Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)

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  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)




    This article calls into question two core suppositions of “The Body in

    Pain”: that pain is sheerly aversive; and, that those who inict pain do

    so unawares. I arue that these pieties avoid distur!in questions

    reardin the pain"#lled !ody. The controlled e$perience of pain is

    central to any nu%!er of practices; %any of the% place the !ody in

    e$tre%is. &onversely, there are practices of pain"iniction underta'en

    with the e$pectation of rati#cation or social validation. Pain, in short,

    is allurin as well as aversive. That allure found not to !e dis%issi!le

    as patholoical, !ut one response to a world that is always already


    Keywords: (carry, Bataille, pain, torture, sado%asochis%, B)(*

    +laine (carrys The Body in Pain -/012 has !een a stunnin acade%ic

    success story. &ontinuously in print for nearly thirty years, it still

    ran's a%on 3%a4ons -5612 top ten sellers in literary theory and

    counts over si$ thousand acade%ic citations -7oole (cholar, 5612.

    8eviewed upon its release !y pro%inent pu!lic intellectuals in New

     Republic -Inatie9, /012, Commonweal -yschorod, /02, TLS 

    -Byatt, /02, New York Times Book Review -(ulei%an, /02, New

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    York Review of Books -(iner, /02, and London Review of Books 

    -(h'lar, /02, it has nonetheless not !een the su!P?ain

    co%es unshara!ly into our %idst as at once that which cannot !e


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    denied and that which cannot !e con#r%ed” -(carry /01, p.@2. Pain

    is therefore %ultiply isolatin. Aur linuistic resources for its

    e$pression are scant. Pain reduces lanuae to a cry. nli'e other

    states, pain has no e$ternal o!

  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


    on inictin it” -p.52. But torture, in an institutional conte$t, is not an

    isolated encounter !etween a victi% and a sadist. Institutionali4ed

    torture, widespread !oth eoraphically and te%porally, has an

    identi#a!le structure. In that structure, the iniction of pain is

    invaria!ly paired with i%prison%ent and interroation.

    Pain and interroation inevita!ly occur toether in part

    !ecause the torturer and the prisoner each e$perience

    the% as opposites. The very question that, within the

    political pretense, %atters so %uch to the torturer that it

    occasions his rotesque !rutality will %atter so little to

    the prisoner e$periencin the !rutality that he will ive

    the answer. -p.5/2

    In a !i4arre inversion, the prisoners answer is coded as

    “!etrayal”, a codin %ade possi!le !y pains i%percepti!ility. By

    intensifyin the prisoners e$perience of pain, the torturer severs her

    connection to everythin outside her !ody, reducin her to nothin

    %ore than a !ody with nothin left to !etray.

     Eust as the interroation, li'e the pain, is a way of

    woundin, so the pain, li'e the interroation, is a vehicle

    of self"!etrayal. Torture syste%atically prevents the


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    prisoner fro% !ein the aent of anythin and

    si%ultaneously pretends that he is the aent of so%e

    thins. )espite the fact that in reality he has !een

    deprived of all control over, and therefore all

    responsi!ility for, his world, his words, and his !ody, he is

    to understand his confession as it will !e understood !y

    others, as an act of self"!etrayal. -pp.@"F2

    The lanuae"a%e in which the word “!etrayal” is ordinarily

    and unpro!le%atically used has here !een replaced !y one in which

    the word no loner has a leiti%ate use -at least insofar as it refers to

    the aency of the prisoner2. By elidin the two lanuae"a%es,

    thouh, the rei%e is a!le to shift the %oral oppro!riu% of torture, at

    least partially, onto the prisoner who “!etrays” rather than the

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    the wounded prisoner or, %ore often, the instru%ents of torture

    -p.2. This lanuae of aency, however, is chronically unsta!le, for

    instru%ents of torture, weapons, can also !e deployed as insinia of


     3s an actual physical fact, a weapon is an o!

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    The result is a self"enclosed #ction of power in which the

    incontesta!le reality of the prisoners pain is lifted out of the

    prisoners !ody and conferred onto the rei%e. It is not enouh to

    %a'e torture visi!le. It %ust !e %ade visi!le in a way that !rins to

    attention the rei%es un!eara!ility rather than its power. Ane can

    see the di9iculties entailed in a sinularly well"'nown counter"theater,

    the wee'ly viils on !ehalf of the disappeared held !y the *adres de

    la Pla4a del *ayo in Buenos 3ires. This theater was carefully staed

    for %a$i%u% visi!ility, in the citys !usiest square durin its !usiest

    ti%e. The i%%ediate result of this stain was an evacuation of the

    stae as pore!os ed or avoided this square at the appointed hour.

    The #rst act of this dra%a !rouht the collective consciousness of

    torture and disappearance under 3rentinas %ilitary rei%e fro% a

    passive state of not carin to 'now to an active state of ta'in care

    not to 'now, !ecause !ein seen to 'now !rouht one far too close to

    the rei%es power to inict pain. In retrospect, we 'now that this

    state of active not"'nowin was not the last act in the play, !ut the

    course of the dra%a shows us that visi!ility is not a simple counter to


    Pain reconsidered


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    In (carrys lenthily"developed and in %any ways perceptive

    pheno%enoloy of pain, the essential error is to !e found in the #rst

    step, and the one that see%s least su!

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    en poine are told to “e%!race the pain”. on"distance runners wear

    t"shirts readin “%y sport is your sports punish%ent.” 8u!y players

    sport !u%per stic'ers readin, “7ive !lood, play ru!y.” 3 tattoo or a

    piercin is valued, at least in part, !ecause of, not in spite of, the pain

    entailed in acquirin it. 7host peppers are eaten for the pain, not for

    the taste. &iarettes, %otorcycles, s'ydivin lure with the frisson of

    daner. In which world do people live lives devoted to the avoidance

    of physical painJ

    The sa%e pro!le% ree%eres in (carrys %uch !riefer

    discussion of pleasure, which she identi#es with either “the a!sence

    of pain” or “a bodily  state in which so%ethin other than the body  is

    e$perienced” -p.=11 n.2. Hor (carry, even the %ost inti%ate !odily

    pleasures are #nally identi#ed with dise%!odi%ent.

    >I?f a thorn cuts throuh the s'in of the wo%ans #ner,

    she feels not the thorn !ut her !ody hurtin her. If

    instead she e$periences across the s'in of her #ners not

    the awareness of the awareness of the feel of those #ners

    !ut the feel of the #ne weave of another wo%ans wor', or

    if she traces the letterin of an enraved %essae and

    !eco%es %indful not of events in her hands !ut of the

    for% and %otivatin force of the sins, or if that niht she

    e$periences the intense feelins across the s'in of her


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    !ody not as her own !ody !ut as the intensely feela!le

    presence of her !eloved, she in each of these %o%ents

    e$periences the sensation of Ktouch not as !odily

    sensations !ut as self"displacin, self"transfor%in


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    that we use “co%fort” to refer to decreased sti%ulation of the !rains

    aversion syste% and “pleasure” to refer to increased sti%ulation of

    the !rains reward syste%s -(citovs'y, //5, p. 1/2.

    The presentation of pleasure and pain as star' !inary

    alternatives oversi%pli#es !oth states, o9erin a false dichoto%y that

    is not consistent with co%%on and everyday e$periences.

    Pleasure as %ere avoidance of pain is, in the #rst instance,

    unattaina!le and counterproductive. 3 sedentary life, a life that

    avoids the disco%fort of physical e$ertion, leads inelucta!ly to loss of

    e$i!ility, loss of %uscle %ass, loss of anaero!ic capacity, and the

    chronic pain that attends this loss. But %any if not %ost 'inds of

    !odily pleasure require so%e 'ind of physical e$ertion, e$ertion that

    at a %ini%u% entails disco%fort and frequently pain. 3ny

    enae%ent in sport, for e$a%ple, requires the #rst, and any serious

    trainin for sport requires the second. (port and li'e activities

    require a relationship to pain that includes acceptance, %anae%ent,

    control, endurance, and pleasure in the counterposition of pain and

    pains cessation. Pain itself %ay !e souht as a li%it e$perience, a

    ateway to for%s of consciousness not usually attained. Indeed, that

    for% of consciousness %ay !e precisely an escape fro% the lanuae"

    %ediated world that (carry sees as constitutive of self. Ane need not

    deny a self"constitutive linuistic cathe$is !etween !ody and world in

    order to reconi4e that the relationship of self to lanuae can also !e

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    e$perienced as an endlessly self"referential loop, a prison"house fro%

    which intense e%!odi%ent can !e souht as a for% of escape.

    In these intense for%s of e%!odi%ent, the line !etween

    pleasure and pain is !y no %eans entirely clear. &onsider the

    pheno%enon of a “second wind,” a point when the disco%fort involved

    in intense physical e$ertion turns into a %ore pleasura!le e$perience.

    )oes all disco%fort disappear at that pointJ &ertainly not, nor in the

    course of trainin does one e$perience a sinle threshold after which

    all e$ertion !eco%es easy. 8ather, one encounters %ultiple

    thresholds, !oth within a sinle trainin session and over a course of

    trainin. Pain and pleasure are e$perienced as a co%ple$ ow, not as

    rival states with a switch thrown that transfor%s one into the other,

    !ecause the !rains aversion and reward syste%s are not so neatly

    separa!le as the very rouh distinction s'etched a!ove suests.

    +$cessive sti%ulus of the reward syste%s !eco%es aversive, !ut there

    is no si%ple chane of state !etween the two. 8ather, sti%ulus of the

    aversive syste% !eins while sti%ulus of the reward syste%s is still

    increasin, so that aversion and reward are felt si%ultaneously. Anly

    later does sti%ulus !eco%e so e$tre%e that the reward syste%s are

    shut out -(citovs'y //5, 62.

    (i%ilarly, intense se$ual arousal, a !odily state nor%ally

    associated with pleasure, can !eco%e so intense that it !eco%es

    aversive, or even painful. Ance aain, there is no si%ple transition


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  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


    tastes pea' at lower concentrations, are %uch less pleasura!le at

    those pea's, and decline rapidly into intensely unpleasant e$perience

    at hiher concentrations -8o4in, ///2. The palate, it %iht !e said, is

    pri%ed to favor sweets. 3 palate that always favors sweets, however,

    is said to !e childish or undeveloped. 3 developed palate interates

    odor and taste and see's co%ple$ co%!inations that sti%ulate the

    aversion syste% as well as the reward syste%s. Ane %iht thin' of a

    se$ual palate in a si%ilar way, with sti%ulation of the reward syste%s

    to easy cli%a$ characteristic of an undeveloped palate and full

    e$ploration of the avors that co%!ine sti%ulation of the aversion

    syste% and reward syste%s characteristic of %ature, sophisticated,

    se$ual taste.

    Pathology, fascism, continuity 

    hat has !een tendentiously ter%ed here a “%ature, sophisticated,

    se$ual taste” is %ore conventionally deno%inated “%asochis%”, still

    classi#ed alon with sadis% and sado%asochis% as clinical

    paraphilias. )(*"1 reconi4es “se$ual sadis% disorder” and “se$ual

    %asochis% disorder” as paraphilic disorders if people with these

    disorders “feel personal distress a!out their interest, not %erely

    stress resultin fro% societys disapproval; or have a se$ual desire

    that involves another persons psycholoical distress, in

  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


    una!le to ive leal consent” -3%erican Psychiatric 3ssociation,

    56=2. These carefully worded e$ceptions to the patholoi4ation of

    %asochis% and sadis% were the result of intense controversy

    !etween those who arued for continued clinical dianoses and those

    who arued for the depatholoi4ation of these practices -a'e#eld,

    562. The co%pro%ise struc', while applyin equally to all

    paraphilic disorders, in fact introduces a %ar'ed distinction !etween

    se$ual %asochis% disorder and se$ual sadis% disorder, since

    %asochistic se$ual desire never includes “another persons

    psycholoical distress >or? in

  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


     3uthority to co%pel o!edience can !e e$ercised !eninly,

    thouh even its !enin e$ercise typically entails di9iculty or

    disco%fort for those e$pected to o!ey. 3t the li%it, one #nds those

    who e$ercise such authority for the sheer pleasure of %a'in

    co%pliance di9icult. This non"!enin e$ercise of authority is

    frequently, and not inaccurately, characteri4ed as “sadistic”. (carry

    -/012 arues that the torturer %ust !e stupid, %ust not 'now what

    she is doin, %ust fail to perceive the pain of the tortured in order to

    do her wor'. But on this readin the sadist %ay draw satisfaction

    fro% not only perception !ut often heihtened and inti%ate

    perception of the others pain. This opens the possi!ility that so%e

    torturers are not stupid, !ut sadists who acco%plish their wor' in full

    'nowlede of what they do. e %ust, then, place sadis% under a

    scrutiny that we would not necessarily attach to %asochis%. hat

    does the sadist ain fro% such an interaction, and does her pleasure

    in such an interaction stand of a piece with the pleasure ained fro%

    other 'inds of e$ercise of authorityJ

    et us consider the Giet4schean possi!ility that one root of the

    sadists pleasure lies in the pleasure that co%es fro% the power of

    requital. In a section of "uman, #ll Too "uman titled “)ual

    prehistory of ood and evil”, Giet4sche posits two rival sources of the

    distinction !etween ood and !ad: $%rs of all, na%ely, in the soul of

    the rulin tri!es and castes. hoever has the power to requite ood

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    with ood, evil with evil, and who really enaes in requital and is

    therefore rateful and veneful, is called ood; whoever is powerless

    and cannot enae in requital is considered !ad” -Giet4sche //1,

    O@12. ere the distinction is not !etween ood and evil, !ecause the

    ood requite evil with evil. 7ood is instead contrasted with

    conte%pti!ility, powerlessness, a!

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    ets !e quite clear a!out the loic of this whole %atter of

    co%pensation: it is strane enouh. The equivalence is

    provided !y the fact that instead of an advantae directly

    %a'in up for the wron -so, instead of co%pensation in

    %oney, land or possessions of any 'ind2, a sort of pleasure

    is iven to the creditor as repay%ent and co%pensation, N

    the pleasure of havin the riht to e$ercise power over the

    powerless without a thouht, the pleasure Kde faire le mal

    pour le plaisir de le faire, the en

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    &ruelty thus oriinates not in the no!les power of requital, !ut in

    those instances where the !ase are te%porarily allowed to

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    perfor%ers, in a dra%a that is all the %ore e$citin

    !ecause it is for!idden to ordinary people.

    (ado%asochis% is to se$ what war is to civil life: the

    %ani#cent e$perience. C The end to which all se$ual

    e$perience tends, as Bataille insisted in a lifeti%e of

    writin, is de#le%ent, !lasphe%y. To !e Knice, as to !e

    civili4ed, %eans !ein alienated fro% this savae

    e$perienceMwhich is entirely staed. -(onta, /06,


    (ontas reference to Bataille would !ear investiation, since

    Bataille is !oth a central #ure in this conversation and has !een

    accused, if not of !ein a fascist, at least of havin fascisan 

    tendencies -olin, //, 566@2. &ertainly in Batailles early wor',

    particularly his essay, “The Psycholoical (tructure of Hascis%”

    -/F/2, one can hear a certain attraction to fascis% as a

    heteroeneous response to the deadenin ho%oeneity of !oureois

    society, thouh a closer readin of this essay reveals that the Bataille

    sees the attraction of fascis% as a lure and a daner. But it is also

    Bataille who draws an i%portant distinction !etween *roisme and



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    +roticis% >*roisme? always entails a !rea'in down of

    esta!lished patterns, the patterns, I repeat, of the

    reulated social order !asic to our discontinuous %ode of

    e$istence as de#ned and separate individuals. But in

    eroticis% even less than in reproduction our discontinuous

    e$istence is not conde%ned, in spite of de (ade; it is only


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    have dou!t, then the intense pleasure of se$uality, so%atically

    %irrorin as it does intense pain, %ust !e equally inco%%unica!le

    unless disembodied.

    et us throw the reasonin process into reverse and as'

    ourselves: to what do we co%%it when we co%%it to the proposition

    that se$ual pleasure is e%!odied, perhaps an archetype of

    e%!odi%entJ e %ust deny the !inary oppositions set up !y (carry.

    e e$perience !odily sensations as self"displacin, self"transfor%in


  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


    intend to e$plore a world. The %etaphors “power e$chane” or

    “enery ow” echo that Bataillean continuity, all the continuity they

    can sustain.

    !hose dogged strength alone"

     3s )oulass and ilderson -56=2 note, “(carry wor'ed at the site of

    deracination: the in

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    But is that dar' !ody invaria!ly invested with the strenth not to !e

    torn asunderJ )uBois here %ust !e ta'en as providin an in

  • 8/15/2019 Rethinking the Body in Pain (by Michael McIntyre)


    forward childishly unconscious of the hurt, syste% of privilee, and

    structural violence on which ones putative wholeness is founded.

    e cannot, then, e$pect the real world of sado%asochis% to

    sea%lessly enact a new and pristine for% of cathe$is. An the contrary,

    such practices can eventuate in !rutal se$ual violence -e.., ussain,

    561, (ch%ade'e, 561, (o!ol, 561, riht, (ta%!auh, and &o$,

    5612. The world %ay !e a!le to sustain far %ore continuity than

    one+s world. hat %iht it %ean to

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    e have traveled far fro% (carrys world, circuitously, !ut the

    path can !e retraced si%ply. 8e

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    hrsr!1last, accessed 51 Acto!er 561.

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    Byatt, 3. (. -/02 The !ody in pain -!oo' review2. TLS. Times

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