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Greece is part of the continent of ___________________. Greece was the first major civilization in __________________. The monetary unit of Greece today is the ____________________.

Greece is a series of _______________ and ____________________, making it difficult for people in ancient times to be unified.

The two seas that surround Greece are the _________________ and ______________.

The capital of Greece and its largest city is ______________.

The largest mountain is _______________.

Two countries that border Greece are ______________ and _______________.

The Greek flag is _______________ and white.

The white stripes represent _____________________.

The blue represents the ____________________.

The Greek ________________ emerged around 800 BC.

The Greeks got their alphabet from the __________________.

The Greek alphabet has _______ symbols.

It was the first to include both ______________ and ________________.

During the bronze age, the earliest greek civilization, the _______________ lived on the island of ____________.

They were named after their king, King __________.

The Minoans built a huge palace at Knosses, under which the legendary _____________ was believed to live.

During the classic period, also called the _____________ Age of Greece, the Greek people were the major power in the _______________ Sea.

_______________, ________________ and ________________ were three philosophers from Greece.

________________ invented geometry.

The Greeks are probably best know for their political system, the very first __________________ government.

The Greeks held the first _____________________ in 776 B.C.

There was only one event, the ________________, called the strade.

The Greeks dedicated the games to their god __________.

Each game began with the lighting of the __________________, which symbolized the death and rebirth of _______________

The Greek gods were all related and ruled after overthrowing the ________________.

The twelve most powerful greek gods were the ___________________.

The supreme ruler was ________________.

These gods lived on ______________________.

The greeks lived in isolated ________________________ and were often quarreling with each other.

_______________was a city-state that had a very militaristic society.

The Greek conqueror, ______________________ set out to unify the world, taking his army all over the globe.

According to legend, Rome was named after ________________, who ruled Rome for ____________ years.

He murdered his twin ____________ because he ____________ him.

Their father was ______________.

Rome was built on _____________ hills.

Before the Roman Republic, the ____________ ruled Rome.

The Roman Republic was established around __________ BC.

The Roman Republic ended with the reign of ____________________, the emperor at the time of the birth of Christ.

The ruling class in Rome was called the ________________.

The commoners were called _________________.

Roman law was written on ______________ tablets.

A dictator could only hold power for __________ months under Roman law.

_____________ was murdered by the Senate because they feared his power and popularity.

All _______________ could vote and become consuls.

The people who made laws in the Roman Republic were the ____________________.

The uprising by the Roman slave ___________ lasted for three years.

Spartacus was trained to be a ________________.

_____________ finally defeated Spartacus.

The _____________ were used to symbolize Rome's power and jurisdiction.

6000 of Spartacus' men were ____________ by Crassus.

The Roman emperor ____________ was born in Spain.

He was adopted by the emperor ________________.

He was able to ______________the territory of Rome the farthest.

After Trajan ______________ became emperor.

Hadrian was part of the group of five emperors called the _______ emperors.

________________ was 80 miles coast to coast across ________________.

Hadrian built the ______________ to honor all the gods.

After Rome fell, Europe entered into the period of times called the _________________ Ages or the ________________ Period.

Europeans lived on large _______________ estates.

Each manor was ruled by a ____________. The people who lived and worked the land were called ______________.

The one unifying force in Europe was the ___________ church.

For this reason, Europe was sometimes called ______________.

In 1095, the ____________ ordered christians to go to the east and recapture the ________________ from the _______________.

These series of wars were called the _______________.

As a result of this travel, Europeans began to trade again.

A new middle class formed, called ________________.

Many _____________ grew larger in Europe as merchants and middle class people moved into them.

The invention of the _____________ in Germany helped the spread of ideas.

The Enlightenment took place in the _____________ and _____________ centuries.

Another name for the Enlightenment was the Age of _____________.

The Greek Astronomer ________________ theorized that the ___________ was the center of the universe.

This is called ___________________________

_____________ challenged this idea with his theory of ________________.

The Italian astronomer, ______________ built a telescope with magnification of 20.

He was _________________ by the catholic church for his ideas.

The year Galileo died was the same year that ______________ was born, the father of modern physics.

Newton's ___________ laws of motion make up the fundamental principles of modern physics.

The first law states that ___________________

The second law states that ____________________

The Third law states that ______________________.

The fact that I can lean against the wall without falling is explained by Newton's ______________ law.

French thinkers, called ______________ spread ideas about society and government.

Thomas Hobbes, from _____________, thought that people need _____________ government because they were ________________.

________________ believed that government should be divided into three branches. This concept is called __________________.

______________ believed in a social contract between people and government.

He also believed there were ________________ of ____________, ______________ and _______________.

Trenchard and Gordon wrote ____________, which were read in the colonies. They promoted the idea that people have a ____________ to rebel against government that is unfair or too powerful.

Russeau believed that people were basically ___________ and the best government would be a ______________.