Retinopathy and Homoeopathy

7/21/2019 Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 1/21 RETINOPATHY AND HOMOEOPATHY Miasmatic Aspects of Retinopathy © DR. RAJNEESH KMAR SHARMA MD !HOMOEOPATHY"


Article by-Dr. Rajneesh Kumar SharmaBSc, BHMS, MD (Homoeopathy), DI (Hom) London, hMD (UK) etc. Homoeo Cure & Research Institute ISO 9001:2008 CertifiedNH 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur (Uttaranchal)INDIA, Pin- 244713 Ph. 05947- 260327, [email protected], [email protected],

Transcript of Retinopathy and Homoeopathy

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HOMOEOPATHYMiasmatic Aspects of Retinopathy


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#Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Retinopathy and

Homoeopathy© D$. Ra%neesh K&ma$ Sha$ma M.D. !Homoeopathy"D$. S'ati (ishnoi ).H.M.S.Homoeo *&$e + Resea$ch Instit&teNH ,- Mo$a/a0a/ Roa/ Kaship&$ !tta$ancha1"INDIA Pin2 3--,#4 Ph. 567-,2 38543, 797,8#967-E. mai12 /$$





Defnition.................................................................................................................. 3Causes....................................................................................................................... 3

Types......................................................................................................................... 4

Symptoms................................................................................................................ 6

Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity.....................................................................................6

Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy........................................................................................6

Dia0etic $etinopathy................................................................................................6

*ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy......................................................................................8

Diagnosis.................................................................................................................. 8

Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity.....................................................................................8

Dia0etic $etinopathy................................................................................................8

Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy........................................................................................8*ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy......................................................................................8

Prevention................................................................................................................ ,

Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity.....................................................................................,

Dia0etic $etinopathy................................................................................................,

Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy........................................................................................,

*ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy......................................................................................,

Treatment................................................................................................................. ,

Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity.....................................................................................,

Dia0etic $etinopathy................................................................................................,

Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy........................................................................................9

*ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy......................................................................................9Prognosis..................................................................................................................9

Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity.....................................................................................9

Dia0etic $etinopathy................................................................................................9

Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy........................................................................................9

*ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy......................................................................................7

Homoeopathic Treatment......................................................................................7


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3Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Defnition=$. pathos /isease s&>e$in;?2 Any /iso$/e$ of the $etina.

It is an ac&te o$ pe$sistent /ama;e to the $etina of the eye !Syphi1is" ca&sin;

a0no$ma1ities in 01oo/ <esse1s 1ea/in; to pa$tia1 o$ comp1ete 1oss of <ision !Pso$a@

Syphi1is". Often $etinopathy is an oc&1a$ manifestation of systemic /isease 1ie

/ia0etes o$ hype$tension !Pso$a@ Sycosis@ Syphi1is".

Causes• Dia0etes !Pso$a@Syphi1is"

• Hype$tension !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• A$te$iosc1e$osis !Pso$a@ Sycosis@ Syphi1is"

• Hype$cho1est$inemia !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• P$emat&$ity !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• P$e;nancy !*a&sa occasiona1is"

• EBcessi<e a1coho1 2 a1coho1 if &se/ to eBt$eme $e/&ces (itamin )#3 an/

thiamine 1e<e1s !*a&sa occasiona1is"

• R&0e11a con;enita1 syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• A10inism !Syphi1is"

• Cami1ia1 a/enomato&s po1yposis !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• )est$ophinopathy at&osoma1 $ecessi<e 2 $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• (itamin E /eciency !Pso$a@ *a&sa occasiona1is"

• Incontinentia pi;menti !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• a1e$2a$0&$; syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• Retino01astoma !Pso$a@ Sycosis@ Syphi1is"

• MODY syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

He$e/ita$y <asc&1a$ $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Sycosis"• Rayna&/ phenomenon !Pso$a"

• Mi;$aine 2 $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• =estationa1 hype$tension !*a&sa occasiona1is"

• S%o;$en2Fa$sson syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

•  T&0e$o&s sc1e$osis !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• (on Hippe12Fin/a& syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• A1st$Gm syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

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4Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

• S&0ac&te sc1e$osin; panencepha1itis !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• *ho$oi/a1 $&pt&$e !*a&sa occasiona1is@ Pso$a@ Sycosis"

•  Je&nes tho$acic /yst$ophy syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• Fa&$ence2 Moon syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• A/$eno1e&o/yst$ophy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• A&tosoma1 neonata1 fo$m 2 $etinopathy !Syphi1is"• Aase Smith syn/$ome $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• *one2$o/ $etina1 /yst$ophy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• A1a;i11e syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• Cami1ia1 eB&/ati<e <it$eo$etinopathy !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• A1po$ts syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• Methy1ma1onic aci/emia 22 homocystin&$ia 2 $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@


• O$nithine etoaci/ t$ansaminase /eciency !Pso$a"

• C1ec $etina of Kan/o$i !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• I/&$onate s&1phatase /eciency !Pso$a"

• Pse&/oBanthoma e1astic&m /ominant type # Re<es !Pso$a@ Sycosis"• De0&se syn/$ome 2 $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis"

• HERNS syn/$ome $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis"

• Ca0$ys /isease !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• Pse&/oBanthoma e1astic&m /ominant type 3 !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• =o1/mann2Ca<$e syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis"

• )ietti c$ysta11ine $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis"

• *on;enita1 hype$p1asia of $etina1 pi;ment epithe1i&m Ne&$o0$omatosis type

# !Sycosis"

• Mi1ia$y ane&$ysms of $etina !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• Fattice /e;ene$ation of $etina !Syphi1is"

• *e$&1op1asmin /eciency Optic pit !Pso$a"

• M&co1ipi/osis I( !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• *h$omosome #4 t$isomy syn/$ome !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• MODY syn/$ome type III $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• Mitochon/$ia1 /iseases !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• *1inica11y in/enite $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• *ocaine fetopathy $etinopathy !Pso$a@ *a&sa occasiona1is"

• Me/ications o$ s&0stances 2 *h1o$o&ine Phosphate A$a1en Phosphate

*h1o$o&ine P$ima&in TamoBifen Thio$i/aine !*a&sa occasiona1is"

• Sic1e ce11 anemia !Pso$a"

P$e2ec1ampsia !Pso$a@ *a&sa occasiona1is"• Retina1 /etachment !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis@ *a&sa occasiona1is"

Types  The$e a$e se<e$a1 types of $etinopathy2

• Dia0etic $etinopathy !Pso$a@ Syphi1is" 2 ca&se/ 0y /ia0etes. Dia0etic$etinopathy /e<e1ops in peop1e 'ith type # o$ type 3 /ia0etes. It taes yea$s

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-Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

to /e<e1op. T'o in/s of /ia0etic $etinopathy ha<e the potentia1 to /iminish<ision2

o Non2p$o1ife$ati<e /ia0etic $etinopathy !NPDR" !Pso$a@ Syphi1is"2 In

nonp$o1ife$ati<e $etinopathy 01oo/ <esse1s in the $etina /ete$io$ate.Dete$io$atin; 01oo/ <esse1s can 0ecome 01oce/ o$ /efo$me/. C1&i/sfats an/ p$oteins 1ea o&t of the a0no$ma1 01oo/ <esse1s. C1&i/ canco11ect in the $etina. This s'e11in; impai$s sha$p <ision. It &s&a11y hasminima1 <is&a1 impai$ment &n1ess it 1ea/s to mac&1a$ e/ema o$p$o;$esses to p$o1ife$ati<e $etinopathy.

o P$o1ife$ati<e /ia0etic $etinopathy !PDR" !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@ Sycosis"2

P$o1ife$ati<e Dia0etic Retinopathy !PDR" is a1so ca11e/ %&stLp$o1ife$ati<e $etinopathyL an/ is the most se$io&s type that canse$io&s1y impai$ <ision. In this type ne' st$&ct&$a11y &nsta01e01oo/ <esse1s ;$o' on the s&$face of the $etina. These &nsta01e01oo/ <esse1s ca&se f$eK&ent mino$ 01ee/in;. The 01ee/in;

ca&ses 1oca1 i$$itation an/ sca$$in;. It can ca&se $etina1/etachment. This is a sepa$ation of the 1aye$s of the $etina. It isone of the most se$io&s conseK&ences of p$o1ife$ati<e$etinopathy.

• A$te$iosc1e$otic $etinopathy ca&se/ 0y a$te$iosc1e$osis !Pso$a@ Syphi1is@


• *ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathy2 It is i/iopathic. In this con/ition M&i/

acc&m&1ates in the mem0$ane 0ehin/ the $etina. The M&i/ s'eeps in0et'een 1aye$s of the $etina an/ ca&ses them to sepa$ate. This $es&1tsin 01&$$e/ <ision o$ poo$ ni;ht <ision. !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• Hype$tensi<e $etinopathy2 It is f$eK&ent1y associate/ 'ithhype$tension toBemia of p$e;nancy o$ ;1ome$&1oneph$itis. Hi;h 01oo/p$ess&$e ca&ses 01oo/ <esse1 a0no$ma1ities 1ie thicenin; of the sma11

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6Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

a$te$ies 01oca;es of $etina1 01oo/ <esse1s an/ 01ee/in; f$om them.S&//en se<e$e hi;h 01oo/ p$ess&$e may ca&se s'e11in; of the opticne$<e. !Pso$a@ Sycosis"

• Retinopathy of p$emat&$ity !SYN ROP $et$o1enta1 0$op1asia"2 A

0i1ate$a1 /isease of the $etina1 <esse1s in p$ete$m infants that is themost p$ominent ca&se of 01in/ness in this pop&1ation. Its ca&se$emains &nce$tain /espite m&ch $esea$ch 0&t oBy;en 1e<e1s an/ othe$en<i$onmenta1 facto$s may cont$i0&te. The /isease is ma$e/ 0y$etina1 neo<asc&1a$iJation in the $st 'ees of 1ife. Retina1 /etachmentmay occ&$. Once 01in/ness /e<e1ops the$e is no e>ecti<e t$eatment.!Pso$a@ Syphi1is"

• So1a$ Retinopathy2. Patho1o;ica1 chan;es in the $etina afte$ 1ooin;

/i$ect1y at the s&n f$eK&ent1y fo11o'in; an ec1ipse of the s&n. !*a&saoccasiona1is"

• Syphi1itic $etinopathy2 Syphi1itic $etinitis !Syphi1is"


Dia0etic $etinopathy an/ hype$tensi<e $etinopathy ;ene$a11y /e<e1op s1o'1y o<e$ ape$io/ of months. In ea$1y sta;es of $etinopathy the$e may 0e no noticea01esymptoms. Ho'e<e$ chan;es in the $etina an/ the 01oo/ <esse1s of the $etina may0e seen at this sta;e /&$in; an eye eBamination. )eca&se symptoms may not 0eappa$ent &nti1 1ate sta;es of $etinopathy $e;&1a$ eye eBaminations a$e essentia1 ton/ /ia0etic $etinopathy o$ hype$tensi<e $etinopathy at ea$1iest. Symptoms mayinc1&/e2

• No ea$1y symptoms

• (ision chan;es

• Re/&ce/ <ision o$ impai$e/ <ision 2 sometimes s&//en o$ often a ;$a/&a1/e;$a/ation

• C1ashes

• C1oate$s

• Da$ spots in f$ont of the eyes

• Photopsias

• Da$ a$eas in e1/ of <ision

• Retina1 01ee/in;

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8Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

• )1&$$e/ <ision

• Do&01e <isions

• Pe$iphe$a1 <ision 1oss 2 can 0e $etina1 p$o01ems ;1a&coma o$ a si/e2e>ectof p$e<io&s 1ase$ $etinopathy t$eatment.

• Ni;ht <ision 1oss o$ /e;$a/ation !nycta1opia"

Retinopathy of prematurity

 The$e a$e no physica1 si;ns. On1y a een ophtha1mo1o;ist can n/ si;ns of thisi11ness. D&e to incomp1ete /e<e1opment of eye st$&ct&$es $etinopathy of p$emat&$ity can $es&1t in the ;$o'th of a0no$ma1 01oo/ <esse1s in the eye.

Hypertensive retinopathy

Pe$sistent hi;h 01oo/ p$ess&$e can /ama;e the 01oo/ <esse1s of the $etina an/ 1ea/to 1eain; o$ 01ee/in; of the 01oo/ <esse1s o$ the ;$o'th of a0no$ma1 01oo/ <esse1s.

 These p$ocesses can p$e<ent 1i;ht f$om $eachin; the $etina. Symptoms of $etinopathy can a1so come an/ ;o. Symptoms inc1&/e2

• hea/aches

• <ision chan;es

• s&//en 1oss of <ision in one o$ 0oth eyes

• /o&01e <ision

Diabetic retinopathy

Symptoms may not 0e notice/ &nti1 the 1ate sta;es of the i11ness2

• )1&$$e/ <ision

• S&//en 1oss of <ision in one o$ 0oth eyes

)1ac spots

• C1ashin; 1i;hts

• Dic&1ty $ea/in; o$ seein; /etai1e/ 'o$

 The ea$1iest si;n of /ia0etic $etinopathy is the fo$mation of mic$oane&$ysms 'hich

sometimes 0$ea ca&sin; 01ee/in; in the $etina an/ c1o&/y <ision.

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,Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

P$o1ife$ati<e /ia0etic $etinopathy may 1ea/ to sca$s ca&sin; /ama;e to the <ision.

In this type ne' 01oo/ <esse1s ;$o' o<e$ the $etina an/ into the <it$eo&s h&mo$.

 These 01oo/ <esse1s may s'e11 an/ 0&$st ca&sin; 01ee/in; an/ /ama;e to the eye.

In some cases the 01oo/ can 0e $ea0so$0e/ 0&t in many cases the $etina can

0ecome /etache/ ca&sin; tota1 01in/ness.

Central serous retinopathy

Symptoms inc1&/e2

• )1&$$e/ o$ /im <ision sometimes comin; on s&//en1y

• )1in/ spots

• Disto$te/ shapes

• Re/&ce/ <is&a1 sha$pness


Retinopathy of prematurity

An ophtha1mo1o;ist can mae its /ia;nosis 0y simp1e eBamination of eyes of ane'0o$n.

Diabetic retinopathy

Ophtha1moscopy o$ an;io;$aphy of $etina.

Hypertensive retinopathy

Ophtha1moscopy may $e<ea1 fo$ pa1e o$ 'hite a$eas of the $etina. These a$eas a$epa1e 0eca&se they a$e not ;ettin; eno&;h 01oo/. The$e may a1so 0e 01ee/in; f$om$&pt&$e/ 01oo/ <esse1s o$ mic$oane&$ysms o$ s'e11in; of the $etina o$ optic ne$<e.

 Tiny cho1este$o12containin; p1a&es in the $etina1 01oo/ <esse1s as 'e11 as othe$01oo/ <esse1 chan;es s&ch as na$$o'in; an/ thicenin; may a1so 0e seen.

Central serous retinopathyOphtha1moscopy may /etect &i/ 0et'een 1aye$s of the $etina. This &i/ can$esem01e 0&001es.


Retinopathy of prematurity

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9Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

A $e;&1a$ p$enata1 ca$e may he1p to p$e<ent p$emat&$e 0i$th. ROP can 0e ca&se/ 0yo$ p$ecipitate/ f$om ina/e&ate o$ too m&ch oBy;en afte$ 0i$th. ROP is common ininfants2

• )o$n at 1ess than 48 'ees of ;estation

• ith 'ei;ht 1ess than - po&n/s 8 o&nces at 0i$th

Diabetic retinopathy

*ont$o11in; 01oo/ s&;a$ an/ 01oo/ p$ess&$e a$e essentia1 to p$e<ent /ia0etic$etinopathy.

Hypertensive retinopathy

A<oi/in; hi;h 01oo/ p$ess&$e is the on1y p$eca&tion.

Central serous retinopathy

Since its ca&ses a$e o0sc&$e its p$e<ention is /ic&1t. *ent$a1 se$o&s $etinopathyhas 0een associate/ 'ith p$esc$iption co$ticoste$oi/ t$eatment. If possi01e amo&ntof co$ticoste$oi/s m&st 0e 1imite/.


 The ey to t$eatin; $etinopathy is mana;in; the &n/e$1yin; ca&ses of this con/ition.

Many $etina1 p$o01ems a$e t$eate/ 'ith 1ase$s. If a 01oo/ <esse1 has 1eae/ into the<it$eo&s h&mo&$ an/ sca$$in; has occ&$$e/ a <it$ectomy may 0e the so1&tion. If $etina1 /etachment has occ&$$e/ s&$;e$y may 0e $e&i$e/ to $eattach the $etina.

Retinopathy of prematurity

No t$eatment is $ecommen/e/ /&$in; the ea$1y sta;es. Ho'e<e$ c1ose monito$in; isessentia1. *$yothe$apy may 0e &se/ /est$oy a0no$ma1 01oo/ <esse1s. Fase$t$eatments may a1so 0e &se/. A /etache/ $etina can 0e $eattache/.

Diabetic retinopathy

)1oo/ s&;a$ an/ 01oo/ p$ess&$e m&st 0e cont$o11e/ to eep /ia0etic $etinopathyf$om ;ettin; 'o$se. Specic t$eatment fo$ /ia0etic $etinopathy /epen/s on thenat&$e of the p$o01em2

• P$o1ife$ati<e /isease an/ s'e11in; o$ 1eain; of the $etina can 0e t$eate/ 'ith

1ase$ the$apy.

•  The fo$mation of ne' 01oo/ <esse1s is t$eate/ 'ith 1ase$ s&$;e$y. This c$eates

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7Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

sca$s that s1o' the ;$o'th of ne' 01oo/ <esse1s. Fase$ s&$;e$y a1so is &se/ tosec&$e the $etina to the 0ac of the eye.

• )1ee/in; that c1o&/s <ision can 0e t$eate/ 0y $emo<in; a11 o$ pa$t of the

<it$eo&s. Fase$ s&$;e$y may 0e &se/.

• Retina1 /etachment $e&i$es s&$;ica1 $eattachment of the $etina. A11 o$ pa$t of 

the <it$eo&s may 0e $emo<e/.

Hypertensive retinopathy

Maintainin; 01oo/ p$ess&$e can 1ea/ to imp$o<ements in the $etina.

Central serous retinopathy

 This con/ition &s&a11y ;oes a'ay on its o'n. If the con/ition /oes not imp$o<e 1ase$t$eatment may spee/ hea1in;.


 The p$o;nosis /epen/s on 'hats ca&sin; the $etinopathy an/ ho' fa$ it hasp$o;$esse/.

Retinopathy of prematurity

In most a>ecte/ 0a0ies this con/ition ;ets 0ette$ on its o'n. A0no$ma1 <esse1s/isappea$. Ho'e<e$ mo$e a/<ance/ cases can 1ea/ to a n&m0e$ of eye p$o01emsinc1&/in; 01in/ness. *hi1/$en 'ith $etinopathy of p$emat&$ity ha<e an inc$ease/ $isof

• Retina1 /etachment

• *ata$act

• =1a&coma

• *$osse/ eyes

• Fay eye

• Nea$si;hte/ness

Diabetic retinopathy

A/<ance/ sta;es of /ia0etic $etinopathy can 1ea/ to 01in/ness. The p$o;nosis/epen/s on2

• Ho' 'e11 01oo/ p$ess&$e an/ 01oo/ s&;a$ a$e cont$o11e/

• Ho' fa$ the /isease has p$o;$esse/

• Ho' c1ose1y it is monito$e/

Hypertensive retinopathy

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#5Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Most chan;es in the $etina ca&se/ 0y hype$tensi<e $etinopathy /isappea$ afte$01oo/ p$ess&$e has 0een 1o'e$e/. Some si;ns of /ama;e can pe$sist.

Central serous retinopathy

Most cases hea/ o> on thei$ o'n 'ithin th$ee to fo&$ months. C&11 <is&a1 ac&ity&s&a11y $et&$ns 'ithin siB months. Fastin; symptoms can inc1&/e2

• Disto$tion

• Dec$ease/ cont$ast sensiti<ity

• Dic&1ty 'ith ni;ht <ision.

Homoeopathic Treatment*HEST 2 HEART comp1aints of the 2 accompanie/ 0y 2 Retina con;estion of cact.

*onstit&tions 2 O**PATIONS ;ene$a1 2 fo&n/$y men /iseases of optic ne$<e an/

$etina Me$c.

EYE 2 ANAEMIA of $etina a;a$. chin. /i;. 1ith2c.EYE 2 ANEMIA of Retina A;a$. ca1c. chin. chinin2s. /i;. fe$$. 1ith2c. 1ith2m. phos. p&1s.

santin. sep. syph.

EYE 2 ANEMIA of $etina a;a$. chin. chinin2s. /i;. 1ith2c. syph.

EYE 2 ANESTHESIA of $etina f$om 1ooin; at ec1ipse Hep.

EYE 2 APOPFEQY 2 Retina 2 accompanie/ 0y 2 menses s&pp$esse/ 0e11.

EYE 2 APOPFEQY Retina acon. a$n. 0e11. 0oth. c$oc. c$ot2h. ;1on. Ham. 1ach. Fe/.

nat2sa1. phos. symph.

EYE 2 APOPFEQY of $etina acon. A$n. )e11. 0oth. *he1. c$oc. *$ot2h. ;1on. Ham. 1ach.

Fe/. Me$c2c. nat2sa1. Phos. symph.

EYE 2 ATROPHY 2 Retina 2 )1oo/ <esse1s acetan.

EYE 2 ATROPHY 2 Retina 2 1i&o$ f$om n&B2<.EYE 2 ATROPHY 2 Retina 2 to0acco f$om n&B2<.

EYE 2 ATROPHY 2 $etina of 01oo/<esse1s acetan.

EYE 2 ATROPHY 2 $etina of acetan. n&B2<.

EYE 2 )FEEDIN= f$om eyes 2 $etina1 haemo$$ha;e a$n. )e11. *$ot2h. ;1on. ham. FA*H.

Me$c2c. Phos. P$&n. S&1ph.

EYE 2 )FEEDIN= f$om eyes 2 Retina1 hemo$$ha;e a$n. )e11. 0oth. *$ot2h. ;1on. ham.

FA*H. 1e/. Me$c2c. Phos. P$&n. sa12ac. s&12ac. s&1fa. S&1ph.

EYE 2 *OMPFAINTS of eyes Retina coen2.

EYE 2 DE=ENERATION 2 Retina 2 o1/ peop1e in thiop.

EYE 2 DE=ENERATION Retina a;a$. a&$. /i;. ;e1s. ham. a1i2i. 1ith2c. me$c2c. me$c.

n&B2<. p20en. phos. p10. s&1ph. syph.EYE 2 DE=ENERATION of $etina ham. phos.

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT 2 $etina of 2 in%&$y f$om ;e1s.

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT 2 $etina of 2 myopia in =e1s.

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT 2 $etina of a0e1. apis a&$. /i;. =e1s. %a0. napht. naphtin. nat2sa1.

n&ph. phos. pi1o. $&ta

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT of $etina in%&$y ;e1s.

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT of $etina myopia ;e1s.

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##Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT of $etina a0e1. acon. apis ARN. a$s. A&$2m. a&$. 0en2/. 0$y. /i;.

=e1s. ;e$m2met. hep. a1i2i. me$c. naphtin. n&B2<. phos. pi1o. $h&s2t. $&ta

EYE 2 DETA*HMENT of $etina apis a&$. /i;. =e1s. phos.

EYE 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 ca$/iac /isease f$om cact.

EYE 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 1i;ht f$om a$ticia1 0$i11iant ;1on.

EYE 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ 0e11. p&1s.

EYE 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 o<e$&se of eyes f$om R&ta santin.

EYE 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness $etina acon. A&$. )e11. cact. ca$0n2s. /&0oin. fe$$2p.

;e1s. ;1on. nat2m. onos. Phos. P&1s. $&ta Santin. sep. S&1ph. ta0. Ta$ent.

EYE 2 EM)OFISM of a$te$ia cent$a1is $etinae c$oc. Op.

EYE 2 EM)OFISM of a$te$ia $etina am12ns. c$oc. op.

EYE 2 HEMORRHA=E 2 $etina 2 01in/ness 'ith 0oth. c$ot2h.

EYE 2 HEMORRHA=E 2 $etina 2 co&;h f$om a$n. ham. Fe/. N&B2<.

EYE 2 HEMORRHA=E $etina acon. a$n. )e11. 0oth. ca$0n2o. ca$0n2s. c$oc. *$ot2h. ;e$.

;1on. ham. FA*H. 1e/. Me$c2c. nat2sa1. n&B2<. Phos. P$&n. sa12ac. S&12ac. S&1ph.


EYE 2 HYPERAESTHESIA of the $etina *on. c$ot2h. I;n. 1ac2ac. NAT2M. N&B2<.

EYE 2 HYPEREMIA 2 Optic /iss 2 accompanie/ 0y 2 Retina en1a$;e/ 01oo/ <esse1s of 

0e11. onos.

EYE 2 HYPEREMIA 2 Retina of 2 eBe$tion of eyes f$om R&ta santin.

EYE 2 HYPEREMIA 2 Retina of 2 1i;ht f$om 0$i;ht ;1on.

EYE 2 HYPEREMIA 2 Retina of 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ 0e11. p&1s.

EYE 2 HYPEREMIA 2 Retina of acon. A&$. )e11. ca$0n2s. D&0. fe$$2p. ;e1s. phos. p&1s.


EYE 2 HYPERESTHESIA 2 Retina $i;ht ha1iae21c.

EYE 2 HYPERESTHESIA Retina acon. ant2t. a$s. )e11. chin. cimic. *on. c$ot2h. ;e1s.

ha1iae21c. hep. hyos. I=N. 1ac2ac. 1i12t. mac$o. Me$c. NAT2M. N&B2<. oB2ac. phos. p&1s.

$h&s2t. sep. st$y. s&1ph.

EYE 2 HYPERESTHESIA of $etina Ant2t. )e11. ch1o1. ch$ysa$. cimic. cina *on. c$ot2h. I;n.1ac2ac. 1i12t. mac$o. Me$c. NAT2M. N&B2<. OB2ac. phos. Spi;. st$y2By.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 *ho$oi/ 2 p&$&1ent 2 eBten/in; to Retina a&$. Ka1i2i. a1i2m.

me$c2c. Me$c2i2$.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 cho$oi/ 2 s&pp&$ati<e 2 $etina in<o1<e/ 'ith syphi1itic a&$.

Ka1i2i. a1i2m. me$c2c. Me$c2i2f.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 a10&min&$ia 2 p$e;nancy a;;. /&$in; a1m.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina a10&min&$ia apis a$s. c$ot2h. ;e1s. hep. a1i2i. KAFM.

MER*2*. nat2sa1. phos. p10. sa12ac.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith c$ot2t. ;e1s. a1m. Me$c2c. nat2sa1.

phos. P10. sa12ac.EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina apop1ectic ;1on. 1ach.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina apop1ectic ;1on. 1ach.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 )$i;hts /isease in *$ot2h. phos.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina ch$onic c$ot2h. ;e1s. a1m. Me$c2c. nat2sa1. phos. P10.


EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 commotio $etinae APIS ARN. ;e1s. HYPER.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina /ia0etic sec.

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EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina /ia0etic sec.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina hemo$$ha;ic a$n. )EFF. *ROT2H. D). FA*H. MER*2

*. PHOS.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina hemo$$ha;ic me$c2c.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 in&ena afte$ sa12ac.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 1e&emic nat2s. th&%.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 1e&emic nat2s. th&%.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ phos.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 ne&$o$etinitis 2 accompanie/ 0y 2 hype$emia of $etina

acon. a$s. a&$. )EFF. 0$y. cact. chinin2s. con. D). fe$$2p. =EFS. a1i2i. a1i2m. 1ach.

me$c. napht. n&B2<. PHOS. p&1s. sec. spi;. s&1ph. <e$at2<.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina ne&$o$etinitis a$s. c&p$. me$c2c. <ana/.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 o<e$eBe$tion of eyes afte$ s&1ph.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 o<e$&se of eyes f$om s&1ph.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 pi;menta$y $etinitis pi;mentosa n&B2<. phos.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina pi;mente/ 1yc. n&B2<. phos. s&1ph.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 p$e;nancy a;;. /&$in; ;e1s.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s. Ka1m.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina p$o1ife$atin; a1i2i. th&%.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina 2 p&nctata a10escens 0e11. a1i2i. me$c2c. me$c2i2$.

napht. naphtin. s&1ph.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 p&nctata a10escens 0e11. a1i2i. me$c2c. me$c2i2f. Me$c.

napht. naphtin. s&1ph.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina $api/ a1i2i. th&%.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina 2 simp1e an/ se$o&s A&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y. D&0oin. ;e1s.

Me$c. pic2ac. p&1s. santin. toBo2;.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 Retina syphi1itic Asaf. A&$. io/. Ka1i2i. MER*2*. me$c. nit2ac.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina syphi1itic io/. Ka1i2i.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION $etina acon. apis A$s. asaf. a&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y. *a1c. con.c$ot2h. c$ot2t. /&0oin. =e1s. ;1on. io/. a1i2i. a1i2p. Ka1m. Fach. Me$c2c. me$c2i2f. Me$c.

napht. naphtin. nat2s. nat2sa1. n&B2<. Phos. pic2ac. P10. P$&n. p&1s. $h&s2t. sa12ac.

santin. sec. si1. S&1ph. th&%. toBo2;.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION Retina A$s. asaf. a&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y. *a1c. cina c$ot2h. D&0.

=e1s. ;e$m2met. a1i2p. Ka1m. Fach. Me$c2c. Me$c. Phos. pic2ac. p10. P$&n. p&1s.

santin. sec. S&1ph. toBo2;.

EYE 2 INCFAMMATION $etina A$s. asaf. a&$. *a1c. c$ot2h. =e1s. Ka1m. Fach. Me$c2c.

Me$c. Phos. P$&n. p&1s. sec. S&1ph.

EYE 2 INJRIES f$om 2 $etina of acon. A$n. 0e11. Ham. 1ach. 1e/. phos.

EYE 2 INJRIES afte$ Retina acon. A$n. 0e11. Ham. 1ach. 1e/. phos.

EYE 2 NM)NESS Retina cinaEYE 2 PARAFYSIS 2 Optic ne$<e 2 accompanie/ 0y 2 Retina1 hemo$$ha;e 0oth.

EYE 2 PARAFYSIS Retina hyos.

EYE 2 SPASMS 2 Retina A$te$ies n&B2<.

EYE 2 SPASMS 2 $etina1 a$te$y n&B2<.

EYE 2 SEFFIN= 2 e/emato&s Retina apis a1i2i.

EYE 2 SEFFIN= 2 $etina e/emato&s Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

EYE 2 SEFFIN= Retina Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

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#4Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

EYE 2 SEFFIN= $etina Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

EYE 2 THROM)OSIS 2 $etina1 01oo/<esse1s 2 cent$a1 <ein 0ac. 0ac1s2,. op.

EYE 2 THROM)OSIS 2 $etina1 01oo/<esse1s Apis 0ac. 0ac1s2,. ham. op. phos.

EYE 2 THROM)OSIS 2 Retina1 <ein cent$a1 0ac1s2,. ham. phos.

EYES 2 ANEMIA $etina a;a$. chin. *HININ2S. /i;. 1ith2c. syph.

Eyes 2 ANEMIA con%&ncti<a $etina a;a$. chin. chinin2s. /i;. 1ith2c. syph.

EYES 2 ANESTHESIA 2 $etina f$om 1ooin; at ec1ipse HEP.

Eyes 2 ANESTHESIA of $etina f$om 1ooin; at ec1ipse Hep. so1

EYES 2 APOPFEQY $etina acon. ARN. )EFF. 0oth. *HEF. c$oc. *ROT2H. ;1on. HAM.

1ach. FED. MER*2*. nat2sa1. PHOS. symph.

Eyes 2 APOPFEQY $etina acon. A$n. )e11. 0oth. *he1. c$oc. *$ot2h. ;1on. Ham. 1ach.

Fe/. Me$c2c. nat2sa1. Phos. symph.

EYES 2 ATHEROMA $etina me$c.

EYES 2 ATROPHY 2 $etina 2 /isc optic pa$tia1 io/of.

EYES 2 ATROPHY $etina acetan. io/of. n&B2<.

Eyes 2 ATROPHY con%&ncti<a 2 $etina of 01oo/<esse1s acetan.

Eyes 2 ATROPHY con%&ncti<a 2 $etina of acetan. n&B2<.

Eyes 2 )FEEDIN= f$om eyes 2 $etina 2 01in/ness 'ith 0oth. c$ot2h.

Eyes 2 )FEEDIN= f$om eyes 2 $etina 2 co&;h f$om a$n. ham. Fe/. N&B2<.

Eyes 2 )FEEDIN= f$om eyes $etinaacon. a$n. )e11. 0oth. ca$0n2o. ca$0n2s. c$oc.

*$ot2h. ;e$. ;1on. ham. FA*H. 1e/. Me$c2c. nat2sa1. n&B2<. PHOS. P$&n. sa12ac. S&12ac.

S&1ph. symph.

EYES 2 *ho$oi/ 2 Inammation 2 s&pp&$ati<e 2 'ith $etina1 in<o1<ement syphi1itic a&$.

Ka1i2i. a1i2m. me$c2c. Me$c2i2$.

EYES 2 *ONTRA*TION 2 $etina <eins ta0.

EYES 2 *ON(FSIONS spasms 2 $etina a$te$ies n&B2<.

EYES 2 DE=ENERATION $etina ham. phos.

Eyes 2 DE=ENERATION eyes $etina ham. phos.

EYES 2 DETA*HMENT 2 $etina 2 in%&$y f$om ;e1s.EYES 2 DETA*HMENT 2 $etina 2 myopia in =EFS.

EYES 2 DETA*HMENT $etina a0e1. apis a&$. /i;. =EFS. %a0. napht. naphtin. nat2sa1.

n&ph. phos. pi1o. $&ta

Eyes 2 DETA*HMENT eyes 2 $etina of 2 in%&$y f$om ;e1s.

Eyes 2 DETA*HMENT eyes 2 $etina of 2 myopia in =e1s.

Eyes 2 DETA*HMENT eyes 2 $etina of a0e1. Apis A&$2m. a&$. c$ot2h. /i;. =e1s. %a0.

Fach. napht. naphtin. nat2sa1. n&ph. Phos. pi1o2m. $&ta

EYES 2 DIFATATION 2 $etina <eins $i;ht ca$0n2s.

EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 eBe$tion of eyes f$om RTA santin.

EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 hea$t /isease f$om cact.

EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 1i;ht f$om a$ticia1 0$i11iant ;1on.EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ 0e11. p&1s.

EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness 2 $etina $i;ht c&n/.

EYES 2 DIS*OFORATION 2 $e/ness $etina acon. AR. 0e11. cact. ca$0n2s. ch1o1. c&n/.

/&0oin. fe$$2p. ;e1s. ;1on. a1i20i. nat2m. onos. PHOS. PFS. $&ta SANTIN. sep. SFPH.

ta0. TARENT.

EYES 2 EM)OFISM of a$te$ia cent$a1is $etinae c$oc. OP.

Eyes 2 EM)OFISM of a$te$ia cent$a1is $etinae c$oc. Op.

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#-Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Eyes 2 EQDATION of $etina a1i2m.

Eyes 2 =FIOMA $etina cean.

Eyes 2 HARDNESS eyes 2 papi11o2$etina1 naphtin.

EYES 2 HEMORRHA=E 2 $etina 2 01in/ness 'ith 0oth. c$ot2h.

EYES 2 HEMORRHA=E 2 $etina 2 co&;h f$om a$n. ham. FED. NQ2(.

EYES 2 HEMORRHA=E $etina acon. a1&min2si1. ARN. )EFF. 0oth. ca$0n2o. ca$0n2s.

c$oc. *ROT2H. ;e$. ;1on. ham. FA*H. 1e/. MER*2*. nat2sa1. n&B2<. PHOS. PRN. sa12ac.

SF2A*. SFPH. symph.

EYES 2 HYPERESTHESIA $etina ANT2T. )EFF. ch1o1. ch$ysa$. cimic. cina *ON. c$ot2h.

I=N. 1ac2ac. 1i12t. mac$o. MER*. NAT2M. NQ2(. OQ2A*. phos. SPI=. st$y2By.

Eyes 2 HYPERSENSITI(E $etina Ant2t. )e11. ch1o1. ch$ysa$. cimic. cina *on. c$ot2h. I;n.

1ac2ac. 1i12t. mac$o. Me$c. NAT2M. N&B2<. OB2ac. phos. Spi;. st$y.

Eyes 2 HYPERTENSI(E $etinopathy cic.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 a$th$itic ;o&ty $he&matic $etina 0e$0.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 hemo$$ha;ic $etina me$c2c.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 1e&emic $etina nat2s. th&%.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 pi;menta$y $etinitis pi;mentosa n&B2<. phos.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 p$o1ife$atin; $etina a1i2i. th&%.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith c$ot2t. ;e1s. a1m. MER*2

*. nat2sa1. phos. PF). sa12ac.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 apop1eBy f$om ;1on. 1ach.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 0$i;hts /isease in *ROT2H. phos.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 /ia0etes in sec.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 in&ena afte$ sa12ac.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ phos.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 o<e$&se of eyes f$om s&1ph.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s. KAFM.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis syphi1itic io/. KAFI2I.EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 $etina $etinitis acon. apis ARS. asaf. a&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y.

*AF*. co02n. con. c$ot2h. c$ot2t. /&0oin. =EFS. ;1on. io/. a1i2i. a1i2p. KAFM. FA*H.

MER*2*. me$c2i2f. MER*. napht. naphtin. nat2s. nat2sa1. n&B2<. PHOS. pic2ac. PF).

PRN. p&1s. $h&s2t. sa12ac. santin. sec. si1. SFPH. th&%. toBo2;.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 simp1e an/ se$o&s $etina AR. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y. D)OIN.

;e1s. MER*. pic2ac. p&1s. santin. toBo2;.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 s&pp&$ati<e 2 cho$oi/ 2 $etina in<o1<e/ 'ith syphi1itic a&$.

KAFI2I. a1i2m. me$c2c. MER*2I2C.

EYES 2 INCFAMMATION 2 'hite p&nct&$e/ $etina 0e11. a1i2i. me$c2c. me$c2i2f. MER*.

napht. naphtin. s&1ph.

Eyes 2 INCFAMMATION eyes 2 cho$oi/ 2 s&pp&$ati<e 2 $etina in<o1<e/ 'ith syphi1itica&$. Ka1i2i. a1i2m. me$c2c. Me$c2i2$.

Eyes 2 INJRIES eyes 2 $etina of acon. A$n. 0e11. ca1en. Ham. 1ach. 1e/. phos.

EYES 2 OPA*ITY 2 hainess $etina 2 /isc optic ca$0n2s. ta0.

EYES 2 OPA*ITY 2 hainess $etina ca$0n2s. /i$c. ta0.

EYES 2 Optic /iss 2 Hype$emic $etina1 <esse1s en1a$;e/ 0e11. onos.

EYES 2 Optic /iss 2 Pa11o$ <is&a1 e1/ cont$acte/ $etina1 <esse1s sh$&nen acetan.

Eyes 2 RED /isco1o$ation 2 $etina 2 ca$/iac /isease f$om cact.

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Eyes 2 RED /isco1o$ation 2 $etina 2 1i;ht f$om a$ticia1 0$i11iant ;1on.

Eyes 2 RED /isco1o$ation 2 $etina 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ 0e11. p&1s.

Eyes 2 RED /isco1o$ation 2 $etina 2 o<e$&se of eyes f$om R&ta santin.

Eyes 2 RED /isco1o$ation $etina acon. A&$. )e11. cact. ca$0n2s. /&0oin. fe$$2p. ;e1s.

;1on. nat2m. onos. Phos. P&1s. $&ta Santin. sep. S&1ph. ta0. Ta$ent.

EYES 2 Retina Anaemia 1ith2c.

EYES 2 Retina Apop1eBy acon. A$n. 0e11. 0oth. c$oc. c$ot2h. Ham. 1ach. Fe/. nat2sa1.

phos. symph.

EYES 2 Retina 2 A$te$y spasm n&B2<.

EYES 2 Retina 2 *on;estion 2 f$om 2 ca$/iac /isease cact.

EYES 2 Retina 2 *on;estion 2 f$om 2 1i;ht a$ticia1 0$i11iant ;1on.

EYES 2 Retina 2 *on;estion 2 f$om 2 menst$&a1 s&pp$ession 0e11. p&1s.

EYES 2 Retina 2 *on;estion 2 f$om 2 o<e$&se of eyes R&ta santin.

EYES 2 Retina *on;estion acon. A&$. )e11. ca$0n2s. D&0. fe$$2p. ;e1s. phos. p&1s.


EYES 2 Retina Detachment A&$2m. /i;. =e1s. naphtin. pi1o.

EYES 2 Retina E/ema Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Hype$aesthesia optica1 )e11. cimic. con. 1i12t. mac$o. N&B2<. OB2ac.

phos. st$y.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation 2 a10&min&$ic an/ ch$onic c$ot2h. ;e1s. a1m. Me$c2c.

nat2sa1. phos. P10. sa12ac.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation apop1ectic ;1on. 1ach.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation 1e&emic nat2s. th&%.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation pi;menta$y n&B2<. phos.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation p$o1ife$atin; a1i2i. th&%.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation 2 p&nctata a10escens 0e11. a1i2i. me$c2c. me$c2i2$.

naphtin. s&1ph.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation 2 simp1e an/ se$o&s A&$. 0e11. )en2/. 0$y. D&0. ;e1s.

Me$c. pic2ac. p&1s. santin.EYES 2 Retina 2 Inammation syphi1itic io/. Ka1i2i.

EYES 2 Retina In%&$ies acon. A$n. 0e11. Ham. 1ach. 1e/. phos.

EYES 2 Retina 2 Th$om0osis an/ /e;ene$ation ham. phos.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 a10&min&$ia 'ith c$ot2t. ;e1s. a1m. Me$c2c.

nat2sa1. phos. P10. sa12ac.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina apop1ectic ;1on. 1ach.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 0$i;hts /isease in *$ot2h. phos.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina /ia0etic c$ot2h. phos. sec.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina hemo$$ha;ic c$ot2h. me$c2c.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 in&ena afte$ sa12ac.Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 1e&emic nat2s. th&%.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 menses f$om s&pp$esse/ phos.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 o<e$&se of eyes f$om $&ta s&1ph.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 pi;menta$y $etinitis pi;mentosa n&B2<.


Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; ;e1s. Ka1m.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina p$o1ife$atin; a1i2i. th&%.

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#8Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 p&nctata a10escens 0e11. a1i2i. me$c2c.

me$c2i2$. Me$c. napht. naphtin. s&1ph.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 $etina syphi1itic io/. Ka1i2i.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina 2 simp1e an/ se$o&s A&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y.

D&0oin. ;e1s. Me$c. pic2ac. p&1s. santin. toBo2;.

Eyes 2 RETINITIS inammation $etina acon. apis A$s. asaf. a&$. 0e11. 0en2/. 0$y. *a1c.

con. c$ot2h. c$ot2t. /&0oin. =e1s. ;1on. io/. a1i2i. a1i2p. Ka1m. Fach. Me$c2c. me$c2i2$.

Me$c. napht. naphtin. nat2s. nat2sa1. n&B2<. Phos. pic2ac. P10. P$&n. p&1s. $h&s2t. sa12

ac. santin. sec. si1. S&1ph. th&%. toBo2;.

EYES 2 SENSI)IFITY /iminishe/ $etina io/. %a0.

Eyes 2 SPASMS ci1ia$y m&sc1e 2 $etina1 a$te$y n&B2<.

EYES 2 SEFFIN= 2 ;ene$a1 2 e/emato&s $etina APIS 0e11. canth. KAFI2I. phos.

EYES 2 SEFFIN= 2 ;ene$a1 $etina APIS 0e11. canth. KAFI2I. phos. ta0.

Eyes 2 SEFFIN= eyes 2 $etina e/emato&s Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

Eyes 2 SEFFIN= eyes $etina Apis 0e11. canth. Ka1i2i. phos.

EYES 2 THROM)OSIS 2 01oo/<esse1s of $etina 2 a$te$y cent$a1 0ac. 0ac1s2,. op.

EYES 2 THROM)OSIS 2 01oo/<esse1s of $etina APIS 0ac. 0ac1s2,. ham. op. phos.

Eyes 2 THROM)OSIS $etina1 01oo/<esse1s 2 cent$a1 <ein 0ac. 0ac1s2,. op.

Eyes 2 THROM)OSIS $etina1 01oo/<esse1s Apis 0ac. 0ac1s2,. ham. op. phos.

EYES 2 (ision 2 Am01yopia 2 Retina1 ima;es pe$sist %a0.

EYES 2 (ision 2 imp$essions a$e $etaine/ on $etina too 1on; 1ac2c. ta0.

CEMAFE SEQAF SYSTEM 2 *omp1aints /&$in; p$e;nancy Retinitis ;e1s.

Ki/neys 2 )RI=HTS /isease $etinitis *$ot2h.

MIND 2 N*ONS*IOSNESS coma 2 am01yopia 'ith in $etinitis apop1ectica *he1.

MIND 2 N*ONS*IOSNESS coma 2 ;ene$a1 2 am01yopia 'ith in $etinitis

apop1ectica *HEF.

P$e;nancy 2 AF)MINRIA 2 $etinitis 'ith Apis A$s. co1ch. ;e1s. a1m. Me$c2c. phos.


P$e;nancy 2 EYES /&$in; p$e;nancy 2 neph$itic $etinitis Me$c2c.P$e;nancy 2 EYES /&$in; p$e;nancy 2 $etinitis a10&min&$ica Ka1m.

P&1se 2 IRRE=FAR p&1se 2 $etinitis a10&min&$ica in A$s.

Retina 2 anaesthesia 1ooin; at ec1ipse f$om hep.

Retina anemia 1ith2c.

Retina 2 /etachment of A&$. /i;. =e1s. naphtin. phos.

Retina 2 em0o1ism cent$a1 a$te$y of op.

Retina eB&/ation a1i2m.

Retina haemo$$ha;e a$n. 0oth. c$ot2h. ham. Fach. 1e/. phos.

Retina hype$aesthesia oB2ac.

Retina 2 ima;es $etaine/ too 1on; ;e1s. Ja0. Fac2c. nat2m. TA). t&0.

Retina 2 inammation 2 a10&min&$ic 2 p$e;nancy /&$in; a1m.Retina 2 inammation a10&min&$ic ;e1s. me$c2c. phos.

Retina 2 inammation /ia0etic sec.

Retina 2 inammation 2 eyes o<e$&se f$om s&1ph.

Retina 2 inammation haemo$$ha;ic me$c2c.

Retina 2 inammation pi;menta$y n&B2<. phos.

Retina inammation a&$. me$c2c. me$c. p10. s&1ph.

Retina oe/ema apis a1i2i.

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Retina 2 th$om0osis /e;ene$ation ham. phos.

$ine 2 AF)MINRIA a10&mino&s &$ine 2 $etinitis 'ith Apis A$s. co1ch. ;e1s. a1m.

Me$c2c. phos. inc.

(ISION 2 A**OMMODATION 2 /efecti<e 2 1on; stan/in; pict&$es on $etina anh.

(ISION 2 A**OMMODATION 2 /efecti<e 2 1on; stan/in; pict&$es on $etina anh.

(ision 2 A**OMMODATION /efecti<e 2 1on; stan/in; ima;es on $etina anh.

(ision 2 AM)FYOPIA 2 $etinitis apop1ectica in che1.

(ision 2 ASTHENOPIA 2 accommo/ati<e 2 anemia of optic ne$<e f$om eBcessi<e tea

/$inin; 'ith ne&$a1;ia o$ s1i;ht $etinitis Spi;.

(ision 2 )FINDNESS 1oss of <ision 2 at$ophy of optic ne$<e f$om 2 $etina f$om phos.


(ision 2 )FINDNESS 1oss of <ision 2 01ee/in; $etina1 f$om 0oth. chin. *$ot2h. Phos.

(ision 2 01in/ness 1oss of <ision a>ections of 2 $etina1 haemo$$ha;e f$om 0oth. c$ot2


(ision 2 *FODY <ision 2 o<e$ o&te$ ha1f of e1/ of <ision of 1eft eye /&e to s&0

$etina1 e>&sion =e1s.

(ision 2 DIM <ision 2 cho$io2$etinitis in of $i;ht eye Ka1i2m.

(ision 2 DIM <ision 2 o&t1ines can on1y /istin;&ish /istant o0%ects 2 i11 /ene/ in

$etinitis S&1ph.

(ISION 2 DIPFOPIA 2 hemo$$ha;e of $etina f$om a$n.

(ision 2 DO)FE <ision /ip1opia 2 $etina in hype$aemia of p&1s.

(ision 2 HAY <ision 2 01&ish in hype$aemia of optic ne$<e an/ $etina )$y.

(ISION 2 FOSS OC (ISION 2 $etina1 hemo$$ha;e f$om 0oth. c$ot2h.

(ISION 2 FOSS of <ision 01in/ness 2 at$ophy of 2 $etina f$om phos. ta0.

(ISION 2 FOSS of <ision 01in/ness 2 at$ophy of 2 $etina f$om phos. ta0.

(ISION 2 FOSS of <ision 01in/ness 2 hemo$$ha;e f$om $etina1 0oth. c$ot2h.

(ISION 2 FOSS of <ision 01in/ness 2 hemo$$ha;e f$om $etina1 0oth. c$ot2h.

(ISION 2 O)JE*TS 2 i11 /ene/ in $etinitis SFPH.

(ISION 2 O)JE*TS 2 i11 /ene/ in $etinitis SFPH.(ision 2 O)JE*TS 0efo$e <ision 2 i11 /ene/ in $etinitis SFPH.


 Dia0etes #. Retinopathy Symptom to Dia;nosis An E<i/ence2)ase/ =&i/e4e

 Dia0etes Me11it&s + Hypo;1ycemia 3. Dia0etic $etinopathy *&$$ent Me/ica1Dia;nosis + T$eatment 35#6 ... e Ci;&$e 3,-. The eye in h&man /ia0etes /ia0etic$etinopathy Lsimp1eL !0ac;$o&n/...

Dia0etes Me11it&s 6. Retinopathy *RRENT Dia;nosis + T$eatment

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#9Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

Pe/iat$ics 33e ... $etinopathy /oes occ&$ in a/o1escents 'ith 1on; /&$ation an/ poo$cont$o1 of /ia0etes. Fase$ t$eatment...

Dia0etes Me11it&s 3. Retinopathy *RRENT Dia;nosis + T$eatment Cami1y

Me/icine -e ... App$oBimate1y 35U of patients 'ith type 3 /ia0etes sho' si;ns of $etinopathy at the time...

*hapte$ 363. Hype$tensi<e $;encies Retinopathy P$incip1es an/ P$actice of Hospita1 Me/icine ... an/ the $e<e$si01e poste$io$ encepha1opathy syn/$ome 0&tthey may a1so 0e /&e to ma1i;nant hype$tensi<e $etinopathy...

*hapte$ 4#. Int$ac$ania1 Neop1asms an/ Pa$aneop1astic Diso$/e$s Pa$aneop1astic Retinopathy A/ams + (icto$s P$incip1es of Ne&$o1o;y #5e ... In$ecent yea$s the$e ha<e 0een $epo$ts of $etinopathy as a pa$aneop1asticsyn/$ome...

Dia0etes Mic$o<asc&1a$ comp1ications $etinopathyV *&$$ent Dia;nosis + T$eatment =e$iat$ics ... of p$o1ife$ati<e $etinopathy 'ith 1ase$ photocoa;&1ation has0een sho'n to /ec$ease the $is of <is&a1 1oss 0y mo$e...

Hi;h2A1tit&/e Diso$/e$s HI=H2AFTITDE RETINOPATHY Tintina11is Eme$;encyMe/icine A *omp$ehensi<e St&/y =&i/e 9e

 A. EBte$na1 Manifestations #58. Retinopathy of Ac&te Fe&emia FichtmansAt1as of Hemato1o;y ... QI.A.#58 Retinopathy of ac&te 1e&emia. Cifteen2yea$2o1/ ;i$1'ith $st $e1apse of poo$...

A. EBte$na1 Manifestations #5,. Retinopathy of Ac&te Fe&emia

Fichtmans At1as of Hemato1o;y

... QI.A.#5, Retinopathy of ac&te 1e&emia. T'enty2t'o2yea$2o1/ 'oman 'ith ac&te1ymphocytic...

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#7Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

 A. EBte$na1 Manifestations #59. Retinopathy of Ac&te Fe&emia FichtmansAt1as of Hemato1o;y ... QI.A.#59 Retinopathy of ac&te 1e&emia. T'enty2t'o2yea$2o1/'oman 'ith ac&te 1ymphocytic...

Systemic Hype$tension 3. Retinas *&$$ent Me/ica1 Dia;nosis + T$eatment35#6 ... eB&/ates hemo$$ha;es o$ hype$tensi<e $etinopathy ! e Ci;&$e ##3 " a$eassociate/ 'ith a 'o$se p$o;nosis...

Systemic Hype$tension 3. Retinas *&$$ent Me/ica1 Dia;nosis + T$eatment35#8 ... eCi;&$e ##3. Keith2a;ene$ $etinopathy sta;e I(. This may inc1&/e thesame $etina1...

*hapte$ #43. The Antiphospho1ipi/ Syn/$ome Retina1 A0no$ma1ities i11iamsHemato1o;y 9e ... The /ia;nosis of aPF anti0o/y $etinopathy sho&1/ 0e s&specte/ inpatients 'ith /i>&se $etina1...

)1oo/ Diso$/e$s A. Symptoms an/ Si;ns *&$$ent Me/ica1 Dia;nosis + T$eatment 35#6 ... &1ce$s of the 1o'e$ 1e; an/ $etinopathy may 0e p$esent. Sic1ece11 anemia 0ecomes a ch$onic...

Eye *1inica1 Cin/in;s *RRENT Dia;nosis + T$eatment Pe/iat$ics 33e peppe$L $etinopathy is cha$acte$istic of con;enita1 $&0e11a. In infants the

 TOR*H comp1eB !toBop1asmosis...

*hapte$ #4. Dist&$0ances of (ision Othe$ Diseases of the Retina A/ams +(icto$s P$incip1es of Ne&$o1o;y #5e ...2Ko$n'ei; /isease )atten2Mayo& /iseasean/ othe$s !see *hap. 4, ". Se$o&s $etinopathy a ca&se...

Diso$/e$s of the En/oc$ine Panc$eas *h$onic *omp1ications Pathophysio1o;yof Disease An Int$o/&ction to *1inica1 Me/icine ,e ... of the se&e1ae of this/isease. )oth mic$o<asc&1a$ /isease !$etinopathy neph$opathy ne&$opathy...

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35Retinopathy and Homoeopathy 

 *hapte$ -9. Diso$/e$s of Hemo;1o0in St$&ct&$e Sic1e *e11 Anemia an/ Re1ate/A0no$ma1ities Eye i11iams Hemato1o;y 9e ... $etinopathy encompassesnonp$o1ife$ati<e an/ p$o1ife$ati<e chan;es. It has 0een post&1ate/...

Encyc1ope/ia Homoeopathica

Ra/a$ #5