1 REVIEW OF THE SPACE MAPPING APPROACH TO ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION AND MODELING Mohamed H. Bakr Simulation Optimization Systems Research Laboratory and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1 John W. Bandler Simulation Optimization Systems Research Laboratory and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1 Kaj Madsen Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Jacob Søndergaard Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark Abstract We review the Space Mapping (SM) concept and its applications in engineering optimization and modeling. The aim of SM is to avoid computationally expensive calculations encountered in simulating an engineering system. The existence of less accurate but fast physically-based models is exploited. SM drives the optimization iterates of the time-intensive model using the fast model. Several algorithms have been developed for SM optimization, including the original SM algorithm, Aggressive Space Mapping (ASM), Trust Region Aggressive Space Mapping (TRASM) and Hybrid Aggressive Space Mapping (HASM). An essential subproblem of any SM based optimization algorithm is parameter extraction. The uniqueness of this optimization subproblem has been crucial to the success of SM optimization. Different approaches to enhance the uniqueness are reviewed. We also discuss new developments in Space Mapping-based Modeling (SMM). These include Space Derivative Mapping (SDM), Generalized Space Mapping (GSM) and Space Mapping-based Neuromodeling (SMN). Finally, we address open points for research and future development. Keywords: Space Mapping, Optimization algorithms, Filter Design, Parameter Extraction 1. INTRODUCTION We review the Space Mapping (SM) approach (Bandler et al., 1994-2000; Bakr et al., 1997-2000) to engineering device and system optimization and modeling. The target of system optimization is to determine a set of values for the system parameters such that certain design specifications are satisfied. These specifications represent constraints on the system responses. Usually, a model of the physical system is utilized in simulating and thus optimizing the system. Traditional optimization techniques (Bandler and Chen, 1988a) directly utilize the simulated system responses and possibly available derivatives. Engineering models used in simulating the system


Page 1: REVIEW OF THE SPACE MAPPING APPROACH TO ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION AND MODELING · 2002. 5. 9. · Keywords: Space Mapping, Optimization algorithms, Filter Design, Parameter Extraction



Mohamed H. BakrSimulation Optimization Systems Research Laboratory and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1

John W. BandlerSimulation Optimization Systems Research Laboratory and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University,Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4K1

Kaj MadsenDepartment of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Jacob SøndergaardDepartment of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Abstract We review the Space Mapping (SM) concept and its applications in engineering optimization and modeling. The aim of SM is

to avoid computationally expensive calculations encountered in simulating an engineering system. The existence of less accurate but fast

physically-based models is exploited. SM drives the optimization iterates of the time-intensive model using the fast model. Several algorithms

have been developed for SM optimization, including the original SM algorithm, Aggressive Space Mapping (ASM), Trust Region Aggressive

Space Mapping (TRASM) and Hybrid Aggressive Space Mapping (HASM). An essential subproblem of any SM based optimization algorithm

is parameter extraction. The uniqueness of this optimization subproblem has been crucial to the success of SM optimization. Different

approaches to enhance the uniqueness are reviewed. We also discuss new developments in Space Mapping-based Modeling (SMM). These

include Space Derivative Mapping (SDM), Generalized Space Mapping (GSM) and Space Mapping-based Neuromodeling (SMN). Finally, we

address open points for research and future development.

Keywords: Space Mapping, Optimization algorithms, Filter Design, Parameter Extraction


We review the Space Mapping (SM) approach (Bandler et al., 1994-2000; Bakr et al., 1997-2000)

to engineering device and system optimization and modeling. The target of system optimization is to

determine a set of values for the system parameters such that certain design specifications are satisfied.

These specifications represent constraints on the system responses. Usually, a model of the physical

system is utilized in simulating and thus optimizing the system.

Traditional optimization techniques (Bandler and Chen, 1988a) directly utilize the simulated

system responses and possibly available derivatives. Engineering models used in simulating the system

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responses vary in accuracy and speed. Usually, accurate models are computationally expensive and less

accurate models are fast. In some engineering problems, applying traditional optimization using the

accurate models directly may be prohibitively impractical. On the other hand, applying optimization

using the less accurate models may indicate feasibility of the design but could lead to unreliable results.

These results must be validated using the accurate models or even using measurements. It follows that

alternative optimization approaches are desirable.

SM establishes a mathematical link (mapping) between the spaces of the parameters of two

different models of the same physical system. The accurate and time-intensive model is denoted as a

“fine” model. The less accurate but fast model is denoted as a “coarse” model. For example, in the

context of analog electrical circuit design, a fine model may be a time-intensive finite element solution of

Maxwell equations while the coarse model may be a circuit-theoretic model with empirical algebraic


Clear distinction should be made between SM optimization and optimization using

approximations such as polynomials, response surfaces or splines. All these methods establish a local

approximation of the fine model responses using a set of fine model simulations. This approximation

may be updated using new fine model points. On the other hand, SM exploits a coarse model that is

physically based and capable of simulating the considered system for a wide range of parameter values.

This physical model is not updated or changed during SM optimization.

All the SM-based optimization algorithms we will review utilize two steps. The first step

optimizes the design parameters of the coarse model to satisfy the original design specifications. The

second step establishes a mapping between the parameter spaces of the two models. The space-mapped

design is then taken as the mapped image of the optimal coarse model design.

Parameter extraction is an important element in establishing the mapping. In this step, the coarse

model parameters corresponding to a given fine model point are obtained. The extraction problem is

essentially an optimization problem, and can lead to nonunique solutions.

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The first SM-based optimization algorithm was introduced in Bandler et al. (1994b). This

method assumes a linear mapping between the parameter spaces. This assumption may not be fulfilled if

significant “misalignment” exists between the two spaces. Here, “misalignment” denotes the difference

between the fine model response and the coarse model response for the same set of parameters. For two

identical models there is no misalignment. The more the functional behaviours of the two models differ,

the more the misalignment increases.

Aggressive Space Mapping (ASM) (Bandler et al., 1995b) eliminates the simulation overhead

required in Bandler et al. (1994b). It exploits a quasi-Newton step in predicting the new iterates. The

algorithm does not assume that the mapping is necessarily linear. However, the nonuniqueness of the

parameter extraction step may lead to divergence or oscillations of the process (Bandler et al., 1996).

Several approaches were suggested to improve the uniqueness of the extraction step in the ASM

algorithm. These include Multi-Point Extraction (MPE) (Bandler et al., 1996), the penalty approach

(Bandler et al., 1997a) and the statistical parameter extraction approach (Bandler et al., 1997b). The

Aggressive Parameter Extraction (APE) algorithm (Bakr et al., 1999b) addresses the selection of

perturbations utilized in the MPE process. APE classifies the possible solutions to the extraction

problem. The perturbations are obtained by either solving a linear system of equations or through an

eigenvalue problem.

Trust Region Aggressive Space Mapping (TRASM) (Bakr et al., 1998; Bandler et al., 1999c)

integrates a trust region methodology with the ASM technique. It also exploits a Recursive Multi-Point

Extraction (RMPE) procedure. The available information about the mapping between the two spaces is

utilized in the RMPE.

Both ASM and TRASM assume the existence of a coarse model that has sufficient accuracy. In

both algorithms coarse model simulations are used to guide the optimization iterates. If the coarse model

is severely different from the fine model both algorithms are not likely to converge.

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The Hybrid Aggressive Space Mapping (HASM) algorithm (Bakr et al., 1999c; Bandler et al.,

1999b) is designed to handle severely misaligned cases. The algorithm utilizes SM optimization as long

as SM is converging. Otherwise, it switches to direct optimization.

The reviewed SM optimization algorithms actually automate and are consistent with traditional

engineering practice. The rapid development of SM algorithms has not been accompanied, however, with

corresponding theoretical development of convergence properties. A comprehensive theory has yet to be


Several approaches have been proposed to utilize the SM concept in engineering modeling. SM-

based modeling makes use of both the coarse model and the available mapping between the two spaces.

We review three principal approaches: Space Derivative Mapping (SDM) (Bakr et al., 1999a),

Generalized Space Mapping (GSM) (Bandler et al., 1999c) and Space Mapping-based Neuromodeling

(SMN) (Bandler et al., 1999d, 1999e).

We start by reviewing some concepts and definitions relevant to engineering device and system

optimization in Section 2. The basic concept of SM optimization in discussed in Section 3. The original

SM optimization algorithm is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 addresses the ASM optimization

algorithm along with two variant algorithms. Different approaches for improving the uniqueness of the

parameter extraction procedure are also reviewed in Section 5. TRASM and HASM are discussed in

Sections 6 and 7, respectively.

We also give a brief review of recent developments in SM-based modeling approaches in Section

8. Open points of research in SM are discussed in Section 9. Finally, the conclusions are given in

Section 10.


The physical system under consideration can be an electrical network, an electronic device, and

so on. The performance of the system is described in terms of some measurable quantities. We denote

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these measurable quantities as the system response functions. The response functions depend on a set of

system variables. We utilize the engineering notation “system parameters” to denote these variables. The

response functions are manipulated by changing some of the system parameters. In other words, these

parameters are selected as optimization variables. We denote these variables as the “designable

parameters”. For example, the electrical response of a microstrip line can be adjusted by changing the

physical width and length of the strip. Usually, some or all physical parameters are selected as

designable parameters and thus can be optimized. We denote the vector of designable parameters by

ℜ∈ nx .

Each response function relies also on some other variables, such as frequency, time and

temperature. These variables are not usually selected as optimizable parameters. Here, we utilize the

engineering notation, “independent parameters” (Bandler and Chen, 1988a) to denote these variables.

We denote the ith response function by ),( ξx ii R , i=1, 2, …, NR , where ξi is the vector of associated

independent parameters.

The desired performance of the system is expressed by a set of specifications. These

specifications represent constraints on the responses. They are functions of a set of the independent

parameters. In practice, only a suitable discrete set of samples of the independent parameters is

considered (Bandler and Chen, 1988a; Bandler and Rizk, 1979). Satisfying the specifications at these

sampled values typically implies satisfying them for other values of the independent parameters.

Let µi be the number of discrete samples of the ith response. We define ℜ∈ mR as the vector of

sampled response functions. The kth component of R is given by

RR ji

ik ),( ξx= (1)

where N, i j µk R


p p �,2,1for1


= and j=1, 2, …, µi. Here ξ j

i is the jth sample of ξi and m is the

total number of sampled response functions.

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An error function defines the difference between the specification and the corresponding

response. In some problems the specifications define a target response that should be reached. These

types of specifications are denoted as single specifications (Bandler and Chen, 1988a). In other

problems, specifications define upper and lower bounds on the respective response. For the case of

single specifications the error functions are given by

SRwe kkkk −= (2)

where Sk is the kth specification, { }k k kKk Ncs ,,, 21 �=∈ , the set of indices for the constrained

responses, wk is a nonnegative weight and Nc is the number of specifications.

In the case of upper and lower specifications, we classify the constraints on the response

functions. We denote by Suk and Slk the kth upper and lower specification, respectively. Here, the error

functions are given by

( )SRwe ukkukk −= , k∈Ku (3)


( )RSwe klklkk −= , k∈ Kl (4)

where Ku and Kl are sets of indices for the constrained responses and wuk and wlk are nonnegative weights.

It is worth mentioning that simultaneous upper and lower specifications can be imposed on the same

sampled response function, i.e., Ku and Kl may not be disjoint. Here Ku+Kl=Nc. Notice that the

symbol denotes the cardinality when applied to a set. Otherwise, it denotes the absolute value. We

also denote by e the vector whose components are the error functions given by (2) or by (3) and (4).

It is clear from (3) and (4) that upper and lower specifications are meaningful only in the case of

a real response while (2) is valid in general for complex responses. Also, a positive, negative or zero

value of an error function indicates that the corresponding specification is violated, exceeded or just

satisfied, respectively. A set of designable parameters for which e is nonpositive is denoted a feasible

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design. The set of all feasible designs defines a feasible region in the space of designable parameters.

Fig. 1 illustrates the concepts of error functions, feasible design and feasible region.

The error vector e is evaluated for a given x using the vector of sampled responses R. R may be

obtained by measuring the system responses. However, this approach is usually expensive and time

consuming. Alternatively, R may be obtained by using a model of the physical system. This model

utilizes the knowledge available about the physical processes taking place within the system. Usually,

different models exist for the same system. These models vary in their accuracy and the speed with

which R is obtained. In the discussion that follows we assume that the system responses are obtained

through simulation.

The problem of system design can be formulated as





= )(* xx

x U minarg (5)

where U(x) is a scalar objective function that is dependent on the error functions. U(x) should offer a

measure of the specifications’ violation or satisfaction. A possible choice of U(x) is the l p norm (Temes

and Zai, 1969), Huber norm (Ekblom and Madsen, 1989; Huber, 1981) or the generalized l p function

(Bandler and Charalambous, 1972; Charalambous, 1977). The l p norm of e is given by







p e1


e (6)

The most commonly used norm is the l2 norm, i.e., p=2. This norm is widely used because of its

differentiability and its statistical properties. A large number of optimization techniques exist for least-

squares optimization (Dennis, Jr., and Schnabel, 1983). Solutions obtained using least-squares

optimization can be altered significantly by the existence of a few wild data points.

Setting p=1 we have the l1 norm




11e (7)

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This norm is robust to outliers. It finds wide application in data-fitting in the presence of gross errors

(Bandler et al., 1987), in analog fault location (Bandler and Salama, 1985b) and device modeling

(Bandler et al., 1986a).

Setting p=∞ we have the l∞ norm

e kk

max=∞e (8)

which considers only the worst violated error function. Many system design problems can be formulated

as a minimax optimization problem (Bandler et al., 1985a, 1986b; Charalambous, 1974; Madsen et al.,


The l1 and l∞ norms are both nondifferentiable. Corresponding optimization algorithms tend to

be more involved than least-squares algorithms. In general, the algorithms used to minimize the l1 and

l∞ norms follow similar strategies. These algorithms solve the minimization problem in an iterative way.

Murray and Overton (1981) and Waren et al. (1967) formulated the problem as a nonlinear program.

Some methods utilize first-order derivatives of the error functions to construct sequential linearizations of

the nonlinear program. Such methods are denoted as first-order methods. For example, in Osborne and

Watson (1969, 1971) the linearization is used to construct a linear program that returns a suggested

search direction. A line search is then executed in that direction. A trust region methodology (Moré,

1982) is integrated with the linear program formulation in Madsen (1975a). Some of these first-order

methods assure global convergence to a stationary point, for example (Madsen, 1975a). However, they

may yield a low convergence rate in the neighborhood of a solution if the problem is singular (Madsen

and Schjær-Jacobsen, 1976).

Another class of methods for the minimization of l1 and l∞ norms utilizes approximate second-

order derivatives of the error functions (Hald and Madsen, 1981, 1985). These methods solve the first-

order optimality conditions using quasi-Newton methods (Broyden, 1967; Davidon, 1959; Dennis, Jr.,

and Moré, 1977; Dennis, Jr., and Schnabel, 1983). They usually have a high convergence rate in the

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neighborhood of a solution. However, pure second-order methods do not guarantee global convergence.

Hybrid methods (Bandler et al., 1985a, 1987) combine both first-order and second-order methods. A

first-order method is used far from the solution. Once the solution is approached, a switch to a second-

order method is executed. Several switches can take place between the two methods.

Another norm that can be utilized as an objective function is the Huber norm (Ekblom and

Madsen, 1989; Huber, 1981). This norm is a hybrid combination between the l1 and l2 norms. It is

defined by




kkαH eρe (9)






α e

α e e






α (10)

where α is a threshold called the Huber threshold. This norm treats small errors in the l2 sense while it

treats large errors in the l1 sense. Here, we adopt the engineering notation and use the word “norm” for

the function (9) even though some of the basic norm properties are not satisfied. Huber optimization

(Bandler et al., 1993b) is more robust against gross errors than least-squares optimization. It also offers

less biased designs than those obtained using l1 optimization (Bandler et al., 1993b).

The previously discussed norms, can be used to minimize the error functions towards zero. A

design that corresponds to a zero error vector would be satisfactory if it were not for manufacturing

tolerances. These tolerances are inevitable and may cause the constructed physical system to violate the

specifications. It follows that optimization should continue to center the design within the feasible region

(Bandler, 1974; Bandler and Abdel-Malek, 1978; Bandler et al., 1976, 1988b). The yield is defined as

the percentage of the manufactured systems that satisfy the design constraints. Fig. 2 Illustrates the

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concepts of design centering and yield. Several algorithms have been developed with the aim of

maximizing the yield (Abdel-Malek and Bandler, 1980a, 1980b; Bandler et al., 1993a).

The generalized l p function (Bandler and Charalambous, 1972; Charalambous, 1977) was

developed to enable optimization towards a better centered design. It makes use of the one-sided

objective functions






p eH/1

, ∀ek ≥ 0 (11)


( ) ��


�� −−= −




p eH/1

, ∀ek < 0 (12)

The generalized l p function is equal to (11) if at least one of the specifications is violated. Otherwise, it

is equal to (12).

We denote the optimization algorithms discussed thus far as ‘direct optimization’ algorithms.

They utilize simulations of the optimized system and can be applied if the model simulation time is not

extensive. Otherwise, direct optimization becomes prohibitive and alternative methods should be used.

SM optimization was introduced as such an alternative.


Space Mapping aims at efficiently solving the optimization problem (5). Here the only

constraints present are given by the design specifications. The case of linearly constrainted designable

parameters was not addressed. It will be the subject of a future research.

We refer to the vectors of “fine” model parameters and corresponding “coarse” model parameters

as ℜ∈ nfx and ℜ∈ n

cx , respectively. The optimal coarse model design x*c is obtained using only coarse

model simulations. The corresponding response is denoted by R*c . A minimax algorithm (Bandler et al.,

1985a), if appropriate, may be used.

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SM establishes a mathematical link (mapping) P between the two spaces (Bandler et al., 1994b)

)(xPx fc = (13)

such that

εccff ≤− )()( xRxR (14)

The mapping P is valid over a region in the parameter space. An approximation to this mapping is

established in an iterative way. We denote by P )( j the available approximation to P at the jth iteration.

The corresponding fine model design is given by

)( *1)()1( xPx cjj

f−+ = (15)

If it satisfies a certain termination criterion, it is accepted as the space mapped design x f . Otherwise, the

mapping is updated and a new design is calculated.


At the jth iteration, the algorithm utilizes a set of fine model points S jf

)( defined by

{ }xxx )()2((1))( ,,, mjfff

jf S �= (16)

where Sm jfj

)(= . The points in S f(0) are selected in the vicinity of a reasonable candidate for the fine

model design. In (Bandler et al., 1994b) it is suggested to take xx *cf =)1( . The other 10 −m points are

selected by perturbation with 10 +≥ nm . The fine model response for every point in the set S jf

)( is

simulated. A corresponding set of coarse model points S jc

)( defined by

{ }xxx )()2((1))( ,,, mjcccj

c S �= (17)

is then constructed. The points S jc


)()( ∈x , i=1, 2, …, mj are obtained through the Single-Point Extraction

(SPE) process (see Fig. 3)

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−= )()( )()( xRxRx

x cci


ic minarg (18)

P )( j is then estimated using S jf

)( and S jc

)( using (13)-(14). Here, Every coarse model parameter is

expressed as a linear combination of some predefined and fixed functions )(x fkϕ , k=0, 1, …, l. It

follows that

)()( )()( xAxPx fj


c ϕϕϕϕ== (19)

where ℜ∈ +× )1()( lnjA is a matrix of constant coefficients and )(x fϕϕϕϕ is given by

)(x fϕϕϕϕ =














� (20)

Relation (19) must be satisfied for every pair of corresponding points in S jf

)( and S jc

)( . It follows that

A )( j should satisfy

[ ] Axxx )()()2((1) jm jccc =� [ )()()( )()2((1) xxx m j

fff ϕϕϕϕϕϕϕϕϕϕϕϕ � ] (21)

Bandler et al. (1994b) assumed that the mapping between the two spaces is linear, i.e.,

cxBxPx )()()( )( jf


jc +== (22)

where ℜ∈ ×nnjB )( and ℜ∈ njc )( . The linear mapping (22) is equivalent to (19) with [ ]BcA )()()( jjj =

and x k ffk ,)( =xϕ , k=1, 2, …, n, the kth component of the vector x f , 1)(0 =x fϕ and l=n. It follows that

(21) can be written as

[ ] ��



xxxAxxx )()2((1)

)()()2((1)111m jfff

jm jccc

� (23)

A least-squares solution for A Tj)( is thus given by

( ) QDDDA TTTj 1)( −= (24)

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xxxD )()2((1)

111m jfff




[ ]xxxQ )()2((1) m jccc

T �= (26)

Once A )( j is obtained, the suggested space-mapped design is

( )cxBxPx )(1)(1)(1)( )( j*c


jm jf −== −−+ (27)

Here, the mapping is assumed to be one to one. The new point x )1( +m jf is taken as an approximation to the

optimal fine model design x*f if the condition


m jff ≤−+ )()( 1)( xRxR (28)

is satisfied. In this case we take xx 1)( += m jff . Otherwise, the set S j

f)( is augmented by x )1( +m j

f and the set

S jc

)( is augmented by x )1( +m jc obtained using (18). The algorithm steps using (23)-(28) are then repeated

using the augmented sets. Fig. 4 illustrates one iteration of the algorithm.

This algorithm is simple but it suffers from a number of drawbacks. First, to have the algorithm

started an initial set of fine model points S f(0) must be created. Simulating S f

(0) represents a significant

overhead for the algorithm. The mapping is also assumed to be linear, which may not be true for

significantly misaligned models. Also, coarse model points are obtained through SPE. Nonuniqueness of

the extracted parameters may lead to an erroneous mapping estimation and divergence of the algorithm.

These drawbacks led to the development of the Aggressive Space Mapping (ASM) algorithm (Bandler et

al. 1995b).


The space-mapped design x f is a solution to the system of nonlinear equations

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=−= xxPf *)( cf 0 (29)

ASM solves (29) in an iterative manner. Let x )( jf be the jth iterate in the solution of (29). The next

iterate x 1)( +jf is found by a quasi-Newton iteration

hxx )()()1( jjf

jf +=+ (30)

h )( j is a solution of

fhB )()()( jjj −= (31)

where xxPf *c


jj −= )( )()()( . B )( j is an approximation to the Jacobian Jm of f with respect to x f at x )( jf .

Jm is defined by








fT T





)( (32)

If the mapping between the two spaces is linear, similar to (22), the matrix Jm is constant. Otherwise, it is

a function of the fine model parameters. The initial approximation to Jm is taken as IB =)0( , the identity

matrix. B )( j is updated at each iteration using Broyden’s rank one update (Broyden, 1965)


h B f f+ B= B

++ Tj


jjjjjj )(


)()()(1)()(1)( −−


The formula (33) can be simplified using (31) to


f+ B= B

++ Tj


jjj )(


1)()(1)( (34)

The error vector f )( j is obtained by evaluating )( )()( xP jf

j , which is done indirectly through SPE. The

algorithm terminates if f )( j becomes sufficiently small. A complete iteration of the algorithm is shown

in Fig. 5.

The ASM algorithm does not require an initial set of fine model points. This implies that there is

no simulation overhead. Also, while (23) assumes that the mapping is linear, ASM does not make this

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assumption. The output of the ASM algorithm is the space-mapped design x f and the matrix B , which

approximates the Jacobian Jm at x f . However, the nonuniqueness problem of the SPE process remains.

An incorrect value for the vector )( )()( xP jf

j may cause the algorithm to diverge or exhibit oscillatory


Two interesting, intuitive, variants of the ASM algorithm are suggested by Bila et al. (1998) and

Pavio (1999). The basic idea of both algorithms is practically the same. The iterate is given by (31) with

the matrix B )( j fixed at B )( j =I. Broyden’s updating formula is not utilized. These “steepest-descent”

approaches may succeed if the mapping between the two spaces is essentially represented by a shift.

An example of ASM optimization is the three-section microstrip impedance transformer (Bakr et

al., 1997). The filter structure is shown in Fig. 6. The fine model utilizes the full-wave electromagnetic

simulator em (1997). The coarse model utilizes the empirical microstrip line and microstrip step models

available in the circuit simulator OSA90/hope (1997). The designable parameters are the width and

physical length of each microstrip line. Here, the reflection coefficient S11 is used to match the two

model responses. ASM terminated using only 9 fine model simulations. The initial and space-mapped

responses are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. A frequency sweep of the fine model requires about

one hour of CPU time on an HP workstation model 715/33. The coarse model simulation time is a

fraction of a second. Optimizing this circuit using direct methods would have probably required dozens

of fine model simulations.

Several approaches were suggested to enhance the uniqueness of the parameter extraction

process. The first approach is Multi-Point Extraction (MPE) (Bandler et al., 1996). It simultaneously

matches a number of points in both spaces. MPE aims at matching not only the function values but also

the first-order derivatives. The point x )1( +jc corresponding to x )1( +j

f is found by solving



=+ TTNp



jc minarg ][ 10

)1( eeex

x � (35)

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)()( )1(0 xRxRe +−= j

ffcc (36)


)()( )()1()( xxRxxRe if


icci c ∆+−∆+= + , i=1, 2, …, Np (37)

It follows that the set of utilized fine model points is { } { }NiV pif


jf , 2, 1,|)()1()1(

�=∆+∪= ++ xxx . The

perturbations x )(ic∆ and x )(∆ i

f are related by (Bandler et al., 1996)

xx )()( if

ic ∆=∆ , i=1, 2, …, Np (38)

Integrating this MPE in the ASM algorithm faces some difficulty. The number of fine model points

utilized is arbitrary and there is no clear way of how to select them. Also, available information about the

mapping between the two spaces is not utilized. This MPE procedure is illustrated in Fig. 9.

Another approach is suggested by Bandler et al. (1997a). Here, the point x )1( +jc is obtained by

solving the penalized SPE process

( )��




−+−= ++ xxxRxRx

x *)1()1( )()( ccccj


jc w minarg (39)

where w is a weighting factor. If the parameter extraction problem is not unique (39) is favored over

(18). The solution of the extraction problem is biased towards the point x*c and thus drives the error

vector f to zero as the algorithm proceeds. If w is too large the matching between the responses is poor.

On the other hand, too small a value of w makes the penalty term ineffective. In which case, the

uniqueness of the extraction step may not be enhanced.

A statistical approach to parameter extraction is suggested in (Bandler et al., 1997b). Here, the

SPE process (18) is initiated from different starting points. The extraction process is unique if the same

values of the extracted parameters are obtained for each starting point. Otherwise, the solution is

nonunique. In this case, the solution that results in the best match in terms of some norm is selected.

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Bandler et al. (1997b) suggested that a set of Ns starting points be randomly selected in a region

ℜ⊂ nD where the solution x )1( +jc is expected. For the jth iteration, D is defined by

∈x i c, [ fx fx jii c

jii c


)(*, 2,2 +− ] (40)

for i=1, 2, …, n. Fig. 10 illustrates the selection of the interval D for the two-dimensional case.

The Aggressive Parameter Extraction (APE) algorithm (Bakr et al., 1999b) addresses the

selection of the perturbations utilized in the MPE process. It suggests perturbations that are likely to

impact the uniqueness of the parameter extraction step.

APE classifies the possible solutions of the parameter extraction problem as either locally

nonunique or locally unique. In the locally nonunique case the minimum of the extraction problem is

assumed over a surface. For the locally unique case the minimum is assumed at a point. Figs. 11 and 12

illustrate the classification of the extracted parameters.

To illustrate the APE algorithm, assume that the point x )1( +jc corresponding to x )1( +j

f is obtained

through MPE. The utilized set of fine model points is V with NV = . If x )1( +jc is locally nonunique, APE

suggests a new point to be added to V. This point is likely to make the extracted parameters using the

augmented set locally unique. It is obtained by solving a linear system of equations that utilizes the

gradients and Hessians of coarse model responses at x )1( +jc .

If x )1( +jc is locally unique, the new point x )(N

f to be added to the set V is obtained by solving the

eigenvalue problem

( ) xxIxJxJ )()()1()1( )()( Nc




T λ ∆=∆+++ (41)


xxx )()1()( Nf


Nf ∆+= + (42)

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where Jc is the Jacobian of coarse model responses. Here, the coarse model perturbation x )(∆ Nc and the

fine model perturbation x )(∆ Nf are related by the available mapping. The obtained perturbation is scaled

to satisfy a certain trust region.


TRASM (Bakr et al., 1998; Bandler et al., 1999a) integrates a trust region methodology (Moré,

1982) with the ASM technique. Similar to ASM, TRASM aims at solving (29). However, instead of

utilizing a quasi-Newton step the problem is solved as a least-squares problem. In the jth iteration the

objective of TRASM is to minimize f )1( 2

2+j within a certain trust region. To achieve this, TRASM

utilizes a linearization of the vector function f )1( +j . The linearized objective function is thus given by

hBfhx )()()( 2

2)()( ),( jjjjjL += (43)

The suggested step is obtained by solving





+= hBfh

h )()( 2

2)( jjj minarg (44)

subject to δ jj )()(2

≤h (45)

where δ j)( is the size of the trust region. The solution of (43)-(45) is obtained by solving (Levenberg,

1944; Marquardt, 1963)

fBhIBB )()()()()()( )( jTjjjjTj λ −=+ (46)

where λ j)( correlates to δ j)( . The larger the value of δ j)( the smaller the value of λ j)( and vice versa.

TRASM makes use of the algorithm suggested in (Moré and Sorenson, 1983) to determine the value of

λ j)( .

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The suggested iterate is .)()()1( hxx jjf

jf +=+ Unlike ASM, x )1( +j

f is accepted only if it satisfies a

success criterion with respect to the reduction in the 2� norm of the vector f . The success criterion

utilized by TRASM is

( )( ) 01.0)()()()(



− +


ffj jjj




The subscript k indicates the number of points utilized in the Recursive Multi-Point Extraction (RMPE).

It follows that Vk = , where V is the set of fine model points used in the RMPE. Initially V={ }x )1( +jf and


If (47) is satisfied x )1( +jf is accepted and B )( j is updated using (33). Otherwise, the validity of the

extraction process leading to f )1( +jk is suspect. The residual vector f )1( +j

k is then used to construct a

temporary point x )(kt from the point x 1)( +j

f by using (46). The set V is updated to V∪ x )(kt . RMPE is then

repeated using the augmented set V to get f )1(1+


k . RMPE is given by (35)-(37) with (38) replaced by

xBx )()()( if

jic ∆=∆ (48)

Thus, the available information about the mapping between the two spaces is exploited. Fig. 13

illustrates the RMPE procedure.

The new error vector f )1(1+


k either satisfies (47) or it is used to obtain another additional point

which is then added to the set V. RMPE is then repeated until the extracted parameters are trusted (see

Fig. 14).

TRASM trusts the vector of extracted parameters if it approaches a limit. The sufficient

condition for this is


jk ≤− ++

+ ff )1()1(1 (49)

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The trusted value of f )1( +jk is denoted simply by f )1( +j . If f )1( +j satisfies (47), x )1( +j

f is accepted and the

matrix B )( j is updated using (33). Otherwise, the accuracy of the linearization used to predict h )( j is

suspected. Thus, to ensure a successful step from the current point x )( jf , the trust region size is shrunk

and a new suggested point x )1( +jf is obtained. During RMPE we may have 1+= nV . In this case,

sufficient information is available to obtain an estimate for the Jacobian J )( jf of the fine model responses.

J )( jf is then used to obtain an alternative h )( j .

The size of the trust region is updated at the end of each iteration based on the match between the

actual reduction and the predicted reduction in f . The trust region size is increased if the condition

( ) ( )hBffff )()()()(1)()( 80.0 j jjj+jj +−≥− (50)

is satisfied. It should be mentioned that the constants utilized in (47) and (50) are arbitrary.

The design of a High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) filter (Bandler et al., 1995a) is carried

out using TRASM (Bakr et al., 1998). The filter is shown in Fig. 15. The designable parameters are L1,

L2, L3, S1, S2 and S3. The coarse model exploits the empirical models of a microstrip line, coupled lines

and open stubs available in OSA90/hope. The fine model employs the method of moments simulator em.

The initial fine model response is shown in Fig. 16. Only 8 fine model simulations were required by

TRASM. The space-mapped response is shown in Fig. 17. On a Sun SPARCstation 10, the fine model

requires one hour of CPU time per frequency point. The coarse model requires a fraction of a second for

a complete sweep.

Both the ASM and TRASM algorithms are efficient. The number of required fine model

simulations is of the order of the problem dimensionality. However, both models depend on the existence

of a coarse model that is fast and has sufficient accuracy. The main prediction steps in (31) and (46)

show that coarse model simulations are used to guide the optimization iterates. If the coarse model is

severely different from the fine model the ASM algorithm is likely to diverge and TRASM may stop at a

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solution that is not close to the required design. To overcome this problem the Hybrid Aggressive Space

Mapping (HASM) algorithm was developed.


HASM exploits SM when effective, otherwise it defaults to direct optimization. Two objective

functions are utilized by the algorithm. The first objective function is

xxPf *)()( 2

2)( 2

2)( c


jj −= (51)

which is the TRASM objective function. The second objective function is

)()( *)( 2

2)( 2

2xRxRg cc


j −= (52)

and is denoted as the direct optimization objective function.

HASM consists of two phases: the first phase follows the TRASM strategy while the second

phase exploits direct optimization. For switching between the two phases the algorithm utilizes a

relationship that relates the established mapping to the first-order derivatives of both models (Bakr et al.,

1999c; Bandler et al., 1999b]. This relationship stipulates that if xc corresponds to x f through a

parameter extraction process, then the Jacobian J f of the fine model response at x f and the Jacobian Jc

of the coarse model response at xc are related by

BJJ cf = (53)

where B is a valid mapping between the two spaces at xc and x f . Another important relationship that

follows from (53) is

( ) JJJJB fT cc

T c

-1= (54)

(54) assumes that Jc is full rank and m ≥ n, where m is the dimensionality of both R f and R c .

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In the jth iteration we assume the existence of a trusted )( )()()( xPx jf

jjc = . The step taken is given

by (46) where .)()()1( hxx jjf

jf +=+ SPE is then applied at x )1( +j

f to get .)( *)1()1(1 xxPf c


j −= ++

The first phase utilizes two success criteria related to the reduction in (51) and (52). The first

success criterion is given by (47). The success criterion related to (52) is given by

gg )()1( jj <+ (55)

x )1( +jf is accepted if (55) is satisfied. The first phase continues and the matrix B )( j is updated if

(47) is also satisfied for a trusted f )1( +j .

Switching to the second phase takes place in two cases. The first case occurs if (55) is not

satisfied. The second phase is then supplied by jfx )( , J )( j

f and f )( j . Here, J )( jf is estimated from J )( j


and B )( j by using (53).

The second case occurs when x )1( +jf satisfies (55) but does not satisfy (47) for a trusted f 1)( +j .

B )( j is updated to B 1)( +j using (33). The second phase is supplied with x )1( +jf , f 1)( +j and J )1( +j

f . J )1( +jf is

estimated from J )1( +jc and B )1( +j by using (53). If V reaches n+1 during RMPE, J )1( +j

f is instead

estimated through finite differences.

The second phase utilizes the first-order derivatives supplied by the first phase to carry out a

number of successful iterations with the target of minimizing (52). At the end of each successful iteration

parameter extraction is applied at the new iterate x )1( +kf and is used to check whether a switch to the first

phase is possible. Here, k is used as an index for the iterations of the second phase. In the original

implementation, switching back to the first phase takes place if

ff )()1( kk <+ (56)

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In this case J )1( +kc is evaluated at )( )1()1( xPx ++ = k


c . B is then recovered using (54). Fig. 18 illustrates the

connection between SM optimization and direct optimization.

HASM is illustrated by considering a six-section H-plane waveguide filter (Matthaei et al., 1964;

Young and Schiffman, 1963). The filter is shown in Fig. 19. The fine model utilizes the finite element

simulator HP HFSS (1998) through HP Empipe3D (1998). The designable parameters are the four septa

widths W1, W2, W3 and W4 and the three waveguide-section lengths L1, L2 and L3. The coarse model

consists of lumped inductances and dispersive transmission line sections. It is simulated using

OSA90/hope. A simplified version of a formula due to Marcuvitz (1951) is utilized in evaluating the

inductances. The coarse model is shown in Fig. 20. The responses obtained through different design

stages are shown in Figs. 21 and 22.

In a later implementation, both the recovery of B and the switching back criterion were modified.

The mapping recovery step (54) is made better conditioned by constraining B to be close to the identity

matrix I. This follows from the fact that the fine and coarse models share the same physical background

(Bandler et al., 1999c). B is thus obtained by solving



= TTn


TT wwwminarg ]∆∆∆[ 21212


BB ��


where ei is the ith column of the matrix

BJJE )1()1()1( +++ −= kc


k (58)

∆bi is the ith column of the matrix

IBB −=∆∆∆∆ (59)

The solution to (57) is given by

( ) ( )IJJIJJB ww kf




2)1()1(2)1()1( 1 ++= ++++ − (60)

(60) is identical to (54) if w=0. In this modified implementation switching back to the first phase takes

place if B given by (60) is able to predict with sufficient accuracy the reduction in f )(k .

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Thus far we focused on optimization algorithms. In this section we briefly discuss some of the

SM-based modeling algorithms. The basic concept is to establish a mapping between the parameter

spaces that is given by (13) and (14). The fine model response is then approximated by

))(()( xPRxR fcff≈ (61)

The model given by (61) offers a fast approximation to the time-intensive fine model response. SM-

based modeling approaches differ in the way in which the mapping is established, the nature of the

mapping and the region of validity of the obtained model. We review three of these algorithms; Space

Derivative Mapping (SDM), Generalized Space Mapping (GSM) and Space Mapping-based

Neuromodeling (SMN). Fig. 23 illustrates the concept of SM based modeling.

Space Derivative Mapping (SDM) (Bakr et al., 1999a)

This algorithm develops a locally valid approximation of the fine model in the vicinity of a

particular point x f . We denote by J f the Jacobian of the fine model responses at x f . The first step of

the algorithm is to obtain the point xc corresponding to x f through the SPE problem (18). The Jacobian

J c at x c may be estimated by finite differences. Both (18) and the evaluation of J c should add no

significant overhead. The mapping matrix B is then calculated by applying (54) as

( ) JJJJB fT


c 1−= (62)

Once B is available the linear mapping is given by

)()( xxBxxPx ffcfc −+== (63)

The SDM model is given by (61) with P given by (63). In a later implementation, the matrix B is

estimated using (60).

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Generalized Space Mapping (GSM) Modeling (Bandler et al., 1999c)

This approach integrates three previously suggested SM modeling concepts (Bandler et al. 1994b,

1995b, 1998). The model is expected to be accurate in a region of the fine model space ℜ⊂ nD . The

mapping between the two spaces is assumed to be of the form

cxBxPx +== ffc )( (64)

A set of fine model points V⊂ D is constructed. The mapping parameters B and c are then obtained

through the optimization procedure





arg ][,

],[ 21 eeecB

cB � (65)


)()( )()( xRcxBRe iff

ifi c −+= (66)

where Vif ∈x )( , i=1, 2, …, N and NV = . A star-like set of points is utilized in Bandler et al. (1999c).

This selection of V is illustrated in Fig. 24 for the three-dimensional case. In (65) B can be constrained to

be close to I similar to (60).

Another variation of (65) that is pertinent to analog electrical circuit device modeling is to

include the frequency as a mapped parameter. This is essential if there are constraints on the possible

simulated frequencies of the coarse model (Bandler et al., 1999d). Also, it is reported that the accuracy

of the SM model is significantly improved by utilizing a frequency-sensitive mapping.

Space Mapping-based Neuromodeling (SMN) (Bandler et al., 1999d, 1999e)

In Section 4 we noticed that the basic idea of the original SM optimization algorithm is to express

each coarse model parameter as the sum of predefined functions of the fine model parameters. Relation

(19) can be written as



jfjijic ax

1 , )(xϕ (67)

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Consider a three-layer Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Burrascano and Mongiardo, 1999). The inputs

to this network are the fine model parameters and the outputs approximate the corresponding coarse

model parameters. It follows that each output can be expressed as (see Fig. 25)

� +==



Tjjiji θψay

1)( xw (68)

where nh is the number of hidden neurons and ψ j is the activation function associated with the jth hidden

neuron. Here, [ ]aaa nhiiiT

i �21=a is the vector of weights associated with the ith output neuron,

w j is the vector of weights associated with the jth hidden neuron and θ j is the corresponding threshold.

By comparing (67) and (68) we see that a trained ANN can approximate the mapping between the

two spaces. The universal approximation theorem (Burrascano and Mongiardo, 1999) assures that a

three-layer ANN is capable of approximating any nonlinear mapping between the two spaces.

Similar to GSM, an ANN is trained to approximate the mapping between the two spaces in a

subset D of the parameter space. Given a set of training points V⊂D, the training problem is given by





arg ][

,,],,[ 21 eee

AθWAθW � (69)


)()( )(xRyRe iffi c −= (70)

and i=1, 2, …, N and NV = .

The optimized mapping parameters are defined by

[ ]wwwW nh

�21= , [ ]θθθ nhT

�21=θ and [ ]aaaA n

�21= (71)

This approach is superior to other modeling approaches that utilize ANNs (Watson and Gupta, 1996;

Zaabab et al., 1995) because it results in a simple neural network and utilizes fewer training points

(Bandler et al., 1999d).

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Several variations to this approach that are more pertinent to analog electrical circuit modeling

have been suggested by Bandler et al. (1999d, 1999e). The main concept in all these variations is to

obtain a frequency-sensitive mapping that improves the accuracy of the SM model. The star distribution

shown in Fig. 24 is also used for V. The GSM approach can be visualized as a special case of SMN

where the ANN has only two layers with no hidden neurons (see Fig. 26).


Coarse Model Generation

All the SM-based algorithms thus far depend on the existence of a coarse model with sufficient

accuracy. The generation of such a model requires knowledge of the problem and is still the user’s

responsibility. We expect more research on the automated generation of fast coarse models that have

sufficient accuracy. Lightly trained neural networks may be one possible solution to this problem.

Neural Network-Based SM Optimization

Recently, an SM neuromodeling approach was introduced (Bandler et al., 1999d, 1999e). A

pioneering work (Bakr et al. 2000a) extends this concept to SM optimization. Here, a SM Neuromodel is

utilized in optimizing the fine model. The complexity of the ANN is increased in every iteration with the

newly generated fine model points. We expect further research to be carried out in this direction.

Optimality Conditions of SM Optimization

Research is being carried out to develop a comprehensive theory for the optimality conditions of

SM. Development of such a theory will help robustize the SM-based optimization algorithms.

Using Surrogate Models

Research is currently conducted on the integration of surrogate models (Alexandrov et al., 1998;

Booker et al., 1999; Dennis, Jr., and Torczon, 1995; Torczon and Trosset, 1998; Trosset and Torczon,

1997) with SM optimization. Surrogate-based optimization aims at efficiently optimizing a

computationally-expensive model. Unlike SM optimization, the design problem is not formulated as an

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equivalent nonlinear system. Alternatively, the original design problem is solved using an approximate

model. This approximate model may be a less accurate physically-based model or an algebraic model.

The generated iterates are validated through fine model simulations. The accuracy of the surrogate model

is improved in every iteration using the generated simulations. A novel work (Bakr et al., 2000b)

combines SM and surrogate model optimization in a powerful algorithm. We expect that more research

will be conducted in this area.


In this work we reviewed the SM approaches to engineering optimization and modeling. SM

optimization makes use of the existence of a less accurate but fast model to accelerate the optimization

problem. The algorithms reviewed include the original SM optimization algorithm, ASM, TRASM and

HASM algorithms. The original SM optimization algorithm utilizes two corresponding sets of points to

establish the mapping between the two spaces. ASM eliminates the overhead simulations to obtain the

initial mapping. However, it suffers from the nonuniqueness of the parameter extraction subproblem.

The TRASM algorithm integrates a trust region methodology with the ASM technique. It also utilizes a

recursive multi-point extraction approach. HASM addresses the problem of severely misaligned coarse

models. It allows switching between SM optimization and direct optimization. We also reviewed the

different approaches for improving the uniqueness of the parameter extraction problem. These include

multi-point extraction, penalized parameter extraction, statistical parameter extraction and aggressive

parameter extraction. The different approaches for SM-based engineering modeling were briefly

discussed. We reviewed the SDM, the GSM and the SMN algorithms. Finally, we suggested some of the

open points for research in SM.

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The authors thank Sonnet Software, Inc., Liverpool, NY for making em available for this work.

They also thank Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA, for making HP HFSS and HP Empipe3D

available. The authors would also like to thank their colleagues Dr. N. Georgieva, M.A. Ismail, J.E.

Rayas-Sánchez and Dr. Q.J. Zhang (Carleton University) for useful discussions that helped shape our

work. Thanks are also due to the three referees and Dr. T. Terlaky for their useful suggestions and


This work was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of

Canada under Grants OGP0007239, STP0201832, through the Micronet Network of Centres of

Excellence and Bandler Corporation. M.H. Bakr is supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.


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Fig. 1. Illustration of some basic engineering optimization concepts; (a) the responses at a feasibledesign x1 and an infeasible design x2, (b) the error functions at sampled values of the independentparameter ω and (c) a possible location of the two designs with respect to the feasible region fora two-dimensional case.





R(x1, ω) R




R(x2, ω)









parameter space

feasible region


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Fig. 2. Illustration of design centering and yield for a two-dimensional problem with manufacturingtolerances of ∆x1 and ∆x2. Three different designs are shown; a centered design where allpossible outcomes are feasible (yield=1), an infeasible design where possible outcomes areinfeasible (yield=0) and non centered feasible design where possible outcomes may be feasibleor infeasible (0<yield<1).

parameter space

feasible region






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Fig. 3. Illustration of the SPE procedure for a two-dimensional problem.





x )(ic

)()( )()( xRxR iff

icc ≈

x )(if

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Fig. 4. Illustration of the original SM optimization algorithm; (a) a new point x 1)( +m jf is obtained using

the current mapping approximation P )( j , (b) the point x 1)( +mjf does not satisfy the stopping

criterion and the sets S jf

)( and S jc

)( are augmented by x 1)( +mjf and x 1)( +mj

c , respectively, and (c) a

new mapping P )1( +j is estimated and is used to obtain a new iterate x )2( +mjf .






S j)c(

S j)f(

P )( j

x )1( +m jfx*


P 1)( −j






S )jc

1( +S )j

f1( +

x )1( +m jfx*

cx )1( +m jc






S )jc

1( +S )j

f1( +


P )1( +j

x )m jf2( +P

1)1( −+j

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Fig. 5. Illustration of ASM; (a) a new iterate x 1)( +jf is obtained, (b) by applying parameter extraction we

find that the stopping criterion is not satisfied ( f )1( +j >ε) and (c) the updated matrix B )1( +j is

used to predict a new iterate x )2( +jf .







x )1( +jf

h )1( +jf )1( +j

fhB )1()1()1( +++ −= jjj


x )2( +jf








x )1( +jf

f 1)( +j







x )( jf

x )1( +jf

f )( jh )( j

fhB )()()( jjj −=


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Fig. 6. The three-section 3:1 microstrip impedance transformer.

5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0frequency (GHz)


Fig. 7. The optimal coarse model response () and the fine model response (ο) at the initial design forthe three-section microstrip transformer.

L1 L2 L3

W1 W3 W2

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5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0frequency (GHz)


Fig. 8. The optimal coarse model response () and the fine model response (ο) at the space-mappeddesign for the three-section microstrip transformer.

Fig. 9. Illustration of MPE at the jth iteration.





x 1)( +jf


x 1)( +jc x )1(∆


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Fig. 10. The region utilized in the statistical parameter extraction approach for obtaining x*c .

Fig. 11. Illustration of a locally nonunique solution of parameter extraction for a two-dimensional case.



x )( jc


f )( j


0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.00







u 2


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Fig. 12. Illustration of a locally unique solution of parameter extraction for a two-dimensional case; threelocally unique minima are shown.

Fig. 13. Illustration of RMPE.





x 1)( +jf


x )1( +jc x )1(∆

xB )1()( ∆j

1 2 3 4 5 6 7123456789



Z 2

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Fig. 14. Illustration of the TRASM algorithm; (a) in the jth iteration the point x )( jf corresponds to a

trusted error vector f )( j , (b) a new iterate x )1( +jf is taken and SPE is carried out to get f )1(

1+j and

(c) the vector f )1(1

+j does not satisfy the success criterion so a temporary point x )1(t is generated

and two-point extraction is carried out to get f )1(2

+j which satisfies the success criterion.






x )( jf

trust region x )( jc

x*cf )( j






x )( jf

trust region x )( jc


f )1(1

+jx )1( +jf

x )1( +jc

f )( j





x )( jftrust region

x )( jc


f )1(2


x )1( +jf x )1( +j

c f )( j

x )1(t



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Fig. 15. The structure of the HTS filter.

Fig. 16. The optimal coarse model response () and the fine model response (ο) at the initial design forthe HTS filter.



3.901 3.945 3.989 4.033 4.077 4.121 4.165

frequency (GHz)








L0 L1 L2 L3 L2 L1 L0








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Fig. 17. The optimal coarse model response () and the fine model response (ο) at the space-mappeddesign for the HTS filter.

SpaceMappingx, f, B

Direct Optimizationx, Jf

( ) JJJJB fT cc

T c

- 1=

BJJ cf =

Fig. 18. Illustration of the connection between SM optimization and direct optimization.



3.901 3.945 3.989 4.033 4.077 4.121 4.165

frequency (GHz)








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Fig. 19. The fine model of the six-section H-plane waveguide filter.

Fig. 20. The coarse model of the six-section H-plane waveguide filter.

Y0 2B1B 3B 4B 3B 2B 1B Y0

θ1 θ1θ2 θ2θ 3 θ 3

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Fig. 21. The optimal coarse response () and the fine response (ο) at the initial design for the six-section H-plane waveguide filter.

Fig. 22. The optimal coarse response () and the fine response (ο) at the end of the second phase forthe six-section H-plane waveguide filter.

5.20 6.06 6.92 7.78 8.64 9.50

frequency (GHz)








5.20 6.06 6.92 7.78 8.64 9.500






frequency (GHz)


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Fig. 23. Illustration of the SM approach to engineering modeling.

Fig. 24. A three-dimensional illustration of the star distribution utilized in GSM and SMN.


xfxc Rc ≈ Rf




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Fig. 25. Illustration of the SMN approach.

Fig. 26. Illustration of GSM as a special case of SMN.



xf, n�

xc 1,

xc 2,

x nc,



xf, n �

xc 1,

xc 2,

x nc,