Review of Talisman by Afaa M. Weaver

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  • 8/14/2019 Review of Talisman by Afaa M. Weaver


    Talismanby Afaa M. Weaver. Tia Chucha Press ( P.O. Box 476969, Chicago, IL 60647). Paper;

    95 pp.; 5 X 9; $10.95. ISBN: 1-882688-17-1.

    By Tim W. Brown

    Talisman, a new poetry collection by Afaa M. Weaver, reads like a memoir in which the

    poet tries to make sense of his experiences with various women in his life. The poetry describes

    incidents occurring in early childhood until the present day. Read individually, the poems are not

    very excitingthere is little imagery or verbal play to dazzle the senses. Read together, however,

    the poems amount to an affecting autobiography of love.

    The book is divided into five sections, each of which depicts the authors relationship with

    a particular woman. Bessie, the first and longest section, explores Weaver's relationship with his

    mother. The first few poems of this group present a small boys scattered impressions. As the

    section progresses, Bessie comes clearer into focus and the poets view of her changes as he

    grows older. The following lines show a world-weary mother who gorges to assuage her pain:

    Some nights / she would make / herself a pan of pure / chocolate. By herself / she would dip it

    out / with a spoon and / eat it / ... / She did it so she could / enjoy herself, she said. / ... / I knew

    Mama / wasnt just enjoying herself. / She was forgetting. (Hersheys Chocolate, p. 18)

    Eleanora, the second section, presents the poet as young man. Fascination with sex

    dominates the subject matter in the first half, where the author celebrates the newly discovered

    pleasures of physical love in vivid detail. This sense of delight gives way to heartbreak in the

    second half as he wrestles with early marriage, the death of his infant son, and divorce.

    Sections three and four, Ronetta and Aissatou, offer a portrait of the poet in his

    twenties and thirties. Here, Weaver writes of his literary aspirations and his attempts to deal with

    domesticity. These sections chronicle dysfunctional relationships which are filled with bitter

    confrontations and eventually end in the poets second and third divorces. Comments on the soul-


  • 8/14/2019 Review of Talisman by Afaa M. Weaver


    killing quality of these relationships are typical: You were gonna / get your dreams by keeping

    me / in the factory, where everything / threw my imagination upside / the wall like it was under

    arrest. (Columbia City, 1975, p. 61)

    The final section, Mizan, presents an author in his forties whose experiences have led to

    increased wisdom concerning the ways of women. Although he remains passionate about women,

    he no longer rushes into relationships with them. Unlike in his earlier codependent relationships,

    Weaver exhibits a new maturity in his relationship with the independent-minded Mizan. After a

    long and sometimes tortuous road, he has become a fully realized individual who seeks same.

    Even if the writing in Talisman is a little prosy, Weaver demonstrates time and again the

    gift for turning a clever phrase. His meditations on the stages of love are suffused with painful

    personal honesty. To compose such self-aware poetry obviously took immense courage. All told,

    Talisman is a welcome addition to the confessional poetry tradition.
