Retail sales for North America - March 2016 and April 2016

Retail Sales – North America – March and April 2016 By: Paul Young, CPA, CGA

Transcript of Retail sales for North America - March 2016 and April 2016

Employment Canada April 2016

Retail Sales North America March and April 2016By: Paul Young, CPA, CGA

DisclaimerThis presentation discusses Retail Sales Trends for North America

Paul Young - Presenter

BioCPA/CGA25 years of experience in Academia, Industry and Financial solutionsYoutube Channel -

AgendaExecutive SummaryHousing StartsBusiness InventoriesCanada Retail SalesUSA Retail SalesRetail Store ClosingsUS Expansion to CanadaSales Tax CollectionRetail PricingGovernment Policies


Executive SummaryRetail sales were down in nine Canadian provinces in March, after recording gains in January and February, according to Statistics Canada. Sales fell 1 per cent $43.8 billion with declines recorded in 6 of 11 subsectors, representing 74 per cent of total retail trade. In dollar terms, the largest drop in sales was a 2.9 per cent decline at motor vehicle and parts dealers sales at furniture and home furnishing stores were down 3.7 per cent; sales at gasoline stations were down 1.1 per cent a food and beverage store sales were down 0.4 per cent. In volume terms, overall retail sales declined 1.3 per cent.The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for April, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $453.4 billion, an increase of 1.3 percent (0.5%) from the previous month, and 3.0 percent (0.7%) above April 2015. Total sales for the February 2016 through April 2016 period were up 2.8 percent (0.5%) from the same period a year ago. The February 2016 to March 2016 percent change was revised from down 0.4 percent (0.5%)* to down 0.3 percent (0.2%). Retail trade sales were up 1.4 percent (0.5%) from March 2016, and up 2.7 percent (0.5%) from last year. Non store retailers were up 10.2 percent (1.2%) from April 2015, while gasoline stations were down 9.4 percent (1.6%) from last year.

Source: Source: 5

Housing Starts



Business InventoriesU.S. businesses in March posted the biggest increases in inventories and sales since June. The Commerce Department said Friday that business inventories rose 0.4 per cent from February. Sales rose 0.3 per cent. The March increases ended months of falling sales and inventories. Falling inventories have been a big drag on the U.S. economy. They trimmed economic growth by 0.3 percentage point from January through March, reducing the first-quarter increase to a lacklustre 0.5 per cent annual rate. Inventories have pulled economic growth lower for three straight quarters. The March inventory increase could reduce the drag on growth and lead to somewhat better numbers when the government revises the first-quarter numbers.

Stats Canada

Canada Retail Sales / March 2016

The largest decrease in dollar terms in March was a 2.9% decline at motor vehicle and parts dealers. This was largely attributable to a 3.0% drop at new car dealers, while other motor vehicle dealers (-5.3%) and used car dealers (-3.7%) also declined. Conversely, sales at automotive parts, accessories and tire stores (+2.5%) increased for the fifth time in six months.Following a 3.1% increase in February, sales at furniture and home furnishings stores decreased 3.7% in March, as both home furnishings stores (-6.6%) and furniture stores (-2.0%) reported lower sales. Sales at gasoline stations (-1.1%) continued their downward trend in March. Sales in this subsector have declined for nine consecutive months to reach their lowest level since August 2010.Receipts at food and beverage stores were down 0.4% in March. Supermarkets and other grocery stores (-0.4%)specialty food stores (-1.3%) reported lower sales for the second time in three months. After increasing 3.2% in February, sales at beer, wine and liquor stores edged down 0.1%, while convenience store sales were relatively unchanged in March.

1. Stats Canada 8

US Retail Sales/April 2016

US retail sales in April recorded their biggest increase in a year as Americans stepped up purchases of automobiles and a range of other goods, suggesting the economy was regaining momentum after growth almost stalled in the first quarter.The jump in sales reported by the Commerce Department on Friday is a boost for the sector that has been hit by sluggish demand. It comes days after major retailers, including Macy's and Nordstrom, reported sales tumbled in the first quarter and lowered their full-year profit forecasts. "Reports of the consumers' demise appear to be premature," said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pennsylvania.Retail sales surged 1.3 percent in April, the largest gain since March 2015, after dropping 0.3 percent the prior month. Excluding automobiles, gasoline, building materials and food services, retail sales shot up 0.9 percent last month after an upwardly revised 0.2 percent gain in March.


Retail Store Closings Aropostale to close all 41 Canadian stores as it files for bankruptcy in U.S. closing plans had already been announced by retail chains like Office Depot, Walgreens, American Eagle Outfitters, and The Gap.


US Retailers expansion to Canada With the arrival of luxury department stores Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom and other high-end U.S. chains, Canadian malls may be starting to look a bit more American. However, competition in the Canadian retail space is fierce, and these retailers may soon find out that arriving in Canada is one thing, but staying for the long haul is another.Like Target learned the hard way, there are several complexities unique to the Canadian market that make it far different from opening a store in a new state. Missing the mark on one or a few of these could create a stumbling block that may be hard to recover from. Savvy retailers are doing what Ive been calling a measure twice, cut once approach, Michael LeBlanc, senior vice president, marketing and digital retail for the Retail Council of Canada, tells Yahoo Canada Finance. On the outside, Canada looks like the U.S. from a consumer market, but its not. It has a number of different elements to it, regulatory, consumer behaviour-wise, structurally, that are just different.


Sales Tax Collections


Retail Price Index / Canada

1. Stats Canada 13

Government Policies Cap and Trade / OntarioOntario has passed legislation creating a cap-and-trade system to fight climate change, which the government predicts will add $5 a month to home heating bills and 4.3 cents to the price of a litre of gasoline, or $8 a month on average. The costs, according to our economists, are $13 a month, and thats before we consider any of the investments, said Environment Minister Glen Murray.

1. 14

Other Sources:Canada Manufacturing - Contact: [email protected]