Revenue Management Contract Accounting

8/9/2019 Revenue Management Contract Accounting 1/87 SAP ECC 6.00 November 2007 English U60: Revenue Management – Contract Accounting Financial Processing SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 6 6!!0 "all#or$ German% &'siness Pro(ess Pro(e#'re

Transcript of Revenue Management Contract Accounting

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SAP ECC 6.00

November 2007


U60: Revenue

Management – ContractAccounting FinancialProcessing

SAP AGDietmar-Hopp-Allee 66!!0 "all#or$ German%

&'siness Pro(ess Pro(e#'re

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


, Cop%right 2007 SAP AG. All rights reserve#.

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Some so$tare pro#'(ts marete# b% SAP AG an# its #istrib'tors (ontain proprietar% so$tare (omponents o$other so$tare ven#ors.

*i(roso$t1 "in#os1 'tloo1 an# PoerPoint are registere# tra#emars o$ *i(roso$t Corporation.

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H/*;1 *;1 H/*; an# "8C are tra#emars or registere# tra#emars o$ "8C<1 "orl# "i#e "ebConsorti'm1 *assa(h'setts 3nstit'te o$ /e(hnolog%.

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mentione# herein as ell as their respe(tive logos are tra#emars or registere# tra#emars o$ SAP AG inGerman% an# in several other (o'ntries all over the orl#. All other pro#'(t an# servi(e names mentione# arethe tra#emars o$ their respe(tive (ompanies. Data (ontaine# in this #o('ment serves in$ormational p'rposesonl%. National pro#'(t spe(i$i(ations ma% var%.

/hese materials are s'b?e(t to (hange itho't noti(e. /hese materials are provi#e# b% SAP AG an# its a$$iliate#(ompanies @SAP Gro'pB $or in$ormational p'rposes onl%1 itho't representation or arrant% o$ an% in#1 an#SAP Gro'p shall not be liable $or errors or omissions ith respe(t to the materials. /he onl% arranties $or SAPGro'p pro#'(ts an# servi(es are those that are set $orth in the epress arrant% statements a((ompan%ings'(h pro#'(ts an# servi(es1 i$ an%. Nothing herein sho'l# be (onstr'e# as (onstit'ting an a##itional arrant%.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


Icon Meaning






Typographic Conventions

Type tyle !escription

Example text "or#s or (hara(ters that appear on the s(reen. /hese in(l'#e $iel# names1s(reen titles1 p'shb'ttons as ell as men' names1 paths an# options.

Cross-re$eren(es to other #o('mentation.

Eample tetEmphasi:e# or#s or phrases in bo#% tet1 titles o$ graphi(s an# tables.


Names o$ elements in the s%stem. /hese in(l'#e report names1 programnames1 transa(tion (o#es1 table names1 an# in#ivi#'al e% or#s o$ aprogramming lang'age1 hen s'rro'n#e# b% bo#% tet1 $or eample1 SE;EC/an# 3NC;4DE.


textS(reen o'tp't. /his in(l'#es $ile an# #ire(tor% names an# their paths1messages1 so'r(e (o#e1 names o$ variables an# parameters as ell as nameso$ installation1 'pgra#e an# #atabase tools.

EXAMPLE TEXTe%s on the e%boar#1 $or eample1 $'n(tion e%s @s'(h as F2B or the ENTER e%.


Ea(t 'ser entr%. /hese are or#s or (hara(ters that %o' enter in the s%stemea(tl% as the% appear in the #o('mentation.


ariable 'ser entr%. Pointe# bra(ets in#i(ate that %o' repla(e these or#s an#(hara(ters ith appropriate entries.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


)*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing............................................................................................................... 6

P'rpose........................................................................................................................................ 6

2 C'stomer +inan(ial *anagement.................................................................................................6

8 Prere'isites................................................................................................................................ 6

9 Pa%ment Pro(essing F S(enario...................................................................................................7

9. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions.............................................................................7

9.2 General Eplanations............................................................................................................7

9.8 Pro(ess.................................................................................................................................

9.9 S(enario..............................................................................................................................0

)et'rns Pro(essing F S(enario..................................................................................................20

. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions...........................................................................20.2 General Eplanations..........................................................................................................20

.8 Pro(ess...............................................................................................................................2

.9 S(enario..............................................................................................................................28

6 Se('rit% Deposit *anagement - S(enario..................................................................................26

6. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions...........................................................................26

6.2 General Eplanations..........................................................................................................26

6.8 Pro(ess...............................................................................................................................27

6.9 S(enario..............................................................................................................................2!

7 )e$'n#s - S(enario..................................................................................................................... 88

7. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions...........................................................................88

7.2 General Eplanations..........................................................................................................88

7.8 Pro(ess...............................................................................................................................89

7.9 S(enario..............................................................................................................................86

D'nning - S(enario.....................................................................................................................9

. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions...........................................................................9

.2 General Eplanations..........................................................................................................9

.8 Pro(ess...............................................................................................................................9!

.9 S(enario..............................................................................................................................

! Cal('lating C'stomer Cre#itorthiness S(enario.......................................................................9

!. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions...........................................................................9

!.2 General Eplanations..........................................................................................................9

!.8 Eplanations........................................................................................................................

!.9 Eplanation o$ +'n(tions an# Events..................................................................................

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

!. Pro(ess...............................................................................................................................6

!.6 S(enario..............................................................................................................................

0 *is(ellaneo's Do('ment Posting - S(enario..........................................................................!

0. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions........................................................................!

0.2 General Eplanations......................................................................................................!0.8 Pro(ess............................................................................................................................60

"rite-o$$s - S(enario...............................................................................................................6

. )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions........................................................................6

.2 General Eplanations......................................................................................................6

.8 Pro(ess............................................................................................................................62

.9 S(enario...........................................................................................................................69

2 )e(on(iliation an# Closing - S(enario....................................................................................6

2. Dail% )e(on(iliation.........................................................................................................6

2.2 )e'irements5Epe(tations5Ass'mptions........................................................................6

2.8 General Eplanations......................................................................................................6

2.9 Pro(ess............................................................................................................................70

2. S(enario...........................................................................................................................72

8 Appen#i A *en' *ap ith /ransa(tion Co#es....................................................................

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

RM"CA Financial Processing

# Purpose/his b'siness pro(ess pro(e#'re is 'se# to test the liste# pro(esses belo $or )even'e*anagement F Contra(t A((o'nting a$ter the (ompletion o$ the (on$ig'ration an# the (reating o$ themaster #ata.

$ Customer Financial Management/his s(enario #o('ment #es(ribes the Contra(t A((o'nts )e(eivable an# Pa%able @)*-CAB portiono$ the pro#'(t. 3t (ontains $inan(ial transa(tions an# pro(esses inherent to a tele(omm'ni(ations

(ompan%. )even'e *anagement -Contra(t A((o'nting1 a s'b-le#ger a((o'nting s%stem1 inter$a(esith +inan(ial A((o'nting @+3B to properl% re(or# the transa(tions o(('rring at the ('stomer@&'siness partnerB level.

+3-CA s'pports the $olloing $inan(ial pro(esses

• Pa%ment Pro(essing

• Pro(essing o$ )et'rns

• Se('rit% Deposit *anagement

• )e$'n#s

• D'nning

• Cal('lation o$ C'stomer Cre#it "orthiness

• *is(ellaneo's Do('ment Posting

• )e(on(iliation an# Closing

• "rite-o$$ 

• )e(on(iliation an# Closing

% Prere&uisitesIo' have entere# the master #ata re'ire# to go thro'gh the pro(e#'res o$ this s(enario. Ens're

that the $olloing s(enario-spe(i$i( master #ata eists be$ore %o' test this s(enario

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

' Payment Processing – cenario

'(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions/he pa%ment $'n(tion provi#es abilit% to pro(ess

• Pa%ments at the (ash #es

• &at(h pa%ment pro(esses

• ;o(-bo pa%ments

• Dire(t #ebit pro(ess

'($ ,eneral *+planations

/he pa%ment $'n(tion provi#es the abilit% to pro(ess al-in pa%ments1 lo(-bo pa%ments1 bat(heso$ pa%ments an# #ire(t #ebit trans$ers. /he pa%ment metho#s s'pporte# in(l'#e (ash1 (he(1 mone%or#er1 an# #ire(t #ebit pa%ments. Dire(t #ebit pa%ments represent the (ontra(t a((o'nts that allo#ire(tl% #ra$t the amo'nt o$ the invoi(e $rom a ('stomer-sele(te# ban a((o'nt.


• /he billing re'ires one (ompan% (o#e.

• /he (ompan% (o#e $or the tele(omm'ni(ations is (olle(ting pa%ments.

• /he (ompan% is #epositing all pa%ments in one ban.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

'(% Process

'(%(# Process Flo-

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

'(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e

*+pecte Results

9.9. *is(ellaneo'sDo('ment Posting


FPE1  A #o('ment has been generate#1 an#%o' (an vie A((o'nt &alan(e +P;!

9.9.2 Pa%ments at CashDes


FPCD /he s%stem generates a #o('mentn'mber 

9.9.8  A((o'nt Displa% A((o'nts)e(eivableCler


9.9.9 &at(h Pa%ment A((o'nts)e(eivableCler

FP05 /he s%stem generates a #o('mentn'mber 

9.9. Displa% Do('ment A((o'nts)e(eivableCler


9.9.6  A((o'nt Displa% A((o'nts)e(eivable



9.9.7 Clari$i(ationPro(ess


FPCPL 3$ %o' #onJt get an% o'tp't it means%o'r posting entries are (orre(t an#nothing nee#s to (orre(te#

9.9. Dire(t Pa%ment )'n A((o'nts)e(eivableCler


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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

'(' cenario

'('(# Miscellaneous !ocument Posting

Use/his a(tivit% (reates a##itional re(eivable item $or a b'siness partner. 3t (an also be 'se# to (reateopen items $or a b'siness partner $or testing.

+or more in$ormation on the )e(on(iliation e%1 re$er to se(tion 2. Creation o$)e(on(iliation e%s.


. A((ess the transa(tion (hoosing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Document → Post



4usiness Role Accounts Receiva/le Cler5

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role


 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Do('ment Pro(essingPost

Do('ment )*-CA - *is(ellaneo's

2. n the LPost Document: Enter items’  s(reen1 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues



De$a'lts to ('rrent#ate

Posting Date De$a'lts to ('rrent#ate


De$a'lt A&

C'rren(% 4SD





Hit enter to get tonet s(reen

Con$irm the message )e(on(il. e% #oes not eist 1ant to

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues




*ain 6000

S'b 0020 0020 is $or #ebits an# 000 $or(re#its

 Amo'nt 000 Enter amo'nt


Enter b'sinesspartner 



Contra(t A((o'nt

Enter (onta(t A((o'nt

4se +9 to sele(t 1base# onb'siness partner 

*ain 6000

S'b 0020 0020 is $or #ebits an# 000 $or(re#its

 Amo'nt 000 Enter Amo'nt

8. Choose Save.


 A #o('ment has been generate#1 an# %o' (an vie A((o'nt &alan(e +P;!.

'('($ Payments at Cash !es5


/he (ash #es pro(ess provi#e# b% the s%stem allos ('stomers to mae pa%ments 'sing (ash1(he(1 or mone% or#er. /he pa%ments are applie# to the ('stomers a((o'nt @Contra(t a((o'ntB inreal time an# ma% be allo(ate# a'tomati(all% or man'all% to the ('stomerMs o'tstan#ing items. /hes%stem prompts the (ashier to print a re(eipt $or the pa%ment amo'nt re(eive#. /he s%stem also#ispla%s the amo'nt o$ (hange oe# to the ('stomer i$ the% pai# b% (ash.

/he (ash #es pro(ess re'ires establishment o$ a re(on(iliation e% $or balan(ing re(eiptsa((epte# ea(h #a%. /o re#'(e the n'mber o$ e%s (reate# ea(h #a%1 m'ltiple (ashiers (an share thisre(on(iliation e%. 3n a##ition to the re(on(iliation e%1 ea(h (ashier m'st have at least one lot that is'ni'el% assigne# to ea(h respe(tive (ashier. An% #i$$eren(es #is(overe# #'ring the balan(ing

pro(ess ill re'ire #ebiting or (re#iting the over5short a((o'nt #ire(tl%.

)epeat these steps $or (he( pa%ments an# (re#it (ar# pa%ments.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Payments → Payment at the Cash Des 




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ments Post Pa%ment Atthe Cash Des

2. n the LPost Payment !n Ls(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name User action anvalues


Compan% (o#e &P0

Do('ment #ate C'rrent #ate S%stem #e$a'lts to ('rrent #ate

Posting #ate C'rrent #ate S%stem #e$a'lts ('rrent #ate

)e(on(iliation e% 07007S=C0 ***onth



3nitials o$ person (reating e%

SS Se'en(e n'mber i$ more than one e%is re'ire# per #a%

C'rren(% 4SD

&'siness partner )e'ire# $iel#

Contra(t a((o'nt Oa((o'nt n'mber 4se +9 to (hoose base# on b'siness partner 

Enter Sele(t the enter e% to bring in Partner3n$ormation

Cash pa%ment



3n( Cash P%mt Che(

2. Choose ;ot management on the top o$ the LPost Payment !n Ls(reen

8. Choose the ;ot in the L"ot mana#ement’  s(reen an# (hoose (ontin'e.

9. Enter 0 in the Summary Payment Amount  $iel#.

. Choose Select !tems b'tton at the top o$ the s(reen$

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

6. 3n LSelect !tems: Process %pen !tems’  s(reen1 #o'ble (li( on the gross amo'nt in the $irst line.

7. /he &ross Clearin#  $iel# be(omes (hangeable. Change the original amo'nt to amo'nt 0.

. Choose Enter$

!. Choose 'ac$

0. Choose Post$ /he message LThe payment posted under number ((()(((((((*’  #ispla%s in thes(reen belo.

. Choose +o on the Receipt Print  s(reen.

2. Choose 'ac .

3$ %o' ant to reverse the #o('ment1 %o' (an go to Environment-)everse Pa%mentDo('ment. 3t ill #ispla% the #o('ment %o' (reate# to#a%. Sele(t that %o' ant toreverse1 an# (hoose Save$

Result/he s%stem generates a #o('ment n'mber. *ae a note o$ the #o('ment n'mber KKKKKKKKKK 

/o veri$% the balan(e $or the b'siness partner an# (ontra(t a((o'nts1 r'n transa(tion FPL9.

'('(% Account !isplay


/his step is to #ispla% b'siness partnerMs amo'nt an# open items.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Account → Account 'alance



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role



4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CACre#it *anagement Displa% A((o'nt &alan(e

2. n the L Account Display: !nitscrnM S(reen1 mae the $olloing entr%

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

&'siness partn.

;ist /%pe A;; All 3tems

8. Choose Enter$

9. n the L Account Display: 'asic "ist’  s(reen1 %o' ill see the (ontra(t partner .an# amo'ntstill open.

. Do'ble (li( the line item. Io' ill see the #etaile# in$ormation1 lie Cre#its5)e(eivable1pmtnA((t et(. Io' (an also (li( them to $in# the (orrespon#ing item.

'('(' 4atch Payment


/he bat(h pa%ment pro(ess han#les pa%ments re(eive# via mail or other pro(esses #eliveringm'ltiple pa%ments. /he pro(ess allos the 'ser to e% m'ltiple a((o'nts an# amo'nts 'n#er one lot@re(on(iliation e%B an# post m'ltiple pa%ments in a single bat(h. /he s%stem (apt'res the n'mbero$ items entere# an# the total amo'nt to be (re#ite#. /he s%stem prevents posting i$ the totals #o notmat(h. An% n'mber o$ bat(hes (an be (reate# an# ea(h bat(h (an (ontain as man% transa(tions as

is (onvenient.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications → Contract AccountsPayable and Receivable → Payments → Payment "ot



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role Menu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment Pro(essPa%ment ;ot

2. n the LPayment "ot: !nitial’ Screen, mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name User action an values Comment

;ot 07007s?(02 Choose (reate

C'rren(% 4SD

Compan% (o#e &P0

al'e #ate C'rrent #ate

;ine la%o't SAP

Choose Ne item

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name User action an values Comment

Pa%ment amo'nt 00.00 3tem

Sele(tion al'e Ob'siness partner See step 9.9

Sol# to part% Ob'siness partner See step 9.9

8. Choose Save.

9. Choose 'ac  on the LPayment "ot’  s(reen ti(e to go to the !nitial  S(reen.

. Choose Close at the top o$ the LPayment "ot : !nitial Screen’$

6. Con$irm the message1 All Payments entered in -ull. "ith /ES 

7. Choose Post 1on the LSchedule 0ob’  s(reen1 an# (hoose 'ac#round 1Start !mmdeidate.

. A message 2Postin# run is complete, chec statusM remin#s %o' that the pro(ess is (omplete.

!. 3$ there is a error1 it ill #ispla% in Stat's. +or eample1 2Postin#s made, postprocessin# isre3uired’$

0. Choose "ist to see the #etail an# (orre(t the error. /hen (hoose postprocess$


3$ the s%stem #oes not generate errors1 the (lari$i(ation pro(ess is not re'ire# an# the stat's is(omplete. /he s%stem generates a #o('ment n'mber. *ae a note o$ the #o('ment n'mber here


"hen %o' #ispla% the a((o'nt balan(e1 %o' ill see the line item #etail.

'('(9 !isplay !ocument


/he a(tivit% is 'se# to #ispla% #o('ment


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications →Contract Accounts Payableand Receivable → Document → Display Allocation

Transactioncoe FPE3

4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Do('ment Pro(essing  

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Menu Displa% Do('ment

2. 4se +9 in the Do('ment N'mber $iel#. n the LDisplay Document : !nitial’ Screen1 enter

the #o('ment No.

8. Choose Enter$

9. n the LDisplay Document : %vervie4’ screen1 %o' ill see the #etaile# in$ormation.

'('(6 Account !isplay


/his step is to #ispla% b'siness partnerMs amo'nt an# open items.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Account → Account 'alance



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role



4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CACre#it *anagement Displa% A((o'nt &alan(e

2. n the L Account Display: !nitscrnM s(reen1 mae the $olloing entr%

&'siness partn.

;ist /%pe A;; All 3tems

8. Choose Enter$

9. n the L Account Display: 'asic "ist’  s(reen1 %o' ill see the (ontra(t partner1 an# theamo'nt still open.

. Io' ill see the Pmt%nAcc t e ?'st poste# in step 9.9.9. Do'ble (li( the line item to see the#etaile# in$ormation1 lie other (re#its5)e(eivable 1pmtnA((t et(. Io' (an also (li( onthem to $in# the (orrespon#ing item.

'('( Clari1ication Process


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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

/he bat(h pro(ess #oes not vali#ate in#ivi#'al (ontra(t a((o'nt n'mbers as the transa(tions areentere#. /his means it is possible $or the 'ser to enter invali# (ontra(t a((o'nts. /he s%stemvali#ates a((o'nts hen the bat(h is poste#. 3$ an error is #ete(te#1 the bat(h posting s(reen #ispla%as a message in#i(ating that $'rther pro(essing is re'ire# to (omplete the bat(h. /he s%stemmoves the e$$e(te# amo'nt to the (lari$i(ation pro(ess $or (orre(tion. /his pro(ess (an be a((esse##ire(tl% $rom the bat(h posting s(reen or it (an be a((esse# thro'gh a separate transa(tion path.

 /his step is not nee#e# i$ no errors o(('r #'ring the bat(h pro(essing.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications →Contract Accounts Payableand Receivable → Payments → Clari5ication Activities →Payment





 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment Clari$i(ationPro(essing Pmnt ;ot

2. 3n the "ot  $iel#1 enter the lot n'mber %o' entere# in step 9.9.9 or sele(t $rom the #rop #on1 an#

then (hoose Execute

8. 3$ there are an% errors1 (hoose Clari5y an# mae ne(essar% (orre(tions.

9. 3$ %o' ma#e some (hange1 (hoose Save.

. Choose 'ac .


"hen the (orre(tions are ma#e1 the stat's is completed  an# %o' ill no longer be able to viean%thing in the post-pro(ess list. 3$ %o' #onJt get an% o'tp't1 then it means that %o'r posting entriesare (orre(t an# nothing nee#s to be (orre(te#.

/o (he( that the #o('ment has been 'p#ate# to the a((o'nt1 'se transa(tion (o#e FPL9 to viethe A((o'nt balan(e $or the b'siness partner an# (ontra(t.

'('(; !irect Payment Run


/his $eat're o$$ers ('stomers the (onvenien(e o$ having their ban a((o'nts a'tomati(all% #ra$te#$or the amo'nt o$ the monthl% invoi(e. /his pro(ess involves the generation o$ a $ile $or #eliver% to

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

the sele(te# ho'se ban o$ ('stomers ho have sele(te# this option. /he ho'se ban in t'rn(onta(ts the ('stomerMs ban to re'est a trans$er o$ the invoi(e# amo'nt to the 'tilities a((o'nt.

/he s%stem has several s(reens here the ('stomer in$ormation is (apt're# to pro#'(e thestan#ar# $iles re'ire# $or this transa(tion. /he s(reens ma% re'ire some ('stomi:ation to meet there'irements o$ the sele(te# ho'se ban. /he $ile is (reate# as a part o$ transa(tion FPY1 an# thetransa(tion is s(he#'le# to r'n three #a%s be$ore the past #'e #ate o$ the a((o'nt.

C'stomers enroll in the program b% provi#ing the ith their a((o'nt n'mber an# A&A n'mber. 3na##ition1 the (ontra(t a((o'nt to be #ra$te# m'st be (ross-re$eren(e# to the b'siness partner an#have a #ebit in(oming pa%ment metho#.


/he s%stem provi#es a stan#ar# open inter$a(e @3*G -inancial Accountin# →Contracts AccountsReceivable and Payable →Pro#ram Enhancements →De5ine Payment 6edium -ormat B to (reate$iles $or 'se b% the ho'se ban to (omplete the #ra$t pro(ess. /he transa(tion (lears the (ontra(ta((o'nt 'ses the (on$ig're# #ata me#i'm program to (reate the re'ire# $ ile. /he #ata me#i'mm'st be ('stomi:e# to meet the re'irements o$ the ban (hosen b% the (lient.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing the one o$ the navigation option

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access Telecommunications Contract Accounts

Receivable and Payable Periodic Processin# -or Contract

 Accounts Payment Run





 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment  Pa%ment )'n 5Debit *emo )'n

2. n the LPayment Run 7 Debit 6emo’  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Date 3D C'rrent #a% **DDIIII

3#enti$i(ation PAI0

8. Choose Enter .

9. Choose the &eneral Selections tab.

. *ae the $olloing entries

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Sele(tion (riteria pen 3tems

&'siness partner Ob'siness partner

Compan% (o#e &P0

Pa%ment *etho# D

D'e #ate +rom a ee be$ore toto#a%


0700PAI0 nl% nee#e# i$ not#e$a'lte#

/%pe o$ )'nSim'lation r'n

Che( +irst r'n sho'l# (he( it

6. Choose the 'an Selection tab.

7. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Pa%ing (ompan% &P0

Pa%ment metho# D

C'rren(% 4SD

Ho'se ban &AN

 A((o'nt i# AC/0

. Choose the Technical Settin#s tab.

!. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment/arget (omp'ter ptional

0. Choose pa%ment list $rom Environment  on the top o$ the s(reen

. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen1 (hoose Ee('te

2. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen 1 the #o('ments are#ispla%e#.

8. Do'ble (li( the #o('ments %o' ant to pro(ess

9. n the s(reen Displa% Do('ment 3tem1 go to men' -Do('ment 1(hoose Displa%K Change

. n the s(reen Change Do('ment 3tem 1(hoose pa%t #ata tab 1an# (hange the pa%ment metho#$rom blan to QCR $or o'tgoing pa%ment

6. Choose save .

7. /hen (hoose 'ac third times1

. n the s(reen LPayment Run 7 Debit 6emo’ #esele(t the sim'lation r'n $lag1 an# (hoose Save$

!. A message LPa%ment #ata $rom the sim'lation r'n is lost hen savingM appears. Choose enter to(on$irm1 then a message Parameters $or r'n **5DD5IIII PAI0 is save# appears.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

20. Choose Schedule pro#ram run 1 an# (hoose 'ac#round 1 Start !mmediate$ C hoose % .

2. /hen %o' (an (hoose pa%ment list $rom Environment  on the top o$ the s(reen .

22. n the s(reen ;ist o$ Pa%ment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB 1Choose Ee('te

28. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen1 %o' ill see to part

#ata. /he 'pper one is the #o('ment (leare# an# pro(esse#1 hile the loer one is #etail in$oabo't the pro(ess.

29. Choose 'ac .

9 Returns Processing – cenario

9(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions/he ret'rns transa(tion allos the to pro(ess ret'rne# items that are #eposite# as part o$ thein(oming pa%ment pro(ess. /he ret'rn $'n(tion ill

•  Appl% ret'rne# pa%ments to the (ontra(t a((o'nt

• Pass ret'rne# $'n# (harges to the (ontra(t a((o'nt

• Generate ret'rne# (he( noti$i(ations to the (ontra(t a((o'nt a'tomati(all%


• /he $ee (harge# b% the b'siness $or a ret'rne# item #oes not in(l'#e an in#ivi#'al (harge$rom the ban to the ('stomer. nl% the servi(e (harge $rom the ban is a##e# to theb'siness partnerMs a((o'nt.

•  All ret'rne# items are han#le# man'all% ith the ban ret'rning all paper #o('ments to the .

9($ ,eneral *+planations/he ret'rn (he( $'n(tion (ombines ret'rne# items into ret'rn lots that are pro(esse# in a mannersimilar to pa%ment lots. /he lots ill be (reate# man'all% base# 'pon in$ormation re(eive# $rom theban an# #ata gathere# b% the . "hen the ret'rn lot is poste#

• /he pa%ment (learing is reverse#.

•  An% (harges relate# to ret'rne# items are a'tomati(all% (reate#.

• Cre#itorthiness is 'p#ate# to re$le(t the ret'rn transa(tion.

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9(% Process

9(%(# Process Flo- – Processing Returne Chec5s

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9(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e


.9. Entering)et'rns ;ots





.9.2 Closing )et'rn;ots *an'all%



.9.8 Posting )et'rn;ots *an'all%



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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

9(' cenario

9('(# *ntering Returns <ots Manually

Use/he ret'rne# (he( pro(ess is similar to the pa%ment lot (on(ept1 ea(h ho'se ban that ret'rnsitems ill re'ire its on ret'rne# lot. /he ret'rne# lot is line# to the G; (learing a((o'nt ith aspe(i$i( ban. n(e a ret'rne# lot is opene#1 the in#ivi#'al ret'rne# (he( entries are entere# $orpro(essing. &ase# on the ho'se ban an# (ompan% (o#e1 the ret'rn reason is propose#1 b't (an beoverri##en. /he ret'rn reason (ontains the appli(able (harges that ma% be passe# on to the (ontra(tpartner an# 'p#ate the (re#itorthiness o$ the b'siness partner 


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Payments → Returns →Returns "ot



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role Menu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment Pa%ment )et'rn

;ots2. n the LReturns: Re3uest  Ls(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

)et'rn lot 070707s?(09 nl% nee#e# i$ not #e$a'lte#

8. Choose Create.

9. Choose the +e4 !tems b'tton.

. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User actionan values



Do('ment & /he sele(tion t%pe #etermines ho %o'rentr% in the 5ield value $iel# is interprete#.


0000 Choose one o$ the pa%ment #o('ment'sing t(o#e +P;!



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Fiel name !escription User actionan values



0 Sele(t $rom #rop #on




 A((o'nt 3D A(t0

6. Choose Save.

7. Choose 'ac .

9('($ Closing Return <ots Manually


Io' have entere# all the #ata $or a ret'rns lot


n(e %o' have ma#e all %o'r entries1 (lose the ret'rns lot


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Payments → Returns →Returns "ot


4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role Menu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment  Pa%ment )et'rn


2. n the Returns: Re3uest Screen1 (hoose Close$

8. n the LClose lot’  s(reen1 (on$irm the message1 All returns completely entered  ith /es.

9. /here is a message belo sa%ing1 L"ot does not allo4 a status 5or Chan#e’$

9('(% Posting Return <ots Manually


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Io' have entere# all the #ata $or a ret'rns lot and have closed them


Posting the ret'rn lots


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Payments → Returns →Returns "ot



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role Menu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment  Pa%ment )et'rn;ots

2. n the Returns: Re3uest  S(reen1 (hoose Post$

8. A #ialog bo $or s(he#'ling the program r'n appears. Choose Start online/o #ispla% an online log a$ter the posting r'n1 (hoose -urther Parameters an# enter in theDisplay %nline "o#  $iel#. 4se the log $ile #ensit% to sele(t ho (omprehensive the log sho'l# be..

9. Choose %8 

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

6 ecurity !eposit Management " cenario

6(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

Deposit *anagement in(l'#es the $olloing pro(esses

• Se('rit% #eposit re'est

• Pa%ment o$ se('rit% #eposits

• *an'al re$'n# o$ se('rit% #eposits

• )e$'n# o$ se('rit% #eposit ith $inal invoi(e

• )e$'n# o$ se('rit% #eposit $or ehibiting goo# pa%ment


• Se('rit% #eposits are re'este# as a part o$ the ('stomerMs net invoi(e.

• Se('rit% #eposits $or ne ('stomers are re'este# thro'gh the $ront o$$i(e pro(ess.

• Se('rit% #eposit re$'n#s are (re#ite# to ('stomerMs open items.

• Cre#itorthiness is 'se# to trigger a'tomati( #eposit re$'n#s.

• Se('rit% #eposits are hel# $or o$ telve months.

• /he tele(omm'ni(ations (ompan% #oes not a((ept non-(ash se('rit% #eposits.

• No interest is pai# on (ash #eposits (olle(te# b% the tele(omm'ni(ations.

6($ ,eneral *+planations

Deposit management allos re'ests an# a((o'nts $or #eposits to be a((epte# $rom ('stomers or(lasses o$ ('stomers. /he pro(ess in(l'#es the re'esting1 the re$'n#ing1 an# a((o'nting o$ se('rit%#eposits hile the% are being hel#.

/he #eposit re'est is establishe# as a statisti(al transa(tion ithin SAP. /hese transa(tions #o nota$$e(t the general le#ger 'ntil the re'este# amo'nt has been pai#. /his prevents an% 'npai#re'ests $rom a$$e(ting the balan(es re(or#e# on the general le#ger.

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6(% Process

6(%(# Process Flo-

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

6(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e

*+pecte Results

6.9. Se('rit%Deposit




FPSEC1 /he s%stem illgenerate a


6.9.2 Se('rit% Deposit)e'est


FPSEC2 Io' have(hange# these('rit%#eposits

6.9.8 Displa%Statisti(s o$Se('rit%Deposits


FPD1 Io' #ispla%thestatisti(s o$ Se('rti%#eposits

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

6(' cenario

6('(# Create ecurity !eposit Re&uest

Prere&uisiteIo' have to (he( the setting in SP) $or 6aintain Reconciliation &roups 5or De5ault 9alues1@Io'(an $in# this in 4 (on$ig g'i#e B.*ae s're that %o'r sap log i# has been maintaine# in the s%stem.r %o' ill meet error hen %o' pro(ess this step.


4pon revie o$ a (ontra(t partnerMs (re#it rating1 the ('stomer servi(e representative has the optiono$ re'esting a se('rit% #eposit thro'gh the $ront o$$i(e pro(ess. /he same $'n(tionalit% $orre'esting a se('rit% #eposit eists to re'est a se('rit% #eposit $rom a (ontra(t partner ith aneisting (ontra(t. 3n both (ases1 the re'est o$ the se('rit% #eposit is a man'al pro(ess that triggersa transa(tion to re'est a se('rit% #eposit in the CCS appli(ation. A se('rit% #eposit re'est isestablishe# at the (ontra(t level that (o'l# res'lt in to #eposits i$ both ater an# seer $or the

same b'siness partner re'ire se('rit%.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Account→ Security Deposit→ Enter , CreateDeposit Re3uest 6anually 




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment  Create Se('rit%Deposit

2. n the Create Security Deposit  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment


Contra(t a((o'nt 000000

Choose Enter 

)eason $or )e'est Sele(t $rom #rop #on

)e'est Amo'nt 200

8. Choose Save.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

9. Choose 'ac .


/he s%stem ill generate a #o('ment n'mber. *ae a note o$ the #o('ment n'mber KKKKKKKKK 

/o #ispla% the a((o'nt balan(e1 r'n transa(tion FPL9.

6('($ Change ecurity !eposit Re&uest


 A se('rit% #eposit1 on(e it is pai#1 resi#es on the (ontra(t a((o'nt as a prote(te# (re#it. /he pai#se('rit% #eposit (annot be #eplete# b% a((o'nt maintenan(e or pa%ment pro(essing 'ntil the #epositis release#.

/he establishment o$ the #eposit re'est allos the pa%ment o$ the re'est to $lo in the normalpa%ment pro(ess. Deposits (an be pai# thro'gh the (ash1 #es1 bat(h transa(tions1 or lo(-bo. /heill nee# to (on$ig're the settlement r'les to establish in hat or#er #eposits sho'l# be (leare#.

/he pa%ment o$ the #eposit re'est ill also trigger the pro(ess o$ removing the statisti(al

transa(tion @re'estB1 (reating a real transa(tion an# (learing the (reate# transa(tion. /his pro(ess@an SAP stan#ar#B is ne(essar% to a((o'nt $or the pai# #eposit properl%.

Se('rit% #eposit re$'n#s ma% o(('r

• *an'all%1 release# either 'pon re'est or #'ring perio#i( revie b% a representative o$ the(ompan%

•  A'tomati(all%1 thro'gh the invoi(ing pro(ess or a$ter the (ontra(t partner establishes goo#(re#it1 base# on a (re#it rating o$ 0 or less an# a$ter the re'ire# one-%ear time limit

•  A'tomati(all% #'ring the $inal billing pro(e#'re


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Account→ Security Deposit→ Chan#e ,Chan#e Deposit Re3uest 6anually 




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ment  Change Se('rit%Deposit

2. n the Chan#e Security Deposit: !nitial  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Se('rit% Deposit 20000

8. n the Chan#e Security Deposit  s(reen1 %o' have three (hoi(es

• Change the se('rit% #eposit b% (reating a ne re(eivable F see Case

• Convert o'tstan#ing re(eivables F see Case 2

• )everse the se('rit% #eposit F see Case 8

Case #

9. Choose +e4 receivable1 an# %o' (an (hoose ne4 Reason 5or Re3uest  1an# (hange neamo'nt .+or eample001 Choose save an# ba(.

. Choose Enter 1%o' ill see one a##itional re'est #o('ment #ispla%e# in the s(reen belo.

Case $

6. Choose (onvert o'tstan#ing re(eivables1 an# %o' ill get a message that remin#s %o' 2 3$ %o'(onvert the (ash se('rit% #eposit re'est 4SD . into a non-(ash se('rit% #eposit1thenthe (ash se('rit% #eposit ill be reverse#.)e'est #o('ments ill be (leare#. Are you sure you4ant to convert the sec$ dep.’  Choose one )eversal )eason1 an# (hoose Continue.

7. /hen it ill ?'mp to another s(reen. Choose reversal reason 0002 1an# (hoose (ontin'e.

. A message Clearing #o('ment !000000 poste# appears1 Choose (ontin'e.

!. /hen it ill lea# %o' to (reate a ne se('rit% #eposit.

0. n the s(reen Create Se('rit% Deposit 1(hoose one t%pe in the $ile# t%pe1 an# (hoose save.

. Choose Save. Io' ill (reate a ne Se('rit% Deposit.

Case %

2. )epeat steps in 6.9.1 an# on the Chan#e Security Deposit  s(reen1 (hoose )everse .

8. Choose reversal reason 0001 an# (hoose (ontin'e.

9. A message Clearing #o('ment !000000 poste# appears1 Choose (ontin'e

. /he stat's o$ this se('rit% #eposit has be(ome to !! )everse#.

6. Choose 'ac .


Io' have (hange# the se('rit% #eposits.

6('(% !isplay tatistics o1 ecurity !eposits


Displa% the statisti(s o$ Se('rit% #eposits


. A((ess the transa(tion (hoosing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

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.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access →Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable→Periodic Processin#→ -or Contract Accounts→ Security Deposits→Statistics 





 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivitiesSe('rit% Deposits Statisti(s

2. Choose Execute on the Security Deposit Statistics and 6onitorin# s(reen.

8. n the net Security Deposit Statistics and 6onitorin#  s(reen1 %o' ill see the all theSe('rit% Deposits.


Io' #ispla% the statisti(s o$ Se('rti% Deposits.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Re1uns " cenario

(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

/he re$'n# pro(ess lets %o' remit amo'nts to ('stomers that arise $rom

• )e$'n# overpa%ments

• )e$'n# (re#it $rom appli(ation o$ #eposit

• )e$'n# se('rit% #eposits at the re'est o$ the b'siness partner 


•  All remitte# pa%ments are b% (he(

($ ,eneral *+planations

)e$'n# pro(essing eists as o'tgoing pa%ments to the (ontra(t partner. /he pro(ess involves thei#enti$i(ation o$ (re#it items that ma% be (an#i#ates $or re$'n#s to the ('stomer. /hese amo'nts areanal%:e# an# (o#e# i$ the #e(ision is ma#e to mae a re$'n#. Cre#it amo'nts that are not to bere$'n#e# are le$t 'n(hange# to be applie# against $'t're invoi(e# amo'nts.

/he re$'n# pro(ess enables re$'n# (he(s to be (reate# an# maile# ever%#a%. Emplo%ees ill beable to start the re$'n# pro(ess b% i#enti$%ing (re#it items to pro(ess. /he s%stem ill pro#'(e a $ileo$ b'siness5(ontra(t a((o'nt items that ill be 'se# as an inp't $ile $or the eisting a((o'nts pa%ables%stem. /he (he( ill be pro#'(e# $rom the A5P s%stem on a s(he#'le #i(tate# b% the a((o'ntspa%able pro(ess.

3n general1 this pro(ess ill

• 3#enti$% (re#it items in the s%stem

 Anal%:e the i#enti$ie# (re#its $or possible re$'n#• Co#e the (re#it items to be re$'n#e# b% entering an o'tgoing pa%ment metho# $or the item

• 3nitiate the Pa%ment r'n transa(tion

($(# .verpayments

verpa%ments ithin the SAP s%stem arise $rom several b'siness pro(esses1 in(l'#ing

• verpa%ment o$ an a((o'nt

• Can(ele# re-bill o$ an in(orre(t invoi(e that has been pai#

•  Appli(ation o$ a ('stomer #eposit

/hese sit'ations (an (a'se a (re#it item to appear on the a((o'nt that (o'l# be s'b?e(t to re$'n#.Ea(h o$ these transa(tions has a 'ni'e a((o'nt #etermination (o#e that ill be 'se# to i#enti$% the(re#it items that are (an#i#ates $or re$'n#. /he s%stem ill onl% (onsi#er pa%ment on a((o'nt@verpa%ment or Can(el )e-bill o$ a pai# invoi(eB an# the appli(ation o$ a #eposit as (an#i#ates $orre$'n#.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

(% Process

(%(# Process Flo-

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e

*+pecte Results

7.9. *is(ellaneo'sDo('ment




FPE1  A #o('menthas been

generate# an#%o' (an vie

 A((o'nt&alan(e +P;!

7.9.2 Pa%ments atCash Des


FPCD /he s%stemgenerates a#o('mentn'mber 

7.9.8 Pro(esspen 3tems



7.9.9 Create theCre#it ;ist



7.9. Clari$%ingCre#its



7.9.6 3nitiate thePa%ment)'n/ransa(tion


FPY1 /hes%stemgeneratesa Pa%ment;ist 'pon(ompletion

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

(' cenario

('(# Miscellaneous !ocument Posting

UseCreate an a##itional re(eivable item $or a b'siness partner. /his step (an also be 'se# to (reateopen items $or a b'siness partner $or testing.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Document → Post




4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Do('ment Pro(essing PostDo('ment )*-CA - *is(ellaneo's

2. n the LPost Document: !nitial’  s(reen1 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues



De$a'lts to('rrent #ate

Posting Date De$a'lts to('rrent #ate


De$a'lt A&

C'rren(% 4SD


De$a'lt b% s%stem



Hit enter to get tonet s(reen

Con$irm the message )e(on(il. e% #oes not eist 1ant to (reate.



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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues


*ain 6000

S'b 0020 0020 is $or #ebits an# 000 $or (re#its

 Amo'nt 00 Enter amo'nt&'sinessPartner 

Enter b'sinesspartner 



Contra(t A((o'nt

Enter (onta(t A((o'nt

4se +9 to sele(t 1base# on b'sinesspartner 

*ain 6000

S'b 0020 0020 is $or #ebits an# 000 $or (re#its

 Amo'nt 00 Enter Amo'nt

8. Choose Save.


 A #o('ment has been generate# an# %o' (an vie A((o'nt &alan(e +P;!.

('($ Payments at Cash !es5


/he (ash #es pro(ess provi#e# b% the s%stem allos ('stomers to mae pa%ments 'sing (ash1

(he(1 or mone% or#er. /he pa%ments are applie# to the ('stomers a((o'nt @Contra(t a((o'ntB inreal time an# ma% be allo(ate# a'tomati(all% or man'all% to the ('stomerMs o'tstan#ing items. /hes%stem prompts the (ashier to print a re(eipt $or the pa%ment amo'nt re(eive#. /he s%stem also#ispla%s the amo'nt o$ (hange oe# to the ('stomer i$ the% pai# b% (ash.

/he (ash #es pro(ess re'ires establishment o$ a re(on(iliation e% $or balan(ing re(eiptsa((epte# ea(h #a%. /o re#'(e the n'mber o$ e%s (reate# ea(h #a%1 m'ltiple (ashiers (an share thisre(on(iliation e%. 3n a##ition to the re(on(iliation e%1 ea(h (ashier m'st have at least one lot that is'ni'el% assigne# to ea(h respe(tive (ashier. An% #i$$eren(es #is(overe# #'ring the balan(ingpro(ess ill re'ire #ebiting or (re#iting the over5short a((o'nt #ire(tl%.

)epeat these steps $or (he( pa%ments an# (re#it (ar# pa%ments.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access → Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Payments → Payment at the Cash Des 

Transaction FPCD

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 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ments Post Pa%ment Atthe Cash Des

2. n the LPost Payment !n’  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name User action anvalues


Compan% (o#e &P0

Do('ment #ate C'rrent #ate S%stem #e$a'lts to ('rrent #ate

Posting #ate C'rrent #ate S%stem #e$a'lts ('rrent #ate

)e(on(iliation e% 07007S=C0 ***onth



3nitials o$ person (reating e%

SS Se'en(e n'mber i$ more than one e%is re'ire# per #a%

C'rren(% 4SD

&'siness partner 2 )e'ire# $iel#

Contra(t a((o'nt Oa((o'nt n'mber 4se +9 to (hoose base# on b'siness partner Enter Sele(t the enter e% to bring in Partner


Cash pa%mentamo'nt


3n( Cash P%mt Che(

S'mmar%Pa%ment Amo'nt


;ot management Choose

8. Choose the ;ot in the L"ot mana#ement’  s(reen.

9. Choose Continue.

. Choose Post$ /he message LThe payment posted under number ((()(((((((*’  ill #ispla% inthe s(reen belo.

6. Choose +o in the Receipt Print  s(reen #ialog bo.

7. Choose 'ac .

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


/he s%stem generates a #o('ment n'mber. *ae a note o$ the #o('ment n'mber KKKKKKKKKK 

/o veri$% the balan(e $or the b'siness partner an# (ontra(t a((o'nts1 r'n transa(tion FPL9.

('(% Process .pen Items


/he step is to pro(ess open items ?'st lie normal a((o'nts re(eivable $'n(tion. 3t (lears the invoi(eith the pa%ment.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Document → Post



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Do('ment Pro(essing PostDo('ment )*-CA - *is(ellaneo's

2. n the LPost Document: Enter items’  s(reen1 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name User action an values Comment

Do('ment Date C'rrent Da%

Posting Date C'rrent Da%

C'rren(% 4SD

)e(on(il. e% See step 7.9

8. Choose Process %pen !tems$ %n the Enter Selection Criteria s(reen, mae the $olloing

entriesFiel name User action an values

&'siness Partner 2

9. Choose Continue$

. n the Post Document: Process %pen !tems1 %o' ill see to line items liste#. ne isinvoi(e1 an# the other is in(oming pa%ment.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

6. *ae the $olloing entr% $or the se(on# line item

Fiel name .l value User action an values

Gross Clearing 1000.00- 00.00-

7. Choose Post

('(' Create the Creit <ist


/o (lari$% eisting (re#its s%stemati(all%1 pla(e them in (lari$i(ation pro(essing 'sing the CreateCredit "ist  $'n(tion.


. A((ess the transa(tion (hoosing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access: Telecommunications→ Contract Accounts Receivableand Payable→ Periodic Processin#→ -or Contract Accounts→ CreateCredit "ist Transaction




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role Menu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ments Create Cre#it;ist

2. n the LCreate Credit "ist’  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User actionan values


Date 3# C'rrent Date

3#enti$i(ation &ob 4ser-#e$ine# 'ni'e i#enti$ier1 %o' (an 'se%o'r on one



2 Ob'siness partner



Choose +9 base# on b'siness partner 

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User actionan values



&P0 /his report (an be #one in ba(gro'n# or$oregro'n# an# (an be a s(he#'le# ?ob. Nospool is generate#. Nee# to go to the netstep to see o'tp't

8. Choose Save$

9. Choose Schedule Pro#ram Run$

. Choose 'ac#round Start !mmediate on the Schedule 0ob s(reen.

6. Choose %8$

7. Choose Re5resh on the Run Status part to get the latest pro(ess stat's.

. Io' ill see the Pro#ram run: Completed  message.

!. Choose 'ac$

('(9 Clari1ying Creits


Io' (an 'se (re#it (lari$i(ation to s%stemati(all% pro(ess eisting (re#its in a((o'nts $or %o'rb'siness partners. /his transa(tion sear(hes the s%stem $or open (re#it items that meet the (riteria$rom (on$ig'ration an# the report sele(tion s(reen to b'il# a listing o$ open (re#its. /hese items@verpa%ments an# Deposit Appli(ationsB are (an#i#ates $or re$'n#.

/he items appearing on the list ma% be mare# $or re$'n# b% pla(ing a C in the o'tgoing pa%mentmetho# $iel#. /he% ma% also be #e$erre# $rom a spe(i$ie# or 'nspe(i$ie# perio#1 or the% ma% be

trans$erre# to another a((o'nt. /hese options ill be 'se# b% the #epen#ing on the stat's o$ the('stomer.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Payments→ Credit→ Clari5ication



4usiness Role  A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ments Clari$i(ationPro(essing Cre#it

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

2. n the LSelect Screen: Credit’  s(reen1 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

&'siness partner 2 Ob'siness partner

Contra(t a((o'nt 000000 O(ontra(t a((o'nt

Compan% (o#e &P0

8. Choose Execute.

9. A$ter %o' have ee('te# the program1 %o' ill get a (re#it orlist shoing b'siness partner orpartners that have a (re#it balan(e. No (re#it orlist ill be (reate# i$ there are no (re#itbalan(es $or sele(te# b'siness partner or partners.

. 3$ %o' (hange the #o('ment1 (hoose Save.

6. Choose 'ac .

('(6 Initiate the Payment Run Transaction


/he pro(ess 'se# to (reate the re'ire# transa(tion is the same as the one 'se# $or (reating the#ire(t #ebit $ile $or the ban. /he #i$$eren(e is in the pa%ment metho# sele(te# $or this pa%ment r'n./he option o$ a QCR m'st be inp't in to pa%ment metho# $iel# on the +PI s(reen. /he other optionss'(h as (ompan% (o#e1 #ate1 ban in$ormation1 an# log settings ill also have to be a part o$ thesele(tion s(reen pro(ess. /he s(he#'ling an# (ompletion o$ the pa%ment r'n #ebits the (ontra(ta((o'nt o$ the sele(te# (re#its to (lear the item. 3t generates a pa%ment me#i'm $ile to be 'se# b%the eisting a((o'nts pa%able s%stem.

/he o'tp't $ile $rom the pa%ment r'n be(omes the inp't $ ile $or a((o'nts pa%able. /he s%stem 'sesthe #ata to (reate an invoi(e 'sing a one-time ven#or n'mber $or ea(h ('stomer to be sent a re$'n#(he(. n(e the $ile has been entere# into the a((o'nts pa%able s%stem1 the pa%ments (an bes(he#'le# an# (he(s iss'e# a((or#ing to the normal b'siness pra(ti(e.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access: Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin#→ -or Contract Accounts→Payment Run




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role SAPK&PK/E;KA)KC;E)- S @ACC4N/S )ECE3A&;E C;E)B

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Pa%ments Pa%ment )'n 5Debit *emo )'n

2. n the s(reen LPayment Run 7 Debit 6emo’ 1 mae the $olloing entriesFiel name !escription User action an


Date 3D C'rrent #a%

3#enti$i(ation PAI0


pen items



Compan% (o#e &P0

D'e Date Enter $rom an# to All items that are $all beteenthese #ates ill be sele(te#





/%pe o$ )'nSim'lation r'n

Che( +irst r'n sho'l# (he( it

8. Choose the 'an selection tab.

9. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Pa%ing (ompan% &P0

Pa%ment metho# C

C'rren(% 4SD

Ho'se ban &AN

 A((o'nt 3# CHEC

. Choose the Technical settin#s tab.

6. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

/arget (omp'ter ptional

7. Choose Save.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

. Choose Schedule pro#ram run1 an# (hoose 'ac#round 1 Start !mmediate. /hen (hoose %$

!. Choose pa%ment list $rom Environment  on the top o$ the s(reen

0. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen1 (hoose Ee('te

. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen 1 the #o('ments are


2. Do'ble (li( the #o('ments %o' ant to pro(ess

8. n the s(reen Displa% Do('ment 3tem1 go to men' -Do('ment 1(hoose Displa%K Change

9. n the s(reen Change Do('ment 3tem 1(hoose pa%t #ata tab 1an# (hange the pa%ment metho#$rom blan to QCR $or o'tgoing pa%ment

. Choose save.

6. /hen (hoose 'ac thir# times1

7. n the s(reen LPayment Run 7 Debit 6emo’ #esele(t the sim'lation r'n $lag1 an# (hoose Save$

. A message LPa%ment #ata $rom the sim'lation r'n is lost hen savingM appears. Choose enter to(on$irm1 then a message Parameters $or r'n **5DD5IIII PAI0 is save# appears.

!. Choose Schedule pro#ram run1 an# (hoose 'ac#round 1 Start !mmediate$ C hoose % .

20. /hen %o' (an (hoose pa%ment list $rom Environment  on the top o$ the s(reen.

2. n the s(reen ;ist o$ Pa%ment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB 1Choose Ee('te

22. n the "ist o5 Payment Data @Stan#ar# A; ith ;ogi(al DatabaseB s(reen1 %o' ill see to part#ata. /he 'pper one is the #o('ment (leare# an# pro(esse#1 hile the loer one is #etail in$oabo't the pro(ess.

28. Choose 'ac .


/he s%stem generates a Pa%ment ;ist 'pon (ompletion. An% error are in the pa%ment list an# nee#to be (orre(te# be$ore %o' (an s'((ess$'ll% generate a (he(. Io' (an go to +P;! an# (he(

 A((o'nt &alan(e.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

; !unning " cenario

;(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

/he s%stem 'ses the #'nning pro(ess to tra( past #'e open items an# to start (olle(tion a(tivitiesto $a(ilitate the pa%ment o$ these items. /he s%stem 'ses the #'nning program to monitor pa%mentbehavior $or ('stomers an# start the re'ire# a(tivities. /hese a(tivities in(l'#e

• Create #'nning noti(es

• Create #is(onne(tion noti(e

• Charge ;ate $ees

• 3#enti$% (an#i#ates $or rite-o$$ as 'n(olle(tible


• /he b'siness ill #'n monthl%

•  All invoi(es are #'e in 80 #a%s

• Penalt% $ees are (harge# $or 'npai# balan(es three #a%s a$ter the past #'e #ate

• /he invoi(e transa(tion #ate originates the invoi(e #'e #ate

• No invoi(e ith an amo'nt less than T.00 is #'nne#

• No ('stomer ith a (re#it orthiness o$ less than $ive is #'nne#

• /he #'nning r'n o(('rs as a bat(h pro(ess a$ter pa%ments an# be$ore billing5invoi(ing isapplie# to ('stomer a((o'nts

;($ ,eneral *+planations/he #'nning s%stem provi#e# b% SAP (onsists o$ to separate pro(esses

• D'nning Proposals

/he #'nning proposal eamines the ('stomerMs (ontra(t a((o'nt $or open items an# appliesthe r'les establishe# b% the ('stomerMs #'nning pro(e#'re to these items. /he o'tp't o$ thispro(ess is a proposal @a list o$ a((o'nts ith the propose# a(tionsB that i#enti$ies the a(tionsthat ill be ena(te# b% the a(tivit% r'n. /his proposal allos the 'ser to revie the list o$b'siness partners ho sho'l# not be in(l'#e# in the r'n an# to reverse them o't o$ theproposal.

/ransa(tion FPVA  re'ires the 'ser to inp't a #ate an# initial to i#enti$% the parti('lar r'n.4pon entr%1 the s%stem allos the 'ser to i#enti$% the options $or the proposal. /heseparameters (an in(l'#e general items s'(h as a spe(i$i( range o$ (ontra(ts1 (ontra(ta((o'nts1 b'siness partners1 (ompanies or general items. n(e these general parametersare #etermine# @3t is a((eptable to leave them all blan an# r'n against all a((o'ntsB thespe(i$i( #'nning parameters are inp't that #e$ine the #ate o$ iss'e 1 open item #'e #ates tobe (onsi#ere#1 an# ranges o$ #'nning pro(e#'res to be (onsi#ere#. /he #ate o$ iss'e an#the open item #'e #ate are the e% #ata $or these pro(e#'res. /he remaining tabs (ontrolparallel pro(essing an# the level o$ #etail in the program logs. /he level o$ #etail in the logssho'l# be limite# as a man% entries (an be generate# $rom a single proposal. /he sele(tionentries sho'l# be save# an# the proposal sho'l# be s(he#'le# $or ee('tion.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

• D'nning a(tivit%

/he a(tivit% r'n (annot be per$orme# 'nless a proposal eists. /he s%stem 'ses eistingproposals as inp't $or the a(tivit%. /he a(tivit% r'n ee('tes all a(tions i#enti$ie# b% the#'nning pro(e#'re $or those ('stomers remaining in the proposal

/his in(l'#es

• Generating the i#enti$ie# (olle(tion letters.

• Generating #is(onne(t servi(e or#ers.

• /he i#enti$i(ation o$ (an#i#ates $or rite-o$$.

• /he 'p#ating o$ ('stomerMs (re#itorthiness totals.

•  A(tivities that Eist to S'spen# D'nning

3$ it is #esire# to s'spen# #'nning $or a (ertain perio# #'e to a #isp'te or other reason1 thes%stem allos the 'ser to inp't lo(s or other pro(esses that blo( the item or (ontra(ta((o'nt $rom being in(l'#e# in the pro(e#'re.

• ;o( all #'nning $rom o(('rring $or a perio# o$ time - a #ate range is spe(i$ie# on the

(ontra(t a((o'nt.• ;o( #'nning $rom o(('rring on an item $or a perio# o$ time - a #ate range is spe(i$ie#

on the line item.

• Prevent #'nning o$ a line item b% a##ing a #e$erre# #'e #ate on the #o('ment

• Prevent #'nning o$ a line item b% (he(ing the U(annot be #'nne#U option in(on$ig'ration

;($(# *+planation o1 Functions an *vents

/he #'nning $'n(tional area en(ompasses ('stomer noti(es1 #is(onne(tion1 an# penalt% (harges $or #elin'ent (ontra(t partners ithin the . /he #'nning pro(e#'res are b'ilt base# on the ass'mptionsliste# in this pro(ess.

/he $olloing #'nning pro(e#'res eist in the s%stem

0- A(tive ('stomers.

02 - +inal A((o'nts

Ea(h #'nning pro(e#'re (ontains levels o$ a(tivities to be per$orme# against #elin'ent (ontra(ts.Ea(h level an# a(tivit% (ontains a (re#it val'e m'ltiplie# against an internal (re#it orthiness table toarrive at an overall (re#it s(ore. /he (re#it s(ores a(('m'late month b% month an# resi#e at thelevel o$ the (ontra(t partner re(or# $or internal revie an# s%stem monitoring. /he #'nningpro(e#'re an# #'nning level provi#e the basis $or the appropriate a(tivit% to be per$orme#.

Ee('tion o$ the #'nning pro(ess eval'ates ea(h ('stomer a((o'nt an#1 base# on a((o'ntattrib'tes1 ill generate (harges against the a((o'nt1 noti(es1 an# ma% or ma% not generate a

proposal $or #is(onne(tion. /he #'nning proposal be(omes histor% hen the a(tivities are r'n.)'nning the propose# #'nning a(tivities a$$e(ts the (ontra(t5(ontra(t a((o'nt5(ontra(t partnerob?e(ts.

 A(tivities per$orme# in(l'#e

• 3n(rementing the (re#itorthiness $or the month

• Creating #'nning histor%

• Creating a late pa%ment (harge

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

• Creating a noti(e5#'nning letter 

• Creating #'nning blo(s $or the (ontra(t a((o'nt in (ertain instan(es

• Creating #is(onne(tion #o('ments

/he bat(h s(he#'ler r'ns the #'nning a(tivit% ?ob to a(tivate or initiate the a(tivities o$ the #'nningproposal.

;($($ !unning a !elin&uent Proceure 0#

/his #'nning pro(e#'re pro(esses a(tive ('stomers ho are #elin'ent. /he s%stem ill anal%:eea(h a((o'nt to i#enti$% those in arrears. n(e i#enti$ie#1 the s%stem $ollos the steps5#'nninglevels i#enti$ie# in the pro(e#'re

. "ate Payment 

 A((o'nts move to the $irst step o$ the pro(ess one #a% a$ter the #'e #ate. /his step in(reases the('stomerMs (re#it orthiness @0B points to re$le(t the $ail're to pa% b% the #'e #ate.

2. -irst Collection "etter and "ate payment Char#e

 A((o'nts move to step to o$ the pro(e#'re three #a%s a$ter the #'e #ate. /his step o$ the

pro(e#'re in(reases the ('stomerMs (re#itorthiness b% 20 points1 generates the $irst (olle(tion letter re'esting pa%ment $rom the ('stomer1 an# initiates a late pa%ment (harge.

8. Second Collection "etter 

 A((o'nts move to step three o$ the pro(e#'re tent% #a%s a$ter step to. /his step generates ase(on# (olle(tion letter an# in(rements the ('stomerMs (re#it orthiness s(ore @20B points.

9. Disconnection Document 

 A((o'nts move to step $o'r o$ the pro(e#'re seven #a%s a$ter step three. /his step generates a#is(onne(t noti(e $or the ('stomers a((o'nt an# in(rements the ('stomerMs (re#it rating @80B points.

C'stomers ith a((o'nts rea(hing this step m'st either pa% their invoi(es or be #is(onne(te# $or$ail're to pa%. /he s%stem (reates a $ile o$ #is(onne(t #o('ments to be 'se# to pro#'(e a sorte# listo$ a((o'nts to be ore# $or #is(onne(tion.

;($(% !unning Proceure 0$

/his #'nning pro(e#'re anal%:es o$$ servi(e a((o'nts to #etermine the appropriate #'nning a(tivit%./he #'nning levels in this pro(e#'re are

• -irst Collection "etter 

/he s%stem generates a (olle(tion letter $or $inal ('stomers one #a% a$ter the a((o'nt is #'eas a remin#er. /he pro(ess also 'p#ates the ('stomerMs (re#itorthiness @0B points tore$le(t the $ail're to pa% in a timel% manner.

• Second Collection "etter, Dunnin# "oc on accounts over ;<=$((, and !nternal Collection


/he s%stem moves the ('stomer to step to thirt% #a%s a$ter going to step one. /his stepgenerates a se(on# letter to the ('stomer an# 'p#ates the ('stomerMs (re#itorthinessrating @20B. At this level $or total amo'nts over T2.001 a #'nning lo( is pla(e# on the(ontra(t a((o'nt that prevents an% $'rther #'nning $or this b'siness partner 'ntil the lo( isremove#. &e$ore removing the lo(1 the sho'l# #etermine ho the (orre(t oner o$ thepropert% @premiseB is an# vali#ate the alternate #'nning re(ipient i$ re'ire#.

3$ the b'siness #esires to start an internal (olle(tion pro(e#'re $or o$$ servi(e a((o'nts1 ito'l# be a#visable to leave the #'nning blo( on the a((o'nt an# pro#'(e a listing o$a((o'nts that meet sele(te# (riteria. 3t o'l# be possible to pro#'(e a listing $rom the open

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

item eval'ation $'n(tionalit% o$ a((o'nts over T0.00 in #'nning pro(e#'re 02 at level to./he #'nning lo( prevents an% $'rther a(tions b% the s%stem on these a((o'nts hile theinternal e$$orts ere on going. 3$ these e$$orts prove# to be 'ns'((ess$'l1 the removal o$ the#'nning blo( allos these a((o'nts to move to the net level $or #eliver% to an eternal(olle(tion agen(%. /he removal o$ the lo( an# (hanging o$ the pro(e#'re to 0 allos thea((o'nt to move into the lien pro(ess.

• >riteo55

Step $o'r o$ the pro(ess is to mar the open items as rea#% to be ritten o$$. /his step o(('rs one-h'n#re# tent% #a%s a$ter the ('stomer has move# to step three. /he s%stem also in(rements the('stomerMs (re#it orthiness @20B points to re$le(t this a(tivit%.

Step three o$ pro(ess 02 o(('rs $i$teen #a%s @B a$ter step to. /his ass'mes that the#'nning lo( has been remove# $rom those items over T2.00 . 3$ the lo( has not beenremove# ithin the $i$teen #a%s1 then the item #ispla%s in step three one #a% a$ter thelo( is remove#.

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;(% Process

;(%(# Process Flo- !iagram

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

;(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e


.9. D'nningPro(e#'re




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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

;(' cenario

;('(# !unning Proceure

UseD'nning is 'se# to sen# late noti(es to ('stomers base# 'ser #e$ine re'irements an#(re#itorthiness


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications →Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable →Periodic Processes→ -or Contract Accounts

→Dunnin# +otice →Dunnin# Proposal Run




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role


 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Do('ment Pro(essing 

D'nning Proposal2. n the LDunnin# Proposal’  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User actionan values


Date 3D C'rrent #ate

3#enti$i(ation 4ser-#e$ine#

Choose enter 



Contra(ta((o'nt O(ontra(ta((o'nt

Compan% (o#e &P0

Sele(t theD'nningParameters tab



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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User actionan values



Net #'e #ate Enter $rom an#to #'e #ate

Proposal ill in(l'#e all pass #'e inthis range


Sele(t $rom#rop #on

Start C'rrent)'n

ptional Io' (an r'n #'nning proposal as onestep an# reven'e the #'nning histor%be$ore r'nning the net step or thes%stem ill r'n the #'nning a(tivit%a$ter (reating the #'nning proposal.

8. Choose Save.

9. Ee('te the #'nning proposal a$ter saving an# (he( ith transa(tion S*87 to see i$ the ?ob is(omplete.

. /o see the #'nning histor% on the #'nning proposal transa(tion1 sele(t Environment Dunnin#

history . Enter the b'siness partner an# %o' (an also sele(t a##itional val'es. 3$ there is nohistor% there ill be no inp't to the #'nning a(tivit% r'n.

6. 3$ no #'nning histor% has been (reate# $or the b'siness partner1 sele(t logs tab $rom the #'nningproposal an# sele(t the appli(ation log. Do'ble-(li( on the totals $iel# to see the errors.

7. Choose 'ac .

. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3



SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications →Contract Accounts

Receivable and Payable →Periodic Processes→ -or Contract Accounts→Dunnin# +otice →Dunnin# Activity Run




 A((o'nts )e(eivable Cler

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu  A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA

 Do('ment Pro(essing

 D'nning A(tivit% )'n

!. n the LDunnin# Activity Run’  s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Date id  C'rrent #ate

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

3#enti$i(ation 4ser #e$ine

+or #'nningproposal

4se the #e$a'lt #ate 3D an#i#enti$i(ation

See step.9.

0. Choose Save.

. Choose Schedule pro#ram run1 an# (hoose %8  to (ontin'e.

2. /o (he( an% errors go the logs tab an# sele(t appli(ation log an# #ispla% the #'nning re(or#.Cli( on the totals $iel# to see the error.

8. Choose 'ac .

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

= Calculating Customer Creit-orthinesscenario

=(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions/he (re#itorthiness o$ a b'siness partner provi#es in$ormation on the b'siness partnerMs pa%menthistor% an# in$l'en(es the sele(tion o$ a(tivities $or #'nning an#5or ret'rns an# the (al('lation o$(harges.

/he (re#itorthiness is 'p#ate# in the s%stem a'tomati(all% b% vario's #i$$erent b'sinesstransa(tions ret'rns1 #'nning noti(es1 an# rite-o$$s. Cre#itorthiness (an also be 'p#ate#man'all%.

/he stat's o$ a b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthiness is #etermine# as a eighte# total base# on the(re#itorthiness $ig'res re(or#e# over the last 2 months. Io' #e$ine the monthl% eightings inC'stomi:ing.

 A (re#itorthiness o$ :ero means that the b'siness partner has a ver% goo# pa%ment histor%. /hemaim'm val'e is !!!!.

/he level o$ (re#itorthiness #epen#s on

• 3nitiali:ation in C'stomi:ing

• /he (re#itorthiness $a(tor in per(ent

• *an'al (re#itorthiness

• N'mber o$ #'nning noti(es1 ret'rns1 an# rite -o$$s

/he (re#itorthiness $ig're is a#?'ste# i$ a #'nning noti(e or ret'rn is reverse#.


/he% ill 'se the SAP (re#itorthiness $'n(tionalit% - instea# o$ a thir#-part% s%stem - to tra( thepa%ment patterns o$ b'siness partners.

=($ ,eneral *+planations

Cre#itorthiness is #e$ine# at the b'siness partner level an# (hanges in the (re#itorthiness ratingill be #etermine# in #'nning1 ret'rns an# rite-o$$ a(tivit%. /he b'siness partnerMs pa%ment patternsare re$le(te# in the (re#itorthiness val'e. /hese val'es are #etermine# b% the 'sing in#ivi#'al(riteria o$ their on (hoosing. /he range sele(te# $or the s%stem is

Range Creit-orthiness

0 to 0 E(ellent

to 0 *o#erate an# above Poor  

/he pro(esses that (an a'tomati(all% 'p#ate (re#itorthiness in(l'#e

• D'nning

D'nning is (o#e# in (on$ig'ration to in(rease a b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthiness val'ebe(a'se o$ #'nning a(tivit%. Cre#itorthiness is 'se# b% #'nning to e(l'#e b'sinesspartners $rom (ertain #'nning a(tivities. /he #'nning a(tivit% r'n rea#s the ('rrent

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(re#itorthiness o$ a b'siness partner an# sele(ts the #'nning a(tivit% an# #'nning (hargehere the (re#itorthiness #etermine# is greater or the same as the (re#itorthiness val'e#e$ine#.

 A (re#itorthiness eighting (an be 'se# ith the (re#itorthiness val'es in the #'nninglevels o$ #'nning pro(e#'res. n(e #'nning has taen pla(e1 the (re#itorthiness $ig're o$the ('rrent month is in(rease# b% this eighte# n'mber.

• )et'rns

)et'rn a(tivities is (o#e# in (on$ig'ration to in(rease a b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthinessval'e be(a'se o$ ret'rn transa(tion.

Io' (an #e$ine a (re#itorthiness eighting in the ret'rns reasons. n(e ret'rns pro(essinghas o(('rre#1 the (re#itorthiness $ig're $or the ('rrent month is in(rease# b% the val'easso(iate# ith the ret'rn m'ltiplie# b% the eighting.

• "rite-o$$s

"rite-o$$s a$$e(t a ('stomerJs (re#itorthiness. A b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthiness val'eill be in(rease# b% the val'e asso(iate# ith the rite-o$$ transa(tion. /his #erive# val'ebe(omes part o$ the ('stomerMs ('rrent (al('late# (re#itorthiness val'e.

Io' (an #e$ine the (re#itorthiness eighting ith the rite-o$$ reasons in C'stomi:ing @see3*G str'(t're Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ? 'usiness Transactions ? >rite%55s ? Con5i#ure >rite%55 ReasonsB.

=(% *+planations

/he s%stem a'tomati(all% #etermines the (re#itorthiness o$ a b'siness partner. /he threetransa(tions 'se# to #etermine the (re#itorthiness val'e are ret'rns1 #'nning1 an# rite-o$$. $ten#'nning an# ret'rns are (ombine# as both o$ these pro(esses (an be a((omplishe# in one #'nningr'n. /he (re#itorthiness in$l'en(es the a(tivities an# the (harges levie# in the vario's levels o$#'nning an# in the ret'rn reason (o#es $or ret'rn transa(tions

Cre#it orthiness (an also be entere# man'all% into the s%stem. /he man'al (re#itorthiness is

a##e# to the val'e o$ the a'tomati(all% #etermine# (re#itorthiness1 an# $orms the overall(re#itorthiness o$ a ('stomer 

=(' *+planation o1 Functions an *vents

. A b'siness partner Ms (re#itorthiness is #etermine# b% transa(tions asso(iate# ith #'nning1ret'rns1 an# rite-o$$.

2. Ea(h o$ these transa(tions is assigne# a val'e to be a##e# to a b'siness partnerMs(re#itorthiness i$ the partner has items involve# in these transa(tions.

8. A b'siness partnerMs ('rrent (re#it orthiness val'e (an be 'se# to #etermine the (harges or#eposit re$'n# #ates.

9. /he b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthiness histor% (an be viee#.

. Cre#itorthiness is a rolling val'e that allos a ('stomer to improve his s(ore i$ his pa%mentpattern (hanges.

6. A man'al (re#itorthiness (an be 'se# b% entering a per(entage-base# eighting an#(re#itorthiness #ata man'all%.

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=(9 Process

=(9(# Process Flo-

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=(9($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name EternalPro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e


!.6. Cal('latingCre#itorthiness



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=(6 cenario

=(6(# Calculating Creit-orthiness

Proceure. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access menu: Telecommunications → Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → Account → %ther !n5ormation →Credit4orthiness




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Cre#it *anagement Displa%Cre#itorthiness

2. n the LDisplay 'usiness Partner Credit4orthiness s(reen8 in the 'usiness partner  $iel#1 enterthe b'siness partner n'mber 'se# in step .9. D'nning Pro(e#'re. /hen (hoose Enter .

8. +or the message LThere is still no credit4orthiness data 5or business partner *’ 1 (hoose (hange.

9. Con$irm the message 2!nitial record on business partner ) created 5or calendar year <((*,’  ith(ontin'e.

. Choose Enter t o see the #etails.

6. /he D'nning Noti(e ill be #ispla%e# in the Cre#itorthiness histor%.

7. /he b'siness partnerMs (re#itorthiness is #ispla%e#.

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#0 Miscellaneous !ocument Posting " cenario

#0(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

 A #o('ment is generate# $or ea(h posting. Postings are 's'all% generate# a'tomati(all% b% the(orrespon#ing b'siness pro(esses in +3-CA or b% invoi(ing. Do('ments (an also be poste#man'all%. /he a((o'nt #etermination $'n(tion (an be 'se# to #etermine G5; a((o'nts a'tomati(all%an# to propose #'e #ates 'sing pa%ment (on#itions in the (ontra(t a((o'nt. /ele(omm'ni(ationsb'sinesses generall% have spe(ial mis(ellaneo's transa(tions that ma% be 'ni'e to the (ompan%.Eamples ma% in(l'#e a goo#ill (re#it or a spe(ial (harge. /he SAP s%stem allos a simplemetho# $or #eveloping these transa(tions

• Post *is(ellaneo's Charges

• Post *is(ellaneo's Cre#its


• Io' ill 'se a goo#ill (re#it transa(tion $or settlement o$ in'iries.

• Io' ill 'se a man'al (re#it $or man'all% pro(essing amo'nts.

• /hese mis(ellaneo's (re#its #o not have an% ta e$$e(t.

#0($ ,eneral *+planations/he pro(ess o$ posting mis(ellaneo's a#?'stments enables %o' to appl% #ebits an# (re#its man'all%to the (ontra(t a((o'nt. /he mis(ellaneo's posting pro(ess ill serve as the man'al a% o$ appl%ing(harges5(re#its.

#0($(# *+planation o1 Functions an *vents

/his re'ires a metho# $or man'all% entering #o('ments $or a#?'sting b'siness partner a((o'nts $ormis(ellaneo's items. /hese transa(tions (an be entere# #ire(tl% to the (ontra(t a((o'nt 'singtransa(tion FPE1 @or $rom the men'1 SAP Easy Access→ !ndustry → Contract Accounts Receivable

and Payable →Document →Post B or a $ront o$$i(e (all (an be 'se# to (reate the transa(tion.

/he $ormat o$ the (reate# #o('ment (onsists o$ three areas

. Hea#er

/he #o('ment hea#er (ontains the #o('ment general #ata in(l'#ing the #o('ment #ate1posting #ate1 #o('ment n'mber1 #o('ment t%pe1 #o('ment (ategor%1 an# re(on(iliatione%1 ('rren(%1 an# (ompan% (o#e.

2. &'siness partner 3tem

/his item (ontains the (ontra(t a((o'nt n'mber or other in$ormation to i#enti$% the

('stomer1 transa(tion (o#es1 an# amo'nt o$ the transa(tion.

8. G; $$set

/his item (ontains the general le#ger o$$set a((o'nts to the re(eivable. /his area isnormall% #e$a'lte# $rom the transa(tion (o#es entere# in the b'siness partner item.

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#0(% Process

#0(%(# Process Flo- !iagram

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

## 7rite"o11s " cenario

##(# Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

/he rite-o$$ $'n(tion in SAP allos the (ompan% to remove ('stomer re(eivables $rom the('stomer a((o'nt hen all reasonable (han(e o$ (olle(ting an% mone% has passe#. n(e theseamo'nts are ritten o$$1 the (ompan% is able to re(ogni:e a rite-o$$ or ba# #ebt epense.

##($ ,eneral *+planations

"rite-o$$s (an o(('r a'tomati(all%1 or at the #is(retion o$ a emplo%ee1 base# on ('stomer(ir('mstan(es. SAP s'pports both approa(hes.

+or a'tomati( rite-o$$s1 #'nning (an be (on$ig're# to a'tomati(all% trigger the rite-o$$ pro(ess a(ertain n'mber o$ #a%s @ #a%sB a$ter the #'e #ate o$ a $inal bill. /his is t%pi(all% a((omplishe# b%(hanging the #'nning pro(e#'re to a $inal billing pro(e#'re #'ring the move o't. /hen1 x  #a%s a$terthe $inal bill is #'e1 the #'nning pro(ess moves the re(eivables to a pre#etermine# #'nning level.

/hen1 the nightl% bat(h rite-o$$ pro(ess r'ns to rite-o$$ all items that 'ali$%.*an'al rite-o$$s are also s'pporte# $or in#ivi#'al a((o'nts base# on ('stomer (ir('mstan(es.&anr'pt(% pro(essing is one eample o$ a sit'ation here a (ompan% might (onsi#er #oing aman'al rite-o$$ o$ monies (harge# to a ('stomer a((o'nt.

##($(# *+planation o1 Functions an *vents

3tems (an be ritten o$$ i$ re(eivables are irre(overable or pa%ables (annot be pai# be(a'se it is notpossible to #etermine the pa%ment re(ipient. +3-CA s'pports a'tomation o$ this pro(ess. Io' (anre(or# in#ivi#'al rite-o$$ r'les @s'(h as amo'nt limitsB in the s%stem. +3-CA (an also be 'se# torite-o$$ in#ivi#'al items in #ialog pro(essing or to rite-o$$ partial amo'nts. /he s%stema'tomati(all% maes the ne(essar% posting1 in(l'#ing ta (orre(tion postings re'ire# #'ring rite-o$$. "rite-o$$ also in(l'#es the $olloing $'n(tions

• 3tems to be ritten o$$ (an also be trans$erre# to a (olle(tion agen(%.

•  A((o'nts that are $inal an# here the tele(omm'ni(ations (ompan% has ma#e the #e(isionnot to see a lien ill be a'tomati(all% assigne# to a (ertain #'nning @See D'nningPro(e#'re 02B. A nightl% rite-o$$ r'n ill rite o$$ the items.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

##(% Process

##(%(# Process Flo-

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##(%($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step StepName



)ole /ransa(tionCo#e

*+pecte Results

.9. "rite-o$$   A)S'pervisor 

FP0 /he a((o'ntre(eivable o$ theb'siness partner

has been ritten o$$ .9.2 *ass




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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

##(' cenario

##('(# 7rite"o11 

Use/his transa(tion is 'se# to rite o$$ amo'nts that (annot be (olle(te# $rom the b'siness partner.


)$  A((ess the transa(tion (hoosing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable @ Account @ >rite o55 !tems



4usiness Role  A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities "rite $$ 

<$ n the >riteo55 !tem s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues




Contra(t O(ontra(tn'mber

Posting #ate OC'rrent #ate

Compan% (o#e &P0

C'rren(% 4SD"rite-o$$ reason 09

Do('ment t%pe )A


07207s?(0 ***onth



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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action anvalues


3nitials o$ person (reating e%

SS Se'en(e n'mber i$ morethan one e% is re'ire# per #a%

$ Choose enter1 (on$irm the message )e(on(iliation e% has been (reate#1 i$ %o' 'sene e% .

B$ n the >riteo55 !tem s(reen8 mae the $olloing entries

=$ Sele(t the $lag sele(tion o$ the #o('ment %o' ant to rite o$$

$ Do'ble (li( the amo'nt o$ the line item1 &e s're not ?'st (hoose the line item.(hoose post.

$ Sele(t Save

$ /he message Do('ment poste# 'n#er the n'mber 80000000

Result/he a((o'nt re(eivable o$ the b'siness partner has been ritten o$$.

##('($ Mass run: 7rite".11


/o mass rite-o$$1 %o' (an r'n transa(tion FP0" . /his transa(tion provi#es rite-o$$ bat(h pro(ess$or more than one (ontra(t a((o'nt or $or a range o$ a((o'nts in the s%stem. Io' (an #e$ine hatamo'nt %o' ant to pro(ess.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or Contract

 Accounts → >riteo55 Run




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities *ass "rite $$ 

2. n the Display >riteo55 Fistory screen1 mae the $olloing entries

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

+iel# 4ser A(tions

General Sele(tions &'siness Partner

Compan% (o#e &P0

 A##itional Sele(tion Amo'nt 00

/o 000

Posting Parameters "rite-$$ )eason 08

8. Choose Save.

9. Choose Schedule pro#ram run an# then %8 .

. Choose "rite-o$$ histor% $rom Environment in men' on top s(reen.

6. n the >rite%55 history G* !tem Selected B s(reen1 %o' ill see the #o('ments hi(hin#i(ate hat b'siness partners have been ritten o$$.

##('(% !isplay 7rite".11 >istory


 A$ter rite-o$$1 %o' (an r'n transa(tion FP0!. /his transa(tion provi#es in$ormation abo't rite-o$$pro(ess


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3



 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract Accounts

Receivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or Contract Accounts → >riteo55 Run




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role


 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities

Displa% "rite-$$ Histor%

2. n the Display >riteo55 Fistory screen1 mae the $olloing entries

+iel# 4ser A(tions Comment

&'siness Partner +rom

&'siness Partners !! /o

8. Choose Execute.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

9. n the >rite%55 history s(reen1 %o' sele(t a #o('ment an# #rill into #etails b% #o'ble(li(ing $or the #etail to in#i(ate hat b'siness partners have been ritten o$$.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#$ Reconciliation an Closing " cenario/his s(enario enables the general le#ger to be 'p#ate# perio#i(all% ith postings $rom Contract

 Accounts Receivable and Payable.

/he transa(tion $ig'res are not a'tomati(all% 'p#ate# in the general le#ger hen postings are ma#ein Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable. 3nstea#1 the #ata is s'mmari:e# an# trans$erre#perio#i(all% to the general le#ger $or reasons o$ s%stem per$orman(e1 an# to limit the vol'me o$#o('ments in the general le#ger.

/he Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable #o('ments are gro'pe# a'tomati(all%. +or ea(hgro'p1 posting totals are re(or#e# that are later trans$erre# to the general le#ger. Ea(h gro'p(ontains a 'ni'e e% non as the re(on(iliation e%. A re(on(iliation e% (an be (lose# so that nomore postings (an be ma#e $or that parti('lar e%. /he re(or#e# posting totals (an be trans$erre# tothe general le#ger $or ea(h (lose# re(on(iliation e%.

Posting programs an# re(on(iliation programs are available $or trans$erring #ata to the generalle#ger. /he prere'isite is that &eneral "ed#er Accountin#  is manage# in the same s%stem asContract Accounts Receivable and Payable.

/he pro(ess e (on$ig're# in the template is #ail% re(on(iliation.

#$(# !aily Reconciliation

#$($ Re&uirements)*+pectations)Assumptions

/he Contra(t A((o'nts )e(eivable an# Pa%able is a s'b-le#ger s%stem #esigne# to pro(ess a largevol'me o$ in#ivi#'al transa(tions $or man% ('stomers. /he s%stem 'ses re(on(iliation e%s as avehi(le $or trans$erring s'mmari:e# transa(tion #ata $rom the s'b-le#ger to the general le#ger. /he#elivere# pro(ess m'st allo

• Creation o$ )e(on(iliation e%s

• Closing o$ re(on(iliation e%s

• /rans$er o$ $inan(ial #ata $rom the s'b-le#ger to the general le#ger 

• )eporting o$ trans$erre# amo'nts an# a((o'nt balan(es


• /he ill (lose1 post1 an# re(on(ile transa(tions to the general le#ger on a #ail% basis

#$(% ,eneral *+planations

#$(%(# Recoring 4usiness Partner Transactions

/he primar% $inan(ial responsibilit% o$ a s'b-le#ger s%stem is to re(or# transa(tions a(('ratel% $orea(h b'siness partner1 an# then to trans$er the res'lts o$ these transa(tions to the (ompan%Ms$inan(ial s%stems. 3n#ivi#'al $inan(ial transa(tions in SAP (reate a #o('ment ith a 'ni'e#o('ment n'mber. Ea(h #o('ment in(l'#es the amo'nt o$ the transa(tion an# the a((o'nt#etermination $or these transa(tions. 3n a##ition to these items1 ea(h #o('ment re$eren(es are(on(iliation e% that has been assigne# as part o$ the transa(tion. /he s%stem 'ses there(on(iliation e% as the metho# o$ s'mmari:ing an# trans$erring the $inan(ial res'lts o$ transa(tionsto the general le#ger.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#$(%($ *+planation o1 Functions an *vents

/he (reation o$ $inan(ial transitions to re(or# a(tivit% $or b'siness partners ill re'ire the (reation o$re(on(iliation e%s to allo the trans$er o$ these amo'nts to the general le#ger. /his pro(ess ill(onsist o$ the pro(ess steps

. Creation o$ re(on(iliation e%s as a'tomate# or man'al transa(tions are initiate# $or

eisting b'siness partners.2. /he (losing o$ re(on(iliation e%s as the a'tomate# pro(esses are (omplete# @#one b%

the s%stem a'tomati(all%B.

8. /he (losing o$ man'all% (reate# e%s as the pro(ess is (omplete# or 'pon (ompletion o$ the b'siness #a%

9. /he trans$er o$ the (lose# re(on(iliation e%s to the general le#ger.

. /he balan(ing o$ the general le#ger to the s'b-le#ger.

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#$(' Process

#$('(# Process Flo-

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#$('($ Process .vervie- Ta/le

Step Step Name Eternal Pro(ess)e$eren(e


)ole /ransa(tionCo#e


2.. Creation o$ )e(on(iliation e%s

2..2 Displa% )e(on(illiation e%s A)S'pervisor 


2..8 Closing o$ )e(on(iliation e%s A)S'pervisor 


2..9 )e(on(iling /otals - Che( S'mmar%)e(or#s



2.. )e(reate /otals )e(or#s A)S'pervisor 


2..6 /rans$er to General ;e#ger A)S'pervisor 


2..7 Delete an# Close )e(on(iliation e% A)S'pervisor 


2.. Che( General le#ger Do('ments A)S'pervisor 


2..! )e(or#ing &'siness Partner/ransa(tions

2.. )eports A)S'pervisor 






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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#$(9 cenario

#$(9(# Creation o1 Reconciliation ?eys

. A'tomati( #etermination o$ the e% $or (ertain mass pro(esses.

a. Pa%ment )'n

YY DDD PAY01 PP (Name PAY01)

(. 3nvoi(ing

YY DDD R04 LLLL (Source R04)

II Iear 

DDD Da% @='lian DateB

PP N'mber o$ pro(ess

;;;; )'n 3D

2. Determination o$ man'al e%s

a. Pa%ment ;ots XXXXXXXXXXXX  ;ot Name

b. Posting o$ mis(ellaneo's transa(tions

S'ggest MMDDYYXXXSS as a stan#ar#

** *onth

DD Da%

II Iear 

3nitials o$ person (reating e%

SS Se'en(e n'mber i$ more than one e% is re'ire# per #a%.8. De$a'lt o$ *an'al e%s.

a. /ransa(tions (an be i#enti$ie# as eligible $or #e$a'lt e%s.

b. Emplo%ees (an be gro'pe# into gro'ps $or propose# re(on(iliation e%s via

#$(9($ !isplay Reconciliation ?eys


/his a(tivit% allos the tele(omm'ni(ations (ompan% to vie the stat's o$ the re(on(iliation e% an#to veri$% that the e% has been (lose# an# trans$erre# to the general le#ger. /he s(reen also allosthe vieing o$ totals an# a((o'nts $or the e%


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Document → Reconciliation 8ey

Transaction FPF3

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4usiness Role  A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role



4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities Displa% )e(on(iliation e%

2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment


Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e% $rom the #rop#on sear(h

Che( to mae s're that Postin# can be

made has a green light

#$(9(% Closing o1 Reconciliation ?eys


)e(on(iliation e%s that are (reate# b% a'tomati( pro(esses are (lose# b% the s%stem hen thepro(ess is (omplete.

)e(on(iliation e%s (reate# man'all% m'st be (lose# man'all%. /he pa%ment at the (ash #estransa(tion 'se# to a((ept (ash pa%ments re'ires the (reation o$ a re(on(iliation e% at thebeginning o$ ea(h or#a%. /his e% (an be propose# to the 'ser or it (an re'ire man'al entr%. /he

metho# is #epen#ent 'pon the #e(isions ma#e b% the #'ring implementation o$ the s%stem.)egar#less o$ the metho# 'se# to (reate the e%1 it ill be ne(essar% to (lose the e% ea(h #a% totrans$er the res'lts o$ the #a%Ms transa(tions to the general le#ger. /he e% (an be (lose# man'all%@aB or it ma% be (lose# as a part o$ a range o$ e%s @bB.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Document → Reconciliation 8ey → Close




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities Change )e(on(iliation e%

2. n the LChan#e reconciliation ey’  s(reen1 in the Reconciliation 8ey  $iel#1 enter the re(on(iliation

e%1 an# (hoose Enter .8. )evie the s'mmar% totals re(or# an# #o('ment itemi:ation.

9. "hen ase#1 Are you sure you 4ant to close the reconciliation$ ey  Choose /es.

#$(9(' Reconciling Totals " Chec5 ummary Recors


/he report )+A&S veri$ies the totals in the table @D+S4*B to ins're the total agrees ith thes'm o$ the relevant +3-CA #o('ments. /he report allos the 'ser to sele(t parameters in(l'#ing

re(on(iliation e%1 #ate1 (ompan%1 or a (ombination o$ sele(tions. 3$ a #i$$eren(e is #ete(te#1 it ma%be (orre(te# in #ialog or in the ba(gro'n# 'sing this report. /his report (an onl% be 'se# $orre(on(iliation e%s that have been (lose# an# not trans$erre# to the general le#ger.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or4ard Postin#s →Preparation →Chec Summary Records




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivitiesChe( /otals /ables

3$ an error eists in the totals1 it (an be (orre(te# b% the )+A&S program. /he totalsre(or# ill re'ire reb'il#ing via report )+A&S. /his pro(ess ill #elete the originaltotals re(or#s an# reb'il# the re(or#. /he e% (an then be trans$erre# to the generalle#ger in the normal pro(ess. )eport )+A&S (an onl% be 'se# $or re(on(iliatione%s that have been (lose# b't not trans$erre# to the general le#ger 

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2. 3n the Reconciliation 8ey  $iel#1 sele(t a e% $rom the #rop#on1 an# then (hoose Execute. 3$there are an% #i$$eren(es1 the $ile is rea#% $or trans$er.

#$(9(9 Recreate Totals Recors


/he re(on(iliation e% %o' ant to 'se to re(reate totals re(or#s is (lose# an# not trans$erre# toGeneral ;e#ger.

. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or4ard Postin#s→Preparation →Recreate Totals Records




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities )e(reate /otals )e(or#s

3$ an error eists in the totals it (an be (orre(te# b% the )+A&S program1 the totalsre(or# ill re'ire reb'il#ing via report )+A&S. /his pro(ess ill #elete the originaltotals re(or#s an# reb'il# the re(or#. /he e% (an then be trans$erre# to the generalle#ger in the normal pro(ess. )eport )+A&S (an onl% be 'se# $or re(on(iliatione%s that have been (lose# b't not trans$erre# to the general le#ger 

2. 3n the Reconciliation 8ey  $iel#1 sele(t a e% $rom the #rop#on1 sele(t the Corre(tion r'n

(he(bo1 then (hoose Execute.

#$(9(6 Trans1er to ,eneral <eger 


/he report1 )+G;001 is 'se# to trans$er the $inan(ial #ata asso(iate# ith one or a range o$re(on(iliation e%s $rom the s'b-le#ger to the general le#ger. /he sele(tion (riteria in(l'#ere(on(iliation e%s1 (ompan% (o#es1 or trans$ers to #ate. )e(on(iliation e%s m'st be (lose# be$orethe% (an be trans$erre# to the general le#ger. /he trans$er o$ the e% to the general le#ger res'lts inthe (reation o$ a general le#ger #o('ment $or the trans$erre# amo'nt. /he s%stem ill (reate m'ltiplegeneral le#ger #o('ments i$ the e% (ontains m'ltiple posting #ates.


/he step 2..2 Closing o$ )e(on(iliation e% sho'l# have been pro(esse#

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. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3



 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract Accounts

Receivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → Execution → Trans5er to &eneral "ed#er




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness role


 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities 

/rans$er Posting /otals to G5;

/he program1 )+G;201 is 'se# to (arr% o't the re(on(iliation beteen the generalle#ger @+3-G;B1 Contra(t A((o'nts )e(eivable1 an# Pa%able @)*+3-CAB. /he report(ompares the trans$erre# @+3-CAB totals to the #o('ments poste# in the general le#ger#'ring the trans$er. /his report (an o'tp't the total an# line items o$ all sele(tions or (ano'tp't onl% sele(te# items ith #i$$eren(es. 3$ a #i$$eren(e eists1 this report (an alsogenerate the (orre(ting entries $or posting.

2. 3n the Reconciliation 8ey  $iel#1 sele(t a e% @or range o$ e%sB $rom the #rop#on.

8. Sele(t the Test run (he(bo1 an# then (hoose Execute. 3$ there are no errors1 #esele(t the

Test run (he(bo1 an# then (hoose Execute.

#$(9( !elete an Close Reconciliation ?ey

. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Process → -or4ard Postin#s →Preparation → Delete and Close Reconciliation 8ey




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities Close )e(on(il. e%s A'tomati(all%

/his transa(tion allos the /ele(omm'ni(ations (ompan% to (lose a range o$re(on(iliation e%s in one transa(tion. 3n a##ition1 e%s that have been opene#1 b't not'se#1 (an be (lose# an# #elete# in this pro(ess.

2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

)e(on(iliatione% +rom

Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e%$rom the #rop #on sear(h

)e(on(iliatione% /o

Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e%$rom the #rop #on sear(h

)evie S'mmar% /otals)e(or# an# Do('mentitemi:ation


Sele(t Close e%s an# (ansele(t the other options

/est )'n )'n in test mo#e $irst an#vali#ate an# then r'n againith test r'n o$$ 

Close# re(on(iliation e%s ill not a((ept a##itional transa(tions an# are eligible $ortrans$er to the general le#ger.

#$(9(; Chec5 ,eneral <eger !ocuments. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or4ard Postin#→Reconciliation→Chec &eneral led#er Documents




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( Pro(essing 

)e(on(ile ith General ;e#ger 

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

/his a(tivit% allos the tele(omm'ni(ations to #ispla% the general le#ger #o('ments thathave been (reate# be(a'se o$ posting a parti('lar re(on(iliation e% $rom the +3-CA s'b-le#ger. /he total o$ this #o('ment ill mat(h the total re(or# $rom the s'b le#ger #o('ments (on(erning ith the re(on(iliation e% that has been (lose# an#

trans$erre# to general le#ger ill be (he(e#.2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Compan% Co#e &P0


Sele(t the e% @or range o$ e%sB$rom the#rop#on

'tp't ptions 3n(orre(t 3tems

8. Io' (an see the message L+o di55erence 5ound’$

#$(9(= Recoring 4usiness Partner Transactions



/his a(tivit% ill re(on(ile the G5; #o('ments.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable→ Periodic Processin# → -or4ard Postin#s →Reconciliation→ !temiHation 5or &eneral "ed#er Documents




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CA Perio#i( an# Closing A(tivities +3-CA Do(s to +3-G; Do(s

)+G;80- /he program sele(ts the general le#ger #o('ments a((or#ing to thesele(tion (riteria an# #ispla%s the +3-CA totals re(or# an# #o('ment lines that (omprise

, SAP AG Page 7 o$ 7

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

the total. /his pro(ess allos the 'ser to tra( $rom the general le#ger #o('ment to the+3-CA #o('ments that are in(l'#e# in the posting

2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Compan% Co#e &P0


Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e% @or range o$ e%sB$rom the #rop#on

8. Choose Execute.



/his a(tivit% re(on(iles Contra(t A5P an# A5) ith +3 in the general le#ger


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable →Periodic Processin# → -or4ard Postin#s →Reconciliation → Reconcile %pen !tems





 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CAPerio#i( an# Closing A(tivities)e(on(iliation o$ 3Js in G5;

)+P0- )eport )+P0 re(on(iles Contra(t A5P an# A5) ith +3 in the generalle#ger. 3t re(on(iles the ('rrent balan(e $or all re(on(iliation a((o'nts or there(on(iliation a((o'nts spe(i$ie#1 an# ta on sales an# p'r(hases (learing a((o'nts./he report ill also allo the 'ser to i#enti$% #i$$eren(es via the stat's1 missing('stomi:ation1 or missing 3 (ol'mns

2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment


Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e% @or range o$ e%sB$rom the #rop#on

8. Choose Execute.



/his a(tivit% #ispla%s postings trans$erre# to the general le#ger.


. A((ess the transa(tion 'sing one o$ the $olloing navigation options

.ption #: AP ,raphical User Inter1ace 2AP ,UI3

AP *CCmenu

 SAP Easy Access→ Telecommunications→ Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable → -or4ard Postin#s → Reconciliation →Display 5or &eneral "ed#er Trans5er




 A) S'pervisor 

.ption $: AP et7eaver 4usiness Client 2AP 74C3 via 4usiness role

4usiness role2ame3


4usiness roleMenu

 A((o'nts )e(eivable +or )*-CAPerio#i( an# Closing A(tivities  Alternative Perio# /rans$er 

)+A&S6- )eport )+A&S6 #ispla%s postings trans$erre# to the general le#ger as abalan(e overvie or as line items ith the asso(iate# posting #ate.

2. *ae the $olloing entries

Fiel name !escription User action an values Comment

Compan% Co#e &P0


Sele(t the in#ivi#'al e% @or range o$ e%sB$rom the #rop#on

, SAP AG Page 0 o$ 7

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

#% Appeni+ A : Menu Map -ith Transaction Coes

 A##itional transa(tion (o#es are provi#e# $or optional transa(tions an# pro(esses that ma% be 'se#in the $inan(ial (lose an# revie pro(esses.

SAP Eas% A((essV/ele(omm'ni(ations VContra(t A((o'nts )e(eivable an# Pa%ableV


 A((o'nt &alan(e @+P;!B

Further In1ormation

Clari$i(ation Case $or A((o'nt &alan(e @+PD*00B

D'nning Histor% @+P*8B

)et'rns Histor% @+PCH3S/B

Correspon#en(e Histor% @+P09HB

"rite-$$ Histor% @+PC)B

Cre#itorthtiness @+PC)B

Se('rit% Deposits @+PD2B

)eposte# A#?'stments to )e(eivables @+PW"HB

*aintain @+P06B

"rite-o$$ 3tems @+P09B

 A#?'st )e(eivables @+PW"B

Pro(ess Cre#its @+P/C)PB

/rans$er 3tems @+P90B

ecurity eposits

Enter @+PSECB

Change @+PSEC2B

Displa% @+PSEC8B

Cal('late 3nterest @+P32B


 Agree Pa%ment Amo'nts @+PWB

Process Payment Avice otes

+rom C'stomer @+PABPa%ment at Cash Des @+PCDB

Cash @ournal

Cash =o'rnal @+PC=B

Cash =o'rnal *aster Data @+PC=*B

vervie o$ Cash Des Closing @+PSCB

Cash =o'rnal Eval'ation @+PC=)B

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


&ran(h $$i(e *anager @+>K+PC=KS4B

Cashier ith Spe(ial /ass @+>K+PC=KSCB

Cashier @+>K+PC=KNCB

Pa%ment ;ot @+P0BChe( ;ot @+P2B

Cre#it Car# ;ot @+P8B

Pa%ment r#er ;ot @+P9B

*an'al 'tgoing Che( ;ot @+P0B

Clari1ication Activities

Pa%ment Allo(ation @+PCP;B

*aintain E(eption A((o'nts $or Pa%ment Clari$i(ation @+P0KP)PB

+in# Pa%ment @+P80B

+in# n Clari$i(ation Cases @+P80CB

vervie o$ )epa%ment )e'ests @+P)4B

)everse )epa%ment )e'est @+PB

Pa%ment +orm 3tems @+PWPB

Cashe# Che(s @+PCC)B

"rite-$$ $rom Clari$i(ation "orlist @+PC4*B

nline Che( Printing @+PCHB

Che( *anagement @+PCH)B

)e(eipt *anagement @+P)EP/B


)et'rns ;ot @+P0!B

Clari$i(ation Cases @+PC);B

Reporting o1 Incorrect 4an5 !ata

E#it ;ot @+P70B

Clari$i(ation Cases @+PCN)B

Payment Run

Change Pa%ment r#er @+P)2B

Displa% Pa%ment r#er @+P)8B

*ass )eversal o$ Pa%ment r#ers @+P)B

vervie o$ Pa%ment r#ers @+P)*B

E(eption Clari$i(ation @+PSK)+PI;B

+in# Pa%ment @+P8B

Che( Assignment $or Pa%ment )'n @+PCHPB

Stop +'t're Pa%ments @DB

, SAP AG Page 2 o$ 7

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP


Clari$i(ation @+PC)PB

*+ternal Payment 4an5s

Cop% Pa%ment Con$irmations @+PCSKCN+B

*onitor Pa%ments @+PCSKEA*BClari$i(ation o$ /rans$erre# Pa%ments @+PCSB


Post @+PEB

Change @+PE2B

*ass Change @+PE2*B

Displa% @+PE8B

Displa% Changes @+PE9B

)eset (leare# items @+P07B

)everse @+P0B

*ass )eversal @+P0*B

Reconciliation ?ey

Create @+P+B

Close @+P+2B

Displa% @+P+8B

Displa% Do('ment ;ist @+P/B

*aintain 4ser-Spe(i$i( Posting Settings @SK9K7900286B

taning Re&uest

E#it @+)D2B

Generate Do('ments @+PD4DCB

 Approve )e'est @+)DAB


Displa% Do('ments Generate# $rom Stan#ing )e'ests @)+2B

)e(on(ile Do('ments Generate# $rom Stan#ing )e'ests @)+2HB

Perioic processing

For Contract Accounts

Payment oti1ications

Create @+PDDAB

Change @+PDDA8B

Displa% @+PDDA2B


Displa% Histor% @+PPNHB

Change Pro(essing Stat's @+PPN4B

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Create +ile @+PPNB

Pro(ess )et'rn +ile @+PPN)B

Pa%ment )'n @+PIB

Printe# )e(eipt @+P)EP/*B

3nterest )'n @+P3N/*B"rite-o$$ r'n @+P09*B

)eversal o$ Che( Pa%ments @+PCHSB

!unning otice

D'nning Proposal )'n @+PAB

D'nning A(tivit% )'n @+P&B

*ass )eversal o$ D'nning Noti(es @+PCB

/elephone ;ist @+PD4/;B

+orar# /elephone ;ist @+P/B


Create A((o'nt Statements @+PCC0002B

Create &alan(e Noti$i(ation @+PCC0026B

Print @+PCPA)AB

3nstallment Plan Printing @+P)DB

*onitor /a Eemptions @+E*AB

Create &'siness Partner Statements @+PCC002!B

General "rite-$$ Noti$i(ation @+PCC0089B

u/mit 1or Collection

)elease )'n @+P08*B

S'bmission )'n @+P08D*B

3n$ormation $or Colle(tion Agen(ies @+PDB

)e(eivables )e(alle# @+P084B

 A'tomati( Clearing @+P*AB

Set Pro(essing ;o(s @+P08D*B

Delete Pro(essing ;o(s @+P;C2B

Che( Con#itional ;o(s @+P;AB

ecurity eposits

)elease @+P);B

3nterest $or Cash Se('rit% Deposit @+P3N/*2B

Statisti(s @+PDB

Create Cre#it ;ist @+PC)PKDE/B

For-ar Postings


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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

 Assign Ne )e(on(iliation e% to Pa%ment ;ot @+P0+3B

 Assign Ne )e(on(iliation e% to )et'rns ;ot @+P0!+3B

Che( S'mmar% )e(or#s @+P/B

)e(reate /otals )e(or#s @+P/6B

*aintain Alternative Posting Date @+PG0B*+ecution

/rans$er to General ;e#ger @+PGB

/rans$er to Pro$itabilit% Anal%sis @+PG8B

Cash *anagement /rans$er @+PC+B


)e(on(ile open items @+P02B

)e(on(ile G5; A((o'nts @+P/PB

Che( General ;e#ger Do('ments @+PG2B

)e(on(ile G5; Do('ments @+PGB

*issing /rans$er @+P/9B

Che( C-PA Do('ments @+PG7B

Closing Preparation

+oreign C'rren(% al'ation @+P"B

)everse +oreign C'rren(% al'ation @+P"2B

3temi:ation 3nterim A((o'nt @+P)KP;C;B

Do('ment =o'rnal @+PSK)+&E;=00B

pen 3tems at e% Date @Parallel Pro(essingB @+P0PB

Post )e(lassi$i(ations @+P)EC;B

Determine *issing +3-CA Do('ments @+PDCB

Austment postings

/rans$er Posting o$ De$erre# )even'es @+PD)B

 A#?'st )e(eivables A((or#ing to Age @+P)"B

/rans$er Posting o$ A#?'ste# )e(eivables @+P)B

Displa% A#?'ste# )e(eivables @+P)AB

!ata 1or ,overnment Ta+ Auit


Eport Do('ment Etra(ts @+PDEKEPB

Eport Do('ment Etra(ts $rom Ar(hive @+PDEKAEPB

3mport Do('ment Etra(ts @+PDEK3*PB

Eport Etra(te# Do('ments @+PDKE/)B

vervie o$ Do('ments Etra(ts @+PDEB

Delete Do('ment Etra(ts @+PDEKDE;B

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

*valuation o1 .pen Items

De$ine Presele(tion @+PSE;PB

De$ine ;a%o't @+PSE;PB

Create Presele(tions $or &'siness Partner @+PSPB

Create Presele(tions $or Contra(t A((o'nts @+PSABEval'ate @+P9B

Eval'ate @Parallel Pro(essingB @+P9PB

*+traction 1or 4usiness In1ormation 7arehouse

Etra(t 3s @+P&"B

Etra(t Cleare# 3tems @+PC3&"B

 A#ministration o$ Etra(tion @+P&"SB

Delete Etra(ts @+P&"DB

!ata 1or *+ternals

Payment Car .rganiBations

&ill @+PPCDSB

Displa% Data *e#i'm @+PPCS+B

;ist o$ Pa%ments @+PPCASB

;ist o$ Settlements @+PPC;PB

;ist o$ (ar# #ata @+PPC&PB

*+ternal collection agencies


Che( #eposit list @+P20B

Ta+ Authorities

Pro(ess +oreign /ra#e De(larations @+PA"*B

Create Co'ntr%-Spe(i$i( /a )et'rns @+P/B

Copy !ata


 A#opt @+P&B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&2B

Payment <ot

 A#opt @+P&8B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&9B

Returns <ot

 A#opt @+P&B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&6B

Manual .utgoing Chec5 <ot

 A#opt @+PB

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SAP Best Practices U60: )*-CA +inan(ial Pro(essing - &PP

Pro(ess Errors @+P2B

Chec5 *ncashment

 A#opt @+P&2B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&8B

From *lectronic Account tatement/rans$er @+P&7B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&B

From MultiCash File

Convert Co'ntr%-Spe(i$i( +ormats to *'ltiCash @+P&*CB

/rans$er Data $rom *'ltiCash +ile @+P&7B

Payment Avice otes

/rans$er @+P&20B

Pro(ess Errors @+P&2B

!ocuments 1rom *+ternal 4illing ystems

/rans$er Do('ments @+KE&SK/3KCPAB

E#it Do('ments ith Errors @+KE&SK/3KCPAKEB

/rans$er )eversals @+KE&SK*)DB

Pro(ess )eversals ith Errors @+KE&SK*)DKEB

;in Do('ments ith 3nvoi(es @+KE&SKA)CB

E#it ;ins ith Errors @+KE&SKA)C-EB


Current ettings

Enter e(hange rates @SK&CEK600079B

*aintain 4ser Gro'p $or )e(on(iliation e% De$a'lt @SK9K79002828B

*aintain Alternative Posting Date @+PG0B

 Assign 3nternal Che( N'mbers @+>P6AB


)eset Che( )eason in Do('ment @+PE2CB

)eset Che( )eason in )epa%ment )e'est @+P02)CB