Retail vs. Digital

INTERES- THINGS WHEN DIGITAL MEETS RETAIL Whatever brief lands on our desk, whatever the channel, we see it as a way to make the world more interesting. And retail briefs are no exception. Digital innovations are constantly providing new ways to bring a little wow into the shopper’s day. A lot of agencies talk big about connecting up retail, brand and digital. But we can show you how we’ve already done it. If you give us 15 minutes of your time, we’ll give you 15 hours of our thinking and crack your brief. Here’s just some of the things we’ve been thinking about recently.



Transcript of Retail vs. Digital

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Whatever brief lands on our desk, whatever the channel, we see it as a way to make the world more interesting. And retail briefs are no exception. Digital innovations are constantly providing new ways to bring a little wow into the shopper’s day.

A lot of agencies talk big about connecting up retail, brand and digital. But we can show you how we’ve already done it. If you give us 15 minutes of your time, we’ll give you 15 hours of our thinking and crack your brief.

Here’s just some of the things we’ve been thinking about recently.

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Social Shopping is a phenomenon all retailers need to know about. According to, 27% of shoppers under 35 share the details of a purchase on Facebook or Twitter, while 65% of all respondents said that they are likely to purchase a product that has a positive review on a social networking site.

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A spoon full of mushy peas quickly turns into an airplane when clever parents turn mundane activities into games. Gamification uses the same principle to drive commerce by adding a layer of challenge and gaming mechanics to an experience. Starbucks drives loyalty by offering “Barista” badges to customers who check-in 5 times. Last year they gave users a 40th anniversary badge that also entered them in a prize draw. With gamification loyalty becomes a game.

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The idea of a boundary between on- and offline is becoming increasingly redundant. The retail customer experience naturally extends into the digital space and vice versa. Augmented Reality apps, social sharing mirrors, connected kiosks, online pop-up shops and Google Business Photos merge both worlds seamlessly.

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Many customers research products in physical retail spaces, where they can touch and feel, only to make the actual purchase online. A way to make the most of these Window Shoppers is to provide a great showroom experience as well as a reason to buy from your online store.

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According to Twitter, 66% of people follow brands on Twitter to get discounts. Consultancy figures show that nearly 40% of brand followers on Facebook are looking for a deal. Companies like Groupon, Wowcher and dozens of others have sprung up to offer discounts of up to 95% off retail prices. It’s more important than ever for brands to differentiate beyond price.

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No matter how hard you try, most of your target audience will remain passive. However, smart brands are finding ways to engage with active influencers in order to get their message to the more passive. Inviting active bloggers and community leaders to take part in the campaign process is becoming more common. These relationships take time to build but can yield lasting organic media value and get your message to segments that don’t always engage with marketing.

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Pinterest allows users to curate and sort things they are interested in. This type of curation, when done correctly, can feel like a celebration of a brand or concept.

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Online reviews don’t go away. They stay on review sites and are easily found in search results. If a customer provides good feedback, point them in the direction of the nearest review site. There’s nothing wrong with taking an active role in managing your reputation, just don’t overdo it.

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GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth, and NFC (Near Field Communication) are changing the way retailers use proximity to market products. Creativity in this space is nowhere near its potential. As more smart devices and tablets penetrate markets, the opportunities for retailers will increase.

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Consumers are starting to bypass PCs and going straight to tablets and smartphones as their main communication tools. According to ComScore, smartphone penetration is close to 50% in the UK, with the number predicted to reach 75% by 2015.

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Companies like PayPal are being joined in this space by bigger financial companies. Barclays Pingit, for example, lets users quickly send money using phone numbers or codes. Near Field Communication is also starting to appear on mobile devices.

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Touch-screen product selectors are nothing new, but a new generation of connected devices at the point-of-sale are changing the way consumers engage in the retail environment. Kiosks that post photos or video directly to Facebook are starting to become more common. Even vending machines are connecting and getting social. Coca-Cola recently experimented with a vending machine that lets users pay through SMS.

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Second screen technology promises to augment the entertainment experience while watching TV or movies. Companies like Zeebox provide relevant content that can be accessed while a show is on. They are also providing links to purchase sponsored products.