Review Magic Valey Issu 5

Interview with One Dead Crow Ladies Gryphyn by Nichollete McPhearson WarmArt Tattoo welcomes a new member to the tribe! Digital Art Work by T. Fullbright and MUCH MORE!!!


Interview with One Dead Crow, Ladies Gryphyn by Nichollete McPhearson, WarmArt Tattoo welcomes a new member to the tribe Digital Art Work by T. Fullbright and MUCH MORE!!!

Transcript of Review Magic Valey Issu 5

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Interview with One Dead Crow

Ladies Gryphyn by Nichollete McPhearson

WarmArt Tattoo welcomes a new member to the tribe!

Digital Art Work by T. Fullbright

and MUCH MORE!!!

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Recapture the Magic by Lisa D. Jensen

Christmas -- the most magical holiday of them all, espe-cially for children. Looking back, wasn’t that the best part of the whole year? We can’t pretend that gifts didn’t play a part in the anticipation, but the festive atmosphere that set in right before Thanksgiving is really what swept us up and carried us through to a New Year. Charlie Brown specials and the primi-tive holiday stop-motion animated classics on TV. Christmas songs playing on every radio station. Candy canes and choco-lates, frosted sugar cookies and other confections that appear only during the holidays. Shop windows decorated with festive, wintry, holiday scenes. It’s the sensation these things elicit that I long for when the air turns crisp and the leaves are gone from the trees.

We didn’t travel over the river and through the woods—we lived just down the street from my grandparents. The tradi-tional trek to Grandma’s house was a big part of what made it Christmas, though. Being at her house, adorned with the standard holiday accessories of over-sized decorated tree (Grandma’s tree was always real, of course), stockings hung on the mantle and the aroma of roasting ham, was the definition of the holidays for us. Sadly, the grandparents have been gone for years, but isn’t the mind a wonderful thing? Something as simple as catching the scent of pine or of cookies baking, aromatic and spicy with anise, can take me instantly back to Christmases past. Maybe that is the real magic: traveling back in time and experiencing those treasured moments as if they were yesterday.

We can’t really live in the past, but it’s a nice place to visit

for the holidays. It can be rewarding to make new memories by transporting Christmas Past to your present. Try bringing the distinctive scent of Christmas to your home by buying a live pine tree instead of dragging the dusty pre-lit synthetic tree from the attic. And, sure, trim it with the ornaments you already have, but this year why not include some quaint homemade decorations along with the glass globes and foil garland? Origami stars, made from different colors of paper and sprinkled with glitter and popcorn and cranberries strung into decorative trim are classics. Make a few holiday treats, too. A box of homemade cookies or a tin of fudge are lovely Christmas gifts. Even if you only have time to make a batch or two, the time spent baking will be therapeutic and the aroma will scent your home with the fragrance of the holidays. And you’ll want to have some good, old-fashioned Christmas music playing as a soundtrack for everything you. Nothing can invoke holiday nostalgia like Dean Martin or Perry Como singing Joy to the World, Here Comes Santa Clause and Winter Wonder-land. You might have to make the time for these activities, but whether you have children or are doing it for your own inner child, you’re sure to create a holiday to cherish and add to your treasure-trove of memories.


Baking up a batch of Pfeffernuesse at Christmas will take you back to Grandma’s kitchen every time. Crisp and delicious with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate or even a glass of milk (perfect to leave for Santa), these little cookies are a must-have for anyone’s collection of traditional Christmas recipes.Ingredients

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2 c sifted flour3/4 tsp ground cardamom3/4 tsp baking powder3/4 tsp ground allspice3/4 tsp salt3/4 tsp ground mace3/4 tsp baking soda1/2 tsp anise seed1 tsp grated orange rind1 c honey3 Tbsp butter1 egg, beatenPowdered sugar (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Heat the honey and the butter in a saucepan over medium heat just long enough to melt the butter; do not boil. Remove from heat and set aside. In a mix-ing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients. Stir in the cooled honey mixture and the egg. Dough should be semi-stiff. You can let the dough rest for 5 or 10 minutes if it seems too soft to work with. Divide the dough in half or thirds to be able to handle it easier and shape the dough sections into logs about 1 1/2 inches wide. Cut the logs into 2 inch pieces and place them on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 – 15 minutes or until golden brown. (Check the bottoms to make sure they don’t over-brown.) Remove from oven and transfer the cookies to a plate to cool. Store cooled cookies in an airtight container. These cookies actually get better with age—if they last!

Sprinkle powdered sugar over the cookies before serving, if you wish.

6 eggs at room temperature, separated3/4 cup sugar (for the yolks)6 Tablespoons sugar (for the whites)1/2 teaspoon vanilla (use the good stuff, and/or make your own)fresh grated nutmeg3 cups whipping cream, chilled2 cups whole milkoptional:1 cup brandy or rum1 1/3 cups bourbon

Eggnog Recipe

large bowl (~ gallon-sized)wire whiskMicroplane grater/zestermixer (hand or stand type - just so long as it’s motorized!)

Small punch cups, margarita glasses, teacups, wine glasses, or other fancy-looking festive vessels

For single-serving size (one egg), divide everything else by 6. Separate the eggs.

Put the yolks in your big bowl, the whites in the electric mixer bowl.

Mix the yolks vigorously with the wire whisk for about a minute - they will turn much lighter yellow.

Whisk in 3/4 cup sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, whisking steadily. Grate* in a bit of nutmeg** (gently - you can always add more later, and fresh nutmeg can be powerful), then add 3 cups cream and 2 cups milk (and the booze, if you’re using it) and whisk a bit more. Everything should be thoroughly incorporated.

Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks - this is exactly why we have robots in the kitchen. (It will take ~3-5 minutes, even longer if you’re crazy enough to try whisking it by hand.)

Add 6T sugar, one tablespoon at a time, as the mixer runs. Continue beating until the mixture forms stiff peaks, but still looks moist (another 2-4 minutes). See the last picture to see how stiff the mixture is as I scoop it out of the mixing bowl

Gently fold the egg whites into the yolk/cream mixture with a spatula.

Scrape the egg whites out of the bowl with your rubber spat-ula, and use a gentle sweeping motion to incorporate the whites to save all the air you just beat into them. (If you whisk them in all of that nice fluffiness will be lost.) You should still have some small blobs of unincorporated eggwhite (see last picture), and if the mixture is allowed to sit it will separate.

Ladle out the eggnog into your fancy cups, and top with a bit more freshly grated nutmeg.

If the eggnog has separated, give it a quick (gentle!) stir before serving. Don’t let the eggnog sit out too long - even if it does have alcohol, refrigerate to avoid spoilage. I’ve never had this problem: we always drink it so fast there’s nothing left to worry about! Thankfully it’s fast to make more, because you’ll never be able to drink the commercial stuff again.

Happy Holidays, and enjoy your eggnog!

Eggnog is a delicious traditional holiday drink, best made fresh and served immediately! This recipe makes a fabulously rich, tasty fresh eggnog you can whip up in minutes.

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Vote For Your Favorite Lady of the yearThis will be your last chance to vote for your favorite lady of the month! Make sure you vote for yours! ... How to vote is below.

A Big THANKS goes out to all of the ladies for their participation in this issue from all of us here at RMV!

To All Others.... Enjoy!!!! And Thank You For your continued support and readership!!


Voting Ending Soon!!!Voting Ends December 12th @ 12 am. Make sure to vote for your favorite! Vote on our Face book (under Review Magic Valley) by “Liking” your favorite photos!

Winner will receive an interview and photo shoot for January’s issue of RMV, And a 2 hour (or equivalent) Tattoo session with WARMART TATTOO


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RMV Presents Part 1

Cover art by T. Fullbright

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Natalie Part 1

Natalie had just hung up her industrial walkie-talk-ie phone as she pulled open the door to the Cascade Lakes Brewery and Restaurant. Her stiletto gladiator heels made a dull clack on the cement floor as she made her way to the bar. Pulling her sunglasses up and letting them rest on her head, her brown pseudo curly hair graced her shoulders in a delicate mess. Stepping up to the bar and searching, she noticed the crew she was looking for was already seated to her right. They were in a rounded booth at a table covered with water glasses and an assortment of cocktails that belonged to the eclectic group of oth-erworld beings.

The mundane drone of chit chat amongst other pa-trons was blended with the sounds of a song Natalie didn’t recognize. Glancing around, Natalie made a mental note of the two exits, one just ahead and to the left, the other just behind her and to the right, around a slight corner.

Turning her attention back to her old ‘family’, she made her way to the table. It didn’t take long for her to find the man she was looking for. His shoulder length black hair and stunning green eyes made him stand out among the crowd, as did his aura of preda-tory nature. His stance was one of pure confidence. He leaned slightly to his left with one leg kicked out next to the end of the table. Black cargo pants and a gray T-shirt barely hid his muscled chest and arms. As he laughs at a joke laid forth by a comrade, his hair slips into his eyes and he is forced to brush it from his face.

Before he knew it his senses homed in on a pair of black heels making their way towards his table. Hmm, he thinks, what have we here?

Finally he made eye contact. Adariyan’s heart leapt at the site of his best friend walking so confidently towards him. It was obvious in her gate that she was not a little girl anymore. She was a woman now, one

that knew how to take care of herself. He knew what she was capable of; he had trained her. Though he wondered how did she expected to lay a decent kick on anyone in such tight jeans. He had no idea. What was she really thinking? And those heels, while they looked amazing he would hate to see her try to out run their enemies. He suddenly realized his gaze had lingered on her curves just a bit too long and she had noticed. A grin spread across her lips. She hadn’t re-ally thought about what she put on that day.

Since coming Earthside Natalie had embraced a romantic hippie style. Today she had opted for a darker side of herself. Wearing an overly tight black tank top that left her sleeve of tattoos visible and made her breasts seem more plump than usual; sim-ple denim jeans, which may have been a bit tighter than she would normally prefer. The black gladiator heels with dark make up completed her out-of-the ordinary look. Her black, more abused than loved back pack hung from her left shoulder. However uncommon this was for her, she felt amazing.

Perhaps it was the prospect of going home, or maybe the idea of being with him again. As Natalie approached the table she was overwhelmed with confusing emotions. First she wanted to walk up so gracefully, place a kiss on his cheek and then a left hook from nowhere for her heartbreak and pain. And yet, she also wanted to walk up calmly, elegantly, offer his her hand to allow him the honor of joining her through the portal.

Just like old times. Natalie shook herself.

Are you crazy woman, how could you even con-sider trusting him enough to travel the portal with him? It’s not like old times. They are different people now. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe it wouldn’t matter.

Taking a deep breath she had yet to decide the best course of action. Before she knew it, time was up. She was there with the group; he stood and pulled her into his arms. It wasn’t long before she felt the magic flow through her veins and her eyes turned black. She could hear the portal in the next room calling to her. Her tattoos started to move almost giving her away to the humans sitting just behind

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Quickly, yet coolly she pulls away from his em-brace, shrugs her back pack off of her shoulder and she began rummaging through her large back pack until finally finding the long trench and corset jacket she had summoned just then to hide the wings she knew would appear soon.

Pulling the coat over her shoulders and adjusting her unruly curls Natalie turned to him. “Ladies and demons, fasten your seatbelts.” Adariyan turned back to the crowd surveying for an extra seat at the table. Grateful the only seat for Natalie was down on the other end of the table, he motions for her to make her way and sit. He watched her every move, remembering how her skin feels under his tough hands and how cute she was in the morning before suiting up for battle. Adariyan let his mind wander just long enough to review their old days up until the night everything changed.

Adariyan took a deep breath. The woman was stunning and all he had ever wanted in a life mate. She was also the down fall of their people and he was almost sure he would never forgive her for what she did. Again he was visited by a memory, this time of how his hands would feel wrapped around her luscious elegant throat. One good grasp is all it would take.

He chuckled and sat down to his favorite beer, a Blonde Bombshell. The bombshell down the table from him would pay dearly for all she put him and their people through. No matter how much he loved and wanted her to himself. Orders were orders.

The lovely Natalie Gryphyn and both of her sisters would be taken in front of the High Council and they would face their past, Adariyan would get paid and soon he would never have to risk running into her and her intoxicating scent ever again.

Before long, dinner had been served. Natalie gave hugs to some of her closest friends, shook hands with others and soon, everyone was quieted as they heard the portal next door call out to them. Of course they were all kind, waiting until the waitress had cleared the table of everything but cocktails.

After paying tabs, the group made idle chat.

For the most part everyone was happy to see each other. Nobody was ignorant to the warm welcome Natalie and Adariyan shared. Both of them chuckled and threatened bodily harm to the next person to comment.

As it drew quiet at the table, all heard the music begin. The summoning, each person hears different music dependent on their mood and their motives. Not everyone can hear each song but there are those like Fincus who can hear all of the songs playing, calling the other beings home. Natalie heard a soft violin and Cellos playing so brilliantly becoming louder with each of her heart beats.

All the beings at the table stood at once. Looking around she spotted a few more of her friends, then she caught sight of him again. With a smirk she pulled her curly hair up into a loose bun high on her head, turning on her heal. Without even realizing she had, Natalie was leading the sizable group of people through the restaurant, around tables and other pa-trons.

Soon they came to a door that seemed ordinary and plain.

When Natalie reached the first door she closed her eyes, and then blew a warm breath over the door handle to open it. Looking around to make sure no humans or prying eyes were privy to this informa-tion, she slowly opened the door and made her way to the left.

In the middle of the room lay what seemed to be a shallow pool. White and dark green marble wrapped up and around making the pond look like an over-sized cereal bowl filled with steaming hot water.

The water was swirling great colors of blue, green, purple and white. The steam lifting its way gently above their heads. In the mist were formed intricate spell designs, some resembled flowers while others were fire arms, swords and stars among the crude mixture.

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As Natalie came to the very far side of the pool, she realizes she is, once again, standing next to Adariyan. Rolling her eyes she looks to a young woman on her right.

Leta was wearing a tight green Widespread Panic T-shirt, loose yet flattering boyfriend style jeans and black flip flops. Her hair was done in tiny dread-locks that she maintained by wrapping a long strand around the bunch, securing it with a small hair pin adorned with a sunflower. Leta’s thick and heavy leather wrist bands not only added to her attire, it also showed her standing once they got home. A heathen as always, everyone knew Leta would run as soon as she could. She hated being in the city. Leta met Natalie’s gaze as they both connected hands with the others at the pools edge.

Closing their eyes, each mutters their prayers and summons the elemental to take them home. The water began to boil, the harder it boiled the taller it became. Higher and higher it grew until all of a sudden it wasn’t water Natalie and the others were looking at.

It was a man. He stood bare chested with this fists on his hips eyeballing each traveler in turn.

“You may only travel with a potential life partner, gender is not pertinent. Pick someone you want to get close with on every level known to our kind and man,”

The gigantic talking statue of water closed his eyes and clapped his hands together, “Here we go.”

The giant rubbed his hands faster and faster until there is a sudden slap and everyone started moving like they were being carried with invisible hands.One moment, Natalie was simply praying for travel. The next she is pulled from behind, her wrists held tight by two iridescent females. For a slight second Natalie considered asking what the beautiful women were, but thought manners would surely get here further than prying at personal information.This was until she realized the overly gorgeous blue iridescent little hags had put her right in front of Adariyan.

“Oh hell Goddess no!” Natalie chuckled. “You must travel with the one in front of you. Your au-ras and compatibility will make the transition more comfortable for you both.” The large aquatic man had no idea what he was talking about.

Given the right motivation, these two beings would make love and then spend the rest of the night trying to kill one another.

No worse was a pair ever matched. The past events had taken any semblance of peace or real friendship.

Now Natalie and Adariyan had to deal with each other. Between these two beings there is hate, resent-ment and anger; a bloodlust.

They only thing they hate more than each other is how much they love each other.

And in just that short moment, Natalie has to take his hand into hers, hold his body tight and fall into nothingness, trusting him to not lose sight or fo-cus. She had to trust his intention to take them both home. To a home he hates.

Oh yeah, this is going to be fucking awesome ...

Check out next months issue of Review Magic Valley to read the next part of the story!

A big thanks from RMV goes out to Nicollete MacPhearson for writing this story just for us!

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Megan Codi

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Megan Codi I work at the hospital as a house keeper full time and at a kiosk in the mall called Green Tea HP.

The majority of my hobbies consist of being out doors. I like Hunting, Fishing, Four Wheeling, Camping and Shooting.

Other than out door activities I like to hang out with my friends and family.

I have many people who inspire me but the number one per-son has to be my mom. She is like a guardian angel who would do any thing for her family and friends.

I live my life to the fullest and that will never change. I am honest and out spoken.

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One Dead Crow InterviewMembers:Trampas Robinson - VocalsTony De Wit - GuitarChad Scott - BassMark Whitaker – Percussion

We had a chance to participate in a three-way phone inter-view with two of the members of One Dead Crow. We wanted to get to know this local band and its members. They are a pretty tight group with a unique but classic take on heavy metal music. They were very down to earth and were very eager to let us get to know them personally. They take a lot of pride in their music. This local band is really going to go places and the Magic Valley is proud to call them their own. We are going to follow them closely.

One Dead Crow is a great metal band with old school metal foundations fleshed out with new school beats and tempos. Their Music is sure to please both the upcoming generation of metal fans as well as the long hair rockers of the 80′s. Their ability to write songs that are varied, interesting, and totally unique allows them to cross the generation gaps without losing their true to metal originality. Fans across the deserts of South-ern Idaho have enjoyed their music since July 2005, when the band welcomed Mark on board as their drummer.

By August, they began rocking southern Idaho at Metal fest in Gooding, Idaho as Blacklisted. The Band soon changed their name to One Dead crow, and released two albums; Wicked Old ways in 2006 and Deadtime Stories in 2009. Both were crowd pleasers across Idaho as the band played at local venues and events.

In the spring of 2010, the band decided that Idaho was a great start to sharing their love of music with a larger audience and brought on Mirinda Climer as the band’s Webmaster. Unfortu-nately, the Bass Player was unable to commit to such an under-taking and resigned his position with the band, not wanting to keep the others from farthing their music careers. Chad “Big Daddy” started to pull double duty with his band, while filling in for One Dead Crow’s vacant bass slot until the right Bass player could be found. As Big Daddy progressed with the band, they began to realize he was the right fit and is now a perma-nent fixture in the group.

One Dead Crow has full intentions of starting to tour before summer ends. They hope to share their music with the pacific northwest including, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana. Their love of music, originality, and old school roots will keep this band playing and entertain-ing for years to come.

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The Interview with Mark Whitaker and Tony De Wit of ‘One Dead Crow’

RMV: How long have you guys been playing together? About 6 years

RMV: How did you guys meet? Trampas and Tony met through a friend from Gooding. They met up in Vegas and met up again in Boise. They partied and talked music and the rest was history. Mark tried out as a drum-mer in 2005. Chad joined in 2010 to replace Randy Dey.

RMV: Where did the name ‘One Dead Crow’ come from? One day Trampas was driving out to practice. He saw a dead crow on the side of the road. He said “Hmm, one dead crow, that sounds alright.” The name really works, being the spooki-est. They were first called Black Listed, but found out the name had already been taken.

RMV: What are some of your biggest influences? Mark - Kevin Kelley and Tim Young are really good drum-mers. Tony - Randy Rhoads, Zakk Wylde, George Lynch and Kirk Hammett for guitar.

RMV: We really dig your live shows. What is the reason behind their success? Lots of practice for a good smooth show where they can have fun. Getting the crowd involved is a key part of the show as well. It is supposed to be an event. Trampas is ‘a hell of a front man’.

RMV: What direction is the band headed? Hopefully towards good things?!? They want to become more diverse and polished with what they already do. The dynamics will be greater as well.

RMV: What kind of recording system are you using in your studio? They currently use Pro Tools 9 and Ozone 4 plugin. Tony does the mixing and mastering. They are getting much better with practice, trial and error so to speak.

RMV: Is your studio open for recording? The studio had been use by others to record and they welcome all. With a treated sound room and ‘killer mics’ their mastering of their recordings has improved. Tony likes to work with other genres as it helps him become more diversified in his technique and style.

RMV: Are you working on any new music? Yes, they have about 7 songs so far for their 3rd album. They are working on the recordings now. Have 5 more to write. At the time 3 of the 5 are pretty solid. So far it is looking at a 2012 release.

RMV: Where can people buy your music? The albums can be purchased at Hastings in Twin Falls and the Record Exchange in Boise. You can check out their profiles on Facebook, Reverb Nation, MySpace, as well as their own website

RMV: Do you have any upcoming shows? A show is in the works for some time in January at Diamondz Bar and Grill in Jerome.

RMV: Do you guys plan on making any videos? They definitely want to produce some music videos soon. Tony has made some short movies that are posted on his You-Tube channel: (everyone should check them out and subscribe)

RMV: Who would you like to Thank? Their wives and fans deserve the biggest thanks. Special thanks to Angi Whitaker for the awesome photography.

Make sure you check these guys out at there next show. If you don’t you will be missing one hell of a good time!

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Brandon Shane Rod Shawn Most of us have a tattoo or body piercing or know some one who does. It’s a great way to pay tribute to your children, mothers, fathers or even your favorite team or band, make a permanent memory of lost loved ones or to or even to simply express who you are.

What ever the reason, it is sometimes hard to pick the right artist for the job. There are many artists and shops out there that have come and gone through the years but one that has been around for a while with years of collective experience is Warmart Tattoo.

(A Little history)

Warm Art Tattoo was founded in 1991 by Ed Crowe in Hailey, Idaho.

In 1992 Ed responded to a call from local businessman, Rod Kinney, who wanted to diversify his existing business by adding a tattoo parlor. Ed soon moved to Twin Falls and formed a partnership with Rod.

Responding to the demand for a legitimate body piercer operating in a clean environment, Rod started doing body piercing in 1993,... self-taught through the internet, books and a lot of good friends that were willing to be guinea pigs.

After 7 successful years, Ed and Rod decided to strike out onTheir own and on May 1st, 2000 they created Warm Art Tattoo & Body Piercing at 430 Main Ave. West in Twin Falls, Idaho. That same year Rod completed the Basic Body Branding Inten-

sive Course from Fakir Musafar.

In early 2002 Warm Art lost their lease and moved to their present location at 124 Main Ave. No. in historic Downtown Twin Falls

In January 2006 Rod completed the advanced course on Eyeliner & Brows by Conne’ Lord of Permanent Cosmetics of Utah.

(Some of Rod’s work can be seen below)

Joining Rod at Warm Art Tattoo & Body Piercing is Shawn Harney with over 10 years experience in tattooing. Shane House with over 20 years and their new addition from Vintage point Brandon Quigley with over 5 years.

With these artists and their different styles you are sure to find the artist that best suits you and your needs.

WarmArt Tattoo and Body Piercing

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Warmart welcomes their newest member Brandon Quigley:


“ My favorite part about Tattooing is the artistic freedom and trust from the customer”

One of the major reasons for his move to Warmart was that he “missed being around other artists. When you’re by yourself you can easily start to feel stagnant in your style. Being in a creative atmosphere helps challenge me to push my limits and learn new tricks and techniques.”

I studied art at Boise State University and then got into tattooing. Been tattooing since 2006, and since then I have gone back to school at the University of Idaho where I will be graduating in spring of 2012 with a Psychology Degree. Art has and always will be a major part of my life and I don’t ever intend to quit

“I am looking forward to working with the artists at Warmart. Everyone is very welcoming! I am very excited to be working with these guys again.”

(Some of Brandon’s work can be seen below)

Shane House:

“I have been Tattooing since 1991 so over 20 years. My fa-vorite part about this job is the diversity of people I get to meet and the art work I get to do. I have a huge cliental.”“I think that tattoo artists should be well rounded.”

(Some of Shane’s work can be seen below)

Shawn Harney:

“ I have been tattooing about 10 years. I am a jack of all trades. My favorite part of the job is meeting clients. I really love doing biomechanical pieces for all of their detail.”

(Some of Shawn’s work can be seen below)

The Guys have a little fun welcoming Brandon to the tribe!

For more information about this business or its Talented members check out their site at Or any of their profiles on Facebook under their respective names.

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Theodore Fullbright has lived in the Magic valley for the last 21 years. Original-ly from Northern California Theodore has been an artist all his life. He started draw-ing at an early age and progressed through mediums ranging from pencil drawings to paintings to eventually a degree in graphic design from the Art Institutes. This eventu-ally led to his love for digital art and photo manipulation.

Please enjoy some of our personal favorites of his digital art work.

Digital art work by T . Fullbright

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Happy New Year 2012!

Well folks here it is. It’s finally going to be 2012!

So what about all of those prophesies ? Is it really the last new years we will ever see? It’s not really likely. Will the world change? Well yes! It will and it may get worse before it gets better but such is life. We must all celebrate the life we have because we don’t know when it will be over. A wise young lady once told me to “Be happy and smile every day” I think I will be doing that tell the day I die no matter what life brings. With that being said, I plan on part-ing my ass of like its 2012!

Ahh! But don’t make it just another New Years Eve party, No make it epic!

So Here are some Ideas on how to make it epic as all hell and give you a head start on planning for the big night.

Try a twist on your party, something like a mas-querade, Toga or some other kind of themed party.

For starters Try new drinks. Mix something up that is original. With all of the new flavored drinks

available for mixing the possibilities are endless. We once made up a drink and called it Snow White’s Poison Apple. What’s in it you ask? Well fill a shot glass up to the line or three quarters of the way up the glass with “99 Apples” or for a bit lighter shot, Apple Pucker. Then top it off with a bit of poison (Fire Water).

Some other drinks could include things that you like. Yes it can be trial and error but it could become your new favorite drink to share with your close friends and special events.

The point is to create something traditional or at least memorable.

How ever you spend you New Years eve make it a good one. This year is controversial in the least so Have a great new years eve look forward to the future and live for today! The next pages are filled with drink ideas to help get you started. As always. Be Safe and Happy New

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Ketel One BrazilianDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Ketel One Citroen Flavored Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) 0.75 oz. fresh lime juice 0.5 oz. simple syrup 3 wedge(s) lime wedges 2 slice(s) Orange Slices 1 splash(es) Lemon Lime Soda

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Muddle 2 lime wedges and 2 orange slices in the bottom of a rocks glass. Fill with ice and add remaining ingredients. Top with lemon lime soda. Stir. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Agaverito Drink Recipe Ingredients: 1 oz. Don Julio Reposado Tequila (25 oz. per bottle) 4 piece(s) Red Grapes 0.5 oz. honey 1 teaspoon(s) Rosemary 0.5 oz. lemon juice

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Muddle all ingredients in a mixing glass Add ice and shake vigorously Take the drop, move your hand towards the ground and say: “for the land, then raise your hand and say,

for the sun, and the hand to the front end of the sen-tence, bring the passion to me, Don” … then drink the Luxury Drop™ and eat the stuffed grape with rosemary.

Baileys New Year’s Twist Drink Recipe Ingredients: 2 oz. Baileys Original Irish Cream (25 oz. per bottle) .5 oz. Smirnoff Vanilla Flavored Vodka (25 oz. per bottle)

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a martini glass.

Baileys Raspberry Kiss

2 oz. Baileys Original Irish Cream (25 oz. per bottle) .25 oz. Godiva Chocolate Liqueur (25 oz. per bottle) .25 oz. black raspberry liqueur

Drink Recipe Preparation:

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Blend all ingredients together and serve over crushed ice in a parfait glass. Garnish with a raspberry.

Blood Orange BelliniDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1 oz. Stirrings Blood Orange Mixer (32 oz. per bottle) 4 oz. Chandon Sparkling Wine

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Pour in Stirrings Blood Orange Mixer. Add in sparkling wine. Serve in a chilled champagne flute.

Cîroc LolaDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1 oz. Ciroc Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) 1.5 oz. pomegranate juice 1 teaspoon(s) elderflower liqueur 1 splash(es) champagne 1 piece(s) orchid

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Stir all the ingredients over ice to chilled and strain

into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. Top with splash of champagne and garnish with a Sonya orchid or if unavailable, another food grade edible flower.

CosmopolitanDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1.25 oz. Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) .25 oz. triple sec 1 oz. cranberry juice lemon twist

Drink Recipe Preparation:

In a shaker with ice, add Smirnoff No.21 Vodka, triple sec, and cranberry juice. Shake and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with lemon twist.

Standard Average Analysis (based on single drink serving):Calories: 150, Carbohydrates: 11.2, Protein: 0, Fat: 0

Crown Royal Black & Cola Drink Recipe Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Crown Royal Black (25 oz. per bottle) 6 oz. cola

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1 wedge(s) lime

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Add Crown Royal Black in ice-filled highball glass. Add cola and stir. Garnish with lime.

ManhattanDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1 oz. Johnnie Walker Black Label (25 oz. per bottle) .5 oz. sweet vermouth

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Add Johnnie Walker Black Label and sweet ver-mouth. Mix and serve in martini glass.

Smirnoff No. 21 & Champagne Sparkle

Drink Recipe Ingredients: 1.5 cup(s) Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) 2 bottle(s) Moët & Chandon Champagne 1.25 cup(s) pomegranate juice 1 cup(s) simple syrup thinly sliced lemon

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Combine ingredients in a punch bowl with ice. Add simple syrup to taste. Mix in lemon slices. Makes 18 servings.

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Combine ingredients in a punch bowl with ice. Add simple syrup to taste. Mix in lemon slices. Makes 18 servings.

The Cîroc Royal GrapeDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1 oz. Ciroc Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) 1 oz. white grape juice 1 splash(es) champagne 1 piece(s) grape

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Shake ingredients over ice and strain into a chilled glass. Top with a splash of champagne and garnish with a frozen grape.

Ursus RainbowDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1.5 oz. Ursus Fruit Punch Vodka 2 oz. seltzer 3 oz. pineapple juice

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Drink Recipe Preparation:

Blend together Ursus and pineapple juice in an ice blender. Pour slush into large glass and add seltzer.

Pomegranate Soda (Non-Alcoholic)Drink Recipe Ingredients: 4 oz. Stirrings Pomegranate Cocktail Mixer (32 oz. per bottle) 2 oz. Stirrings Club Soda (6.3 oz. per bottle) 1 lime wedge 1 cup(s) ice

Drink Recipe Preparation:

In a tall glass with ice, combine Pomegranate Mixer and Club Soda. Stir well, and garnish with a lime.

Baileys B52Drink Recipe Ingredients: 0.75 oz. Baileys Original Irish Cream (25 oz. per bottle)

0.75 oz. coffee liqueur

0.75 oz. Grand Marnier (25 oz. per bottle)

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Pour over the back of a spoon the coffee liqueur, Baileys Original Irish Cream and Grand Mar-


KamikazeDrink Recipe Ingredients: 1.25 oz. Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka (25 oz. per bottle) 0.25 oz. triple sec 0.25 oz. lime juice

Drink Recipe Preparation:

Add lime juice, triple sec and Smirnoff No.21 Vodka. Shake and strain into a shot glass.

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