Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This...

Today’s Topics Review Jeffersonian Republic 1

Transcript of Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This...

Page 1: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Today’s Topics

• Review

• Jeffersonian Republic


Page 2: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

The Constitutional Convention

This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George Washington presiding. Because the convention met in secrecy, the artist used his imagination to paint the scene.

Independence National Historical Park 2

Page 3: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Philadelphia Convention Summer of 1787 • 2 groups: Nationalists versus localists • Constitution is finished on September 17, 1787, written mostly by James

Madison • Electoral College: a group of people chosen by states


Page 4: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Struggle over Ratification

Federalist, support the Constitution Anti-Federalist

Page 5: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

• U.S. Constitution 1787

• Argentina Constitution 1853, 1860, 1866, 1898, 1949, 1957

• Australia 1900

• Brazil, seven constitutions, 1988

• Canada 1982

• China, 1954, 1975, 1978, 1982

• France 1791, 1958

• Germany 1949

• Japan ,1947

• Mexico 1824, 1835, 1917

• Spain 1978

Page 6: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Jefferson’s Article

• read, discuss, write

• When was it written? Who wrote it?

• Is it a primary source or a secondary source?

• What is the discovery?

• What is the evidence based on?

• What is the controversy?

Page 7: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

George Washington’s Presidency 1789-1797

A colorful image from around the time of the War 7

Page 8: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Washington Presidency 1789-1797

Page 9: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– French Revolution 1789-1799

• War in Europe France v.s England – Americans divided on foreign policy

– Edmond Genet, French diplomat

– 1793 Washington declares neutrality

Page 10: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Relations with Great Britain

• Violation of Treaty of Paris

• English trade with Native Americans and support their resistance to U.S.

• Seizure of U.S. ships and cargos, and the impressing of sailor

• Jay’s Treaty

– No future plans to stop the seizures and the impressments of Americans

– Avoided war

Page 11: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Spain

• 1. American access to New Orleans

• 2. Boundary dispute in southeast

– Thomas Pinckney

• Treaty of San Lorenzo (Pinckney’s Treaty)

– 1. Granted Americans free access to New Orleans

– 2. 31 Parallel = U.S. boundary with Spanish Florida

Page 12: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Washington’s Farewell Address 1796 • In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of serious

concern that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discriminations, Northern and Southern, Atlantic and Western; whence designing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interests and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. The inhabitants of our Western country have lately had a useful lesson on this head; they have seen, in the negotiation by the Executive, and in the unanimous ratification by the Senate, of the treaty with Spain, and in the universal satisfaction at that event, throughout the United States, a decisive proof how unfounded were the suspicions propagated among them of a policy in the General Government and in the Atlantic States unfriendly to their interests in regard to the Mississippi; they have been witnesses to the formation of two treaties, that with Great Britain, and that with Spain, which secure to them everything they could desire, in respect to our foreign relations, towards confirming their prosperity. Will it not be their wisdom to rely for the preservation of these advantages on the Union by which they were procured ? Will they not henceforth be deaf to those advisers, if such there are, who would sever them from their brethren and connect them with aliens? 12

Page 13: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George


Page 14: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Ideological Confrontations

• The rise of political parties

– Federalist

– Democratic-Republicans


Page 15: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George


Page 16: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

–XYZ Affair

•Americans delegation asked to pay a $250,000 to meet with the French minister

•Anti-French sentiment spreads in the U.S. and backlash against the Democratic-Republicans


Page 17: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798

• Aimed at foreigners, who support Democratic-Republicans

– President could expel any foreigner consider a danger to the nation

– Foreigners could be jailed or deported during wartime

– Residency for citizenship increased 5 years to 14 years

• Sedition Act

– Most controversial

» Limits free speech: illegal to criticize government or president

» 4 out of 5 Democratic-Republican newspaper charged with sedition

Page 18: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions 1798 • Opposition to Sedition Act

• States could judge the constitutionality of the laws passed by Congress

• States could nullify laws considered unconstitutional

– Election of 1800

Page 19: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Haiti Revolution

Page 20: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Barbary Wars in North Africa

Page 21: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Louisiana Purchase 1803

• It removes a major European power from the U.S. western border

• Gave U.S. control of New Orleans and Mississippi River

– Lewis & Clark Expedition 1804-1806

• 50 members in the expedition, soldiers, civilians, frontiersmen

• Lewis & Clark

• Sacajawea, Shoshone Indian, guide & interpreter

• Stimulated interest in the West

Page 22: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Foreign Affairs

• U.K and France seize U.S. ships • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair (1807)

• Embargo of 1807

– Prohibits American ships from carrying exports abroad

Page 23: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– James Madison (1808-1816)

• Dolly Madison

• Non-Intercourse Act 1809, trade with all nations except France and UK

• Congress taken over by war hawks

– Congress Votes for War of 1812 (June 1 1812)

• U.K. arming Native Americans

• Impressments of Americans by the British

• Violation of U.S. neutral rights

Page 24: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd Edition

Copyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

Map 8.3 The War of 1812.

Page 25: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

British Sacking Washington, 1814

Thinking that the British would attack Baltimore, the government failed to provide an adequate

defense of Washington. On August 25, 1814, after their victory at Bladensburg, the British

entered Washington unopposed, "for the barbarous purpose of destroying the city," confessed a

British officer. After setting much of the city ablaze, the British withdrew on August 26 and

President Madison returned the following day. (Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown

University Library)

British Sacking Washington, 1814

Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Page 26: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Treaty of Ghent 1814 • Peace treaty, restores prewar status quo

– Battle of New Orleans 1815

• Andrew Jackson


Page 27: Review Jeffersonian Republic · •Jeffersonian Republic 1 . The Constitutional Convention This painting of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 by an unknown artist shows George

– Hartford Convention 1814 • Decline of the Federalist Party

– Era of Good Feelings 1817-1824