faculty members and the

Participants of MPG - 02. Well attired in their

Convocation robes, participants were proud to

display their valour. The function started with the

lighting of the traditional lamp followed by the

National Song – Vande Mataram. Founder &

Executive President of MAEER‟s MIT Prof. (Dr.)

Vishwanath D. Karad gave a welcome speech while other dignitaries shared their

thoughts. The main Convocation Ceremony was a gala affair. The MPG – 02

participants were not only excited but also enjoyed each moment while receiving their

Graduation Certificates at the auspicious hands of Hon‟ble Governor of Jammu &

Kashmir. Special Certificates for three outstanding participants of MPG-02 were

announced as a special recognition for their exemplary performances through the year.

Mr. Kannan got “Be The Change” Award for showing remarkable change in behavior

by imbibing the values of Leadership which were taught in the class. Mr. Ajay Srivastava

received “Outstanding Participant” Award, while Mr. Bankim Shah, who had excelled in

academics, received “Best Participant” Award.

Hon‟ble Governor in his very erudite speech referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a

„banyan tree in the world of politics.‟ He lauded the role played by the father of the

nation in framing the destiny of an independent Indian nation, which gave a new

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direction to world politics. “Guided by the ideals of the Mahatma, other great leaders

like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Babu Rajendra Prasad and Lal

Bahadur Shastri played a crucial role in laying the foundation of a strong Indian


The J&K governor highlighted the role of Gandhi‟s

principles of peace and non-violence in shaping the

consciousness of the young Indian nation when it

emerged from the shackles of foreign domination

and took its independent place among the free

nations of the world. He iterated that corruption is

plaguing the country at one hand while the gross domestic product (GDP) is increasing

at an astonishing pace annually on the other.

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Academic Team

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Mr. Vishnu Ram Swaminathan


Ms. Sukalpa Chakraborty

Mrs. Vanisree Ramanathan

Mrs. Shweta Band

Mrs. Mukta Kulkarni

Mrs. Hemangini Shah

Mrs. Rajul Joshi

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Academic Awards

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Best Academic Performance

Mr. Bankim Shah

Best Participant

Mr. Ajay Srivastava

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