Review of Medical Disease Symptoms Prediction Using Data...

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. I (May.-June. 2017), PP 59-70 DOI: 10.9790/0661-1903015970 59 | Page Review of Medical Disease Symptoms Prediction Using Data Mining Technique Rahul Deo Sah 1 , Dr. Jitendra Sheetalani 2 1, 2 (Sri Satya Sai University & Medical Sciences, Sehore, India) Abstract: Now a day’s data mining technique used in the field of medical diagnose of critical diesis and clinical data. The prediction of mining technique is major issue. For the enhancement of mining technique used various approach such as fuzzy logic, feature optimization and machine learning based classification technique. in this classification proceed based on classifier selection to medical disease data and propose a clustering- based classifier selection method. In the method, many clusters are selected for an ensemble process. Then, the standard presentation of each classifier on selected clusters is calculated and the classifier with the best average performance is chosen to classify the given data. In the computation of normal act, weighted average is technique is used. Weight values are calculated according to the distances between the given data and each selected cluster. There are generally two types of multiple classifiers combination: multiple classifiers selection and multiple classifiers fusion. Multiple classifiers selection assumes that each classifier has expertise in some local regions of the feature space and attempts to find which classifier has the highest local accuracy near an unknown test sample. Then, this classifier is nominated to make the final decision of the system. Keywords: Medical Diseases, Data Mining, Classification, Clustering I. Introduction Classification proceed based on classifier selection to medical disease data and propose a clustering- based classifier selection method. In the method, many clusters are selected for a ensemble process. Then, the standard presentation of each classifier on selected clusters is calculated and the classifier with the best average performance is chosen to classify the given data. In the computation of normal act, weighted average is technique is used. Weight values are calculated according to the distances between the given data and each selected cluster. There are generally two types of multiple classifiers combination: multiple classifiers selection and multiple classifiers fusion. Multiple classifiers selection assumes that each classifier has expertise in some local regions of the feature space and attempts to find which classifier has the highest local accuracy in the vicinity of an unknown test sample. Then, this classifier is nominated to make the final decision of the system[23][24][25]. Performance of a classifier is frequently the most important aspect of its value and is measured using a variety of well-known method and matrix is used. On the other hand knowledge of a classifier is often treated as less important or even neglected. However it is vital for the users of the classifier as they belief it more if they can realize how the classifier works and because additional knowledge about the relations in observed data can be extracted by involved classifier. Consequently some of the old methods focus on knowledge of learned classifiers or transforming non- knowledge classifiers into human- knowledge structure[20][22]. There is lack of algorithms that treat accuracy and knowledge of classifiers as uniformly significant, converting the domain of constructing a classifier into heuristic optimization crisis. Such algorithms are especially important in domains where there are parts of attribute space that can be classified with high accuracy using knowledgeable classifier and parts that require non- knowledge classifiers to achieve required classification accuracy[18][21][26]. The process of combining different clustering output (cluster ensemble or clustering Aggregation) emerged as an alternative approach for improving the quality of the Results of clustering algorithms. It is based on the success of the combination of supervised classifiers. Given a set of objects, a cluster ensemble method consists of two principal steps: Generation, which is about the creation of a set of partitions a of these objects, and Consensus Function, where a new partition, which is the integration of all partitions obtained in the generation step, is computed. Over the past years, many clustering ensemble techniques have been proposed, resulting in new ways to face the problem together with new fields of application for these techniques. Besides the presentation of the main methods, the introduction of taxonomy of the different tendencies and critical comparisons among the methods is really important in order to give a practical application to a survey[33][34]. Thus, due to the importance that clustering ensembles have gained facing cluster analysis, we have made a critical study of the different approaches and the existing methods. Feature selection technique is used for selecting subset of relevant features from the data set to build robust classification models. Classification accuracy is improved by removing most irrelevant and redundant features from the dataset. Ensemble model is proposed for improving classification accuracy by combining the prediction of multiple classifiers. In this

Transcript of Review of Medical Disease Symptoms Prediction Using Data...

IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 3, Ver. I (May.-June. 2017), PP 59-70

DOI: 10.9790/0661-1903015970 59 | Page

Review of Medical Disease Symptoms Prediction Using Data

Mining Technique

Rahul Deo Sah1, Dr. Jitendra Sheetalani


1, 2(Sri Satya Sai University & Medical Sciences, Sehore, India)

Abstract: Now a day’s data mining technique used in the field of medical diagnose of critical diesis and

clinical data. The prediction of mining technique is major issue. For the enhancement of mining technique used

various approach such as fuzzy logic, feature optimization and machine learning based classification technique.

in this classification proceed based on classifier selection to medical disease data and propose a clustering-

based classifier selection method. In the method, many clusters are selected for an ensemble process. Then, the

standard presentation of each classifier on selected clusters is calculated and the classifier with the best

average performance is chosen to classify the given data. In the computation of normal act, weighted average is

technique is used. Weight values are calculated according to the distances between the given data and each

selected cluster. There are generally two types of multiple classifiers combination: multiple classifiers selection

and multiple classifiers fusion. Multiple classifiers selection assumes that each classifier has expertise in some

local regions of the feature space and attempts to find which classifier has the highest local accuracy near an

unknown test sample. Then, this classifier is nominated to make the final decision of the system.

Keywords: Medical Diseases, Data Mining, Classification, Clustering

I. Introduction Classification proceed based on classifier selection to medical disease data and propose a clustering-

based classifier selection method. In the method, many clusters are selected for a ensemble process. Then, the

standard presentation of each classifier on selected clusters is calculated and the classifier with the best average

performance is chosen to classify the given data. In the computation of normal act, weighted average is

technique is used. Weight values are calculated according to the distances between the given data and each

selected cluster. There are generally two types of multiple classifiers combination: multiple classifiers selection

and multiple classifiers fusion. Multiple classifiers selection assumes that each classifier has expertise in some

local regions of the feature space and attempts to find which classifier has the highest local accuracy in the

vicinity of an unknown test sample. Then, this classifier is nominated to make the final decision of the

system[23][24][25]. Performance of a classifier is frequently the most important aspect of its value and is

measured using a variety of well-known method and matrix is used. On the other hand knowledge of a classifier

is often treated as less important or even neglected. However it is vital for the users of the classifier as they

belief it more if they can realize how the classifier works and because additional knowledge about the relations

in observed data can be extracted by involved classifier. Consequently some of the old methods focus on

knowledge of learned classifiers or transforming non- knowledge classifiers into human- knowledge

structure[20][22]. There is lack of algorithms that treat accuracy and knowledge of classifiers as uniformly

significant, converting the domain of constructing a classifier into heuristic optimization crisis. Such algorithms

are especially important in domains where there are parts of attribute space that can be classified with high

accuracy using knowledgeable classifier and parts that require non- knowledge classifiers to achieve required

classification accuracy[18][21][26].

The process of combining different clustering output (cluster ensemble or clustering Aggregation)

emerged as an alternative approach for improving the quality of the Results of clustering algorithms. It is based

on the success of the combination of supervised classifiers. Given a set of objects, a cluster ensemble method

consists of two principal steps: Generation, which is about the creation of a set of partitions a of these objects,

and Consensus Function, where a new partition, which is the integration of all partitions obtained in the

generation step, is computed. Over the past years, many clustering ensemble techniques have been proposed,

resulting in new ways to face the problem together with new fields of application for these techniques. Besides

the presentation of the main methods, the introduction of taxonomy of the different tendencies and critical

comparisons among the methods is really important in order to give a practical application to a survey[33][34].

Thus, due to the importance that clustering ensembles have gained facing cluster analysis, we have made a

critical study of the different approaches and the existing methods. Feature selection technique is used for

selecting subset of relevant features from the data set to build robust classification models. Classification

accuracy is improved by removing most irrelevant and redundant features from the dataset. Ensemble model is

proposed for improving classification accuracy by combining the prediction of multiple classifiers. In this

Review of Medical Disease Symptoms Prediction Using Data Mining Technique

DOI: 10.9790/0661-1903015970 60 | Page

dissertation used cluster based ensemble classifier[30][31][32]. The performance of each classifier and ensemble

model is evaluated by using statistical measures like accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. Classification of

medical data is an important task in the prediction of any disease. It even helps doctors in their diagnosis

decisions. Cluster oriented Ensemble classifier is to generate a set of classifiers instead of one classifier for the

classification of a new object, hoping that the combination of answers of multiple classification results in better

performance. We demonstrate the algorithmic use of the classification technique by extending SVM the most

popular binary classification algorithms[27][28][29]. From the studies above, the key to improve cluster

oriented classifier is to improve binary classification. In the final part of the thesis, we include empirical

evaluation that aim at understanding binary classification better in the context of ensemble learning. Two of the

most critical and well generalized problems of medical data are its new evolved feature and concept-drift. Since

a medical data is a fast and continuous event, it is assumed to have infinite length. Therefore, it is difficult to

store and use all the historical data for training. The most discover alternative is an incremental learning

technique. Several incremental learners have been proposed to address this problem [18], [17]. In addition,

concept-drift occurs in the stream when the underlying concepts of the stream change over time. A variety of

techniques have also been proposed in the literature for addressing concept-drift [12], [16], [17] in data stream

classification. However, there are two other significant characteristics of data streams, such as concept evolution

and feature evolution that are ignored by most of the existing techniques. Concept-evolution occurs when new

classes evolve in the data. Cluster oriented ensemble classifier used to reduce feature evaluation problem in

medical disease data classification. The rest of paper describe as in section III. Discuss related work in the field

of medical dieses prediction. In section III. Discuss mining technique. in section IV discuss experimental results

and finally discuss conclusion & future work in section V.

II. Related Work In this section discuss the related work in the field of medical science for the prediction of critical

disease based on data mining technique. The survey of medical disease used various data mining technique for

the prediction [40].

Mai Shouman, Tim Turner and Rob Stocker Et al. [1] This paper distinguishes crevices in the

exploration on coronary illness finding and treatment and talked about a model to methodically close those holes

to find if applying information mining systems to coronary illness treatment information can give as dependable

execution as that accomplished in diagnosing coronary illness. They applying half breed information mining

strategies has demonstrated promising outcomes in the conclusion of coronary illness, so applying cross breed

information mining procedures in choosing the appropriate treatment for coronary illness patients’ needs assist

examination. This paper distinguishes holes in the exploration on coronary illness conclusion and treatment and

talked about a model to efficiently close those crevices to find if applying information mining procedures to

coronary illness treatment information can give as solid execution as that accomplished in diagnosing coronary

illness patients. M. L. Kowalski, J. S. Makowska, M. Blanca, S. Bavbek, G. Bochenek, J. Bousquet, P.

Bousquet, G. Celik, P. Demoly, E. R. Gomes, E. Ni_zankowska-Mogilnicka, A. Romano, M. Sanchez-Borges,

M. Sanz, M. J. Torres, A. De Weck, A. Szczeklik and K. Brockow Et al. [2] as indicated by specialists,

Nonsteroidal hostile to inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are in charge of 21–25% of detailed unfriendly

medication occasions which incorporate immunological and nonimmunological excessive touchiness responses.

This review displays state-of-the-art data on patho-systems, clinical range, symptomatic devices and

administration of excessive touchiness responses to NSAIDs. Clinically, NSAID extreme touchiness is

especially showed by bronchial asthma, rhinosinusitis, hypersensitivity or urticaria and assortment generally

cutaneous and organ-specific responses. Analysis of excessive touchiness to a NSAID incorporates

comprehension of the fundamental instrument and is essential for anticipation and administration. A stepwise

way to deal with the analysis of excessive touchiness to NSAIDs is examined, including clinical history, in vitro

testing or potentially incitement test with a guilty party or option sedate contingent upon the kind of the

response. The analytic procedure ought to bring about furnishing the patient with composed data both on illegal

and on option drugs. Chaitrali S. Dangare and Sulabha S. Apte Et al. [3] This paper has dissected forecast

frameworks for Heart illness utilizing more number of information traits. The framework utilizes medicinal

terms, for example, sex, circulatory strain, cholesterol like 13 ascribes to foresee the probability of patient

getting a Heart ailment. From results, it has been seen that Neural Networks gives exact outcomes as contrast

with Decision trees and Naive Bayes. This framework can be further extended. It can utilize more number of

information qualities recorded above in table 1 and 2. Other information mining strategies can likewise be

utilized for predication e.g. Grouping, Time arrangement, Association rules. The content mining can be utilized

to mine colossal measure of unstructured information accessible in human services industry database. Asha

Rajkumar and Mrs. G.Sophia Reena Et al. [4] In this paper the information characterization depends on

regulated machine learning calculations which result in precision, time taken to construct the calculation.

Tanagra instrument is utilized to group the information and the information is assessed utilizing 10-overlap

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cross approval and the outcomes are thought about. This paper manages the outcomes in the field of information

arrangement got with Naive Bayes calculation, Decision list calculation and KNN calculation, and in general

execution made known Naive Bayes Algorithm when tried on coronary illness datasets. The time taken to run

the information for result is quick when contrasted with different calculations. It demonstrates the improved

execution as per its quality. Traits are completely characterized by this calculation and it gives 52.33% of exact

outcome. In light of the trial comes about the grouping precision is observed to be better utilizing Naive Bayes

calculation contrast with different calculations. From the above outcomes, Naive Bayes calculation assumes a

key part in molding enhanced characterization precision of a dataset. Nidhi Bhatla and Kiran Jyoti Et al. [5] This

paper goes for investigating the different information mining methods presented as of late for coronary illness

forecast. The perceptions uncover that Neural systems with 15 qualities has beated over every other dat mining

procedures. Another conclusion from the examination is that choice tree has additionally demonstrated great

exactness with the assistance of hereditary calculation and highlight subset determination. Different methods

and information mining classifiers are characterized in this work which has risen lately for proficient and viable

coronary illness determination. The examination demonstrates that Neural Network with 15 properties has

demonstrated the most astounding precision i.e. 100% up until this point. Then again, Decision Tree has

likewise performed well with 99.62% precision by utilizing 15 traits. Additionally, in blend with Genetic

Algorithm and 6 qualities, Decision Tree has indicated 99.2% proficiency. Shweta Kharya Et al. [6] In this

paper This review paper condenses different audit and specialized articles on bosom growth conclusion and

guess likewise they concentrate on ebb and flow research being done utilizing the information mining

procedures to upgrade the bosom malignancy analysis and anticipation. Different information mining strategies

have been broadly utilized for bosom growth conclusion. In this paper, they have talked about some of

compelling strategies that can be utilized for bosom disease grouping. Among the different information mining

classifiers and delicate registering approaches, Decision tree is observed to be best indicator with 93.62%

Accuracy on benchmark dataset (UCI machine learning dataset) and furthermore on SEER dataset. HianChye

Koh and Gerald Tan Et al. [7] This article investigates information mining applications in medicinal services.

Specifically, it examines information mining and its applications inside human services in significant ranges, for

example, the assessment of treatment adequacy, administration of social insurance, client relationship

administration, and the identification of extortion and manhandle. It likewise gives an illustrative case of a

medicinal services information mining application including the recognizable proof of hazard variables related

with the onset of diabetes. At long last, the article highlights the impediments of information mining and

examines some future headings. Information digging undertakings can fall flat for an assortment of reasons, for

example, absence of administration support, impossible client desires, poor venture administration, deficient

information mining skill, and the sky is the limit from there. Information mining requires serious arranging and

techno-coherent readiness work. M. Anbarasi, e. Anupriya and Et al. [8] In their work, Genetic

calculation is utilized to decide the properties which contribute more towards the analysis of heart diseases

which by implication lessens the quantity of tests which are should have been taken by a patient. Thirteen

ascribes are decreased to 6 qualities utilizing hereditary inquiry. The target of their work is to anticipate all the

more precisely the nearness of coronary illness with decreased number of properties. Innocent Bayes performs

reliably previously, then after the fact lessening of qualities with a similar model development time. Order

through grouping performs poor contrasted with other two strategies. Irregularities and missing qualities were

settled before model development yet continuously, that is not the situation. they expect to broaden their work

applying fluffy learning models to assess the force of cardiovascular malady. Sri Harsha Vege Et al. [9] In this

postulation they examined an outfit approach for highlight choice, where different element determination

strategies are joined to yield more strong and stable outcomes. Troupe of numerous element positioning systems

is performed in two stages. The initial step includes making an arrangement of various element selectors, each

giving its sorted request of elements, while the second step totals the aftereffects of all component positioning

systems. The outfit strategy utilized as a part of their review is recurrence number which is joined by intend to

determine any recurrence tally impact. To determine the issue of recurrence crash, they have presented mean

requesting. The investigations were directed on two biomedical datasets. The outcomes exhibited that the outfit

method performed preferred by and large over any individual ranker. The outcomes additionally demonstrated

that the exhibitions of arrangement models are enhanced even after 90% of the components are expelled. Dr. R.

GeethaRamani and G. Sivagami Et al. [10] This paper means to give a review of ebb and flow strategies of

learning disclosure in databases utilizing information mining systems that are being used today for the order of

Parkinson Disease. The paper is expected to check the viability of the utilization of different classifiers to the

Parkinson Dataset. This dataset contains 22 properties with different scope of qualities. A relative investigation

of a few calculations on the dataset is performed. This is finished by first doing the component importance on

the dataset. At that point, the classifiers are actualized upon the dataset. Early recognition of any sort of illness is

a basic component. This aides in treating the patient well ahead. In this exploration paper, Random Tree

classifier yields the 100% precision.Thamilselvan P and Dr. J. G. R. Sathiaseelan Et al. [11] Image order is an

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imperative procedure to create profitable data. The arrangement technique gives the precise outcome in their

objective class. This survey thinks about some overwhelming half breed grouping calculations to discover the

characterization precision for different informational indexes and their execution of methods. It gives some vital

cross breed methods that have been utilized for picture arrangement. In this paper, the crossover information

mining calculations are concentrated like GA-SVM, EKM-EELM, AdaBoost-SVM, Decision Tree-Naive

Bayes, and SVM-CART. Picture Classification is the most significant piece of picture mining and advanced

picture handling. They have pondered development of characterization strategy in view of various half and half

approach. The execution of half and half strategies was examined in view of the order precision, preferences and

attributes of the reference information focuses. From this review, the half and half strategy NB-SVM

demonstrates better exactness in picture arrangement when contrasted with other cross breed approaches.

RatnadipAdhikari and R.K. Agrawal Et al. [12] In this paper, they talked about a nonlinear weighted group

component for consolidating conjectures from different time arrangement models. they examined a novel

nonlinear weighted troupe procedure for estimates blend. It is an expansion of the regular direct blend plot with

a specific end goal to incorporate conceivable relationship eff ects between the taking an interest gauges. An

efficient progressive approval system is recommended for deciding the suitable blend weights. The experimental

outcomes with three true time arrangement and three determining strategies exhibit that their talked about

procedure significantly beats every individual technique as far as got figure correctness’s. In addition, it likewise

gives significantly preferred outcomes over the great straightforward normal joining procedure. S. D. Kotal and

S. K. Roy Bhowmik Et al. [13] The strategy is produced utilizing various straight relapse procedure with five

part models, to be specific ECMWF, NCEP, MM5, QLM and JMA. The model parameters are chosen in view

of the specimen database of cyclonic frameworks that happened in 2008 and pre-storm season in 2009. The

execution of the model is tried utilizing the autonomous specimens that happened amid 2010 and post-storm

season in 2009. ECMWF model is observed to be the best among part models. The consequences of this review

utilizing the information of 2008 to 2009 are extremely encouraging. they in-have a tendency to incorporate the

all information of tornados amid 2008 to 2010 for relapse of MME method for determining the violent wind

track of 2011. An aggregate inclination remedy is incorporated into the gathering system as a different direct

relapse based minimization guideline for the model figure position against to the watched position is connected

in this review. they additionally mean to develop the work of individual inclination evacuation of part models.

S. Kotsiantis, K. Patriarcheas and M. Xenos Et al. [14] This paper means to fill the hole between experimental

expectation of understudy execution and the current ML methods in a separation instruction condition. The

examined method, expects to explore wonders in instructive technique from the purpose of causal understanding

perspective. This approach is regularly unfeasible both as far as space and refresh time for online settings with

asset imperatives. To help ease the space issue, the extent of the dataset by just putting away and using the latest

or most essential occasions could be restricted. This exactness comes to the 73% in the underlying estimates,

which depend on statistic information of the understudies and beats the 82% preceding the final examinations.

Dataset is from the module 'Presentation in informatics' however a large portion of the conclusions are colossal

and show enthusiasm for the dominant part of HOU modules. It is intriguing to contrast their outcomes and

those from other open and separation learning programs offered by other open Universities. Given that the HOU

is not an ordinary college. Mehdi HosseinzadehAghdam and PeymanKabiri Et al. [15] particle is an essential

theme in data security. The motivation behind this review is to distinguish vital components in building an

interruption location framework with the end goal that they are computationally efficient and eff ective. To

enhance the execution of interruption discovery framework, this paper talked about an interruption identification

framework that its elements are ideally chosen utilizing subterranean insect province advancement. The talked

about technique is effectively actualized and has a low computational unpredictability because of utilization of a

simplified include set for the classification. Tests and examinations are performed on KDD Cup 99 and NSL-

KDD informational collections, the test sets contain 17 sorts of diff erent assaults. The talked about technique

decreased the quantity of components by roughly 88% and the recognition blunder lessened by around 24%

utilizing KDD Cup 99 test informational collection. This demonstrates the examined strategy is exceptionally

solid for interruption location. Comes about show that the examined ACO-based recognition strategy beats

different strategies since it can give better and more powerful portrayal of the information. This is because of the

way that it can precisely recognize a more extensive scope of assaults utilizing more modest number of


III. Data Mining Technique Knn Classifier

Nearest neighbor classifiers are based on learning by analogy. The training samples are described by n

dimensional numeric attributes. Each sample represents a point in an n-dimensional space. In this way, all of the

training samples are stored in an n-dimensional pattern space. When given an unknown sample, a k-nearest

neighbor classifier searches the pattern space for the k training samples that are closest to the unknown sample.

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"Closeness" is defined in terms of Euclidean distance, where the Euclidean distance, where the Euclidean

distance between two points, X=(x1,x2,……,xn) and Y=(y1,y2,….,yn) is dist (X1,X2)= The unknown sample

is assigned the most common class among its k nearest neighbors. When k=1, the unknown sample is assigned

the class of the training sample that is closest to it in pattern space. Nearest neighbor classifiers are instance-

based or lazy learners in that they store all of the training samples and do not build a classifier until a

new(unlabeled) sample needs to be classified. This contrasts with eager learning methods, such a decision tree

induction and back propagation, which construct a generalization model before receiving new samples to

classify. Lazy learners can incur expensive computational costs when the number of potential neighbors (i.e.,

stored training samples) with which to compare a given unlabeled sample is great. Therefore, they require

efficient indexing techniques. An expected lazy learning methods are faster ate training than eager methods, but

slower at classification since all computation is delayed to that time. Unlike decision tree induction and back

propagation, nearest neighbor classifiers assign equal weight to each attribute. This may cause confusion when

there are many irrelevant attributes in the data. Nearest neighbor classifiers can also be used for prediction, that

is, to return a real-valued prediction for a given unknown sample. In this case, the classifier returns the average

value of the real-valued associated with the k nearest neighbors of the unknown sample[23][36]. The k-nearest

neighbors’ algorithm is amongst the simplest of all machine learning algorithms. An object is classified by a

majority vote of its neighbors, with the object being assigned to the class most common amongst its k nearest

neighbors. K is a positive integer, typically small. If k = 1, then the object is simply assigned to the class of its

nearest neighbor. In binary (two class) classification problems, it is helpful to choose k to be an odd number as

this avoids tied votes. The same method can be used for regression, by simply assigning the property value for

the object to be the average of the values of its k nearest neighbors. It can be useful to weight the contributions

of the neighbors, so that the nearer neighbors contribute more to the average than the more distant ones[39]. The

neighbors are taken from a set of objects for which the correct classification (or, in the case of regression, the

value of the property) is known. This can be thought of as the training set for the algorithm, though no explicit

training step is required. In order to identify neighbors, the objects are represented by position vectors in a

multidimensional feature space. It is usual to use the Euclidian distance, though other distance measures, such as

the Manhanttan distance could in principle be used instead. The k-nearest neighbor algorithm is sensitive to the

local structure of the data.

Rough Set Theory

The rough sets theory was proposed by Pawlak in 1982 to deal with uncertain and fuzzy materials and

to simplify knowledge. In the rough sets theory, humans use their general knowledge to classify the world

around them as abstract or concrete. Everything is classified according to its characteristics, and those with

nearly identical characteristics may be put into the same group. This is called indiscernible relation, denoted as Ind and is the basis of rough sets theory. One of the main advantages of rough set theory is that it does not need

any preliminary or additional information about data. The main problems that can be approached using rough

sets theory include data reduction, discovery of data dependencies, and estimation of data significance,

generation of decision algorithms from data, approximate classification of data, discovery of patterns in data and

discovery of cause-effect relationships [10]. The following is the concept of rough sets theory.

Knowledge can be finished by the information systems; the basic composition of an information system is the

set of objects which are to be studied. The knowledge of these objects is described by their attributes and

attributes values. The information system is defined as follows[37]:

),( AUIS (1)

Where U is the universe, a finite non-empty set of objects, },...,,{ 21 mxxxU

, and A is the set of attributes.

Each attribute Aa (attribute a belonging to the considered set of attributes A) defines an information


aa VUf : (2)

where aV is the set of values of a , called the domain of attribute a . In all attributes, there are decision

attributes and condition attributes.

Indiscernible relation

For every set of attributes AB , an indiscernible relation )(BInd

is defined in the following way: two objects,

ix and jx

, are indiscernible by the set of attributes B in A, if )()( ji xbxb

for every Bb . The equivalence

class of )(BInd

is called the elementary set in B because it represents the smallest discernible groups of objects.

For any element ix of A, the equivalence class of ix

in relation )(BInd

is represented as )(][ BIndix.

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The rough sets approach to data analysis hinges on two basic concepts, namely the lower and the upper

approximations of a set, referring to: the elements that doubtlessly belong to the set, and the elements that

possibly belong to the set. The definition is shown as follows:

Let X denote the subset of elements of the universe U, the lower approximation of X in B, denoted as BX , and

is defined as the union of all these elementary sets which are contained in X. More formally[38]:




The above statement is to be read as: the lower approximation of the set X is a set of objects ix, which belong

to the elementary sets contained in X (in the space B), BX is called the lower approximation of the set X in B.

The upper approximation of the set X, denoted as BX , is the union of these elementary sets, which have a non-

empty intersection with X:




The above statement is to be read as: the upper approximation of the set X is a set of objects ix, which belong

to the elementary sets that have a non-empty intersection with X, BX is called the upper approximation of the

set X in B.

The difference is called a boundary of X in U.


The concepts of core and reduct are two very important concepts of the rough sets theory. If the set of attributes

is dependent, one can be interested in finding all possible minimal subsets of attributes. These lead to the same

number of elementary sets as the whole set of attributes (reducts) in finding the set of all indispensable attributes

(core). Simplification of the information system can be used to recognize some values of attributes which are

not necessary for the system[39]. For example, some attributes which are redundant can be deleted or be filtered

by means of the simplification procedures. If, )()( iaAIndAInd

, then the attribute iais dispensable,

otherwise, ia is indispensable in A. In other words, if after deleting the attribute ia

, the number of elementary

sets in the information system is the same, then it concludes that attribute ia is dispensable. Hence, the

simplification can contain the minimal subsets of independent attributes, which ensure they can represent the

whole set. The core is the necessary element for representing knowledge or rules, and is the common part of all

reducts. The researcher uses the discernibility matrix to compute the values of reducts and core.

Svm (Support Vector Machine)

Support vector Machine is binary classifier, the performance of classification of support vector

machine is high in compression of another binary classifier such as decision tree, KNN and bay,s classifier[35].

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a novel machine learning method based on statistical learning theory

developed by V.N.Vapnik, and it has been successfully applied to numerous classification and pattern

recognition problems such as text categorization, image recognition and bioinformatics. It is still in the

development stage now.SVM can be used for pattern recognition, regression analysis and principal component

analysis. The achievements of SVM in training have Platt’s the sequential minimal optimization method,

Osuna’s the method of Chunking, Joachims’ SVM light method and so on. These methods are directed at the

training process, and not related to classification process. In the process of SVM training, all the samples are

used. So it has no effect on the speed of the classification. Lee and others propose a method of reduction SVM

training time and adding the speed of training, reduced support vector machines. The method in the training

process is not used in all the samples but by randomly selecting one of the subsets to train, which is through

reducing the scale of training to achieve the objective of speeding up the training pace. At the same time,

because of the reduction of the support vector quantity, the speed of classification is improved to some degree.

However, due to the loss of some support vector classification, precision has declined, especially when the

number of support vector is so many that the accuracy of its classification will decline. Burges put forward a

way of increasing the speed of Classification, which does not use the support vector in the category function but

use a reduction of vector set, which is different from the standard vector set .That is neither training samples nor

support vector but it is the transformation of the special vector. The method achieved certain results, but in the

process of looking for the reduction of the vector collection, the cost of calculation paid is too large to widely

use in practice. The concept of SVM is to transform the input vectors to a higher dimensional space Z by a

nonlinear transform, and then an optical hyperplane which separates the data can be found. This hyperplane

should have the best generalization capability. As shown in Figure 4.1, the black dots and the white dots are the

training dataset which belong to two classes. The Plane H series are the hyperplanes to separate the two classes.

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The optical plane H is found by maximizing the margin value ||||/2 w . Hyperplanes 1H and 2H are the

planes on the border of each class and also parallel to the optical hyperplane H. The data located on 1H and

2H are called support vectors.

Figure 1 The SVM binary classifications

For training data set 1,1),,(),...,,( 11 ill yyxyx , to find the optical hyperplane H, a nonlinear transform,

)(xZ , is applied to x, to make x become linearly dividable. A weight w and offset b satisfying the

following criteria will be found:








ybzw .................................................................................................... (a1)


libzwy i


i ,...,2,1,1)( ......................................................................................... (a1.1)

Assume that the equation of the optical hyperplane H (Fig.4.1) is 000 bzwT

, then the distance of the data

point in any of the two classes to the hyperplane is:



1|1| w







yx .......................................................................................... (a2)

A 0w is to be found to maximize

00000 /2||||/2),( wwwbwT

....................................................................................... (a3)

Then the search of the optimal plane H turns to a problem of a second order planning problem.



,www T

bw .............................................................................................................. (a4)

Subject to libzwy i


i ,...,2,1,1)( ............................................................................. (a5)

If the sample data is not linearly dividable, find the minimum value of




T Cwww12

1)( ....................................................................................................... (a6)

Whereas can be understood as the error of the classification and C is the penalty parameter for this term. By

using Lagrange method, the decision function of




i zyw


0 .......................................................................................................................... (a7)

will be


bzzyf i






.................................................................................................... (a8)

From the functional theory, a non-negative symmetrical function ),( vuK uniquely define a Hilbert space H, K

is the rebuild kernel in the space H:


ii vuvuK )()(),( ...................................................................................................... (a9)

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This stands for an internal product of a characteristic space:

),()()( xxKxxzz i




i ............................................................................................ (a10)

Then the decision function can be written as:




iii bxxKyf .............................................................................................. (a11)

The development of a SVM image classification model depends on the selection of kernel function K. There are

several kernels that can be used in Support Vector Machines models. These include linear, polynomial, radial

basis function (RBF) and sigmoid function:



























................................................. (a12)

The RBF is by far the most popular choice of kernel types used in Support Vector Machines. This is mainly

because of their localized and finite responses across the entire range of the real x-axis.

Improper kernel function might generate poor performance. Currently there is no effective “learning” method to

choose a proper kernel function for a specific problem. The selection is decided by the experiment result at this

time. In our proposed system, two kernel functions are tested: Radial Basis Function-RBF and Polynomial

Function. p

poly xxxxK )1*(),( 2121 ................................................................................................. (a13)

)||||exp(),( 2

2121 xxpxxKRBF ................................................................................ (a14)

IV. Experimental Analysis In this section, we perform experimental process of CBA, RGI,KNN and SVM algorithm. The methods

implement in MATLAB 7.8.0 and tested with very reputed data set from UCI machine learning research center.

In the research work, I have measured classification, Accuracy and execution time of ensemble method. To

evaluate these performance parameters, I have used five datasets from UCI machine learning repository [10]

namely blood dataset, diabetes dataset, Hagerman dataset, heart dataset and liver dataset.

Table 1: shows that the Accuracy and Elapsed time with using CBA and RGI techniques for the same and


Liver CBA 0.3 0.5 81.00 6.245

RGI 0.3 0.5 82.00 5.308

Diabetes CBA 0.3 0.5 81.49 7.245

RGI 0.3 0.5 83.32 8.451

Fig. 2: Shows that comparative result of Liver data set, with using CBA and RGI method.

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Fig.3: Shows that comparative result of Diabetes data set, with using CBA and RGI method.

Fig. 4: Shows that comparative result of Accuracy for Liver and Diabetes data set, with using CBA and RGI


Fig. 5: Shows that comparative result of Elapsed Time for Liver and Diabetes data set, with using CBA and RGI


Table 2: Comparative performance evaluation for classification using KNN, SVM and SVM-ANT classifier. Method Name Elapsed Time Mean Absolute Error Mean Relative Error Accuracy

KNN 24.43 41.00 26.81 48.18

SVM 24.46 39.50 24.23 59.18

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Fig. 6: Comparative performance evaluation for classification using KNN and SVM classifier, here we find the

value of elapsed time, mean absolute error, mean relative error and Accuracy.

Fig. 7: Comparative performance evaluation for classification using KNN and SVM classifier, here we find the

value of elapsed time and Accuracy.

Fig 8: Comparative performance evaluation for classification using KNN and SVM classifier, here we find the

value of Mean absolute error and mean relative error.

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V. Conclusion & Future Scope In this paper evaluate the performance of medical disease prediction based on data mining technique.

The classifier classified the medical diagnosis of disease data such as cancer, liver problem, and heart disease

and so on. SVM method better classified data in compression of conventional cluster ensemble technique. For

the classification purpose used two base classifier KNN and SVM. The task of clustering performs by fixed

clustering technique such as k-means algorithm. Compared classification accuracy on the same datasets between

conventional and proposed ensemble classification algorithms. We investigated the classification accuracy on

benchmark datasets including UCI repository, medical disease data, as well as real world datasets. The average

and the maximum classification accuracy computed by conventional and proposed ensembles on the same

datasets were compared. The comparison results prove that the average classification accuracy and the

maximum classification accuracy resulted by proposed ensembles on more datasets is better than the average. In

near future also focus on optimized selection of number of base classifier for proper selection of classifier in

ensemble process. The diversity of medical diagnosis of disease data are increase day to day. Now in future

dimension reduction process are also involved in ensemble classification technique.

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