Reviewing Your Business' Workplace Safety Standards


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description | When reviewing your company’s safety procedures with your employees, it’s important to try and create a culture of safety. This involves having precise safety goals, making employees feel comfortable reporting their safety concerns, and being willing to change company protocols on work wear and other major policies.

Transcript of Reviewing Your Business' Workplace Safety Standards

Page 1: Reviewing Your Business' Workplace Safety Standards

Reviewing Your Business' Workplace Safety Standards

Building a culture of workplace safety is the only way that businesses can be sure they are doing

everything they can to protect employees and customers from accidents and dangers in the

workplace. In order to create a safe environment for both employees and customers, businesses

need to have a set process by which they review their safety procedures. The key steps in this

review process include:

● Define a specific vision for workplace safety. For a company to be able to effectively

review its workplace safety standards, it has to have an exact definition of what

workplace safety looks like. Instead of treating it like a nebulous concept, management

should define exactly what it wants to achieve with its workplace safety measures. This

can include setting exact yearly, quarterly, or monthly targets for the maximum number

of accidents or safety incidents, identifying existing issues that need to be fixed and a

deadline by which they need to be rectified, and coming up with guidelines for

employees and managers to identify exactly what the most common safety problems are

and how they should be handled. ● Make safety awareness a permanent part of the company culture. Reviewing safety

procedures in the workplace should be a perpetual, ongoing process. If safety is only

brought up and emphasized at certain times, then the company is sending a message that

safety is only a concern during those times. Safety procedures and accident avoidance

measures should be discussed constantly during work meetings and over the course of the

workday, and managers should express to their employees that safety is always a

concern. ● Encourage employees to report safety issues. Identifying all of the potential safety

hazards in your workplace is a collaborative effort. It requires all members of the

workforce to be on the lookout for potential dangers to themselves and others, and it also

requires everyone being comfortable enough to point them out. If employees believe they

will be treated like busybodies or nuisances when they bring up potential safety issues,

they will be much less likely to bring the issues to management's attention. Some of the

best feedback on workplace safety will come from the people who work in the current

conditions, and creating an environment where those people are encouraged to speak

their mind will allow that feedback to be processed and implemented. ● Be willing to make major changes to company policy. Sometimes a company will

discover through its review processes that the best step to ensure workplace safety will

require major changes to company policy. When that happens, it's important that

companies be willing to make those changes. For example, a company with a casual dress

policy may come to the realization that switching to work uniforms will lead to an

increase in workplace safety. If a company comes to this realization but then does not

take the step to change its work clothing policies, then it is demonstrating that its

commitment to safety stops once it becomes inconvenient or requires a major decision.

This attitude will then trickle down into the workplace culture from the decision makers

to the employees, and sends the message that workplace safety standards are negotiable

and ignorable when they become inconvenient.

Page 2: Reviewing Your Business' Workplace Safety Standards

Every workplace has its safety concerns, whether they’re obvious dangers like hazardous

materials on site, or less noticeable ones like tripping hazards or items that can fall off of shelves

or desks. Regardless of your company's business, there will always be changes that can be made

in order to create a safer environment. Instituting the above procedures will give your company

the tools to better identify problems and then solve them, creating a safer place for all. Company Bio Prudential Overall Supply supplies top quality work uniforms, clean room supplies, and safety

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