Reverse Speech & Microexpressions

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  • 8/11/2019 Reverse Speech & Microexpressions


    Reverse Speech & Microexpressions

    The truth is a funny thing, isn't it?? Firstly it's quite colorful &warm as we're always splitting it into degrees, (of honesty)as well

    as various shades of grey. Next we want to reserve it for only the selectself-chosen ones, and if that doesn't wor! then we protect

    &defend the truth, with a ring of lies. "very#ody lies, $ust as any#ody% ere again we have a ind of color code for our lies

    little white liesare the ones we allow ourselves when sparing another's feelings is of equal importance as our eeping a secret.

    The other end of the spectrum would then #e the black hearted liewhen the liar taes perverse pleasure in the deception of others.

    Those who most often and flagrantly lie tous, demand total honestyfrom uswhen it is largely a#sent in society, #usiness&

    politics. (t is perhaps the worstof the dou#le standards which society prefers to ignore rather than remedy.

    )ying is something we all do all the time, if not every day, in every conversation! #ut ('m getting to that. The thing here is that

    lying issupposeda #ig no*no if you put credi#ility into the Top 10+commandments.

    ( grant you it is rather low on the list, and doesseemto condemn #earing false witness against thy neighbor, while #eing rather

    o#scure regards the fellow across town. -hat's the use of having such oly commandments from the creator if we can ar#itrarily

    $ust hold ourselves and others somehow immune from them as it suits our will? ood question, huh? -hat is worse, are all the

    pantomimes everyone goes thru pretending that society actually honors truth. /on't you thin it's getting pretty grotesque?
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    There are the lies we tell others, and then there are the lies we tell ourselves! and in #oth instances, the reason whyis always the

    #etter story. 0ometimes the reasons even mae a ind of sense. -e tell ourselves that, so as to #etter hide our shame. -e lie to

    our children generation after generation, encouraging their #elief in 0anta & the tooth fairy! then wonder why as adults they no

    longer #elieve us a#out much of anything.

    1efore ( retired! ( spent a couple decades as a professional counselor. ( started out as one of two counselors at a Vietnam Veteran

    Outreach Centerin 2lasa. Five years of woring with traumati3ed souls taught me many things, #ut the most important was totreat the soul on the etheric level, not the meatsackin 4/% -hen our center's five year grant expired we closed the doors, each of

    us taing what we'd learned forward into the future with us. 2lthough there were no more vets to wor with! ('d found my calling,

    and figured ('d find a surplus of clients in the civilian population to help. ( mention this #ecause #y far the num#er one killerof

    relationships, is the liethat #ecomes a pattern of deception no#ody will acnowledge.

    2s a holistic practitioner ( was usually open to new methods which produced interesting results, adding them to my tools &sill

    set whenever ( could. 5ne of these tools is something calledReverse Speech! discovered in 6784 #y 2ustralian linguistic

    researcher /avid 5ates. -hen #ac masing tapes of human speech, or playing them #acwards! 5ates discovered that within

    the gar#led, unintelligi#le #acwards audio, there very often are clearly heard phrases, spoen normally% /avid 5ates first #oo,

    9:eyond ackward !asking:;and media attention came in 678eople #egan paying attention and taing it seriously when 5ates appeared on the 2rt 1ell radio show, coast to coastin 677, a

    year after his second #oo was pu#lished 9:Reverse Speech" voices from the unconscious:;. 5ates soon #ecame a popular guest as healways #rought a nice selection of reverse speech examples, usually from the politicians and newsmaers of the day. The one

    presidential reversal which got a lot of attention was when #eorge $% ushwas speaing a#out the war on terror, #ut in reverse he

    says :We'll rule the world, dad.: @ust one of many very revealing&truly spookyreversals from the smiring chimp president.

    Not only did this new emerging technology interest me in general, ( also saw what ( thought would #e a perfect application, in

    personal counseling &therapy. ( purchased the #oos, a study course, and a reversing machinewhich is a slightly modified

    porta#le cassette recorder! altered to allow for playing the tape #acwards. Aight away ( reali3ed there were some potential issues

    around using this new technology, primarily informed consent and non*infringement! as well as getting to really comprehendthe

    things you are hearing &what they represent.

    "The Truth Points to Itself"

    (t didn't tae very long for me to appreciate how very powerful reverse speech can #e. ('d had the equipment for a few wees, still

    learning how to properly use it in hopes of folding it into my counseling practice. 2 friend of mine who is a professional audio

    technician was visiting from 0an Francisco one 0aturday afternoon, and when he ased what new stuff ( was into, ( pulled out the

    recorder and explained the #asics of reverse speech to him. By friend was intrigued, and wanted to try it $ust for fun. 0o it was

    we agreed to $ust carry on our visit with the recorder on, and my friend #egan taling a#out all the things he had planned for the

    wee. 2#out fifteen minutes later we reali3ed we'd #oth inda ignored the tape recorder while focusing on the conversation. -ith

    the tape ready to hear in reverse, we waited with anticipation to see what, if anything we would hear. -e didn't have to wait very

    long at all there, amid the unintelligi#le gi##erish of language played #acwards we #oth heard it clear as a #ell, it was my friendsvoice saying :&'m so lonely.: By friend looed at me as if ( had $ust committed the greatest possi#le #etrayal of his very soul. (

    could see the anguish on his face, he was devastated! and angrily gathering his things to tae his leave. e made it quite clear that

    he thought ( had set him up with a fae tape! never even considering it was hisvoice, or that he'd showed up unannounced. By

    friend stormed out of my place, and ( haven't seen or heard from him in the ten years since. >owerful stuff%
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    (n fact, reverse speech issopowerful in revealing the truth, that the white housedevised techniques to try to defeat it! teaching

    the president to alter his cadence of speech to try #reaing up the reversals #efore they occur. This has met with limited success

    though, as the condemning reversals $ust eep popping up whenever a politician is taling. Aeminds me of the one a#out how to

    tell if a politician is lying * his lips will be moving% ( continued woring with reverse speech after that initial disaster #ut was

    unsure of how to use it as a counseling aide, or if ( should even try as ( was discovering some interesting facts along the way. (f

    they are hearing reversals from the president or some movie cele#rity people are $ust fine with reverse speech, until theyare the

    one #eing recorded! then it #ecomes something else altogether. ( discovered that the vast ma$ority of peoplesimply don't want to

    knowwhat their own speech reversals are saying a#out them. They don't want to now, and they don't want anyone else nowing

    either. Cinda limits it's use as a tool for therapy or self*improvement.

    There exist several credi#le applications for this technology, #eyond personal growth. Aeverse speech is #eing used in #usiness

    partnerships &transactions! as well as #y homeland security, the police, and private investigation companies. The world of

    reverse speech is filled with metaphors such asagle $olf $hirlwindand many others, each with their own unique meaning and

    interpretation. Aecogni3ing, and understanding these metaphors is keyto properly using the technology. Furthermore, there are

    two #asic types of speech reversals which commonly occur!&ncongruent reversalsare saying the opposite of what is actually

    #eing said! and Complimentary Reversalsare those which agree with and give added weight to what is #eing said. (n it's most

    #asic form then, reverse speech serves as a most excellent lie detectorwhich is so efficient that it even reveals the lies we tell

    ourselves without reali3ing it. Aeverse speech reveals the truth of the matter #ecause it #y*passes all nown human defense

    mechanisms and gets right to the very heart of the matter. (t can #e a very #lunt and #rutal awaening to truth! one that the

    ma$ority of us are not yet ready to em#race.

    "Ain't no way to hide your lying eyes"~ The Eagles
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    2nother intriguing new technology was discovered some years #ac #y*r% +aul kman, an expert in non*ver#al communication

    ody language who pioneered the science of face reading! the fascinating world of!icroe,pressions% /r. "man has compiled an

    :2tlas of "motions: comprised of over ten thousand unique facial expressions, and is nown as the human lie detector. is

    seminal wor is on specific #iological correlates of specific emotions, demonstrating the universality and discreetness of

    emotions, using the /arwinian approach. 0imilar to reverse speech, these very #rief facial microe,pressionsreveal the truth of

    our emotions despitewhat our words are saying. )asting fractions of a second, these microexpressions are usually as invisi#le to

    the eye as speech reversals are to the ear. -hile no#ody has learned to actually hear speech reversals in real time (to myknowledge), it's a different story with microexpressions! as one canlearn to spot a great many of them, and now $ust what they


    -ith reverse speech its all a#out the metaphors, #ut with face reading its the telltale manipulatorsthat give us away when we're

    lying, lie touching the face, lips, or ear. 2 wrinle of the nose or snarling of the lip lasting perhaps a fifteenth of a second denotes

    disdain and contempt. -e've always heard it said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if you now what to loo for, the

    eyes will also reveal if someone is lying to you. !ost usuallyif someone loos you directly in the eye when answering aquestion, they are lying, repeating a practiced performance of deception, and they are looing in your eyes to gauge the success of

    their lie. (f a persons eyes move or shift to the leftwhen answering a question they are accessing the memory part of the #rain, and

    speaing the truth from memory. owever, if their eyes shift to the right, it means they are accessing the part of the #rain that

    #uilds and constructs narrative, and lying to you% 2s ( said, most usually
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    (n yet another case of art imitating life, /r. "man's wor with #ody language &microexpressions was turned into a TDseries, to !e: (/001-/022)starring Tim Aoth! which served to #ring the su#$ect to pu#lic awareness, as a ind of extension of the study

    of body languagein general. -hen someone you're speaing with suddenly crosses their arms over their chest! its an involuntary

    defensive mechanism meaning they feel threatened or insecure, and don't want to engage the su#$ect matter for whatever reason.

    Bicroexpressions present at the same time can give added insight into a persons mindset! ifyou now what to loo for. (n every

    case, these su#conscious :tells: give us away whenever we are in conflict! revealing things we don't want others to now

    3 sudden brief flare of the nostrils denotes apprehension or agitation%

    'Crows feet' around the eyes with pushed up cheeks denotes happiness%

    yebrows down 4together with glaring eyes denotes anger%

    yebrows raised 4together with raised upper eyelids denotes fear%

    *rooping upper eyelids with lip corners turned down denotes sadness%

    .ip corner tightened and raised on one side only denotes contempt%

    3 brief wrinkling of the nose denotes disgust or disdain%

    oth corners of mouth turned sharply downward denotes arrogant disgust 4contempt%

    Obli5ue eyebrows with the mouth slightly open denotes surprise%

    0uch non*ver#al communication is going on all the time, we $ust don't see it #ecause these expressions are so #rief in nature! still

    with practice, they can #e learned. Aesearch indicates that a very small percentage of the population, around E, are6aturals,

    meaning that they can see and understand the language of microexpressions without training * human lie detectors. ( can imagine

    that #eing one of these naturalswould #e a #lessing wrapped in a curse, #ecause #asic human nature seems to or#it the death star

    of don't as * don't tell when it comes down to eeping secrets from each other.
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    Reverse speech body languageand microe,pressionsare natural reactions to im#alanced energy within us. these things are the

    #ody*mind's way of telling on us when we're involved in a conflict of truth. 1eing in harmony is the desired (remembered)state of

    #eing we all secretly strive for and desire. -ithout such harmony of #ody*mind*spirit, the incongruent energy mustmanifest in

    some way, so it comes out as involuntary su#conscious speech reversals #ody language and microexpressions! clues to the

    o#servant that something is amiss. =nfortunately the vast ma$ority of us tend to ignore such messages from our corporeal form

    rather than tae action to correct the im#alance. 5h, we tell ourselveswe'll get around to fixing this or that little chin in our

    armor, in order to consciously $ustify putting it off! #ut then we seldom follow thru on the hollow intention. 0omewhere deep

    inside, in the silence at the heart of things, we knowwe're really lying to ourselves, which in turn can trigger still more defense

    mechanisms and neuroses. (t turns out that the old saying has #asis in fact7onesty is the best policy.

    87istory records no struggle more noble or long enduring than that of humanity against the truth8

    GBrendan GillG

    -e ignore and gloss over our own little self deceptions, which ( suppose maes it easier to overloo the everyday little deceptions

    of those we deal with in our various entangled relationships. For example, when two people first meet and are attracted to each

    other they often #egin the dating process in which each person does everything they can to show themselves in the #est lightpossi#le! while simultaneously hiding and concealing their faults and shortcomings. -e've all done it, #ut isn't it really lie

    starting a relationship #ased on deception? 2re we so afraid of loneliness &re$ection that we prefer toxic relationships with other

    wounded souls. Bay#e its also true that misery loves company, #ut it $ust seems lie such a waste to me, wasteful and ind of


    -henever we #ase egin (romantic)relationships for any reason other than the right one such liaisons often leave a small spar

    of resentment in #oth people, which in time can rage into a nightmare full of all the nasty things resentment #reeds. 0ir -alter

    0cott had it right! 8Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive%8 The other really cool aspect to honesty is

    that you never have to remem#er what you said%

    To one degree or another society has always worn a set of blinderswhen it comes to the honesty of our politicians, #ut these days

    it has morphed into a full*on #lindfold we give ourselves! #ecause we $ust really don't want to knowhow deep the ra##it hole

    goes, ind of lie my friend from a decade ago, we will re$ect even the #oldest of truths $ust to eep our illusions and deceptions

    in place. (n other words, it is an act of insanity to #e well ad$usted to an insane world%

    Until Net Ti!e ~ e #ood to Each $ther

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