REVIEW Circadian physiologyof metabolism · incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and...

49. J. L. Wang et al., Ann. Neurol. 78, 317322 (2015). 50. N. Cermakian, E. W. Lamont, P. Boudreau, D. B. Boivin, J. Biol. Rhythms 26, 160170 (2011). 51. H. Song et al., Mol. Neurodegener. 10, 13 (2015). 52. D. P. Breen et al., JAMA Neurol. 71, 589595 (2014). 53. Y. Cai, S. Liu, R. B. Sothern, S. Xu, P. Chan, Eur. J. Neurol. 17, 550554 (2010). 54. E. S. Maywood et al., J. Neurosci. 30, 1019910204 (2010). 55. G. J. Tranah et al., Ann. Neurol. 70, 722732 (2011). 56. H. F. Chen, C. Q. Huang, C. You, Z. R. Wang, H. Si-qing, Arch. Med. Res. 44, 203207 (2013). 57. Q. Chen, X. D. Peng, C. Q. Huang, X. Y. Hu, X. M. Zhang, Genet. Mol. Res. 14, 1851518522 (2015). 58. Z. Gu et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 15891 (2015). 59. D. Chaudhury, L. M. Wang, C. S. Colwell, J. Biol. Rhythms 20, 225236 (2005). 60. S. M. Wardlaw, T. X. Phan, A. Saraf, X. Chen, D. R. Storm, Learn. Mem. 21, 417423 (2014). 61. B. L. Smarr, K. J. Jennings, J. R. Driscoll, L. J. Kriegsfeld, Behav. Neurosci. 128, 283303 (2014). 62. D. H. Loh et al., eLife 4, e09460 (2015). 63. K. Uchida, N. Okamoto, K. Ohara, Y. Morita, Brain Res. 717, 154159 (1996). 64. A. Videnovic et al., JAMA Neurol. 71, 463469 (2014). 65. R. F. Riemersma-van der Lek et al., JAMA 299, 26422655 (2008). 66. M. Keller et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 2140721412 (2009). 67. J. E. Gibbs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 582587 (2012). 68. A. M. Curtis et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 72317236 (2015). 69. A. Mukherji, A. Kobiita, T. Ye, P. Chambon, Cell 153, 812827 (2013). 70. O. Castanon-Cervantes et al., J. Immunol. 185, 57965805 (2010). 71. E. M. Gibson, C. Wang, S. Tjho, N. Khattar, L. J. Kriegsfeld, PLOS ONE 5, e15267 (2010). 72. I. N. Karatsoreos, S. Bhagat, E. B. Bloss, J. H. Morrison, B. S. McEwen, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 16571662 (2011). 73. K. Cho, Nat. Neurosci. 4, 567568 (2001). 74. L. M. Prolo, J. S. Takahashi, E. D. Herzog, J. Neurosci. 25, 404408 (2005). 75. L. K. Fonken et al., Brain Behav. Immun. 45, 171179 (2015). 76. A. A. Ali et al., Aging 7, 435449 (2015). 77. B. D. Rakai, M. J. Chrusch, S. C. Spanswick, R. H. Dyck, M. C. Antle, PLOS ONE 9, e99527 (2014). 78. P. Bouchard-Cannon, L. Mendoza-Viveros, A. Yuen, M. Kærn, H. Y. Cheng, Cell Reports 5, 961973 (2013). 79. J. R. Gerstner et al., Front. Syst. Neurosci. 8, 121 (2014). 80. R. S. Edgar et al., Nature 485, 459464 (2012). 81. L. M. Beaver et al., PLOS ONE 7, e50454 (2012). 82. R. V. Khapre, A. A. Kondratova, O. Susova, R. V. Kondratov, Cell Cycle 10, 41624169 (2011). 83. T. A. Wang et al., Science 337, 839842 (2012). 84. K. Koh, J. M. Evans, J. C. Hendricks, A. Sehgal, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 1384313847 (2006). 85. R. V. Kondratov, A. A. Kondratova, V. Y. Gorbacheva, O. V. Vykhovanets, M. P. Antoch, Genes Dev. 20, 18681873 (2006). 86. Y. Hayashi et al., Sci. Rep. 3, 2744 (2013). 87. K. D. Nguyen et al., Science 341, 14831488 (2013). 88. H. Reinke et al., Genes Dev. 22, 331345 (2008). 89. A. Desvergne, N. Ugarte, I. Petropoulos, B. Friguet, Free Radic. Biol. Med. 75 (suppl. 1), S18 (2014). 90. M. Stratmann, D. M. Suter, N. Molina, F. Naef, U. Schibler, Mol. Cell 48, 277287 (2012). 91. D. Ma, S. Panda, J. D. Lin, EMBO J. 30, 46424651 (2011). 92. G. Huang, F. Zhang, Q. Ye, H. Wang, Autophagy 12, 12921309 (2016). 93. H. C. Chang, L. Guarente, Cell 153, 14481460 (2013). 94. Y. Nakahata, S. Sahar, G. Astarita, M. Kaluzova, P. Sassone-Corsi, Science 324, 654657 (2009). 95. K. M. Ramsey et al., Science 324, 651654 (2009). 96. D. Forbes, C. M. Blake, E. J. Thiessen, S. Peacock, P. Hawranik, Cochrane Database Syst. Rev., CD003946 (2014). 97. D. J. Earnest, F. W. Turek, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 42774281 (1985). ACKOWLEDGMENTS Funding was provided by NIH grants P01NS074969 (D.M.H.) and 5K08NS079405 (E.S.M.), and a New Investigator Research Grant from the Alzheimers Association (E.S.M.). E.S.M. has received consulting fees from Eisai, Inc. D.M.H. cofounded and is on the scientific advisory board of C2N Diagnostics and consults for Genentech, AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Neurophage, and Denali. 10.1126/science.aah4968 REVIEW Circadian physiology of metabolism Satchidananda Panda A majority of mammalian genes exhibit daily fluctuations in expression levels, making circadian expression rhythms the largest known regulatory network in normal physiology. Cell-autonomous circadian clocks interact with daily light-dark and feeding-fasting cycles to generate approximately 24-hour oscillations in the function of thousands of genes. Circadian expression of secreted molecules and signaling components transmits timing information between cells and tissues. Such intra- and intercellular daily rhythms optimize physiology both by managing energy use and by temporally segregating incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and epidemiological data indicate that chronic circadian rhythm disruption increases the risk of metabolic diseases. Conversely, time-restricted feeding, which imposes daily cycles of feeding and fasting without caloric reduction, sustains robust diurnal rhythms and can alleviate metabolic diseases. These findings highlight an integrative role of circadian rhythms in physiology and offer a new perspective for treating chronic diseases in which metabolic disruption is a hallmark. A transient rise in blood sugar after a meal indicates metabolic health. A larger meal produces a larger spike, whereas a fat- or protein-rich meal produces a muted spike (compared with a normal meal of equivalent caloric content). Physiological re- sponses to what and how much we eat repre- sent the foundation for basic and translational science aimed at preventing and treating obe- sity, diabetes, and metabolic diseases, which together afflict close to a billion people world- wide. However, the timing of food consump- tion independent of total caloric intake and macronutrient quality has emerged as a crit- ical factor in maintaining metabolic health. For instance, when healthy adults eat identical meals at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the postprandial glucose rise is lowest after breakfast and highest after dinner (1), as if the dinner were twice the size of the breakfast. In addition, when healthy adults are given a constant glucose infusion over 24 hours, glycemia rises at night and falls around dawn (1), indicating that in addition to what and how much we eat, when we eat helps determine the physiological response to nutrient availability. Daily rhythms in nutrient use were first doc- umented almost 40 years ago in cells of the master circadian pacemaker located in the hy- pothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Ex- periments in rats fed 14 C-labeled deoxyglucose during their habitual (nighttime) feeding period showed that entry of glucose into the SCN was almost negligible, whereas during the day, radio- labeled glucose was readily detected (2). Such glucose uptake rhythms were sustained even in the absence of light cues. In all, this elegant experiment proved the existence of a circadian rhythm in nutrient demand and/or uptake in tissues. Over the next decades, research into cir- cadian rhythms has shown that daily rhythms in the function of numerous genes prime the organism to assimilate nutrients, to mobilize these nutrients for various functions, and to dis- card metabolic waste at specific times of the 24-hour day (3, 4). Whereas circadian rhythms generally refer to ~24-hour oscillations that occur in the absence of external timing cues, daily or diurnal rhythms apparent during normal living conditions emerge from interactions between the internal circadian clock and timing cues, which include light and food. Accordingly, a consistent daily pattern of eating and fasting maintains normal circadian physiology, where- as frequent disruptions in daily activity-rest and eating-fasting rhythms (as occurs in shiftwork) (5) or genetic disruption of circadian clock in rodents predisposes to metabolic diseases (6). Certain diet regimens (e.g., the frequent eating of energy-dense food) and aging can dampen these daily oscillations and predispose one to metabolic diseases. Therefore, understanding the diurnal physiology of metabolism at a mech- anistic level could potentially reveal lifestyle and therapeutic interventions for preventing and treating metabolic diseases. Cell-autonomous circadian oscillator In animals, the core mechanism that gives rise to circadian oscillations is a cell-autonomous transcriptional-translational feedback loop (T T FL) present in most cells. The transcription factors CLOCK (or NPAS2) and BMAL1 bind as heter- odimers to cis-acting E boxes in the promoters of their own repressorsCryptochrome (Cry1 and Cry2) and Period (Per-1,-2, and -3)and of the nuclear hormone receptors Rev-erb (-a and -b), and Ror (-a,-b, and -g). ROR and REV- ERB drive rhythmic Bmal1 gene expression by respectively acting so as to activate and repress its expression through RRE elements present in its promoter (Fig. 1) (7). REV and ROR pro- teins also affect the expression of Cry1, de- laying its expression several hours relative to 1008 25 NOVEMBER 2016 VOL 354 ISSUE 6315 SCIENCE Salk Institute of Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. Email: [email protected] CIRCADIAN PHYSIOLOGY on March 13, 2020 Downloaded from

Transcript of REVIEW Circadian physiologyof metabolism · incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and...

Page 1: REVIEW Circadian physiologyof metabolism · incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and epidemiological data indicate that chronic circadian rhythm disruption increases

49. J. L. Wang et al., Ann. Neurol. 78, 317–322 (2015).50. N. Cermakian, E. W. Lamont, P. Boudreau, D. B. Boivin, J. Biol.

Rhythms 26, 160–170 (2011).51. H. Song et al., Mol. Neurodegener. 10, 13 (2015).52. D. P. Breen et al., JAMA Neurol. 71, 589–595 (2014).53. Y. Cai, S. Liu, R. B. Sothern, S. Xu, P. Chan, Eur. J. Neurol. 17,

550–554 (2010).54. E. S. Maywood et al., J. Neurosci. 30, 10199–10204 (2010).55. G. J. Tranah et al., Ann. Neurol. 70, 722–732 (2011).56. H. F. Chen, C. Q. Huang, C. You, Z. R. Wang, H. Si-qing, Arch.

Med. Res. 44, 203–207 (2013).57. Q. Chen, X. D. Peng, C. Q. Huang, X. Y. Hu, X. M. Zhang, Genet.

Mol. Res. 14, 18515–18522 (2015).58. Z. Gu et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 15891 (2015).59. D. Chaudhury, L. M. Wang, C. S. Colwell, J. Biol. Rhythms 20,

225–236 (2005).60. S. M. Wardlaw, T. X. Phan, A. Saraf, X. Chen, D. R. Storm,

Learn. Mem. 21, 417–423 (2014).61. B. L. Smarr, K. J. Jennings, J. R. Driscoll, L. J. Kriegsfeld, Behav.

Neurosci. 128, 283–303 (2014).62. D. H. Loh et al., eLife 4, e09460 (2015).63. K. Uchida, N. Okamoto, K. Ohara, Y. Morita, Brain Res. 717,

154–159 (1996).64. A. Videnovic et al., JAMA Neurol. 71, 463–469 (2014).65. R. F. Riemersma-van der Lek et al., JAMA 299, 2642–2655 (2008).66. M. Keller et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 21407–21412

(2009).67. J. E. Gibbs et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 582–587

(2012).68. A. M. Curtis et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 7231–7236

(2015).69. A. Mukherji, A. Kobiita, T. Ye, P. Chambon, Cell 153, 812–827

(2013).70. O. Castanon-Cervantes et al., J. Immunol. 185, 5796–5805

(2010).71. E. M. Gibson, C. Wang, S. Tjho, N. Khattar, L. J. Kriegsfeld,

PLOS ONE 5, e15267 (2010).72. I. N. Karatsoreos, S. Bhagat, E. B. Bloss, J. H. Morrison,

B. S. McEwen, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 1657–1662 (2011).73. K. Cho, Nat. Neurosci. 4, 567–568 (2001).74. L. M. Prolo, J. S. Takahashi, E. D. Herzog, J. Neurosci. 25,

404–408 (2005).75. L. K. Fonken et al., Brain Behav. Immun. 45, 171–179 (2015).76. A. A. Ali et al., Aging 7, 435–449 (2015).77. B. D. Rakai, M. J. Chrusch, S. C. Spanswick, R. H. Dyck,

M. C. Antle, PLOS ONE 9, e99527 (2014).78. P. Bouchard-Cannon, L. Mendoza-Viveros, A. Yuen, M. Kærn,

H. Y. Cheng, Cell Reports 5, 961–973 (2013).79. J. R. Gerstner et al., Front. Syst. Neurosci. 8, 121 (2014).80. R. S. Edgar et al., Nature 485, 459–464 (2012).81. L. M. Beaver et al., PLOS ONE 7, e50454 (2012).82. R. V. Khapre, A. A. Kondratova, O. Susova, R. V. Kondratov,

Cell Cycle 10, 4162–4169 (2011).83. T. A. Wang et al., Science 337, 839–842 (2012).84. K. Koh, J. M. Evans, J. C. Hendricks, A. Sehgal, Proc. Natl. Acad.

Sci. U.S.A. 103, 13843–13847 (2006).85. R. V. Kondratov, A. A. Kondratova, V. Y. Gorbacheva,

O. V. Vykhovanets, M. P. Antoch, Genes Dev. 20, 1868–1873(2006).

86. Y. Hayashi et al., Sci. Rep. 3, 2744 (2013).87. K. D. Nguyen et al., Science 341, 1483–1488 (2013).88. H. Reinke et al., Genes Dev. 22, 331–345 (2008).89. A. Desvergne, N. Ugarte, I. Petropoulos, B. Friguet, Free Radic.

Biol. Med. 75 (suppl. 1), S18 (2014).90. M. Stratmann, D. M. Suter, N. Molina, F. Naef, U. Schibler,

Mol. Cell 48, 277–287 (2012).91. D. Ma, S. Panda, J. D. Lin, EMBO J. 30, 4642–4651 (2011).92. G. Huang, F. Zhang, Q. Ye, H. Wang, Autophagy 12, 1292–1309 (2016).93. H. C. Chang, L. Guarente, Cell 153, 1448–1460 (2013).94. Y. Nakahata, S. Sahar, G. Astarita, M. Kaluzova,

P. Sassone-Corsi, Science 324, 654–657 (2009).95. K. M. Ramsey et al., Science 324, 651–654 (2009).96. D. Forbes, C. M. Blake, E. J. Thiessen, S. Peacock, P. Hawranik,

Cochrane Database Syst. Rev., CD003946 (2014).97. D. J. Earnest, F. W. Turek, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82,

4277–4281 (1985).


Funding was provided by NIH grants P01NS074969 (D.M.H.)and 5K08NS079405 (E.S.M.), and a New Investigator ResearchGrant from the Alzheimer’s Association (E.S.M.). E.S.M. hasreceived consulting fees from Eisai, Inc. D.M.H. cofounded and ison the scientific advisory board of C2N Diagnostics and consultsfor Genentech, AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Neurophage, and Denali.



Circadian physiology of metabolismSatchidananda Panda

A majority of mammalian genes exhibit daily fluctuations in expression levels, makingcircadian expression rhythms the largest known regulatory network in normal physiology.Cell-autonomous circadian clocks interact with daily light-dark and feeding-fasting cyclesto generate approximately 24-hour oscillations in the function of thousands of genes.Circadian expression of secreted molecules and signaling components transmits timinginformation between cells and tissues. Such intra- and intercellular daily rhythmsoptimize physiology both by managing energy use and by temporally segregatingincompatible processes. Experimental animal models and epidemiological data indicatethat chronic circadian rhythm disruption increases the risk of metabolic diseases.Conversely, time-restricted feeding, which imposes daily cycles of feeding and fastingwithout caloric reduction, sustains robust diurnal rhythms and can alleviate metabolicdiseases. These findings highlight an integrative role of circadian rhythms in physiologyand offer a new perspective for treating chronic diseases in which metabolic disruptionis a hallmark.

Atransient rise in blood sugar after a mealindicates metabolic health. A larger mealproduces a larger spike, whereas a fat-or protein-rich meal produces a mutedspike (compared with a normal meal of

equivalent caloric content). Physiological re-sponses to what and how much we eat repre-sent the foundation for basic and translationalscience aimed at preventing and treating obe-sity, diabetes, and metabolic diseases, whichtogether afflict close to a billion people world-wide. However, the timing of food consump-tion independent of total caloric intake andmacronutrient quality has emerged as a crit-ical factor in maintaining metabolic health. Forinstance, when healthy adults eat identical mealsat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the postprandialglucose rise is lowest after breakfast and highestafter dinner (1), as if the dinner were twice thesize of the breakfast. In addition, when healthyadults are given a constant glucose infusionover 24 hours, glycemia rises at night and fallsaround dawn (1), indicating that in additionto what and how much we eat, when we eathelps determine the physiological response tonutrient availability.Daily rhythms in nutrient use were first doc-

umented almost 40 years ago in cells of themaster circadian pacemaker located in the hy-pothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Ex-periments in rats fed 14C-labeled deoxyglucoseduring their habitual (nighttime) feeding periodshowed that entry of glucose into the SCN wasalmost negligible, whereas during the day, radio-labeled glucose was readily detected (2). Suchglucose uptake rhythms were sustained even inthe absence of light cues. In all, this elegantexperiment proved the existence of a circadianrhythm in nutrient demand and/or uptake intissues. Over the next decades, research into cir-

cadian rhythms has shown that daily rhythmsin the function of numerous genes prime theorganism to assimilate nutrients, to mobilizethese nutrients for various functions, and to dis-card metabolic waste at specific times of the24-hour day (3, 4). Whereas circadian rhythmsgenerally refer to ~24-hour oscillations that occurin the absence of external timing cues, daily ordiurnal rhythms apparent during normal livingconditions emerge from interactions betweenthe internal circadian clock and timing cues,which include light and food. Accordingly, aconsistent daily pattern of eating and fastingmaintains normal circadian physiology, where-as frequent disruptions in daily activity-rest andeating-fasting rhythms (as occurs in shiftwork)(5) or genetic disruption of circadian clock inrodents predisposes to metabolic diseases (6).Certain diet regimens (e.g., the frequent eatingof energy-dense food) and aging can dampenthese daily oscillations and predispose one tometabolic diseases. Therefore, understanding thediurnal physiology of metabolism at a mech-anistic level could potentially reveal lifestyle andtherapeutic interventions for preventing andtreating metabolic diseases.

Cell-autonomous circadian oscillator

In animals, the core mechanism that gives riseto circadian oscillations is a cell-autonomoustranscriptional-translational feedback loop (TTFL)present in most cells. The transcription factorsCLOCK (or NPAS2) and BMAL1 bind as heter-odimers to cis-acting E boxes in the promotersof their own repressors—Cryptochrome (Cry1and Cry2) and Period (Per-1, -2, and -3)—andof the nuclear hormone receptors Rev-erb (-aand -b), and Ror (-a, -b, and -g). ROR and REV-ERB drive rhythmic Bmal1 gene expression byrespectively acting so as to activate and repressits expression through RRE elements presentin its promoter (Fig. 1) (7). REV and ROR pro-teins also affect the expression of Cry1, de-laying its expression several hours relative to

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Salk Institute of Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey PinesRoad, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.Email: [email protected]


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Page 2: REVIEW Circadian physiologyof metabolism · incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and epidemiological data indicate that chronic circadian rhythm disruption increases

Cry2. Regulated transcriptional and posttran-scriptional events involving a growing list ofnuclear and cytoplasmic proteins generate en-dogenous ~24-hour rhythms in the mRNA andprotein levels of most of these 13 transcriptionalregulators (7). In addition to controlling eachother’s expression, these regulators also driverhythmic expression of thousands of target genesby binding cis-regulatory sites or through down-stream transcriptional regulators. The tran-scriptional basis of circadian rhythms enablesa set of transcriptional regulators to temporal-ly couple their activity with the synchronousrhythmic expression of hundreds or even thou-sands of genes, with peak expression at dis-tinct times of the day (phase). Such extensiveand coordinated gene expression and func-tion would be difficult to achieve with a timingmechanisms based entirely on protein-proteininteractions.Circadian transcription factors also interact

with a number of coactivators, corepressors, andchromatin-associated factors that read, write, orerase chromatin histone modification marks toactivate or repress transcription (Fig. 1). CLOCK/BMAL1 complexes are often associated with thehistone acetyl transferase p300 and CREB-bindingprotein (CBP) (8). CRY/PER repressors are foundin complexes with histone deacetylase (HDAC)(9). Additionally, MLL1, MLL3, WDR5, and EZH2form complexes with circadian transcriptionalfactors (10). Interactions between REV-ERB andthe N-CoR/HDAC3 corepressor are essential forrepressive function of REV-ERB (11). A histonelysine demethylase, JARID1a (12), and a bHLH-PAS protein, USF1 (13), help transition betweendaily cycles of activation and repression byinteracting with CLOCK/BMAL1 and PER/CRYcomplexes. In addition to rhythms in histonemodifications, some circadian clock proteinsalso undergo acetylation and deacetylation.Additional cis-acting promoter elements (e.g.,CRE and HSE) mediate rapid adjustment ofcircadian clock components in response to sud-den changes in cellular state. Altogether, cir-cadian clock–mediated transcriptional regulation

involves a large number of proteins and func-tional interactions.

Plasticity of the circadian system

The elaborate circadian transcriptional mech-anism has many advantages, given that each com-ponent of the circadian system can serve as anode for integrating cellular physiology withthe circadian function or to transmit circadiantiming information to nonclock proteins. Cellularconcentration of certain metabolites–includingbut not limited to heme, nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide/reduced form of nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide (NAD/NADH), nicotinamide adeninedinucleotide phosphate/reduced form of NADP(NADP/NADPH), adenosine monophosphate/adenosine triphosphate (AMP/ATP), acetyl co-enzyme A (AcCoA), alpha keto glutarate (a-KG),S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), CO, and polyamine–can affect the function of several circadiantranscriptional regulators by modulating his-tone modifications, protein modifications, protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions,or protein turnover (14). Extracellular factorssuch as temperature, hormones, and metabolitescan also affect the clock and thereby constitutemechanisms for local synchrony of cellularclocks or for adjusting the phase of an organ’sclock in response to systemic signals. Hence, thecircadian physiology of any given cell emergesfrom integrating the cell-autonomous TTFL,cellular metabolism, and extracellular systemicsignals (Fig. 1). Thus, clock proteins can sensedaily changes in cellular metabolism and sys-temic signals and make predictive changes tothe circadian transcriptome.Many circadian clock proteins interact with

and modify the function of proteins that are notpart of the core clock TTFL. Coupled with theirown cycling levels, these clock proteins can “im-pose” rhythmic functions to nonclock proteins.For example, CRY and REV-ERB proteins inter-act with the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) toinhibit its transcriptional activity (15, 16). CRYproteins also inhibit signaling downstream ofthe glucagon receptor, thereby imposing a time-

of-day-specific effect of glucagon on gluconeo-genesis (17). Similarly, REV-ERB and HNF6interact to regulate lipid metabolism in adultmouse liver (18). Additionally, several homol-ogous proteins within the core TTFL (or theirinteracting partners) are not fully redundantbut rather have specific functions. For example,the CLOCK/BMAL complex interacts with SIRT1or SIRT6 in a locus-specific manner to targetdifferent subsets of the circadian transcriptomein the liver (19). In many cases, these homologsare not expressed in all tissues. Ror-a is express-ed in neural tissue, whereas Ror-g expressiondominates in peripheral tissues (20). In summary,the molecular constituents of the clock, partialredundancy among clock components, interac-tions between clock and nonclock components,and the cyclic expression of downstream tissue-specific components all contribute to tissue-specific molecular circadian physiology, whichfunctions to integrate cell type–specific intra- andextracellular signals to regulate tissue function.

Tissue organization of circadian clocks

The SCN plays a central, high-order role in thecircadian regulation of metabolism by sustaining~24-hour rhythms in activity-rest and feeding-fasting, even under constant darkness. This isachieved through both synaptic and diffusiblefactors that couple the SCN oscillator with celltype–specific circadian clocks in different brainregions and endocrine cells (7). Through a poly-synaptic connection, the SCN ensures that thepineal gland produces melatonin in a rhythmicfashion (peak levels at night) to promote sleepin diurnal animals. Similarly, through the para-ventricular nucleus (PVN) and the pituitary gland,the SCN drives a circadian rhythm in adrenocor-ticotropic hormone (ACTH) release, which in turndrives a morning rise in corticosterone releasefrom the adrenal gland. Under natural light-dark(LD) conditions, bright light strongly suppressesthe production of melatonin (21) and promotescorticosterone production in the adrenal glandthrough an ACTH-independent sympathetic path-way (22). Corticosteroids promote arousal and

SCIENCE 25 NOVEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6315 1009




RRE Bmal1





Interacting proteins


Systemic factors with diurnal rhythmsInsulinMelatoninGlucagonBody temperature

Growth hormoneGlucocorticoidThyrotropin

Metabolites directly or indirectly affecting circadian oscillator

Transcription factors that exhibitdaily rhythms in metabolic organs

NAD(P)/NAD(P)H ratioHemeSterolsGlucocorticoidsPolyamine











Fig. 1. Schematics of cell-autonomous transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL), constituting the core mechanism of mammalian circadianoscillator. Some of the cellular metabolites and proteins that interact with the clock components are listed. Examples of circadian-regulated transcriptionfactors or systemic factors with daily oscillations further propagate circadian timing to distant genomic and cellular targets.

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Fig. 2. Examples of circadian regulation of metabolic pathways andmetabolic pathways affecting clock components.Cis-acting DNA elementsare in green, RNA in blue, proteins in orange; metabolites are shown in blackletters, and tissues are underlined. Any RNA, protein, or metabolite (otherthan clock components) known to show daily rhythms are marked with ↻.Secreted or systemic factors are highlighted in yellow, and behavior or envi-ronment factors that can affect the clock are highlighted in gray. (A) Lightand food intake can interact through multiple tissues to modulate insulinrelease from pancreatic islet cells. (B) Feeding-induced glucose metabolismin the liver affects clock components. (C) During fasting, activation of glu-

cagon receptor and AMPK impinge on clock components. (D) Fatty acid syn-thesis and degradation are under feeding-fasting and circadian regulation.(E) Circadian clock and feeding signals act together to produce a daily rhythmin protein synthesis. (F) Circadian regulation of urea cycle, SAM synthesis, andpolyamine production. Polyamines affect interaction between PER2 and CRY1.(G) Reciprocal regulation between circadian clock and NAD production. (H) Cir-cadian production of meme and CO affect the function of core circadian clockcomponents. (I) Fasting and circadian clock regulate cholesterol metabolismand production of several ligands for nuclear hormone receptors. (J) Recip-rocal regulation between circadian clock and body-temperature rhythm.


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alertness and drive catabolic metabolism inadipose tissue and muscle. Both melatonin andcortisol rhythms are detectable in the blood, andboth hormones have pleiotropic effects on mul-tiple tissues.Local SCN outputs are intimately integrated

with centers in the hypothalamus involved inhunger-satiety, sleep-arousal, thermoregulation,and osmolarity, as well as a forebrain oscillatorthat mediates an anticipatory drive for food(23). Mechanisms underlying these synaptic in-teractions are unclear, and both cellular andgenetic phenotypes paint a complicated picture.Npas2−/− mice show normal overall diurnalrhythms in activity and rest under a LD cycle,yet they lack a siesta-type rest period in themiddle of the active period and cannot adjustnormally when meal timing is abruptly changed(24). On the other hand, hypomorphic Clockmutant mice show normal circadian behaviorunder a LD cycle, yet, owing to low amplitudeof the SCN clock, rapidly adjust activity-restrhythms in response to abrupt changes in theLD cycle, which mimic jet lag or rotating shiftwork (25). Similarly, mutation of a casein kinase1 (CK1) phosphorylation site in Per2 advancesthe sleep onset time (26) but does not affectfeeding time. A paralogous mutation in Per1advances the daily onset of feeding without af-fecting the timing of activity-rest (27). It is un-clear whether the different phenotypes seen inthese paralogous mutants arise from shared neu-ral mechanisms.The SCN also communicates with peripheral

tissues, including the gut and pancreas, whichhave their own autonomous circadian clocks.These local clocks mediate responses to nutrientintake and control the release of systemic factors.For example, a circadian clock in secretory cellsof the gut drives rhythmic expression of SGLT1,accounting for increased glucose uptake at timesof anticipated food intake (28). Glucose influxtriggers the release of GLP1 incretin that, alongwith the direct effect of glucose on pancreaticislets, promotes insulin release. In pancreaticislet cells, like in many other cell types, exo-cytosis is modulated in a circadian manner (29).Accordingly, insulin release has a circadian com-ponent (Fig. 2A). Overall, the central circadianclock, through direct or indirect effects, gen-erates systemic rhythms in several signalingmolecules, including melatonin, glucocorticoids,growth hormones, insulin, glucagon, and GLP1,whose rhythms are further accentuated by LDor feeding-fasting cycles.

Global circadian regulation in the liver

Because the liver plays a central role in nutrientmetabolism, is composed of relatively homoge-neous cell types, and is easy to access, a numberof ≥24-hour time-course “-omics” studies havebeen conducted using mouse liver tissue. Thesehave included chromatin immunoprecipitationsequencing (ChIP-seq), RNA-seq (and compara-ble microarray hybridization), ribo-seq, nascent-seq, proteomics, and metabolomics. The majorityof these studies used young male mice (<20 weeks

old) entrained to a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cy-cle for several days and fed a standard diet (cal-ories from fat <18%, protein ~25%, carb ~60%) adlibitum. Tissue samples have usually been collectedunder circadian conditions (constant darkness).Such an approach allows the removal of con-founding effects derived from light cues. Nor-mally, the majority of a mouse’s daily food intakeoccurs during the subjective night, but ≥15% offood intake occurs during the subjective day inthe form of frequent small snacks. Thus, underthe ad libitum–fed condition, mice rarely fast afew contiguous hours. Under such conditions, atleast 20% of expressed protein coding genes inthe liver show circadian rhythms in transcription,mature mRNA, active translation, or protein lev-els. Rhythmic gene expression has several ad-vantages. First, bioenergetic modeling of geneexpression in yeast demonstrates that rhythmicgene expression is more energy efficient than

maintaining constant levels of expression. Thisform of energy conservation is observed in arange of mammalian and insect tissues (30).Conversely, when a mouse is subjected to con-tinuous 24-hour fasting, the number of rhythmictranscripts is reduced by almost 80%. This largelyresults from reduced peak levels of expression,rather than elevated trough level of rhythmicexpression (30). Second, rhythmic expressionhelps to temporally separate incompatible bio-chemical processes, thereby preventing futilecycles (e.g., the simultaneous biosynthesis anddegradation of a given molecule). Because al-most 20% of liver transcripts show daily rhythms,it is logical that at least some of the enzymesand regulators in every metabolic pathway arelikely to display circadian rhythmicity. More im-portant, these rhythmically regulated pathwaycomponents often mediate rate-limiting steps,with peak levels of expression coinciding withsubstrate availability or metabolic need. Sev-eral key rhythmic metabolites exert effects oncircadian clock components, thereby integratingthe metabolic state with the regulatory mech-anism. Sometimes, posttranslational modifiers(e.g., kinases and phosphatases) that regulatekey enzymes of metabolic pathways also act onclock components, thus coupling metabolicand circadian regulatory processes. Some of

these examples will be highlighted in the fol-lowing section.

Metabolic pathways, metabolites, andtheir integration with the circadian clock

Functional annotation of the liver circadian cis-trome, transcriptome, and proteome show thatthese are enriched with metabolic regulators.To maintain energy homeostasis, the liver storesnutrients during feeding periods and taps intothis stored energy reserve during fasting periods.Intermediates from these cycles of anabolismand catabolism are used for cellular componentsand signaling. As feeding and fasting naturallyalternate between day and night, interactionsamong feeding-fasting–driven regulation, me-tabolism, and circadian clocks have evolved tomaintain normal physiology.

Glucose metabolism

Glucose enters hepatocytes where it is phos-phorylated. Phosphoglucose is then (i) used forenergy production via glycolysis, (ii) stored asglycogen for further use (glucogenesis), or (iii)used in the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)(Fig. 2B). Expression of the hepatic glucose trans-porter GLUT2 and glucokinase (GCK) show dailyrhythms with peak levels coinciding with periodsof feeding (31). In the fed state, insulin activatesglycogenesis through a signaling cascade thatleads to the inhibition of glycogen synthase ki-nase (GSK3), thereby releasing the activity ofglycogen synthase (GS). GSK3 has daily rhythmsof phosphorylation and activity and acts onsome circadian clock components (e.g., affect-ing the stability of REV-ERB) (32). b-linked N-acetylglucosamine (i.e., O-b-GlcNAc or O-GlcNAc),the attachment of UDP-GlcNAc to Ser/Thr resi-dues of proteins, is yet another link between thecircadian clock and glucose metabolism. The ac-tivity of the enzyme O-GlcNac transferase (OGT)is regulated by GSK3 (33) and, accordingly, a num-ber of hepatic proteins show circadian rhythmsin O-GlcNAcylation (34), including PER2, CLOCK,and BMAL1. The balance between O-GlcNacylation,glycosylation, CK1 phosphorylation, and proteinphosphatase 1 (PP1)–mediated dephosphorylationof PER2 determines its stability (33). In parallel,O-GlcNacylation of CLOCK and BMAL1 interfereswith their ubiquitination and degradation (35).Glucose use through the PPP is also connectedto the circadian clock. The PPP is essential fornucleotide and amino acid biosynthesis, as wellfor replenishing the pool of cytoplasmic NADPH.Low NADPH levels activate the transcription fac-tor NRF2, which can drive transcription of Rev-erb, thereby affecting the molecular clock (36).In the fasted state, the circadian clock also in-

fluences glucose metabolism by interacting withglucagon signaling (Fig. 2C). Glucagon signalsthrough its G-protein–coupled receptor and adeny-late cyclase to activate protein kinase A (PKA), whichin turn promotes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesisto supply glucose (37). PKA phosphorylates andthereby activates the bZIP transcription factorcyclic AMP response element–binding protein(CREB) so that it binds to cis-acting CRE sites

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at the Per1 and several gluconeogenic promo-ters, thereby stimulating their transcription(38). Additionally, CRY1 inhibits the activationof PKA by negatively regulating the G proteinor adenylate cyclase (17, 39). On the other hand,prolonged fasting also increases the ratio ofAMP/ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and activatesAMP-activated kinase (AMPK), which phospho-rylates CRYs and targets them for degradation(40). Together, this suggests a mechanism bywhich CRY1 acts as a balance point betweenthe short- and long-term responses to nutrientdeficit.

Lipid metabolism

Fatty acid synthesis and b oxidation are tightlycontrolled in the liver (Fig. 2D). Mitochondrialacetyl CoA is exported to the cytoplasm via acitrate/palmitate shuttle, where ATP citrate lyase(ACLY) is a rate-limiting enzyme. The circadianpeak of ACLY expression coincides with feeding(31). The first committed step of fatty acid syn-thesis is the carboxylation of acetyl CoA byACACA (acetyl CoA carboxylase) to producemalonyl CoA. ACACA is inactivated via phos-phorylation by fasting-induced AMPK. The rateof mitochondrial b oxidation is limited by theentry of fatty acyl groups into the mitochon-dria by carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (CPT1)and CPT2. The levels of L-carnitine, CPT1, andCPT2 show daily rhythms (41). Furthermore,high levels of malonyl CoA, which are producedduring fatty acid synthesis and peak duringfeeding, inhibit CPT activity. Such circadian-and product-mediated regulation generates adaily rhythm in fatty acid synthesis and oxida-tion, which peak during feeding and fasting,respectively. This also gives rise to daily rhythmsin several liver lipids (42). Rhythmic repressionby REV-ERB a generates daily rhythms in manytranscripts involved in the fatty acid synthesispathway. Accordingly, Rev-erb a −/− mice exhibitfatty liver disease (43, 44).


Ingested proteins are degraded to amino acidsin the small intestine and transported to theliver. Amino acids rarely remain free in cells,because they can be (i) used for protein syn-thesis during the fed state; (ii) used for gluco-neogenesis during fasting; (iii) metabolized tobioactive molecules (e.g., methionine is adeny-lated to produce SAM); or (iv) degraded toliberate ammonia, which is fed into the ureacycle. During the fed state, insulin receptorsubstrate (IRS) downstream kinase AKT acti-vates the mTOR-S6kinase pathway to promoteprotein translation. AKT or S6K1 also phospho-rylates BMAL1 and recruits it to translationcomplexes, where it promotes complex activity(Fig. 2E) (45, 46). In combination with circa-dian rhythms in ribosome biogenesis (47) andpreferential translation of specific subsets ofmRNAs (48), this general rhythm in protein syn-thesis is specifically important for liver function,because it is a major source of critical secretedproteins, including albumin, retinol-binding pro-

tein, transthyretin, and proteins of the comple-ment pathway.During overnight fasting, circadian regula-

tion of the transcription factor KLF15 in muscleand liver cells mediates circadian expression ofdownstream enzymes implicated in amino acidmobilization from muscle and their reuse in theliver for gluconeogenesis and the production ofammonia for the urea cycle (49). Accordingly,plasma levels of total amino acids, branched chainamino acids, and urea show circadian rhythmsin humans, with peak levels at night (49). Inthe urea cycle, use of mitochondrial L-ornithine(derived from glutatmate) by ornithine carbam-oyl transferase (OCT) serves as a critical step inthe clearance of CO2 (Fig. 2F). Circadian regula-tion of Oct is imposed by KLF15. The importance

of amino acid metabolism by Klf15 is demon-strated by the acute metabolic disruption seenin Klf15−/− mice when they are fed a protein-rich diet. These mice exhibit hypoglycemia, hy-perammonemia, and impaired ureagenesis, whichtogether lead to severe morbidity (49). In addi-tion, circadian rhythms in several metabolites,Ca2+ [at least in the SCN (50)], andMg2+ can affectthe activity of Ca2+-activated protein kinases, aswell as Mg2+ ATP- or Mg2+ uridine triphosphate–(glycogen synthesis) using enzymes (51).

Intermediate metabolites and thecircadian clock

Intermediate products of nutrient metabolismgive rise to several small molecules that canaffect clock function in the cytoplasm or nu-cleus. Cytoplasmic ornithine is decarboxylatedby ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) as the initialstep in polyamine biosynthesis. Several genesinvolved in polyamine production are tran-scriptionally regulated by the circadian clockcomponents, giving rise to a daily rhythm inpolyamine (Fig. 2F) (52, 53). Circadian expres-sion of the Odc gene is directly driven by CLOCK/BMAL (53). A derivative of methionine plays animportant role in this pathway. mRNAs encod-ing regulatory proteins in methionine produc-tion and its adenylation to SAM (Bhmt, Mtrr,Mat1, and Mat2) show daily rhythms (31). SAMis a reactive methyl carrier that is used in methyl-group transfer reactions, including histone meth-ylation, as well as the biosynthesis of polyamine,phosphatidylcholine, and the energy-rich phos-phocreatine. SAM also inhibits the activity of

methyl tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) andthereby is tightly linked to tetrahydrofolate orone-carbon metabolism, which is required forpurine metabolism and RNA synthesis in non-dividing cells (54). Several genes involved intetrahydrofolate metabolism exhibit a circadianrhythm (31, 55). Both reactive methyl-group me-tabolism and one-carbon metabolism likely sig-nal to the circadian clock through polyamines.Polyamines modulate many protein-protein andprotein-DNA interactions, regulating the circa-dian clock by promoting the interaction betweenPER2 and CRY1. Age-related dampening of thecircadian clock may lead to reductions in poly-amine, because supplementing mouse food withpolyamine improves circadian rhythms in oldermice (53).


NAD+ (oxidized form of NAD) is emerging as akey regulator of metabolism because it (i) func-tions as an electron carrier, (ii) modulates pro-tein function, and (iii) serves as a substrate forADP ribosylation. In animal tissues, NAD+ is ei-ther synthesized de novo, or the nicotinic moietyis salvaged from nicotinamide for the synthesisof NAD+ in a reaction catalyzed by nicotinamidephosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). Owing tothe short half-life of NAD+, this salvage path-way is essential for sustained availability ofNAD+. The circadian clock drives daily rhythmsin NAMPT, as well as the resulting rhythm incellular NAD+ levels (56, 57). Direct binding ofNAD+ to SIRT proteins inhibits their ability todeacetylate target proteins, including clock com-ponents (58, 59) and several metabolic enzymes.NAD+ is also used by PARP1 to add poly(ADP) ri-bose moieties to CLOCK, which increases CLOCK/BMAL1 affinity to DNA and delays repressionby CRY/PER complex (Fig. 2G). This makes thehepatic clock less susceptible to abrupt changesin eating time (60).

Acetyl CoA

Acetyl CoA is a major energy metabolite thatis generated by glycolysis, b-oxidation, and ami-no acid metabolism in the mitochondria, whichis then transported out of the mitochondria byACLY. In addition, acetyl CoA is also producedin the cytoplasm or nucleus by de novo synthesisfrom acetate and CoA by acetyl CoA synthase(AceCS1). The circadian oscillator exerts a dom-inant effect on the cytoplasm in several ways.First, key rate-limiting steps of the metabolicpathways that generate acetyl CoA are undercircadian control. Second, the expression of ACLYis rhythmic. Third, the activity of AceCS1 is reg-ulated by the NAD-dependent deacetylase SIRT1(61, 62), and as seen above, NAD levels are understrong circadian control (Fig. 2G). Cytoplasmicacetyl CoA can diffuse into the nucleus throughnuclear pores, where it can modulate the acti-vity of lysine acetyl transferases with relativelyhigh KD (low affinity) for acetyl CoA (63). Simi-larly, the concentration of acetyl CoA or therelative ratio of CoA/acetyl CoA can change thespecificity of some proteins, such as p300 and CBP

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(63), both of which are associated with CLOCK/BMAL1 and activate histone acetylation (55).Acetyl CoA is a crucial precursor for the syn-

thesis of several molecule classes, including fattyacids, cholesterol, bile acids, steroid hormones,and ketone bodies (63). Many enzymes in thesepathways are regulated in a circadian fashion,both at the mRNA and protein levels. In mito-chondria, acetyl CoA molecules from pyruvateand fatty acid oxidation are primarily fed intothe tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Two interme-diates of the TCA cycle, a-KG and succinyl CoA,can have broader effects on transcription. Alpha-KG is the cofactor for several histone demethy-lases, and the ratio of succinyl CoA to a-KG hasrecently been shown to affect histone methyla-tion state (Fig. 2H) (64).

Succinyl CoA-Aminolevulinatemetabolic network

Succinyl CoA is the starting material for thesynthesis of aminolevulinic acid, a reaction cat-alyzed by ALAS1, whose expression is circadian(65). Aminolevulinate is subsequently used forthe synthesis of tetrapyrroles, including heme andcytochromes. Heme, among its many functions,is a ligand for REV-ERB. In addition, the degra-dation of heme is catalyzed by heme oxygenase(HO), which also shows circadian expression(66, 67). Such rhythms in these production anddegradation pathways likely produce rhythmsin Heme, as well as CO (a product of heme deg-radation). CO can presumably diffuse into thenucleus, where it can affect the DNA bindingfunction of NPAS2 (Fig. 2H) (68). Cytochromes arealso tetrapyrroles and function as cofactors forcomponents of the mitochondrial electron trans-port chain and for cytochrome p450 (Cyp), whichis a class of proteins that mediates xenobiotic me-tabolism. Interestingly, the PAR bZIP transcriptionfactors DBP, TEF, and HLF are clock-controlled,rhythmic genes that drive the expression of alarge number of Cyp genes and thereby gener-ate rhythms in xenobiotic metabolism. (69).

Interorgan communications

Both fasting and circadian clock regulate thebiosynthesis of cholesterol from acetyl CoA (Fig. 2I).Metabolism of cholesterol to produce several lig-ands for nuclear hormone receptors also showsdaily rhythms. The Cyp7 proteins (Cyp7a andCyp7b) mediate the first step in the metabolismof cholesterol to bile acids. Hepatic expressionof Cyp7 is strongly circadian, and peak levels ofCyp7 expression correlate with a reduction incholesterol and an increase in bile acids (Fig. 2I)(70, 71). Excess bile acids produced in liver canenter the circulation and subsequently activateUCP gene expression within brown adipose tis-sue (BAT), thereby contributing to thermoreg-ulation (72). In BAT, REV-ERB a also imposes acircadian rhythm in UCP expression and contrib-utes to daily rhythm in thermogenesis (Fig. 2J)(73). Accordingly, BAT-specific Rev-erb a−/− losesthe rhythmic repression of UCP proteins andrhythmic fluctuation in body temperature (73).Both increases and decreases in temperature

are thought to affect the clock throughout thebody (74). Increases in body temperature canactivate HSF1, which in turn activates Per2 geneexpression from a cis-acting HSE site within itspromoter (75). During temperature declines, ex-pression of a cold-inducible RNA binding pro-tein (CIRBP) can bind to CLOCK pre-mRNA andaffect its processing (76).In the pineal gland, acetyl CoA is used to

produce melatonin by the enzymatic action ofAANAT (77). Circadian expression of AANATcontributes to the circadian rhythm in melato-nin, with peak levels during the night. Illumi-nation in the cyan-blue spectrum can effectivelysuppress AANAT gene expression and melato-nin production (Fig. 2A) (78).

Central integration of peripheralmetabolic status

The mechanisms described above illustrate theextensive, reciprocal regulation between the cir-cadian clock and cellular metabolism. Notably,these connections extend to the systemic level.For example, metabolic signals from the periph-ery also affect brain-specific circadian clocks.Although peripheral signals provide feedback

to the SCN, these signals are often insufficientto override the robust influence of light. Forcingnocturnal rodents to eat during the day changesthe peak phase of expression for nearly allrhythmically expressed genes in the liver withoutaffecting phases of gene expression in the SCN,which remains tied to the LD cycle (31, 79, 80).However, the phase of circadian gene expres-sion in the pituitary, dorsomedial hypothalamus(DMH), and PVN are affected by daytime feeding(81). Daytime access to a limited amount of foodalso elicits a survival strategy in nocturnal ro-dents by suppressing the natural circadian drivefor daytime sleep and increasing food-seekingactivity before the arrival of the daytime meal (82).This food anticipatory activity (FAA) seems tobe mediated by ketone bodies produced by theliver that act on the dorsal striatum in a Per2-dependent manner (83). Such FAA is indepen-dent of the circadian clock in the SCN, asnormal FAA can be triggered in mice lackingthe SCN.The effect of eating patterns on central nervous

system clocks (e.g., the emergence of FAA, whichseems to override SCN control of the activity-restcycle) raises a larger question about the origin

SCIENCE 25 NOVEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6315 1013

Circadian rhythm disruption or DIO Time-restricted feeding Potential mechanism


Glucose intolerance/insulin resistance

Gut dysbiosis

Cardiovascular diseases

Chronic inflammation

Liver diseases

Increased cancer risk


Sleep disorders

Compromised musclefunction

Fat, lean mass

Improved glucosehomeostasis

Diverse and dynamic

Arrhythmia and improvedcardiac function*

Tissue inflammation

Fibrosis and hepatic fat deposit

Risk for breast cancer# andbreast cancer prognosis


Sleep quality# and quantity*

Endurance and flight index*

GluconeogenesisPPP and TCA cycle

Altered digestion, absorption, andexcretion of nutrients and bile acids

ATP-dependent chaperone andimproved mitochondria function

Macrophage infiltration of WATIL6 TNFα

Fatty acid synthesis, β oxidationmitochondrian volume

Improved metabolic homeostasis,reduced inflammation

Cholesterol metabolism tobile acids

Consolidation of activity and rest

Ketone bodies, creatine metabolism

Plasma- and liver-triglycerides

Fig. 3. Chronic circadian rhythm disruption by erratic lifestyle or high-fat-diet–induced obesitycompromises physiology, whereas time-restricted feeding can restore daily rhythms and improvehealth.The potential mechanisms are largely based on rodent studies. Few observations have been madein insects (*) and in humans (#). IL, interleukin; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

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of nocturnal or diurnal (N-D) behavior indifferent species. The phase of the SCN cir-cadian clock in both nocturnal and diurnal spe-cies is similar (84), implying that the N-D switchmay not involve the SCN. The effect of foodaccess time on extra-SCN brain clocks raises theprovocative hypothesis that the N-D switch maybe driven by complex interactions between thelight-dark cycle, the feeding-fasting cycle, andoverall energy balance. In mice, reducing theambient temperature and restricting nutritionquantity can trigger daytime activity, suggest-ing that diurnality is a strategy for conservingenergy (85). Understanding the mechanisms bywhich food, light, and ambient temperature af-fect the daily sleep-wake cycle and metabolismhas increasing importance for humans who areliving under diverse work schedules, lifestyles,and food preferences.

Health implication of metabolicand circadian integration ofphysiology in model organisms

Reciprocal interactions between metabolismand the circadian clock imply that nutritionquality, quantity, and daily eating pattern canaffect diurnal rhythms, which in turn deter-mines whole-body physiology. When mice arefed a standard diet ad libitum, they typicallyconsume a majority of their daily food intakeduring the night. The vast majority of circadian-omics studies have been performed using micefed a standard diet ad libitum. However, relativeto these ad libitum–fed animals, the number andamplitude of rhythmic transcripts is substan-tially reduced in animals deprived of food or incircadian mutant mice, whereas it is increasedin mice fed the same calories within an 8- to12-hour interval [time-restricted feeding (TRF)].TRF alone cannot sustain rhythmic expressionof a vast majority of hepatic rhythmic tran-scripts, proteins, or metabolites in mice lackinga functional circadian clock (31, 41, 42, 48).When mice are fed a high-fat diet ad libitum,which is a widely used for diet-induced obesity(DIO), mice spread their caloric intake evenlythroughout the 24-hour day (86). This eatingpattern reprograms the hepatic diurnal tran-scriptome by dampening the oscillation of nu-merous circadian clock targets (compared to thediurnal transcriptome of mice fed a standarddiet) (87). However, as seen in mice fed a stan-dard diet, TRF of a high-fat diet improves mo-lecular oscillations (70, 71, 88).Subjecting genetically identical animals to

caloric restriction or a high-fat diet (beneficialand adverse effects, respectively) has served asa powerful experimental system for under-standing the roles of nutrition quantity andquality on health. Similarly, feeding isogenicanimals identical, isocaloric diets ad libitumor via TRF has offered a foundation for un-derstanding how the daily eating pattern af-fects diurnal rhythms and health (89). TRF canattenuate the adverse metabolic consequences(i.e., diet-induced pathologies) of high-fat, high-sucrose, or high-fructose diets in rodents and

insects (Fig. 3) (70, 71, 88, 90). Comparing micefed a normal or high-fat diet—either ad libitumor via TRF—is yielding new insights into howcircadian regulation of metabolism is an integralpart of physiology. DIO disrupts the temporalregulation of metabolism by tonic activation, bytonic suppression, or by mistiming the activa-tion of several liver metabolic pathways (e.g.,gluconeogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, choles-terol synthesis, bile acid production, and thepentose phosphate pathways). TRF reverses theadverse effects of a high-fat diet in the liver andother metabolic organs. Although the benefit ofTRF on body weight is comparable for 8-, 9-, or12-hour feeding intervals, several metabolic andphysiological health indicators are differentiallyaffected by these regimens, suggesting that the

duration of fasting is also important (91). Sim-ilarly, TRF does not reduce body weight in micefed a standard diet but increases lean mass atthe expense of fat mass. TRF benefits are alsoseen in insects, where it has been shown to (i)support body-weight homeostasis, (ii) reduceage-dependent or high-fat diet-dependent dete-rioration of cardiac function, (iii) maintain sleeppatterns, and (iv) promote flight-muscle function(90). Because subjecting model organisms tocaloric restriction or DIO has revealed molec-ular mechanisms of metabolic health, the TRFmodel will likely yield new insights into howmetabolism is temporally regulated. Prelimi-nary studies in flies have shown that TRF andcaloric restriction elicit different gene expres-sion signatures and that TRF benefits on car-diac function depend on a functional circadianclock (90). However, it is still possible that fasting-induced molecular changes could contribute toTRF benefits. Similarly, it is not known whetherTRF has beneficial effects in the absence of afunctional clock in rodents. It is also worthmentioning that for many caloric-restriction ex-periments (both in rodents and in higher animals),the restricted group is often given food at afixed time of the day and the animals consumethe daily ration within a few hours, similar toTRF. In contrast, the control animals are givenad libitum access to food. Because of this ex-

perimental design, some of the health benefitsseen with caloric restriction may have resultedfrom TRF. Altogether, these experiments stressthe importance of eating patterns in metabolicregulation and have begun to inspire research-ers to examine the contribution of daily eatingpatterns on metabolic outcomes in experimen-tal animals and humans. For example, effortsto improve metabolic homeostasis in mice (orhepatocytes) have revealed two promising strat-egies: (i) behavioral intervention to improve cir-cadian rhythm and (ii) pharmacological agentsthat target CRY, REV-ERB, or CLOCK (92–94).Targeting the interface between circadian rhythmsand metabolism may therefore prove effectivein alleviating the effect of metabolic disorders.

Perspective and conclusion

Although TRF results in health benefits ir-respective of nutrition quality and quantity, nu-merous questions remain. How is “energy balance”explained in TRF? How do different macronu-trients, micronutrients, supplements, and medi-cations affect the clock? If timing of food intakecan determine metabolic outcomes, can timing ofmedication be optimized for efficacy? Does TRFduring the day versus night have different effects?How can we translate these findings to clinicalpractice or standard of care?Close examination of TRF reveals that diurnal

rhythms may affect components of energy bal-ance (energy intake = absorption + storage +expenditure). In addition to circadian rhythms inthe gut epithelium that affect nutrient absorption(95, 96), the composition of the gut microbiome,with respect to nutrient metabolism, also showsdiurnal rhythms (97). Compared with ad libitumfeeding, TRF does not affect the composition ofthe predominant cecalmicrobiome, but TRFmiceexcretemore simple sugars, which aremicrobiallyderived from complex carbohydrates in food (98).This implies that complex sugars are digested inthe lower intestine (where absorption is relativelylow) or that TRF somehow reduces overall sugarabsorption. TRF also changes energy storage byincreasing metabolically active lean mass andpreventing the accumulation of fat mass. Evenfat mass in TRFmice has a higher mitochondrialcontent (70, 71). TRF increases the peak level ofCyp7a/b expression, an effect that correlates withreduced cholesterol and increases in bile acids.Bile acids can act through TGR5 and DIO2 toincrease BAT thermogenesis (72) and contributeto higher energy expenditure and increased O2

consumption in TRF mice. However, it is un-clear why a considerable amount of bile acidsare excreted in the feces of TRF mice. Neverthe-less, inhibition of bile acid reabsorption in thegut protects against fatty liver disease (99).Beyond the simple effects of nutrition on en-

ergy balance, some food components may affectthe circadian clock even when consumed inmoderation (i.e., at small caloric levels typi-cally ignored for energy balance). For example,caffeine itself can change the phase of the circa-dian clock (100). As the mere presence of thegut microbiome is necessary for a robust liver

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circadian rhythm (101), noncaloric artificialsweeteners (102), as well as antibiotics knownto change the gut microbiome composition, arelikely to affect gut or hepatic circadian rhythms.Similarly, the absorption, target function, andclearance of many drugs are likely circadian(103). Therefore, systematic analyses of thetiming of drug activities (specifically for thosewith a short half-life or those provided in smalldoses), as well the resulting prognosis, arewarranted.How might we translate these results into the

standard of care? Epidemiological studies haverepeatedly shown that sleep deprivation andshift work correlate with higher incidence ofmetabolic diseases in humans (104, 105). Con-versely, overnight fasting (≥13 hours after con-trolling for sleep and activity) both preventsbreast cancer and improves the prognosis ofbreast cancer patients (106, 107). These obser-vations suggest that daily patterns of activity,sleep, and food intake may dramatically affecthuman heath and that these patterns should besystematically dissected to determine their rolesin health. Preliminary studies using a smart-phone app have shown that nearly 50% ofnonshift workers distribute their food intakeover greater than 15 hours and, therefore, im-plementing a 10-hour TRF may promote weightloss and improve sleep (108). Retrospective analy-ses of a weight-loss study showed that eatingearlier may lead to increased weight loss (109),suggesting that the relationship between theeating interval and the day-night cycle may af-fect metabolism. As stated above, hyperglycemiais sustained for a longer period of time after theevening meal than after the morning meal. Thisis likely because melatonin inhibits insulin re-lease from pancreatic islets through the melato-nin receptor 1B (Fig. 2A). Therefore, the eveningrise in melatonin likely causes hyperglycemia(110). Because light in the blue spectrum stronglysuppresses plasma melatonin level, it raises theinteresting possibility that adjusting spectralquality and quantity in the indoor environmentmay affect metabolism. [However, melatonin ac-tion on metabolism extends beyond the pan-creas (111), and its rise during nighttime feedingin nocturnal rodents adds further complexity togeneralization of melatonin effects in both di-urnal and nocturnal animals.] The rise of con-sumer markets for wearable sensors, ubiquity ofsmartphones, and their increasing use in re-search offer an unprecedented opportunity tolongitudinally measure human feeding behav-ior, sleep patterns, activity levels, ambientlight, body temperature, heart rate, and bloodglucose to understand how these factors in-teract in free-living conditions. These data mayreveal how the environment and diet may bemanipulated to optimize the circadian physiologyof metabolism.


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The author thanks A. Chaix, E. Manoogian, L. DiTacchio, andG. Benegiamo for their scientific input, and D. O’Keefe forcopyediting the manuscript. Research in the author’s laboratory ispartially supported by NIH grants EY016807, CA014195, EY019005,American Federation of Aging Research grant M14322, Leona M. andHarry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust’s grant 2012-PG-MED002, andGlenn Center for Aging Research.


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Page 9: REVIEW Circadian physiologyof metabolism · incompatible processes. Experimental animal models and epidemiological data indicate that chronic circadian rhythm disruption increases

Circadian physiology of metabolismSatchidananda Panda

DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4967 (6315), 1008-1015.354Science 



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