Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste;...

Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey A quantitative survey of householder’s perceptions and behaviour around food and food waste. This report is one strand in a three-strand research project. It examines consumer attitudes and claimed behaviour in relation to food waste, related research involves use of a food waste diary and compositional analysis Project code: EVAPP9 Research date: October 2006 Date: March 2007

Transcript of Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste;...

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Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey

A quantitative survey of householder’s perceptions and behaviour around food and food waste. This report is one strand in a three-strand research project. It examines consumer attitudes and claimed behaviour in relation to food waste, related research involves use of a food waste diary and compositional analysis

Project code: EVAPP9 Research date: October 2006 Date: March 2007

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WRAP helps individuals, businesses and local authorities to reduce waste and recycle more, making better use of resources and helping to tackle climate change.

Written by: Exodus Market Research

Front cover photography: Example of food preparation WRAP and Exodus Market Research believe the content of this report to be correct as at the date of writing. However, factors such as prices, levels of recycled content and regulatory requirements are subject to change and users of the report should check with their suppliers to confirm the current situation. In addition, care should be taken in using any of the cost information provided as it is based upon numerous project-specific assumptions (such as scale, location, tender context, etc.). The report does not claim to be exhaustive, nor does it claim to cover all relevant products and specifications available on the market. While steps have been taken to ensure accuracy, WRAP cannot accept responsibility or be held liable to any person for any loss or damage arising out of or in connection with this information being inaccurate, incomplete or misleading. It is the responsibility of the potential user of a material or product to consult with the supplier or manufacturer and ascertain whether a particular product will satisfy their specific requirements. The listing or featuring of a particular product or company does not constitute an endorsement by WRAP and WRAP cannot guarantee the performance of individual products or materials. This material is copyrighted. It may be reproduced free of charge subject to the material being accurate and not used in a misleading context. The source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged. This material must not be used to endorse or used to suggest WRAP’s endorsement of a commercial product or service. For more detail, please refer to WRAP’s Terms & Conditions on its web site:

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Executive summary WRAP has commissioned an extensive programme of research that will seek to understand the issues surrounding post consumer food waste and this report is one part of a three stage project commissioned to support this programme. The aim of this work is to quantify the nature and origins of food waste arising in Great Britain including the gathering of data to enable conclusions to be drawn about the factors that influence food waste generation. The programme of research will include a number of qualitative and quantitative research studies to capture consumer attitudes and behaviour in relation to the generation of food waste. This project consists of three parts; a large scale quantitative survey (reported in this document), self completed kitchen diaries and it is intended that the project will culminate with a comprehensive waste analysis study amongst a representative sample of 1728 households in the UK. It should be noted that detailed analysis in respect of demographics (age, household composition, social grade and geographical location) has identified some significant segmental differences when compared to the global group of respondents. Details of these are to be found in parts 12-15 of this report. Key findings of the research Background to the respondents Profile of respondents

13 local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland were approached to participate in the study and were

selected for a variety of factors; geographical coverage, range of residual waste collections, presence (or not)

of food waste collections, a stable waste collection service and key demographics associated with the local

authority population. Two waste rounds were selected in each local authority and doorstep interviews were

conducted using a quota sample framework to achieve a representative sample of households in England,

Wales and Scotland.

The sampling methodology produced more than 200 interviews in each of the thirteen local authorities. In

total 2939 successful interviews were carried out and the sampling framework adopted produced a sample in

respect of age, ethnicity, employment and tenure similar to Census data for England, Wales and Scotland.

Food shopping behaviour Person doing the food shopping

Just over 81% of the respondents stated that they do the main food shopping for the household, whilst 1 in

10 said that it was their partner that did this. Two thirds of the people answering the survey were female.

More than 8 in 10 (82.0%) of the respondents stated that the household also takes additional shopping trips

on top of the main shop.

Stores used for the food shopping

In England and Wales, Tesco is the most popular store for food shopping, used by 37% of households

participating in the research. Respondents living in Scotland were slightly more likely to quote Asda as their

preferred outlet, followed by Tesco. In Great Britain as a whole, more than a quarter (26%) stated that they

visit ASDA and around a fifth use Sainsbury and/or Morrisons (20%). Only 'A (professional)' respondents

quoted Marks and Spencer as one of their top five main food shopping outlets whilst occupational groups 'C2

(skilled manual)', 'D (semi and unskilled manual)', 'E (dependent on state)' rated Somerfield as a top five main

food outlet.

Overall, a quarter of households purchase their main food items from at least two different stores or outlets.

More than 80% of households conduct their main food shopping on a weekly basis within a single store.

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Around a quarter of households use one or more stores at least two or three times a week to purchase main

food items.

Our survey suggests that more than half of all households do their main food shopping at stores and outlets

that are located less than two miles from their home and 15% visit a store or outlet that is less than a mile

from their home. Most households use a private car to travel to their main food shopping outlet(s) and those

without private vehicles depend on taxis to undertake their main food shopping. Very few households depend

upon public transportation to do their main food shopping and even fewer use private methods of

transportation without capacity for storing a lot of shopping bags.

Use of Internet food shopping sites

Our survey shows that just fewer than 10% of households use the Internet to purchase food items, with the

most commonly used site being . Nearly 30% of the households that do shop on-line for food feel

that the amount of food waste generated through Internet purchases is less than that from in-store food

shopping, mostly because they are more focussed on specific items when they buy, particularly if they are

using the ‘previous shopping list’ facility, and less susceptible to in-store promotions and tempting offers.

12.6% of households that shop on-line feel that food waste increases when items are purchased over the

Internet, and the main reason seems to be that the quality of fresh and perishable food items is not as good

as when self-selected in-store.

Pre-shopping activity Checking stock levels and planning meals

Just over 60% of households check their cupboards, refrigerator and freezer to establish what items need to

be purchased, at least some of the time. Overall, around 14% of households do not check their stocks of food

at all prior to undertaking the main food shopping. Single occupancy households are the least likely to check

current stock levels prior to food shopping.

A third of households always or normally plan meals for their household in advance, and a further quarter

plan some meals in advance. Households containing people aged at least 65 are most likely to plan meals in

advance. For some households there is a need for pre-planning of meals due to dietary requirements or

differing work patterns within the household. Just over a quarter of households do not pre-plan meals, but

cook or prepare meals using items that happen to be available or those that they fancy at that time.

Preparation of shopping lists

Overall, 58% of householders use a written or mental list most of the time when shopping. The propensity to

have a list seems to be correlated to the respondent’s age, with younger people being least likely to prepare a

list. When a list is used, it is much more likely to be a written list than a mental list.

Nearly a fifth (19%) of respondents stated that a list is never used when the food shopping is done. English

households are most likely to prepare a list whilst those living in Scotland are least likely to do so.

Households that shop for food on-line mentioned the use of ‘previous shopping and favourites’ lists’ available

on the sites to assist with future purchases.

Fewer than half (48%) of the households that have a list when food shopping always or most times stick to it

while 8% never stick to it. However, 57% of households that have a mental list stick to their list all or most of

the time compared to fewer than half (45.0%) of those with a written list.

Buying ‘unintended’ items of food

Only 26% of households are rarely or never tempted to purchase items that they had not intended buying.

Financial budgets and routine are key factors in whether or not an individual will be tempted to purchase

additional items. The capacity to take a lot of shopping home also is an important issue for whether or not

impulse purchases are made.

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Conversely, nearly 39% of households’ shopping includes unintended items always or most times. The make-

up of households is an important factor in purchasing additional items, with only 31% of sole occupants

purchasing additional items compared to 44% of families with children. Older householders over 65 are least

likely to ‘always or mostly’ purchase unintended items (27%) compared to 46% of householders in the 16-34

age group.

‘Buy one get one free’ (BOGOF) promotions and multi-purchase discounts tempt around half of the

households that buy these unplanned items and nearly half are lured by the way in which the item looks or

smells. Look and smell is a particularly important factor for the more affluent households. Even if the main

shopper isn’t tempted by BOGOFs then there is pressure from other people (usually children) to buy additional


There are also food shoppers who admit to being ‘shopaholics’ or buying items because they have gone

shopping on an empty stomach. Although store and manufacturer promotions were quoted as being the most

likely reasons for buying unplanned food items, many households state that they only purchase items that

they know that they want or need.

Most shoppers claim to be very ‘organised’ when food shopping with 57% stating they always or mostly

conduct their shopping in the same manner, taking the same path throughout the store each time and

ensuring that frozen items are purchased towards the end of the shop. A further 30% felt that they were

‘somewhat’ organised but that they could perhaps do their shopping in a more effective manner; whilst 12%

admitted to having no real routine at all.

Eating food prepared in and outside of the home

Eating takeaways and eating out in restaurants is common; just 30% of households saying that they never

eat takeaways and 20% stating that they do not eat in restaurants. Households are more likely to eat in

restaurants than order a takeaway. People that live alone are least likely to eat in restaurants (28% never do)

and eat takeaway food (59% never do). For households that do eat takeaways, the most common frequency

is once a week (60%) whilst eating out in a restaurant is less frequent, most commonly once a month (30%).

Respondents were also asked to quantify the number of times that they prepare food within the home using

pre-prepared food items such as chilled or frozen ready-meals compared with meals that are cooked from

scratch using fresh meats and vegetables that require chopping and peeling. Just over 6 in 10 respondents

said they prepared at least one meal from scratch on a daily basis, with the exception of respondents living in

Scotland where just over half (50.8%) said this.

Fewer than 1 in 10 (9.2%) respondents stated that they serve pre-prepared/cooked food on a daily basis.

Propensity to prepare a daily meal from scratch appears to be directly correlated to age; 71.4% of

respondents aged 65 years or over eat freshly prepared meals every day, declining linearly to 55% for the 25-

34 and 16-24 age groups. This is also true for 70% for families of adults and declining to 57% for those

families with children.

Overall, more than 9 in 10 households will have some fresh food preparation within the home at least two to

three times a week. It should be noted that many respondents had difficulty with the definition of ‘cooking

from scratch’ so the results of this question are likely to have a degree of interpretation error associated with


Nearly 3 in 10 respondents said that they never serve meals consisting of chilled or frozen ready meals.

Families with children have the lowest propensity (25.8%) to never serve ready-meals, and it is single-

occupants (15.0%) and households of non related adults (14.6%) that are most likely to consume these types

of meals on a daily basis.

7 in 10 respondents stated that the occupants within the household always eat the same meals as each other

and that different menus are never prepared. This statistic rises to 9 in 10 (89.2%) of respondents aged 65

years or more. For the other 3 in 10 respondents, it seems that it is most likely that multiple menus have to

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be prepared on a daily basis. The households that are most likely to be serving different meals every day are

those made up of non-related adults; 4 in 10 (40.7%) of these households have different meals each day.

However, more than a fifth (22.8%) of families with children also serve multiple menus on a daily basis. When

asked to provide key reasons for cooking or serving different meals it seems that there are three key factors -

dietary and health issues, household composition and the presence of children.

Disposal of food; reasons for throwing away food waste

Respondents were asked, without prompting, to describe the situations in which they would be most likely to

throw away food. The most frequently mentioned scenario is that where food has passed its best before or

use by date, sometimes even if the food looks edible; 6 in 10 respondents suggested that this was a key

reason for throwing away uneaten food.

Cooking too much food is also a major factor and from the comments made it seems that this is either due to

poor portion management or because children do not eat all of the food that they are given. Indeed, families

with children and those in households rated as social grade 'E (dependent on state)' quoted this as being the

number one cause (64.6%) of food waste. It should be noted however that portion sizes can be outside of

the control of the householder as manufacturers and food outlets do not cater for single-sized portions in all

instances; sometimes bigger portions are purchased because they appear to be, and sometimes are, more

economically-attractive. Several respondents mentioned that although they frequently have leftovers, these

are not automatically thrown away, but will be saved for a meal the following day or frozen for future use.

Just slightly more than 4 in 10 (43.8%) of the respondents mentioned that food is thrown away due to it

being inedible waste such as fruit cores and vegetable peelings. Because the majority of households will

generate this kind of waste, this finding could indicate that people do not automatically think of these items as

being food waste. It was found that older respondents are more likely to prepare meals from scratch on a

daily basis and these respondents were more likely to recognise that peelings and the like are a major cause

of food waste. A third of respondents (32.9%) stated that food is thrown away when it has gone off or is

mouldy; in particular it seems that this mostly affects perishable items such as bread and salad items.

Nearly all respondents were initially adamant that there was little food waste within the household. However

as the interview progressed nearly all groups admitted that food sometimes was thrown away rather than

being eaten as it had gone off or was ‘leftovers’. Many people did not consider peelings and other such

‘inedible’ food as being waste at all. Older people however seemed to be much clearer that they did not waste

food and could cite many strategies for actively managing their food such as shopping more carefully, recipes

for using up ingredients and many quoted being the generation brought up in or immediately after the Second

World War hence the value of food has been instilled within them. However, it would seem that confronting

such widespread denial amongst other groups is a key issue in tackling food waste production.

Disposing of food waste

This section talks about uneaten food and inedible food. By uneaten food we mean food that could have been

eaten but was not; examples include food that has gone off, plate scrapings and instances where too much

food was cooked. By inedible food we mean peelings, cores, bones, pips and shells that would not normally

be eaten; not everyone would consider this to be defined as ‘food’ but because it is bought as an integral part

of a food product it is defined as ‘food waste’.

When it comes to throwing away uneaten food, it is clear that the most used method of disposal is to put it

with the residual waste to be collected by the local authority; 8 in 10 respondents said that food waste ends

up in their residual waste wheelie bin or bin liners. Fewer than 1 in 10 respondents mentioned that they put

some of their food waste into their home composting facilities. A fifth of respondents said that some food

waste is fed to animals and in two thirds of these households a dog is the likely recipient. Other ways of

disposing of food waste were said to be to flush it down the toilet or to give it to other households to use for

a meal or for home composting purposes.

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As with uneaten food, the most used method of disposal of inedible food waste such as peelings and bones is

to put it with the residual waste to be collected by the local authority. Two thirds of the respondents admitted

that inedible food waste ends up in their residual waste wheelie bin or bin liners. Around twice as many

households stated that they home compost inedible food waste as those that home compost uneaten food

waste. A few respondents mentioned that they had little or no inedible food waste as they do not purchase

fresh vegetables and use frozen or pre-prepared foods instead.

Fewer than 6 in 10 (56.5%) respondents stated that they have had occasion to dispose of spoilt or unwanted

milk. Milk is most likely disposed of down the sink with 9 in 10 of respondents throwing milk away in this

manner and very few other methods of disposal are used. Some respondents will throw the milk away with

their regular waste or give it to animals to drink. Other ways of getting rid of unwanted milk were to pour it

down the toilet or drain, although several respondents mentioned that spoilt milk is used to make other food

products such as scones or cheese. Milk is not disposed of on a frequent basis, with only a fifth (20.9%) of

households saying they throw milk away at least once a week, although there may be a degree of recall error

associated with this finding.

In areas where a food waste collection service is offered by the local authority, it is the most likely method of

food waste disposal for both uneaten (57.2% respondents) and inedible (53.8%) food. However, it is also

apparent that the residual waste collection service is also used to dispose of food waste; half of the

respondents in food waste collection areas put uneaten food in regular waste bins and a third do this for

inedible food waste.

Overall, a fifth of respondents home compost household waste, however not all of these compost food waste;

just over 8 in 10 (85.4%) of these respondents compost inedible or uneaten food. It would seem that

compost bins are the most likely method of home composting, with nearly three quarters of householders

indicating this to be the case (alternatives are a compost heap or homemade compost container). However,

only 9 in 10 households with a compost bin will use it to compost food waste and even fewer households

(77.7%) will use their compost heap in this way. Although the sample sizes are small (7), indications are that

all households that compost using a green cone or food waste digester will use these facilities for composting

inedible and/or uneaten food. 1 in 10 of the households that home compost are new to this activity having

started within the last 12 months. 4 in 10 (38.1%) of these new-starters are aged below 34 years and a

further fifth (19.0%) are aged between 35 and 44 years. Nearly 4 in 10 started home composting within the

last three years.

Only 1 in 6 respondents knew that their fridge temperature should be 5oC. 6 in 10 respondents did not know

what the temperature should be – many of these remarked that they depended on a dial (usually numbered

up to 5) which regulated the temperature.

Statements on food waste issues Householders were asked how strongly they agreed or disagreed with a series of statements. Statement 1: Discarded food packaging is a greater environmental issue than food waste

Over 9 in 10 (91.8%) of respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and more than a third agreed

strongly that packaging is much worse than food waste. In particular, respondents identified plastic packaging

as being the most pressing problem. Fewer than 1 in 10 respondents disagreed with this statement and where

this was found to be the case, few identified that food waste is harmful but were more likely to quote moral

issues surrounding food waste.

Statement 2: Food waste is not an issue as it is natural and biodegradable

6 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but less than 1 in 10 agreed strongly

that food waste is not a problem as it is natural. 4 in 10 respondents disagreed with this statement and where

this was found to be the case, many mentioned moral or financial reasons for their disagreement. A few

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respondents did say that although food was natural the method of disposal is important to the breakdown


Statement 3: I don’t really worry about the amount of food waste that I throw away

4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but less than 1 in 10 agreed strongly

that they do not worry about the amount of food that they throw away. Again, many of these respondents

qualified this by claiming that there is little food wasted within the household. Overall, respondents aged

under 25 years seem to be least concerned about the amount of waste created.

Statement 4: I don’t really worry about the cost of the food that I throw away

4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but less than 1 in 10 agreed strongly

that they do not worry about the cost of the food that they throw away. Many of these respondents qualified

this by claiming not to throw a lot of food away anyway.

Statement 5: I try to ensure the food thrown away is kept to a minimum

Nearly all respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and more than half agreed strongly that

they do try to keep the amount of food wastage within the household to a minimum. Some respondents

stated that they did try to do this but sometimes it was difficult to achieve with children creating so much

food waste. Indeed, less than half (48.5%) of families with children stated that they actively attempt to

control waste, compared to 6 in 10 (61.4%) of respondents living on their own. Where respondents

disagreed, it seems that they do not see, or do not want to see, the problem as being within their control; this

finding seems to be age-related in that younger respondents appear to be less active in minimising food


Statement 6: If I had information on how to best store food I would probably end up throwing away less

4 in 10 respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but few (only 3 in 100) agreed strongly that

they would benefit from having information on how to store food properly so it stayed fresh for longer. It

seems that those made up of unrelated individuals, living in 'E (dependent on state)' households and/or aged

under 35 years would be most interested in receiving information on food storage. Where respondents

disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they already knew how to store their food properly or that they

have so little waste that it is not really a problem that needs addressing. In the main, single occupant

respondents tend to be of this opinion. At least one respondent felt that it was not the storage that was the

issue, but the quality of the food itself.

Statement 7: If I had information on how to do food shopping more effectively, I would probably end up throwing away less

Only a third of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but very few agreed strongly that

they would benefit from having information on how to do their food shopping more effectively. In particular,

respondents aged under 25 years seem to be most open to receiving this type of information with more than

half stating it could be of some value. Where respondents disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they

already knew how to shop effectively or that they have so little waste that it is not really a problem that needs


Statement 8: If I had information on the environmental impact of food waste, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

Nearly 6 in 10 (58.8%) of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement with just fewer than 1

in 10 agreeing strongly that they would benefit from having information on the environmental impact of food

waste. In particular, respondents aged 25 to 44 years and/or families with children appear to be most open to

receiving this type of information. Some respondents felt that although they were aware of general

environmental, not enough was known about food waste as a specific issue.

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Statement 9: If I had information on the cost of the food that I throw away, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

More than half (51.5.%) of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement with just fewer than 1

in 10 agreeing strongly that they would benefit from having information on the financial cost of their food

waste. In particular, families with children appear to be most interested in receiving this type of information.

Statement 10: I worry about food poisoning so try to be careful about food storage

More than 8 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and 4 in 10 agreed strongly

that they do worry about storing food correctly to avoid food poisoning. Several respondents mentioned that

they were particularly careful with meats, especially chicken, and kept an eye on sell by or best before dates.

In particular, 'E (dependent on state)' households appear to be most concerned about storing food correctly

to avoid food poisoning.

Where respondents disagreed, most felt that they stored food correctly and therefore the worry of food

poisoning was minimal. Others felt that the chances of getting ill were low and that they had nothing to worry

about; in particular this seems to apply to respondents aged under 25 years.

Statement 11: A lot of food waste is down to store promotions and special offers

3 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but less than 1 in 10 agreed strongly

that much of their food waste is due to promotional offers. In particular, respondents aged over 55 years

appear to be least in agreement with this statement; 1 in 6 strongly disagreed that store promotions cause a

lot of their food waste.

Statement 12: A lot of food waste is down to the children

Nearly two thirds of families with children agreed to some extent that children are the cause of much food

waste. 3 in 10 of these respondents agreed strongly with this statement. It would seem that these families

have difficulties in determining the amount of food that their children want to eat, or the children change their

minds about the type of food that they want to eat.

Statement 13: A lot of food waste is down to cooking or preparing too much food

More than 4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent that they prepare meal portions that are too

large and that this contributes to the amount of food waste within the household. 1 in 10 strongly agreed with

the statement. However, it some cases it may be that the portion sizes are correct, but individuals don’t

always want to eat the food prepared – most commonly this seems to be with children not eating all of their

vegetables and the like. More than half (53%) of families with children agreed that this was a significant

cause of food waste. Respondents that disagreed with the statement felt that although they may cook too

much food it is not usually wasted as it will be eaten at another meal or stored in the freezer for future use.

Changing food waste behaviour

6 in 10 respondents disagreed with the statement that they would not make an effort to reduce the amount

of food waste generated within their household. Although some of these respondents felt they might find it

difficult to encourage other members of the household to participate in any change in habit, there is some

recognition that the current situation cannot continue. In particular, families with children seem to be most

open-minded about changing their behaviour.

Respondents that felt that they could not be encouraged to reduce food waste stated that they were either

already throwing away the minimum of food or that they were dealing with it in an environmentally-friendly

manner by home composting or feeding animals. In particular, it would seem that respondents aged over 65

and/or those living alone are least likely to be open to a change in behaviour; more than half of these

respondents stated that nothing would encourage them to dispose of less food waste.

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Many respondents felt that information on environmental, financial, shopping and storage issues should be

made available to enable people to throw away less food. Some questioned how they could throw away food

in a more environmentally friendly way as they did not feel that the amount of food waste generated by their

household could be reduced. As seen previously, being able to purchase pre-packaged food items in smaller

sizes would also enable single occupancy or smaller households to minimise their food waste. It is clear that

many households dispose of food according to the display until, sell by, use by, or best before dates given on

the packaging. Some respondents felt that this was a key factor in the amount of food waste and that people

needed to be provided with better information on what the dates meant and whether food is safe to eat

beyond these dates.

Conclusions and recommendations This report is one strand in a three-strand research project. It examines consumer attitudes and claimed behaviour in relation to food waste. It is intended that it will in the future be supplemented by linked diary and compositional analysis research. One of the major applications for the findings of the survey research is as input to the development of WRAP’s consumer-facing food waste campaign. This section of the report summarises the findings in this context. Implications for a future food waste campaign It is understood that WRAP will be developing a communications campaign that seeks to tackle the causes of food waste and an attempt to change consumer behaviour. We understand that a review of the qualitative research conducted previously has pointed towards the cost of food waste being a principal issue and therefore a possible contender for the communication messages in the coming campaign. The research findings at this point are not clear that the ‘cost’ of food waste is the only key factor in potentially influencing consumer choices in the future. Nearly two thirds of respondents reported that they were concerned about the cost of food thrown away and a further 6 in 10 claimed to be concerned by the amount of food waste thrown away. However this finding must be set in the context of the moral pressure that respondents may feel to answer in a socially responsible way. This may be at odds with their actual behaviour. When the compositional analysis is complete we will have a more objective picture on which to make judgements. It is clear from the length and complexity of this report that there are many issues that influence consumer behaviour and the generation of food waste in the UK. We recommend that consideration is given to the detail of the report and in particular the verbatim / open-ended responses. The survey respondents (2939) represent a large scale study that reports on current behaviour and attitudes in British households (and is the largest group that has ever been researched in this area in such detail) and this provides the project team with a huge amount of data to contend with. At this point in time and considering the findings of this research we do not believe that enough evidence has yet been gathered on which to base a campaign. We believe that there are complex psychological issues associated with food waste that should be taken into account in determining the levers that will actually achieve a shift in consumer behaviour rather than the respondents desire to be socially responsible (irrespective of their actual behaviour). It should be noted at this point that nearly all respondents deny ‘wasting food’ as their first response to questioning even if subsequent questioning reveals this not to be the case. It is a complex issue and embedded with psychological background noise that probably varies from generation to generation. Concern about the cost of food waste certainly may be a factor driving people to reduce waste but other issues, such as environmental issues, may well have a place. Qualitative research may be of great value in uncovering and exploring issues associated with food waste. This data does not give campaign planners a definitive evidence base for decision making and we would suggest that quantitative research has more credibility as a decision making tool and that further targeted research will be required to identify the key messages that will influence behaviour. The research findings are complex and it is clear that no single message would be immediately successful in changing behaviour amongst consumers.

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To what extent are households wasting food? The most striking finding of the research is that overall people just don’t believe that they waste much food. It is certainly the case that respondents’ perceptions of their food waste have distinct age and household composition segments and in general terms older people will be wasting the least amount of food and younger people with children the most. From the interviews it is clear that people do not go out shopping with the express intention of throwing food away; all food is purchased for a reason and is intended to be consumed; however, circumstances that appear to be outside of the respondents control mean that the food items are not eaten. These include:

The household buys food items but don’t have a chance to eat it before it goes off

The household forgets the food is there (it is hidden at the bottom of the fridge or at the back of the


At the time of food preparation the food item is no longer fancied and something else is selected

The food is prepared and cooked but not eaten – evidence provided in the verbatim quotes suggests this is

usually children changing their mind about what they want or not eating everything they are given.

In many cases over-cooking is due to some over-indulgence (e.g. parents cooking too much food beyond

what is required) and/or a lack of knowledge with respect to portion control, particularly true for dried food

items such as rice and pasta. This may be due to the lack of knowledge about what constitutes a suitable

portion for different appetites, a lack of measuring during food preparation (even celebrity chefs do not

always measure ingredients), or a lack of time to measure ingredients before cooking. It may be desirable to

link portion control with topical health messages such as obesity and healthy diets.

Therefore, it would seem that householders are of the mind that they do not ‘waste’ food, they just dispose of it when unforeseen circumstances make it unfit for eating. It was noted from the discussions with householders that when too much food is cooked, or when food is not eaten, it is not necessarily discarded immediately; many respondents mentioned that they put such items in the fridge or freezer for eating another time; although it was mentioned that refrigerated items will be thrown away if not eaten within a few days. In particular, acknowledgement that food is thrown away seems to be indirectly related to the respondent’s age. Older respondents are much more likely to claim that they do not waste food and this is supported by anecdotal evidence that indicates that this may be due to being brought up during the war/rationing, have better food management skills or know how much food they need to cook after years of experience. Families with children are more likely to admit that their children’s whims, lack of time, wide choice and chaotic lifestyles contribute to household food waste production. Are households creating less inedible food waste? Relatively few respondents identified inedible food such as fruit and vegetable peelings as a source of food waste. This is seen as ‘natural’ waste – something that cannot be minimised if food is prepared from scratch. Clearly nearly all households will generate such waste when preparing food from scratch and are currently disconnected from the possibility that this is something that could or should change. This may be a challenge for any reduction campaign and should also be considered in the light of the increased sales of prepared foods and reductions in cooking from scratch. WRAP should consider the trends in food purchasing and it seems likely that sales of processed and ‘prepared’ foods will continue to rise as retailers continue to promote these products. This means that much of the waste previously arising in the household may shift up the supply chain to the manufacturer, WRAP will therefore need to intervene at all points in the supply chain. Where inedible food waste is produced households should be encouraged to think about how this waste can be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. Options for householders include home composting (promoted by WRAP with partner local authorities) and in some areas a food waste collection service. Other options include wormeries and green cones digesters; some people called for community food waste collection banks.

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Is food waste a pressing environmental issue? Of all the statements put to respondents, the one that they most agreed with is ‘discarded food packaging is a greater environmental issue than food waste’. In the minds of consumers, food waste is one issue amongst many and must compete for attention. Many respondents discussed their concerns regarding the lack of facilities for recycling plastics – this is particularly true of households that participate in other dry recyclable collection schemes. Even when local authorities collect plastic bottles, households expressed concerns regarding the limitation – few (if any) allow for the collection of plastics outside of the juice or milk containers leaving a void for fizzy drink bottles, yoghurt pots and the like. It is therefore fair to say that most respondents want to see the plastic waste and its harmful effect on the environment tackled before (perceived) lesser environmental problems like food waste. It is clear that people see the volume and bulk of the plastic and wrapping and do not consider the weight of waste. There seems to be lots of subconscious psychological issues around waste and pressure for environmentally responsible actions. We suspect this will be a strong message for some consumers, although it is evident that different messages will be required for some sub-groups. Interestingly, when households were asked about what information might make them take action on minimising food waste, it was information on the environmental impact that was supported slightly ahead of the cost. It is apparent that most consumers are unaware that food waste causes problems for the environment, greenhouse gas production and how this is as bad as other forms of recyclable waste. However the public may require similar information on how the UK is working to minimise the amount of plastic material going to landfill as this is perceived as a real issue. Does food waste occur because of concerns regarding food poisoning? A good deal of food would appear to be wasted due to food hygiene concerns. The statement which respondents secondly most agreed with is ‘I worry about food-poisoning so try to be careful about food storage’. This is supported by the fact that the most quoted reason for discarding food was said to be because the ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ date had passed. Regardless of whether or not the food looks inedible, it will be thrown away and this is particularly true for dairy and meat (especially chicken) products. WRAP should not of course contradict food safety guidelines, but it would be worth further exploring whether food is thrown away due to misunderstandings about the meaning of dates on packs. There may be a need for education/ information on the meaning of ‘use by’, ‘sell by’ and ‘best before’ dates and how to tell when food is past its best and this may prove effective in minimising the amount of these food items that are disposed of unnecessarily. Also information could be provided on food poisoning avoidance by better storage and management and could be targeted at food groups that are frequently thrown away due to perceptions of this risk such as dairy, meat products and short-life foods. Householders see food waste as unavoidable and want more environmentally friendly – and convenient – ways of disposing of the waste Respondents that indicated that they do not generate much food waste – and when they do it is out of their control (such as inedible waste like vegetable peelings or food that has ‘gone off’) - felt that there should be more environmentally-friendly means of disposing of the waste. Some of these respondents did not have a food collection service offered by their local authority, although some that did felt that the fortnightly collections were not hygienic and were reluctant to use them. Other respondents were unaware of the availability of home composting bins, but again, those that were aware felt that the bins were cumbersome or unsuitable in design or impractical. Perhaps the expansion of WRAP’s current home composting campaign or the introduction of community compost bins could be investigated. In particular, households consisting of families with children indicated an interest in environmentally friendly ways of disposing of food waste. Provision of information regarding storage, effective shopping, environmental impacts, cost of food waste Overall, respondents did not feel that provision of information would encourage them to immediately minimise the amount of food waste generated within the household. However, in some instances this may be because the respondent, incorrectly, thinks that they don’t waste food.

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key food waste issues










1 2 3 4

information on food shopping (2878)

food waste due to promotions/special offers (2879)

information on how to store food (2884)

food waste down to cooking too much (2898)

information on the cost (2886)

information on the environmental impact (2898)

food waste is natural (2833)

I worry about food-poisoning so am careful storage (2875)

food packaging is greater environmental issue (2853)

mean average score1=strongly agree, 2=agree, 3=disagree, 4=strongly disagree

However, the above chart illustrates the average (mean) level of agreement with each of the statements asked and overall it can be seen that the order of preference for information is as follows:

Information on the environmental impacts of food waste (particularly families with children)

Information on the cost of food waste (particularly families with children)

Information on how to store food correctly (particularly 'E (dependent on state)' households)

Information on how to shop effectively for food (particularly younger (under 25 years of age) respondents

and families with children)

In addition, there is some call for information on portion control by single occupants and older people, and it

is noted that this includes the availability of pre-packed food items in single units.

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Contents 1.0 ................................................................................................... 14 The context of the research

...........................................................................................................15 1.1 Background to WRAP .......................................................................................................15 1.2 The research objectives

1.2.1 To determine through a comprehensive research programme (and at a later date waste compositional analysis at the individual household level) the quantity and nature of post-consumer food waste arising in Great Britain by the following key attributes:..........................15

1.2.2 To determine how these key food waste attributes varied in terms of a range of household characteristics such as socio-economic group, household size, presence of children and ethnicity. ......................................................................................................................15

1.2.3 To explore broad variation by local authority service provision (for example segregated food waste collection, home composting, alternate and weekly residual waste collections).......15

1.2.4 To conduct consumer research that gathered basic background data on householder behaviour in relation to food and food waste. This would inform the development of a consumer-facing campaign on food waste and were to be further developed by research amongst shoppers and consumers in 10 regional focus groups and a large scale quantitative study. .............................................................................................................................15

...................................................................................................16 1.3 The research methodology2.0 ........................................................................ 18 Background information on the respondents

..........................................................................................................18 2.1 Profile of respondents .............................................................................................20 2.2 Housing profile of respondents ........................................................................................................22 2.3 Local authority services

3.0 ............................................................................................................... 26 Recycling behaviour .......................................................................................26 3.1 Local authority kerbside collections ...................................................................................27 3.2 Householder’s other recycling activity ...................................................................................................27 3.3 Committed recycler metric

4.0 ....................................................................................................... 29 Food shopping behaviour .........................................................................29 4.1 Person doing the household’s food shopping ......................................................................31 4.2 Stores used for the household’s food shopping ...............................................................................33 4.3 Frequency of household’s food shopping ......................................................34 4.4 Travel to stores and outlets used for main food shopping ........................................................................................................35 4.5 Internet food shopping

5.0 .................................................................................................... 37 Food shopping preparation .......................................................................................37 5.1 Checking existing food stock levels ...................................................................................................37 5.2 Planning meals in advance ..........................................................................................38 5.3 The use of lists in food shopping

6.0 ........................................... 40 Effect of store and manufacturer promotions on food shopping .....................................................................40 6.1 Frequency of buying ‘unintended’ items of food ......................................................................40 6.2 Reasons for buying ‘unintended’ items of food .............................................................................41 6.3 Level of organisation when food shopping

7.0 .................................................................... 42 Preparation of food in and outside of the home ............................................................................42 7.1 Eating food prepared outside of the home ..................................................................................42 7.2 Eating food prepared within the home 7.3 Preparing multiple menus.....................................................................................................43

8.0 ................................................................................... 44 Disposal of uneaten and inedible food 8.1 Reasons for throwing away food...........................................................................................44 .....................................................................................................45 8.2 Methods of food disposal 8.3 Methods of food disposal in areas where a food collection service is offered by the local authority

..........................................................................................................................................48 ....................................................................................................49 8.4 Home composting activity ............................................................................................................51 8.5 Fridge temperatures

9.0 ........................................................................................... 52 Perceptions of food waste issues ..........................................................................................52 9.1 Statements on food waste issues .............................................................................................................59 9.2 Changing behaviour ...............................................................................................................60 9.3 Further comments

................................................... 61 Appendix A: Reasons for not using food waste collection services................................................................................... 64 Appendix B: Impact of food waste collections

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..................................................... 67 Appendix C: Council kerbside collections of recyclable materials.......................................................................... 69 Appendix D: Householder’s other recycling activity

.......................................................... 73 Appendix E: People doing main and additional food shopping.......................................... 74 Appendix F: Food waste from Internet shopping vs. in-store purchases

............................................................. 78 Appendix G: Checking stock levels of food before shopping..................................................................................... 79 Appendix I: Use of lists when food shopping

............................................................................... 80 Appendix J: Purchasing ‘unintended’ food items................................................................. 81 Appendix K: Reasons for buying ‘unintended’ food items

.................................................................... 86 Appendix L: Level of organisation when food shopping..................................................................................... 89 Appendix M: Preparation of multiple menus.

................................................................................................. 98 Appendix N: Reasons for food waste.................................................................... 103 Appendix O: Methods of uneaten food waste disposal

..................................................................... 104 Appendix P: Methods of inedible food waste disposal.......................................................................................... 105 Appendix Q: Disposal of unwanted milk.......................................................................................... 106 Appendix R: Frequency of milk disposal

........................................................................................... 107 Appendix S: Refrigerator temperatures...................................... 114 Appendix T1: Food packaging is environmentally worse than food waste

................................................................................................. 126 Appendix T2: Food waste is natural........................................................ 135 Appendix T3: I don’t worry about the amount of food wasted

.................................................... 144 Appendix T4: I don’t worry about the cost of food I throw away...................................................................... 148 Appendix T5: I try to keep food waste to a minimum

............................................. 151 Appendix T6: Information on food storage would help reduce waste.......................................... 157 Appendix T7: Information on food shopping would help reduce waste

........................ 162 Appendix T8: Information on the environmental impact would help reduce waste............................................ 168 Appendix T9: Information on the cost would help reduce food waste

................................................................................ 172 Appendix T10: Concerns about food poisoning..................................................... 177 Appendix T11: Store promotions are a key cause of food waste

................................................................... 184 Appendix T12: Children are a key cause of food waste.............................................. 186 Appendix T13: Cooking too much food is a key cause of food waste

............................................................................ 192 Appendix T14: Willingness to reduce food waste.................................................................. 196 Appendix U: Encouraging change to reduce food waste

.............................................................................. 221 Appendix V: Comments on attitude statements............................................................ 228 Appendix W: Comments made regarding recycling activity

................................................................................................... 239 Appendix X: Additional comments........................................................................................... 270 Appendix Y: Local Authority collections

............................................................................................... 271 Appendix Z: Research questionnaire

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1.0 The context of the research WRAP has a commitment to reducing post-consumer food waste. This is reflected in its Business Plan which sets out an ambitious target for 100,000 tonnes of food waste to be reduced between April 2006 and March 2008. The Courtauld Commitment signatories have also undertaken to find ways to reduce post-consumer food waste. Courtauld Commitment In July 2005, thirteen top grocery retailers demonstrated their commitment to waste minimisation by signing up to an agreement, known as the Courtauld Commitment. The aim is to reduce the amount of packaging and food waste that is thrown away by households in the UK. The agreement was developed following a Ministerial Summit with retailers held at the Courtauld Gallery, Somerset House in London. The retailers, who represent 92% of the UK grocery market, are Asda, Boots, Budgens, The Co-operative Group, Londis, Iceland, Kwik Save, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Somerfield, Tesco and Waitrose. They have pledged their commitment at executive level to support WRAP in achieving its objectives which are: to design out packaging waste growth by 2008, to deliver absolute reductions in packaging waste by March 2010 and to identify ways to tackle the problem of food waste WRAP has a range of objectives that relate to food waste. As mentioned above, there is a formal objective in this area to reduce household waste by 100,000 tonnes by March 2008. There is also a business plan objective to increase home composting by 400,000 tonnes by March 2008 and WRAP’s organics programme is also planning to establish the most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable ways of diverting household food waste from landfill that lead to the production of a saleable product. Food waste makes up an average of 19% of household waste in England, and similar proportions in the rest of the UK, and is a high priority for many local authorities who have started introducing food waste collection schemes as a means of meeting their commitments under the Landfill Allowances Trading Scheme and as a contribution towards improved recycling rates. Over the next two years WRAP plans to work with 20 authorities to pilot separate food waste collection schemes. WRAP has commissioned a number of research studies to better understand food waste generation both qualitatively and quantitatively. These projects have included;

Desk research ‘Understanding Household Food Waste in the UK’ (IDG) (unpublished);

Qualitative research into consumer behaviour around purchasing, storage, management, cooking and disposal of

food (MORI/ IPSOS) (to be published shortly);

A protocol for sampling and analysing waste to look at the food fraction (M·E·L Research) (to be published shortly);

A project-specific food waste reduction measurement toolkit (Faraday Packaging) (soon to be available on WRAP’s

website as an interactive tool);

Market survey of packaging materials, formats and technologies with food waste reduction potential (Design Bridge/

PMT); and

Feasibility study into the use of internet resources to help consumers better manage their food (The Brewery).

Although this research has been important, it is accepted that the data available is still somewhat limited and that more needs to be understood about consumer behaviour. For example, current data suggests that as much as one third of all food purchased in the UK that could have been eaten may ultimately appear as waste rather than being consumed. WRAP has commissioned an extensive programme of research that will seek to understand the issues surrounding post consumer food waste and this report is one part of this programme. The aim of this work is to quantify the nature and origins of food waste arising in Great Britain including the gathering of data to enable conclusions to be drawn about the factors that influence food waste generation. The study will include a variety of research techniques to capture consumer attitudes and behaviour in relation to the generation of food waste and comprehensive waste analysis amongst a representative quota’d sample in the UK.

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The research was designed to reflect a wider policy agenda and is capable of answering a variety of research questions including those of WRAP’s stakeholders in the food and waste fields. These include Defra, the DTI and a number of researchers on the behavioural change and climate change implications of food waste. There is a great deal of external interest in the work arises particularly from Defra’s Food Chain Analysis Division that produces an annual survey ‘Family Food’ with a focus on food expenditure trends and analysis of the nutritional value of food consumed; also from the Sustainable Consumption and Production team which is interested in the wider sustainability angle of food waste; from the DTI which is interested in messages around fridge temperatures amongst other things, and from various researchers on the behavioural change and climate change implications of food waste. WRAP has also held a research forum on food waste that discussed the existing knowledge base and potential opportunities for collaboration in the future.

1.1 Background to WRAP WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) works in partnership to encourage and enable businesses and consumers to be more efficient in their use of materials and recycle more things more often. This helps to minimise landfill, reduce carbon emissions and improve our environment. Established as a not-for-profit company in 2000, WRAP is backed by Government funding from Defra and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. More information on WRAP’s work can be found on WRAP currently has twelve key programmes, nine of which relate to its core activity of market development, and each of these has a number of associated actions and targets for which progress is reported in the annual achievements report. The organisation’s Organics, Home Composting and Retail programmes have been working with other stakeholders including Defra, the DTI, local authorities, retailers and external researchers to examine methods of diverting food waste from landfill, producing a commercially viable compost product and developing a consumer facing media campaign that attempts to reduce the amount of post-consumer food waste generated in UK households. WRAP has published performance targets in the WRAP Business Plan, recently refocused on sector-specific areas that will include construction, retail, manufacturing, organics, waste minimisation, behavioural change, and local authority support. This research will contribute to WRAP Business Plan targets; over the next two years WRAP plans to work with 20 authorities to pilot separate food waste collection schemes, to reduce household food waste by 100,000 tonnes by March 2008 and to increase home composting (as well as other forms of household waste minimisation) by 400,000 tonnes by March 2008.

1.2 The research objectives The objectives of the project were to: 1.2.1 To determine through a comprehensive research programme (and at a later date waste compositional analysis

at the individual household level) the quantity and nature of post-consumer food waste arising in Great Britain by the following key attributes:

Food type using WRAP’s Food Waste Classification System;

Food preparation stage, again using the Food Waste Classification System;

Origin again using WRAP’s Food Waste Classification System; and

Disposal route (i.e. residual waste, mixed food and garden waste collection and separate food waste collection, plus

some consideration of more difficult to measure disposal routes including home composting/digestion, sink disposal

unit/macerator, fed to pets, etc).

1.2.2 To determine how these key food waste attributes varied in terms of a range of household characteristics such as socio-economic group, household size, presence of children and ethnicity.

1.2.3 To explore broad variation by local authority service provision (for example segregated food waste collection, home composting, alternate and weekly residual waste collections).

Additional objectives of the research were: 1.2.4 To conduct consumer research that gathered basic background data on householder behaviour in relation to

food and food waste. This would inform the development of a consumer-facing campaign on food waste and

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were to be further developed by research amongst shoppers and consumers in 10 regional focus groups and a large scale quantitative study.

To utilise and extrapolate from the data collected in the project to calculate indicative costs of food waste discarded per household per year across key household groups. This was intended to build on the Prudential’s estimates of the cost of food waste in its Soggy Lettuce report and provide an evidence base for the likely key message in the proposed campaign; the cost of food purchased and subsequently wasted and thrown away. This will become possible in further stages of the research (diaries and compositional analysis – see overleaf) and is not reported here.

1.3 The research methodology The food waste project comprises of a number of standalone research studies that inform a wider programme of research commissioned by WRAP and other stakeholders. This projects consists of the following staged research processes; A: Interviews with householders; B: Completion of kitchen diaries; and C: Waste compositional analysis at individual household level. This document summarises the first of these – the interviews with householders. It is envisaged that this report will be updated as findings from the latter stages of the project become available. The householder survey was conducted amongst 2939 respondents in 13 local authorities in Great Britain. The required sample of British households interviewed during this phase was 2640 which included a 10% margin for error. This additional sample was obtained as it was intended that the households interviewed would, at a later date, have their waste analysed to understand the types of food waste entering the residual waste stream. The additional cases would allow for households that failed to set out their waste on the normal collection day or refused permission for food waste analysis. The sample households were interviewed from representative areas of Great Britain and the exact breakdown of interviews is tabulated overleaf. The co-operation and support provided by each local authority was a major contribution to this projects success and the contribution of individual staff has been credited in this report.

Local Authority Country Number of interviews % of all interviews

North Shropshire England 227 7.7

Newcastle England 207 7.0

Manchester England 232 7.9

Bradford England 249 8.5

Northampton England 235 8.0

Norwich England 202 6.9

Milton Keynes England 218 7.4

Ealing England 223 7.6

Mendip England 208 7.1


Glasgow Scotland 228 7.8

West Lothian Scotland 222 7.6


Monmouthshire Wales 237 8.1

Wrexham Wales 251 8.5



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The assistance provided by the local authorities was both to endorse and provide credibility for the research process amongst the general public. Secondly, local authority officials were able to identify roads with waste collections that would enable any future waste analysis to be conducted in an efficient pattern across Great Britain amongst those respondents that had participated in the survey work. The criteria for the selection of the sample of households recruited for interview and possible subsequent waste analysis was defined by the project team as having the following attributes:

Households selected were to be representative of the major factors thought to influence the nature and scale of food

waste (believed to be household composition; household size particularly the presence and ages of children; social

grade/affluence; working status particularly retired households; ethnicity; and waste collection infrastructure,

including the importance placed by the local authority on home composting).

Households selected for the waste analysis were located within local authorities that operate a variety of collection

schemes that included mixed waste only and mixed waste and special food waste collection.

The local authorities selected for inclusion broadly represented other local authorities, so that the results can be weighted up to obtain a national picture. The Office of National Statistics has measured the similarity of local authorities (LADs analysis) according to 42 variables from the 2001 Census and via clustering it has identified the other local authorities to which each authority is similar By using the ONS Census 2001 at a local authority level it was possible to check the profile of the selected local authorities to ensure that they comprise of suitable demographics such as population size, household composition, ethnicity, employment status and so on. This data also includes a ‘ranking’ so that the local authority’s placement (compared to all others) can be determined – for example, Bradford scores 44/376 for people that are unemployed, indicating that comparatively few of its residents are economically active. Once the local authorities to be included was determined, each was contacted to identify a number of streets in which collections were made from Monday to Friday. This allowed for a possible future wave of waste analysis work to be conducted in an efficient manner across Great Britain. It was important that the number of household interviewed and that may have their waste analysed is statistically valid for the results to be meaningful. The number of households in the countries under investigation (source ONS census 2001 and General Register Office for Scotland Census 2001 (SCROL)) was as follows:

Country Number of households

England 21,660,536

Wales 1,209,052

Scotland 2,192,246

The sample was selected with the agreement of the project team to ensure that all relevant demographics such as housing type, age, ethnicity, income, household composition, type of residence and geographical location were included within the sample. The profile for some of the demographic variables in the countries under investigation (source ONS census 2001 and General Register Office for Scotland) was as follows:

Number of households Demographic

England Wales Scotland

Number of households 21,660,536 1,209,052 2,192,246

Number of people 49,138,831 2,903,085 5,062,011

Single people 11,861807 649,512 1,249,478

Married couple households 7,465,966 449,349 791,181

White ethnic 44,679,361 2,841,505 Not available

Employed 21,650,270 1,145,250 148,082

Exodus Market Research communicated with the local authorities involved to obtain their endorsement to the research and to offer a summary report that would detail the results appertaining to their particular area. A questionnaire was developed in consultation with WRAP’s food waste project team (including representatives from WRAP’s organics and retail teams and Defra) and this is appended in this report under Appendix V.

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2.0 Background information on the respondents

2.1 Profile of respondents Gender of respondents

Base: 2939 valid cases Just less than two thirds of the respondents were female with more than a third being male. Researchers were required to speak to the person within the household that had main responsibility for the food shopping and this may account for this result. Age group of respondents

gender of respondent











female male



ge o

f re



s ba



age of respondent




16.2 15.3


15.1 17.2










16 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 or more



ge o

f re



s ba



research UK census

Base: 2900 valid cases The age group of the respondents broadly reflects that of the 2001 census for England, Scotland and Wales (source ONS, SCROL) with anomalies being explained by the lower proportion of young adults age under 20 years of age being interviewed within the household. Again, researchers interviewed the main food shopper within the household and therefore this is likely to exclude teenage children living within a family setting.

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Ethnicity of respondents

Base: 2903 valid cases The above chart illustrates that the ethnic groups of the respondents is predominantly White, with more than 9 in 10 falling within this category. Nearly 3.0% of the respondents were of Asian origin. These findings are broadly in line with the census profile for ethnicity within England and Wales (source ONS) although Asian families are slightly less represented in the research and Whites are very slightly over-represented. Employment status of respondents

ethnicity of respondent


1.9 2.9 0.7 1.1


2.2 4.3 0.9 1.30






white black asian chinese mixed



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research 2001 census (E&W)

employment status of head of household


4.6 1.1 1.0



1.4 3.2


11.7 7.3 9.6


13.65.7 8.1









full time part time student housewife/notworking

unemployed retired long term ill self employed



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research 2001 census

Base: 2899 valid cases Nearly 6 in 10 of the respondents (for whom information was provided) belong to a household in which the head is in full time employment. A quarter of the households were retired, whilst 1 in 20 were unemployed. When compared to the profile obtained by the census in England, Scotland and Wales (source ONS, SCROL), it can be seen that full-time workers and retired households are over-represented and this could be due to the research being clustered in streets (to allow for future waste collection and compositional analysis).

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Occupational grouping of respondents

Base: 2727 valid cases The occupational grouping of the household is based on the occupation of the head of household and the above chart illustrates that the groupings of the respondents broadly reflects that of the United Kingdom (source MRS Occupational Groupings for the UK, 5th Edition).

2.2 Housing profile of respondents Household composition

occupational grouping of household



25.6 26.622.9














A: professional B: middle managers

C1: juniormanagement, nonmanual workers

C2: skilled manual D: semi and unskilled manual

E: dependent onstate



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research UK

composition of household

41.1 37.5



0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

family of adults & kids

family of adults


shared butnot related




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Base: 2930 valid cases Nearly 8 in 10 (78.6%) of the respondents live within a family setting; overall 4 in 10 belong to families with children aged under 16 years of age and more than a third within households in which any residing children are classified as adults. Nearly a fifth of the respondents live alone.

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Tenure of property

tenure of property
















mortgage own outright rentcouncil/HA

rent private other



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2001 census (mortgage & owner combined)

Base: 2897 valid cases Respondents were asked to give the tenure of the property in which they lived and the responses are in line with those collected in the census for England, Wales and Scotland (source ONS, SCROL). Type of residence

type of residence















semi-detached terraced detached bungalow



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Base: 2939 valid cases Respondents were most likely to live in semi-detached properties with more than 4 in 10 living in this type of property. Just over a third of respondents lived in terraced housing.

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Type of garden facilities

type of garden facilities


2.5 1.1 1.0 0.10

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


private garden

patio/deck no facilities sharedgarden




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Base: 2918 valid cases In order to be in a position to compost garden and kitchen waste at home, households need to have some type of outdoor space to place and maintain the compost container. In order to ascertain the proportion of respondents that could potentially compost at home, they were asked to identify the type of outdoor facilities that they had access to. Nearly all (98.9%) of respondents have access to some form of garden facilities with the majority having a private garden.

2.3 Local authority services Local authority

local authorities of respondents' residency














0 50 100 150 200 250 300

norwich newcastle

mendip milton keynes

west lothian ealing

north shrops glasgow


northampton monmouthshire



number of respondentsbase: 2939

Base: 2939 valid cases It was a requirement that a minimum of 200 respondents were interviewed within each of the 13 local authorities selected for the research and this was achieved.

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Local authority food waste collection services

Base: 2939 valid cases 7 in 10 of the respondents interviewed lived within areas in which the local authority does not operate a food waste collection service. For households that are provided with a food waste collection, 15% have a dedicated container just for food waste while a further 15% can put their food waste into their garden (green) waste container. Awareness and usage of food waste collection services

availability of food waste collection service


15.3 14.7










does not collect collected with greenwaste

collected in separatecontainer



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: ba

se 2


awareness of food waste collection service













yes no



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Base: 880 valid cases Respondents living in areas in which the local authority operates a food collection service were asked whether they were aware of the facility. More than 8 in 10 of the respondents indicated that they did know that the collection service was available.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 23

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articipate in Food Waste Collection Service

st fewer than 8 in 10 of the respondents that knew about the food collection service stated that they participated in

“Too many maggots lying around, unhygienic with kids in the house.”

und food collection disgusting as it turned to a liquid hell of flies and maggots so stopped doing it.”

ome householders had not yet had the opportunity to participate, either because their bin had not yet arrived or a lack

“Don't have a bin here, we used to at our old house and it does make a difference.”

r macerate it instead.”

is also noted that some respondents said that they were too elderly or infirm to cope with the food boxes (including

“Am confused about if we can put food waste in garden waste box, am currently putting garden waste not

he comments made by the respondents that commented on why they do not use the food collection services can be


Base: 730 valid cases

participate in food waste collection service













yes no



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Juthe scheme. A fifth of the respondents indicated that they did not put their food waste out for separate collection and from the comments made it would seem that hygiene issues are an important factor. Many respondents felt that the frequency of collection (fortnightly) meant that maggots, foxes and vermin were encouraged, particularly during the summer months, or that the process of segregating waste was too messy and time-consuming.

“Fo “Too messy and smelly. Tried it but it’s not practical.”

Sof time, although several indicated that they hoped to do so in the near future. Others disposed of their food waste in different ways – through home composting facilities, sink macerators or by feeding it to animals.

“Compost o

Itthe holding container kept in the kitchen). However, there is also some evidence that some households are confused about the rules of the scheme, especially what materials can be placed within the different boxes and bins provided.

food waste in it.”

Tfound in Appendix A.

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mpact of food waste collection services

here is anecdotal evidence that once households start to separate out their food waste for collection they start to to

ouseholds that participated in the food waste collection scheme were most likely to state that it had no impact on the

“Already have a compost bin, so there is no difference, I just put meat in the food waste bins.”

mount.” in 6 respondents felt that the amount of food disposed of had decreased as a result of participating in the scheme.


“Don’t want the waste in the house because it is unhygienic and it smells. So we try not to waste as much, to

u see how much waste you have, it makes you throw away less.” ery few respondents felt that the amount of food thrown away had increased under the collection scheme, although

“It seems more as only taken away once a month.” he comments made by the respondents that discussed changes to the amount of food waste since participation on the


Base: 575 valid cases

change in amount of food waste since participating in collection scheme




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

no change now throw away less now throw away more



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Tappreciate the large quantities and begin to reduce what they throw away. Specific questions were therefore asked try to determine whether the food waste collections schemes had had such an effect. Hamount of food thrown away. Several respondents qualified this by saying that their shopping, cooking and eating habitshad not changed; however others mentioned that they already had other methods of disposing of their food waste and so the amount put out for collection by the council had not changed.

“Not seen a difference as still eat the same a

1Some felt that they had now become aware of the amount that was being wasted and so had taken action to rectify thOthers indicated that the perceived mess and infrequent collections meant that they made every attempt to keep food waste to a minimum.

avoid this.” “When yo

Vone respondent qualified this by saying that a factor may be the infrequent collection with waste food being on site fortwo or more weeks.

Tcouncil collection scheme can be found in Appendix B.

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3.0 Recycling behaviour All of the local authorities offer a collection service of dry recyclables from householders such as paper, tins and glass. In order to better understand the extent to which householders are actively recycling such household waste, respondents were asked to list the waste materials that they recycled through such council collections and/or via other means such as household recycling centres and charity shops.

3.1 Local authority kerbside collections

participation in recyclables kerbside collection service









0 20 40 60 80 100


tin foil



garden waste

glass, bottles & jars

tins & cans

paper & magazines

percentage of respondentsbase: 2,574 (multiple response)

Base: 2574 valid cases Nearly 9 in 10 (87.6%) of respondents stated that they participate in their local authorities’ collection scheme of dry recyclables for at least one type of material and the above chart illustrates that nearly all of these respondents currently segregate their paper and magazines for collection. A further 7 in 10 respondents with kerbside collections use the facilities for recycling tins, cans and/or glass bottles and jars. A third of respondents using a collection scheme indicated that they put out their plastics, such as milk containers for council collection. Many respondents that do not have a plastics recycling service mentioned anecdotally that they would like to have one made available to them.

“Would like something for plastic as 80% of my rubbish is plastic.” “Would like bins for other forms of waste, however only paper bin is currently provided.”

Some respondents indicated that they would like to participate in household recycling schemes but that they did not have the appropriate containers or that their council was not yet offering the required services.

“Why in other areas do they collect different things? Would like more boxes and information on them.” There also seems some element of confusion about what households can put out for collection when a scheme is in place.

“The bins are a nuisance. They are too selective on what they allow and have refused to take them away.” “You have to be careful what you put out because they say we can recycle yoghurt pots but they don't take them.”

The comments made during the discussions regarding kerbside collection can be found in Appendix C.

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3.2 Householder’s other recycling activity

Base: 901 valid cases 3 in 10 respondents provided details of other household recycling activity beyond the council’s kerbside collections. This type of activity includes home composting and/or taking unwanted items to local bottle and clothing banks or charity shops. There is also some evidence of recycling items such as domestic appliances and building materials such as wood. The comments made regarding the types of additional materials recycled at central banks and/or amenity centres can be found in Appendix D.

3.3 Committed recycler metric WRAP has developed a set of three questions regarding perceived importance, behaviour and attitude to recycling household waste and a pre-determined combination of responses provides an indication of whether a respondent is classified as a ‘committed recycler’. Importance of recycling

participation in other recycling services

0.4 1.2 1.2

2.6 3.9

6.7 10.3







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

books batteries

metal shoes tin foil other

tins / cans paper / magazines

card clothes plastic

glass bottles & jars garden waste

percentage of respondentsbase: 901

importance of recycling household waste



7.12.4 0.6









very fairly not very not at all don't know



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Base: 2928 valid cases Nearly 6 in 10 respondents stated that it was very important at a personal level that they recycle their household waste. Overall, 9 in 10 respondents felt that recycling was of some importance to them.

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Attitude to recycling

Base: 2928 valid cases Nearly 6 in 10 respondents stated that they recycle household waste even if it means having to put in additional effort. These respondents were most likely segregating and preparing much of their household waste for council collection or for recycling at central locations. A further third of respondents felt that they only recycle household waste if no additional effort is required and anecdotal evidence suggests that these are households participating in kerbside collections that don’t require much preparation prior to disposal. Amount of waste recycled

attitude to recycling household waste




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

do it even if extra effort


do it if no effort required

do not do it dont know



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amount of household waste recycled




0.20 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

everything that can be

a lot but not everything that can be


dont recycle don't know



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Base: 2928 valid cases More than a third of respondents felt that their household recycles all household waste that can be recycled and more than 4 in 10 indicated that they recycle a lot of their waste but not everything that can be (again, many of these households queried what they could do with their plastic waste). Fewer than 1 in 10 households claim to be recycling none of their waste at all. Committed recyclers By using the pre-determined model;

Importance = 'very' + 'fairly' Attitude = 'even if it requires additional effort' Amount = 'everything' + ' a lot, but not everything'

It can be established that of the 2,928 participating respondents (56.4%) are classified as ‘committed recyclers’. This compares with WRAP’s most recently published estimate of 57% for England only.

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4.0 Food shopping behaviour

4.1 Person doing the household’s food shopping Main food shopping

Base: 2939 valid cases Just over 8 in 10 (81.3%) of the respondents stated that they do the main food shopping for the household, whilst 1 in 10 said that it was their partner that did this.

person doing main food shopping


10.0 1.6 5.1 2.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

respondent partner everyonedoes their


other adult inhouse

other adultoutside the




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additional person(s) doing main food shopping




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


partner everyone doestheir own

other adult inhouse

other adultoutside the house



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Base: 583 valid cases A fifth of the respondents mentioned other people within the household will also help or get involved with the main shopping for the household and most frequently it would seem that it is the respondent’s partner that is assisting in this way. Nearly 9 in 10 (86.3%) respondents mentioned that their partner will assist with the household’s main food shopping. An analysis of households with children aged under 16 years indicates that 1 in 10 will take their children with them when going out to do the main food shopping for the household.

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Additional food shopping

Base: 2939 valid cases More than 8 in 10 (82.0%) of the respondents stated that the household also has additional shopping trips on top of the main shop. The above chart illustrates that for 8 in 10 of these households, it is the respondent that will undertake this activity. 1 in 8 (12.1%) respondents stated that it is their partner that will purchase any additional food shopping required.

person doing additional food shopping


12.1 1.9 4.0 1.9 0.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

respondent partner everyonedoes their


other adultin house

other adultoutside the





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additional person(s) doing additional food shopping















respondent partner everyone doestheir own

other adult inhouse

other adult outside the house



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Base: 2939 valid cases A fifth of the respondents mentioned other people within the household will also help or get involved with additional food shopping for the household and most likely it would seem that it is the respondent’s partner that does this. 4.5% of households with children that undertake additional food shopping purchases will take the children with them. An examination of the types of people doing the main food shopping against the additional food shopping for the household indicates that in the majority of cases it is the same people undertaking or getting involved with both activities. The information for the different types of people doing main and additional food shopping can be found in Appendix E.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 30

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4.2 Stores used for the household’s food shopping

ain food shopping

he previous chart illustrates the stores that households visit when undertaking their main food shop and from this it can



Base: 2939 valid cases

stores & outlets used for main shops


0.1 0.1

0.2 0.2


0.4 0.6

0.7 1.0

1.0 1.4


2.1 2.4

2.4 2.5


3.5 5.5





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

budgens/ londis

spar box scheme meat


box schemes organic fruit and veg farmers market

kwiksave local market


aldi other national

co-op netto

internet iceland

local grocer, butcher, baker

lidl m&s

waitrose somerfield


morrisons asda


percentage of respondentsbase: 2939 (multiple response)

Tbe seen that Tesco is the most popular store, being used by nearly 4 in 10 (37.1%) of households participating in the research. More than a quarter (26.1%) stated that they visit ASDA and around a fifth use Sainsbury and/or Morrisons (19.6%). Overall, a quarter (23.9%) of households will purchase their main food items from at least two different storeor outlets.

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dditional food shopping

he above chart illustrates the stores that households visit when purchasing additional food items outside of their main




Base: 2410 valid cases

stores & outlets used for additional shopping























0 5 10 15 20 25


box schemes organic fruit and veg

budgens/ londis

farmers market






local market


other national









local grocer, butcher, baker


percentage of respondentsbase: 2410 (multiple response)

Tshop and from this it can be seen that again Tesco is the most popular national store, being used by nearly a fifth of households that do additional food shopping. However, it is clear that households are also very likely to visit their locahigh street shops to supplement their main food shopping trips. Around 1 in 8 (13.1%) of households stated that they purchase additional food items from a variety of outlets, suggesting that store loyalty for basic or additional foodstuffs ilower than that for main food items.

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4.3 Frequency of household’s food shopping Main food shopping

Base: 2934 valid cases More than 8 in 10 (81.7%) of households conduct their main food shopping on a weekly basis within any one store. Around a quarter of respondents stated that they use one or more stores at least two or three times a week to purchase main food items. Additional food shopping

frequency of main shops















daily 2 to 3 times a week

weekly fortnightly monthly less thanmonthly



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le r



frequency of additional shoping




4.8 3.4 0.70









daily 2 to 3 times a week

weekly fortnightly monthly less thanmonthly



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le r



Base: 2095 valid cases The previous chart illustrates that households are most likely to visit one or more stores two to three times each week to purchase additional food items.

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4.4 Travel to stores and outlets used for main food shopping Distance travelled

Base: 2747 valid cases More than half of the households will do their main food shopping at stores and outlets that are located within less than two miles of their home. Overall it would seem that very few households chose to travel more than ten miles to purchase main food items although one respondent did suggest that they were prepared to travel forty miles to visit a specialist organic butcher. Nearly 1 in 6 (15.1%) of households visit a store or outlet that is local to them, being located within les than a mile of their home. Method of travel

miles travelled to main shop






2.2 0.9 1.50










less than one mile

1 to less than 2 miles

2 to less than 3 miles

3 to lessthan 4miles

4 to lessthan 5miles

5 to lessthan 10


10 to less than 15


15 to less than 20


20 miles ormore



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le r



method of transport used for main shop


3.9 0.2 1.6




1.1 0

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


car taxi motorbike pushbike bus train walk store delivery / Internet



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le r



Base: 2844 valid cases As anticipated, most households will use a private car to travel to their main food shopping outlet(s) and those without private vehicles will depend on taxis to undertake their main food shopping. As already seen, many households use stores within less than a mile’s distance and so as expected a fifth of respondents do walk to the stores (if only some of the time) to conduct their main shopping.

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The graph illustrates that very few households depend upon public transportation to do their main food shopping and even fewer use private methods of transportation without capacity for storing a lot of shopping bags (such as pushbikes).

4.5 Internet food shopping Use of Internet food shopping sites

Base: 2939 valid cases Just fewer than 1 in 10 respondents stated that their household has used the Internet to purchase food items. An investigation by age group indicates that respondents aged 35 to 44 have the highest propensity to shop over the Internet for food with 16.6% of these respondents stating this to be the case. Those aged 65 years are more were least likely to use the Internet to purchase food items (only 2.1% of this age group). Similarly, respondents living in council owned accommodation were least likely to use the internet with only 2.9% of these respondents stating that they bought food items this way.

does household food shop on the Internet



0 20 40 60 80


yes noperc


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sites used for food shopping on the Internet


30 38 319


3 1 1







tesco sainsbury asda waitrose other



of r








9 (



l), m





main additional

Base: 265 valid cases It would seem that of all the stores with an Internet presence, Tesco is the most popular with households selecting to purchase food items. Other sites mentioned that are used for purchasing food items over the Internet are as follows:


Marks and Spencer

Organic delivery companies such as

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 35

Page 38: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Amount of food wasted when purchased over the Internet

amount of food waste from Internet vs in-store shopping












same less more don't know



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Base: 265 valid cases Respondents that stated that they have purchased food items over the Internet were asked whether the amount of food purchased in this way that had to be thrown away was different to the amount of food purchased from visiting the store. More than half of the respondents felt that there was no difference as they tended to purchase similar items to those bought in person. Several respondents remarked on the number of plastic bags used by stores when delivering Internet orders and it was perceived as being excessive.

“Was given more carrier bags when shopped online, so worse for the environment.” Nearly 3 in 10 respondents felt that the amount of waste generated through Internet purchases was less than that from in-store food shopping. Most of these respondents seem to believe that this is because they are more focussed (particularly when using the previous shopping list facility) and less susceptible to in-store promotions and tempting offers.

“Have a shopping list online. So when ordering online we buy less then if in a store as we can’t see the offers. When we ordered fortnightly we threw away more, so now we use it weekly.”

A few respondents felt that purchasing food on the Internet meant that children were not able to put additional items into the trolley that would end up uneaten.

“Don’t buy as much rubbish; in the shops the kids want treats/extras, and this is the food that is mainly wasted.”

However, 1 in 8 respondents felt that the amount of food waste increased if it was purchased over the Internet and the main reason seems to be that the quality of fresh and perishable food items is not as good as when self-selected in-store.

“I used to buy on Internet sites but found that fruit goes mouldy, milk is not fresh. Now prefer to see what I am buying.”

It would seem that there can be some difficulty in determining the quantities of fresh foods required if the purchaser cannot see the goods and that this can lead to buying too much which can lead to food waste.

“Sometimes the measurements are wrong and I buy too much. Ordered a kilo of bananas not realising how much a kilo is and wasted most of them.”

The comments made regarding the amount of food purchased over the Internet that is wasted can be found in Appendix F.

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5.0 Food shopping preparation

5.1 Checking existing food stock levels

Base: 2931 valid cases Just over 6 in 10 respondents indicated that the person responsible for doing the main shopping within the household would check the cupboards, refrigerator and freezer as applicable to establish what items would need to be purchased at least some of the time. Overall, 1 in 7 respondents stated that no such checking was carried out prior to undertaking the main food shopping. Most of these respondents qualified this by saying that they usually knew what items had been used and needed replacing although at least one mentioned that they did not have the time to check existing stock levels.

“Pretty much know what’s there at all times.” Perhaps surprisingly, an analysis by age indicates that here is no significant difference with at least 6 in 10 of each group stating that they always or mostly always check existing levels of food before shopping. Interestingly, although 6 in 10 of the different occupation groups claim to always/mostly check their cupboards, this rises to 7 in 10 of respondents classified as ‘A; Professional’. The list of comments made regarding checking cupboards can be found in Appendix G.

5.2 Planning meals in advance

checking existing stock before food shopping


14.5 8.4










always or most sometimes rarely never



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se 2


plan meals in advance














always or most sometimes rarely never



ge o

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se 2


Base: 2922 valid cases

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A third of respondent’s state that meals for the members of the household are always or normally planned in advance and a further quarter indicated that some meals are planned in advance. By age group, it is those aged at least 65 years that are most likely to plan meals in advance, with 4 in 10 of the respondents within this age group stating this to be the case. Some respondents explained that there is a need for pre-planning of meals due to dietary requirements or differing work patterns within the household.

“We have to plan our meals as there is a diabetic in the household.” Just over a quarter of respondents stated that they do not pre-plan meals but cook or prepare meals using items that are available at the time or those that they fancy at that time.

“Just look in the freezer and decide”. “Prefer to cook 'on the spot' rather than planning in advance.”

Although there appears little difference in a household’s propensity to pre-plan meals based on the existence or otherwise of children, there is a direct correlation between occupational grouping and the propensity not to pre-plan meals; 33.5% of those classified as ‘E; Dependent upon the State’ said that they never plan meals whilst only 1 in 6 (16.0%) of those classified as ‘A; Professional’ indicted this to be the case. The list of comments made regarding planning meals in advance can be found in Appendix H.

5.3 The use of lists in food shopping Types of lists used when food shopping

lists used for food shopping




18.717.8 11.3















always or most sometimes rarely never other



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se 2


any list mental list written list

Base: 2939 valid cases The above chart illustrates the proportion of respondents that prepare a written list before shopping (pink bars) and those that will have a list memorised in addition or instead of a written list (green bar). Overall, it can be seen that nearly 6 in 10 (57.6%) of respondents state that a written or mental list will be used at least most of the time when the household’s food shopping is carried out. When a list is used, it would seem that it is much more likely to be a written list – more than two times in fact (44.4% compared to 17.8%). Nearly a fifth (18.7%) of respondents stated that a list is never used when the food shopping is done. From the comments made it would seem that this is because the person doing the shopping buys the same things so knows what is required or that they prefer to purchase food items on a whim.

“I will see what I fancy and from that I'll decide whether I'll buy it or not.”

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Some respondents mentioned that they only make lists for special occasions such as Christmas and a few mentioned that even if a list has been prepared, invariable it can’t be found by the time they get to the shops! Respondents that purchase food items on Internet sites mentioned the use of ‘previous shopping and favourites lists’ available on the sites to assist with future purchases. The comments made by respondents regarding making lists for food shopping can be found in Appendix I. Sticking to lists used when food shopping

sticking to list by type of list used for food shopping













18.2 23.2

13.5 20.2


8.1 13.0 9.0 14.27.8 12.2












always/mostly sometimes always/mostly sometimes always/mostly sometimes

any list (1694, 547) mental list (524, 331) written list (1306, 392)



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s af




always or most sometimes rarely never

Base: number of valid cases given after label The above chart illustrates the frequency with which respondents said that they will stick to a written or mental list when food shopping. Overall, fewer than half (47.6%) of the respondents that have a list when food shopping will always or most times stick to it and nearly 1 in 10 (8.1%) will never stick to it. Perhaps it is surprising to note that respondents are more likely to stick to a list if it is in their head, although this may because they are shopping for fewer items or know they always buy the same items (hence a written list is not required) and therefore more focussed on what they need. Nearly 6 in 10 (56.5%) of respondents with a mental list will stick to their list all or most of the time compared to fewer than half (45.0%) of those with a written list. Few respondents commented further on their tendency to stick to a list, however, it is clear that budgetary requirements, temptation and whether or not someone else is involved in the shopping (such as children) are factors affecting the extent to which a list is stuck to.

“I have to stick to a list most times as I have a budget to keep and can’t go too overboard.” “It varies depending on the cost and what I fancy at the time.”

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6.0 Effect of store and manufacturer promotions on food shopping

6.1 Frequency of buying ‘unintended’ items of food

purchase of 'unintended' food items

38.9 35.5



0.10 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

always or most

sometimes rarely never other



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Base: 2939 valid cases A quarter (25.5%) of respondents stated that the person doing the food shopping for the household is rarely or never tempted to purchase items that they had not intended buying. As already seen, financial budgets and routine are key factors in whether or not an individual will be tempted to purchase additional items.

“Can’t afford impulse buys living off his pension.” “Only if she has visitors will she get anything extra to what she normally buys.”

The capacity to take a lot of shopping home also is an important issue for whether or not impulse purchases are made.

“Sometimes, if my partner sees something she hasn’t thought of, but it is limited to the amount she can carry due to travelling on the bus to the supermarket.”

Conversely, nearly 4 in 10 (38.9%) respondents claimed that the household’s food shopping incorporated unintended items always or most of the time. It would seem that the composition of the household affects the items that are purchased, with only three in ten (31.4%) of sole occupants purchasing additional items compared to more than 4 in 10 (44.4%) of families with children.

6.2 Reasons for buying ‘unintended’ items of food

reasons for purchase of 'unintended' food items that are bought always / mostly / sometimes

3.4 4.8 5.0 5.7







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

other try something different / new

impuse buy / treat forgot to put on list /don't have list

someone else special offer / reduced

multipacks multipurchase discounts

looks / smells nice BOGOF

percentage of respondentsbase 2177 (multiple response)

Base: 2177 valid cases

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Respondents that admitted to purchasing unplanned food items at least some of the time when shopping were asked to describe the main reasons for this. ‘Buy one get one free’ (BOGOF) promotions and multi-purchase discounts tempt around half of these respondents, whilst nearly half are lured by the way in which the item looks or smells. Indications are that if the shopper isn’t tempted by a perceived ‘bargain’ or sensory attributes then the most likely reason for purchasing unanticipated food items is pressure from other people (usually children) to buy additional items.

“Whatever the kids have thrown in the trolley.” “I will only buy if I want it, but if my husband comes he tends to want to buy BOGOF items.”

However, there are many respondents that admit to being ‘shopaholics’ or buying items because they have gone shopping on an empty stomach.

[The respondent] can't help herself, she loves spending money. [The respondent] buys items that look or smell nice depending on how hungry he is.

Although store and manufacturer promotions were quoted as being the most likely reasons for buying unexpected food items, many respondents qualified this by claiming that they only purchase items that they know that they want or need.

“Would only buy 'unintended items' in a multi-purchase if we were already buying one of those items anyway.” “I won’t buy cheap items if don't need them.”

The comments made by respondents regarding purchasing items that they were not expecting to buy when food shopping can be found in Appendix K.

6.3 Level of organisation when food shopping

level of 'organisation' in food shopping



8.8 2.90

20 40 60 80

very somewhat not very not at all

percentage of respondents




Base: 2831 valid cases The majority of respondents indicated that they are very organised when food shopping; nearly 6 in 10 stated they always or mostly conduct their shopping in the same manner, taking the same path throughout the store each time and ensuring that frozen items are purchased towards the end of the shop. This said, one respondent felt that the shops used make an effort to entice people into purchasing more items by rearranging their layout.

“I hate the way that stores always move things around and distract people from their routine.” A further 3 in 10 respondents felt that they were ‘somewhat’ organised but that they could perhaps do their shopping in a more effective manner whilst more than 1 in 10 (11.7%) admit to having no real routine at all.

“We would only buy what is on the list if we were more organised.” “Go in wanting one thing but come out with everything but that item! Shopping is random, like the Lotto!”

The comments made regarding the level of organisation when food shopping can be found in Appendix L

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7.0 Preparation of food in and outside of the home

7.1 Eating food prepared outside of the home

Base: 2921 (takeaway), 2920 (restaurant) valid cases Respondents were asked to quantify the number of times that they purchase food that is prepared outside of the home through the use of takeaway facilities or restaurants. The above chart illustrates that households are more likely to eat in restaurants than order a takeaway, with 3 in 10 (31.4%) saying that they never eat takeaways compared to less than a fifth (18.6%) that state that they do not eat in restaurants. Respondents are most likely (1 in 6, 16.6%) to order a takeaway on a weekly basis whilst eating out in a restaurant is less frequent with 3 in 10 (30.7%) claiming to do so less than once a month. Overall, half of the respondents eat food prepared outside of the home regardless of source on a monthly or more frequent basis.

7.2 Eating food prepared within the home

eating food prepared outside of the home

0.3 4.6





0.2 5.3





0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35

daily 2-3 times a week

weekly fortnightly monthly less thanmonthly




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s base 2921 (takeaway), 2920 (restaurant)

takeaway restaurant

eating food prepared within the home



4.3 0.9 1.3 2.49.2


11.7 7.4 9.9


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

daily 2-3 times a week

weekly fortnightly monthly orless




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base 2916 (scratch), 2846 (readymeal)

cook from scratch frozen / chilled readymeal

Base: 2916 (from scratch), 2846 (ready-meals) valid cases Respondents were also asked to quantify the number of times that they prepare food within the home using pre-prepared food items such as chilled or frozen ready-meals compared with meals that are cooked from scratch using fresh meats and vegetables that require chopping and peeling. Just over 6 in 10 respondents claim to prepare at least one meal from scratch on a daily basis, whilst fewer than 1 in 10 (9.2%) will serve pre-prepared food on a daily basis. By type of household, families of adults are significantly more likely than any other group to prepare meals from scratch on a daily basis – 7 in 10 (69.8%) of these households will have a meal prepared using fresh ingredients each day and the older householders are much more likely to cook this way. 7 in

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10 (71.4%) of respondents aged 65 years or over live in households that eat fresh meals every day. Conversely, those in occupation group ‘E: Dependent on the State’ are least likely to prepare meals from scratch (only 53.7% of this group). Overall, more than 9 in 10 (91.1%) of households will have some fresh food preparation within the home at least two to three times a week. Nearly 3 in 10 respondents claimed that they never serve meals consisting of chilled or frozen ready meals. An analysis by household composition indicates that families with children have the lowest propensity (25.8%) to never serve ready-meals, however it is the single-occupants (15.0%) and households of non related adults (14.6%) that are most likely to consume these types of meals on a daily basis.

7.3 Preparing multiple menus

preparing multiple menus


4.2 4.3 2.4 2.2 2.7


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

never 1-2 timesper week

2-3 times per week

3-4 timesa week

4-5 timesper week

5-6 timesper week




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Base: 2939 valid cases 7 in 10 respondents stated that the occupants within the household always eat the same meals and that different menus are never prepared. This statistic rises to 9 in 10 (89.2%) of respondents aged 65 years or more. For the other 3 in 10 respondents, it seems that it is most likely that multiple menus have to be prepared on a daily basis. Not surprisingly, perhaps, the households most likely to be serving different meals every day are those made up of non-related adults; 4 in 10 (40.7%) of these households have different meals each day. However, more than a fifth (22.8%) of families with children also serve multiple menus on a daily basis. When asked to provide key reasons for cooking or serving different meals it seems that there are three key factors; dietary and health issues, presence of children and living in a household where the occupants are not related to one another. Several respondents mentioned dietary issues within their family either due to moral issues (vegetarianism), taste, or poor health which meant that individual meals were prepared in addition to main meals for other householders.

“Different likes/dislikes, plus one of the household is a vegetarian.” Children were mentioned frequently as being a key cause of having to serve different foods

“Every day, as she has to prepare a different meal for her 6 year old.” As already seen, households consisting of adults that are not related to each other are most likely to serve multiple meals as it seems occupants will prepare their own individual meals rather than cook a meal to be shared with everyone.

“Everyone eats different things except on Sundays which causes individual leftovers and waste.”

“House shared by 4 people so everyone cooks their own meals.” The comments made by respondents regarding the preparation of multiple meals can be found in Appendix M.

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8.0 Disposal of uneaten and inedible food

8.1 Reasons for throwing away food

reasons for disposing of uneaten food













54.3 59.2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

ruined food accidents (freezer burnt/ dropped) inadequate storage space

unused BOGOF or multi-purchase plans changed - food no longer wanted ruined food (burnt/ over-cooked/ salty)

didn't look nice or in perfect condition unwanted or duplicate item


forgot food was there did not taste nice (but not rotten)

mouldy or rotten

inedible food waste food no longer wanted, cooked too much

past best before/use by date

percentage of respondentsbase 2898 (multiple response)

Base: 2898 valid cases (multiple response) Respondents were asked, without prompting, to describe the most likely situations in which they would throw away food. The above chart illustrates that the most frequently mentioned scenario is that where food has passed its ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date, sometimes even if the food looks edible. 6 in 10 respondents suggested that this was a key reason for throwing away uneaten food.

“Religiously sticks to sell by dates whether it appears to be gone off or not.” “Worries about food poisoning so doesn't risk going past sell by dates.”

Cooking too much food is also a major factor and from the comments made it seems that this is either due to poor portion management or because children do not eat all of the food that they are given.

“Often cooks too much because forgets that family has left home and it’s just her, especially fruit and bread that is thrown out because its mouldy.” “Lives alone and forgets that some foods expand and so often cooks too much pasta and rice.” “Kids not eating it - they would say they want one thing but then they want something different.”

However, in some instances, portion sizes are outside of the control of the householder, as manufacturers and food outlets do not cater for single-sized portions in all instances; sometimes bigger portions are purchased because they are more economically-attractive.

“Live alone and the (pre-packaged) food bought is too big; stores don't cater for one person.” “Stale bread as often the smaller loaves are more expensive.”

Several respondents mentioned that although they frequently have leftovers, these are not automatically thrown away, but will be saved for a meal the following day or frozen for future use.

Freezes as much as she can when there are leftovers. “Leftovers get given to dog or will be eaten later.”

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Just slightly more than 4 in 10 (43.8%) of the respondents mentioned that food is thrown away due to it being inedible waste such as fruit cores and vegetable peelings. This seems quite low and could indicate that people do not automatically relate these items as being food waste, or it could indicate that they do not necessarily know how such items could be prepared for eating or reuse.

“No waste apart from inedible waste. We don’t over-shop; most food is frozen so don't worry about sell by dates etc.” “Only cook what I know I want. The only waste is 'natural' such as vegetable peelings.”

Many respondents were adamant that there was little food waste within the household; many of these respondents were from the generation brought up in the war and so the value of food has been instilled within them.

Respondent was taught never to waste food, especially basic rations such as milk, flour, eggs etc. Respondent says he has little waste (only inedibles), as he eats everything - even if it is out of date. “Never waste food or money, if you saw what I ate in the army you wouldn't waste food.”

A third of respondents (32.9%) stated that food is thrown away when it has gone off or is mouldy; in particular it seems that this mostly affects perishable items such as bread and salad items. It is of interest to note that respondents that dispose of uneaten food via a home composting container are less likely to view this as food waste that those that dispose of it via the regular waste collections.

“Salads going past it mostly. Stale bread goes into recycling.” “Very rarely throw food away. Mainly gone off items, in particular stale bread.”

Some respondents mentioned other factors contributing to food waste which meant that food was no longer wanted. Several felt that over-shopping was a key factor whilst others mentioned illness and leaving the home for a period of time for business or pleasure. The comments made by respondents regarding reasons for food waste can be found in Appendix N.

8.2 Methods of food disposal Uneaten food

methods of disposing of uneaten food











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

pour down sink burn it

in garden / field

macerator other

council green waste collection home composting

council food collection

feed to animals

regular waste

percentage of respondentsbase 2921 (multiple response)

Base: 2921 valid cases (multiple response

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 45

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When it comes to throwing away uneaten food, it is clear that the most used method of disposal is to put it with the regular waste to be collected by the local authority; 8 in 10 respondents admitted that food waste ends up in their regular waste wheelie bin or bin liners. Slightly more than 1 in 6 of all households will dispose of food using the separate food waste collection service; however, this includes households within local authorities that do not offer this particular service. Fewer than 1 in 10 respondents mentioned that they put food waste into their home composting facilities. A fifth of respondents claimed that some food waste is fed to animals and the chart below illustrates that in two thirds of these households, a dog is the likely benefactor (or not).

“Used to feed it to the dog but it upset his stomach.”

animals fed uneaten food

















0 20 40 60 80





various wildlife


domestic bird




guinea pig




wild birds


percentage of respondentsbase 625 (multiple response)

Base: 625 valid cases (multiple response) Other ways of disposing of food waste were said to be to flush it down the toilet or to give it to other households to use for a meal or for home composting purposes. Comments made on ways of disposing of household food waste can be found in Appendix O.

Respondent sometimes takes to friends to compost. “I take leftovers to my sister two doors down.” “It goes down the toilet as I don’t want rats and birds to get to the rubbish.”

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Inedible food waste

Base: 2924 valid cases (multiple response) As with uneaten food, it would seem that the most used method of disposal of inedible food waste (that is, food which is thought to be inedible such as vegetable peelings and teabags) is to put it with the regular waste to be collected by the local authority. Two thirds of the respondents stated that inedible food waste ends up in their regular waste wheelie bin or bin liners. Around twice as many households stated that they home compost inedible food waste such as vegetable peelings and teabags as those that home compost uneaten (but edible) food waste. A few respondents mentioned that they had little or no inedible food waste as they do not purchase fresh vegetable and use frozen or pre-prepared foods instead.

“Never throws peelings away as she only buys pre-packed vegetables.” The comments made regarding the disposal of inedible food waste can be found in Appendix P. Disposal of milk

methods of disposing of inedible food

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.3

3.4 15.7



0 20 40 60 80

burn it

pour down sink macerator

other in garden / field feed to animals

council green waste collection

home composting council food collection

regular waste

percentage of respondentsbase 2924 (multiple response)

methods of disposing of milk

0.1 0.1 0.4 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.9

4.3 92.5

0 20 40 60 80 100

macerator council green waste collection

council food collection home composting

in garden / field other

feed to animals regular waste

pour down sink

percentage of respondentsbase 1662 (multiple response)

Base: 1662 valid cases (multiple response) Fewer than 6 in 10 (56.5%) of respondents stated that they have had occasion to dispose of spoilt or unwanted milk; anecdotally it would seem that this is due to the availability of long-life or longer lasting milk (such as Cravendale). The above chart illustrates that this liquid is most likely disposed of down the sink; 9 in 10 of respondents throw milk away in this manner and very few other methods of disposal are used. Some respondents will throw the milk away with their regular waste or give it to animals to drink.

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Other ways of getting rid of unwanted milk were to pour it down the toilet or drain, although several respondents mentioned that spoilt milk is used to make other food products such as scones or cheese.

“If milk does go off then they use it to make other foods. e.g cheese.” The comments made regarding the disposal of unwanted milk can be found in Appendix Q.

Base: 1425 valid cases Respondents that stated that they have thrown milk away were asked to quantify this and their verbatim responses appear in Appendix R. The above chart shows that milk is not disposed of on a frequent basis with only a fifth (20.9%) of households seemingly throwing milk away at least once a week.

8.3 Methods of food disposal in areas where a food collection service is offered by the local authority

frequency of disposing of milk

2.2 4.4








0 2 4 6 8

10 12 14 16 18 20

daily 2-3 times a week

weekly fortnightly monthly quarterly twice ayear

yearly rarely



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methods of disposing of food waste in council food collection areas

0.2 0.2 0.3





49.9 57.2




1 5.9





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

pour down sink burn it

in garden / field

other macerator

council green waste collection home composting

feed to animals

regular waste

council food collection

percentage of respondentsbase uneaten:876, inedible:877 (multiple response)

uneaten food inedible food

Base: 876 (uneaten), 877 (inedible) valid cases (multiple response) In areas where a food waste collection service is offered by the local authority, it is the most common method of food waste ‘disposal’ for both uneaten (57.2% respondents) and inedible (53.8%) food. However, it is also apparent that the regular waste is still also used to dispose of food waste; half of the respondents in food waste collection areas put uneaten food in regular waste bins and a third so this for inedible food waste.

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8.4 Home composting activity Home composting food waste

does household compost at home









yes, home compost do not compost at home



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Base: 2939 valid cases

Base: 563 valid cases

Overall, a fifth of respondents home compost household waste, however not all of these compost food waste; just over 8 in 10 (85.4%) compost inedible or uneaten food.

Method of home composting

does household compost food waste at home








compost food waste do not compost foodwaste



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how household composts at home



2.7 1.2 0.20






bin heap wormery green cone




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se 4

89 (






households composting food waste at home

89.277.7 84.6

100.0 100.0








bin (360) heap (121)

wormery (13)

green cone (6)




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s ba

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Base: 489 valid cases (multiple response)

Base: valid cases given after label (multiple response)

It would seem that compost bins are the most likely method of home composting with nearly three quarters of householders indicating this to be the case. However, only 9 in 10 households with a compost bin will use it to compost food waste and even fewer households (77.7%) will use their compost heap in this way. Although the bases are small, indications are that all households that compost using a green cone or food waste digester1 will use these facilities for composting inedible and/or uneaten food.

1 The Green Cone and food waste digester reduce food waste to its natural components of water, carbon dioxide and a small residue. The solar-heated garden unit takes all cooked and uncooked food waste including meat, fish, bones, dairy products, vegetables and fruit.

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Length of time home composting

Base: 441 valid cases 1 in 10 of the households that home compost are new to this activity, having started within the last 12 months. 4 in 10 (38.1%) of these new-starters are aged below 34 years and a further fifth (19.0%) are aged between 35 and 44 years. Nearly 4 in 10 started home composting within the last three years.

8.5 Fridge temperatures

length of time home composting





0 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

under 1 year 1 to under 3 years

3 to under 5years

5 or moreyears



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does respondent know correct temperature for keeping food in fridge




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

yes 5 degrees don't know wrong answergiven



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Base: 2939 valid cases Respondents were asked if they knew the correct temperature for their refrigerator to keep salads and vegetables fresh for as long as possible. Only 6 in 10 respondents gave the correct answer of 5oC. 6 in 10 respondents did not know what the temperature should be – many of these remarked that they depended on a dial (usually numbered up to 5) which regulated the temperature. Nearly a quarter of the respondents gave an incorrect answer and these are listed within Appendix S.

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9.0 Perceptions of food waste issues

9.1 Statements on food waste issues Respondents were read a series of statements connected to food waste and asked to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each. Statement 1: Discarded food packaging is a greater environmental issue than food waste

Base: 2853 valid cases Overall, over 9 in 10 (91.8%) of respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and more than a third agreed strongly that packaging is much worse than food waste.

“Amount of packaging is awful. I put fruit trays in the recycling box, because they have a recycling mark on them and the bin men refused to take them!”

In particular, respondents identified plastic packaging as being the most pressing problem.

“Plastic doesn't biodegrade, and there is so much of it as well.” Fewer than 1 in 10 respondents disagreed with this statement and where this was found to be the case, few identified that food waste is harmful but were more likely to quote moral issues surrounding food waste.

“I'm aware that third world countries suffer, so for moral reasons I do not like to waste food.” It was noted that several respondents felt that both types of waste were equally of harm to the environment. The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T1.

“They are equally as bad. I blame the younger generation. I think it is a crime to throw food away. Packaging is bad.”

Statement 2: Food waste is not an issue as it is natural and bio-degradable

discarded food packaging is greater environmental issue than food waste




0 10 20 30 40 50 60


agree disagree stronglydisagree



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s ba

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food waste is not an issue as it is natural and bio-degradable





10 20 30 40 50 60

strongly agree

agree disagree stronglydisagree



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s ba

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Base: 2833 valid cases

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Overall, 6 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but fewer than 1 in 10 agreed strongly that food waste is not a problem as it is natural.

“Food comes from the earth and so it should go back to the earth.” 4 in 10 respondents disagreed with this statement and where this was found to be the case many mentioned moral or financial reasons for their disagreement. A few respondents did say that although food was natural, the method of disposal is important to the breakdown process.

“Always a waste. Just because it can be broken down doesn't mean it's not an issue. You have to find a place where it can break down.”

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T2 Statement 3: I don’t really worry about the amount of food waste that I throw away

Base: 2897 valid cases Overall, 4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but fewer than 1 in 10 agreed strongly that they do not worry about the amount of food that they throw away. Again, many of these respondents qualified this by claiming that there is little food wasted within the household.

“Eat most of what’s on the plate.” “Buy small amounts so there is less waste, due to the experience of rations.”

6 in 10 respondents disagreed with this statement and where this was found to be the case, many mentioned moral reasons.

“There are children starving in Africa!” The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T3. Statement 4: I don’t really worry about the cost of the food that I throw away

I don't really worry about the amount of food that I throw away


33.3 43.9


0 10 20 30 40 50


agree disagree stronglydisagree



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s ba

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I don't really worry about the cost of food that I throw away





0 10 20 30 40 50


agree disagree stronglydisagree



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s ba

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Base: 2897 valid cases

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Overall, 4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but less than 1 in 10 agreed strongly that they do not worry about the cost of the food that they throw away. Many of these respondents qualified this by claiming not to throw a lot of food away anyway.

“I am from a poor country so I appreciate the value of food.”

Respondent is on her pension so she doesn’t have enough money to be wasteful. She only buys what

she needs.

Half of the respondents disagreed with this statement and where this was found to be the case, many mentioned moral reasons for their disagreement.

Respondent feels guilty about children in 3rd world countries.

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T4. Statement 5: I try to ensure the food thrown away is kept to a minimum

I try to ensure the food thrown away is kept to a minimum



5.7 1.10

10 20 30 40 50 60

strongly agree

agree disagree stronglydisagree



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Base: 2913 valid cases Nearly all respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and more than half agreed strongly that they do try to keep the amount of food wastage within the household to a minimum. Some respondents stated that they did try to do this but sometimes it was difficult to achieve with children creating so much food waste.

“Keep waste to as low as possible with kids.” Where respondents disagreed, it seems that they do not see, or do not want to see, the problem as being within their control.

“If it gets wasted, it gets wasted.”

“It’s not really my problem. I don’t think about recycling that much.”

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T5.

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Statement 6: If I had information on how to best store food I would probably end up throwing away less

Base: 2884 valid cases 4 in 10 respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and a few agreed strongly that they would benefit from having information on how to store food properly so it stayed fresh for longer.

“Maybe more information on fruit and vegetables would be useful.” Where respondents disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they already knew how to store their food properly or that they have so little waste that it is not really a problem that needs addressing. At least one respondent felt that it was not the storage that was the issue, but the quality of the food itself.

Respondent says it’s the quality of the food that matters not the information. The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T6. Statement 7: If I had information on how to do food shopping more effectively, I would probably end up throwing away less

if I had information on how best to store food I would probably end up throwing away less


37.6 47.9


0 10 20 30 40 50 60


agree disagree stronglydisagreepe










if I had information on how to do my food shopping more effectively, I would probably end up throwing away less












strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree



ge o

f re







Base: 2878 valid cases A third of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but very few agreed strongly that they would benefit from having information on how to do their food shopping more effectively.

Respondent says she buys too much food which goes out of date. Where respondents disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they already knew how to shop effectively or that they have so little waste that it is not really a problem that needs addressing.

Respondent feels that he knows how to shop as he uses everything bought and so there is little food waste.

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T7.

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Statement 8: If I had information on the environmental impact of food waste, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

Base: 2898 valid cases Nearly 6 in 10 (58.8%) of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement with just fewer than 1 in 10 agreeing strongly that they would benefit from having information on the environmental impact of food waste. Some respondents felt that although they were aware of environmental issues in general, not enough was known about food waste as a specific issue.

“There is no emphasis or information on the environmental impact of food waste- all information is on plastics.”

Where respondents disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they already knew enough about environmental issues – particularly as they were heavily into recycling and / or home composting. Several respondents again felt that it was not an issue as they had too little food waste to be able to reduce it. At least one respondent felt that food waste was not a critical harm to the environment compared to other factors.

“Environmental impact caused more by imported and exported goods rather than the waste.” The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T8. Statement 9: If I had information on the cost of the food that I throw away, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

if I had information on the environmental impact of food waste, I would probably make an effort to throw away less












strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree



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if I had information on the cost of food that I throw away, I would probably make an effort to throw away less


43.3 41.2








strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree



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Base: 2886 valid cases More than half (51.5.%) of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement with just fewer than 1 in 10 agreeing strongly that they would benefit from having information on the financial cost of their food waste.

“Cost is everything when on a pension.”

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At least one respondent felt that cost information would be informative, but that it might not have an impact on the amount of food waste generated as it was difficult to control the amount of food wasted by children.

The respondent is fighting a losing battle because can't tell what the children want to eat. Where respondents disagreed, most qualified this by claiming that they do not throw away enough food to worry about this, although it would seem from the comments made that several respondents are aware of the financial costs involved but feel that this just can’t be helped.

“I do consider cost but sometimes it is unavoidable.” The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T9. Statement 10: I worry about food poisoning so try to be careful about food storage

I worry about food poisoning so try to be careful about food storage

39.3 42.0









strongly agree

agree disagree stronglydisagree



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Base: 2875 valid cases More than 8 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement and 4 in 10 agreed strongly that they do worry about storing food correctly to avoid food poisoning. Several respondents mentioned that they were particularly careful with meats, especially chicken, and kept an eye on ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ dates.

“Especially fish and chicken. The reason for not eating out in restaurants much.”

“Had food poisoning from cooked chicken. Very concerned with sell by dates and hygiene.”

At least one respondent felt that it was better to throw away food than to risk the possibility of getting food poisoning.

“Had food poisoning so would rather throw away food than get ill.” Where respondents disagreed, most felt that they stored food correctly and therefore the worry of food poisoning was minimal. Others felt that the chances of getting ill were low and that they had nothing to worry about.

“Sell by dates and such are for when a food is going out of date. It’s fine to eat after that date for

several days. I don’t worry about food poisoning and I haven’t had it yet.”

Respondent says that food poisoning is for wimps.

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T10.

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Statement 11: A lot of food waste is down to store promotions and special offers

Base: 2879 valid cases 3 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent with this statement but fewer than 1 in 10 agreed strongly that much of their food waste is due to promotional offers.

“BOGOF are a source of waste when supermarkets are just trying to get rid of food with a short shelf life.”

Where respondents disagreed, most felt that they used the food items that they bought from store promotions or froze them for later use or gave them away to friends and family.

“Cook regularly, so BOGOFs are used. Only buy them when needed.” The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T11. Statement 12: A lot of food waste is down to the children

a lot of food waste is down to store promotions & special offers like BOGOF












strongly agree agree disagree stronglydisagree



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a lot of food waste is down to the children


12.2 14.6 12.6


29.4 35.0











n/a no kids strongly agree

agree disagree stronglydisagree



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, 122

6 (w

ith c



all respondents respondents with children

Base: 2879 (all respondents), 1226 (families with children) valid cases Nearly two thirds of families with children agreed to some extent that children are the cause of much food waste. 3 in 10 of these respondents agreed strongly with this statement. It would seem that these families have difficulties in determining the amount of food that their children want to eat, or the children change their minds about the type of food that they want to eat.

“Sometimes children leave a lot of waste when they don’t finish their dinner.”

“Kids change their minds about what they want after it has been cooked.”

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Just over a third of respondents with children disagreed; it would seem that either the children are given cooked meal portions that they can manage or that they are required to finish their meal completely.

Respondent only cooks small portions for the children. Respondent always makes the children eat their meals.

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T12. Statement 13: A lot of food waste is down to cooking or preparing too much food

Base: 2898 valid cases More than 4 in 10 of the respondents agreed to some extent that they prepare meal portions that are too large and that this contributes significantly to the amount of food waste within the household. 1 in 10 strongly agreed with the statement.

Respondent says that plates are too large which encourages large portioning. Respondents that disagreed with the statement felt that although they may cook too much food it is not usually wasted as it will be eaten at another meal or stored in the freezer for future use.

“Gets eaten later on or by the dog.” The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T13.

9.2 Changing behaviour Willingness to change behaviour

a lot of food waste is down to cooking or preparing portions that are too large











strongly agree agree disagree stronglydisagree



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nothing would encourage me to make an effort to throw away less food












strongly agree agree disagree stronglydisagree



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Base: 2898 valid cases

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6 in 10 respondents disagreed with the statement that they would not make an effort to reduce the amount of food waste generated within their household. Although some of these respondents felt they might find it difficult to encourage other members of the household to participate in any change in habit, there is some recognition that the current situation cannot be allowed to continue unchecked.

“Very keen to sort rubbish situation out as recognise it’s our kids that will suffer.” Respondents that felt that they could not be encouraged to reduce food waste stated that they were either already throwing away the minimum of food or that they were dealing with it in an environmentally-friendly manner by home composting or feeding animals.

Respondent has shopping provision nearby and so doesn't over-shop and the food does not go off. “Nothing would encourage me as I already compost.”

The comments made regarding this statement can be found in Appendix T14. How to encourage a change in behaviour

ways to encourage people to throw away less food












0 10 20 30 40

higher price / incentives


better storage

better quality food

more organisation / housekeeping skills

info on food costs

shopping tips /less impulsive offers

info on environment

portion control (inc manufacturers)

info on /improved composting facilities

general information

percentage of respondentsbase 1280

Base: 1280 valid cases The above chart illustrates the broad areas suggested by the respondents as what could be done to encourage a change in behaviour as far as food waste is concerned. Many felt that information on environmental, financial, shopping and storage issues should be made available to enable people to throw away less food. The responses given to this question were very varied and so the individual responses are reproduced in Appendix U.

9.3 Further comments Many respondents made several other comments throughout the interview regarding recycling and food waste in general. These comments can be found in the following appendices: Appendix V: Comments regarding the attitudinal statements Appendix X: Comments regarding recycling Appendix X: Additional comments

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Appendix A: Reasons for not using food waste collection services

Verbatim comments on not participating in food collection service Would like to start using food waste collections. I have a box but am not really sure what to do with it. Will start soon. Weekly is not soon enough. Worried about rats and foxes. We have reduced the amount of waste we produce; we don't need the food box anymore. We have been told were not allowed to use the brown bin for food waste anymore. Waste disposal unit in kitchen. Very little waste. Used to use it, but one week it wasn’t collected and the amount of maggots put us off using it again. Used to participate but stopped due to number of flies. Use macerator. Use home compost bin. Use either an incinerator or a macerator instead. Unhygienic. Too much hassle to separate food from rubbish. Too much hassle to put actual food waste into. Too messy, too smelly, worried about animals getting at it. Too messy and smelly. Tried it but its not practical. Too messy and smelly. No seal on the box. Too many maggots lying around, unhygienic with kids in the house. Too many maggots / vermin that eat all the food. Too long to keep food for, and could get flies or maggots Told not to put food waste in brown bin anymore. Thought that it was only garden waste that was taken. There’s no need we waste very little. There needs to be more frequent collections. There is enough for us to cope with. More than anything we need a plastic recycling collection. The collections are not regular enough; the box is full in a week with cardboard boxes. The box has attracted too many flies and maggots. Take all such waste to the incinerator. Take all recycling to Whitchurch recycling centre. Stopped in summer because of flies and maggots Stinks and is messy Smelly. Smelly, inconvenient, unsanitary. Should wrap food waste first, but its too hard. Smelly and messy. Too much hassle as pregnant. Smells too bad and ants and cats keep getting at it. Smells out garden and attracts flies Smells Recycling container doesn't fit in small kitchen. Own a composting bin that I use for food waste. Only raw foods are allowed. Only peelings would be collected. Don't use it because it’s unhygienic, it smells and the foxes always get in it. Only just moved in. Will start. Only has the green bin, but has ordered the relevant bin. Nowhere to put it. Animals will get to it because of the smell. Not sure which bin is used for what material. Not sure what to put in it so it all goes in normal own rubbish. Not sure how to go about it.

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Verbatim comments on not participating in food collection service Not started yet. Not over the summer because of the smell. Not needed Not much waste as goes to the dog. Not happy about food hanging around. Not got into it yet, has been too busy to start. Not given enough information. Not effective. Smells. Attracts insects. Not easy. Not collected regularly enough. Not collected frequently enough. Not at home regularly. No room in kitchen for bin. No one empties it. No longer have the brown bin. No leftovers. No food waste. Mostly use compost bin. Most is eaten by the dog or put on compost. Most goes on compost heap at home. More convenient to put in the normal rubbish rather than having to go outside to brown bin. Makes the problem worse. Just uses it for the garden. Just moved in, not sure what to do. Just moved in, don't have box yet. It's too messy and unhygienic It's not collected regularly enough so it attracts flies and maggots. It smells in hot weather and they are not empty regularly enough. It attracted rats. Is smells a lot when it is hot, so don't like to use it. Inconvenient. Home composts. Home composts instead. Home compost instead. Home compost instead. Home compost instead. Home compost instead. Haven't started. Not much waste so I don't really see the point of food collection. Have very little waste, live on my own. Have had too many problems with vermin and bugs. Have been told were not allowed to put food waste in the brown bin anymore. Have a macerator. Have a garbage disposal unit. Have a compost heap instead. Found food collection disgusting as it turned to a liquid hell of flies and maggots so stopped doing it, now buries food waste in garden. Food waste no longer allowed-peelings etc only garden waste. Food waste collection is unhygienic in this heat so don't use it. Food box attracts flies which are distressing. Disappointed with level of council service. Feeds to chickens. Feeds food waste to pigs. Feed all food waste to chickens. Elderly and can not lift bucket. Elderly and can not carry box.

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Verbatim comments on not participating in food collection service Eat elsewhere, so no food waste. Don't waste anything. Don’t want the smell. No space for the bins. Apathy. Don't throw away much Don't have one at present, but use neighbours bin. Don't have much food waste. Don't have much food waste, and compost whatever I do have. Also the lorry that collects the food waste smells awful! Don't have enough waste to make it worthwhile to participate. Don’t have enough information. Don't have a bin here, we used to at our old house and it does make a difference. Don't empty bin often enough, it smells. Needs to be emptied weekly Dogs eat all food waste, so no need to use bin. Do not waste enough food and the council only takes it away if at least half full. Do not do it because the quantity of food waste is so small Dispose with garden waste. Disgusting to wash out box in the house. Disgusting and unhygienic. Considered it a waste of time. Composts instead. Compost or macerate it instead. Compost instead. Collection only once weekly. Collection isn’t regular enough. Black bins are every two weeks, the blue and brown bins every 4 weeks. Causes mould and rats. Can’t keep wasted food for a week in a bin becomes full of flies, should have a different system. Can’t be bothered. Box was stolen. Box too large for kitchen. Box attracts rats. Home composts. Box attracts flies and is not protected from the rain. Blue and black bin only. Awaiting brown bin for food. Bin becomes full of maggots in the heat. Attracted rats. Major problem as there are young children in the household. Am disabled and unable to make use of the scheme. Am confused about if we can put food waste in garden waste box, am currently putting garden waste not food waste in it Already have a composter so no need for food waste collection as well. All food waste goes to the dogs. All food waste goes in home composter.

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Appendix B: Impact of food waste collections

Level of change Verbatim comments now throw away more Waste more food using bin for seems more as only taken away once a month now throw away more Slight change now as son has moved back home. now throw away more Only vegetables are allowed. now throw away more Now the compost bin is nearly full up we have to use the food waste collection more. now throw away more Less regular waste, more food waste. now throw away more Food waste has decreased a bit. now throw away more Am more aware. now throw away less You now need to throw in newspaper apparently. now throw away less You can see what you throw away more. now throw away less When you see how much waste you have, it makes you throw away less. now throw away less Very good. Bags in normal rubbish are a lot lighter as a result. now throw away less Using fewer bins. now throw away less Try to throw away less food now. now throw away less Throw away less as we are more conscious of our food waste. now throw away less Throw away less as more aware of the amount. now throw away less Thinking about it means more efficiency. now throw away less There is less food waste in the summer.

Started with two food waste bins now only need one - noticed the amount thrown away and it’s now less. now throw away less

now throw away less Slight decrease. now throw away less Slight decrease. now throw away less Slight decrease. now throw away less Slight decrease. now throw away less Slight decrease. now throw away less Slight decrease but not much. But fox / cat come and attacks. now throw away less Slight but important decrease. now throw away less Significant decrease. now throw away less See what is being recycled and think about it more. now throw away less Rubbish is less as there is more food in the bin. now throw away less Reduced a lot. now throw away less Only slight decrease. now throw away less Not a very good concept. Bins aren’t big enough and it smells rotten. now throw away less More awareness. now throw away less More awareness of what is thrown away. now throw away less More aware of what is being thrown away. now throw away less Lighter black bag for normal rubbish. now throw away less Less since husband's death. now throw away less Less food waste as goes in council collection box instead of regular waste. now throw away less Less food thrown away as rubbish now. now throw away less Less food goes in. now throw away less Large decrease. now throw away less Kitchen waste goes in brown bin now throw away less Its less waste as food is now in the right place. now throw away less Huge decrease. now throw away less Huge decrease, almost half. now throw away less Has made me more aware. now throw away less Halved waste. now throw away less Don’t want the waste in the house because it is unhygienic and it smells. So we try not to

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Level of change Verbatim comments waste as much, to avoid this. Do not find particularly hygienic would like to know more on what happens to the food when it’s taken. now throw away less

now throw away less Dislike the amount of flies it attracts. now throw away less Changed only very slightly. now throw away less Brilliant. It has reduced the waste in the rubbish bin. now throw away less Amazing change. now throw away less Am now more aware, although not all food can be put in the bin. now throw away less Am more conscious of food waste. now throw away less Am more aware of food waste. now throw away less Am more aware of food waste. no change Would like more frequent collections. no change Works fine. The bins fill but don’t overfill if recycled no change Very useful scheme. no change Very good idea that it gets collected. no change Usually put in kitchen waste, peelings and eggshells. no change Uses it for bones. no change Uses it for bones. no change Use regularly. no change Use on and off, the dirty box is gross! no change Use biodegradable bags to line the food waste bin, and sometimes the council won’t take them. no change Throw very little food away. no change Think this is a good idea, though I do sometimes forget!

There is no change; everything that was going into the regular rubbish is now just going into the food bin. no change

no change The collection is for the main part very good. The bin drips all over the carpet, also attracts masses of flies and maggots so don’t use bin that much. no change

no change Surprised by how much goes in. no change Sometimes used in the summer but it smells after a week. In the winter, the dog gets into it. no change Raw foods only. no change Rarely uses due to home composting and taking waste to the recycling centre. no change Put egg shells and vegetable peelings in brown bin no change Problems with maggots & encourages rats. no change Plastics cause the bulk of my waste not food waste. no change Only vegetable peelings no change Only used for peelings and such. no change Only use it for food that can't be composted at home. no change Only the amount in the regular waste bin has changed. no change Only peelings are being thrown away. no change Only participate sometimes. Not very much in the summer as it smells. no change Not seen a difference as still eat the same amount. no change Not much waste, as live alone. no change No difference, if not more of a pain. no change No change yet. no change No change just due to the collection scheme itself. no change No change as council doesn’t collect enough. no change Most waste is due to packaging. no change Most still goes in regular waste bin bags. no change Most leftover food is used to feed the chickens. no change Most food goes on compost. no change More difficult when food is in packaging as has to be taken out. no change More conscious of what one throws out. no change Minimum food waste so not changed much.

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Level of change Verbatim comments no change Makes me realise the amount I am throwing away. no change Live alone so have very little food waste. no change Less goes in the main waste. no change Kitchen and garden waste bin could be bigger.

Just started doing it again. Previously the council didn’t collect food waste 2nd and 4th week so it began to smell and I stopped. Happier now with the service, although in summer it is rancid. no change

no change Just carried on as usual. no change Just because there is a separate bin does not mean less food will be wasted. no change It’s a very good service, wish it was weekly. no change It’s a very good idea that it gets collected. no change It helps no change I’m much more aware of the waste we throw away now, but I wouldn't say it has reduced. no change Home compost. no change Helpful. no change Haven't noticed any difference. no change Have always home composted so there is no change.

Has reduced the amount put into the regular waste, but the amount of food waste has not changed. no change Has reduced the amount put into the regular waste, but the amount of food waste has not changed. no change

no change Has helped with awareness, can now see how much I throw away and am horrified. no change Hardly throw any food away. no change Happy with the service. no change Good, but sometimes its smelly. no change Good that our regular household waste bin doesn't smell anymore. no change Good system. no change Good service. no change Good idea. Been using it for 3 months. no change Good idea. no change Good idea, use it every day. no change Good idea, pleased with the service. no change Food goes with the garden waste. no change Don’t really use it as most food waste goes to the dog. no change Don’t like the food waste collection were getting lots of fruit flies and maggots. no change Don't know. no change Doesn’t always use it. no change Do put cooked food in.

Do not use the bin when the weather is hot because it smells, if the bins were collected more frequently this would not be a problem no change

no change Didn't think I would be able to fill at first, but now its great. no change Council do not take cooked food. no change Council collect garden waste and food peelings in separate bins. no change Cooked foods go into the regular rubbish. no change Composted everything anyway. Scheme is very useful. no change Compost most food waste; only use the collection for meat and bones. no change Collections are not frequent enough in hot weather. no change Can't use in the summer due to insects. no change Box is usually full. no change Am more aware of what is wasted. no change Am more aware but no change. no change Always try to keep to the minimum food waste amount. no change Already have a compost bin, so there is no difference, I just put meat in the food waste bins.

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Appendix C: Council kerbside collections of recyclable materials

Other materials for / Verbatim comments on council collections of recyclables Compost Delivery of paper collection bin is next month. Doesn't use tin cans - recycles everything else Doesn’t want any more bins; Can’t understand why one bin cant be used for it all. Food and vegetable peelings Garden waste composted Good service provided Have no bins do recycle Metal. Newspaper No glass bin No other bins at present. No recycling bins No recycling bins Not aware that there is any kerbside recycling Not enough bags provided by the council- poor service Not used the collections yet as only just moved in Only uses bins that are provided. Prefers bins for recycling than bags Recycling bags are not delivered regularly and has been given no boxes Respondent does not use bins as feels the onus is on householders all the time Respondent would like to know what to do when she runs out of pink sacks as you can not buy them Textiles Textiles Textiles Textiles/shoes/batteries Wants to recycle but council don’t provide facilities We are fighting a losing battle as bins are not emptied Would do more but not enough is offered Would like to be given more pink bags Would like to do more if better facilities were offered that are more efficient You have to be careful what you put out because they say we can recycle yoghurt pots but they don't take them Don't have a box but would use one if I did. Don't have a recycling box or bin. Doesn't have a recycling bin. Don't have bins, but take materials to sister who lives across the road and she recycles for me. Don’t do recycling as council only recycle paper, and it is reused around the house. He forgets to use the recycling collections. Is not aware he can do more than plastic and paper kerbside collections. Would like more information. Is not sure what to put in boxes, would like more information. Need a plastic collection. No bins provided. No boxes provided. No facilities for card and plastic but there should be. No one collects any, so we take all recyclables to the tip. No recycling at present other than paper. No recycling at the moment as we don't have a box. Don't know the local area very well, always used to recycle in former area.

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Other materials for / Verbatim comments on council collections of recyclables No recycling at the moment. No recycling bins delivered. Difficult to take things away without access to a car. More recycling services needed especially plastic. No recycling bins. No recycling boxes or bins. Only has a bin for glass as there is not much room for all the bins needed. Recycling boxes have not been provided yet. Not aware about kerbside collections. Only have facilities for recycling paper. Only have paper bins. Would do more if had other facilities. Only have room for paper and glass bins. Shares bins with neighbours. Respondent think wheelie bins should be introduced into the area as it would be more efficient. Respondent was unaware of any kerbside collections Respondent wishes for a rag collection. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like more kerbside collections especially card and plastic. Respondent would like to have more facilities. Respondent would recycle plastic if the facilities were made available to him. Sent the bins back as had no space for them. She does not use kerbside collections, does all recycling at the same time at dump. She is not aware of what to do. She only recycles what she has been told she can. She would like a collection for plastic and card. Someone burnt the bin for paper recycling, so they don’t do it any more. The bins are a nuisance. They are too selective on what they allow and have refused to take them away. The houses across the road have food waste collections but he doesn’t. They really need a plastics collection. Too many rules Used to recycle in the past but stopped at present as it is kicked about or burnt. Used to use paper kerbside collection doesn’t anymore. Wants better facilities. Wants kerbside collections for plastic as he has no car. He has been recycling for years and wants to do more. Wants recycle for plastics. Why in other areas do they collect different things? Would like more boxes and information on them. Would like a collection for garden waste. At the moment her gardener takes it away and she’s not sure what happens to it. Would like a collection for plastic and card. Would like a collection for plastic and card. Would like a collection for plastic and card. Would like a kerbside collection for plastic as she has no transport. Would like a plastic and card collection. Would like a recycling bin for garden waste. Would like bin for other forms of waste, however only paper bin is currently provided. Would like card to be collected. Would like collections from council for card and plastic as they do collect in Hounslow. Would like facilities to recycle cardboard. Would like more bins as shares with 5 other houses Would like plastic collection. Would like something for cardboard and plastic. Would like something for plastic as 80% of my rubbish is plastic. Would like tins and plastics collections. Would like to be able to take part in food waste collections. Would like to recycle plastics. Would recycle if they had the bins.

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Appendix D: Householder’s other recycling activity

Materials recycled beyond kerbside collections / Verbatim comments A neighbour takes them to the recycling centre for me. All waste just goes in the regular waste bin. Am elderly so can not take items to recycling bank, would use bins if had them. Amenity centre for general recycling Appliances. Asked for plastic bin and was promised we would get one but have not heard since so have to save up plastics to take to Tesco. However, he has had 8 heart attacks and finds it hard to cope when the bags are full to carry them. Bigger items. Bins weren’t being collected, so take waste to recycling centre instead. Blankets. Building materials. Car oil. Carrier bags. Carrier bags. Carrier bags. Carrier bags. Cartons. Catalogues. Clothes and shoes to charity shops. Clothes and shoes to charity shops. Clothes and shoes to Sainsbury. Clothes and toys to second hand shops. Clothes at Mosque bin. Clothes collected by charity collection bags. Clothes etc to charity shop. Clothes go to charity shops. Clothes go to charity shops. Would like a bin for plastic. Clothes to charity bags. Clothes to charity shop. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity shops. Clothes to charity. Clothes to charity. Clothes/shoes to charity Clothes/shoes/toys to charity shop. Clothes/toys to charity. Composting for 15 years. Composts. Copper and wood.

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Materials recycled beyond kerbside collections / Verbatim comments Council collects furniture. Council cuts grass and takes it away. Council don't collect rubbish on time, so don't recycle. Council don't empty bins, it's an ongoing issue. Do all recycling at the local supermarket. Easier to do all together. Do not know what to recycle but would like to find out. Don't really have anything that can be recycled. Don’t do. Would if it was made more available. Electrical equipment, etc. Electrical equipment. Fabric. Would like a plastic and card collection. Friends take to supermarket for her e.g. Old Xmas cards. Furniture. Furniture. Furniture. Electrical items. Give things to sister to recycle in Leeds. Gives things to charity. Glass bottles at a bottle bank. Has no means to get card or plastic recycled. Has used a home compost heap for garden waste for 32 years. Household appliances. If bins are full take rubbish to the tip. If the recycling men don't come then he will take it to the bank himself. Ink cartridges. Jars are reused for jam making. Some corrugated card is recycled. Kitchen waste as home compost. Large items/electricals. Little room for the recycling but the plastic needs to be collected. Milk cartons. No facilities to recycle other waste. No facilities. No facilities. No recycling due to very low volume of waste thrown out. No recycling facilities. Nylon clothes. Other rags. Paper Savers, a private company, collects card. Paper used for dogs. Plastic bags. Plastic bags. Plastic bags. Plastic bags. Plastics and card goes to the local dump. Plastics get recycled into gates. Put garden waste in field next door. Rags. Recycles clothes. Remakes old clothes into new for children. Respondent takes items to second hand shops Respondent takes things to charity shops Reuses carrier bags when shopping Reuses plastic bags Reuses plastic bags Saves all paper for when she walks the dog.

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Materials recycled beyond kerbside collections / Verbatim comments Second hand shops Second hand shops She doesn’t have any recycling facility near her and she doesn’t drive. She takes clothes to a clothing bank. The plastic bank is too far away. She takes glass to her daughter’s house to recycle. She takes items to her mother's house to recycle. No recycle boxes so most goes into the regular waste. Shoes. Shred all their paper. Shredded paper Sometimes burns paper/magazines or it's used for dog bedding. Sometimes takes rubbish to work when bin's full Supermarket bottle bank Take clothes to Morrison’s. Take it to the dump. Take plastic bags to Tesco Take to the tip. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Take various items to charity shops. Takes all her recycling Takes clothes to charity shop Takes glass bottles to the local pub to recycle. Takes it all clean to a recycling centre. Takes it to local recycling point. Takes old clothes etc to charity shops Takes plastic to the supermarket. Takes plastics to Asda. Takes things to charity shops Takes things to charity shops Takes to Morrison’s. Takes to recycling centre in the town Takes to tip/bottle bank Textiles The council will come and collect garden waste if you ring them. Also gives clothes to charity shops and uses to recycle everything (furniture, household goods etc). Timber Timber, brick, appliances Toys Toys Toys Uses recycle charity bags. Use to collect plastic, however now a problem as no local collection place Uses a compost heap / wormery. Uses card for junk modelling Uses school recycling facilities Wants kerbside collection for plastic and card.

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Materials recycled beyond kerbside collections / Verbatim comments Water Water Water Collector Water. Wood Wood Wood. Wood. Wood. Domestic appliances.

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Appendix E: People doing main and additional food shopping

persons doing additional shopping other adult outside

other adult in house

respondent partner

everyone does own

Count 1726 174 6 25 14 % within main food shopping 88.69 8.94 0.31 1.28 0.72

respondent % within additional shopping 89.57 59.59 13.3 25.78 30.44

Count 133 117 2 1 0 % within main food shopping 52.57 46.25 0.79 0.40 0

partner % within additional shopping 6.90 40.07 4.44 1.03 0

Count 7 0 31 1 0 % within main food shopping 17.95 0 79.49 2.56 0

everyone does their own % within additional shopping 0.36 0 68.89 1.03 0

Count 51 1 6 70 0 % within main food shopping 39.54 0.78 4.65 54.26 0 other adult

in house % within additional shopping 2.65 0.34 13.33 72.16 0



s m



d sh



Count 10 0 0 0 32 % within main food shopping 23.81 0 0 0 76.19

other adult outside % within additional shopping 0.52 0 0 0 69.57

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Appendix F: Food waste from Internet shopping vs. in-store purchases

Reasons for change in food waste / comments on Internet food shopping Change in waste Verbatim comments same All items are intended buys. same Always have same food whether online or from shop same Am not wasteful anyway. same Barely waste food anyway. same Best before dates too soon to when it is delivered. same Bought more, substitute foods. same But buy less overall. same Buys less food doesn't make much difference. same Buys online out of convenience even though there is a reduction in quality same Choice of whether to same Cost effective same Did it in the past, preferred looking around a shop though. same Do it because of time restrictions and is more convenient same Don't have much waste anyway. same Don't think it would make any difference. same Don't throw away a lot either way. same Don't waste much. same Efficient on time and allows you to buy specifics, only no browsing. same Fast service. Lower cost. No browsing. same First time internet food shopping. same Have always bought only what I can eat. same I know what I want and I get it from either shop same Inefficient so stopped same Less BOGOF. Waste of carrier bags. same More convenient and less time consuming. same No browsing. Used internet in last home but not connected up yet. Prefers shopping. same No difference - bulky things same No difference same No plastic bags to worry about. same No real change in shopping. same Only buy what you want same Only internet shop at Christmas time so buy the same things same Only shop online at Christmas time. same Only used occasionally. same Prefer to wander in shop and look at products. same Rarely use them. same Replaces items when one doesn't want it to. same Respondent buys regular products that are bought all the time same Respondent buys what she knows she is going to use same Respondent is strict on what she buys same Respondent only buys what she needs and if she forgets it she gets it from Lidl same Respondent says that internet shopping prevents browsing and avoids advertising same Respondent would rather see food for himself in the supermarket same Same number of bags as normal shopping

Same waste however it isn't as fresh if you buy it yourself. Respondent didn't like using the internet service and found it a hassle. same

same Shop in store only when necessary.

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Reasons for change in food waste / comments on Internet food shopping Change in waste Verbatim comments same Some items are close to use-by date, but are still eaten soon enough. same Sometimes the food has gone off when it is delivered. same Sometimes use alternatives if they don't have what they want same Spend less, waste the same. same Sticks to a routine. same Still buying the same food same Tend to buy less - shelf life can be shorter same There has been no difference same They didn’t supply what was ordered. same Tries to use everything. same Unsure have only just started internet shopping. same Use internet for convenience. same Used for bulk buying items. same Used for Christmas once same Uses it monthly. same Was given more carrier bags when shopped online so worse for the environment. same We eat what we need more Additional stuff unneeded more Bananas not fresh and they give you stuff with short use by dates more Bought more frozen food but wasn’t eaten. Not much fresh choices. more bought more online than needed more Buy more than I need. more Dates are bad. more Dates on salad does not last long enough more Dates on the food is very close to best before date when they arrive more Deliver out of date produce so end up throwing away more. more Didn't have to carry it more Don't eat the week's food. more Don’t buy as much as you cant see what you are getting- tricky with close sell by dates more Don’t eat all food and the sell by dates are not as good. more Food goes out of date quicker more Hadn’t noticed. more Next day out of date or has gone mouldy.

Occasionally more. Forget what has ordered as computer is upstairs. Only worth doing for big order. more

more Order the same amount as would normally be bought from the supermarket. more Over-shop on the internet more prefer shopping centre as like to see what your buying more Respondent stocked up more Rubbish vegetables - have to throw away more Send replacement items that I didn't like. Organic box included unwanted fruit.

Sometime measurements are wrong & buy too much. Ordered a kilo of bananas not realising how much a kilo is and wasted most of them more

more Stopped using it as it caused too much waste and there was too much packaging. more Tend to order too quickly and get more then I need.

The sell by dates aren’t as long and Tesco pack each item into one plastic bag which is very wasteful more

more They deliver things that go off more quickly. more They send food that’s close to use by date or that goes off on the same day. more Used service twice - not impressed. Poor quality food delivered

Used to buy on Internet sites but found that fruit goes mouldy, milk is not fresh. Now prefers to see what he is buying. more

more Went over the top and bought too much as could not see what she was buying

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Reasons for change in food waste / comments on Internet food shopping Change in waste Verbatim comments less better more convenient would pick up other thing if in shop less Bought less. less Buy less - less impulse buys. less Buy less online. less buy less so throw less away less Buy less. less Buy specific less Buy what you need

changed to store because its closer but the internet encouraged less buying because there was no curiosity less Children don't put extra in basket so saving money but respondent does not know about food waste less

less Choose more wisely less Do not buy as much. less Do not buy unintended buys online, which I do in store. less Do not hoard food, just buy what is wanted as there is less opportunity for compulsive buys less Do not impulse buy; have been shopping online for three months since having baby. less Does not get extras less Don't buy extras less Don't impulse buy as much less Don't see all food available less Don't see extra things but fresh - dates not good. less don’t buy as much not being tempted by offers

Don’t buy as much rubbish as kids want treats/extras, and this is the food that is mainly wasted. less

less Don’t buy so much. less Don’t end up buying extras and get more offers etc less Don’t see extras less Find it to be of better quality. less Food not available less Getting just what you need less Hard to predict quantity

Have a shopping list online. So when ordering online we buy less then if in a store as we can’t see the offers. When we ordered biweekly we threw away more, so now we use it weekly. less

less I only buy what is going to be used. less It's all frozen foods. less Less impulse buying. less Less inclined to impulse buy online. less Less temptation. less Less tempted to buy perishable items. Uses the internet once every 6 weeks. less Less tempted. Tried it and didn’t like it as you don’t always get what you ordered. less less waste less More organised, surrounded by less temptation. less More time to think less No BOGOFs etc less No browsing at all, keeps you to the specifics. less Not browsing so not tempted less Not impulse buying. less Not tempted by extra things. less Not tempted by offers less Not tempted by products less Ocado vegetables are fresher less Only buy non perishables.

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Reasons for change in food waste / comments on Internet food shopping Change in waste Verbatim comments less Only buy what is needed. less Only buy what you need, not what you see. less Only buys bottles and tins. less Only get what you need rather than get tempted less Only order what is needed. less Respondent could not find all products on website less Respondent does not impulse buy less Respondent is not tempted to buy extras less See how much you're spending less Try to use everything that is brought. less Weren’t tempted by extras less When shopping in store would pick up extras. less You don’t browse you just get what you want don't know cant compare yet as only used once don't know Depends on how organised I am. don't know Just used it once, didn't like it as needed to see what I was buying. don't know Not sure don't know Only used it twice so not sure. don't know Respondent only does shopping online and does not know if they throw away more or less N/A Food is not always as fresh so have stopped using the internet.

Have internet shopped before, but prefer doing it in store, as the supermarkets do not always give you what you have ordered. N/A

N/A Quality of food not as good as if you had chosen it, close to sell by etc Respondent has done before but found it is too time consuming and was not inspired to buy food. N/A

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Appendix G: Checking stock levels of food before shopping

Checking food items that are already in the house before shopping Frequency of checking Verbatim comments sometimes Already know what’s in there. sometimes If I used it I replace it. sometimes Pretty much know what’s there at all times. rarely Already know what we need to get. rarely Already know what’s there. rarely Already know. rarely Already know. rarely Already knows. rarely Buy the same things every week. rarely Doesn’t usually have time. rarely Have a general idea. rarely Know what’s there. rarely Knows already as she buys daily. rarely Knows what has been used. rarely Pretty much always has an idea of what is needed. rarely Respondent keeps stocks low. rarely Respondent knows what he's got so does not look. rarely Respondent knows what is there. rarely Respondent knows what is there. rarely Respondent knows what is there. rarely Usually know. other Don't know. other Unsure. never Already know. never Already know. never Always buy the same things. never Just know what you've got. never Know what is needed. never Knows what’s there. never Mum knows what is in the cupboards so buys from memory. never Respondent knows what he has. never Respondent knows what is needed. never Respondent knows what is there and what is needed. never Respondent knows what is there. never Respondent knows what she has. never Respondent knows what stock he has. never Usually know what they have run out of. always or most Checks fridge. always or most Just automatic now. always or most Only one person so knows what is in the cupboards. always or most Respondent says they don't stock up for famines or cold weather disasters. always or most Wait until the fridge is empty and then do it.

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Appendix I: Use of lists when food shopping

Frequency of preparing a list before food shopping Any list Mental Written Verbatim comments sometimes sometimes never Always buys certain foods each week. sometimes rarely sometimes He makes a list but it doesn't always work out with freebies.

He only remembers what he has to get in a mental list. For other things, he just gets what he feels like. sometimes sometimes never

sometimes never sometimes Makes a list for the essentials only. sometimes never sometimes Not certain because mainly his wife does it. sometimes sometimes sometimes Same shop each week so not much need for a list. sometimes never other Stored in favourites list online. sometimes never rarely Tries to make a list but forgets to write one. rarely never rarely Only at Christmas and then generally it is stuck to. rarely never rarely Only at Christmas. never never never Always knows what's needed. never never never Buy foods by browsing not by planning. never never never Buy whatever I want. never never never Chooses what's on offer. never never never Just sees what's in the shops. never never never No need as know what is required. never never never She knows what she wants.

She will see what she fancies and from that she'll decide whether she'll buy it or not. never never never

always or most always or most never Automatically knows what is needed. always or most always or most never Don't always have a mental list but most of the time they do. always or most never always or most Have to make a written list from memory. always or most always or most never Knows from memory what to buy. always or most never always or most Often she leaves the list at home. always or most never always or most Respondent never goes shopping without a list.

Usually written list but will know in his mind things he forgot to put on the list. always or most sometimes always or most

always or most never always or most Writes on hand.

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Appendix J: Purchasing ‘unintended’ food items

Frequency of purchase Verbatim comments

always or most All food purchases are unplanned. always or most Buy what’s needed. always or most Especially if the grandchildren are present. always or most Normally junk food for the children. always or most Only if suitable, wont buy it just because its on offer. always or most Respondent never intends to buy anything.

Her daughter lives down the road and a bit of shopping everyday rather than a big shop. Her daughter only buys what is on the list given to her. never

never Not tempted by any special offers. never Only buys essentials. never Only gets what is needed. Doesn’t store huge amounts of food. never Stick to a certain routine every time. never Wouldn’t eat it. other Not relevant - daughter does shopping. other Respondent buys cheapest items. rarely Can't afford to. rarely Can’t afford impulse buys living off his pension.

If the partner sees something she hasn’t thought of, but it is limited to the amount she can carry due to travelling on the bus to the supermarket. rarely

rarely Just buy what I need. rarely Not since buying online. rarely Occasional treat but not often. rarely Only at Christmas. rarely Only if she has visitors will she get anything extra to what she normally buys. sometimes Depends on mood. sometimes Freezer items. sometimes Goes for the basics but will purchases other things if they like the look of them. sometimes He is not an impulse buyer. sometimes If I want to eat it. sometimes If used. sometimes Interested in what is currently on offer. sometimes Often buy other items not on the list. sometimes Respondent buys extras if her son is with her. sometimes Time is a factor. sometimes unless its not needed sometimes Whenever they forget to write a list, the amount of unplanned buying increases.

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Appendix K: Reasons for buying ‘unintended’ food items

Reasons for / Verbatim comments on buying extra items Addicted to food shopping. Food items advertised on TV Also end up buying clothes and CD's. Alternative things when item I want is not in stock. Anything that springs to mind whilst in the supermarket. Bad planning. Bargains (only sometimes) but never BOGOF. Bargains. Kids don’t help. Bargains/new items. Bargains/offers/reduced items. Bargains/Special offers/Cheap stuff. Being Silly. BOGOF items that would originally bought anyway despite the offer. But only things they normally use. Buy junk food. Buy stuff that she already has such as sugar and butter. Buy wine. Buying treats. Buys more impulse buys when hungry. Buys whatever is fancied at the time. Cakes/sweets/wine. Catches his eye, or just something he fancies. Catches the eye. Catches the eye/ reduced price. Caught by advertising. Caught eye. Changing the shop layout. Food items for children. Chocolate and cakes Chocolate. Clever sales pitches. Clothes, DVDs etc. Cravings. Curiosity tasting. Deli items. Deli items. Wine and sherry. Depends on what is on offer at the time. Dietary needs. Different varieties of other items e.g. biscuits. Discounted items. Discounts, half price etc. Enjoy spending money. Enticed by colours. Extra food for when grandchildren coming to visit. Extra foods not on the list. Extra fruits. Extra snacks. Extra treats.

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Reasons for / Verbatim comments on buying extra items Extras for children. Family coming for dinner. Fancied a change. Fancied it. Fancies something different. Featured items which look nice. Fancy chocolate /cream/sweet things. Fancy something. Feel like eating. Freebies. Fresh bread. Fresh fruit and vegetables on special offer. Fresh produce. Fruit that has been reduced in price. Fruit/fresh things. Fruit/fresh things. Get biscuits at end. Get something extra for the children. Gluttony or on a whim. Gluttony. Going shopping when hungry. Grand children. Greediness. Greediness. Had an idea for a meal. Half price offers. Having a change. If I shop when hungry Husband fancies something different. Husband has come shopping with her. Husband mainly does this to get bargains. If are using item anyway. If different. If have guests. If hungry and have children. If husband comes then yes. If husband paying for shopping. If I see a need for it. If I want something/appealing. If it's cheap. If new and not too expensive. If see a bargain will get it. If she is going to use it. If something catches my eye. If something is cheaper than her usual item then she will get it. If son or husband shops. If their grandchildren are with them. If there is something they want or like. If they have forgotten something. If they need it but forgotten to put it on the list. If they needed something and forgot. If they see things they fancy like promotions on cakes. Is cheaper than what the respondent was going to buy. Item needed. Item that you remember you need whilst you are shopping.

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Reasons for / Verbatim comments on buying extra items Item that you remember you need whilst you are shopping. Items that had not been thought of. Items that will be useful. It’s something new. Just moved to country so likes trying new foods Keeps the kids happy. Kids wanting different things. Lack of planning. Liked the look of, or enjoyed it once before. Long life stuff for freezing. Looks good for future meals. Luxury items. Luxury item. Luxury or treat/kids are big influence. Luxury/treats. Mainly multipacks on canned drinks. Marketing. Maybe a new line that has come out. Might need it. Missed something from the list. More time to look. Needed it. Needed it. Needed or wanted. Not fresh produce. Not much, special offers. Only buy BOGOF if it's something she likes. Only buy BOGOF if they aren’t perishable items. Only buy one get one frees if they are going to be used. Only buy if they want or need it. Only buy unplanned if special offer is suitable to the households needs. Only buys BOGOF if it is needed. Only buys BOGOF if its value for money. Only buys BOGOF if suitable at the time. Only buys BOGOFs when they do their smaller shopping. Only buys if she needs it. Only if I needed them. Only if it is definitely going to get eaten. Only if it is something she would anyway, regardless if it was on special offer. Only if it was going to buy or would use it. Only if needed anyway. Only if they are already planning to buy the item. Only items I need. Only purchases sometimes. Only uses BOGOF if she was going to buy it anyway. Only when they want something special that's on the online list. Or something that takes my fancy. Other specials. Partner or kids seeing something. Practical offers. Pressure from her children. Product could be used. Products that gain points on the card. Promotional marketing.

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Reasons for / Verbatim comments on buying extra items Promotional marketing. Promotional marketing. Rare food. Ready meals. Recipe in head. Regularly purchases on impulse. Remembers items. Remembers other items when there. Remembers something/ something new. Respondent can't help herself, she loves spending money. Respondent buys items that look or smell nice depending on how hungry he is. Respondent buys offers that they either want or like. Respondent buys special offers when they are needed. Respondent buys treats. Respondent feels depressed and buys chocolate. Respondent has little will power. Respondent only buys BOGOF when it's items she would normally buy. Respondent only buys cleaning products so products are not wasted. Respondent only buys offers if they are wanted. Respondent only buys unplanned items if it is something that she would use. Run out of things. Sale Sale offers. Sales. Seasonal items. Seasonal vegetables. Sees things that are more appealing. See more things you need. See things they had forgotten. See what they fancy when they get there. Seems a good idea. Sell by dates. Shop presentation. Shopaholic. Snacks. Something children want/like. Something different to what they normally have. Something she uses anyway Something takes my fancy Something the respondent needs Something their kids might like, or they are interested in. Something they already use that is on offer. Something they have forgotten off their list. Sometimes - wine. Sometimes buys chocolate unplanned. Sometimes if chocolate is on special offer. Son home weekends. Son is tempted by sweets, but she buys what is required. Special fruits Spendaholic-tries to keep shopping to a minimum amount. Spur of the moment. Stock up. Stores a lot in the freezer for later use. Stuff for children.

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Reasons for / Verbatim comments on buying extra items Stuff we want. Substitute items. Substitute vegetables Substitution for other items. Sucker for advertising. Supermarket promotions on fancy items. Sweet and other items for children. Sweet things. Sweet tooth - nice biscuits. Sweets. Sweets. Sweets/ice-cream. Takes a fancy to. I give in to temptation. Terrible for buying things on impulse alone. They need it. They will buy unplanned because they don’t take a list. Things are moved too much. Things daughter knows she likes. Things for the children. Things I hadn't thought of. Things that are bought on offer. Things they have forgotten, or something they could use. Thinks might need. Thinks needs them at the time. TV -Advertising. Value for money or something new. Various foods weekly. Visitors coming. Want a change. Want something different. Wanted it. What I fancy. What I think I need. What the kids have thrown in the trolley. Whatever is needed. Whatever takes her fancy. When browsing and spot something interesting. When hungry everything’s more tempting. When shopping with children. Will only buy if I want it but if my husband comes he tends to want to buy BOGOF items. Wine. Won’t buy cheap if I don't need them. Would only buy 'unintended items' in a multi-purchase if we were already buying one of those items anyway. Yoghurts and kids snack food etc.

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Appendix L: Level of organisation when food shopping

Verbatim comments on being organised when food shopping very Basic system each, with a bit of flexibility. very Brilliant. very Budgeting. very Buy what’s needed. very Daughter does the shopping; he believes she is an organised person. very Each aisle. very Easier. very Easier. very Everything has to be packed in a certain order. very Extremely. very Finds items are too high (shelving) tries to stick to list as she knows wont eat it all otherwise. very Get what I need all the time. very Goes there enough. very Greased lightening. very Hate way stores always move things around distracts people from their routine. very Hates when they change. very Have to be organised. very Have to stick to weekly budget. very He tries to avoid impulse buys. very Husband is very organised if he comes along. very I know where everything is. very If they have no kids with them they are very organised. very It's important to know where things are - quicker. very Just buy what’s needed. very Know what we want. very Know where everything is. very Knows aisle by aisle. very Knows it very well. very Layouts of stores force you to do so. very M&S are known for changing food items around. very Most of the time. very Not an impulse buyer. very Not tempted very easily. very Only has what she wants daily. very Order. very Order. very Organised. very Quicker. very Respondent has to be careful with money which makes her very organised. very Respondent is because of her children. very Respondent likes to do it as quick as possible. very Respondent says she has to be because she is shopping with a budget. very Respondent sticks to the order on the list. very Respondent writes the list in order of where things are. very Routine - automatic. very Routine use same place and order. very Saves backtracking. very Start at beginning.

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Verbatim comments on being organised when food shopping very They use detailed list and menu plans. very To a certain extent. very Try to be organised. very Try to be organised. very Try to buy only what is needed and wanted. very Unless they change the layout. very Until the supermarket moves the products around. very Until they change the layout. very Very disorganised. very Very particular. very Very particular. very Wasn’t as organised before. very Wife does. very Wife is very organised, husband isn’t. very Wife very good. Knows where all food is. very With 6 kids budgeting is crucial. very Work way around.

Works at Tesco where they do their main food shop a week, and also picks things up each day when working. So he knows the store well. very

very Works there so knows where everything is. somewhat 85% organised. somewhat Aisle by aisle. somewhat Aisle by aisle. somewhat Aisle by aisle. somewhat Aisle by aisle. somewhat As it comes from aisle to aisle. somewhat Budget; keep to it. somewhat Could be better. somewhat Depends on mood. somewhat Don't like going anywhere that isn't familiar. somewhat Follow wife's lead. somewhat Goes up and down each aisle for children. somewhat Good idea of layout of shop. somewhat Just wander. somewhat Likes to think so. somewhat Moderately. somewhat Moderately. somewhat Morrison’s are a bit difficult but Iceland are ok as they are smaller. somewhat Move it around too much. somewhat Only buy what needed. somewhat Pick up as you go along. somewhat Quite. somewhat Respondent has a routine which saves money. somewhat She organises him. somewhat Somewhat organised if its the same store. somewhat The respondent is faster than his wife at shopping. somewhat Things I need then extras. somewhat To save money. somewhat Try to be as organised as possible, as they don’t like waste. somewhat Usually. somewhat Wanders the aisle. somewhat Want to be more organised. somewhat When they don't change it. somewhat With kids difficult.

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Verbatim comments on being organised when food shopping somewhat Work backwards. not very Aisle by aisle. not very All over the place. not very Confused, as its a new shop. not very Different shops most times. not very Don’t like the shop but its the only one near. not very Go in wanting one thing but come out with everything but that item- shopping is random like the lotto. not very It’s a new shop (Tesco). not very Just pick things up. not very Knows what wants and knows where it is in shop. not very Moved stuff - refit. not very New area. not very New to area. not very Not very organised from beginning to end. not very Other people do shopping for him. not very Supermarket changes too much. not very Very chaotic. not very Wife is good. not very Would only buy what is on the list if they were more organised. not at all Day to day as needed. not at all Hate it. not at all Her partner is organised. not at all Hugely disorganised. not at all No time to be. not at all Normally go round 3 or 4 times. not at all Wander around. not at all Works long hours. Not relevant - daughter does shopping.

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Appendix M: Preparation of multiple menus.

Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

never - only one meal per day Able to adapt what's cooking usually. never - only one meal per day Always eat together when home as it is very important. never - only one meal per day Children have different once a month never - only one meal per day Diabetic. never - only one meal per day Different likes. never - only one meal per day Family eat together so they have time to talk never - only one meal per day House mate eats at work so the respondent just cooks for herself never - only one meal per day Live alone plan what I eat never - only one meal per day Lives alone. never - only one meal per day Meals are specific to dietary needs through never - only one meal per day Occasionally children have different, twice a month never - only one meal per day Occasionally make others, but not very often. never - only one meal per day Only baby food separately prepared. never - only one meal per day Only lunch is different for child everyday. never - only one meal per day Only prepares one meal but sometimes they will eat at different times. never - only one meal per day Only when grandchildren visit never - only one meal per day Respondent has meals at his daughters never - only one meal per day Same meal different times. never - only one meal per day Same meal, but often at different times. never - only one meal per day Same meals but eaten at different times never - only one meal per day Sometimes for child never - only one meal per day Sometimes for grandchild but very rarely

Sometimes when the grandchildren come round but respondent does not live with them never - only one meal per day

never - only one meal per day Usually never - only one meal per day Vegetarian but mostly eat the same every day 1 vegetarian in household every day 2 members gluten intolerant, 1 dairy intolerant and 1 a vegetarian every day Adult daughter cooks her own meals later. Wife and partner eat some meals together. every day Allergies and daughters. every day All cook individually (4 meals at one time). every day All have different tastes. every day Allergies. every day Always eat separately. every day Always separate meals. every day At least 2 different meals daily. every day Au pair for family eats separate meals. every day Baby every day Baby has baby food. every day Baby has milk. Child eats different meals. every day Baby has separate food. every day Both eat separate meals as he lives with his sister who goes to university with him. every day Child every day Child eats separately. Minor variety due to vegetarian partner. every day Child has different meals everyday. every day Child has different meals. every day Child has different meals.

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children always eat different meals. every day Children eat different food to adults. every day Children eat different foods. every day Children eat different foods. every day Children have different meals every day Children have different meals every day Children have different meals every day Children have different meals every day Children have different meals, they sometimes have frozen meals every day Children have different meals. every day Children have different meals. every day Children have different meals. every day Children have different tastes every day Children have different meals. every day Children tastes every day Children have different meals everyday every day Children’s meals. every day Children’s meals. every day Children’s tastes. every day Cooks different for youngest child who is two every day Dad is fussy every day Daughter has different likes. every day Daughter has different meals every day Daughter is a fussy eater every day Daughter is a vegetarian every day Daughter is a vegetarian. every day Daughter is dairy intolerant every day Daughter is fussy every day Daughter usually out, so has to cook again when she comes in. every day Dietary (coeliac /diary intolerant) / different work shifts every day Different likes/dislikes, plus one of the household is a vegetarian. every day Different dietary requirements every day Different dinners because her husband has diabetes. every day Different likes every day Different likes every day Different likes every day Different likes when visitors come. every day Different likes. every day Different likes. every day Different likes. every day Different likes. every day Different meals all week. every day Different meals cooked for children. every day Different meals for children. every day Different meals for children. every day Different meals for each person every day Different meals for everyone in the house.

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

every day Different meals for the children every day Different meals for younger members of the family. every day Different shift work every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes every day Different tastes and diets every day Different tastes and timing. every day Different tastes especially the kids. every day Different tastes for each child. every day Different tastes in family. every day Different tastes, fish and meat eaters. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes. every day Different tastes/different eating times every day Different tastes/has health problems diabetes and kidney failure every day Different times every day Different work patterns every day Different work times and tastes every day Differing tastes. every day Due to children every day Due to children every day Due to work every day Each has their own every day Each to their own everyday. every day Every cooks their own meal every day Every day as she has to prepare a different meal for her 6 year old. every day Everyday for children and dieting. every day Everyday she has to do fresh food for her son every day Everyone cooks for themselves. every day Everyone cooks for themselves. House sharing. every day Everyone cooks separately. every day Everyone cooks their own meals. every day Everyone does their own every day Everyone eats different meals everyday.

Everyone eats different things except on Sundays which causes individual leftovers and waste. every day

every day Everyone gets what they want every day Everyone has different meals every day Everyone makes their own meals in the household. every day Family has different likes

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

every day Family has different likes every day Flatmate eats separately. every day For different family members every day For the children every day Fussy child. every day Fussy children every day Fussy children. every day Fussy eaters every day Fussy husband every day Fussy kids or vegetarians. every day Fussy son every day Grandson has different tastes every day Have one child who is a vegetarian and she has different meals everyday every day Health reasons every day House shared by 4 people so everyone cooks their own meals. every day House sharing so everyone cooks their own every day Husband works late every day Its a shared house every day Its a shared house every day Kid growing up every day Kids every day Kids every day Kids eat different meals everyday. every day Kids eat different meals. every day Kids eat different meals. every day Kids eat separately. every day Kids have different meals. every day Kids have separate meals. every day Kids have separate meals to adults every day Kids like something different. every day Kids meals every day Kids’ meals made separately. every day Kids. every day Like different foods every day Likes cooking, family have different likes. every day Lodgers eat separately. every day Mixed diets in household (1 vegetarian and a 1 meat eater) every day Mostly everyone eats own thing every day Mother in law is fussy with food. every day Mum and Son are both coeliacs and there is diabetic in the family.

Mum has Alzheimer’s so eats different meals. Dad has different meals to daughter about 3 times a week. every day

every day Once person has a different meal every night every day One member of house is a vegetarian and the other is not every day One is a vegetarian and the other is not every day Parents come home late every day Partner is a vegetarian. every day People get their own food. every day People in house have different tastes every day Respondent has fussy children every day Respondent's a vegetarian every day Respondent has a different meal everyday as she is diabetic every day Respondent is a vegetarian so has different meals everyday

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

every day Respondents children are fussy eaters every day Respondents daughter has separate meals every day Respondent’s daughter is a fussy eater so she eats separately. every day Respondent has a fussy child every day Separate meals due to different times. every day Separate meals due to night shifts. every day Separate meals due to their work patterns. every day Separate meals due to working different shift patterns. every day Separate for children every day Separate meals - vegetarian. every day Separate meals every day Shared accommodation, everyone cooks their own. every day Shared accommodation, everyone cooks their own. every day Shared house so every cooks there own meals. every day Shift work every day Sister and her boyfriend cook their own meals every day Some don’t like vegetables every day Someone in house is a vegetarian every day Someone in house is a vegetarian every day Someone is a vegetarian every day Son cooks his own meals every day Son cooks ready meals. every day Son eats earlier every day Son has special dietary needs. every day Son makes own meal every day, he's who has the ready meals every day Students so they cook separate meals for themselves. every day The respondents children have different meals every day They each have separate meals every day Two vegetarians and three meat eaters every day Usually 3 dishes is cooked for everyone every day Vegetarian every day Vegetarian in family /different likes every day Vegetarian in household every day Vegetarian in household every day Vegetarian in the household. every day Vegetarian in the household. every day Vegetarian son. every day Vegetarians/children every day Wife is a vegetarian. every day Wife prefers healthier food and the son is vegetarian every day Work different shifts. every day Work different shifts.

Work times are different, as well as children’s school times are different when they are back at school. every day

every day Works shifts. every day Young children in the household. every day Young children. 5-6 times per week All cook own due to different times, do eat together at Sunday lunch. 5-6 times per week Because of work 5-6 times per week Children always eat different meals. 5-6 times per week Children always eat different meals. 5-6 times per week Children have different 5-6 times per week Children have different meals

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

5-6 times per week Different shifts 5-6 times per week Different tastes 5-6 times per week Different tastes, especially the kids. 5-6 times per week Different tastes. 5-6 times per week Different tastes/when busy/grandchildren 5-6 times per week Eat at different times due to work, except for weekends. 5-6 times per week Husband is home late from work 5-6 times per week Kids are fussy eaters. 5-6 times per week Mostly separate meals. 5-6 times per week Mother can't have gluten 5-6 times per week Once child is diabetic and one gets severe eczema 5-6 times per week One person in the house is a vegetarian 5-6 times per week Only spend weekends together. Work late during the week 5-6 times per week Respondent is a vegetarian 5-6 times per week Separate meals due to varying work patterns. 5-6 times per week Son a vegan. Two other householders vegetarian. 5-6 times per week The children have different tastes 5-6 times per week When working on shifts. 5-6 times per week Working different shifts 4-5 times per week Always eats separately to the rest of the household. 4-5 times per week Child sometimes has separate meals 4-5 times per week Children always eat different meals. 4-5 times per week Children always eat different meals. 4-5 times per week Children have different 4-5 times per week Children have different meals to the adults. 4-5 times per week Children’s tastes 4-5 times per week Daughter always out 4-5 times per week Daughter likes fresh vegetables. 4-5 times per week Dietary needs. 4-5 times per week Different Appetites at different times. 4-5 times per week Different shifts 4-5 times per week Different tastes 4-5 times per week Different tastes 4-5 times per week Different tastes 4-5 times per week Different tastes and allergies. 4-5 times per week Different tastes and working different times 4-5 times per week Different tastes. 4-5 times per week Different tastes. 4-5 times per week Different times/tastes 4-5 times per week Due to work. 4-5 times per week Eats more salads. 4-5 times per week Fussy sibling 4-5 times per week Member of household is a vegetarian 4-5 times per week Often have separate meals. 4-5 times per week Partners work pattern 4-5 times per week Respondent cooks several dishes for everyone 4-5 times per week Respondent has a fussy boyfriend 4-5 times per week Respondents husband works late 4-5 times per week Shift work 4-5 times per week Son and Daughter work until late. 4-5 times per week Student house share, sometimes cook together but not always in at the same time 4-5 times per week Timing and different tastes 4-5 times per week Vegetarian in house

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

4-5 times per week Vegetarians 4-5 times per week Work different hours 4-5 times per week Working hours during the week. 4-5 times per week Young children eat earlier. 4-5 times per week Young son is fussy and wants different meals. 3-4 times a week Children always eat different meals. 3-4 times a week Children have different tastes. 3-4 times a week Daughter's packed meals 3-4 times a week Daughter is a vegetarian 3-4 times a week Daughter is always out 3-4 times a week Different for children 3-4 times a week Different likes 3-4 times a week Different likes/dislikes 3-4 times a week Different shifts 3-4 times a week Different tastes 3-4 times a week Different tastes 3-4 times a week Different tastes 3-4 times a week Different times for kids and others. 3-4 times a week Different work times. 3-4 times a week Fussy children 3-4 times a week Husband late from work. 3-4 times a week Kids different tastes 3-4 times a week Kids different tastes and busy. 3-4 times a week Quite often will eat different meals as have different leftovers 3-4 times a week Son does not like most homemade food. 3-4 times a week Sons fussy and daughters too late 3-4 times a week Timing/work 3-4 times a week Vegetarian in the household. 3-4 times a week Working pattern/ kids 2-3 times per week Both parents work so one of them is likely to be late for dinner. 2-3 times per week Children always eat different meals. 2-3 times per week Children always eat different meals. 2-3 times per week Children always eat different meals. 2-3 times per week Children have different tastes 2-3 times per week Children sometimes have separate meals 2-3 times per week Children’s tastes 2-3 times per week Depends what food it is. Rice / Pasta. 2-3 times per week Different likes. 2-3 times per week Different shift patterns 2-3 times per week Different tastes 2-3 times per week Different tastes 2-3 times per week Different tastes 2-3 times per week Different tastes 2-3 times per week Different tastes and because of work 2-3 times per week Different tastes. 2-3 times per week Different tastes. 2-3 times per week Due to tastes. 2-3 times per week Family doing different activities 2-3 times per week Family visits at the weekend 2-3 times per week Just weekends 2-3 times per week Kids have different tastes. 2-3 times per week Normally they have the same meal but of the occupants is a vegetarian. 2-3 times per week Occasionally they have separate meals as her flatmate works late hours in a pub.

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

2-3 times per week Respondent has friends go round and they have different likes 2-3 times per week Respondent is a weight watching vegetarian 2-3 times per week Respondent is on a cholesterol diet 2-3 times per week Respondent says it's like running a cafe when visitors come 2-3 times per week School clubs at different times. 2-3 times per week Some nights they might not all fancy the same thing. 2-3 times per week Sometimes as her partner is a fussy eater. 2-3 times per week Sometimes, work on shift pattern and will have to eat at work. 2-3 times per week Son does not always like the same food 2-3 times per week Son doesn’t like same 2-3 times per week Son is a fussy eater. 2-3 times per week Son sometimes comes home late 2-3 times per week Son sometimes eats separately. 2-3 times per week Tastes and times 2-3 times per week The children will have something different 2-3 times per week Timing. 2-3 times per week Vegetarian 2-3 times per week Vegetarian daughter 2-3 times per week Works shifts. 2-3 times per week Young son is fussy. 2-3 times per week Younger children have different meals. 1-2 times per week 9 times out of 10 it’s the same. 1-2 times per week A few exceptions as daughter does not eat spicy food. 1-2 times per week Brother can be fussy 1-2 times per week Children have different meals 1-2 times per week Children have different tastes or eat later in day 1-2 times per week Dietary problems 1-2 times per week Different meals for children. 1-2 times per week Different tastes 1-2 times per week Different tastes. 1-2 times per week Different tastes. 1-2 times per week Different tastes. 1-2 times per week Different working shifts 1-2 times per week Eat differently. 1-2 times per week Everyone in the house has different meals; it’s due to different schedule times. 1-2 times per week Has a child that can be a bit fussy 1-2 times per week If daughter visits-will have a separate meal 1-2 times per week If they want different things 1-2 times per week Kids don't like Sunday roast. 1-2 times per week Kids tea 1-2 times per week Mainly together. 1-2 times per week Maybe once a week we have different meals. 1-2 times per week Not often. 1-2 times per week Only when grandchildren are around 1-2 times per week Only when the grandchildren are round. 1-2 times per week Rarely every few months, husband and wife have something different to children 1-2 times per week Rarely happens. 1-2 times per week Respondent daughter eats different meals 1-2 times per week Respondent son comes home later 1-2 times per week Respondents children want different meals and her husband eats later 1-2 times per week Seldom happens, as they eat the same meals. 1-2 times per week Separate meals occasionally 1-2 times per week Separate meals sometimes.

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Frequency of multiple menus Verbatim comments

1-2 times per week Separate meals in school holidays 1-2 times per week Someone in house is a vegetarian 1-2 times per week Sometimes as all eat with friends occasionally 1-2 times per week Sometimes children are fussy eaters 1-2 times per week Sometimes depending on the likes/dislikes of the household. 1-2 times per week Sometimes due to tastes 1-2 times per week Son wants something different. 1-2 times per week Usually Sundays when all the family come round. 1-2 times per week Weekends - Everyone has different likes/dislikes 1-2 times per week Weekends only. 1-2 times per week When their cousin visits. 1-2 times per week Wife not there to cook. 1-2 times per week Younger adults go out.

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Appendix N: Reasons for food waste Reasons given for throwing away uneaten food / Verbatim comments on food waste

Wouldn't reheat leftovers more than once - will throw away. Worries about food poisoning so doesn't risk going past sell by dates. Won't eat if too close to the best before date Won't eat any thing that is due to go off. When the kids come round. When the family come round and don't eat everything. When no one will eat it. When it is not the pasteurised version. We do not really waste food at all Visitors sometimes waste food when they come round for dinner. Very seldom is there any edible food waste. Very rarely wastes food, only buys what is needed. Very rarely throws food away. Mainly gone off items, in particular stale bread. Very little wasted as she lives on her own so she only makes what she needs. Very little leftovers, no food waste really. Very careful about food waste. Vegetables grown in the garden Vegetables and salad when not crisp Vegetable peelings. Usually lettuce that goes off Try to reuse leftovers. Tries to eat whatever is leftover They will throw it away if it is out of date the next night and they know they won't eat it. They don’t throw very much away. They reuse where possible. They do not waste food. They are very careful about how much they throw out. If there is too much they freeze it. They always try to eat food before it goes off. There are never any leftovers Their child (2 1/ years old) doesn’t eat all of their meal. 2

Stale bread as often the smaller loaves are more expensive. Stale bread Stale bread Spicy chicken is usually left at the end of the week Son left recently, she forgets and cooks his dinner too. Sometimes eats it the next day. Son doesn’t come round when food is cooked. Sometimes we don't want to eat everything Sometimes store promotional items (like BOGOF) are given to relatives. Sometimes have no appetite Smells funny Smells bad. Smells bad Smallest child is a fussy eater. She will check if her neighbours can use items that have almost gone out of date before she throws them away. She said she had minimal waste already. She doesn't like waste. Scraps and peelings mostly. Salads going past it mostly. Stale bread goes into recycling. Salad leftovers are thrown away. Rotten food mainly salad Respondent works away and so fruit and vegetables go off by the time he gets back Respondent was taught never to waste food, especially basic rations such as milk, flour, eggs etc. Respondent very rarely throws food out because it goes past best before date and leftovers are always used and are given

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Reasons given for throwing away uneaten food / Verbatim comments on food waste to birds Respondent throws very little waste away, she regularly checks fridge to make sure dates are ok and uses before goes off. Respondent says that there is no waste Respondent says he has little waste (only inedibles), as he eats everything - even if it is out of date. Respondent only throws away leftovers and that is very rarely Respondent only cooks what is needed so there is no waste. Respondent has no food waste as he eats the same thing each day Respondent does not waste any food Respondent buys small individual portions so has less food waste Religiously sticks to sell by dates whether it appears to be gone off or not Rarely wastes food. Rarely gets to the point of food being thrown away Portion of grapes too big Plans what buy and ensure things aren't close to sell by date Over-shopping Over-shopping Over-purchased fresh food. Overbuying. Only very rarely are there leftovers Only inedible waste; Will reheat leftovers. Only cooks what she knows she wants. The only waste is 'natural' such as vegetable peelings. Only cooks what is needed. Only cooks small portions for himself. Only cook what is needed and try and put leftovers in freezer for a later date On a diet so avoid anything that is too tempting. Often overcooks rice and pasta Often cooks too much because forgets that family has left home and its just her, especially fruit and bread that is thrown out because its mouldy Nothing wasted. (They were very certain on this even after being prompted for ideas). Not much waste. Not much waste. Not much waste, their grandchildren eat any leftovers when they visit. Not much waste really besides what can't be eaten. Not much waste due to daily shop None is wasted; either fed to dog or composted No waste. No waste. No waste. No waste of edible food. No waste of edible food at all. No waste of edible food at all. No waste as she cooks for one. Any unused fruit is turned into juice. No waste apart from inedible waste. We don’t over-shop - most food is frozen so don't worry about sell by dates etc No waste No waste No waste No other waste besides food that has gone off No leftover waste. No food wasted. No food waste. No edible food waste. Never waste food or money, if you saw what I ate in the army you wouldn't waste food Never throws edible food away. Mouldy bread

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Reasons given for throwing away uneaten food / Verbatim comments on food waste Mostly only bread, not much else is wasted. Mostly gone off over bought salad due to diabetes. Mostly all food gets eaten otherwise it is given to the dog. Milk in the summer Milk (Summer) Meat cuts Meals for her son are not eaten. Mainly salads that go past sell by date Mainly children’s leftovers Mainly children that didn’t eat all Lives alone and forgets that some foods expand and so often cooks to much pasta and rice Live alone and the (pre-packaged) food bought is too big; stores don't cater for one person Leftovers sometimes get eaten Leftovers get given to dog or will be eaten later Leftovers get given to birds or eaten the next day Leftovers get eaten Leftovers get eaten Leftovers are usually used up the next day Leftovers are usually re-used or frozen Leftovers are thrown out when they have been left for too many days Leftovers are thrown out very rarely and food is usually eaten by the use by date Leftovers are thrown away only when ill. Leftovers are reused Leftovers are frozen. Leftovers are frozen. Leftovers are frozen or eaten later Kids waste. Kids waste. Kids not liked it Kids not eating the food Kids not eating it - they would say they want one thing but then they want something different. Kids have eating disorders so sometimes don’t eat. So their meals do sometimes go to waste. Kids don’t like what they're given. Kids don’t eat it Keeps food for 2 days in the fridge then throws it away. Just don’t throw away Jars are normally for 4 people but they are not wasted. Usually they are eaten the next day. Is a slimming consultant and cooks extra providing the leftover meals to her slimmers as tasters Inadequate fridge space has caused food waste to happen twice this year In summer it can be too hot to eat Illness that prevents you from eating. If there is too much fat content in food it will be thrown away If stomach is bad will change meal plan which can create waste If something takes too long to cook If item cannot be reheated or refrozen. If dog eats it if it hasn't been stored properly. I don't throw any food waste away Has very little waste, does as much recycling as possible Has no waste Has little food waste Grandkids waste. Grandchildren visit weekly and waste food. Grandchildren eat only part of their yoghurts Grandchildren don't eat everything they are given or want something different. Gone off before eaten (store freebies).

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 100

Page 102: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Reasons given for throwing away uneaten food / Verbatim comments on food waste Gone cold. Go out instead of cooking at home. General over shopping Fruit thrown out because sometimes goes mouldy Freezes as much as she can when there are leftovers. Food ruined by heat Food leftover because the children do not always eat it all and bread goes mouldy Food left by daughter Food is wasted only because its leftover or too much has been cooked, food is never bought in bulk and so its always eaten before it goes out of date Food is only thrown away if it is not suitable for freezing. Food comes in too large packs and the respondent does not get through it all Feeds leftovers to animals. Sometimes freezes it for family visits. Extra / Surplus. Eats all organic food, so lots of fruit and vegetables. Has lots of peelings. Don’t waste anything, the dogs get any food waste Don’t waste any food Dog got to it first. Doesn't waste anything. Doesn't throw much away. Doesn't throw much away, salads mainly. Doesn't throw away food at all Doesn't throw anything out Doesn't throw anything away. Buys what is required and the rest goes to the birds. Doesn't throw anything away, only inedible waste. Doesn't smell very good. Doesn't live up to expectations. Doesn’t like eating the leftovers so they will just throw them away. Does not smell nice Does not have any waste as only buys ready meals, also only buys what’s needed and doesn’t stock up this reduces waste Does not follow use by dates Didn’t feel like it Daughter doesn't come home so food is wasted Daughter does not like the food she is given. Daughter changes her mind Damaged Cooks too much especially when family come round she is used to cooking for one. Clear out larder and finds things two years out of date Childs leftovers Children. Children. Children won't eat it Children wont eat Children wasting food they don’t want. Children waste Children was food peelings Children say they are hungry and they aren’t Children not turning up for meals Children leave food Children is the only reason for waste Children don't like it Children didn’t like it. Children Chicken bits

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 101

Page 103: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Reasons given for throwing away uneaten food / Verbatim comments on food waste Changed their minds. Change plans in household at short notice Cat food. Can’t be bothered to store it Buy too much food. Broken packaging. Bread-best before isn’t important but has to appear fresh Bread, ham etc that not got round to eating Bread that dries out Bought too much veg - short shelf life Bought too much in error. Bought too much Bought too much Bought too much Bones from meat. Bones etc. Big family so there is little food waste. Been out too long Been in fridge too long. Too small to keep for next meal. Been in fridge to long Bad quality Baby’s leftovers Baby food waste Baby food Away from home often and forget to freeze perishables so they go off. Anything we don't want that the dog wouldn't eat it Annoying when there is food that no one wants Always reuse leftovers for family and animals. Always keeps leftovers for future meals.

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Page 104: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix O: Methods of uneaten food waste disposal

Other ways of / Verbatim comments on uneaten food waste disposal At the school Doesn't throw anything out Down the toilet Down the toilet as doesn’t want rats and birds to get rubbish Down toilet Environmental bag He takes everything to a local recycling centre. Home composting - if not meat I don't throw any food waste away In regular rubbish if bagged up first in a carrier bag No food disposed, only packaging. No longer recycle food due to lack of provision No waste Often given to the grandchildren living down the road like homemade soup etc Re- use all food in meal next day Respondent does not have uneaten food Respondent puts cooked food in the regular waste and uncooked in the home composting Respondent sometimes take to friends to compost School compost bin Take to recycling centre. Take to skip to recycle Takes leftovers to sister two doors down Toilet Toilet Uses neighbours bin Wrap in newspaper first

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Page 105: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix P: Methods of inedible food waste disposal

Other ways of / Verbatim comments on uneaten food waste disposal Buys ready prepared vegetables Doesn't throw anything out Don't have any inedible waste Down toilet Green waste bin at tip He takes everything to a local recycling centre. I don't throw any food waste away Mainly have frozen vegetables Neighbour's compost bin Never throws peelings away as she only buys pre-packed vegetables. No waste No waste No waste None, only drinks instant coffee Respondent mostly has frozen vegetables so there are no peelings Take to skip to recycle Vegetable peelings are used in the garden soil. Oil in rubbish

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Page 106: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix Q: Disposal of unwanted milk Ways of / Verbatim comments on disposal of milk

Bad milk gets used in biscuits or pancakes. Cat Cat Cat Cat Cats Difficult to buy so gets plenty Doesn’t throw away milk would use sink for other liquids but only happens when grandchildren are here Dog Dog Dog Dog has it before it goes off Don’t drink much milk; tend to freeze it when it is brought. Down the toilet Down toilet Drain Feed to cat Feeds to a cat. If milk does go off then they use it to make other foods. E.g. cheese Make cheese from gone off milk. Make into scones Makes into milk pudding Makes smoothies out of gone off milk Pour down drain Pour down the toilet Pour down the toilet Pour down the toilet Pour down toilet Pour down toilet Pour down toilet Pour down toilet Pour down toilet or drain Puts on plants Respondent puts milk in the soil as due to religious beliefs they believe that you should give it back to nature Toilet Turns gone off milk into cream Uses for scones Outside drain Down the toilet Soya milk - uses it all mostly

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Page 107: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix R: Frequency of milk disposal Verbatim comments on frequency of disposing spoilt milk

1x 2 months in summer Amount depends on heat levels Doesn’t drink. Don’t drink milk Half pint wasted every week as a result of buying large quantities. Hardly ever have milk Holidays It doesn't spoil - dog gets it, probably monthly Just during the summer months. Mainly summer time. 2 or 3 times a year. Monthly in summer Never - respondent drinks powdered milk Once a week in the summer Once a week, throwing about quarter of a pint away. Once a year and more so in summer Once every 6 months. Started buying smaller bottles of milk more frequently. Once every six months in the summer Only when they forget about it on holiday. Pint a day due to stomach problems Rarely, often reuse milk for bread Respondent does not buy much milk Respondent has an allergy to milk so never has it but this is not the same for the rest of the household Summer only Summer only. The last bit in the bottle Twice a week during summer. Twice a year. Mainly summer. Twice a year. Summer only. Very rarely, uses long life milk Weekly - doesn't drink a lot before it goes off Weekly in summer When hot a couple of times a month

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Page 108: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix S: Refrigerator temperatures Response Answer given wrong answer given +4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-4 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-5 wrong answer given 0-6 wrong answer given 0 wrong answer given 0 wrong answer given 0 wrong answer given 1-2 wrong answer given 1-2 wrong answer given 1-2 wrong answer given 1-4 wrong answer given 1-5 wrong answer given 1 - 3 wrong answer given 10 wrong answer given 10 wrong answer given 10 wrong answer given 10 wrong answer given 12 wrong answer given 15 wrong answer given 15 wrong answer given 16 wrong answer given 18 wrong answer given 18 wrong answer given 18 wrong answer given 18 wrong answer given 18oF wrong answer given 19 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-3

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Page 109: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given 2-3 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-4 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-5 wrong answer given 2-6 wrong answer given 2-8 wrong answer given 2-8 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2 wrong answer given 2.3 wrong answer given 2.5 wrong answer given 2.5 wrong answer given 2.5 wrong answer given 20 F wrong answer given 21 wrong answer given 21 wrong answer given 22 wrong answer given 23 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-4 wrong answer given 3-5

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 108

Page 110: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-5 wrong answer given 3-6 wrong answer given 3-6 wrong answer given 3-8 wrong answer given 3-8 wrong answer given 3 - 4 Degrees wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3

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Page 111: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 wrong answer given 3 degrees - we have a new fridge that displays the temperature. wrong answer given 3 Degrees wrong answer given 3.5-4 wrong answer given 3.5 wrong answer given 3.5 wrong answer given 3/4 wrong answer given 3/4 wrong answer given 34-36 F wrong answer given 37 wrong answer given 38oF wrong answer given 4-5 wrong answer given 4-5 wrong answer given 4-5 wrong answer given 4-6 wrong answer given 4-8 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 110

Page 112: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 111

Page 113: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 wrong answer given 4 Degrees wrong answer given 4 or less wrong answer given 4+ wrong answer given 40 wrong answer given 48oF wrong answer given 5 wrong answer given 50 wrong answer given 6-8 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 6 wrong answer given 7-8 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 7 wrong answer given 8 wrong answer given 8 wrong answer given 8 wrong answer given 8 wrong answer given 8 wrong answer given 9 wrong answer given 9 wrong answer given Below 10 wrong answer given Below 6 wrong answer given Below 7 wrong answer given Below 8 wrong answer given Below 8 wrong answer given cold

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 112

Page 114: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Response Answer given wrong answer given Just have it coldest wrong answer given Lower than 5 wrong answer given Over 5 wrong answer given Respondent insisted that in Scotland it's supposed to be between 2-4 degrees wrong answer given setting 6 for summer wrong answer given Under 3 wrong answer given Under 4 wrong answer given Under 5 don't know At an eco-friendly temperature. don't know Changes according to the weather. don't know Dial in fridge set to 3. don't know Dial no 3 don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Dial on fridge don't know Did see in a magazine. don't know Digital thermometer in fridge don't know Follows thermometer don't know has a dial in fridge don't know Respondent said setting 2 don't know Self regulating fridge. don't know Thermostat in fridge don't know Use dial.

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Page 115: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T1: Food packaging is environmentally worse than food waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree As the research is about food. strongly disagree Both food and packaging waste is bad. strongly disagree Do not like throwing food away. strongly disagree Especially Plastics. strongly disagree Food costs more. strongly disagree Food is open and can get contaminated and disease. strongly disagree Food waste is a bigger issue due to the amount of it. strongly disagree Food waste is a bigger issue. strongly disagree Food waste is bad because people are starving. strongly disagree I'm aware that third world countries suffer, so for moral reasons I do not like to waste food. strongly disagree Packaging can be put out for recycling. strongly disagree Packaging can be recycled. strongly disagree Worse for food as it is a waste of money. strongly agree A lot of double packaging is wasteful. strongly agree A lot of packaging is plastic. strongly agree Agree as food decomposes and there is too much packaging, which is a big waste. strongly agree Am aware of the cost of packaging and know that it is not worth it.

Amount of packaging is awful. I put fruit trays in the recycling box, because they have a recycling mark on them and the bin-men refused to take them! strongly agree

strongly agree Annoyed by the amount of packaging. strongly agree Being sent to other countries is wrong. We should take responsibility for it here. strongly agree Big problem. strongly agree Biggest hazard. strongly agree Compost so no waste to landfill (don't waste grew up with rationing). strongly agree Concerned about waste but I feel it is kept to a minimum with recycling. strongly agree Concerned that the bulk of our waste is packaging. strongly agree Consider packaging to be a real problem. strongly agree Council need to collect more. strongly agree Definitely an issue. strongly agree Difficult to get rid of. strongly agree Difficult to open. strongly agree Do agree when it is plastic packaging. strongly agree Do agree, but it is a pain to get rid of.

Do not like a lot of packaging because its a waste of time and money, would be best if the packaging can break down. strongly agree

strongly agree Don't like frozen food bags. strongly agree Don't like plastic bags that food is wrapped in, should be a paper bag. strongly agree Don't like to throw away, try and recycle as much as possible. strongly agree Especially plastic containers. strongly agree Especially plastic. strongly agree Everything is packed in plastic. Its a waste and unnecessary. strongly agree Excess packaging is a problem. strongly agree Excessive packaging is a real problem. strongly agree Excessive. strongly agree Far too much packaging, really unnecessary. strongly agree Far too much packaging. strongly agree Far too much packaging. strongly agree Far too much packaging.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 114

Page 116: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Far too much packaging. strongly agree Far too much plastic that isn’t necessary. strongly agree Far too much. strongly agree Fast food wrappers in particular e.g. McDonalds. strongly agree Food breaks down quicker. strongly agree Food comes in too much packaging. strongly agree Food goes into mother nature but plastics will not... strongly agree Food has too much packaging. strongly agree Food is bio-degradable but packaging is not. strongly agree Food is biodegradable. strongly agree Food is over-packaged. strongly agree Food packaging is an environmental problem. strongly agree Food packaging is diabolical. strongly agree Food rots but plastic hangs around for years. strongly agree Food rots, packaging doesn’t. strongly agree Food was can be composted and rot whereas plastics cannot. strongly agree Food waste is an issue but not as bad as packaging. strongly agree Food will rot, but packaging, especially plastic will take years to rot down. strongly agree Frustrating amount of packaging. strongly agree Greater because some food packaging is not recyclable. strongly agree Hard to recycle plastic. strongly agree Hate packaging with a passion. strongly agree Hate packaging, it's a nightmare. strongly agree Hate Packaging. strongly agree I don't like extra bags. strongly agree I hate the amount of packaging and never know what to do with the plastic. strongly agree I never buy ready made meals as I am completely against boxes and packaging. strongly agree I see more packaging lying around than food as food rots. strongly agree I throw away very little. strongly agree If it can go in a bin that’s great but most can’t. strongly agree If it’s not recyclable. strongly agree In M&S 1 slice cheesecake wrapped 3 times in plastic-disgusted

In the old days there used to be no packaging. They take the packaging off before they freeze anything. strongly agree

strongly agree Is a problem as it doesn't rot. strongly agree Is totally out of hand - a packet in a packet in a packet! strongly agree It annoys me. strongly agree It’s a waste. strongly agree It’s a waste. strongly agree It’s horrendous there is far too much packaging. strongly agree Landfill sites are filling up fast, packaging should be cut down. strongly agree Landfills are too full of plastic waste. strongly agree Lots of plastic in packages, it takes too long to recycle. strongly agree Mainly plastics. strongly agree Masses of it. strongly agree Maybe. strongly agree Minimum waste recycled. strongly agree Most stuff is in packaging. strongly agree Nappies take longer to biodegrade than food. strongly agree Over package everything. strongly agree Packaging can be unwrapped like stores in Germany. strongly agree Packaging does not degrade quickly like food. strongly agree Packaging doesn't rot down. strongly agree Packaging doesn't rot.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 115

Page 117: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Packaging doesn’t biodegrade. strongly agree Packaging doesn’t biodegrade. strongly agree Packaging doesn’t biodegrade. strongly agree Packaging drives us insane. strongly agree Packaging is a big problem as there is too much, but food waste is also an issue strongly agree Packaging is a big problem as there is too much. strongly agree Packaging is a bigger issue.

Packaging is a disgrace, cant recycle it in you own home, and the council do not collect enough. strongly agree

strongly agree Packaging is a nightmare. Council don’t collect it though. strongly agree Packaging is a nightmare. It's about time the government did something about it. strongly agree Packaging is a nightmare. More people should be made aware of the dangers. strongly agree Packaging is absolutely diabolical. strongly agree Packaging is awful. strongly agree Packaging is bad, I go to farm shops and it’s brilliant as supermarket package too much. strongly agree Packaging is bulk of waste and should be changed. strongly agree Packaging is dreadful. strongly agree Packaging is greater issue as its mostly plastics. strongly agree Packaging is harder to dispose of. strongly agree Packaging is not biodegradable. strongly agree Packaging is not biodegradable. strongly agree Packaging is outrageous - there's far too much. strongly agree Packaging is over the top and unnecessary. strongly agree Packaging is ridiculous. strongly agree Packaging is ridiculous. strongly agree Packaging is ridiculous. strongly agree Packaging is the main issue. strongly agree Packaging is too much. strongly agree Packaging is unnecessary.

Packaging is worse because food will decompose, she thinks there is enough technology to ensure packaging is bio-degradable but there is too much convenience now and the government should make them make packaging bio-degradable strongly agree

strongly agree Packaging levels are unnecessary. strongly agree Packaging on foods is excessive. strongly agree Packaging should be cut down considerably. strongly agree Packaging takes hundreds of years to rot away. Biodegradable still takes 20-25 years. strongly agree Packaging won’t rot down. strongly agree Packets are a nuisance. strongly agree Packets are a problem. strongly agree Plastic a problem. strongly agree Plastic a problem. Too much packaging. strongly agree Plastic and cling film packaging is completely unnecessary. strongly agree Plastic and packets a huge problem, recycle it all would be better. strongly agree Plastic bags are awful. strongly agree Plastic coating on some things prevents recycling. strongly agree Plastic doesn't decompose for years. strongly agree Plastic doesn't degrade. strongly agree Plastic doesn’t biodegrade. There is too much plastic packaging. strongly agree Plastic doesn’t decompose. strongly agree Plastic is not bio-degradable and is a problem for composting. strongly agree Plastic is not biodegradable. strongly agree Plastic packaging is a problem.

Plastic/ring pulls/6 pack holders are terrible for the environment. Takeaway cartons are just as bad. Less landfill waste, more recycling. strongly agree

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Page 118: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Plastics are a problem. strongly agree Plastics are a problem. strongly agree Plastics are a problem. strongly agree Plastics are worse. strongly agree Plastics in particular. strongly agree Prefer to recycle packaging. strongly agree Problem is what to do with the rubbish.

Respondent thinks that food packaging is a nightmare and that companies should have a limit on the amount of packaging they use strongly agree

strongly agree Ridiculous. Fills a whole bin bag with just packaging. strongly agree She wants to know why so much packaging is needed. strongly agree Should be crumpled down. strongly agree Should be disposed off properly. What to do with plastic - not all of it can be recycled. strongly agree Should just use paper bags.

So much packaging that we have to throw out but there has to be enough to protect the food. strongly agree

strongly agree So wasteful do not need that much packaging strongly agree Stop packaging altogether - use paper bags. There's no need for it. strongly agree Strong views on packet waste. strongly agree Supermarket food packaging is excessive and there's no need for most of it strongly agree Terrible as food can go on compost heap where as packaging cannot.

The amount of packaging is awful, there is too much, I do not understand why people need so much. strongly agree

strongly agree The big manufacturers should stop using so much packaging. strongly agree The manufacturers need to reduce their food packaging. strongly agree The number of Tesco shopping bags we end up throwing away is enormous. strongly agree There is a lot of waste with packaging

There is far too much packaging, have fruit delivered in a box so it has no packaging which I prefer. strongly agree

strongly agree There is far too much packaging. strongly agree There is far too much. strongly agree There is loads of packaging. strongly agree There is no need for all the packaging. strongly agree There is too much as most does not recycle, especially cigarettes.

There is too much packaging and I do not know what to do with it as the council does not take it away. strongly agree There is too much packaging with no ways of disposing of them. They cant be recycled and it takes to long to decompose. strongly agree

strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much packaging. strongly agree There is too much wrapping. strongly agree There is too much.

There is too much. Someone should think of an alternative. Have arthritis and finds it hard to open a lot of the packaging. strongly agree

strongly agree There never used to be so much packaging. strongly agree There was no waste when there was no packaging, so why have so much now? strongly agree There’s often so much packaging it can be difficult to open. strongly agree Too many layers. Too hard to open. strongly agree Too much of it. strongly agree Too much packaging and it can’t be recycled where I live. strongly agree Too much packaging and no need for it all.

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Page 119: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Too much packaging in supermarkets. strongly agree Too much packaging isn't bio-degradable and it goes into land fill sites. strongly agree Too much packaging on everything. strongly agree Too much packaging on food, it’s unnecessary. strongly agree Too much packaging used unnecessarily. strongly agree Too much packaging which I struggle to open. strongly agree Too much packaging, all waste, too much in landfill. strongly agree Too much packaging, it’s not necessary to have that much waste that’s not recycled. strongly agree Too much packaging should be less. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. strongly agree Too much packaging. Everything is over-packed. strongly agree Too much wrapping is appalling. strongly agree Un-biodegradable strongly agree Very against over packaging. strongly agree Walk less than a mile and you see more rubbish on the street than the tip. strongly agree Waste is a big environmental problem. strongly agree Waste of time and money. strongly agree We could deal with it better. strongly agree When packaging breaks down the chemicals are bad for the environment. strongly agree Where do you put it? strongly agree Why do we double wrap everything? Rubbish, packaging and litter infuriate me!!!

Wind blows rubbish down road. Mainly food packaging. Would like to know better way of getting rid of it. strongly agree

strongly agree Would like food to come in less packaging and be easier to get into. disagree 50/50. disagree Both are a problem.

Both are an issue just in different context. Packaging hard to get rid of but then people wasting food is also issue. disagree

disagree Both are bad. disagree Both are just as bad as each other.

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Page 120: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Both are just as bad. disagree Both are waste. disagree Both as bad.

Both bad as packaging is dangerous to animals and food waste is bad because there are starving people. disagree

disagree Both packaging and food are environmental problems. disagree Build up of waste. disagree Can't always recycle food items. disagree Can recycle most. disagree Could reduce packaging. disagree Depends on packaging. disagree Equal, cause and effect. disagree Equal. disagree Food and packaging is a problem. disagree Food encourages rats and the plastic is a huge waste so they are just as bad as each other. disagree Food has too much packaging in supermarkets. disagree Food is more of an issue. disagree Food is more of an issue. disagree Food more an issue as it causes rats and vermin. disagree Food packaging can be recycled. disagree Food waste encourages rats. disagree Food waste is a bigger problem. disagree Food waste is a problem. disagree Food waste is worse as there are hungry people out there and a box is no good to them. disagree Food waste still has to be taken to a special place as well as packaging. disagree Hungry people so food waste is an issue. disagree If the food is off. disagree Issue but recycle more packaging now.

It’s a waste of money to spend on lots of packaging because you can do much with the plastic after. disagree

disagree It’s all the same. disagree More concerned with food waste. disagree More concerned with food waste. disagree No difference between the two. disagree Not a problem either way in my opinion. disagree Not sure why. disagree Not that environmental. disagree Packaging and food recycling just attracts animals, smells and goes mouldy disagree Packaging and food waste are just as bad as each other, but food will break down. disagree Packaging can't be recycled here. disagree Packaging can be recycled. disagree Packaging can be recycled. disagree Packaging is being recycled.

Packaging is just as bad, both take sometime to decompose as food is put in plastic bags anyway. disagree

disagree Packaging is not wasted because it is recycled. disagree Plastic is a problem. disagree Plastic is very bad as well as processed food. disagree Same issue. Too much packaging. disagree Same unless packaging isn't biodegradable. disagree Still an issue. disagree Still an issue. disagree Still both an issue. disagree Still needs to be cleaned up.

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Page 121: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree There are starving people in the world, so food waste is worse. disagree There both environmental issues. disagree They are equal issues. disagree Too much packaging. disagree Very concerned with the amount of food that’s wasted. disagree Waste is waste. disagree Wasted food is bad; there are better uses for wasted money. disagree Worry more about food waste than packaging. disagree You can always eat the food left so if people just eat it there wont be much waste.

You can recycle packaging, so overall food waste and packaging waste are as bad as each other. disagree

agree A lot of packaging is not recyclable. agree A lot of packaging. agree Agree, because there is more waste from packaging than from food. agree All waste is bad. agree Always having to throw packaging away. agree Animals eat food, packaging not so much. agree Bags and packaging cause problems for the animals. agree Big problem. agree Bigger volume of packaging then food wasted. agree Bit unsure do not know much about recycling and food waste. agree Both are big issues but packaging is worse. agree Both bad. Too much packaging. agree Boxes seem to be a problem. agree Can't recycle all. agree Could be, for instance take away packaging in the streets. agree Could be. agree Could lessen the production and decrease worldwide poverty instead. agree Depends on packaging. Only an issue if it's plastic that can't be broken down. agree Depends on the type of waste. agree Depends though. agree Depends what it is. agree Depends where it goes. agree Depends where it is put. agree Disastrous. agree Do not like packaging as can not open things. agree Do not think that fresh food should be packaged at all. agree Don't know. agree Don't know. agree Don't need so much packaging. agree Don’t agree with packaging. agree Don’t buy food with too much packaging. agree Don’t decompose plastic. agree Especially plastic bags. agree Especially plastic. agree Especially Plastic. agree Especially plastics. agree Excessive amounts. agree Far too much packaging.

Far too much plastics are being used, and this has gotten worse, drinks used to come in glass bottles that were re-used, now its all plastic. agree

agree Fills up landfill sites. agree Food biodegrades, so packaging is worse for the environment. agree Food decomposes 90% of the time.

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Page 122: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Food decomposes; plastic doesn't so yes it is more of a problem. agree Food decomposes, plastics do not. agree Food is bio-degradable but packaging isn't. agree Food is over packaged and hard to get into. agree Food packaging a problem, plastic probably worse than food waste. agree Food packaging makes food sweat so, for example, fruit will go off quicker. agree Food rots down. agree Food rots, packaging does not. agree Food rots, where as plastics don’t. agree Food waste breaks down. agree Food waste degrades quicker. agree Form of pollution. agree Guess so. agree Half of the packaging thrown away won't break down. agree Hard to decompose plastics. agree Hard to get rid of. agree Has little food waste so thinks packaging is a greater issue. agree Hate packaging on food. agree Hate the packaging of foods. agree Hates plastic bags. agree I look for products with less packaging, as there is usually far too much. agree I worry about plastic carrier bags. agree If plastic yes.

In the world yes it is a problem but not in this house as most food is bought fresh from markets without packaging. agree Is there something the council can do to reduce packaging? There should be a law passed so manufacturers can't use so much packaging. agree

agree It is a problem because half of the packaging is not needed. agree It is better to have food packaged properly. agree It is probably about the same. agree Keep waste to a minimum. agree Kids waste so much packaging. agree Land fill sites full, won’t decompose. agree Less packaging. agree Long time to decompose. agree Minimum waste recycled. agree More of it. agree Most of household waste is down to packaging & council don't do enough to collect it. agree Most packaging can't be safely disposed of. agree Most packaging is plastic and doesn’t break down. agree Most packaging is plastic. agree Needs to be recycled as it doesn’t break down. agree Never eat packaged food. agree No breakdown of plastics. agree Non biodegradable. agree Non recyclable plastics are a problem. agree Not biodegradable. agree Not biodegradable. agree Not enough is collected. agree Not meat products. agree Not really sure. agree Not sure. agree Not sure. agree Not sure.

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Level Verbatim comments agree Not sure. agree Only use clear packaging that can be recycled. agree Over packaging of food is a problem, but packaging needs to be done for health reasons. agree Packaging can cause more harmful gases when decomposing. agree Packaging causes too much waste agree Packaging causes too much waste that is not necessary. agree Packaging does not biodegrade. agree Packaging does not rot like food does. agree Packaging doesn’t break down as easily. agree Packaging far too much. agree Packaging fills bins up quickly. There is no need for plastic packaging. agree Packaging is a horrendous nightmare. agree Packaging is a nightmare. agree Packaging is a nightmare. agree Packaging is a problem -worried about the waste. agree Packaging is a problem but I put everything in a red bag for recycling. agree Packaging is harder to dispose of- it should be recycled. agree Packaging is horrendous and more should be done to reduce it agree Packaging is horrendous, the council doesn't do enough. agree Packaging is horrendous. Council should collect more. agree Packaging is just a waste. agree Packaging is much worse. agree Packaging is not as biodegradable as food. agree Packaging is not biodegradable. agree Packaging is the worst. agree Packaging is very wasteful. agree Packaging is worse than food waste. agree Packaging litters the streets. agree Packaging poorly designed- especially plastics, can only throw them away. agree Packaging should be cut down as it is nothing more than consumer image. agree Packaging should be cut down substantially. agree Packaging should be made a higher priority. agree Packaging should be recycled. agree Packaging takes up space. agree Packaging waste is unnecessary, just make less of it. agree Packaging won’t degrade like food. agree Packets are a problem. agree Packets are non biodegradable. agree Particularly dislike plastic carrier bags agree Particularly concerned about carrier bags. agree Paying for the packet, not the food. agree Plastic is non decomposable and an issue. agree Plastic bags - definitely a problem. agree Plastic bags are a worry. agree Plastic carrier bags are more of a problem. agree Plastic does not rot. agree Plastic doesn't biodegrade, and there is so much of it as well. agree Plastic is not biodegradable. agree Plastic makes food sweat. agree Plastic not as easily recycled. agree Plastic packaging is the problem. agree Plastic takes longer to decompose. agree Plastics and polystyrenes are a problem. agree Plastics are a problem.

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Page 124: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Plastics are a problem. agree Plastics are bad for the environment. agree Plastics are bad. agree Plastics are bad. There is a lot of littering in the area. agree Plastics especially. agree Prefer to recycle plastic- packaging is a problem. agree Probably agree Products are over packaged. agree Respondent thinks that there is too much packaging agree Should be less packaging. agree So much packaging on stuff. agree Some of it is. agree Some things are over packaged - must find ways to recycle the plastic agree Someone should tell the manufacturers to cut down. agree Takes longer agree Takes longer to rot. agree The amount of packaging is horrendous and every year it gets worse and worse. agree The council should help and worry more about food packaging than food waste

The volume of ready made meals, a lot of packaging which can't be recycled but food can be composted. agree

agree There's too much. agree There is a lot of packaging. agree There is far too much packaging. agree There is such a high percentage of food wrapping, is it necessary. agree There is too much packaging! agree There is too much packaging, should use more environmentally friendly ways to biodegrade. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much packaging. agree There is too much. agree They are about the same really overall. agree They would like less packaging as there is too much. agree Thinks packaging is probably worse. agree This depends if the packaging is recyclable.

This depends on what the packaging is made of and if it takes long to bread down, packaging should dissolve with cooking. agree

agree Too much packaging - wrapped lots of times. Too much packaging and that there is no need for it especially as most of it will not be recycled. agree

agree Too much packaging but use local tip for it. agree Too much packaging for each item. agree Too much packaging its too big and not needed. agree Too much packaging not needed. agree Too much packaging, bad for environment. agree Too much packaging, find it hard to open things. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging.

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Page 125: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging. agree Too much packaging.

Too much packaging. People chuck rubbish packets in the garden and they don't biodegrade. agree

agree Too much packing and food waste. agree Too much plastic. agree Too much, don't believe in waste. agree Very extensively wrapped compared to other countries. agree Very strongly so, I hate packaging. agree Very true. agree Waste of resources. agree Way too much packaging council don't recycle enough. agree We just take out food, and put the packaging in the regular waste. agree Worry about packaging and plastics. agree Would like kerbside collections for all packaging. agree Would like to recycle some packaging but can't. agree Wrong to put food out but packaging is terrible. Should have brown paper bags. . Agrees and disagrees. . Both agree and disagree. . Both are a problem but for different reasons. . Both are the same problem for the environment. . Both as bas as each other. . Both awful. . Both parents’ jobs are involved directly with food packaging so refused to answer. . Depends whether its card or plastic. . Do not know. . Do not know. . Do not know. . Don't know . Don't know . Don't know . Don't know, could be a hazard. . Don't know, never really thought about it. . Don't know. . Don't know.

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Page 126: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't like packaging. . Don't really know. . Don’t actually know. . Don’t know much about recycling issues and food waste. . Don’t know.

Equally as bad. Blame younger generation, Think it is a crime to throw food away. Packaging is bad. .

. Equally important as each other.

. It depends.

. Just as important.

. Neither, both are bad.

. Neither, hasn’t had time to think about it

. No idea.

. Not sure what is worse.

. Not sure.

. Not sure.

. Respondent is not sure

. Same

. They are the same.

. Unsure.

. Would like more information, figures.

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Page 127: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T2: Food waste is natural Level Verbatim comments

Strongly disagree All food waste is wrong. Always a waste. Just because it can be broken down doesn't mean it's not an issue. You have to find a place where it can break down. Strongly disagree

Strongly disagree Big effect on wildlife. Strongly disagree Causes rats if get into bin. Strongly disagree Doesn’t waste much food. Strongly disagree Filthy. Strongly disagree Food attracts flies. Strongly disagree Food is over produced. Strongly disagree Food should not be wasted. Strongly disagree Food waste is a growing issue and more should be done. Strongly disagree Food waste is a shame - personally she doesn’t waste much. Her dogs eat the leftovers. Strongly disagree Food waste is an issue in terms of the cost to oneself. Strongly disagree Gases are still given off. Strongly disagree If not recycled. Strongly disagree It's unhygienic. Strongly disagree It is an issue. Strongly disagree It stinks. Strongly disagree Landfills are too full. Strongly disagree No this is due to methane gases. Strongly disagree Not if plastic

Not when in bin bags as they don't biodegrade. Needs sunlight too. Use special biodegradable bin bags. Strongly disagree

Strongly disagree People are going hungry. Only inedible waste should be thrown away, food shouldn't be wasted. Strongly disagree Rats on the landfills. Strongly disagree Should be advertised on the news, the reality. Strongly disagree Some food waste is biodegrades, but tips are health hazards so food waste is an issue.

Still a big problem - vermin, starving third world, meat takes time to decompose, put in sacks first so doesn't decompose. Strongly disagree

Strongly disagree Total waste. Bad management of purchases to consumption. Strongly disagree Wasting food is economically unsound and not good at all for the environment. Strongly disagree Work in waste department so know it is no good. Strongly agree Careful not to waste but don’t recycle. Strongly agree Depends on what it is. Strongly agree Doesn't rot if wrapped in newspaper. Strongly agree Doesn’t compost as this attracts rats. Strongly agree Dogs eat waste. Strongly agree Feed to the birds. Strongly agree Food comes from the earth and so it should go back to the earth. Strongly agree Food packaging is the problem as food waste rots. Strongly agree Food waste is an increasing issue in this country and more should be done to accommodate it. Strongly agree Food waste rots down. Strongly agree Fruit and vegetables. Strongly agree Goes back into atmosphere so not a problem. Strongly agree Is an issue but only a minor one because it has to go somewhere. Strongly agree It's all biodegradable. Strongly agree It all rots down and actually helps other waste to decompose so there’s no problem with it. Strongly agree It can be reused. Strongly agree Not an issue as biodegrades such as potato peelings. Strongly agree Recycles most of it whether it goes to the dog or some on the garden. Strongly agree Recycled by the local authority.

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Page 128: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Strongly agree Rots down. Strongly agree Throw away minimum. Strongly agree Throw away very little. Strongly agree Waste not want not. Strongly agree Waste not, want not. Strongly agree Waste of money. Strongly agree We buy a lot of food in from abroad and it’s wasteful, forces nation to overeat. Strongly agree With certain food. Strongly agree Wrong to waste food when others don't have any. Disagree 50/50 Disagree About equal. Disagree An issue if not disposed of properly. Disagree As long as it goes where it should. Disagree Attracts animals Disagree Attracts vermin. Disagree Aware of gases. Disagree Bad smells / attracts animals. Disagree Bit of an issue. Takes time to degrade. Disagree Both are bad. Disagree Both food and packaging waste is bad, food attracts rats and vermin.

But it is an issue as lots can be done with food waste i.e. Reuse for other meals, give to the homeless. Disagree

Disagree Can be over the top its still an issue as it takes up space. Disagree Causes rats as its not easily biodegradable. Disagree Cooked food doesn’t decompose. Disagree Cooked food is an issue. Disagree Depends how the food is disposed of. Disagree Depends if its recycled. Disagree Depends on how it is disposed of. Disagree Depends on how it is disposed of. Disagree Depends on how it is disposed of. Disagree Depends on how it is disposed. Disagree Depends on how much you throw away. Disagree Depends on the type of food. Disagree Depends on type of food. Disagree Depends on what food it is. Disagree Depends on what kind of food it is. Disagree Depends on where food waste is put. Disagree Depends on where it is and conditions. Disagree Depends on which food it is. Disagree Depends what food it is. Disagree Depends what is done to it. Disagree Depends what it is and how and where it is disposed. Disagree Depends what it is. Disagree Depends what type of food is being thrown out. Disagree Depends what you do with it. Disagree Depends what you do with the food. Disagree Depends what’s done with it. Disagree Depends where it goes. Disagree Depends where it is put. Disagree Depends where it is put. Disagree Disagree because food waste is put in to plastic bags which are not bio-degradable. Disagree Disagree because not all food is bio-degradable and onions don't let the compost rot. Disagree Disagree if food waste is disposed of properly.

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Page 129: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Disagree Disagree to statement, but as you don’t see the waste you don’t always think about it. Disagree Disagrees with statement, but it is still an issue to worry about. Disagree Dispose of properly. Disagree Do not agree with the amount of food children waste. Disagree Do not like any kind of waste, try to keep to one sack a week. Disagree Do not like food waste especially when it could feed homeless people Disagree Do worry as it is a waste of money. Disagree Don’t chuck much away. Disagree Don’t waste food. Disagree During hot weather it’s unhygienic. Disagree Encourage vermin. Disagree Even though it is bio-degradable it still takes time. Disagree Food can be composted.

Food can be over produced or produced in the wrong places and then is wasted, affecting starving people. Disagree

Disagree Food gives off gases. Disagree Food in a bin is very messy, especially if it has spent a long time cooking. Disagree Food is definitely a big issue. Disagree Food is more a health issue (in the sun). Disagree Food isn’t all the same it can’t always break down. Disagree Food on roads causes rats. Disagree Food waste attracts vermin. Disagree Food waste can be recycled as fertiliser instead of being an issue and wasted. Disagree Food waste cause rats. Disagree Food waste encourages rats. Disagree Food waste is a major concern. Disagree Food waste is a problem in general but limits personal waste. Disagree Food waste is an issue regardless of whether or not it can be broken down. Disagree Food waste is an issue, and the cost of the waste is a worry. Disagree Food waste is an issue.

Food waste is still an issue and shouldn't be overlooked as much as it is. People in other countries are starving. If as much effort was used to help them it would be a better place Disagree

Disagree Food waste is still an issue if not disposed of quickly. Disagree Food waste is unhygienic, so would like to see less of it. Disagree Food waste overall can be a problem but personally I am careful and recycle everything. Disagree Food waste releases methane gas. Disagree Food waste should not happen as it should all be used up. Disagree Food waste smells. Disagree Food waste still has to be put somewhere. Disagree Food waste still has to go somewhere. Disagree Food waste will create a problem it attracts wildlife and vermin. Disagree For me it isn’t an issue but overall it is. Disagree Has read information about it. Disagree Have to dispose of it properly for it not to be a problem. Disagree Health hazard for vermin. Disagree How do you dispose of it? Disagree Hungry people so food waste is an issue Disagree If collected it's ok. If not the rats eat it. Disagree If it's not disposed of properly it's a problem. Disagree Is a problem but not as much as packaging. Disagree Is an issue because it takes time to degrade. Disagree Is an issue but not as much as card. Disagree Is an issue could go to a better place. Disagree Is an issue even though does biodegrade as people starving and still takes time to rot.

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Page 130: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Disagree Is an issue there is too much food wasted when there is already too much poverty. Disagree Is an issue when there are children starving. Disagree Is an issue. Disagree Is an issue. Disagree Is an issue depending on how it is disposed of. Disagree It's still waste which needs disposing of. Disagree It's still waste. People need it and it's irresponsible. Disagree It attracts animals. Disagree It can be problem. Disagree It can be. Disagree It depends what happens to it. Disagree It has to go somewhere. Disagree It helps the food is natural and biodegradable but it is still an issue. Disagree It is an issue as it is waste. Disagree It is an issue because people are starving. Disagree It is an issue just not as big as packaging. Disagree It is an issue when it is not recycled properly. Disagree It is an issue when it is wasted. Disagree It is still an issue, especially cooked food Disagree It is still waste. Disagree It is still waste. Disagree It should all go out to somewhere where it can break down properly Disagree It still has to go somewhere. Disagree It’s dangerous when there is too much waste food. Disagree It’s not an issue in terms of the environment, but yes in terms of where to put it. Disagree It’s only a problem because there are not enough collections. Disagree It’s still an issue no matter how much it breaks down. Disagree Jams etc. Disagree Landfills are too full. Disagree Landfills are a problem. Disagree Less of an issue though. Disagree Less of an issue.

Mass produced food contains a lot of preservatives and additives and she wonders if this plus acidity would prevent quick decay Disagree

Disagree Meat is a problem. Disagree Meat is a problem. Disagree Methane gas is a problem. Disagree Methane gases given off. Disagree Morally it's not right. Disagree Morally wrong to waste so much food. Disagree More to do with quantity. Disagree Most people buy more than they need which causes waste. Disagree No food waste should be wasted. Disagree No need for waste. Disagree No not if it’s in the food chain, its natural. Disagree No waste. Disagree Not a lot. Disagree Not all food biodegrades Disagree Not all food will rot. Disagree Not all the food can be broken down so what do you do with that? Disagree Not always the case with cooked food. Disagree Not always. Disagree Not as big a problem as packaging. Disagree Not good to waste.

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Page 131: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Disagree Not it biodegrades. Disagree Not much food waste is natural and biodegradable. Disagree Not worried by food waste keeps to minimum. Disagree Only an issue if there is a lot of food waste. Disagree Only if it is excessive levels of waste. Disagree People are starving in some countries. Disagree People care less when it comes to food waste. Disagree Quantity is the problem. Disagree Rats around the waste. Disagree Respondent says it depends what it is Disagree Respondent thinks it is an issue as it attracts rats. Disagree Restaurants are particularly bad; the portions are usually too big for them. Disagree Rotting food smells and gives of methane. Disagree Shame to waste it normally. Disagree Shocked by the amount of food that some people waste. Disagree Should be composted. Disagree Should make better use of it. Disagree Should really eat all food. Disagree Shouldn’t be wasted in the first place. Disagree Shouldn’t waste. Disagree Some food is worse than others. Disagree Some food waste is an issue because it attracts vermin. Disagree Some food waste is difficult to get rid off. Disagree Some foods. Disagree Some give off gasses etc. Disagree Some of it is bio-degradable but not all of it. Disagree Someone else could have had it. Disagree Something can be done to it. Disagree Starving kids in 3rd world so is issue. Disagree Still a waste of food and money. Disagree Still an issue - has to go somewhere. Disagree Still an issue as not all food can be broken down. Disagree Still an issue because there is lots of it. Disagree Still an issue but not as bad. Disagree Still an issue depending on it is disposed. Disagree Still an issue though. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Disagree Still an issue. Why buy it in the first place if you are just going to throw it away. Disagree Still causes vermin. Disagree Still filling holes and is not useful for anything. Disagree Still goes into landfill, with gasses etc. Disagree Still got to go somewhere. Disagree Still got to go somewhere. Disagree Still has to go somewhere. Disagree Still is an issue. Disagree Still needs to be cleaned up.

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Page 132: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Disagree Still taking up room in landfill. Disagree Still waste. Disagree Storage an issue. Disagree Supermarket waste. Disagree Suppose unless disposal is correct food has to go somewhere. Disagree Takes a while to degrade may as well use it and not waste it. Disagree Takes time to breakdown. Disagree The smell attracts flies. Disagree The smell is bad and takes a while to break down. Disagree There are ways of naturally getting rid of it. Disagree There is still the issue of where to put the waste.

There is too much choice and that food waste could be used to make meals for starving/homeless people. Disagree

Disagree There will be an issue at some stage. Disagree Thinks it breaks down quickly. Disagree Thinks it is still an issue. Disagree This is an issue because there are people starving in the world. Disagree This is an issue. Disagree This is minor compared to plastic. Disagree Too much food is wasted. Disagree Too much is wasted. Disagree Too much waste is always a problem. Disagree Unless it’s composted. Disagree Unsure what is biodegradable. Disagree Waste is an issue. Everyone should cut down. Disagree Waste is still waste. Disagree Waste of plastics/packing not needed, attracts animals.

Waste too much when there are people starving. The UK is worse for waste it’s now a way of life, which is never was before. Disagree

Disagree Wasted money. Disagree Wasting food also bad. Disagree What it is. Disagree When it is in a bin bag it doesn't rot down. Disagree Where do you recycle it? Disagree Where its put is a problem as we are running out of space. Disagree Would like biodegradable bags for food waste box. Disagree You can still recycle it or give to the animals. Disagree You still have to find somewhere to put it. Disagree You still need to do something with it. Agree A bit of an issue if it is not disposed of properly. Agree A bit unsure as does not know much about recycling and food waste. Agree A slight issue, but not much of a one.

Agreed but don’t like wasting food for moral reasons i.e. Knowledge of people starving in 3rd world. Agree

Agree All the thrown out food goes in a brown bin for compost. Agree All waste is bad. Agree Always an animal that will eat the food. Agree An issue if not disposed of properly. Agree Animals eat food waste so it is recycled. Agree Apart from attracting rats. Agree As long as it's disposed of properly it shouldn't be a problem. Agree As long as it isn't producing methane. Agree As long as there are bins for it. Agree Attracts rats etc.

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Page 133: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Agree Biodegradable, but still waste. Agree Biodegradable. Agree But does attract rats. Agree But it is still an issue. Agree But should. Agree But shouldn't be wasted Agree Can be if not removed. Agree Can rot whatever it is. Agree Causes vermin. Agree Certain foods would feed the soil. Agree Composting is the solution. Agree Composts quickly. Agree Definitely can be an issue whatever it is. Agree Dependant of food type. Agree Dependant on where it is put. Agree Depends on food type. Agree Depends on how food waste is disposed of. Agree Depends on how it is disposed of as it can create vermin problems. Agree Depends on the type of food. Agree Depends on what food is being disposed. Agree Depends on what it is Agree Depends on where it's put. Agree Depends though. Agree Depends what food it is. Agree Depends what it is. Agree Depends what it is. Agree Depends what type of food. Agree Depends where the food waste is put. Agree Depends. Agree Do not worry because it composts down. Agree Do not worry because it disappears. Agree Doesn’t really know, but probably. Agree Don't like food waste. Agree Don't waste food, recycle or feed to animals. Agree Don’t throw away due to rats. Agree Don’t waste much as it’s composted. Agree Except food waste is put into plastic. Agree Food can be composted. Agree Food can be composted. Agree Food is not a problem now it is collected, trying to keep waste to a minimum. Agree Food rots (not meat) and animals eat it. Agree Food waste breaks down. Agree Food waste degrades quicker. Agree Food waste does not get disposed of properly. Agree Food waste is not as much of an issue as packaging. Agree Food waste not an issue, not worrying about it. Agree Food waste will rot down. Agree For me food waste is not an issue, am wasting very little. Agree Frugal with food. Agree Fruit and vegetables go off to quickly. Agree I'd divide it from the rest of the waste. Agree I don't think food waste is an issue. Agree I try to only buy food without packaging as I consider it to be unnecessary. Agree If facilities are available to dispose of it properly.

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Page 134: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Agree If it’s recycled its ok. Agree It breaks down quickly. Agree It certainly isn’t for me! Agree It depends. Agree It is a little issue because it has to go somewhere. Agree It is a moral and financial issue. Agree It is compostable. Agree It’s an issue for a lot of people. Agree It’s not an issue in that respect. Agree Just as bad as packaging. Agree Keeps waste to minimum. Agree Little waste as recycles and composts. Agree Lots of food waste causes rats. Agree Meat and fish are harder to break down so still finds it an issue. Agree Morally wrong but it is biodegradable. Agree More concerned about the cost of food waste. Agree Most animals eat it in the end. Agree Must be like weeds? Agree Not a believer in throwing away, she will pass on to others. Agree Not a major problem. Agree Not an issue compared to packaging. Agree Not an issue if disposed off properly. Agree Not an issue in our household. Agree Not as big an issue as packaging waste is. Agree Not as much of an issue as food packaging. Agree Not bothered. Agree Not nice, as it smells. But it will rot. Agree Not peelings as such, just processed fatty stuff. Agree Not really a big matter. Agree Not too much of an issue. Agree Only if it can be broken down. Agree Only if it’s disposed of properly and put out in the black sack. Agree People could eat it. Agree Respondent says it depends on the food Agree Rots away. Agree Some food products are still bad. Agree Some food takes longer to rot. Agree Some foods can't break down fast enough and just smell so it can still be harmful and an issue. Agree Some people do compost. Agree Some people waste a lot of food so it is an issue. Agree Sometimes. Agree Sort of agree. Agree The majority of it is an issue. Agree They can’t see any other way around it. There will always be food peelings. Agree This depends on the type of food. Agree Throw very little away. Agree Unsure. Agree Used for compost. Agree Waste rots. Agree Wasting food is morally wrong. Agree Yes because it rots. Agree Yes, it can rot into the ground, like compost heaps. . Depends on food. . Depends on what food and where it is put.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 133

Page 135: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments . Depends on what you do with it. . Depends upon type of food waste and whether it's compostable. . Depends what food as both grew up on a farm. . Depends what food is being wasted. . Depends where it goes. . Doesn’t know much about recycling issues and food waste. . Doesn’t know. . Don't know . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don't know. . Don’t know . Don’t know. . In between on this. . Neither . Neither . Neither hasn’t had time to think about it . Not really sure. . Not sure. . Not sure. . Not sure. It depends where you get rid of it. . Respondent does not know. . Some is some isn’t. . Thinks both are equally important issues. . Unsure. . Unsure.

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Page 136: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T3: I don’t worry about the amount of food wasted

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Always thinks of the cost of the food wasted. strongly disagree Concerned about amount of food waste. strongly disagree Daughter would worry if she wasted food. strongly disagree Definitely worries about this. strongly disagree Different attitude when bought up in war. strongly disagree Do not like waste. strongly disagree Do not throw much away. strongly disagree Do not throw much away. strongly disagree Does worry as someone might be starving. strongly disagree Does worry hence why he doesn’t throw any food away. strongly disagree Doesn’t throw away much but does worry about any little bit they throw away. strongly disagree Don't throw away food. strongly disagree Don't waste any. strongly disagree Don’t like throwing food away. strongly disagree Don’t like to waste. strongly disagree Don’t like to waste. strongly disagree Don’t throw away a lot. strongly disagree Don’t throw away a lot. strongly disagree Don’t waste a lot. strongly disagree Food goes bad so respondent has to throw it away. strongly disagree Hate food waste. strongly disagree Hate throwing away food. strongly disagree Hate waste. strongly disagree Hate waste. strongly disagree Hate waste. strongly disagree Hate waste. strongly disagree Hate wasting food. strongly disagree I hate throwing away food and will always eat it the later or the next day. strongly disagree It is still waste. strongly disagree It’s very minimal. strongly disagree Keeps waste to a minimum. strongly disagree Most food waste is down to children. strongly disagree No food waste. strongly disagree Not much food thrown away. strongly disagree Others waste too much food takes to long to rot down. strongly disagree People are starving. strongly disagree Shouldn't do it. strongly disagree Shouldn't waste food. strongly disagree There are children starving in Africa! strongly disagree Think about cost. strongly disagree Think about the starving people. strongly disagree Thinks of people starving. strongly disagree Thinks of starving children. strongly disagree Throw away minimal amount. strongly disagree Throw away minimum. strongly disagree Try not to waste food. strongly disagree Try not to waste food. strongly disagree Very little thrown out.

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Page 137: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Waste minimum. strongly disagree Waste not want not. strongly disagree Wasting little food is very important to family. strongly disagree We don't throw away much. strongly agree Buy small amounts so there is less waste, due to experience of rations. strongly agree Do not throw much away. strongly agree Do not throw much away. strongly agree Do not throw much away. strongly agree Don't have a lot of food waste. strongly agree Don't waste any. strongly agree From a poor country so appreciates the value of food. strongly agree Have little food waste. strongly agree I don't throw much away. strongly agree No food wasted really. strongly agree No waste. strongly agree None is really thrown out. strongly agree Not much food thrown away. strongly agree Not much food thrown away. strongly agree Not wasteful. strongly agree Only cook what is needed. disagree Buy fresh in butchers so don’t waste much. disagree Can't force the children to eat all their food. disagree Careful about food waste. disagree Careful. disagree Collection of rubbish is only biweekly, so it encouraged rats and flies. disagree Compost so don’t waste much disagree Concerned about food waste. disagree Council won’t let you put peelings in green bag which think I should be able to. disagree Depends on quantity. disagree Depends which foods. disagree Do not like throwing food away. disagree Do not like waste. disagree Do not like waste. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do worry but doesn't waste food. disagree Does worry about this but thinks they don’t throw much away. disagree Does worry but sometimes still has to throw it away. disagree Doesn't throw any away. disagree Doesn't throw much away. disagree Doesn’t throw away as dislike wasting. disagree Doesn’t throw away much but any waste is a waste. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Don't have waste. disagree Don't like throwing food away. disagree Don't like to see waste. disagree Don't like to waste food.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 136

Page 138: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Don't like waste. disagree Don't think about it. disagree Don't throw anything away. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away. disagree Don't throw food away. disagree Don't throw. disagree Don't waste any. disagree Don’t like doing it but don’t worry too much about it. disagree Don’t like to waste. disagree Don’t really waste much. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t throw away a lot. disagree Don’t waste a lot. disagree Feel guilty - thinks of starving people. disagree Feels bad if they waste food because of the environmental impact is has. disagree Feels guilty about children in 3rd world countries. disagree Food is rarely thrown away. disagree Food that could feed others.

General mess / environmental problems are too easily ignored. Methane comes off the landfill sites. disagree

disagree Give leftovers to family. disagree Goes to dog. disagree Good at judging portions. disagree Hate waste. disagree Hate waste. disagree Have little food waste. disagree I can’t afford to waste food. disagree I do worry so don't throw much away. disagree I don't throw much away. disagree I don't throw much away. disagree If children waste. disagree If it has gone off then can’t do anything with it. Not my fault so not guilty. disagree It does bother me as there are people hungry in the world. disagree It upsets me when I see starving children on the TV.

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Page 139: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Just get what you need. disagree Just make enough for the two of us. disagree Keen conservationist. Wastes very little and shops daily as needed. disagree Minimum waste. disagree Moral issue. disagree Most of the time she only cooks for herself. disagree Never does. disagree No as food is recycled. disagree No waste. disagree No waste. disagree No waste. disagree No waste. disagree Not by choice that food is wasted. disagree Not much food thrown away. disagree Only cook the amount that I need. disagree Partner does; respondent doesn’t. disagree People are starving so do worry and care. disagree People are starving. disagree People in wealthiest world take too much for granted. disagree People staring not good to throw away. disagree Recycle a lot have little waste. disagree Respondent agrees because she does not throw much away disagree Sometimes but not much. disagree Sometimes waste food that’s on the plate if I’m not feeling well. disagree Sometimes.

There are hungry people in the world. But they can’t force my kids to eat what they don’t want. disagree

disagree Think of kids starving disagree Thinks of 3rd world countries. disagree Throw away minimal amount. disagree Throw away minimal amount. disagree Too much food bought daily which gets wasted, too large portions. disagree Too much waste is bad. disagree Tries to use leftovers but not always managed. disagree Try not to throw any away. disagree Try not to waste. disagree Try not to waste. disagree Try not to waste. disagree Try to keep food waste down by recycling. disagree Very little is thrown away. disagree Waste is minimum. disagree Waste minimum. disagree Waste minimum. disagree Worries about cost of wastage. disagree Worries because it is thrown about street by cats. disagree Worry about the third world. disagree Worry because the amount of starving people in the world. disagree Would like to recycle it and give it to the pigs. disagree Would prefer to pass on unused food rather than waste it. disagree Would reuse food the next day (where possible) if any is leftover. disagree Would worry but throw very little away. disagree Would worry if I threw food away. agree Usually only potatoes. agree If it’s no good, its no good.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 138

Page 140: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Agree, because do no throw much away. agree Amount is minimal. agree As don’t waste much food don’t worry about the small amount thrown away. agree As I don't waste any. agree But feel guilty about starving countries. agree But she respects that the Lord puts it there for you to eat. agree Can’t afford to throw away food. So doesn’t worry about it. agree Concerned, but compost. agree Cook just the amount needed. agree Cook what's needed and eat what's cooked. agree Do not have much food waste. agree Do not have much waste to worry about. agree Do not like waste. agree Do not really throw away food. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not waste enough to worry about.

Do not worry about what is thrown away in the household but what he has seen neighbours and friends throw away. agree

agree Do not worry as the dog gets it. agree Do not worry as the dog gets most of it. agree Doesn't throw any away. agree Doesn't throw much away. agree Doesn't throw much away. agree Doesn’t have a lot of food waste. agree Doesn’t have much food waste, any they do have normally goes to the dog. agree Doesn’t really think about it.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 139

Page 141: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Doesn’t really worry about food waste as she doesn’t waste much. agree Doesn’t throw food away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t worry about it as he doesn’t waste a lot. agree Don't cause much waste. agree Don't like doing it, but don't worry about it. agree Don't like it but don't worry. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw away food. agree Don't throw enough away to worry about. agree Don't throw much away. agree Don't throw that much away. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any. agree Don't waste any.

Don't worry about food waste cost but tries to keep it to a minimum and would recycle if provisions made. agree

agree Don't. agree Don't. agree Don't. agree Don’t buy too much, little food waste. agree Don’t tend to worry but when do a new shop I end up chucking out the old stuff. agree Don’t throw away a lot.

Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 140

Page 142: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree

agree Don’t worry about it as money isn’t an issue. agree Don’t worry as all waste is kept to a minimum. agree Don’t worry as I am composting. agree Even when going on holiday, give food away. agree Except for when the wheelie bins full. agree Feed to dog, so is recycled. agree Feeds to the animals. agree Feel guilty - think of 3rd world when I waste food so try not to. agree Feels morally guilty. agree Find it annoying to throw out food. agree Find it annoying to throw out food. agree Food gets eaten. agree Food waste is given to the dog. agree Gets re used in the garden. agree Goes in the council food waste box. agree Good household management. agree Hardly ever throw any away. agree Has trouble getting through full loaves of bread. agree Hate waste. agree Have little food waste. agree Have little food waste. agree Have more packaging not much food waste. agree Have no waste. agree Have very little waste. agree He is worried about the environmental impact. agree He would if he did waste. agree I don't throw much away. agree If it has to be thrown away then you can't keep it so why worry. It's a part of life. agree If it is gone off then there is nothing else that can be done. agree If its gone off its thrown away or not wanted. agree If you have to chuck it then you do it.

If you have to throw food you have to as its not always suitable to keep like burnt or mouldy food. agree

agree If you have to throw it away it’s got to be done. agree It goes in the green bin. agree Keep waste minimal. agree Learnt to appreciate food. agree Little to throw away.

We Don’t Waste Food! A Householder Survey 141

Page 143: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Minimal. agree Minimum of waste in household. agree Minimum waste, as most is given to pets. agree More concerned with others waste. agree More worried about the effect of packaging on the environment. agree Most of it is given to the dog. agree Never throw away food. agree Never waste food, as cook the right amount. agree No waste. agree No waste. agree Not concerned about waste, as amount thrown away is limited. agree Not enough food wasted to worry. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not much food thrown away. agree Not really thought about it. agree Not wasteful. agree Only buy what is needed. agree Only buy what is needed. agree Only buy what is needed. agree Only cook for one. agree Only cook the amount that I need. agree Rarely throw food way. agree Really careful about waste. agree Respondent agrees because she does not throw much away agree Respondent agrees because she does not throw much away agree Respondent agrees because she does not throw much away agree Smaller meals - don't throw away much. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimal amount. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Throw away minimum. agree Too much is wasted. agree Try not to waste food. agree Try not to waste food. agree Try to cook right amount. agree Try to limit it. agree Up to a point yes, but morally it shouldn’t be wasted. agree Very little is thrown away. agree Very little. agree Waste is minimum. agree Waste minimum.

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Page 144: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Waste minimum. agree Wasteful. agree What we don’t eat the dogs do. agree Worry more about packaging. agree Worry that it is wasteful. . Don't waste any. . Only if have too. . Try to eat all.

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Page 145: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T4: I don’t worry about the cost of food I throw away

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Definitely worries about this. strongly disagree Do not throw much away. strongly disagree Do not throw much away. strongly disagree Doesn't like waste, should be managed better, wife buys too much. strongly disagree Doesn't throw food away. strongly disagree Doesn’t buy food to waste it. strongly disagree Doesn’t waste any so doesn’t need to worry. strongly disagree Don't waste much but would worry about cost if I did. strongly disagree Don’t like to waste. strongly disagree Don’t like wasting anything strongly disagree Don’t waste food. strongly disagree Feels guilty about children in 3rd world countries. strongly disagree Food costs too much anyway. strongly disagree Food is expensive, packaging etc and making it look pretty is mainly the cost of it. strongly disagree Hate wasting food. strongly disagree Hates wasting food. strongly disagree Hungry people in the world. strongly disagree I don't really waste much food. strongly disagree If I did I would worry. strongly disagree Little food waste. strongly disagree On pension very aware. strongly disagree Shouldn’t spend money for nothing. strongly disagree Sometimes wastage can be unavoidable. strongly disagree Starving people is more of a concern. strongly disagree Think about the starving people. strongly disagree Throw away very little. strongly disagree Throw away very little. strongly disagree Throw out very little. strongly disagree Used to have hens - potatoes etc. strongly disagree Very little thrown out. strongly disagree Very little. strongly disagree Very rare to throw away any food. strongly disagree Wasting little food is very important to family. strongly agree Can’t afford to throw away food. So doesn’t worry about it. strongly agree Cost, as on pension. strongly agree Do not throw much away. strongly agree Don't think about it. strongly agree Don't throw away much. strongly agree Eat most of what’s on the plate. strongly agree It’s given to birds or composted. strongly agree Its waste of money when food is thrown. strongly agree Minimal amount anyway. strongly agree No food wasted really. strongly agree Parents recycle but respondent doesn't care. disagree Always equates the food waste to money even thought its just leftovers. disagree Buy small amounts. disagree Care about the cost of what he throws away because people are starving. disagree Cost is more of an issue.

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Page 146: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Do not like throwing food away. disagree Do not like wasting money. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Do not throw much away. disagree Doesn’t throw away much but any waste is a waste. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Doesn’t waste much. disagree Don't like to waste food. disagree Don't really throw food out. disagree Don't throw away much. disagree Don't waste much but worry about cost. disagree Don't waste much would worry if I did. disagree Don't waste much. disagree Don’t throw away much. disagree Feel guilty about 3rd world starving.

General mess / environmental problems are too easily ignored. Methane comes off the landfill sites. disagree

disagree I don't throw much away. disagree I don't throw much waste away. disagree If not off. disagree Just make enough for the 2 of us. disagree Little bit. disagree More concerned with cost. disagree Not wasted as the dog eats it. disagree Nothing major is thrown out so don't worry. disagree Over eating.

She is on her pension so she doesn’t have enough money to be wasteful. She only buys what she needs. disagree

disagree Should worry more. disagree Single parent, so she has to worry about the cost of things a lot. disagree Sometimes if it is meat of fish, I worry. disagree Sometimes. disagree They always try to get value for money. disagree Think of people that are starving. disagree Third world could be eating this. disagree Throw away very little. disagree Throw away very little. disagree Tries to limit waste so not concerned on the cost. disagree Very little is thrown away. disagree Very little is wasted. disagree Waste is a concern. disagree Worries about costs. disagree Worry about wasting money. disagree Worry. agree Agree, because do not throw much away. agree Amount is minimal. agree Budget. agree Buy what I like and don't skimp. agree Cost not a problem, but waste is. agree Do not throw anything away.

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Page 147: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not throw much away. agree Do not waste much. agree Doesn’t really throw away any food. agree Doesn’t throw anything, just freezes any leftovers. agree Doesn’t throw away food. agree Doesn’t throw away that much food. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t throw much away. agree Doesn’t worry about money. agree Don't have much. agree Don't realise it. agree Don't really waste any. agree Don't think about it. agree Don't throw much away. agree Don't throw away much. agree Don't throw away much. agree Don't throw much away. agree Don't waste food so don't worry about the wastage. agree Don't waste much as on a budget. agree Don't waste much food but cost is a concern. agree Don't waste much. agree Don't waste much.

Don't worry about food waste cost but tries to keep it to a minimum and would recycle if provisions made. agree

agree Don't. agree Don’t think about it. agree Don’t throw away a lot. agree Even when going on holiday, give food away. agree Frugal with food. agree Fruit goes off especially, kids change tastes weekly. agree He would if he did waste. agree I don't think about it. agree I don't throw a lot away. agree I don't throw much food waste away. agree I’m not paying for it so don’t worry. agree It doesn't cost much. agree Limits the amount. agree Minimum waste recycled. agree Not a huge amount thrown away. agree Not a lot. agree Not concerned with the cost aspect. agree Not much is thrown away so do not worry. agree Not so much cost but impact on environment worries me.

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Page 148: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Only buy expensive foods like salmon when it's buy on get one free so it's not as bad agree Only if have full container.

Only worries about the cost of food when actually shopping not when throwing food waste away. agree

agree Should do. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw away very little. agree Too much food bought daily which gets wasted, too large portions. agree Worried by the cost of food waste. agree Worry about other peoples waste. . Don't know. . Home composts all food waste. . Worries about the waste morally rather than financially.

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Page 149: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T5: I try to keep food waste to a minimum

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree The only way I could reduce my food shopping is to stop eating! strongly agree All good eaters. strongly agree Already doing a lot to reduce waste. strongly agree Already knows how to. strongly agree Buy things that have a longer use by date. strongly agree Can’t afford to waste food. strongly agree Control the portions which minimises wastage. strongly agree Do eat past sell by date but not fish. strongly agree Dog eats most leftovers. strongly agree Dog gets leftovers. strongly agree Don't throw a lot away. strongly agree Don't throw away much. strongly agree Don't throw away much. strongly agree Don't throw away much. strongly agree Don't throw away much. strongly agree Don't waste much. strongly agree Eat it within sell by date. strongly agree Eat leftovers next day. strongly agree Food to tempting & am adjusting to children leaving home. strongly agree Food waste is bad and against her religion. strongly agree Freeze things. strongly agree Hard with kids about. strongly agree Hate throwing food away. strongly agree Hate wasting food. strongly agree He doesn’t waste but he still would worry about it. strongly agree I don't throw much food waste away. strongly agree Keep in freezer. strongly agree Keep waste low. strongly agree Keep waste to as low as possible with kids. strongly agree Leftovers are mainly reused. strongly agree Little waste buys what is needed. strongly agree Live alone so don’t throw away much. strongly agree Make smaller portions so less is thrown away. strongly agree Meat wasting is a problem. strongly agree Minimum waste. strongly agree Minimum waste. strongly agree Not much waste thrown away. strongly agree On pension so only buy a little at a time. strongly agree Only cook enough for two people. strongly agree Only cook what is needed. strongly agree Reuses food by eat it the next day for lunch. strongly agree Said he had minimum food waste but may be lying as he lied about how much he recycled. strongly agree They throw very little away. strongly agree Throw away minimum. strongly agree Very minimal waste- recycle to dogs. strongly agree Waste is a concern, tries to keep low. strongly agree Waste is a problem but keeps to a minimum. strongly agree We don’t really waste any food unless its leftovers.

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Page 150: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree We eat all food. strongly agree Worried about the cost of the food being thrown away. disagree Always aware, they don’t overbuy. disagree Children are wasteful. disagree Doesn't think about it. disagree Doesn’t think about it. disagree Dog has leftovers. disagree Don't think about food waste that much so doesn't worry that much. disagree Don't throw away much. disagree Every day is different. disagree Freeze leftovers. disagree I should do more. disagree If it gets wasted it gets wasted. disagree If its waste then cannot change it. disagree Kids cause the most mess. disagree Mean to do something about it. disagree Minimum wastage, not much thrown away. disagree Not actively. disagree Not actively. disagree Not really his problem. He doesn’t think about recycling that much. disagree Only worry about litter. disagree Sometimes wishes it could be avoided. disagree Throw away as it goes off / not eaten. disagree Try to but rarely works. disagree Worries about amount and cost of food waste but still doesn’t ensure its kept to a minimum. agree Already throw away minimum. agree Amount is minimal. agree As much as possible. agree Ask if anyone else would like it first. agree Boyfriend eats leftovers. agree Can be expensive. agree Children eat it all (5 of them in the house). agree Cook only what is needed. agree Could do more. agree Do really try to keep it to minimum. agree Doesn’t always. agree Doesn’t throw any away but doesn’t buy a lot of food anyway. agree Don't overbuy. agree Don't throw a lot away. agree Don't throw a lot away. agree Don't throw away much. agree Don't throw away much. agree Don't throw away much. agree Find it hard because children say they want something when they don't. agree Food thrown away wastes money - so try to reduce the amount wasted. agree Have minimum waste. agree He tries. agree I'm very conscious of date coding & look out for this. agree Its not that hard to do. agree Keeps waste to a minimum and recycles some via feeding to animals. agree More or less. agree Not a lot thrown away. agree Not worried about waste, keep to a minimum. agree Puts in freezer so there is no waste.

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Page 151: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Sometimes cannot make an effort as am unwell or don’t feel hungry. agree Throw away very little. agree Throw nothing away. agree Throw very little away. agree Try to but not always possible. agree Try to cook food I like and which can be reheated. agree Very good at estimating how much to cook. agree Will freeze before out of date. agree With adult meals. agree Works in the food industry. . Doesn’t think about it.

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Page 152: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T6: Information on food storage would help reduce waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Already knows. strongly disagree Both adults work in the food industry. strongly disagree Doesn’t throw much away. strongly disagree Don't need strongly disagree Don't waste strongly disagree Gets most cooked meals delivered. strongly disagree Know how to strongly disagree Know info already. strongly disagree Knows how to store strongly disagree Never stores food for long enough, it gets eaten quickly. strongly disagree No food wasted from fridge, just peelings. Knows how to do it. strongly disagree Not applicable as no food waste produced. strongly disagree Not rotten food strongly disagree Respondent already knows strongly disagree Respondent already knows. strongly disagree Respondent could not have less strongly disagree Respondent does not buy a lot of fresh food so most food is frozen strongly disagree Respondent hardly throws away any.

Respondent says "thinks about how grandparents stored food without fridges, we need to be less clinical" strongly disagree

strongly disagree Respondent says she can not really throw away less strongly disagree Respondent throws away hardly any. strongly disagree Respondent throws away very little strongly disagree Respondent wastes the minimum amount of food strongly disagree Thinks questions are idiotic, examples of complete stupidity. strongly disagree Throw very little away strongly disagree Understands food storage strongly agree I'm not sure of temperature settings needed strongly agree Respondent agrees especially when it comes to salad disagree All good disagree Already affective disagree Already aware. disagree Already aware. disagree Already aware. disagree Already do best to avoid it. disagree Already do fine. disagree Already effective disagree Already knew disagree Already know disagree Already know disagree Already know how to disagree Already know how to disagree Already know how to as work in the health profession. disagree Already know how to do it disagree Already know how to store food disagree Already know how to. disagree Already knows disagree Already knows fridge management

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Page 153: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Already knows how to disagree Already knows how to disagree Already knows how to i.e. Cans in a cold, dark place. disagree Already knows how to store and how to shop. disagree Already knows how to store and shop for food efficiently. disagree Already knows how to store food. disagree Already store effectively. disagree Already store well. disagree Already think I do it right disagree Already throw away minimum disagree Already throws away a little as possible. disagree Already throws nothing away disagree Already well organised. Any waste is a rare occurrence. disagree Always careful with storage disagree Always follow dates, already know how to store food. disagree Am careful with storage disagree Been a housewife for 40 years know this already disagree Buy daily no waste disagree Cannot throw away less disagree Chef- knows what he’s doing disagree Common sense disagree Cook small portions and freeze foods as well. disagree Cooked food thrown away disagree Couldn't change, already know how to disagree Couldn't throw any less away. disagree Couldn’t throw away any less. disagree Do it already disagree Do know about it already disagree Do not get involved, it is left to Mother. disagree Does it well already disagree Does things OK now. disagree Doesn't apply to me. disagree Doesn’t buy much. disagree Doesn’t throw away. disagree Don't know disagree Don't need to know what to do disagree Don't overbuy disagree Don't think suitable for younger people disagree Don't throw away much disagree Don't throw food away disagree Don't waste much disagree Don't waste much disagree Don't waste much disagree Don’t need information disagree Don’t think this would make any difference disagree Don’t throw away all that much with only two people. disagree Don’t throw away much disagree Don’t throw away much disagree Don’t throw food away due to poor storage disagree Don’t throw much out disagree Dread the packet. disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient

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Page 154: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient already disagree Efficient already disagree Efficient enough already. disagree Gives to a friend disagree Good hygiene certificate disagree He doesn’t like being told how to shop / store food. disagree Hygiene. disagree I'm one of those people that could have information but wouldn’t use it at all disagree I know how to disagree I know this already disagree Just not interested knows what she is doing disagree Know already disagree Know already disagree Know everything needed to be careful with waste. disagree Know from experience. disagree Know how to disagree Know how to disagree Know how to already. disagree Know how to already. disagree Know how to already. disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to freeze items in order to preserve them. disagree Know how to store disagree Know how to store disagree Know how to store food disagree Know how to store food correctly disagree Know how to, all meals are planned for the week ahead disagree Know it disagree Know what's required disagree Know what to do. disagree Knows how disagree Knows how to already. disagree Knows how to store food disagree Knows how to store food and how to shop disagree Knows. disagree Life experience helps me to know how to store effectively disagree Minimum waste disagree Maybe but storage is limited. disagree No difference. disagree No leftovers disagree No space for storage. disagree No waste disagree Not necessary disagree Not relevant as do not waste food

Not relevant down to package size. Not being able to buy single items of vegetable etc is his cause of waste - inform supermarkets not public disagree

disagree Ok as store well already disagree Old school - knows what to do disagree Only throw away a little bit disagree Pay attention to waste and try to throw food away as little as possible. The rest goes on the heap.

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Page 155: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree People know how to store food they’re not stupid disagree Put in fridge/freezer as soon as get home disagree Quite efficient already disagree Respondent follows guidelines and feels that they are enough information for him. disagree Respondent already careful when storing food disagree Respondent already knows how best to store food disagree Respondent already knows how to disagree Respondent already knows how to best store food disagree Respondent already knows how to store food disagree Respondent already knows how to. disagree Respondent believes you can't go wrong with it disagree Respondent buys the same things and stores it in the same way so it does not go off disagree Respondent can't waste any less disagree Respondent can't waste anymore disagree Respondent could not throw less food away disagree Respondent does not need advice with this disagree Respondent does not think she can throw less away disagree Respondent does not think she could change existing habits disagree Respondent does not throw away a lot disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away and knows how to already disagree Respondent does not throw much away. disagree Respondent freezes food if not eaten disagree Respondent has a good system for storing food disagree Respondent has adequate information already. disagree Respondent has enough information disagree Respondent has learned this through experience disagree Respondent has no fridge so buys perishables on the same day disagree Respondent has no time to change habits as she is elderly disagree Respondent has very little waste except peeling which are composed disagree Respondent is a chef so knows how to store food disagree Respondent is a diabetic so has to careful disagree Respondent is already aware of how to store food disagree Respondent is already efficient.

Respondent is good and careful with it already, she cooks a meal and divides and freezes it as she lives on her own disagree

disagree Respondent is ok with this disagree Respondent is organised but open to help disagree Respondent is very environmentally friendly and all food is home composted disagree Respondent knows a lot about how to store food. disagree Respondent knows hot to store food as works in a cafe disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to and so rarely wastes food disagree Respondent knows how to as she works in Tesco. disagree Respondent knows how to as works in a shop disagree Respondent knows how to do it disagree Respondent knows how to store food disagree Respondent knows how to store food disagree Respondent knows how to. disagree Respondent only buys what is needed.

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Page 156: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent says its the quality of the food that matters not the information.

Respondent says that she throws very little away so it is not really a problem that needs addressing disagree

disagree Respondent says that they try not to throw too much away disagree Respondent stores food correctly already disagree Respondent thinks that more information on recycling would be more useful disagree Respondent under buys so does not waste food. disagree Respondent was a cater so knows how to store food correctly. disagree Respondent works in a hotel so knows how to disagree Respondents husband is a chef disagree Respondents mother knows how to store food disagree She has done health and hygiene exams so she should know about how to store food. disagree Shelf life needs to be longer disagree Storage is good already. disagree Store it properly. disagree The carer has been trained how to do it. disagree The right system can be variable. disagree Throw away minimal amount disagree Throw away minimum disagree Use freezer a lot buy in bulk and separate disagree Very minimum waste disagree Waste at minimum, couldn't reduce it much. disagree Wife does it disagree Wife knows how to store food. disagree Work in a supermarket so store it well. disagree Works in catering so understands food storage disagree Would be ignored. No one recycles disagree Would read it, but wouldn’t follow it. agree Already know how to do. agree Already knows how to store food and shop. agree Always open to information agree Aware of food storage. agree Better check on sell by dates agree Better storage and shopping would reduce waste agree But don't throw away a lot agree But ok at storing food. agree Clearer information agree Correct temperature not known. agree Could help if had info agree Could maybe try to. agree Could waste less be giving it to the dog. agree Educate other people too agree Education would help reduce waste agree Extra information always good. agree Freeze pasta and other foods if left over, or eat the next day. agree Good already agree Happy with thermometer more information like this would be good agree He thinks some off his food goes off too quickly, curious if he could store it better. agree If it was practical to me and I could use it. agree Information on how to store fruit so it doesn’t go off would be good. agree Information would help reduce waste agree Just storage can affect food waste in house. agree May do agree May help

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Page 157: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Maybe agree Maybe more information on fruit and veg would be useful agree More information may help agree Only if the information can be identified from junk mail. agree Others as well. agree Plan meals keep stuff correctly agree Possibly agree Possibly agree Possibly as use a lot of fresh food agree Possibly on freezing economically. agree Respondent says there are just two people so there is not a lot to store agree Respondent thinks that a better system would help agree Respondent thinks that better awareness would reduce waste agree Respondent would like information agree Respondent would like information on how long food should be kept in the fridge agree She is already good but a little information is welcome. agree Sometimes veg in fridge goes off quick agree Sometimes vegetables go off very quickly agree Storage can be a problem agree This is the only reason food is wasted agree Unsure of correct storage. agree Wife stores food properly and due to occupation knows a lot about food poisoning. agree Would help but might not make much difference . Don't know . Don't know. . Don’t know . Neither; do not waste food . Neither; don’t waste

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Page 158: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T7: Information on food shopping would help reduce waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Already know strongly disagree Already knows and does not waste much. strongly disagree Definitely know how to do food shopping strongly disagree Definitely not. strongly disagree Disagree however wouldn’t make an effort to home compost due to vermin strongly disagree Doesn’t apply. strongly disagree Doesn’t throw away a lot. strongly disagree Doesn’t throw much away. strongly disagree Don’t go food shopping strongly disagree Don’t require information as already very informed. strongly disagree Don’t throw food away strongly disagree Know how to strongly disagree Know how to store food. strongly disagree Know info already. strongly disagree Knows how to shop strongly disagree No food wasted from fridge, just peelings. Knows how to do it. strongly disagree No help is needed. strongly disagree No help needed strongly disagree Not applicable as no food waste produced. strongly disagree Respondent already knows strongly disagree Respondent already knows. strongly disagree Respondent could not have less strongly disagree Respondent hardly throws away any. strongly disagree Respondent has no problems with how they shop strongly disagree Respondent is very good at shopping for their needs strongly disagree Respondent knows how to shop for their family

Respondent says "thinks about how grandparents stored food without fridges, we need to be less clinical" strongly disagree

strongly disagree Respondent says she can not really throw away less strongly disagree Respondent throws away hardly any. strongly disagree Respondent throws away very little strongly disagree Respondent wastes the minimum amount of food strongly disagree She already does. strongly disagree Throw away very little strongly disagree Uses common sense when deciding what he should buy. strongly agree Finds wastes a lot of yoghurts. strongly agree People don't know enough strongly agree Respondent thinks that people need to be trained strongly agree They could be more efficient. strongly agree Think would buy less. strongly agree Wife overcooks and overshops disagree All good disagree Already aware. disagree Already do best to avoid it. disagree Already do fine. disagree Already effective disagree Already effective disagree Already know - on a budget

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Page 159: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Already know disagree Already know disagree Already know how to disagree Already know how to as work in the health profession. disagree Already know how to. disagree Already know. disagree Already know. disagree Already knows disagree Already knows how to store and how to shop. disagree Already knows how to store and shop for food efficiently. disagree Already knows how to store food and shop. disagree Already knows. disagree Already knows. disagree Already quite efficient. disagree Already store efficiently. disagree Already store well. disagree Already think I do it right disagree Already throws away a little as possible. disagree Been a housewife for 40 years know this already disagree Buy what’s needed disagree Buys mostly frozen. disagree Change of plans is the main cause of waste. disagree Couldn't change it, already know how to disagree Do already. disagree Do it anyway. disagree Do not get involved, it is left to Mother. disagree Does things OK now. disagree Doesn't overbuy, knows what they want. disagree Doesn’t buy for the sake of buying. disagree Doesn’t throw much disagree Don't buy a lot to store disagree Don't know disagree Don't know disagree Don't need to know what to do disagree Don't overbuy disagree Don't throw anything away. disagree Don't throw away much disagree Don't throw food away disagree Don't waste much disagree Don't waste much disagree Don’t think this would make a difference. disagree Don’t really know disagree Don’t think this would make any difference disagree Don’t throw away. disagree Don’t waste any food disagree Don’t waste much food disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient disagree Efficient already

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Page 160: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Efficient. disagree Efficient already disagree Fine already. disagree Freezes disagree Good already disagree Good system disagree He doesn’t like being told how to shop / store food. disagree I do it well disagree I know this already disagree Know already disagree Know already disagree Know from experience. disagree Know how to disagree Know how to disagree Know how to already disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to do it disagree Know how to shop disagree Know how to shop disagree Know how to shop disagree Know this already. disagree Know what's required disagree Knows how disagree Knows how to already. disagree Knows how to do it disagree Knows how to shop as he uses everything bought so there is little food waste. disagree Knows how to shop for their family. disagree Knows how to shop. disagree Knows how to store and shop. disagree Knows how to store food and how to shop disagree Knows how to store food. disagree Knows how to store food. disagree Limited time to follow, in the habit now disagree Manages ok now. disagree Minimise waste I already shop well. disagree Not entirely certain. disagree Not relevant down to package size disagree Nutritional information disagree Ok with how to shop for their family. disagree On pension so careful with buying disagree Only buys and cooks what is required avoiding waste disagree Only throw away a little bit disagree Plans ahead and sticks to it well. disagree Pretty good shopper. disagree Purchases food each week, sometimes it will get eaten quicker than other times. disagree Respondent already aware of how to cook and shop disagree Respondent already knows how to disagree Respondent already knows how to shop effectively disagree Respondent already knows how to. disagree Respondent buys food daily so is fresh and is effective disagree Respondent buys the same things and stores it in the same way so it does not go off

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Page 161: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent can't waste anymore disagree Respondent could not throw less food away disagree Respondent does not think she can throw less away disagree Respondent does not think she could change existing habits disagree Respondent does not throw away a lot disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away and knows how to already disagree Respondent does not throw much away. disagree Respondent has adequate information already. disagree Respondent has learned this through experience disagree Respondent has no time to change habits as she is elderly disagree Respondent has very little waste except peeling which are composed disagree Respondent is a diabetic so has to careful disagree Respondent is already efficient.

Respondent is good and careful with it already, she cooks a meal and divides and freezes it as she lives on her own disagree

disagree Respondent is not sure how it would work disagree Respondent is ok with this disagree Respondent is organised but open to help disagree Respondent is very environmentally friendly and all food is home composted disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to disagree Respondent knows how to and so rarely wastes food disagree Respondent knows how to as she works in Tesco. disagree Respondent knows how to as works in a shop disagree Respondent knows how to do it disagree Respondent knows how to. disagree Respondent says she is fairly careful when shopping disagree Respondent says that he enjoys what he eats and so information would not change what he buys.

Respondent says that she throws very little away so it is not really a problem that needs addressing disagree

disagree Respondent says that supermarkets don't cater for one person hence a lot of waste disagree Respondent says that they try not to throw too much away disagree Respondent shops sensibly already. disagree Respondent thinks she is a good food shopper already. disagree Respondent thinks that it is more about how the supermarkets are set up. disagree Respondent thinks that more information on recycling would be more useful disagree Respondents mother knows how to shop disagree Shop effectively already. disagree Shop effectively but storage a problem. Occasionally throw away older items/tins etc disagree Shop well already. disagree Shops are designed for that. disagree Storage is good already. disagree The carer has been trained how to do it. disagree Throw away little food. disagree Throw away minimal amount disagree Throw away minimum disagree Very insistent that she does not waste food only gets what she needs disagree Works at M&S so has a good idea disagree Would be ignored. No one recycles disagree Wouldn't change

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Page 162: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree 50/50 agree A change in storage and shopping may reduce food waste agree Already pretty good at it. agree And save money agree Be better if I could shop more efficiently, buy less impulsively agree But don't throw away a lot agree Buying less. agree Buys weekly so goes off at times agree Changing the way shopping and storage is done may help reduce waste agree Cooks batches and freezes food. Taught family to cook pies so food never wasted agree Different storage and shopping would reduce food waste agree Does not have enough information or boxes to recycle properly or know how to shop efficiently. agree Don't know agree Educate other people too agree Education would help reduce waste agree Especially vegetables agree Everybody should have more information on how to shop more effectively agree Finds it difficult cooking for himself and child agree If it was practical to me and she should use it. agree Interested in better understanding to help environment agree May do agree Maybe smaller amounts/regularly change of plan agree More info could potentially help but no one gives you the stuff you really want agree More information may help agree Not sure how that could be improved but would try agree Possibly agree Possibly agree Respondent buys too much food which goes out of date agree Respondent thinks that better awareness would reduce waste agree Respondent thinks that this would be a good idea but people won't bother changing their habits agree Respondent works in food industry so knows how to shop for food agree Respondent would like information agree Sad but true. agree Should do bigger shopping trips and store the items this might encourage less waste agree Some things you can't save although don't like to throw away. agree Sometimes buy food but don't get round to using it. agree The change in storage and shopping could reduce the food waste agree Too many people don’t know how to shop. agree Vegetables go off easily and ready meals create too much food waste agree Would try to but not sure the information would be followed every time. agree Wouldn’t make much difference. . Common sense . Didn’t agree or disagree. . Don't know . Don't know. . More information would be welcome . Neither . Neither do not waste food . Possibly disagree unsure . Unsure.

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Page 163: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T8: Information on the environmental impact would help reduce waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Already aware. strongly disagree Disagree as I compost strongly disagree Doesn’t think it is true for the amount that he throws away. strongly disagree Doesn’t throw much away. strongly disagree Don’t throw food away if can be helped strongly disagree I already recycle food waste. strongly disagree Insistent on lack of wastage strongly disagree Never wilfully throw away food. strongly disagree Not applicable as no food waste produced. strongly disagree Not bothered strongly disagree Not wasteful will always find something to do with it strongly disagree Only throw away natural waste. strongly disagree Respondent could not have less strongly disagree Respondent does not think it would make a difference because they do not throw much out strongly disagree Respondent does not throw away any strongly disagree Respondent does not throw much away. strongly disagree Respondent hardly throws away any. strongly disagree Respondent knows the environmental impact strongly disagree Respondent knows the environmental issues strongly disagree Respondent says she can not really throw away less strongly disagree Respondent throws away hardly any. strongly disagree Respondent throws away very little strongly disagree Respondent wastes the minimum amount of food strongly disagree Throws away nothing, so no waste strongly disagree Try very hard not to throw away. strongly agree Definitely need more information strongly agree If it was a big issue strongly agree Little bits always help strongly agree Only for meat products strongly agree Where is it a big issue? strongly agree Wife overcooks and over-shops strongly agree Will make me more aware of the goings on in the world disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware disagree Already aware and throw away the minimum. disagree Already aware of cost and impact disagree Already aware. disagree Already aware. disagree Already careful about food waste. disagree Already compost what food possible but some cannot be e.g. Meat

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Page 164: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Already do. disagree Already do. disagree Already has info. disagree Already have information. disagree Already know disagree Already know disagree Already know endowment impact and cost, hence do minimum food waste disagree Already know. disagree Already knows quite a lot about this. disagree Already knows. disagree Already throw away minimum disagree Already throw minimum away. disagree Already. disagree Already. disagree Am aware. disagree Aware disagree Aware disagree Aware of this disagree But would like to have information on this issue. disagree Can't do less food waste disagree Can't throw away any less disagree Cannot waste any less if we tried disagree Cant throw away less disagree Cant throw much less disagree Composting already disagree Couldn't throw away less disagree Couldn’t throw any less food waste away. disagree Couldn’t throw away less disagree Couldn’t throw away less. disagree Couldn’t throw much less away disagree Do minimum food waste already disagree Do not need it disagree Does the best they can with recycling waste. disagree Doesn't put a lot of food in the bin disagree Doesn’t believe personal waste is an impact supermarket waste +packaging more to blame disagree Doesn’t know how much impact it would have. He already puts his waste in brown/blue bins. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Don't have the time to do it disagree Don't like to waste food. Thinks she can waste less but with better bins she can do more. disagree Don't need to know what to do disagree Don't overbuy disagree Don't throw away food. disagree Don't throw away much disagree Don't throw away much disagree Don't throw away much. disagree Don't throw much away. disagree Don't throw much away. disagree Don't waste food disagree Don't waste much disagree Don't waste much disagree Don’t care about environment too much but recycle as know its good disagree Don’t do much food waste disagree Don’t throw away much anyway.

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Page 165: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Don’t throw away much. disagree Don’t throw away off it all goes to dog. disagree Don’t throw away. disagree Don’t throw much away disagree Don’t throw much away disagree Don’t waste any food disagree Fruit naturally falls from trees and if not eaten they rot so it is natural for the environment.

Has no food waste as aware of people starving. Already know how to minimise waste as only have little amount disagree

disagree Has studied this in college so is quite aware disagree Have enough information disagree Have very little waste information would make no difference disagree He is already aware. disagree I already know about the environment & food & do what I can. disagree I know this already disagree I try not to throw away anyway disagree If had information wouldn’t follow it disagree In environmental business so already aware disagree It could help but wouldn't be used disagree Keen on environment so careful disagree Know about it already throw away minimum disagree Know all of this fed up on these issues. disagree Know from experience. disagree Know what's required disagree Knows already. disagree Knows it is bad for the environment. disagree Knows what the impact is, there is too much information nowadays. disagree Little food waste so no need for information. disagree Maybe disagree Minimal waste anyway. disagree Minimum waste. disagree More information is always good but it wont reduce my food waste disagree Mostly aware of environmental issues. disagree No difference as I do a lot already. disagree No waste disagree No waste. disagree Not all of the family are environmentally aware, not all care. disagree Not bothered disagree Not enough thrown away to reduce waste. disagree Not into recycling. disagree Only throw away if bad - food only comes in packs for two people disagree Packaging bigger problem disagree Probably scary results. disagree Recycle disagree Respondent already aware of the environmental impact disagree Respondent already know disagree Respondent already knows about the environmental impact. disagree Respondent already knows all about it disagree Respondent already throws away minimum disagree Respondent already throws away the minimum disagree Respondent already throws the minimum amount away disagree Respondent already throws the minimum of food waste away disagree Respondent already knows disagree Respondent can't do less

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Page 166: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent can not throw away any less disagree Respondent can not waste any less disagree Respondent could not throw away less disagree Respondent could not throw much away disagree Respondent couldn't do any less disagree Respondent does not know what to do if they do not throw away disagree Respondent does not think she can throw less away disagree Respondent does not think they could throw away less disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away. disagree Respondent does not throw much food away disagree Respondent has enough information. disagree Respondent has no time to change habits as she is elderly disagree Respondent has very little waste except peeling which are composed disagree Respondent is a scientist. disagree Respondent is already very aware and conscious of the impact. disagree Respondent knows about it disagree Respondent knows about the environmental impact disagree Respondent knows already disagree Respondent says that he can not throw away any less

Respondent says that she throws very little away so it is not really a problem that needs addressing disagree

disagree Respondent says that they try not to throw too much away Respondent says you can have all the information but unless you live in the ideal world it won't help, it all depends on their lifestyle disagree

disagree Respondent thinks he is quite aware Respondent thinks that information would be good but does not think it would make a difference to the amount they throw away disagree

disagree Respondent throws away minimum already disagree Respondent throws away minimum amount disagree Respondent understands the environmental impact of food waste. disagree Respondent used to teach environmental science so knows the impacts. disagree Respondent uses what she buys. disagree Respondent would be interested in information disagree Respondent would not use the information disagree Respondent is already economical disagree She knows and it worries her. disagree Sight not good so can't read very well disagree There is enough information from the media. disagree They are aware, hence they use home compost. disagree Throw away little food. disagree Throw away minimum disagree Throws away a minimum disagree Too much effort. disagree Too old to worry about it now. disagree Was aware of impact/cost, limit waste already and most is due to children disagree We're made aware enough. disagree Works in environmental agency. disagree Would be ignored. No one recycles disagree Would make more effort if more aware disagree Wouldn't make much difference

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Page 167: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Wouldn’t know how to throw away less disagree Wouldn’t use information agree Already aware. agree Already do a lot of recycling

Already throw a minimal amount but may have less food waste to feed the dog if they knew more. agree

agree Be interested but don't waste much Believes information would help maybe not to reduce waste but to inform people of the environmentally friendly way of disposal. agree Believes waste is minimal but better environmental awareness and reduction of impulse buying will lower waste agree

agree Believes wont reduce the amount of food waste but it would still be interesting to know agree Better environmental awareness and cost awareness would reduce waste agree Better information would help agree But don't throw away a lot agree But would have to have somewhere else to dispose of waste. agree Concerned about the environmental impact of excess waste. agree Concerned by environmental impact agree Couldn’t throw away any less. agree Depends on the information provided agree Do not like waste in landfills agree Do our bit. agree Doesn't know much about it. agree Don't throw much away. agree Don’t know agree Don’t really think about it. agree Don’t stop to think about it agree Don’t throw much away. agree Educate other people too agree Environmental awareness may help encourage waste reduction. agree Environmental impact caused more by imported and exported goods rather than the waste agree Environmental impact may change waste view agree Especially young people. agree Feeds leftover meat to neighbours dog. agree If had info could maybe waste less agree If possible agree If possible agree Information is always useful. You never know everything. agree Information regarding this would make me think more. agree Just due to discipline and not over shopping agree May help agree Maybe agree Maybe agree Maybe. agree Maybe. agree Maybe. agree More information may help us all. agree Not an issue as food waste is natural/degrades agree Not aware of any environmental issues concerning food. agree Not definitely. agree Not much thrown away. agree Not much wasted but would be interested in information on environmental impact and costs agree Not sure how much a day agree Possibly

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Page 168: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Respondent does not know much about this agree Respondent is fighting a losing battle because can't tell what the children want agree Respondent is not aware of everything agree Respondent may try to agree Respondent thinks she would try to waste less if she knew the impact agree Respondent thinks that better awareness would reduce waste agree Respondent thinks that this would be a good idea but people won't bother changing their habits agree Respondent would like to know where it is put. agree Respondent would want to know what you should do with food waste agree The environment is the main concern with regards to waste.

There is no emphasis or information on the environmental impact of food waste- all information is on plastics agree

agree Very important agree Very little waste didn’t know it was bad for the environment. agree Wants more info made available through post agree Waste is mainly from over cooking but even then it may get eaten by house mate agree What would you do with it though

Worried about environmental impact of waste-thinks being able to see/smell waste would change attitudes. agree

agree Worth advertising on a national scale Would be more inclined to follow information if made more aware of its impact and reasons for it. agree

agree Would consider Home Composting. agree Would like more bins to be provided. agree Would like more information on impact and cost. agree Would like to consider the environment agree Would need to be aware of what to do with it. agree Would try to throw away less agree Would try. . Already know . Don't know. . Don’t know

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Page 169: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T9: Information on the cost would help reduce food waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Already knows enough information about this. strongly disagree Disagree as I compost strongly disagree Doesn’t throw much away. strongly disagree Not applicable as no food waste produced. strongly disagree Respondent could not have less strongly disagree Respondent does not throw away any strongly disagree Respondent does not throw much away. strongly disagree Respondent hardly throws away any. strongly disagree Respondent says she can not really throw away less strongly disagree Respondent throws away hardly any. strongly disagree Respondent throws away very little strongly disagree Respondent wastes the minimum amount of food strongly disagree Throws away nothing so no waste strongly disagree Waste very little food strongly agree Cost in particular might reduce wastage. strongly agree Cost is everything when on a pension. strongly agree Fussy eaters. strongly agree Had food poisoning so they are very careful how they store food and recognise sell by dates etc. strongly agree Respondent thinks cost is a big issue strongly agree Respondent would definitively be surprised if the cost of her food waste was calculated strongly agree She would be stunned by the cost of the food she wastes. strongly agree This is a strong factor to make him cut down on waste. strongly agree Very important to me. strongly agree Very important. strongly agree Very much so. strongly agree Waste is mainly from over cooking but even then it may get eaten by house mate disagree Already aware disagree Already aware of cost and impact disagree Already aware of cost. disagree Already aware. disagree Already aware. disagree Already aware. disagree Already do. disagree Already knew. disagree Already know disagree Already know about cost of waste. disagree Already know it disagree Already know the amount being wasted. disagree Already know the cost disagree Already knows cost so doesn’t need more information. disagree Already knows. disagree Already throw minimum away. disagree Aware disagree Aware but don't worry disagree Aware of it. disagree Can't do less food waste disagree Can't throw away any less disagree Can't throw away less.

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Page 170: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Cant change it, leave very little disagree Cant throw much less disagree Consider this to be throwing money away. disagree Cost isn’t an issue that would persuade him to recycle. disagree Couldn't throw away less disagree Couldn’t throw any less food waste away. disagree Couldn’t throw away less disagree Couldn’t throw away less. disagree Create minimum waste already. disagree Do minimum food waste already disagree Doesn't currently waste any food. disagree Doesn't waste. disagree Doesn’t throw much away. disagree Doesn’t worry about money. disagree Don't have the time to do it disagree Don't overbuy disagree Don't throw away much disagree Don't throw away much. disagree Don't waste food disagree Don’t do much food waste disagree I do consider cost but sometimes it is unavoidable disagree I economise by shopping at best times close to use by dates. disagree Keep to a minimum disagree Keep waste to a minimum disagree Keeps a price check.

Kids waste most food, deciding not to eat so parents have to try and eat it before it goes off. You cant force them. disagree

disagree Know about it already. disagree Know from experience. disagree Know how much throwing away. disagree Know what's required disagree Knows about it and feels guilty. disagree Knows the cost already. disagree Minimum waste anyway disagree Need cheaper food- especially organic disagree No because it goes to the dogs, I’m not losing any money. disagree Not much. disagree Not really an issue as only waste is from kids disagree Quite aware disagree Respondent already know disagree Respondent already knows the cost disagree Respondent already knows the cost disagree Respondent already throws away minimum disagree Respondent already throws the minimum amount away disagree Respondent already throws the minimum of food waste away disagree Respondent already knows disagree Respondent can't do less disagree Respondent can not waste any less disagree Respondent could not throw away less disagree Respondent could not throw much away disagree Respondent couldn't do any less disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away disagree Respondent does not throw much away

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Page 171: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent does not throw much away anyway disagree Respondent has enough information. disagree Respondent has no time to change habits as she is elderly disagree Respondent has very little waste except peeling which are composed disagree Respondent is a scientist. disagree Respondent is already very aware and conscious of the impact. disagree Respondent knows about it disagree Respondent knows already disagree Respondent knows already. disagree Respondent knows how to about the cost of food disagree Respondent knows the cost but it goes off too quick disagree Respondent says that she throws very little away so it is not really a problem that needs addressing disagree Respondent says that the cost does not bother her disagree Respondent says that they try not to throw too much away

Respondent thinks that information would be good but does not think it would make a difference to the amount they throw away disagree

disagree Respondent throws away minimum already disagree Respondent tries not to waste much. disagree Respondent uses what she buys. disagree Respondent would be interested in information disagree Respondent would not use the information disagree Respondent is already economical disagree Tend to know - get what you need disagree There is enough information from the media. disagree They are aware, hence they use home compost. disagree They couldn’t throw any less away. disagree Throw away little food. disagree Throw away minimum already disagree Throwing away as little as possible. disagree Too old to worry about it now. disagree Use landfill site at work. disagree We all know and don't need to be told. disagree Would be ignored. No one recycles disagree Wouldn't make much difference as wastes minimum possible already disagree You know how much it costs already. agree Agrees but doesn’t throw much away so it’s probably true for other households. agree Already throw a minimal amount but may have less food waste to feed the dog if they knew more. agree Already waste the minimum agree But don't throw away a lot agree Cost is an issue. agree Could try to cut down. agree Do our bit. agree Don’t really think about it. agree Educate other people too agree Has good awareness. agree He already knows about cost, but he might be interested if it was written down. agree If had info could maybe waste less agree If possible agree If possible as throw away minimum agree Maybe agree Not much thrown away. agree Not really a bother agree Not throwing much away as its fed to the dogs. agree Parents should control portions

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Page 172: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Respondent does not think she can throw less away agree Respondent does not throw much away. agree Respondent is fighting a losing battle because can't tell what the children want agree Respondent thinks she would try to waste less if she knew the cost agree Respondent thinks that better awareness would reduce waste agree Respondent would rather not know the cost agree Son is a fussy eater agree Worried about cost, if they knew how much would reduce wastes agree Would buy cheaper food. agree Would like more information on impact and cost. agree Would make her stop and think. agree Would make them cut on buying it to save money. agree Would probably try to follow it. . Already know . In compost . Not thought about it.

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Page 173: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T10: Concerns about food poisoning

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree A lifetime of experience. strongly disagree Careful but don’t worry about it. strongly disagree Cook properly. strongly disagree Know about correct storage. strongly disagree Knows about storage. strongly disagree Mother was a chef strongly disagree Mother works part time in a sandwich shop and knows about food preparation. strongly disagree Never had experience, did a hygiene course. strongly disagree Never has time to go off strongly disagree Never thought about it strongly disagree Not that long in the cupboard. strongly disagree Puts cooked meats separate from raw meat. strongly disagree Respondent never thinks about it strongly disagree Respondent cooks things slowly strongly disagree Respondent does not think about food poisoning at all. strongly disagree Respondent has done a health and safety course strongly disagree Respondent is careful but does not worry. strongly disagree Respondent is very careful. strongly disagree Respondent says that food poisoning is for wimps strongly disagree Respondent stores food correctly already strongly disagree Respondent used to be a care assistant and so knows about food

Sell by dates and such are for when a food is going out of date. Its fine to eat after that date for several days. I don’t worry about food poisoning and I haven’t had it yet. strongly disagree

strongly disagree Stomach is hard and she doesn't keep food for that long. strongly disagree Watch sell by dates strongly agree Have to worry at my age. strongly agree 200% agree. strongly agree Age of food is a concern. strongly agree Agree as recently had food poisoning strongly agree Allergic to penicillin so have to be careful strongly agree Always worries about sell by dates strongly agree Buys BOGOF and half goes off before she gets the chance to use it. strongly agree Careful to keep foods separate. strongly agree Do worry especially with raw meat strongly agree Doesn't worry but is careful strongly agree Doesn’t mix meats, keeps them separate. strongly agree Don't eat out, as I always feel ill from it. strongly agree Don’t put cooked and raw meat in the freezer together strongly agree Elderly so must be careful. strongly agree Especially due to children strongly agree Especially fish and chicken. The reason for not eating out in restaurants much. strongly agree Especially in summer. strongly agree Family are very stringent on use-by dates. strongly agree Had food poisoning from a takeaway. strongly agree Had food poisoning from cooked chicken. Very concerned with sell by dates and hygiene. strongly agree Had food poisoning so careful about sell by dates and food storage strongly agree Had food poisoning so they are very careful how they store food and recognise sell by dates etc. strongly agree Had food poisoning so would rather throw away food than get ill

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Page 174: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Had salmonella poisoning once before strongly agree Has a child on the way so has to be careful of what she can eat strongly agree Has IBS so careful with food storage. strongly agree Have a baby so very careful strongly agree Have to as soon due to give birth strongly agree He cleans everything very well to prevent food poisoning. strongly agree He was poisoned from work so now has to be very careful about food and toxins etc strongly agree If in the fridge. strongly agree Mainly animal products. strongly agree Meat. strongly agree Not too worried but is very careful. strongly agree Only has one kidney so is very careful. strongly agree Packaging too much. strongly agree Recently had food poisoning so is very careful. strongly agree Respondent does not worry but is aware of it strongly agree Respondent ensures everything is ok. strongly agree Respondent especially worries about food poisoning when eating out strongly agree Respondent has baby in house so is more careful strongly agree Respondent has had food poisoning before and so is very careful now. strongly agree Respondent has had food poisoning recently and so is very careful about food storage. strongly agree Respondent has had it so is very careful strongly agree Respondent has seen food poisoning first hand so is careful strongly agree Respondent has stomach problems and so has to be more careful. strongly agree Respondent has to be careful because her son is ill. strongly agree Respondent is careful as she is pregnant strongly agree Respondent is careful because he has heart problems. strongly agree Respondent is careful because of son strongly agree Respondent is very careful as wife had salmonella. strongly agree Respondent is very careful because he has almost died form salmonella before strongly agree Respondent makes sure that food is cooked properly strongly agree Respondent very careful as she has had food poisoning before strongly agree Respondent washes everything strongly agree Respondent worries more so with the children. strongly agree Respondents partner especially worries about food poisoning strongly agree Sometimes cheese or eggs worry him, due to a fear of salmonella. strongly agree Son had it, so very careful. strongly agree Tries to store oldest leftovers at top of freezer so they get used first strongly agree Use to over cook meat to prevent food poisoning. strongly agree Very - don't use anything out of date strongly agree Very annoying. strongly agree Very careful. strongly agree Very important to me. strongly agree Wife is especially concerned. strongly agree Will not eat if it is out of date strongly agree Won’t save or re use any leftovers. strongly agree Worries about rice strongly agree Worries because of the children strongly agree Worry about flies. strongly agree Yes due to 3 young children strongly agree Young children in the household. disagree 7 years in the Army has made me have a tough stomach. disagree A little bit disagree Already know disagree Aware of how to store and cook food.

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Page 175: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Aware of it. disagree Careful disagree Careful already disagree Careful already. disagree Careful but don’t worry disagree Check dates disagree Clean disagree Common sense, you know at my age disagree Conscious of this but not worried disagree Do not worry about food cooked at home disagree Do not worry at home disagree Does not worry as respondent used to be in a catering company disagree Doesn’t worry about it but is very careful. disagree Doesn’t worry because they know how to store food. disagree Don't stay in cupboard long disagree Don't worry about it but very aware of it e.g. chicken - washes hands a lot disagree Don’t keep enough food to worry about it. disagree Don’t think about it. disagree Don’t worry disagree Don’t worry about it disagree Don’t worry as eat mostly fresh food disagree Don’t worry but is careful disagree Eat immediately and fresh disagree Ex-caterer so knows safe storage disagree Food is gone straight away. disagree Health & safety trained disagree I'm fine with this disagree Know how to cook so not concerned disagree Know what's required disagree Know what to do disagree Mother is a chef disagree Never had it. disagree Never really thinks about it. disagree Never think about it disagree Not careful at moment but will be in future disagree Not enough food storage. disagree Not just food poisoning. disagree Not really worried about food poisoning disagree Not something the respondent thinks about disagree Not worried. disagree Only buy things that will be used disagree Put tins in fridge when I shouldn’t disagree Respondent does not worry as long as it is cooked properly disagree Respondent does not worry as is careful disagree Respondent does not worry but is careful disagree Respondent is aware of issues disagree Respondent is vegetarian so is more careful about food disagree Respondent keep raw and cooked separate disagree Respondent knows how to store food correctly disagree Respondent knows how to store food well as to not get food poisoning. disagree Respondent never really thinks about it disagree Respondent only buys special offers if it will be used disagree Respondent only worries about the use by dates disagree Respondents a chef so does not worry

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Page 176: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondents husband is a chef disagree Respondents never had food poisoning and knows when food is off so does not worry disagree She is careful but not over cautious. disagree She knows how to prepare food correctly. disagree Stock disagree Stores well. disagree There is a chef in the house so they know all about cooking. disagree Too old to worry disagree Vegetarian. disagree Very careful about hygiene disagree Works in Morrison’s so already knows agree 60% agree Almost too careful with before / use by dates - a lot wasted possibly not needed agree Always careful. agree Are careful agree Careful about storage but not because of food poisoning agree Careful already agree Common sense. agree Depends on food agree Depends what it is. agree Doesn't worry about it but is careful about food storage. agree Doesn’t worry because he is always careful. agree Don’t worry but are careful agree Especially friends meals etc agree Fridge unless tinned. agree Had experience of this. agree Has the right storage equipment. agree Has to be very careful in his line of work. agree Has to with son who has special dietary needs. agree Have low immune system agree If meat agree Is at the back of the mind. agree Job requirement. agree Keeps food separate agree Mainly chicken agree Never buys anything that will be a risk going off agree Once poisoned the son in law agree Only if something is out of date agree Only worry about meat. agree Pregnant, so careful about food. agree Respondent checks dates agree Respondent cooks a lot of chicken so is careful because of food poisoning agree Respondent does not worry but is very careful agree Respondent had a stroke so has to be careful about health agree Respondent has been affected by this so is careful agree Respondent knows about food poisoning so doesn’t worry about it agree Respondent knows about it agree Respondent says he has to at his age. agree Respondent says that storage in her house is quite good but it depends on how clean the place is. agree Respondent worries with meats. agree She is careful but she doesn’t worry too much. agree Sometimes agree Taken into account when preparing a meal. agree That’s how waste is created

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Page 177: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree They store food very well already. agree Throw away if food is out of date and don’t reheat meat, so this is wasted agree Very careful agree Very careful about storage agree Very careful with children particularly agree Very careful. agree Very worried about heat. agree Worries about chicken, meat etc agree Worries about old food. agree Worries about the food that’s in the fridge agree Worries more about salad dressing from experience in the past. agree Yes but believes he knows how to store things properly. agree Young kids

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Page 178: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Appendix T11: Store promotions are a key cause of food waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly agree 50% of food waste down to BOGOF. strongly disagree Always makes sure it is eaten. strongly disagree Buy too much, better to reduce the price than do BOGOF strongly disagree Buy what you use strongly disagree Buys all organic food so no offers. strongly disagree Can’t carry it home. strongly disagree Daughter gets spare stuff. strongly disagree Do not buy them. strongly disagree Does not buy them strongly disagree Doesn't buy these strongly disagree Doesn’t buy them. strongly disagree Doesn’t do BOGOF. All offers and bargain food is eaten that day. strongly disagree Don't buy strongly disagree Don't buy strongly disagree Don't buy BOGOF perishables strongly disagree Don't buy them strongly disagree Don't buy them strongly disagree Don't buy them. strongly disagree Don't waste things like that. strongly disagree Don’t buy stuff that’s perishable strongly disagree Don’t buy them. strongly disagree Don’t have BOGOF strongly disagree Extra promotional items go to daughter. strongly disagree Freeze and re-use it strongly disagree Freeze it. strongly disagree Freeze special offers until needed. strongly disagree Freeze them strongly disagree Freeze them strongly disagree Freezes them strongly disagree Frozen stuff only strongly disagree Give 2nd portion to my son strongly disagree Gives any extra purchases to his friends daughter. strongly disagree Gives it to his daughter if it’s not eaten. strongly disagree Her daughter buys only what is on the food list given to her. strongly disagree I don't buy lots of bogofs but I think a lot of other people's waste would be due to that. strongly disagree In the freezer. strongly disagree Kids eat it. strongly disagree More frozen food bought than BOGOF items. strongly disagree Never bought strongly disagree Never buy any, just get what is needed. strongly disagree None that are perishable strongly disagree Not perishable products strongly disagree Not perishables strongly disagree Not true as it what the husband will eat (he will buy the BOGOF's) strongly disagree Only buy if its needed so that it is eaten strongly disagree Only buy if used. strongly disagree Only buy long lasting items. strongly disagree Only buy them if I will use them.

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Page 179: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree Only buy tinned items in BOGOF promotions. strongly disagree Only buy what is needed strongly disagree Only buys it if intending to use all of it. strongly disagree Only buys juice and non perishables on BOGOF. strongly disagree Only buys what is needed. strongly disagree Only by what you use. strongly disagree Respondent does not buy special offers strongly disagree Respondent does not buy special offers strongly disagree Respondent does not buy them strongly disagree Respondent does not buy them strongly disagree Respondent does not buy them strongly disagree Respondent only buys special offers that they need strongly disagree Respondent would worry if they throw much food away but they don’t. strongly disagree Share with the family. strongly disagree Store in freezer. strongly disagree They freeze any excess or give it to their adult kids. strongly disagree They go in the freezer. strongly disagree They go in the freezer. strongly disagree Use them up or give to grown up children strongly disagree Usually only buy BOGOF on tins or jars of food. strongly disagree Will freeze any unused. strongly disagree Will only buy non-perishables as part of BOGOF deals. strongly disagree Won’t buy if not needed strongly disagree Won’t buy them. strongly disagree Would rather throw it away than get food poisoning strongly disagree Wouldn’t take it if it couldn’t be used. strongly agree Biscuits strongly agree BOGOF are rubbish strongly agree BOGOF offers are bad strongly agree Bring down the price rather than BOGOF strongly agree Don't understand BOGOF - would rather just have one at 1/2 price strongly agree Especially fruit. strongly agree Hate BOGOF. Don’t want the second one. strongly agree Respondent is addicted to buy one get one frees

Respondent says supermarkets reduce the cost to make you buy more but then only have two days to eat it strongly agree

strongly agree She would rather have 1 item at half price. They are seemingly ok with wasting BOGOF items if they use the first one as they believe they are getting value for money. strongly agree

strongly agree Work at Sainsbury so lots is discounted which don’t always eat in time Annoying when something is attached as a BOGOF deal and you only want one, so you have to buy both. disagree

disagree BOGOF gets cooked and frozen disagree BOGOF is tempting you to buy more but try an avoid because your buying for buying sake disagree BOGOF only bought if there is a need for it. disagree Buy only if it gets used disagree Buy only what is needed disagree Buy tins when they are buy one get one free. disagree Careful, don’t get things I don’t need disagree Cook regularly, so bogofs are used. Only buy them when needed. disagree Do in general but not in our house disagree Do not buy food items BOGOF only buy items like shampoo disagree Do not buy them unless they’re needed disagree Doesn't buy often.

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Page 180: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Doesn't overbuy. disagree Doesn’t apply, only buys BOGOF on soap. disagree Doesn’t buy them. disagree Doesn’t buy things just because they are on offer disagree Doesn’t buy unless it will be used. disagree Don't buy BOGOF disagree Don't buy if fresh disagree Don't buy them as only 2 people in house disagree Don't fall for those extras items like this disagree Don't purchase these disagree Don't waste food use freezer. disagree Don’t buy except bread, crisps and these get used disagree Don’t do it anymore. disagree Don’t have BOGOF etc, unless already needed it disagree Don’t worry disagree Eats most special offers that are bought disagree Eats them. disagree Either use them quickly or freeze them. disagree Freeze disagree Freeze BOGOF's disagree Freeze bogof disagree Freeze extra disagree Freeze extras disagree Freeze extras disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it. disagree Freeze leftovers. disagree Freeze other portion disagree Freeze them disagree Freeze them disagree Freeze them. disagree Freeze them. disagree Freeze them. disagree Freezer disagree Freezes it disagree Freezes leftovers disagree Freezes them. disagree Freezes these disagree Frozen disagree Frozen food disagree Give to relatives if too much. disagree Gives any extra to family members. disagree Gives them away disagree Gives to granddaughter disagree Good for families. disagree Good offers, useful for families disagree He only buys things that are needed. disagree If I don’t like what I see I don’t buy it. disagree It's stuff we want disagree It all gets used disagree Just buys what will be used

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Page 181: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Makes sure it's not wasteable goods. disagree Minimal waste. disagree Mostly tinned food. disagree Never overbuys. disagree No it’s due to over-shopping. disagree Not if it's in date disagree Not sure as she gives the free on to her sister who she thinks uses it but isn’t sure. disagree Not wasted as only buy cans in BOGOF disagree Ok if its what you wanted to buy. disagree Only 2 people live here, so they freeze it. disagree Only a bargain if you like it and use it anyway. disagree Only a bargain when you buy what you like already. disagree Only buy BOGOF if need item disagree Only buy frozen BOGOF disagree Only buy if needed disagree Only buy if needed disagree Only buy if needed. disagree Only buy it if needed disagree Only buy ones which will be used disagree Only buy things like washing products that wont go off disagree Only buy things that will keep disagree Only buy what's needed disagree Only buy what they will use disagree Only buy what’s needed or lasts, dried food etc. disagree Only buys BOGOF for biscuits for the grand children disagree Only buys if needed. disagree Only buys if they will use it disagree Only buys what can be eaten. disagree Only buys what he needs. disagree Only buys what is needed. disagree Only buys what will be used and freezes items disagree Only get if it will be used. disagree Only tinned foods. disagree Only when shopping with children disagree Over catering more. Disliking reheated food. disagree Over purchase. disagree Respondent buys little perishables on offer. disagree Respondent does not buy special offers unless she's going to use them disagree Respondent does not buy things just because they are on offer disagree Respondent does not buy things just because they are on offer disagree Respondent does not like special offers such as buy one get one frees. disagree Respondent does not tend to buy special offers unless they can be frozen. disagree Respondent freezes any extra food disagree Respondent freezes buy one get one frees disagree Respondent freezes buy one get one frees. disagree Respondent freezes surplus food disagree Respondent freezes the second product disagree Respondent freezes them. disagree Respondent gives second portion of buy one get one free to his daughter disagree Respondent gives to housemate disagree Respondent knows how to store food correctly disagree Respondent never buys anything that won't be eaten disagree Respondent only buys offers if they are going to be used. disagree Respondent only buys offers if they will be eaten

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Page 182: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent only buys special offers if it's something they were going to buy anyway disagree Respondent only buys special offers if it would be used anyway disagree Respondent only buys special offers if she will use it disagree Respondent only buys what can be stored disagree Respondent only buys what is needed disagree Respondent only buys what is needed disagree Respondent only buys what is needed

Respondent only buys what is needed as their only a small household but it took quite a while to adapt to no children disagree

disagree Respondent prefers price cuts. disagree Respondent says it is a saving for them disagree Respondent says not if it's meat and the rest goes in the freezer. disagree Respondent would not over buy for the sake of it disagree Respondent would only buy something on offer if it was going to be used disagree Sell-by dates should be longer disagree Share offers with granddaughter/daughter disagree Shares with her daughter. disagree She will freeze one to reduce wastage. disagree Some but not a lot disagree Special offers are eaten or frozen disagree Special offers get eaten disagree Special offers only bought if they will be used disagree Store it/freeze it. disagree Stores sell things within the use by-date but which go off quickly. disagree Supermarkets are reducing it to sell it, so she doesn’t buy it. disagree Takes any extra to their mother. disagree The extra packaging creates more of a waste with special offers disagree They eat more not waste more disagree This all gets used up disagree Used by family disagree Uses them disagree Varies disagree Very rarely. disagree Very small kitchen, have no freezer disagree Will freeze the second portion disagree Will only buy if it will be used disagree Would only buy if they knew they would use it disagree Wouldn’t buy just on offers disagree Wouldn’t buy things that were going to go off

A lot of people waste so much on BOGOF and end up wasting it because they can’t store it in their small houses agree BOGOF are a source of waste when supermarkets are just trying to get rid of food with a short shelf life agree

agree BOGOF can cause waste agree Buy only if to be used agree Buys reduced items but doesn’t eat them quick enough. agree Can't use it all sometimes agree Children buy more BOGOF agree Dates too short agree Depends on situation. agree Depends on who is at home agree Depends. agree Don’t cater for people on their own agree Especially with BOGOF - all the temptation

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Page 183: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Father buts a lot of buy one get one frees and they get wasted agree Freezes BOGOF's agree Fresh food especially. agree Gimmick agree Greed thing agree Have been caught out before. Try not to now agree If its not eaten then its given away agree If she can’t give them away. agree Items that have a short shelf life agree Mainly fruit items thrown away agree Maybe for fruit. agree More items should be sold loose. agree Not good for people living alone portions are too large and would rather have single item agree Occasionally food waste is down to special offers etc agree Occasionally agree Occasionally. agree Often buys extra things on offer. agree Often short shelf life agree On occasion. agree On occasions agree Only occasionally agree Only sometimes agree Over buy agree Perishable foods agree Possibly. agree Possibly. agree Probably agree Respondent finds that refrigerated buy one get one frees are a problem as they don't get used up agree Respondent it is mainly fresh foods agree Respondent only buys BOGOFs when it's products that she needs. agree Respondent only buys special offers if they are going to be used agree Respondent says she sometimes wastes the fresher foods such as fruit. agree Respondent says she used to when she was younger but not so much now

Respondent says that these offers attract low income families which is bad for single families and the elderly agree

agree Respondent sometimes freezes extra agree Respondent tends to overbuy when things are on offer agree Respondent thinks that she could cut down on food waste if she thought about it agree Respondent thinks that they sometimes over buy agree Sell by date can be wrong. They can go off before the date. agree Shares with his mum. agree Some things like bread agree Sometime agree Sometimes agree Sometimes agree Sometimes don’t get round to eating discounted items agree Sometimes happens. agree Sometimes if big, may be wasted agree Sometimes if it doesn’t taste very good, then they will throw it. agree Sometimes they buy them. agree Sometimes will freeze extra item. agree Sometimes yes/ sometimes no. agree Sometimes, mostly gets used. Ideal for them as they have 4 kids. agree Sometimes.

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Page 184: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Throw little away agree Waste is minimal, but bogofs can be a problem agree When they get around to eating it, its sometimes off.

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Appendix T12: Children are a key cause of food waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree At nursery strongly disagree Baby is only 2 weeks old. strongly disagree Doesn't give children more than they can eat. strongly disagree Eat everything they are given. strongly disagree Only a one year old. strongly disagree Only what she would use. strongly disagree Parents eat all the leftovers. strongly disagree Respondents children eat everything strongly agree 70% of waste in the house strongly agree 99% strongly agree Definitely strongly agree Fussy 12 year old strongly agree Fussy children. strongly agree Grandchildren. strongly agree Grandchildren. strongly agree Grown up children strongly agree Kids change their minds about what they want after it has been cooked. strongly agree Lots of kids mean lots of food waste. strongly agree Make it and children don't come back for it strongly agree Most waste is due to children's leftovers strongly agree Mostly due to the kids strongly agree Never know their appetite so cook too much. strongly agree Only reason food is wasted strongly agree Respondent’s children are fussy strongly agree Respondent’s children are fussy eaters strongly agree Respondent’s children are fussy. strongly agree Sometimes children leave a lot of waste when they don’t finish their dinner strongly agree Sometimes doesn’t need it always strongly agree Son never eats packed lunch. strongly agree The children have more leftovers as it is hard to know their appetite. strongly agree This is mainly where the leftovers come from. strongly agree when grandchildren come to visit n/a no kids Child not on solids yet. n/a no kids Except for when the grandchildren visit. n/a no kids Only grandchildren occasionally will waste food n/a no kids When grandchildren around they don't waste. disagree Child eats a lot, has a good appetite disagree Child is 17 and quite good at not wasting food. disagree Children have very good appetites disagree Controlled portions. disagree Eat everything disagree Good eaters disagree Grandchildren disagree Has a really good appetite disagree Less as they eat the leftovers when they come around. disagree Not fussy. disagree Only a baby disagree regulate portions better

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Page 186: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent only cooks small portions for the children disagree Respondent always makes the children eat their meals disagree Respondent thinks could be an issue in the future as her baby grows up disagree Respondent’s children are too young. disagree Some waste down to children, and some down to the adults. disagree sometimes grandchildren disagree Son is 26, doesn't cause waste disagree The children are made to eat it disagree They are not given too much to eat. disagree They make what they like. disagree Try not to let them agree Also down to us parents too agree Any waste is down to the kids but still minimal agree Babies. agree Children’s allergies agree Down to the grandchildren. agree Fussy teenagers agree Goes to dog. agree Goes to dogs agree grand children agree grandchildren agree grandchildren agree Grandchildren agree Grandchildren. agree Grandkids visit often. agree Grandkids visit twice a week. agree If the children don’t eat what is put in front of them. agree If there is any waste then it is the children. agree Kids don’t realise the amount of waste they produce. agree Kids go through phases. agree Little agree Main source of any waste agree Most of it. agree Not often agree Not too much. agree One of them is a very fussy eater. agree One of them is at the age where she picks at food and will only eat yoghurts. agree Respondent has fussy children agree Respondent has fussy children agree Respondent thinks that she could cut down on food waste if she thought about it agree sometimes-don’t get perishables agree Sometimes agree Sometimes it’s due to her son. agree Somewhat. agree Son is 23 but still wastes agree Still very minimal. agree Teenage daughter wastes a lot as she over caters agree The child is the only one that leaves food agree Used to be bad

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Appendix T13: Cooking too much food is a key cause of food waste

Level Verbatim comments strongly disagree One person in household strongly disagree Always eat it later. strongly disagree Convenience foods strongly disagree Cook small portions. Only cooks too much if extra people are eating. In that case leftovers are frozen. strongly disagree Don’t throw much away strongly disagree Due to wife strongly disagree Eats them the next day strongly disagree Freeze anything extra. strongly disagree Freeze it strongly disagree Freeze it. strongly disagree Freeze the leftovers. strongly disagree Freezes all extras strongly disagree Freezes it strongly disagree Gives to dog or friends strongly disagree Goes in freezer or fridge for next day strongly disagree He eats everything; diet consists primarily of convenience foods. strongly disagree I don't throw away. strongly disagree I re-use & re-freeze strongly disagree It will get frozen strongly disagree Leftovers are eaten the next day strongly disagree Leftovers are frozen strongly disagree Leftovers are put in fridge and eaten the next day. strongly disagree Leftovers are used for lunch the next day strongly disagree Live alone know how much too cook. strongly disagree Microwave portions available for requirements. strongly disagree Not wasted as store it for a future meal strongly disagree Only one person to feed. strongly disagree Only prepares what is needed strongly disagree Only prepares what is needed. strongly disagree Portions not too large, they aren't always liked strongly disagree Re heat and eat the next day. strongly disagree Respondent does not over cook as they are short of money strongly disagree Respondent lives alone and so knows the amounts strongly disagree Respondent only cooks what everyone can eat strongly disagree Single occupancy. strongly disagree Single occupancy. strongly disagree Single person strongly disagree Single person strongly disagree This is eaten another time strongly disagree This is used the next day strongly disagree Used to be but not anymore. strongly disagree Would save for next day. strongly agree As live alone hard to cook for one strongly agree But gets eaten later strongly agree Didn’t realise rice expands so cooked a whole lot up and a lot was thrown in the bin. strongly agree Freeze it. strongly agree How do you get rid of cooked food? strongly agree Jars for 4 people get thrown away.

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Level Verbatim comments strongly agree Re-heat the next day so reused. strongly agree Re-use it and freeze it

Respondent thinks that she might be able to do smaller portions which might help her reduce the amount she wastes strongly agree

strongly agree She lives on her own and often inadvertently over cooks. strongly agree Sometimes used for lunch strongly agree Still cooks for husband, who died strongly agree Too much for me too get through disagree I know not I need disagree Already at minimum wastage. disagree Always cooks right sized meals disagree Always freezes any surplus disagree Always overcooks so they can eat it the next day. disagree Always reheat leftovers. disagree Any leftovers will usually get eaten next day. disagree As a vegetarian, they cook lots and freeze it to eat later. disagree Controlled portions. disagree Cook more to keep for other meals disagree Cooks extra for next day or freezes it disagree Doesn't have leftovers very often. disagree Doesn’t waste much. disagree Dog gets any leftovers. disagree Don't waste where possible disagree Eat following day disagree Eat leftovers the next day disagree Eat meals for one disagree Eat next day disagree Eat the next day. disagree Eats next day or freezes. disagree Eats the next day. disagree Eats what he likes. disagree Either freeze or eat later. disagree Extra food cooked is eaten another time. disagree Food always eaten. disagree Food always gets eaten disagree Food gets eaten disagree Food gets eaten, respondent has lots of visitors disagree Food is always used by family or visitors disagree Food waste from young children disagree Freeze and reuse disagree Freeze and reuse disagree Freeze any leftover food for later. Knows how to control portions well. disagree Freeze any leftovers disagree Freeze extra food disagree Freeze food for longer storage disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it disagree Freeze it. disagree Freeze it. disagree Freeze it. disagree Freeze it.

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Page 189: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Freeze leftovers disagree Freeze leftovers disagree Freeze leftovers or extras. disagree Freeze most left over food disagree Freeze them disagree Freeze them disagree Freeze them. disagree Freeze them. disagree Freezer leftovers. disagree Freezes any food not eaten. disagree Freezes it disagree Freezes it is cooked too much disagree Freezes it. disagree Freezes leftover portions. disagree Freezes leftovers. disagree Freezes. disagree Gets eaten later on or by the dog disagree Gets eaten later or the next day disagree Gets eaten the next day. disagree Gets eaten the next day. disagree Gets eaten. disagree Give to mate. disagree Goes in freezer disagree Goes to dog. disagree Guests use up food or respondent freezes it, respondent uses leftovers disagree I freeze them. disagree If cook too much gets eaten the next day disagree If make too much put in freezer disagree If portions are too large they are either frozen or kept for later disagree If there are leftovers, freeze them or eat them the next day. disagree If there is any its re-used disagree It gets eaten. disagree It gets frozen disagree It just doesn’t get eaten, not because of cooking too much disagree Keep for following day disagree Know how much each member of household eats disagree Leftover veg used for bubble and squeak. disagree Leftovers are always used disagree Leftovers are eaten either the next day or later disagree Leftovers are eaten soon after, frozen or the dog eats some disagree Leftovers are eaten the next day disagree Leftovers are eaten. disagree Leftovers are frozen disagree Leftovers are stored for later. disagree Leftovers are usually used disagree Leftovers get eaten disagree Leftovers get eaten. disagree Leftovers get frozen. disagree Leftovers go to pigs disagree Live alone, so when I cook too much I freeze it after. disagree Make it into soup. disagree Never disagree No waste. disagree Not much waste.

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Page 190: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Occasionally as only cooking for one disagree Often save leftovers for the next day disagree Only cooks small portions disagree Only cooks what is needed. disagree Only cooks what is needed. disagree Only if have visitors as difficult to guess quantities. disagree Only one mouth to feed. disagree Only prepare what’s needed. disagree Only rice which gets used later disagree Only when daughter visits disagree Oversizes portions on purpose so they can freeze the food. disagree Passed onto the community if any left over. disagree Portions are cooked to large when son cooks disagree Put in fridge disagree Put it in the fridge for a later time/ disagree Rarely disagree Rarely wife not husband disagree Rarely. disagree Re-freeze what is leftover. disagree Refreeze it. disagree Respondent gives leftovers to dogs disagree Respondent cooks less now so this is not an issue anymore disagree Respondent cooks one pot a day and everybody helps themselves throughout the day disagree Respondent cooks the right amount disagree Respondent cooks the same amount for just one person disagree Respondent cooks too much to freeze disagree Respondent eats at daughters disagree Respondent eats leftovers the next day disagree Respondent eats leftovers the next day, she never wastes cooked food disagree Respondent freezes any leftovers disagree Respondent freezes any leftovers. disagree Respondent freezes any leftovers. disagree Respondent freezes leftovers disagree Respondent freezes leftovers disagree Respondent freezes leftovers disagree Respondent freezes leftovers or they have them the next day disagree Respondent freezes some but usually cooks the right amount. disagree Respondent has any leftovers the next day disagree Respondent keeps leftovers in fridge disagree Respondent knows his portion size disagree Respondent knows portion sizes as only two of them disagree Respondent lives alone so only has to cook for himself disagree Respondent never over cooks disagree Respondent only cooks what is needed disagree Respondent reuses everything disagree Respondent reuses leftovers disagree Respondent says it's only some things that they don't like disagree Respondent says leftovers are used another time disagree Respondent says that this is very rare disagree Respondent takes leftovers to work disagree Respondent under caters rather than over caters disagree Respondent uses leftovers the next day disagree Respondent uses up leftovers disagree Respondent’s dogs eat the leftovers so there is little waste.

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Page 191: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments disagree Respondent’s husband cooks too much but it gets eaten the next day. disagree Reuse leftovers disagree Save it for when family visit. disagree Sometimes disagree They reuse them another time. disagree Unless kids don't come home disagree Use it next day disagree Use it the next day if cooked too much disagree Use leftovers for other meals. disagree Use leftovers next day disagree Use single people food menus disagree Use the freezer. disagree Used again next day disagree We cook what we need. disagree We eat it all. disagree Would like smaller portions in ready meals. agree Always cooks too much. agree Always eat food unless unwell. agree Cooks for days at a time.

Cooks portions that are too big because used to cook for a big family and now the children have moved out agree

agree Definitely the Sunday roast. agree Eats almost all of their meals. agree Eats it agree Feed to cat agree Feed to dogs if there is any waste. agree Feels guilty but gives waste to animals. agree Forgets son has left home - cooks extra for him agree Freeze for other meals agree Freeze it agree Freeze it agree Freeze most leftovers. agree Freeze some that’s left over. agree Freeze them agree Freeze them. agree Freeze them. agree Freezes extra portions. agree Gets eaten agree Give to next door neighbour. agree Goes to the dogs agree Happens occasionally agree Huge problem. agree It depends on if they have guests. agree Keep for following day agree Keeps for following. agree Kids are the main problem. agree Knows how to cook right sized portions but sometimes grandson is fussy so there is waste agree Leftovers are wasted at times agree Leftovers get frozen or eaten the next day agree Most of waste is from cooking too much agree Mostly frozen agree Neighbour eats leftovers agree Not a lot is though agree Not very good at judging how much to cook.

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Page 192: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments agree Not very often though agree Only occasionally agree Only sometimes agree Possibly infrequently agree Prepare small portions agree Rarely agree Rarely agree Respondent agrees because the children leave food agree Respondent does not over cook often agree Respondent eats leftover food the next day agree Respondent eats leftovers. agree Respondent finds it hard to cook the right amount agree Respondent freezes food agree Respondent freezes leftovers agree Respondent freezes most leftovers. agree Respondent gives leftovers to dogs agree Respondent lives alone and forgets when cooking agree Respondent lives alone so often overcooks agree Respondent often cooks too much on purpose for the dogs agree Respondent often over cooks but tries to use leftovers agree Respondent puts more on plate than eats agree Respondent saves leftovers for the next day agree Respondent says that if there is any waste it is because of this agree Respondent says that leftovers sometimes get eaten agree Respondent says that plates are too large which encourages large portioning agree Respondent says this only happens when she has visitors agree Respondent sometimes keeps for the next day agree Respondent thinks that she could cut down on food waste if she thought about it agree Respondent tries to give most waste to the dog agree Small amounts agree Smaller portions. agree Some food can be reused. agree Sometimes agree Sometimes agree Sometimes agree Sometimes agree Sometimes agree Sometimes it can be but it normally gets eaten the next day. agree Sometimes they'll freeze it. agree Sometimes. agree Sometimes. agree Sometimes. agree Sometimes. agree Storage containers are to expensive agree Store the rest in the freezer agree This is not a lot of food agree Tries to freeze. agree Try to reuse them mostly agree Very slightly

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Appendix T14: Willingness to reduce food waste

Level Verbatim comments on ‘nothing would encourage me to reduce food waste’ strongly disagree Buy less and cook less strongly disagree Environmental impact, wasteful could be used elsewhere strongly disagree Make too much but try not to strongly disagree Sell by dates are not long enough. strongly agree Nothing else I can do. strongly agree Already throw as little as possible away strongly agree Already throw away v little strongly agree Common sense should prevail and just use what we need. strongly agree Don't waste any strongly agree Happy as I’m wasting very little food strongly agree If food gets wasted it’s because it’s leftovers and the dog gets them. strongly agree No waste strongly agree Nothing would encourage me as I already compost

Our religion believe food should not be wasted you are not allowed to throw away-this is why we don’t need any encouragement strongly agree

strongly agree Respondent agrees because everything they throw out the dog gets strongly agree Respondent does not think anything would because he knows all the issues strongly agree Respondent does not throw anything away, everything gets eaten strongly agree Respondent does not throw much away strongly agree Respondent does not waste food strongly agree Respondent hardly wastes any strongly agree Respondent has shopping provision nearby and so doesn't over-shop and the food does not go off strongly agree Respondent is throwing away very little strongly agree Respondent says he does not need any encouragement as wastes very little strongly agree Respondent says she can not really throw away less strongly agree Respondent says she hardly throws away any food strongly agree Respondent throws away very little strongly agree Respondent throws away very little strongly agree Respondent throws away very little strongly agree Respondent throws away very little so is not too worried strongly agree Respondent wastes hardly any food strongly agree Strongly disagree due to low amount of waste strongly agree They throw away very little. strongly agree Throw away very little food currently. strongly agree Throw away very little so don’t need any encouragement strongly agree Throw very little away strongly agree Waste only very small. strongly agree Wastes very little currently. strongly agree Wasting very little currently. strongly agree We have very little waste strongly agree We waste very little disagree But don’t throw away much disagree Careful not to waste too much food. disagree Change in shopping. disagree Depends on how much food the child eats. disagree Depends on how we feel to whether we eat it all or not disagree Don’t throw away food disagree Don’t waste much

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Page 194: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments on ‘nothing would encourage me to reduce food waste’ disagree Food waste is kept to a minimum disagree If she didn’t buy as many fresh things disagree Information as discussed disagree Information as discussed disagree Information as discussed disagree Information as discussed disagree Information as discussed disagree Information as discussed disagree Just mainly packaging thrown out. disagree Not a lot of food waste disagree Reduce costs of waste disagree Respondent said that she would but her family would not disagree Respondent says the don't throw away much disagree Throw away very little disagree Very keen to sort rubbish situation out as recognises it’s our kids that will suffer, always buys fresh. agree Already don’t throw food away. agree Already make an effort agree Already Make an effort agree Already make an effort to throw away less food agree Already minimal waste. agree Already throw minimum away agree As the children grow older the waste will be less agree Barely waste anything agree Can't throw less away agree Can't waste any less agree Can't waste any less. agree Cannot have any less food waste agree Cant do better agree Cant throw much less agree Can’t waste any less than he already does. agree Cook what’s needed. agree Couldn't reduce wastage by any more. agree Currently don't throw much away. agree Do all can agree Do all can agree Do enough agree Do not waste food so couldn’t throw away less agree Doesn't create waste currently. agree Doesn’t believe they can do anymore. agree Doesn’t throw much away agree Doesn’t waste food anyway. agree Don't have much food waste. agree Don't anyway agree Don't anyway agree Don't do much agree Don't have any agree Don't throw away food agree Don't throw away that much agree Don't throw much away agree Don't throw much away agree Don't waste any food agree Don't waste much anyway agree Don’t need to worry for herself agree Don’t think could reduce waste

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Page 195: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Level Verbatim comments on ‘nothing would encourage me to reduce food waste’ agree Don’t throw away a great deal but what we do throw away would like to recycle agree Don’t throw away a lot agree Don’t throw much away agree Don’t throw much away agree Don’t waste- aware of keeping waste low agree Don’t waste agree Don’t waste any food. agree Don’t waste much anyway agree Don’t waste too much so I'm not concerned about it agree Eat what you prepare agree Have low wastage and we recycle agree Have minimal waste currently agree Have no waste agree Have no waste except packaging agree Just don’t waste much agree Keep waste to a minimum agree Keeps to a minimum agree Kids are fussy eaters agree Minimal waste currently. agree Mostly children agree No difference. agree No wastage currently. agree No waste agree No waste agree No waste agree No waste all recycled agree No waste currently. agree No waste. agree No waste. agree No waste. agree No waste. agree Not much food waste agree Not much food wasted as it goes to dog agree Not really an issue. Mostly inedible food agree Not throwing much and am recycling agree Nothing wasted agree Nothing would encourage them as they already recycle as much as we have facilities for

Nothing would encourage her whatsoever to start recycling not even if she got paid - believes it is a complete waste of time agree

agree Only leftovers agree Only wastes inedible food. agree Rarely do agree Really not wasteful agree Respondent already home composts food agree Respondent already throws away less food agree Respondent already throws away the minimum agree Respondent already throws away the minimum agree Respondent already throws very little away agree Respondent already tries hard not throw food away agree Respondent could not throw less away agree Respondent couldn't throw away any less agree Respondent does as much as she can agree Respondent does not have much waste agree Respondent does not see how they could do much more

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Level Verbatim comments on ‘nothing would encourage me to reduce food waste’ Respondent does not think that the amount he throws in to a regular bin is so little that there is no point in him having a food waste bin agree

agree Respondent does not throw any away agree Respondent does not throw much away agree Respondent does not throw much away agree Respondent does not throw much away agree Respondent does not throw much away agree Respondent does not throw much away so does not think she could throw away less agree Respondent does not throw much out agree Respondent does not waste any food agree Respondent does not waste anything agree Respondent does not waste anything agree Respondent eats what he buys and tries not to waste too much agree Respondent feels that she can not find anything to change agree Respondent has already cut down on food waste agree Respondent has little waste agree Respondent has no space to do an alternative agree Respondent has very little waste anyway agree Respondent is already making an effort agree Respondent is not really wasting anything agree Respondent is not sure if he could cut down agree Respondent is on own so throws very little out except teabags agree Respondent keeps food waste to a minimum agree Respondent knows about the cost of food she is throwing away and alternatives

Respondent only buys enough food for himself and feels that he does not waste much and he says that if he could afford to waste food then he might agree

agree Respondent recycles as much as she can agree Respondent says she does enough anyway agree Respondent says they do not throw any away agree Respondent says they do not throw any away agree Respondent thinks other people need encouragement and information agree Respondent thinks that compost bins ensures she does not waste that much food agree Respondent thinks that people should buy less agree Respondent thinks that they can't do anything to waste less food agree Respondent throws away minimum already agree Respondent throws away so little agree Respondent throws away very little agree Respondents husband is ill and so has no time to change habits agree Respondent does what she can agree They are already very frugal. agree They are already throwing away the bare minimum. agree They are not throwing anything away. agree They throw out very little. agree They would like to able to buy things with less packaging. agree Throw away minimum agree Throw away very little agree Throw away very little couldn’t really throw away any less agree Throws away the minimum amount already. agree Try hard not to waste food agree Wastage in the household is already at a minimal amount. agree We throw out very little food. agree Would use green waste bin if it was collected weekly

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Appendix U: Encouraging change to reduce food waste

Verbatim comments on encouraging change A better compost system. A bit more organisation. She sometimes just grabs food when she shopping without really thinking about it. A combination of information to include the cost and impact of food waste A compost bin or an in-sink liquid disposer A composter A financial incentive A good alternative A larder instead of a fridge as the fridge has too many dial numbers and is unsure which one it’s supposed to be A lot of food items are sold in large packs e.g. 8 of sausages, 12 eggs and loaf of bread too much. Shops should sell items that are smaller for one person A more scheduled organised life. A rise in food prices may defer people from over buying and wasting Advertisements Advertising Advertising on the internet, radio and TV Advice against bulk buying. Advice and information Advice on portion sizes Advice on vegetables Advice on what to buy Advice/information All of the above All of the above All of the above All of the above information might help Alternatives provided. Alternatives to food waste. She would like to know what would happen to food waste if it is not thrown away. Alternatives to throwing food waste away. Alternatives to waste. Always eager to know of more alternatives to waste. Always open to new alternatives. An alternative Annual figure of amount food waste is costing. Another box for recycling Anything would help. Anything would help. As above As above As above As above As above (if I am doing harm) As discussed above As discussed above As discussed above As discussed above As her kids have left home, she has naturally reduced food waste. If she had information on the environment then she may waste even less. Awareness

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change Awareness Awareness Awareness Awareness of cost and environmental impact Awareness of other countries Awareness of recycling food waste Awareness of third world countries Awareness of what happens to the recycling. Be more aware of monetary and environmental cost and also regulate portions better. Be more efficient and buy less. Use what they have got. Be more organised Be more organised. Being able to buy smaller amounts Being able to buy smaller portions for the children Being able to buy smaller portions of veg Being aware of how much she throws away a week Being better at cooking (i.e. Portions, quality of the food, healthier food.) Being given a food waste box Being less lazy Being more aware Being more aware of amount wasted Being more aware of famine in the world Being more conscious of collective volume of waste and its impact Being more organised with shopping Being reminded that there is starving people, adverts on TV Better advice on portion sizes Better awareness of cost and environmental impact. Better awareness of cost and regulations on cooking would reduce waste Better bins Better bins Better bins for collections Better collection facilities Better control when shopping Better cooking preparations. Better education / environmental awareness. Better education and environmental awareness, being made to see waste and the cost of it Better education maybe. Better education on recycling. Better education, more information Better education. More information on recycling. Better environment awareness and cost awareness Better environmental awareness and a reduction in portion sizes may reduce waste. Better environmental awareness and portion regulation would reduce waste. Better environmental awareness from research and other information. Better facilities Better facilities Better facilities Better facilities Better food waste collections (more often) Better house keeping and buying less buy one get one frees Better housekeeping Better Housekeeping Better housekeeping and information on the environmental impact of food waste Better housekeeping e.g. buying less

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change Better housekeeping like re using packages Better housekeeping. Better housekeeping/smaller portions Better housekeeping/watching children’s food waste Better idea for waste Better information Better information Better information Better information Better information and information on the cost of food waste Better information on cost and environmental impact Better information on food recycling Better information on waste impact on environment Better information would be nice Better information. Smaller portions. Better informed Better knowledge of storage and preparation to minimise waste Better management of food. Better organisation Better organisation of their eating habits. A maid to cook for them! Better organisation. Having a better routine. Better packaging Better packaging. Better plan for shopping Better planned meals and smaller portions Better planning can’t always account for everything that will occur as waste Better portion Better portion control. Better portion sizes - smaller portions for single people Better portion sizes. Better portions Better portions in food Better quality of food Better quality of food and not to buy as much Better recycling Better recycling facilities Better recycling facilities. Better recycling facilities. Better recycling/waste collection Better sell by date Better sell by dates Better sell by dates. Better service was provided Better shopping Better shopping Better shopping Better Shopping Better shopping - money Better shopping. Better Shopping. Better storage. Better understanding of how to use leftovers Bigger appetite?! Bin collections more frequent

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change Bin for households to put food in, collected once a week. They do this in Canada. Box for separate foods and meat. Bring food boxes. Brock bins: years ago farmers used to come and collect food waste to give to the animals. Buy fresher food so that it lasts longer Buy less Buy less Buy less - eat out less often. It's too tempting to eat out these days. Buy less and make less Buy less buy one get one frees Buy less food Buy less food, have more information Buy less, better housekeeping Buy less, cook less Buy less, only want was really needed Buy less, prepare less Buy less, use more. Buy less. Buy less. Buy smaller amounts online or via delivery. Buy smaller portions when you live alone Buy smaller salads Buy things he knows he likes Buy what you need and information on shopping. Buying less Buying less food Buying more frozen foods will encourage less food waste Buying wisely Can’t think Can’t think Cannot think of anything off hand Cannot think of anything specific beyond above Cant think of anything Cant think of anything Can't think of anything Can't think of anything Can't think of anything Cash Change in portions prepared. Change in storage Change in storage and shopping technique. Also portion sizes. Change in storage/shopping could reduce waste Change of attitude of supermarket - package sizes Changing the way shopping and storage is done may help waste control Cheaper prices - shop less - go out less Check dates before purchasing items, and only buy what is actually needed. Check the quality of the food before buying it. Checking the sell by date of produce a bit more often Children eating all their food Collection by council Collection services for food would be good Common sense Common sense Common sense - buy less, waste less

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Page 201: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Community compost bins for food waste, like bottle banks Compost bin if provided by the council Compost bins Compost facility Composting bin Concerned about packaging waste Consider the cost more Containers for fresh food to cure her storage problem. Convenient recycling Cook as much as they need / better sized portions. Cook less Cook less Cook less Cook less / make smaller portions. Cook less food Cook less food. Cook less to create fewer leftovers. Cook less, buy less Cook less, more information Cook less, reading instructions less. Cook less. Cook less. Cook less/education Cook less?! Cook more and freeze it. More information on recycling. Cook smaller portions Cook smaller portions Cook smaller portions Cook smaller portions. Cook what’s needed Cooking fresher food Cooking less Cooking less Cooking less Cooking less and not burning it Cooking portions reduced Cooking smaller portions Cooking smaller portions Cooking smaller portions and also information on food waste Cost Cost effective shopping Cost higher Cost information Cost information Cost information Cost information Cost information Cost information Cost/Environmental awareness. Could be persuaded Could reduce the waste by environmental awareness and most likely cost awareness Council buying compost off of them as they do not have room for their own compost bin and they would like a financial incentive Council collected more

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Page 202: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Council collection Council doing more Council facilities Council provided facility Council provision and information Council provision of equipment Council provision/information Council provisions Council provisions Council Provisions Council Provisions Council schemes Council should be more concerned with recycling packaging and plastics. Council should do more to encourage recycling. Councils should worry more about plastic Cut down buying more Cut down on portion size Cut down shopping plan better before hand Daughter eating more! Different choices myself for the children Different choices myself for the children Different recycling provision Difficult due to lack of mobility, therefore I can't buy fresh foods. Disagree to waste food - education for people and good housekeeping Disposable convenient containers & services provided on the doorstep Do meal plans Doesn’t really think about food waste so maybe information would encourage less waste Doing this survey Don’t make as much Don’t really waste any food Don’t really waste anything Don't produce waste - dog / recycling Don't throw away - home compost Don't waste much currently. Easier facilities Eat more Eat more fresh foods and foods having longer dates Eating habits need to change Eating habits need to change Eating out less Eating out less Economical reasons Educate Educate children Educate people Educate people Educate people better. Educate people on impact Educate the children Educating children Educating people on environmental issues Education Education Education

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Page 203: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Education Education Education Education - affects supermarket production. Education - let the people know the facts and what can be done to reduce wastage. Education - some people don't know the difference between "sell buy" and "use by" and throw food away too early Education - tell people how much money they are wasting by throwing away so much Education / ideas on storage may help. Education about environmental issues Education about food labelling Education and attitudes of young people Education and awareness Education and awareness Education and awareness of the effects Education for children Education for children. Not cook as much Education for people Education is key to get people to care Education may be key to lowering waste Education on effects Education. Buying fresh. Education-If shown different ways of storage Encourage less impulse buying Environment awareness Environmental awareness Environmental awareness and cost may help. Environmental awareness needs raising, should know more. Environmental awareness/buying less offers Environmental awareness/money awareness would reduce waste Environmental impact how to get rid of food without home composting Environmental impact information Environmental impact information Environmental impact of food waste Environmental impact/cost Environmental information Environmental information Environmental information Environmental information Environmental information Environmental information and information on portion amounts and measures Environmental information. Environmental information. Environmental information. Environmental information. Extra information Facilities Facts Feed more to animals Feed more to animals Feed waste to animals Feed waste to animals Feels waste is caused by supermarkets not providing small portions at reasonable prices for single people. "BOGOF is propaganda" Financial and environmental information

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Page 204: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Financial benefit Financial incentive Financial incentive Financial incentives would help others i.e. 1/3 off council tax. Financial information on the cost of waste. Financial reward Food bins specifically for food Food more expensive Food not going off so fast and reducing prices of bags Food quantities for single people should be smaller. Food recycling scheme Food storage information so can store food for longer Food waste bin Food waste bin might help and more information on recycling, such as what to do and where Food waste collection Food waste collection made available Food waste collection/a composting bin Food waste collections Food waste collections Food waste collections. Food waste collections. Seeing it. Food waste facility Freeze more and buy less special offers Freezing foods Frequency in collection Fresh food delivered would waste less Fresh foods Fridges need to be bigger Generally more information. Get children involved in cooking. Don't buy so much junk and cook more of our own recipes Get longer lasting food Get rid of BOGOF offers Get rid of the takeaway mess - should have food bins in park and city centre. Getting more information Getting rid of rats as used to use compost bin but it attracted vermin Give smaller portions. Have family be more careful with waste. Glasgow doesn’t do enough recycling. There should be more food collection and better education for the people. Going by my own instinct Going by my own instinct Good housekeeping - old values. Government needs to subsidise natural food Guess children’s portion sizes better/ More information on food waste Guide for children’s portions and information on what can be recycled Guidelines for cooking amounts and what is safe to eat as leftovers Guidelines on portion sizes. Guides: good house keeping Happy as I am Hard to judge portions of food. More information would be helpful. Hard to say what would encourage Have minimum waste Have no waste Have tried to minimise waste but information on better disposal of food waste would be ideal Having a better diet and nutritional information Having a bigger garden for a compost bin

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Page 205: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Having a compost bin Having a dog or cat. Having a dog or cat. Having a food recycling bin Having a food waste collection Having an information leaflet Having better corner shops Having better corner shops Having more information about recycling Having more information and plastic collections Having more time to cook Having no children Having no children Having smaller quantities of food Having something for food waste instead of a compost bin at home Having something to save up for Having something to save up for Hazard to environment He feels the average person isn’t aware enough so he would like more awareness e.g. on the news, on adverts. He sometimes works very late and food has already been prepared, but by now he is no longer hungry. So he should buy more meals for one, or make smaller portions. Healthy living - drink water etc Help in becoming more organised. Help in being more practical with the shopping, and buying more fresh. Help with the shopping Higher awareness Home compost. More awareness. I do quite a bit already to reduce my food waste Ideas on how to have less waste If able to buy items loose i.e. single slice of bread, one plum or one sausage If alternative was provided would use If aware of cost of food waste If aware of cost of food waste If cooked the correct sized portions and only buy what you need If cost of disposal was respondent’s responsibility If cost of food was higher If council container was provided but would need\regular collections If food lasted a bit longer If food lasted a bit longer If food was fresher for longer. If food was not pre-packed and could buy small portions for couples If food waste was collected If had a compost bin. Also if had recycling bottle banks in residential areas rather than shopping centres as easier to get to. If had alternative If had better information would follow If had food bin would use it If had information on damage to environment If had information on environmental impact and cost If had information on environmental impact of food waste If had information on environmental impact of food waste If had information on the cost of food that is thrown away If had information on the environmental impact of food waste If had information on the impact of waste on the environment

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Page 206: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change If he was able to chose his own portion sizes in shops. If I had information on the environmental impact of food waste If I had more information on certain things then it would make me more aware of what is going on in the world. More collections would be good too If I knew how much I was spending in waste If I knew how to store food and make it last longer If I knew the cost of wasted food and if recycling was available. If I was told how much my food waste cost and the impact it has If it was easy If knew cost If knew cost and impact and bought tins If knew cost may try to reduce food waste if possible. If knew cost of food wasted If knew environmental issues or cost If knew price of waste If knew the impact of food waste If make less food and knew environmental impact/ better housekeeping If more aware of cost and impact on environment If more aware of harm would recycle If more bins were provided If more information was provided. If packages were smaller. If people knew the cost of what they throw away If respondent had alternative, would use it If she didn’t buy as many fresh things If she thought it cause damage to the environment then she would care more about waste. If she was on a diet If she was on a diet If shopped daily for that day's meal If shops didn't over pack fresh fruit etc in plastic it could breath and not go off so quickly If someone came and collected it. If supermarkets catered for one If supplied with alternative waste disposal use If the bins were emptied more often then she would use them. If the child ate more If the children moved out If the children moved out If the council collected the waste more often then she would probably waste less and recycle more. If the council refused to collect food waste as rubbish, then he would reduce the amount he throws away. If the food smells better or looks better he wouldn’t waste as much. For him that is what puts him off the most. If the government put tax on waste If there was a way to reduce food waste he would If there was an alternative they would use it If there was an alternative to food waste. If there was more information or incentives like a third off council tax If there was public information on the environmental effects of waste If there was something for food waste, this might be used If there were more facilities available. If they cook less, only what they need. If they could always cook the correct amount. If they had a composter. If they had more information on recycling If they had more information on the environmental impact. But they can’t do much to make less waste due to situation in household.

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Page 207: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change If they had the facilities to recycle they would. If they had to see or smell a landfill site then may change mid If they pay him If things lasted longer If was paid If waste was managed Improved recycling facilities In Birmingham they have composting bins or recycling kerbside collections Incentive Scheme Incentives e.g. compost bin Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information Information about cost of controlling wastage and another cost related issues Information about issues stated in previous question. Information about the environmental impact of food waste Information and advice Information and education Information and facts Information as above Information awareness Information especially on cost and environmental impact Information for people on selective buying for appropriate portions and family sizes, trying to cut down the amount that is bought. Information from all angles Information how planning meals better e.g. portion controlling/sizes. Information is key to breaking the irresponsible attitude in society. Information needed. Everybody is different - cook less, cook enough but only enough Information on all areas stated in the previous question. Information on basic housekeeping/portion controlling. Information on better portion controlling.

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Page 208: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Information on compost bins and food bins Information on composting Information on composting. Information on controlling portion sizes, how to store food correctly, and what can and can’t be frozen. Information on cooking more efficiently Information on cooking quantities, housekeeping information with reasons why Information on cost Information on cost Information on cost Information on cost Information on cost and environment, realising we are privileged Information on cost and environmental impact. Information on cost and impact on environment. Information on cost and impact on the environment. Information on cost and the consequences on the environment. Information on cost and the environmental impact Information on cost of food and not cooking too much Information on cost of food waste/Better housekeeper Information on cost of the food wastage and the environmental impact. Information on cost. Information on cost. Information on disposing of food different Information on economising Information on environment Information on environment and cost. Information on environmental impact Information on environmental impact Information on environmental impact Information on environmental impact and cost Information on environmental impact and the cost of food waste. Also learning to cook less food. Information on environmental impact. Council collections Information on environmental issues Information on environmental issues. Information on food portions Information on food waste Information on food waste storage/shopping etc Information on good housekeeping, buying as much as you need Information on Home Composting. Information on how to get rid of waste. Information on how to keep food Information on how to recycle. Information on how to reduce it or how to dispose of it in the least harmful way Information on how to save money Information on how to shop and cook effectively Information on how waste affects the environment. Information on impact on environment. Information on issues stated in previous question. Information on more economical cooking Information on portion sizes Information on portion sizes and less junk food for the children Information on portion sizes, especially for kids. Information on recycling and more facilities Information on reducing portion sizes would help reduce food waste. Information on safe composting

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Page 209: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Information on storage Information on storage and cooking. Information on the cost and environmental impact of food waste may encourage waste reduction Information on the cost and the environmental impacts Information on the cost of food waste Information on the cost of food waste Information on the cost of food waste Information on the cost of food waste and how to cook less Information on the cost of food waste I am throwing away Information on the cost of food waste. Information on the cost to the environment. Information on the cost. Also TV programs about starving children have an effect on peoples awareness-perhaps a campaign linking this with our own waste issues with information on how to make a positive change. Information on the environment and cost Information on the environmental effects Information on the environmental impact Information on the environmental impact Information on the environmental impact Information on the environmental impact and cost Information on the environmental impact and cost issues Information on the environmental impact and the cost of food waste Information on the environmental impact and the cost of waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste and cost of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste and cost of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste and cost of food waste Information on the environmental impact of food waste and the cost Information on the environmental impact of waste. Information on the environmental impact. Information on the environmental impact. Information on the environmental impact. Information on the impact on the environment / awareness of costs would reduce waste. Information on the money side the cost of food and also people are starving in the world- foods importance Information on thinking about food portions Information should be given at schools making kids aware of the trash they produce. Information such as buying less at one time and using what you have in the freezer Information that will help save money. Information would help. Information. Information. Information/facilities Information/food waste bin Informing people - "educated better" Invite someone round around to share meal as it wastes otherwise Just information on environment al impact. Kids portion guide Knowing about it

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Page 210: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Knowing food consumption requirements Knowing how much waste their household produces and how much money they would have saved. Knowing more about waste problem such as environmental impact Knowing right quantities. Knowing the cost Knowing the cost of food waste Knowing the effects of recycling Knowledge of environmental impact. More Information. Knowledge of environmental issues Knowledge of where it’s going. More collection and more facilities. Learn portion sizes Learning about the environment through the education system. More information about the environment. Les packaging Less carrier bags Less food packaging Less leftovers Less leftovers Less offers Less over-shopping. Less packaging Less packaging Less packaging Less packaging on food Less packaging on products. More information. Less packaging. Less plastic for food. Long life/frozen Long sell by date Long sell by date Longer dates on products. Longer life on products and better storage Longer sell by dates Longer sell by dates / Information on better planning methods would reduce waste like having recipes Longer sell/use by dates Longer shelf life of food Longer shelf life on items. Longer use or sell by date Lots of information that would stun her. Lots of information. Make less food waste Make smaller portions Make smaller portions Make smaller portions Make sure family finishes their food each time they have a meal. Make sure family finishes their food each time they have a meal. Make sure I buy enough Making less food Making recycling facilities bigger Management of amount cooked Maybe if I cooked less than there would be less waste Maybe just information on environment. Maybe more information on environment, depending on how busy respondent is Minimum waste already Moe information on the environmental impact

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Page 211: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Monetary compensation for more recycling Money Money Money off as I work on budget More about environment than cost More advertising about ways to reduce waste. More advertising and information on the schemes available. More adverts on television More aware and more advertising in the media More awareness More awareness More awareness More awareness More awareness More awareness More awareness of food storage and shopping ideas would be good. More awareness of recycling. More awareness of the consequences of food waste. More awareness. More awareness. More bins for recycling including food waste More bins for specific things More bins, bigger bins, more collections More bins. Council to take more care when collecting More careful about what I buy More careful when shopping. More choice for kids More collections More collections More collections for food More council collections More education More education More education More education More education More education More education and awareness. More education on the environment. More effective recycling and better collection. More effective shopping More effective shopping. More efficient shopping More encouragement to waste as little as possible. More environmental education and advice More environmental information More facilities More facilities More facilities More facilities More facilities More facilities More facilities More facilities

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Page 212: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change More facilities /better information More facilities and awareness More facilities and planning ahead More facilities and space to compost. More facilities available More facilities made available. More facilities. More facts and information. More frequent collections More fresh vegetables More hassle More help More info More info More info More info - and how to do better proportion cooking More info - longer sell by dates More info on effective shopping More info on storage & food poisoning. Err too much on side of safety. More info, better housekeeping More info, Biodegradable packaging More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information

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Page 213: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information

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Page 214: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change More information More information More information More information More information More information More information More information - not cooking as much More information about ADHD and controlled diets for her kids. More information about ADHD and controlled diets for her kids. More information about cost and environmental impact. More information about the environmental impact More information about the environmental impact of food waste. More information about the harm it causes to the environment. More information and advice. More information and alternatives More information and awareness More information and better food waste bins More information and better recipes. More information and cooking less. More information and facts More information and if food was more expensive More information and less special offers to pull you in More information and more bins More information but it depends what More information could be made available to benefit all. More information could help. More information especially concerning the environment. More information for children. More information generally. More information i.e. Leaflets about recycling. More information in general. More information in general. More information maybe on what can go where More information might help More information on alternatives. More information on and environmental impact of food waste. More information on any of the statements F,G,H and I. More information on areas stated in previous question. More information on balanced meals. Also information on what foods to put together and what not. More information on bin use. More information on cooking More information on cost More information on cost and environment More information on cost and environmental impact. More information on cost and introduce Ireland’s bag tax More information on council bins and not having to pay More information on damage to environment and better housekeeping More information on disposal of food waste More information on don’t buy to much More information on effective buying and housekeeping. More information on effects of food waste More information on environment More information on environmental effects

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Page 215: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change More information on environmental impact More information on environmental impact More information on environmental impact and cost of food waste More information on food waste More information on food waste and food compost bin. More information on food waste problem and the effect of the environment More information on good housekeeping More information on home organisation, effective shopping and the cost More information on how to shop better More information on how to store food longer. More information on more efficient spending More information on portion sizing / eating sensibly. More information on recycling More information on recycling and garden waste bin More information on recycling and the environment More information on recycling i.e. What to put in the boxes and when the collections are. More information on safe dates. Also information on how long things last after they have been cooked. More information on storage. More information on storing food More information on the cost More information on the cost of food waste. More information on the cost of the food More information on the effects of food waste and how to home compost More information on the effects of food waste. More information on the effects. More information on the environment More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact More information on the environmental impact and on the cost of food waste More information on the environmental impact and products coming with less packaging More information on the environmental impact of food waste. More information on the impact food wastage has. More information on the subjects discussed previously. More information on waste and recycling rubbish. More information on waste recycling. More information on what happens to waste More information on what is safe and unsafe to dispose of. More information on what to throw away and what not to More information on what, why and how to recycle with matching facilities More information plus cooking smaller portions More information regarding the environment and what can be done to reduce food waste More information to shock you

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Page 216: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change More information with what to do with waste alternatives are needed More information, although it wouldn’t make much difference as they already waste very little. More information, less advertising. More information, more boxes at home to recycle More information, more facilities. More information. He could cook less food (smaller portions). More information. Make smaller portions. More information. No legislation. More information. Varying sizes of ready meals. More information. We can always do more. Lower cost. More information/better facilities More information/Free food waste bin More knowledge More knowledge and thinking about the cost More locally produced food as fresher and last longer. An encouragement to grow own. More opportunities to share with other single people and homeless people More organisation More organisation More organisation and she thinks young people should be more organised More organisation with shopping and cooking. More organisation. More organised shopping More personal time to do it and also more collections. More pick up More provided More publicity. More recycling equipment More recycling facilities More recycling options More regular collecting. More standardisation of prices More substantial facilities More time to cook and plan meals properly More time to organise a shopping and meal list. More information on areas stated in Q24. More to be done More variety in portion sizes More/stronger policies on recycling. Much of the information mentioned above Need to educate the children. Would not use food collection. Only bring it up when election votes are required Need to plan meals etc better Needs motivating to start Needs to cook smaller portions. New fridge to keep food fresher. New government policies would mean people apply new standards No food waste No there is nothing to help the size of portions which is the main reason for any waste Normally no left over food Not an issue Not buy as much from supermarket Not cook so much Not cost as much. Smaller recycling boxes that take up less space. Not for me, but future generations need the greater education. Not having 2 weekly collections Not make so much

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Page 217: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Not over shopping Not over-shopping Not over-shopping Not poor so don’t need to, but if had less money would recycle more Not preparing more than one meal at a time. Not sure, more information on practical stuff. Not throwing any away really Not throwing anything away Not to make too much Not to over-shop so much Not wasting money on things they don’t need when there are starving people in the world. Nothing as I don't waste food Nothing as not much is wasted Nothing beyond what is discussed. Nothing could make a difference Nothing more than you can keep Nothing that would specifically encourage. Nothing would specifically encourage. Nothing to encourage me really Nothing, they don’t waste much. Observing use by dates Online shopping close to use-by date. Could do a fresh shop daily. Only buy what they need. Only cooking what’s needed Only eat what you need Only facts about the damage to the environment Only information on how to store food better Only waste what cant be eaten Open to ideas Open to suggestions Others should have information on environmental impact Our food waste is due to buying too much People buy too much - tell them that Personal awareness Plan meals Planning meals better. Planning shopping better Planning shopping or internet shopping Portion sizes - supermarket Portion sizes for lads Portion sizes guidelines Portioning Possibly information on the cost of food waste Preparing and buying less food. Preparing food the children want Price wise-everything in multi purchase cannot select portions there is 3 people but buy in 4's Prices are rising Proper storage information Provided receptacle Providing more facilities Provision of food recycling Quality of food bought needs improving Quantity guidelines Quite keen to find out

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Page 218: Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste ... · Retail Programme - Food Waste; Final Report We Don’t Waste Food! A ... kitchen diaries and it is intended that

Verbatim comments on encouraging change Reading labels on storage. Frozen food can lose its taste so we sometimes throw them away. Recycling bins for food Recycling tax Reduce portion sizes to reduce waste. Reduce the prices of smaller portions Reduced prices permanently instead of BOGOF Reducing offers therefore spend less Regulate portion sizes Reinforce & keep strict about recycling Respondent being more organised Respondent believes that better education and environmental awareness would encourage reductions in food waste Respondent believes that people need to learn how to cook the right size portions so they don't waste food Respondent doesn’t think that much will help until the children are older and eat all their food Respondent is buying a food bin from the internet so this will encourage them to reduce food waste Respondent is open to suggestions Respondent says if she lived on her own she would know what she would just do Respondent thinks that buy one get one frees are a con and should be gotten rid of because they cause a lot of waste as people buy what they don't need and the farmers lose out money, not the supermarkets Respondent thinks that children should stop wasting food Respondent thinks that more education would be good such as leaflets from the council Respondent thinks that old values should be reintroduced Respondent thinks that people should be made more aware of starving children Respondent thinks that the council do not help you when you try and get rid of waste so why would they help with food waste Respondent thinks that the public should be educated on cost Respondent thinks that young people should be taught the value of money Respondent would buy less if supermarkets had more individual portions Respondent would like a method to recycle peelings. Respondent would like extra bins and more information Respondent would like information on portion sizes Respondent would like more fresh food available in the immediate area as does not drive so it is hard to get Respondent would like to know more about home composting Respondent would only recycle if it was convenient to him otherwise he feels there is no point in making that extra effort because he feels he does not get much out of it Respondent would use an alternative if there was one Responsible priced and sized portions for single people Re-use food give to others Re-use food give to others Reward scheme. Information. Rid of BOGOF Schemes Seeing children with nothing Seeing impact of it She already wastes very little. She feels if people were made aware of where their food comes from, how it was grown etc then their shopping would be more personal to them and they would be more considerate. She personally has little faith in where the recycling goes when collected. She wants some background information on what happens to it. She should be more aware of her portion sizes. She still finds that the food waste, mainly cooked food, is bad just like the packaging. She would like some information on how to store food with so little cupboard space. Shop and cook more effectively Shop more carefully. Shop more often. Shopping information - buy fresh every day. Pay for rubbish excess to be taken away

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change Shopping more regularly and buying less Shops raising prices Shops to get rid of BOGOF Should be longer sell by dates Should be more organised and not "over-shop". Show how much it costs Slightly unsure on what can be recycled. Better information on this and the other issues mentioned in the previous question would probably help. Otherwise could feed leftovers to the dog. Small portions not available. Smaller amount of packaging Smaller food portions Smaller jars for one person Smaller packaging. Never any family size. Need more choice. Smaller packaging/relative prices Smaller packs Smaller packs for people who live alone. Smaller portion sizes Smaller portion sizes Smaller portions Smaller portions Smaller portions Smaller portions Smaller portions Smaller portions Smaller Portions Smaller portions - cheese too big Smaller portions and less packaging Smaller portions and longer shelf life. Fruit and veg go off too quickly. Smaller portions for the children Smaller portions i.e. Half loaves. Smaller portions of food, and to freeze more fresh foods and leftovers. Smaller portions, better house keeping. Smaller portions. Smaller portions. Smaller portions. Financial reward for recycling. Smaller portions. Freeze excess food. Some information and bin liners. More information in a way which is easier to remember. Some information might help. Some information on issues stated in the previous question. Food with less packaging. Some where to put the food Something that would reduce the amount that goes into the landfill site Somewhere to put peelings etc rather than the normal waste bin Spending plan, showing what you buy/when you buy suited for the family's habits. Starving people Starving people Stop buying as much Stop cooking so much. Stop cooking so much. Stop packaging food Storage of food should be smaller Supermarket waste is more to blame with all the packaging Supermarkets need to improve the freshness of their products Supermarkets need to provide for single people Supply portions set for single people.

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change Supplying information about buy one get one frees Take time when shopping Teach from a young age. Teach people more responsibility. Tell people how much they are wasting The children eating more The council to do more. The thought of cost and impact of landfills There needs to be more foods for single people, especially vegetables. There should be a communal collection point for all waste. They are concerned by the environmental impact and they are aware that sometimes they store badly / overbuy. Help and information on these issues would be good. They are looked after by live-in carers. If staff were sent on food hygiene courses they would feel that they would be able to deal with food waste better. They should always write a list and check the cupboards. They shouldn’t overbuy as much. Thinking about the cost Thinking about the food bin Thinking of other people who have less food Thinks research is ridiculous. Doesn't think food can be home composted (rates) & is horrified at the thought of food being at the end of his drive. Government is too interfering Throw away smallest amount possible. Throw away very little Throw away very little live alone Throwing out very little Time to spend teaching her daughter to cook. Better storage of vegetables. To be more economical To not let the children choose their own food To purchase less items and learn more about the consequences of waste. To see how people live without food Too much packaging don’t cater for single people in shops example, packet sausages ( in10's) same as eggs Try to buy know if something is going out of date Try to buy less special offers and be more away of the cost of food being thrown away. Try to reduce portion sizes Unable to say what would specifically encourage less food waste Use less packaging on offers especially and more food for 1 person i.e. Plums should be sold individually not just in punnets. Using food waste bin. Knowing environmental impact. Charging for carrier bags. Using less Using up food that’s been wasted Using up food that’s been wasted Very little food waste generated Wants to be given a better more effective box that doesn't attract flies. Waste collection food bin Waste very little Wastes very little already. Wasting very little Wasting very little Wasting very little, any scraps generally go to the dog. Watch what you buy We already throw v little away We don’t waste food we are pensioners We don't throw food away What has been discussed already

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Verbatim comments on encouraging change What has been previously asked (in statements) What to do with it? Wheelie bins for recycling When the kids grow up- sell by dates are too short in the supermarkets Worry there is too much packaging Would like to be able to buy single portions Would be encouraged by knowing more about recycling Would consider composting, not really a gardener so would like someone to take the compost away for her. Would consider using a food waste bin. Would like a compost bin but not at there house Would like a food waste collection Would like another bin Would like food waste collections. Would like information on compost bins and more information on how, where and what you can recycle Would like information on environmental issues and on what can be recycled Would like information stated above but information on composting as do not know what goes in them or anything about them Would like less packaging Would like more information on how to recycle more effectively Would like the bins for food waste to be free Would like to recycle more, would like wheelie bins to help Would like to see food waste bins for council collections and no more black sacks for normal waste. Would try more with information on the environmental effects of food waste Would use an alternative if there was one Would use food recycling scheme is provided Would waste less due to spoiling if storage better understood Write to manufacturers or supermarkets to encourage them

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Appendix V: Comments on attitude statements

Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements A van comes around and cleans out a wheelie bin for 3 pounds After rationing knows how to save food waste Agrees with recycling but doesn’t do enough would probably if had transport and recycling box All food not used by family is given to feed the elderly. Wife makes extra food for other members of the family they don’t live with Already in tune with environmental issues and how to shop/store food efficiently. Already stores/buys effectively. Already throw away the bare minimum of food waste. Already throws away minimum. Already throws away the least amount possible. Already very economical with waste. Already very frugal. Always reheat leftovers Always wrap leftover food for the next day Any information he receives would probably end up in the landfill. As a tax payer expects council to do more than give us boxes, ensuring they take them all too Aware of how to store food properly Best before dates are often unrealistic. Children eat a lot of food and are only given small amounts they can manage. Both of them work shift patterns so never eat together and can get called into work and end up not using what they have bought Both packaging and food waste needs to be disposed of better. Box is inconvenient but a good idea. There should be separate bins for different foods. Buys food once a week and uses everything. He doesn’t even fill a bin weekly so couldn’t reduce his waste any further. Can’t always get bins upstairs. The neighbour has to do it as the council wont. Can't throw away any less than now. Change of plans cause the most food waste. Chicken is yellow at Somerfield. Thinks supermarkets should refrigerate oranges. Cooks what’s needed and freezes in batches Could do more if they knew what to do differently. Could try to throw away less but would be hard as he already throws away a minimal amount. Couldn’t reduce their waste anymore. Council not collecting waste properly and attracts more rats than humans, England needs to be more aware about recycling Council should take more away Councils should do more. Councils should provide better facilities. Better public awareness would be good. Dad eats leftovers Doesn’t like wastage so throws very little away. Already has an efficient system for waste. Dislikes people who throw food away without thinking. They should be made to be more aware of the effects it has on the environment Do a lot to help other people or there is not any point recycling Do as much as possible to recycle and reduce waste Shop daily to ensure that food is fresh and that don’t over buy Does compost but used to get rats and this always worries her Does not compost herself but does bag garden waste up for her daughter as she has just started composting Does not generally waste much food. Often eats small meals at home like beans on toast or pasta. Does not worry about eating food if it is not nice. Doesn’t actively throw food out but won’t eat it if it has gone off. Doesn’t agree with current government legislation, finds it very ambiguous.

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements Doesn't dispose of much food waste as shops daily for what is needed and gives any edible waste to cats/dogs/birds Doesn’t intend to throw food away, but doesn’t give much thought. Doesn’t really throw away any food. Doesn't think about food waste much. Doesn’t think it’s possible to reduce waste further. Doesn’t throw away enough food to throw away any less. Doesn’t throw away much as it is just him but would like information on the effects of food waste Doesn’t throw away much as they freeze any extra. Doesn’t throw food away. Doesn’t throw much away. Doesn’t throw much away. Doesn’t throw much away. Doesn’t throw much away. Only 2 people live there so they plan well. Doesn’t waste any food, only uses what is needed Doesn’t waste food so more information wouldn’t help. Doesn’t waste much. Doesn’t waste. Doesn’t worry about waste as keeps to a minimum. Don’t have access to garden waste box Don’t need any information as already know how to store and shop for food to reduce food waste. Don’t really worry about the amount of food wasted. Don't throw away food Don't throw away food. Generally reuse it for lunches Don't throw away much Don't throw away much - just leftovers Don't throw food away Don't throw much away Don’t waste food Don't waste food Don’t waste food as given to dog Don't waste much food Don't waste much. Environmental awareness and cost of food would reduce waste. Need better portion control. Edible food is always eaten and food cooked from scratch Education would help reduce peoples waste Everyone throws away food but it’s how you deal with it that counts. Experience has taught her the proportions of food for dinner, therefore wastes very little from overcooking. Experienced shopper! Farmers market is good as there is no packaging. Only waste is peelings. Finds food waste still has to go somewhere while it’s breaking down and while it’s doing that wherever it might be it will attract vermin such as rats Finds that food can not always break down easily mainly cooked food which becomes an issue Food is a problem when thrown out. Waste is minimal but more effective food shopping / storage could reduce it further. Food is too cheap - encourages waste Food that is out of sight is the main waste cause. Food waste has been getting more important in recent months Food waste is down to new foods they buy as they are experimenting Food waste isn’t a problem, keeps waste to a minimum, education would reduce waste in other households Freezes any extras. Uses food up whenever possible. Freezes milk and gets it out when it’s needed. Doesn’t waste food - only peelings and bones get thrown away. Fresh veg, don't get to use Get a bigger freezer. Good to promote awareness to the younger generation. Got shopping and waste down to a minimum, so they don’t need any more information. Grows his own vegetables such as beans strawberries etc

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements Hardly any waste, so there wouldn't be any difference. Hardly throw any food out and am quite happy like that Has 10 children and her grandchildren are always around, used to having lots of people in house so overcooks when it’s just her Has a digital thermometer in the fridge -self regulates the temperature so is waste effective Have good intentions to be healthy and buys fruit but it goes off Have no access to the garden at the back so leave our bins at the front which attracts masses of flies and is unhygienic He isn’t too bothered about food waste but plastic is a big issue as it cant all be broken down. He kept saying 'I don’t throw much away'. He lives on his own and tries to keep waste to a minimum. He never uses up leftovers and he never looks at sell by dates. He sat on the fence about environment issues relating food packaging. He sees so many people throwing food away and he doesn’t like it at all. He throws away very little. He can’t throw any less away; he is already efficient at shopping and storing food. He has been brought up like it, now it is just habit. Help third world countries to help with food issues Household is concerned about waste, they try to keep it down but occasionally they have too much from overbuying or storing badly. I don't throw away much I don't throw away much I don't throw away much food waste I don't throw away much waste at all I don't throw much away as I remember rations in the old days If had a better shop to go to that is more presentable and more to catch the eye, shopping wouldn’t be so boring and expensive If had a food bin would probably make him more aware of how much he’s actually throwing away If he can use it all he'll buy it. He will only buy BOGOF if its what he would buy normally. If I had info on why there was so much packaging and what to do with it that would be great If I had the boxes I would recycle a lot more than I do If I had the information (from questions f,g,h and I) he would try hard to follow it but probably not all the time. If it is on your plate you have to eat it If it needs to be chucked out then chuck it! Nothing really influences that. If make a meal may make a large amount and freeze some often pass on unwanted food to family members If she can use the leftover food for the next day she will. Only after that will she throw anything away. If she knew what to put in each bin, plus more bins to separate rubbish If the information was pushed on in the right way it would become very effective Information on cost would help as she is from the US and doesn’t know what is value for money over here. Information on food may help in being more organised Information on the environmental impact. Insisted he didn’t waste any food as it was too expensive to do so. Interested in information but would not throw away less as she doesn’t throw much. Just buys what he needs Kids are so fussy and have eyes bigger than their head Kids are too fussy and need to eat the same as everyone else to keep the waste down. Kids waste a lot of food. Knows all about to shop effectively and storage of food. Lady living on her own says she has very little waste Leftovers for freezer Little waste as lives alone so only prepares small amounts of food Live alone there is little waste no fresh food Lives alone in the house so no food waste. Only things wasted are things that cant be eaten. No potato peelings as he only scrubs them before cooking them. Main waste down to the vegetarians in the house who are also fussy eaters Manufactures could packaging things better - supermarket times reduce house-life of fresh goods Minimal waste due to internet shopping and only buying what is needed

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements More information on cost and the environment. More information on the environmental impact. More worried by environmental impact than cost. Most leftovers are not enough to reuse, not the same as waste. Most waste is meat that's discoloured or out of date before its time Need to speak to the uneducated. People that don't recycle want to do it. No food is wasted No real concern with environment or changing waste. No waste. No waste. No one gives a damn really as the recycle boxes/bines don’t get picked up. Not a lot of waste as leftovers are normally eaten by adult sons who live elsewhere. Not a massive eater and knows how to cook the right amount. Not much waste. Not much wasted. Not much wood waste. Keeps leftovers for the next day. Not to aware of problems with food waste and cost as parents cook and shop Not wasting much Not wasting much food but concerned by how much packaging waste she produces. Uses a shopping trolley to save on plastic carrier bags. Not wasting much. No detailed answers even with prompts. Nothing would encourage them to waste less food however, did comment that freezing their food may help reduce waste Of the generation where you didn’t waste food as it was expensive, maybe higher food prices may defer people On low income so don't waste food Only buy something if they need it. Any leftovers are frozen. Only buy what we need and things we like Only buys what is needed so waste is at a minimum. Only cook small portions and don't throw away much Only ever buys from local shop as its fresh and it is better for single people as supermarkets provide mainly for families so in his case this would create a lot more waste. Packaging an issue - isn’t necessary. He doesn’t waste any food so couldn’t reduce the amount of waste he produces Packaging is a bigger problem than food waste. Packaging is a problem, not food waste. Packets are a huge problem in general. Not worried about storage / shopping but does worry about waste and the environment. Packets are the real problem. Paper bags instead of plastic in shops, or they should charge for the bag. Partner is German so they are very environmentally conscious. They use left over food for their next meal People don’t put their recycling bins out as kids set them on fire Plan meals and waste little. Partner will discard food near sell-by date. Plastics could be dangerous to animals if left on the streets Poor English speaker, difficult to get further comments. Purchases less so wastes less - has to be done by everyone as well as companies Rarely have food waste three big men in house who eat everything Rarely waste any food Really don’t waste that much because its just them now and children used to waste a lot when they were here Really low wastage, so no real worry about personal waste. They don’t think they could reduce any further. Mostly inedible parts that are thrown away. Really stresses how she does not waste any food at all Really try hard to minimise all food waste Recycles a lot and little waste so cant do any more to recycle Recycles carrier bags by using as bins, Recycles where possible - food to animals. Recycling should be available for everyone and everyone should do it

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements Remember rations - don't waste food - been bought up like it, it's now a habit Respondent cannot read or write so would need information on adverts and radio. On income support so don’t waste food Respondent believes that Milton Keynes is very behind the times on recycling Respondent did not understand the statements. Respondent didn’t like the question as they assume they are wasting lots of food. Sees there is more food waste than there was years ago - down to oversized portions for children Sell by dates were introduced to protect individuals from old stock but now people take them as gospel and waste a lot more food. This needs to be explained to people. She doesn’t like to throw away food. Things come packaged in too large portions. She doesn’t waste any food. She is more embarrassed if she under caters. She strongly believes she doesn’t throw anything away. She makes her portions very small and only uses BOGOF if its items she usually has. She uses local shops for fresh produce. There aren’t enough little shops left. She would be interested to know about the impact of food waste on the environment. She would like a food waste box as it would make her more aware of the amount of food she wastes. Should have so much less packaging Since food waste collection has come into place have become more aware of waste Some concerns mostly due to cost of waste Some people throw away far more than necessary just need to be taught where to put it Some supermarkets food is thrown away when its out of date this could be given to the starving Someone brings a pint of milk for him everyday so it doesn’t go off Something to recycle dog tins-to help the environment dependant on how the council collects them Supermarkets are a problem for food waste Supermarkets should take more responsibility and be made more aware of the plastic and packaging that there sending out into the world and the effects that it has Takes any extra recycling that the bin men don’t take and recycle it themselves Tend to forget about food waste Tends to cook for the needs of the family rather than over cook The information in response to questions f, g, h and I would be useful but would be more useful to those not as aware. But as long as it isn’t a leaflet. The waste mainly comes from theirs toddlers. They are already very considerate towards their food waste, but any information would still be of use. They cook what they need. Any leftovers are used in fry-ups or sandwiches. They do not throw much food away. They don’t like waste, throwing food away is bad. They don’t waste any food already. They don’t waste any food. Only shop as they need it and the dog has the leftovers. They produce no food waste so most questions didn’t apply. They put food in freezer bags to keep it fresher for longer. They recycle a lot and try to minimise food waste and feels all she can do to recycle more is to compost more They shop just for what will be used. They should charge for carrier bags. They throw away very little food already. They try to keep food waste to a minimum. But since having a baby (14 months) they have noticed an increase in food waste. They try to waste as little as possible. They eat most frozen. They would like more information on alternatives to landfills. They would throw away the same amount now they have the food collection box. Things have preservatives to keep them fresher so is not that worried about food poisoning Think about the third world and homeless without food Thinks more should be done by younger generations. She is an experienced shopper so she knows how to do it effectively. Throw away the minimum possible already

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements Throws away as little as possible. Too many leaflets through the door means a waste of time and money, just end up binning them Too much waste. Trouble filling in bins - animals get into it. Tries as hard as possible to waste as little as he can. Tries to keep to minimum main problem is over shopping Tries to waste as little as possible. Try not to buy too much food so not to waste it Try not to waste food - no leftovers, no out of dates. If anything is likely to go out of date we would freeze it Try not to waste food, husband does most of the home composting. Try to keep waste to a minimum Try to minimise waste Try to throw away as little food waste as possible Try to throw away least amount possible and re use food Tries to keep food waste to a minimum but finds it difficult to cater for children's changing appetites Uses long life carrier bags Very little food waste. Very little waste. Everything is used or frozen before it goes off. Don't buy more than is needed. Very rare that food stuffs are left Very well informed about food portions as he is an ex-nurse. Wants more people to help the environment. Wants more to be done. Was starved as a child and believes the social structure needs to be changed to help the starving, does not waste because of this Waste is an issue but don’t throw much away already store/shop ok Waste is only collected fortnightly if separate container for food it would be unpleasant as the regular bin smells bad Waste not an issue, not worried about it. Waste very little would use food recycling if provided Wastes virtually nothing. Wasting food is not very healthy for the environment. The more food that is bought the more packaging is wasted and so both are very bad. They still have to put it somewhere. We don't throw out much food We hardly throw any away. We're very careful. We minimise our food waste as much as possible We throw very little away. We're very good with our food usage - we waste very little What actually happens to the food waste- no one has said Where do you put the food that’s natural if you don't have a compost bin or food waste collection? It's fine if you have these things but otherwise it's still bad for the environment Whole ready meal can get wasted if they don’t taste very nice. Will be a problem for our youth especially if they don’t keep on top of it Wish there were more bins on the roads so perhaps kids would throw rubbish away properly Work irregular. Lifestyles make it difficult to recycle more Worry about children and food poisoning Would change habits if knowledge of cost/import. Would like a free compost bin or would like the food waste collection Would like a plastic recycling bin to be able to do more Would like bin for food waste but if had collection for food waste might use it Would like council t5o take recycling more often rather than when they feel like it Would like to recycle more but is handicapped Would like to start compost bin and vegetable patch - some extra information towards these issues would be useful Would recycle more if we had a bigger bin Wouldn’t use home composting bin due to the smells and flies You cant predict with kids how much they are going to eat. You use own judgment don’t need to be told (referring to questions F-I)

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Further Verbatim comments on attitude statements Young family little waste as children don’t eat that much

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Appendix W: Comments made regarding recycling activity

Verbatim comments on recycling 99% of everything is recycled. A facility is needed for cardboard and plastic bag recycling. Always takes his dog for walks and picks up rubbish in park and puts it in his own recycling bins. An effort to get to the garden everyday. Anything that boxes recycle use, with more boxes I would recycle more Anything that has a recycle mark on the label, they recycle it. Awaiting council response to request for a recycling bin. Would like a bin for glass bottles and tins. Aware of wheelie bins at mothers house and wants them, feels need more information on environment and cost of food waste. Better facilities would encourage more recycling. Better organisation needed for bins, too much effort. Bins across the street are good enough. Bins often too full; needs to be more regular pick ups. Black box system isn't reliable. They don't collect them enough and you never really know when the next pick up is going to be Black box was stolen so don't recycle anything. Black boxes are too small - they get filled up so quickly. Brown bin is never emptied, things get put in that shouldn’t be by other people (not the household) Can't lift the green box. Not sure what to put out to recycle. Can be difficult without a car. Cannot get to recycling centres. Cannot see why bottles/containers have to be washed out for recycling, do not see the point. Can’t recycle plastic as there is no kerbside collection and he has no transportation. Cares about recycling, wife doesn’t. Boys cause most waste but he eats all their leftovers. Freezes bread and uses when needed. Clothing goes to charity shop. Collections are bad they don’t give enough sacks, so have to double up as they are very thin. Composts and wastes nothing needs a more frequent recycling collection. Considering getting a council subsidised recycling bin. Council doesn’t collect glass and it would really help the family if they did. Considering home composting. Could do better. Could do more i.e. waste bin for garden waste. Could do more recycling. Could recycle more. Council do not always collect the recycling bin, they provide an unreliable service. Council have limited what’s recycled. Council should enforce recycling and make sure its separated properly. Council should offer more as people don’t have time to do it on their own. Councils have helped make things easier with their collections. Did have a green bin but they wanted her to wheel it through the house so an easier solution would help make it easier. Do it all the time. Do not have a council issue bin. Do not have a recycling bin. Do want to recycle as it is very important. Does all the recycling themselves at the tip. Does everything he can with the facilities available to him. Does everything possible with the facilities available. Does not recycle some card.

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Verbatim comments on recycling Does not want garden cluttered up with waste bins. Does what local council supports, so not card or plastic. Doesn't feel like recycling is an extra effort. Doesn’t have a blue bin because they just moved in to the property. Doesn’t like clutter so uses charity shops as often as possible. Doesn’t like recycling bins provided as it’s not collected at all so has to do most themselves. Doesn’t recycle at the moment but wants to only the council haven’t provided any recycling boxes. Doesn’t recycle bottles as it’s hard to get to a recycling centre. Doesn’t recycle outside of kerbside collection. Doesn’t use council services because moved house they do not have normal bin or recycling. Pays privately for it to be collected. Don't always wait for collections. Don't collect plastic. Respondent would like them to. Don't have a box. Don't use black box because they have an 8 month old baby and feel the content is too dangerous to have around children. If they had a wheelie bin they would use it. Don’t believe that the council offer enough facilities. Don’t have a recycling box so don’t use services if it was made clear what they could recycle then they would. Don’t have the facilities to recycle. In Ireland everything is recycled as it is obligatory. It should be done here. Don’t recycle everything because there aren’t facilities for recycling it. They want Ealing to take cardboard and plastic bottles. Every other week is not a sufficient collection amount. Everybody should recycle. Everyone should recycle. Would like something for plastic and garden waste. It fills up more of the rubbish otherwise. Everything I can recycle I do - Do not get a plastic collection which is really needed. Everything needs to be recycled. Facilities not provided for everything. Fairly interested in recycling, not enough to recycle in other bins. As long as it’s convenient her recycling is not big issue to worry about Finds it more useful if plastics were collected rather than food. Food waste collection is a waste of time would like council to concentrate on plastic and cardboard. For hygiene reasons recycling is important. Freezes food waste before wrapping it up and leaving it for the council collection. From Home can't get about easily. Gentleman believes that recycling in general is important, but just not to him. Goes out of their way. Home collections aren't good enough. Goes to the tip for the use of segregated skips. Goes to tip (uses segregated skips) difficult as don’t know what to do with some items, how or where to recycle them. Good idea but not enough facilities. Good idea but not implemented very well. It is all a little unclear. More should be made available for everyone and not just in certain areas. Got to look at recycling at the end of the day and each person has to do there bit. Had black box stolen so don't recycle. Harder to recycle when you have children. Has a compost bin. Used it regularly until a few months ago but it is now filled with garden waste and taking too long to decompose. This means they are using the food waste collection a lot more. Has a lack of time and a collection problem. Has a young baby. Recycling takes time. The councils should offer more. Has just started composting has been doing it for one day. Has never has a recycling bin takes it all to the recycling bank. Has started being more aware and is planning to do more soon. Has to fit all recycling in a small box, bin men wouldn’t take recycling if it is put to the side of the container as well. Hasn’t got much faith in where the recycling goes. Hate waste, don’t like wasting anything. Haven't got any recycling bins.

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Verbatim comments on recycling He admits that recycling isn’t a major priority in the house and that they could do more. He doesn’t mind recycling, not now he has the boxes to help him along with hardly any extra effort. He has been recycling for over 20 years. He takes it himself to recycling centres as local kids kick it round the street. He would like plastic collections at shops. He has facilities for everything. He said he would love to recycle if he had proper bin collections. Doesn’t drive so can’t take waste any where. He would like extra recycling bins for glass. Help the environment and the children His wife recycles all cans, plastics etc. Any food waste goes into the normal bin. Housemate sometimes recycles but respondent can’t be bothered. Always forgets and does not have much to recycle. Husband does more recycling. I keep papers separate. I think of the next generation, youngsters don’t bother. I try my best using segregated waste tips. If everyone recycles it’s all very good but one person cannot make a difference. If had a compost bin or food waste bin it would be a huge help and make a difference. If I had different bins for different rubbish I would recycle more. If it was more convenient to recycle he would, it’s just that he works long hours and doesn’t have time to separate everything. If she had a garden, she would like to have a compost bin. If she had more bins it might encourage her to recycle more. If someone reminded him to recycle more - to tell him how to or what to recycle - he would do more. If the facilities were available, would use them. Doesn't drive so access to facilities is hard. If there is any extra cardboard that can’t fit in the recycling box, its taken down to bins at local centres. If there was a plastic bank nearer they would use it. The black boxes are a good idea and have made a big difference. If there was recognition for the amount they recycle rather than negative newspaper reports. If they had more information on recycling boxes they would recycle with extra effort. If they had the bins recycling would be more important to them. If they had the means would do more recycling. A collection for plastic would be good. In the past recycling was not important. Interested in recycling card and plastic. Is a childminder so would do more recycling if facilities were provided. It is too much hassle having to separate your waste into several bins. It isn’t convenient to take extras to the tip for example. But he would recycle everything else with facilities. Just moved in and no bins here, asked 5 weeks ago. Just moved in to this address so no recycling facilities yet. Keen Environmentalists very little waste between them. Kerbside collections would encourage them to recycle; cost of food waste is a major factor. Kids in areas kick rubbish about. Knows it is something he should do, his sister does most of it including the kerbside collections. Lack of information on recycling. Doesn’t know what goes the bins he has and what dates it is collected. Leave out everything that they will collect. Like that recycling is collected and that it is not too much effort. Makes use of the bins provided at home. Milkman takes away the bottles. Leftovers are fed to the birds and squirrels. Recycles paper but doesn’t have a way of recycling glass. More facilities and bigger boxes would be great. More KB collection then would recycle more. More people should be forced to do it. More recycling bins given out could help her to recycle more. More recycling bins may encourage me to recycle. More worried about the government forcing people to do things. Mostly the missus does the recycling if any. Need community facilities and more convenience for recycling.

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Verbatim comments on recycling Need more facilities. Need plastic collection here especially plastic carrier bags. Need plastic recycling bin. Need recycling facilities for plastic carrier bags. Needs more bins as he has no transport. Never really thinks about it. They take stuff to the tip and that’s it. No bins are provided. No car so relies on kerbside collections. They do their own research on the internet on environment issues. Wants more kerbside collections but smaller bins. No facilities provided at present. No facilities to recycle. No facilities. No facilities. No local place to recycle. Not big on recycling but kids are worse. Not enough facilities. Not plastic. Not sure what to do with plastics, kitchen roll, staples etc. Not very keen on recycling as its a lot of effort. One bin would be easier for all recycling as do not have much room Only have one recycling bin for kerbside collections. Only paper recycling available - Garden not being recycled. Only recently started recycling it’s becoming more important the more that’s found out If people knew they would recycle more too. Only recycle because we have to. Only recycles at home using boxes. Only use kerbside collections. Only uses green waste collection bin for garden waste not kitchen. Only uses the box provided. Paper collection doesn’t come now it’s full. Would use other kerbside collections if provided. Paper is not always collected; it can sometimes be a month until it is emptied. Partner does most of the recycling and the kids help. I am too busy normally. Partner is key in getting recycling done. People have different bins but not everywhere. Council need to provide these services for everyone. People should be forced to recycle. Plastic bottles: where can they be recycled? Puts garden waste in heap on field next to house. Would like a garden compost bin. Doesn’t use compost heap in garden as it looks messy. Quite happy to do it. Recyclables collected at different times - don't know when to put it out - needs a lid - things blow away. Not big enough for everything. Council should do recycling of white goods. Recycle as much as they are able to by the boxes. Recycle everything that can be at home, without a car. Recycle everything that have facilities for in their own home, however kids sometimes forget to recycle tins. Recycle everything that they can, even friends waste. Recycle everything the council let us plus we recycle other items. Recycle what is collected. Recycles a lot but not everything that can be recycled in regards to the kerbside collections. Recycles a lot in bin but is sure more can be recycled that he does not do i.e. phones and furniture. Recycles about 90% of it. Recycles carrier bags but has to take them back to the supermarket. Frustrated that they don't collect cardboard and gummed envelopes because they get a lot of post. Recycles everything but food. Recycles everything except he doesn’t use composting. Recycles everything he has boxes for.

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Verbatim comments on recycling Recycles everything she can with the facilities available. Recycles everything that can be collected kerbside. Recycles everything that can be recycled via box collections at home. Recycles everything the council lets me recycle. Recycles everything with or without council help. Thinks the council should do more. Recycles what he can. Recycles what she can with the facilities available. Always remembers to wash the cans before putting them out to be recycled. Recycles what the facilities allow. Recycles when goes to Tesco for shopping so this is no additional effort. Recycles when possible. Recycling bin men leave the bin on its side in the street and leave extras i.e. cardboard behind Recycling bins for food and packaging-not sure what to do with plastic and card. More bins in shopping centres would help. Recycling can be a nuisance- Brother lives upstairs (of house) and respondent downstairs but do share the same rubbish bin. Recycling is a necessary things and it's very important to be aware and try to help towards the environment to keep it alive. Recycling is becoming more important. Recycling is becoming very important as he has access to the boxes. Recycling is getting more important the easier it gets. Recycling is good for the environment. Recycling is important. But council should be more helpful towards the elderly who cant manage things. It should be made more accessible. Recycling is not a top priority. Recycling is very important because it helps the environment and keeps the planet clean. Recycling is very important nowadays. People only do it if it is convenient. Recycling is vitally important however when government has targets and recycled stuff goes to overseas landfill sites. Respondent's council leaves things that haven't been washed - this uses resources - hot water & soap. Recycling isn’t economical. What happens to it? Recycling needs to be done. Recycling needs to be more accessible. Recycling of plastic and card is a problem and clarification on what can be recycled. Also information on symbols on packs. Recycling should be important to everyone. Recycling would be more important if more facilities and schemes were offered. Regularly uses charity bags. Relies on schemes. Respondent believes recycling is important if it is done properly. Respondent can't recycle everything as council don't recycle plastic and card. Respondent can’t recycle plastic, and wants it to be collected. Respondent considers washing bottles etc to be a lot of extra effort. Respondent didn’t have a green bin as for some reason his side of the road didn’t have them but the other side did. Respondent does as much as facilities allow for. Respondent does as much as facilities allow for. Respondent does everything the council offers. Respondent does not have bins or the facilities to recycle as he gave his black box away. Respondent does not know what to do with scrap iron, fruit punnets and plastic bottles. Respondent does not recycle as has no storage room. Respondent doesn't find recycling any effort. Respondent doesn't have a recycling bin. Respondent doesn't have a recycling box unless her husband has been using it without her knowledge. She would like to recycle. Respondent doesn't know why they go to the trouble sometimes as lots of houses around them don't recycle. He sorts through all his rubbish but many houses don't - it should be compulsory

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Verbatim comments on recycling Respondent doesn't understand recycling and know what to put in each bin. Respondent doesn't understand why or what to recycle - information would help him a lot. Respondent doesn't use council recycling as he feels it's not collected often enough. Respondent even collects water from rain. Respondent feels brown bins are a waste of time as if there is something in them that shouldn't be they won't collect it at all. Respondent feels fortnightly recycling isn't enough. Respondent feels if there was better access to recycling bins it would be easier to do and feels there should be a kerbside collection of plastic and card Respondent feels it's good to do their bit. He found it a pain to begin with but is used to it now. Respondent feels more people should be made to recycle. Respondent feels recycling bin is far too small. They have to pile it up really high and there aren't facilities for garden waste which they would like. Milkmen deliver the amount of milk they need so they don't waste any. Respondent feels recycling boxes should be wheelie bins. Respondent feels recycling has been started too late but wants to do all that can be done. He would like the council to collect card as it’s not always easy or convenient to take it to a recycling centre Respondent feels recycling is important as long as it is out to good use. She feels councils should recycle more of the packaging Respondent feels recycling is very important as it is to do with the kids’ future. She needs bigger bins as well as more collections as the bins overflow as they are a large family Respondent feels recycling should be obligatory and would like the council to collect plastic. He feels the garden waste collection should be free. Respondent feels she should do more but it's time and hassle. Respondent feels that recycling is very important and he used to recycle but bin kept blowing away so he stopped, the bin needs more weight to stop this happening Respondent feels the council should provide more kerbside collections if they wish people to recycle more. Respondent feels there should be more recycling areas on estates - this would encourage more people to recycle. Respondent feels there should be plastic and cardboard kerbside collections as she can't get to the recycling bank. Respondent feels they need a local recycling centre. Respondent finds it confusing what he can put in the bins. Feels they should have more instructions and proper bins if recycling is becoming more important Respondent finds it hard to recycle due to her age and reduced mobility. If there was better access to recycling bins she would happily recycle. Respondent follows list that says what can/can't be recycled. Respondent gets rid of things at jumble sales. Respondent has no wish to recycle and there were no recycling bins when she moved in. Respondent has nowhere to put waste box. Respondent has recycled for years. Respondent is concerned about plastic bags so she takes and reuses her own. Only thing she doesn’t recycle is plastic as she has no car so no means in which to get it to the nearest recycling bins. Respondent is disabled and is unable to put recycling out for collection so doesn't recycle. Collectors won't collect from his front door. Respondent is not given enough pink bags and so can not always recycle everything. Respondent is still a bit unsure. Respondent is unable to recycle herself (elderly, can't lift box) so her son takes all recyclable waste to the recycling centre. Respondent is unsure of what they are expected to put in the recycle bin. Sometimes things are taken out of the recycle box - why? Respondent is very concerned about recycling especially tetrapak (waxed cardboard). There's only one place to recycle it - in Scotland. Have to post it to them Respondent is very enthusiastic about recycling and environmental issues. Respondent needs clarification on what can go in the bins and which days they should be put out. Recycling would be more important to her if the council provided an incentive. Respondent needs information on what to put in the bins to be recycled. Respondent needs more information on what to recycle. Respondent only recycles because the boxes are there and it's convenient.

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Verbatim comments on recycling Respondent only recycles because they don't want to get in trouble with council. Respondent recycles all he possibly can. Would like to recycle more if more facilities were available. Respondent recycles as much as she can but because she is elderly there is a limit. Respondent recycles everything that can be recycled from home. Respondent recycles everything that can be recycled from home. Respondent recycles everything that is collected. Respondent recycles what they can do. Respondent says he just needs to get started and that he has thought about doing it but has not got round to it yet. Respondent says her partner is better at recycling than her. Respondent says that if the council drop anything when they are collecting it they just leave it so then you wonder why did I bother Respondent says that the odd glass item goes in bin instead of recycling it. Respondent says there are no facilities to do everything. Respondent think recyclable bins outside are hideous - prefer to go to dump. Badly organised - streets are littered with stuff out of them. They aren't emptied & cats go in them. Collectors are rude & inconsiderate, waste falls out when dumped in truck Respondent thinks black bin should be a bit bigger. Respondent thinks if she were provided with more opportunities to recycle from home then she would. Respondent thinks that if the council insist upon having recycling collections then they should collect more and make the bins smaller. Respondent thinks that recycling is a good thing but is too much work. Respondent thinks that recycling is very important but in the life she leads it is very hard to recycle everything Respondent thinks that the onus should be on supermarkets. Respondent thinks there should be a kerbside recycling collection for plastic. Respondent used to recycle but kids throw the rubbish and boxes around so she stopped. Respondent uses kerbside collections. Respondent would do more but council doesn't collect enough. Respondent would do more but feels council don't offer enough. Respondent would do more if council offered more. Respondent would like a collection for glass and plastic bags. Respondent would like a garden waste and plastic to be collected. Respondent would like a garden waste bin. Respondent would like a garden waste recycling bin. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for bottles. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastics and milk bottles. Respondent would like a kerbside plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a kerbside plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a kerbside plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a kerbside plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a kerbside plastics recycling collection. Respondent would like more collections as he isn't at home every week so misses collections. He would like two recycling bins rather than one so he can recycle more. Respondent would like more information on what recycling can be done and where. Respondent would like more recycling collections. She currently takes extra recycling to the tip. Respondent would like to not have to pull all labels off jars as it would save time and he would like to know what he can put in paper bins

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Verbatim comments on recycling Respondent would prefer a wheelie bin, has found the collectors can be rude, foul mouthed and difficult. Respondent would recycle glass if convenient. Can't get to recycling bank. Would like collections. Respondent would recycle if it required less effort and he does not think he has the facilities. Respondent would recycle more, for example plastic if he had bins to do so or better information on what to do with it. Respondent would the council to offer more recycling options. Respondent doesn’t think about recycling but does do it. Restricted by space. Council needs to collect more. Reuse carrier bags. Reuse water for plants. Separate wheelie bins for different recycling needs would be great and would encourage people to separate things. She does not know what can be recycled. She does what has been asked to do. She has no bins for card and plastics, and wants to know what to do with them. Will try to use the Oxfam bus for books, clothes and shoes. She recycles everything that she has the facilities for. She recycles what she can in the bins provided. Might do more if more facilities like food waste bins were given to her. Should do more with tins but just doesn’t get round to it. Should go back to organic. Should recycle more plastic but doesn't. Since I went to Canada, I’ve become a lot more conscious of recycling. Before that I never really did any. Single mother -would do more recycling but cant unless it is collected. Single mum living with 2 young children. She would do more recycling if she was provided with the facilities to do so. Small black boxes aren't big enough, wheelie bins would be better. Also need more information on what to put in them. So long as everyone is doing their bit further along the chain. Something has to be done on recycling. Something should be done to encourage recycling, whether it be by information or teaching it more in schools as well as work. Sometimes can’t do plastic bottles as container at bank is not there. Swaps recycling with a friend in another area. Take card to tip, used to take papers before had recycling bin. If have odd tin wont take it to be recycled. Take to children’s nursery as they recycle to raise money. Is making conscious effort to buy less food to reduce food waste. Takes beer bottles to Tesco - that’s it. Openly doesn’t care about recycling. Takes bottles to bottle bank as there is no room in the recycling box. Takes garden waste and vegetable peelings to the local tip for recycling. Takes old clothes to charity shops. Takes plastic to a friend to recycle who lives in another area, and takes garden waste to another house or a depot. Takes to tip. Takes to tip. Teach people at schools make them more aware of the cost of food and recycling especially as it’s their world that’s got to deal with the consequences. The bins aren’t big enough. The black boxes are too small and one is quite useless. The hard tops on the plastic bottles can't be recycled so how can this be resolved? The council doesn't offer enough recycling services i.e. no bins for glass, plastics etc. The more use of separate items for collections the more containers are needed sparks another issue. The only thing he doesn’t recycle is card as he doesn’t have any card to recycle. There are not enough facilities available. There isn’t enough space in the garden for home composting. There needs to be more assistance especially for tins and card. They are not very interested in recycling, they think its a waste a time. They do not have any recycling boxes. They don’t recycle everything they can as not top priority. Council just changed the collection times which has left them very confused when and what is collected. They have a clothes van come collect, but they have to take glass and card to Asda.

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Verbatim comments on recycling They need a local recycling bank. They only recycle what the council provides services for. They recycle about 90% of the things that can be recycled. They recycle everything the council lets them. They recycle everything they can with the facilities available to them. They recycle only what they can with the facilities given. They recycle with the boxes they have and would do more recycling if they had more boxes i.e. plastic. But she said she don’t care too much about recycling. They reuse everything that they can. They want to be actively involved in reducing the amount of packaging. They wash everything first before. They will recycle when they get the box. They won’t use food collections as it is too smelly and attracts vermin. They would do more recycling. They would if the facilities were provided to them. They would recycle card, plastic bags and paper. But they don’t know how to. Thinks council stipulations on sorting of recycling is ridiculous. Thinks there are too many containers for recycling, they are excessive. This area is quite good for recycling compared to others. Too many policies- don’t have glass box bins overloaded as collected fortnightly. Took a while to get to grips with separating into different bins but now finds it so much easier. Tried using home composting but they couldn’t get it to work so now they just do the garden collection. They would like to try the composting again if they had more information. Tries to do best but is by no means a fanatic. Tries to everything they can. Tries to keep costs down but cant. Tries to recycle where possible with the facilities available. Try and give clothes away to charity. Try and recycle where possible only council don’t offer enough services. Try to do the best we can with the facilities provided. Try to recycle wherever possible, wants council to offer more in the form of recycling packages. Unable to take recycling box out so doesn't use it. Isn't very interested in recycling. Unsure on what they can and can’t recycle. Used to be able to dispose of food waste in garden waste but no longer can by law. Used to have different recycling boxes sometimes they used to refuse to take them so were left with full boxes, why we don’t recycle. Used to home compost. Used to recycle everything when more mobile and fit (now 85). Used to take part but stopped because it caused too much hassle. Uses 2 boxes for recycling. Frustrated that the council leave cardboard & packaging behind. Uses a heap for composting. Would like a compost bin. Uses blue bin and bottle bank. Waiting for recycling box. Wants collections of card and plastic. Thinks food waste collection is a good idea. Wants council to pick up more, driving to the dump causes more problems. Wants council to provide card and plastic service. Doesn't know what to do with glossy papers. Wants council to provide plastic and card services. Wants more room, tries to recycle but has nowhere to put the bins. Wants to start recycling. Washes everything out. Washes jars. Doesn't recycle leftovers. We should all be made to do it in years to come. We would like to see a recycling service for plastics. What actually happens to our recycling would like some information. What do the council do with our recyclables? Need more information

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Verbatim comments on recycling When he can get to the banks he recycles more. When recycling he is thinking about himself but also the environment and the people around him as it’s their world too. Wife tries to whenever possible. Will be finding out about having bins delivered would like to make an effort to recycle, especially if I can from home. Will make the effort to go to charity shops but not skips. Wishes that plastic carrier bags could be recycled. Within facilities available. Works full time so doesn’t worry about recycling. Would do more if the bins were smaller and collections were more regular. Would but facilities aren’t very good. Would do more if more kerbside collections were made available because they are reliant on these. Tins go rusty before they're collected. Would do more if they had a blue bin. Would do more recycling if the council collected. Would do more with smaller bins. Would home compost if had the facilities. Would like a bigger recycling bin or more frequent collections. Would like a collection for all types of cardboard boxes as we have to put them in landfill. Would like a plastic recycling box, this would help. Would like a plastic waste collection especially for supermarket carrier bags. Would like a recycling and composting bin service. Would like a recycling bin for metal and plastic and information on what else they could recycle. Would like bottles and tins bin it would help towards recycling a lot. Would like card and garden waste recycling and plastic food containers. Would like drastic improvement on amount the council recycles. Would like food waste collections. Would like more bins and recycling is very important mainly for business use as well. Would like more boxes to recycle more. Would like more collections for card and plastic. Would like more facilities. Would like more recycling bins for different items such as garden waste. Would like plastic collections. Will sometimes take recycling to local bank if close by, as its walking distance. Would like plastic recycling facilities. Would like to be more aware of recycling. Wants council to offer more. Would like to do more recycling if provided with the facilities. Would like to get more involved in recycling. Would like to put more into black box but can't - plastics and card. Would like to recycle but doesn’t have the means to do so. Picks up rubbish on streets to help community. Would like to see plastic recycled around this area Would rather not have all the packaging to recycle in the first place. Would really like to home compost but time is a factor. Would recycle if council gave the correct facilities. Would recycle if facilities were more available. Would recycle if services available. One mile down the road wheelie bins are provided, why doesn’t this apply to them? Would recycle if there were facilities. Would recycle more but doesn’t have a car. Would recycle more if felt pressured by better facilities. Would recycle more if had facilities. Would recycle more if had facilities. Would recycle more if it was made easier like plastics. Would recycle more if no extra effort is required. Would recycle more if the facilities were available. Would recycle more if there was a bank more locally or if they collected from the house but hard to carry plastic to bank as she has no car.

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Verbatim comments on recycling Would recycle more if they had enough room.

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Appendix X: Additional comments Additional verbatim comments

15 miles to plastic recycling centre should be better provisions. 2 year old child refuses to eat so is the main source of food wastage. Only recycles paper, nothing else. 20 year old son answered the questions and answered honestly but he obviously had little care for recycling or the environment. Father works in recycling for the council however! A lot of waste created because everyone cooks separately. A minority of people "don’t give a damn". A need for plastic recycling as it just clogs up the regular rubbish. Active couple who believe in recycling to the highest extent. Adamant they couldn’t throw any less away as all leftovers are eaten another day or by the dog Adamant that they don’t waste any food. Admits that recycling isn’t a major priority but knows it is an issue. Always cook fresh food. Takes own glass to the tip and clothes to the bank. Mostly relies on KC. Feels everything should be recycled especially in KC. An article in the local paper said you can’t put food waste in the green bin. He has been but is not sure if this is allowed. An extra bin for food if its picked up every week. Not really effecting her personally but it does if it effects environment overall. Annoyed that the council don't collect plastic and card. At the moment recycling is not that big of an issue. If more information was provided and the council encouraged him more then he would like to give it a try. Bad mobility so sometimes goes to Asda to use a chair. Believes people should be forced to recycle and forced to vote. Believes that food waste in general would be significantly cut if people actively took an interest in third world countries Believes this will raise awareness on environment. Best before dates are too soon when buying from the internet. They send all the things approaching sell by so the respondent wastes more. Better bins for transport cafe. Too many tins being thrown away. Big on recycling. Doesn’t recycle garden waste as the neighbour looks after her garden for her. Bin men won't take all the rubbish away. Respondent feels they should take everything otherwise there is no need for the bins. Bins are too heavy so saves recycling for daughter to collect and put in her bin. Both work split shifts so very busy family especially with new baby. Reliant on council services. Both have a food hygiene certificate so are very aware of necessity of storing food correctly. Bottle bins would be used if we had them. Bread doesn’t last up to date on packet goes mouldy really quickly so mainly waste a lot of bread. Brief interview. Would rather throw bad than overeat. Kids waste most food. Bring back council central collections for bikes, furniture etc (once a year). Brown bin never gets collected Buys in bulk, so they don’t do any additional shopping. Can keep her details but not a telephone number. Card boxes aren't included in the paper recycling which is frustrating. Respondent was very open and willing and very interested in the environment. The children aren't good at recycling - she takes care of most of it. Carer answered questions on behalf of the owner as she is bed ridden. Children are fussy eaters and generate the most food waste. Children create most food waste although they do try to keep it to a minimum. Children eat everything in the house, rarely leave food. Occasionally waste food if they've eaten sweets before a meal. Respondent not aware of exactly what can go in the bins. Children grown up so little waste, what’s wasted goes to dog. Children are the main source of waste - food leftovers, drinks everyday. Respondent cooks several different meals a day. Collects Plastic and Cord and takes to the supermarket or recycling centre. Composting all food waste, not taking part in food waste collection. Composts all raw waste. Composts most food waste as not much waste anyway. Concerned with environmental issues but feel they already keep waste to minimum

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Additional verbatim comments Concerned about collection of plastics and milk bottles. Concerned about food storage and waste. She empties cupboards and fridge before her holiday this is when milk may go off or out of date. Confused about cling film and certain plastics. Takes plastic to local recycling centre, or Tesco. Contacted only by post Convenience is an issue for the respondent. She is very up for more information on the environment, shopping and waste cost. Council collect plastic but refuse to take some bottles and cartons like yoghurt and shampoo - this then goes in the bin. Respondent is interested in whatever services are brought to the doorstep - partner is 81 so convenience is important. Council collection is irregular which makes him doubt how serious they are or whether it’s just a front because they have to be seen to do something. Council doesn’t always collect recycling boxes. Council don't collect regular rubbish enough. Council don’t always collect they moan when recycling is wet but there is no lid and bags sweat so it’s no good. Council don’t collect anything but normal rubbish-she has no recycling bin. Reliant on collections as has no car and gets lifts. Council don’t collect her bin from her house- friend takes normal rubbish out but she couldn’t get recycling bin up the steps. Council don’t collect recycling from her end of the streets, wants them to. Single mum so reliant on collections as no car. Council should provide green bin, for grass etc. In process of getting a compost bin. Has no car so relies on KC, wants the council to do recycling bins or inform people better. Council should recycle plastic. Food collection is disgusting. Council sweepers never clean our side of the road and the recyclers never tell us when they're coming, often they are late. Council won’t take large objects like furniture - they charge extra for the service. So people fly tip and that is bad for the environment. Couple are children from WWII when food was rationed so they are used to saving and storing food to last. Currently do all they can with recycling, would do more if they had facilities, don’t compost as they don’t have space. Dad owns a takeaway, they eat there all the time. Dad really interested in recycling. Family takes garden waste to the tip, but that’s it. Daughter (respondent) does a lot of recycling as well as looking after little brother. Daughter answered the questionnaire but her she doesn’t live there. She owns the house and her parents live there. Did not wish disclose name or number/personal details Didn’t speak much English. Mother does all the shopping and cooking. Different tastes in foods between respondent and her mother causes a lot of wastage. Circumstances might change in house in next 6 months if she moves out - thought not incredibly likely. Difficult to understand and reluctant to give detailed answers. Do not believe in recycling, especially with the food waste collection. The council do not do collections when they should. Not at all interested in helping the environment, is highly opposed to having a food waste collection. Do not have a recycling box. Do not have a tin collection even if I did I don’t have time to clean the tins etc it’s too much faffing about. Do not have recycling bins. Do not know how long o keep food, in particular meat. Do not use collections as don’t have a box. Do not use recycling box, took it back. Do their own recycling. Does as much recycling as he can but would like a food waste collection. Does BOGOF but has no idea what will do with the other item, often ends up in the bin or fed to the dog. Does consider more relevant information to be an important factor in changing people’s trends. Does not have a recycling bin for glass. Is very concerned about waste/ recycling and the environmental impact. Does not recycle at all because of 2 weekly collections and believes war is destroying the planet and needs to be focused on Does not recycle through the council as the boxes are not big enough, does recycling himself. Doesn't like idea of waste- but can get extras. Doesn’t do any additional food shopping but regularly gets takeaways. Doesn’t drive so relies on all council collections. Doesn’t have very much interest in recycling. Doesn’t like plastic bags as do not have bins for rubbish. Doesn’t like the smell of council food waste collection so does all recycling herself.

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Additional verbatim comments Doesn’t recycle as much as she would like to, as she has had a hip operation so difficulty getting around. Doesn’t recycle much or worry about wasting food/money as he eats until he’s full and throws the rest away. Doesn’t recycle, no really thought about it. Doesn’t take part in any recycling because they have no bins and no transport. Doesn’t throw much away. Daughter often has second BOGOF item. From a generation taught not to waste, so it is second nature. Dog eats some leftovers and everything gets eaten very little waste only chucked out if gone off. Dogs eat most of the leftovers. Don't chuck out any foodstuffs - it is all used. Don't have a recycling bin. Don’t have facilities here would recycle if had the facilities. Don’t have recycling bins use bags. Don’t know about plastic recycling facilities and council do not collect it either. Don’t think very much of recycling. Due to working part time husband doesn’t have time but wife does fair amount of recycling. Ealing council are generally appalling but ok on recycling. Wants more surveys on more issues! Elderly couple concerned about the environment and only buy what they need. Elderly gentleman, food prepared by neighbour. Agreed to the diary but may get confused. Elderly lady living on her own wastes very little food doesn’t eat much. Elderly lady who lives alone and who is very careful about waste. Elderly man believes he does enough environmentally and does not wish to be contacted again. Even old people should recycle and save the planet for the next generation. Everyone has to be responsible for there own waste mainly the young as its there problem now. If everyone did there bit it wouldn’t be such a big issue Everyone should do more recycling. Currently has two composting bins. Everyone should recycle. Expecting a child so expecting waste will increase. Extremely rude woman believes the country is trying to con and pressure her and is causing more of an environmental problem trying to recycle than not. Family (husband, wife and 2 children) had just moved in to mother in laws house. Shopping is shared between the all of them. Family with small child finds it difficult to find room for all rubbish. Feed dog some leftovers, brother works shifts so different meals are sometimes prepared. Feels people should be educated about the cost of food waste and how to make food dishes from leftovers. Feels plastic is the main recycling problem. Wants more regular collection of rubbish and recycling. Feels portions people cook too large as well as portions bought. If people (esp. Young) were educated with old values they would not buy and waste so much food Feels that recycling is not that important compared to the bigger things in life but feels that as long as its not additional effort he does a little bit. Feels that some information will help but do not think it will make much difference when it comes to food waste. Feels the council should provide more services and better information about what they recycle. Feels too old to bother with recycling its too much effort. Filled in an online survey on recycling bins - nothing happened there were no bins provided. Finds it mostly dairy products and bread that mainly goes off. Finds that kids do create a lot of waste and they are fussy and no matter how much information you get it wont make them eat differently Finds that shops sell by dates are getting increasingly shorter and shorter, such as yoghurts and trifles. Food gets thrown away when teenagers don't come home for their tea. Respondent uses a lot if microwave meals and cooks several meals at one sitting. Food portions should change in family size 5-2. Food waste is more of an issue in big stores than in people’s homes. For question 24 a and b, even when prompted and question explained the old lady still didn’t know anything about recycling so couldn’t answer the first 2 questions. For questions 18-21 the gentleman refused to answer as he believes he has NO food waste whatsoever not even vegetable peelings. Freeze a lot of their leftovers or feed to animals. Put vegetable peelings in garden waste.

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Additional verbatim comments Freezes seasonal fruit and veg, cooks gone off meat and feeds to foxes. People should put their veg on their gardens. Generally try to keep food waste to minimum so are not really interested in recycling beyond this. Glass is not collected would like opportunity to recycle. Good collection service especially garden waste collection. Good if they could collect plastic and card. Hadn’t thought about recycling at all until recently now home compost but nothing else. Will be finding out more about KC. Handicapped, wants to recycle more. Would like better accessibility to recycling centres for those who find it difficult. Happy about green collector - used to not collect green waste at all. Happy to complete diary. Happy with recycle bins. Hard to buy food for one as many jars are for families of four. Has a recycling bin but doesn’t use it as it is too small. Has become used to cooking single portions now her husband has been gone a while feels her generation knows not to waste anything. Has little waste. All waste is recycled by giving it to the dog. Has no car, relies on collection and wants plastic and card collections. Has done her own research into recycling-wants more information. Has to take extra recycling to Tesco recycling bins when bin at home is too full. Have a massive garden need garden waste collection. Just round corner has a garden waste collection-why don’t we? Have business together very busy recycle everything they can their child is the main source of food waste. Have hardly any waste or recycling as live alone. Have little waste but grandchildren waste a lot of food as fussy eaters. Have little waste not overly interested in environment only helps if no effort required. Have no recycling boxes. Have nut allergies so restricted on food usage and why they do not have takeaways or eat out. He doesn’t have a set time or place to do the shopping. He feeds most of his food waste to his four dogs. They eat anything (mostly vegetables). He feels that legislation has to catch up with people eventually as he is shocked at how many people still don’t use the green waste bins in his area. He feels legislation is the only way people will realise the seriousness of the environmental impact. He finds that recycling is fairly important more for his kid’s generation than his. He is impulsive when it comes to shopping but she isn’t. He thinks that he'll do the recycling as it is easy for him to do, but otherwise it makes no difference al all to how he feels about recycling. He would like more information to help him recycle more. Healthy food is way to expensive and should cut their prices right down. Her 3 kids (boys) eat everything! Her Mum raised her not to waste and she has passed that onto kids. Aware of food storage issues. Keen on Diary. Relies on KC due to severe arthritis. Her sons help her take glass etc to Asda and her peeling etc going into council bag. Her stepfather comes and collects all recycling and puts it in his recycling box as she doesn’t have a car. His workplace has huge recycling bins and he participates in them (paper, metal). Home composting is something they are planning to do. Husband and wife don’t overbuy so don’t waste much food. Husband died six weeks ago so upset when asked some question e.g. occupation. Husband often goes through freezer and cupboards and throws away out of date food. She doesn’t care too much about this side of things because she doesn’t have to. I waste very little food, so it is not something I worry about. If bins are provided this leads to more recycling. If he had more information he thinks it might make him more aware of food waste issues which would encourage more recycling If he was told how much it was costing him annually or monthly, this would make it more real for them how much they were wasting and would cut down. If I had a bigger kitchen I would recycle more as I have more room for bins, it's so easy just to put it in one bin. If I knew that recycling was being put back into the area - whose making the money out of recycling? If information on what could be recycled was on packing it would be better.

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Additional verbatim comments If more bins were provided at shopping centres then it would be easier to recycle. If people bought less and cooked less, they would waste less. If provide bins with different sections it would be better rather than throwing all different types into one big bin. If respondent cooks too much food then he freezes it. If respondent was more aware of recycling and had more information it would help her a lot. If she cooked less food, or had an idea of what size portions should be it would help he reduce food waste a lot. If she had the bins it would be a lot easier to recycle. If she kept to sell by dates or if things looked a bit off and she threw them out she would end up wasting more. If she remembers to recycle she will but only at her convenience so if she had a food waste bin it would be better. If the bins were more reliable then it would definitely persuade the respondent to recycle more as it won't be much more effort. If the children don't eat their dinner they go hungry therefore there's very little food waste. If the respondent gets the right support from the government or council he would recycle more but not if they tell you to recycle but don't pick it up. There wouldn't be any point. If the respondent had information on certain things it might encourage her to think about starting to recycle and actively trying to. If the respondent knew what else could be recycled in the bins then she could do a lot more. She feels that if the government want us to recycle then they should produce less rubbish that can't be recycled and not charge us to get rid of it. If there is meat in the bin have to put it out later because vermin and cats are an issue. If there were more collections then he would be encouraged to recycle more and if there was a separate one for food. If they (the council) encouraged people to do it they would. If they had less snack foods in supermarkets then there would be less packaging plus children would eat their dinner. If we had better corner shops then it would be easier to get food as you need it rather than having to stock up which ends up being wasted If you shop properly you won’t waste food. In her old house they used to take part in food waste collections. Thinks it is a good idea and would like to do it here, in her home. In old days bought food every day - food stayed fresh and there was no waste. Respondent used to cater for the family and sometimes forgets and wastes food by over catering. Makes all meals fresh. Recycling box was stolen so doesn't recycle. In spare time is a non executive chair of the company that does the recycling for Ealing borough. Inconsistencies between local authorities about what can be collected. They need to bring it all up to the same high level. Indians buy food to last for 6 months so have all food for emergencies. Insists he doesn't throw much away and recycles everything. Insists they create hardly any waste. Interested in everything to do with recycling. Would like more card and plastic recycling options. Highly interested in doing diary. Interview was ended before the interviewer could ask about the household information. Is interested in research but not in the diary project. Is packaging really necessary - using paper bags better than pre-packed. Respondent is not sure that recycling helps and feels the older generation have a different attitude to throwing food away due to rationing in childhood. Just got rid of her car so relies on family and friends to take her for shopping trips or down to the tip. Just moved and not happy area doesn’t have good recycling facilities. Just moved in property both busy lifestyles not much time to recycle. Not concerned with food waste as don’t waste much. Just the two of us, so very little waste. Keen to compost if they had facilities quite sure they waste minimum. Keen to recycle but want more offered like plastic recycling. Keeps waste to a minimum, will either freeze leftovers or eat the next day. Not interested in composting but would like glass recycling facilities Kids are educated at school to recycle more and rope mum into it Kids are main cause of food wastage. Respondent would like to know of better ways of disposing of food. Compost bins smell too much. Kids are the main source of food waste. Recycling really not of interest to him. Didn't want any more wheelie bins in the garden so doesn't recycle kerbside. Kids are under 5 so she cooks big meals for herself and her husband but supermarkets don’t cater for small families e.g. Sausages in packs of 12, packs of pasta sauces too large.

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Additional verbatim comments Kids in the area knock the bins over and kick rubbish about. Kids variety of meals means wasted food, feels they could do more Large family with three children lots of the waste is due to them. Large family, recycle waste and throw little away. Children generate the most waste. Large family, respondent believes most food waste is down to his brothers. Large household, fussy children. Last section of questionnaire (Q's 26 onwards) was patchy, as respondent didn’t want to answer them. Leftovers are minimal and eaten the next day. Like smaller portions for kids as they sometimes don’t eat all, ends up being the main reason for wasted food. Likes idea of new bins for food rather than putting it in with the rest of waste. Likes to keep kitchen clean, finds this helps to keep the food waste down as there isn’t so much bacteria. Little old lady on her own, doesn’t use that much so doesn’t waste that much. Little waste as she only buys and prepares what is needed. Lives alone so cooks for one. He knows how much he needs to cook for himself. Lives alone so uses very little food and wastes even less. Lives on school premises doesn’t have bins of any kind as uses the schools bins as there are no bins for the house address. Lives with son and husband. Lives on a budget. Re-uses all unwanted leftovers. Local Somerfield is across the road so we always use that. Lots of food wasted because it is forgotten. Separate meals cause a lot of wastage. Loves the idea of an extra bin for food, the bins she has is helping the community so she doesn’t mind doing them at all. M&S has too much packaging but nicer fruits so she still buys it from them. People should know more about waste and landfills. Main food waste is due to the children's leftovers. Main source of food waste is children's leftovers - respondent doesn't see a solution for this. She can't see that her portions could be smaller. Man is deaf so maybe problem on the phone. May buy a composter in future. Maybe part of Hounslow council not Ealing. Collections are on a Wednesday. Meals are usually for 2 people supermarkets should make smaller portions and reduce waste. Minimal waste. Eat out a lot. V concerned about what to do with kitchen waste. More bins for glass and plastic bags. More collection banks could help to recycle more waste. More collections needed so when other bin fills doesn’t have to put green waste into regular waste. Had an accident so not able to recycle as much as wants to More info on what can be done (recycling) and where? More recycling bins for paper etc would help loads - never received other bin. Most days will eat food prepared from scratch will only eat ready meal if in a hurry. Most food waste down to grandfather who is sick and doesn’t often eat. Most food waste is from using microwave i.e. Still frozen in the middle and doesn't want to reheat because it burns around the outside. Most older people know what to cook so will use all their stored food up. Most scraps go to the dog. Respondent feels that longer sell by dates i.e. food getting to the shops earlier would really help reduce food waste. Most waste is composted. Most waste is down to either impulse buying, or fruit going off before it is eaten. Mother has just moved in with them. Mum does most of the shopping et. 2 small children so time is a factor when it comes to recycling in their own time. Need a bigger recycling bin with a lid. Need kerbside collection for items such as milk cartons, plastic containers and plastic bags. Need more frequent collections (once a week) as our recycling bin is too small and our domestic waste has reduced by 2/3rds since we started recycling Need more information on waste we can recycle. Cardboard - lots of it, no one seems to want it. Too complicated recycling collection. Need more information on what is allowed to be recycled. Needs more weekly collections. Needs plastic recycling facilities.

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Additional verbatim comments Neighbour does respondent’s shopping when he needs it. Lives on his own so doesn't waste much. Hasn't own transport and is disabled so relies on council services. No blue bin as it was stolen so tins and bottles go into grey waste. No box and wouldn't know what to put in it. No glass recycling available. They take their nappies to the tip. No longer recycles plastic due to the hassle of sorting it and taking it to the bank. No phone. No phone. Respondent is encouraged by the thought of being shown ways to save money. No recycling facilities available and it is too far to the nearest recycling bank. Not a very clear English speaker; couldn’t get any extra comments. Not concerned with food waste, would definitely no compost thinks that its disgusting. Not concerned with recycling only do it because we have to. Not got green recycling box for kerbside collection. Not his house (daughters). Not impressed with council services at all. Not interested in recycling was concerned for greenhouse gases. Not much recycling she can do without a car. Not overly interested in doing survey. Reluctant to start and rushed though. Not really concerned about recycling at all. Would partake in any services council provides as long as it is convenient for him. Not really concerned about their waste thinks its already minimal. Not sure what to do with plastic thinks there should be bins either for the home or in supermarkets. Not very bothered with recycling. If food waste collection was brought into their area the kids would spread the food all over the streets so there is no point. Noted that their generation were raised to use all their food. Respondent rarely needs to do any shopping at all. She sees more waste when grandson visits - especially drinks. Occasionally put out paper and glass when remembered. House share and work late shifts so eat a few ready meals for convenience Often respondent will cook meals in advance for family when she works late. Old lady who lives on her own and doesn’t eat much so has very little food waste. Older lady with her son. She cooks but he eats separately occasionally. On newer housing estate and has no blue bin but neighbours do would recycle if did have it. One child in the house is very fussy which creates a lot of waste. Only 2 people live in the house, both disabled so daughter does shopping. They always know what's in the cupboards and don't buy too much. Any wasted food gets fed to the birds. Only don’t recycle food as said before would like a compost bin so that would sort out most of the food waste problems. Only eats organic produce and no dairy or meat products. Most food waste is green. Would consider home compost. Only lived there for 2 weeks so was uncertain about the recycling facilities in the area. Only puts cooked food in regular waste. Only real waste is from son not eating a meal that is prepared for him. They have a new fridge with a thermometer in it that regulates itself and is waste effective. Only recycles as regular waste would be full otherwise - would rather have a larger bin than recycle. Only the 2 of them so don't waste very much food. Main area of waste is peelings etc. Is concerned about recycling and uses facilities where provided. Packaging is a bigger waste issue than food waste. Do regular shopping so food stays fresher for longer. People are most concerned about finance, that’s the way we need to make them aware of environmental issues. People in the US encourage recycling, and she thinks that it should be encourage here. People need to become more aware of what they are eating and what goes into their food. People would do more if they knew the full consequences of food waste. People would have more value for food if they didn’t have BOGOF as they would have to concern themselves with quantities and prices Phone number must remain confidential due to her job. Respondent fosters children and cooks for 4 households, children & grand children. 17 year old grand son leaves food all the time which she hates. Plans to recycle in the future. Plastic recycling collection needed. Plastic recycling is an on going problem. Very concerned about doing everything they can for the environment.

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Additional verbatim comments Positive about recycling and wishes there was more available. Preferred if the bins were collected more regularly especially black bins. It is bad when they are overflowing waiting for the next collection. Prefers to see what she’s buying in store as can see if fresh. Internet buying you get what you’re given and may only last few days. Previous 3 questions are not conclusive as he did not want to volunteer his mother as she was out. Primarily want more information made available to general public. Puts his fruit into the green waste (garden) bin, as no food waste collection. Quite keen to recycle as long as they have time. Really enthusiastic about recycling would use more facilities if available. Recently started planning meals because fresh food was going off, now find it doesn’t. Recycle all that we have facilities for. Recycle everything with facilities Recycles because it’s available but not because believes in saving environment. Recycles everything that is collected. Recycles everything. Runs local area of interest recycling exchange for unwanted items Recycling bins are offered but they take up too much space. Recycling bins need to be bigger. Recycling box to small, needs to include plastic. Found out the council collect tins but communication is needed from council as no one knows Recycling boxes are not big enough and need more collections. Recycling boxes are too small and only come once fortnight has to put excess in normal rubbish. Recycling is important to them but time is a major factor the kids leftovers cause a lot of waste as well. Recycling is rubbish in the area. Plastic has to go to Tesco. Parents live with them; one child isn't home all the time. Would be very happy if recycling services included kitchen waste as recycles everything. Recycling is very important for everyone and everyone should do their bit. Recycling needs to be sorted out by council and government. People should be fined if they do not recycle. Recycling system in Hammersmith was much better. Refused to answer household questions. Would like card and plastic recycling facilities. Respondent believes that not enough plastic recycling options are offered in the area. Respondent freezes any leftovers or they are eaten by another family member. Respondent thinks that the recycling facilities are inadequate, especially as no plastic get collected and so they just go to a landfill which makes him quite angry. Respondent used to have a compost bin but there was a bees nest in so they got rid of it. Respondent would like longer sell by dates otherwise it just goes straight in the waste. Respondent does not use small box, as he has been told he must use the bins. He thinks a small box would do. Respondent admits he can be fussy eater. Respondent's brother is developing a company that recycles all building site waste so family are very clued up about recycling. She doesn’t have a car of her own so wants more kerbside collections to help. Respondent's child might leave food but it gets given to the dog. Respondent's granddaughter especially uses cans of drinks and often doesn't finish them. Respondent's niece shops for her as she is disabled. She does recycle but is limited to kerbside services. She is diabetic so has to be very careful about food and doesn't eat out. Respondent's wife only buys what is needed so nothing goes to waste. Respondent (aged 15) answered completely but is not the main shopper so answered on behalf of his mum therefore couldn't push for too much detail. Respondent adamant they don't waste much food, always eat everything. Respondent admits that they could do more and is interested and concerned. Baby creates a lot of waste. Plastic collections don't take dairy cartons. Respondent also owns an allotment. Respondent always buys food with long use by dates on. Respondent believes that if you don't eat all your tea it's your dinner. Respondent believes that recycling is a fact of life. Respondent believes that recycling is important for future generations. Respondent believes that recycling is very important and every should take part whether it be the smallest amount or everything

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent buys food with a long shelf life (tins and Smash) so little food waste. Respondent buys too much as she shops when she is hungry before she goes out for a meal so buys food that does not get eaten Respondent can't use the kerbside collections as the box was stolen. Respondent collects her daughters recycling and puts that in her box. Respondent composts garden waste but would rather it be collected. Respondent considers plastic bags to be a big environmental problem. Respondent considers recycling to be the council’s problem and not the public’s and is frustrated that we are left to do it ourselves Respondent cooks different meals for children which generates most waste. She was unaware of correct fridge temperature and had set it too high. Respondent cooks in bulk and then freezes it. Respondent could not recycle without bins provided by the council and would not make an extra effort if the bins weren't there. She thinks there need to be more bins for food. Respondent couldn't fully answer questions as parents do most of the food shopping. Respondent did not like being asked questions 24 f & g. She said she does it properly. Respondent did not speak very good English and got frustrated by the statements. Respondent didn't seem to be aware of exactly what could go in the recycling bins. Not much waste as only him occupying house and tends to cook when hungry and eat everything. Respondent does lots of little shops and therefore keeps fresh products for a short period of time. She thinks that this is the way forward for shoppers to reduce waste. Respondent does not believe they throw away any more or less since having the food collection box, but they do think it is a good idea. Respondent does not buy ready meals just frozen food. Respondent does not have a recycling bin at the moment. Respondent does not have council boxes to recycle in. Respondent does not have enough room to home compost. Respondent does not have recycling bins and are not really bothered about recycling. Respondent does not have recycling boxes as they were stolen. Respondent does not have the facilities to recycle and would like information on what and when to recycle as then she would Respondent does not have time to sift through all the recycling and is not sure what can go in the bins and what can't. Respondent does not know which bin to put plastics in. Respondent does not like waste and only buys what is needed and eats it before buying more. Respondent does not really use compost bin because it is too top heavy when full and falls over. Respondent does not really worry about how much food they recycle but thinks that they could reduce their food waste if they thought about it Respondent does not recycle because he has no recycling boxes. Respondent does not recycle glass as the box as too small and blows off. Respondent does not think council is very good as they have not replaced their recycling box which was stolen and they do not pick up glass Respondent does not want to do any research by phone. Respondent does not waste food and feels that anyone who does is an idiot. Respondent does not waste food. Respondent does not waste much. Respondent does not wish to recycle - in take too much room. Respondent doesn't consider food waste to be an environmental issue but doesn't create a lot of waste. Respondent doesn't know what to do with CD and toasters as you can't put them in the bins. She would like to know how to recycle them. Respondent doesn't use compost heap as much now she uses council food waste collection. Respondent eats any leftovers the next day. Respondent eats chilled or frozen ready meals due to time constraints. Respondent eats healthily but leads a busy life so fresh foods can go off quickly. Respondent feels a fortnightly rubbish collection isn't enough. She tries her best with recycling. Very busy household - grandmother, childminder and mum so food gets eaten. Respondent feels black and blue bins aren't collected enough (smells). She needs larger bins. Respondent feels carrier bags should be returned or people should be charged for them. She is concerned about what the

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Additional verbatim comments council does with the recyclables - where do they go? Respondent feels collections aren't regular enough and they don't collect glass or plastic bags - would really benefit from other services being provided to the door. Respondent feels collections aren't very efficient. She feels they don't collect everything fast enough. Respondent feels council should collect rubbish more frequently and empty food waste bins 2-3 times a week and wash them out. Respondent feels food waste box is not safe as the handles keep breaking and she has a handicapped son. A wheelie bin is necessary to increase recycling. The food waste attracts flies and maggots. General rubbish should be collected weekly. Respondent feels fortnightly collections for the rubbish isn't enough. On some streets the bin men knock off the top rubbish onto the floor. All scraps go to mother's sheep only tea bags etc go into the bin. Respondent feels he does his part for recycling but if he could do more he would definitely like to know more about it. Respondent feels manufacturers should make plastic 100% recyclable. Respondent feels more action should be taken on recycling. Respondent feels more food waste bags should be provided and rubbish bins should be larger. Respondent feels more recycling should be done in this country rather than everything being sent abroad. Respondent feels packaging is a big problem. Manufacturers need dealing with. Triple packing isn't good enough. You can only buy free trade bananas in plastic bags which isn't good enough. Respondent feels people need educating about the nutritional content of food more than food storage or shopping. She prefers to buy fresh so shops regularly. Respondent feels rubbish should be collected every week. Respondent feels rubbish should be collected weekly as it attracts vermin. Respondent feels that as the planet is dying we must do what we can to help make it last longer for his children and heirs. Respondent feels that if she had more information she would maybe recycle a little bit more as she feels she doesn't know the bigger picture of the effects recycling has. Respondent feels that if she was more careful about her food shopping and had the correct information then she could definitely cut down on food waste. Respondent feels that sell by dates are unrealistic and supermarkets make them too short in order to encourage people to buy more. Respondent feels that the recycling she does do is good enough but more information would be good also. Respondent feels that the regular waste collection should be done more often especially for large families. Once a fortnight isn't enough as rats and cats get into the bins which are overflowing. Respondent feels the boxes should last longer. They keep breaking and the cats get at it. Respondent feels there is too much packaging on food and supermarkets don't cater for individuals i.e. have to buy 12 eggs - more waste. Respondent feels there should be an alternative to so much packaging. She would also like there to be an alternative to the bin for wasted food. Respondent feels there should be rewards for those who recycle such as reduced council tax and penalisation for those who don't. Respondent finds children are a big source of waste due to eating between meals. Plans can sometimes change i.e. partner doesn't come home from work on time and meals get wasted. Very impressed with council services. Respondent finds cooking a lot of effort for one person and quite often over caters and then has to throw it away or she buys fresh food which doesn't get used in time Respondent finds it hard to do recycling with 2 young children who never know what food they want. She doesn't keep food waste to a minimum but realises she should be more aware of it. Respondent finds it hard with so many young children not to waste food but she would like to recycle more. Respondent finds that as life goes on recycling is becoming more and more of an issue as it's more important to realise the impact of it all. Respondent finds that food that is not eaten or can not be re-heated has to be thrown out. Respondent finds that he's been doing it for years (shopping and recycling) and knows what he is doing. He would like better access to recycling bins. Respondent finds that he wastes a lot of food but isn't really bothered. He would still like some information. Respondent finds that her box is too small and there is no information on what to put in the box. Respondent finds that his children are fussy especially with cereal. They have several boxes but not all of them get used. He would like information on buying food more effectively. He feels he must buy enough but of things which will last longer. Respondent finds that she pays council tax but they don't get much from it. The bins aren't emptied enough and when they are full they have to take the excess to the banks themselves. So what are they paying for?

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent finds that some use by dates run out too fast and they can't by used by the date given. Respondent finds that the pink bags run out and so things then are not recycled, respondent does not know who to contact to get more Respondent finds that there's too much packaging on food and is not sure how to recycle it. Respondent finds the food waste collections too smelly and finds flies, rats and cats are a problem. Respondent finds wheelie bin too big to move. He feels plastic and packaging should be stopped. Respondent found that when her children first moved out she over catered but is alright now. Respondent freezes food so there is not much waste. Respondent grew up in South Africa in the 1970's when there were problems and was starved, so he now tries to waste as little as he can Respondent grows vegetables in garden and wastes very little. Respondent has 5 children. Money is an issue. Tries to recycle as the facilities are provided but isn't personally passionate about it. Respondent has a company come and collect her paper and magazines and recycle them, she has been doing this for 40 years Respondent has a food waste digester but cant figure out how to use it. Intends to use it when he works out how. Respondent has a keen interest in recycling. Respondent has a recycling bin but does not use it. Respondent has a small holding - reuses and recycles everything. His bin is never more than 1/2 full. He feels the council should weigh the bins and reduce council tax accordingly. Respondent has a sticker for the bin men to collect from the door but they don't always so she has to take it out and it’s too heavy for her. Respondent has an allotment. Respondent has become more conscious of recycling in recent months. Respondent has just bought a composting bin but hasn't used it yet. Respondent has no back access to her house so she does not want to bring rubbish into her home. Respondent has no recycling bins at present. Respondent has no recycling bins at the moment. Respondent has no recycling box but would like one. Respondent has no recycling boxes at the moment. Respondent has no recycling boxes, they have been advised to phone council. Respondent has no recycling boxes. Respondent has not got enough room in their garden to home compost. Respondent has nowhere to store plastic. If she did she would recycle it. Respondent has only just moved in and would recycle if they had a bin. Respondent has problems with the storage of recycling as doesn't have much room and he finds that the people that collect it leave a mess Respondent has three water butts. Respondent has to pay for a recycle box and is only given bags. Respondent has to take plastic bottles and containers to the tip as collections are not frequent enough. Respondent has very little waste and any that there is goes on the compost heap or to the chickens. Respondent has very strong views on excess packaging. Respondent hasn't really thought about recycling and environmental issues much. Respondent hates waste of any sort, drives 10 miles to butchers. Has a lot of food delivered - frozen meat every 2 weeks and then does small shopping trips during week. Respondent is a bit worried about plastics as not sure whether to put them in or not. Respondent is a disabled lady who relies on her neighbour to put her bins out. The council cut her grass so she lets her neighbour use her green bin and doesn't use it herself. She uses a minibus service to get her shopping. Respondent is a single person who's retired. Her daughter shops for her. She is very conscientious about what she throws away and is economical with food. Respondent is a single person who can't always use BOGOF before it goes off. Respondent is a student so can only use the phone number given until May 2007 when he leaves the property. Respondent is a student who has just moved in so not aware of recycling services. More waste generated due to many meals being cooked each day by each house member. Respondent is agoraphobic so daughter and son-in-law shop for her. She is diabetic so doesn't eat out or have takeaways and she is very careful about ingredients. Respondent is an elderly lady who wastes very little. Very happy with the recycling services the council provides and

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Additional verbatim comments collections. She is very supportive of what we are doing. Respondent is an extremely strong environmentalist. Wastes as little as possible and recycles as much as possible. Respondent is annoyed She cannot recycle plastic anywhere in Manchester. Respondent is annoyed they don have a plastic bin because it is very recyclable. She has an allergy to preservatives so she is careful about what she buys. Respondent is aware of recycling because of TV programs. Respondent is blind and a friend cooks all her meals for her. Respondent is concerned about the environment but must be convenient to his work as well. Respondent is concerned about the health aspect of the food waste bins - might attract vermin. Respondent is concerned that their rubbish is only collected fortnightly. Respondent is concerned with recycling but only if it's convenient. Husband has just had a stroke so this affects transport and taking rubbish to tip etc. Need more collections. Respondent is disabled and so can only recycle in her bins and once they are full she can not do anymore, although sometimes her carer will take it to the recycling banks for her Respondent is happy to help but only phone after 3pm. She has 2 large dogs which eat all the scraps. She is very up on recycling and takes extra rubbish to the tip. She works nights so her partner does the shopping but she has to write the list for him. Respondent is interested in doing future research but only if it's posted to them as have language problems over the phone Respondent is interested in recycling and wants to get involved more with no strings attached. Respondent is keen on recycling and wants a better environment. Highly motivated to recycle. Respondent is looking into getting a wormery. Respondent is not given bags to recycle. Respondent is not really into recycling but does it as the children learn about it at school at shame her into doing it. Respondent is not sure what can be recycled. Respondent is not very interested in kitchen waste although he is very aware of the 3rd world and the fact that we need to do more for them. He would use services if they were brought to his door step. Respondent is very careful not to waste much, her dog and her son eat nearly everything in the house. Respondent is very concerned about environmental issues but doesn't create much waste - only 2 of them. He doesn't feel that food waste is the important environmental issue as he doesn't over cater or waste much himself. Respondent is very conscientious about environmental issues. She is considering starting to use a compost bin. Respondent is very conscientious about waste and has been recycling for 14 years. She is angry that they can't put food in the brown box and some plastics, bottles, tins and bottles in the blue box. Respondent is very happy with the green box and thinks it's a lot better than the black box and she wishes they had brought it out earlier Respondent is very interested in this research. Respondent is very strict about sell by dates with meat but not with vegetables. Respondent isn't bothered about recycling and they don't use the green waste collection bin. They use ready meals daily so if the microwave frazzles it or they defrost it they can't refreeze it or cook it if they change their mind - causes waste. Respondent isn't sure about use by dates and whether you can still use food after the date has passed. She thinks the use by dates should be longer as certain foods can't possibly be used before the date. She would like to know where you can put peelings Respondent isn't very big on recycling and only does it if it doesn't cause too much hassle. He doesn't worry about how much he wastes and just throws it away if he doesn't like it. Respondent isn't very concerned about recycling. She is disabled so her carer gets frozen foods for her and takes her out to do the shopping. She also has meals delivered. Respondent keeps running out of pink bags and so takes all recycling to Tesco. Respondent likes weekly recycling and would like a bin with a lid as it's tidier. Respondent lives alone and cooks very little so has no waste. Respondent lives on his own, wife died recently so just getting used to doing his own catering etc - only buys what he needs and doesn't throw much away. Uses council recycling services but is in no position to do more due to his age. Respondent lives on own so rarely wastes food and he has lots of powdered carbo protein drink. Respondent lives with wife and 2 children. One child doesn't. Respondent much keener to recycle than her parents. Respondent needs more frequent collections. Respondent never throws food away apart from vegetable peelings. She has no leftovers and keeps food even if it's out of date. She tried having a wormery but it was too cold and the worms died. Respondent not very concerned about environmental issues and extremely concerned about the inconvenience of washing

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Additional verbatim comments recycling out himself. Respondent not very into recycling - don't seem to do much. Very conscious of not wasting food as she is on a diet and has changed eating habits. Respondent often buys too much food and forgets what he bought and only remembers when he checks cupboards. Respondent only has a regular waste bin and would like to have others so she can recycle at home. Respondent only normally has green waste. Respondent only recycles as it is convenient. Respondent owns a compost bin but hasn't used it. Respondent recycle because it is there to do. Respondent recycled before the council brought it in and is sure she wastes the minimum possible. Respondent recycles all that she can from home but there are too many bins. Respondent recycles anything that can be. Gives most food waste that there is to animals. Respondent recycles because she was told to and she hates to see anything wasted. Respondent recycles everything she can, at the moment she takes garden waste to tip but shortly her daughter will be getting a compost bin so she will take it to hers Respondent recycles everything they can, they have 7 compost bins, buy eco friendly cleaning products, has organic vegetables and diary and respondent resents buying food from Tesco Respondent recycles what is necessary. Respondent remembers rationing so doesn't waste food. Respondent requested that any further research they would participate with would be by phone only. Respondent reused items from by-pass, used bricks for pond. Respondent reuses carrier bags and is trying to get Tesco to use less. Respondent reuses leftovers e.g. rice, salad. Meat waste can't be composted which causes a question over the usefulness of composting. Considering getting a compost bin but they don't have a garden anymore. Respondent says council garden sacks tend to rot out at the bottom which means they're ruined. She doesn't have a garden waste wheelie bin. She feels shops should offer smaller loaf sizes or separate rolls. Respondent says food bins are too smelly and attract bugs. Respondent says food collection attracts flies so there should be a sealed box. She feels the bins should be collected weekly. Respondent says he does not waste any food and she thinks that packaging is awful. Respondent says he has no magazines, jars, cans or waste so does not recycle. Respondent says she is too old to worry about recycling now and never thinks about it, especially as she has dementia. Respondent says some information would be good but he feels recycling is not one of his major things to do. He's careful about food waste but not for the reason of recycling, he just doesn't like to see food go to waste. Respondent says that fortnightly collections would be enough if the bins were bigger. Respondent says that having children does mean that you produce a lot of waste but as long as you no how to deal with it it's alright. Respondent says that her children often cook their own food and they do waste quite a lot. Respondent says that her teenage children are the main source of waste. Respondent says that New Zealand’s recycling is a lot better than here as they accommodate more for the elderly. Respondent says that she does not use the collections because they get kicked around. Respondent says that the council don't always take magazines. Respondent says that they don't pick the recycling up very often so she does not see the point in recycling. Respondent says that they only cook enough for what they need and any leftovers are eaten the next day. Respondent says the normal bins are not big enough and so he would prefer weekly collections. Respondent says they are swamped with flies as council don't collect enough. Respondent sees recycling as something that has to be done. Respondent sometimes buys snacks and then doesn't eat all his dinner which is why he wastes most of his food. Respondent sometimes cooks lots of food and freezes it for future meals. Respondent sometimes forgets to put things in the recycling box. Respondent suffers from epilepsy so has a special diet. Because of this she finds that she can’t go round buying anything so she wastes very little. Respondent takes all the other rubbish waste in his trailer to the skip as bin men don't come often enough. Respondent takes glass bottles to bottle banks if the council does not pick them up. Respondent takes labels off to help recycling people and make it easier for recycling. Respondent takes plastic bags to Safeways for recycling.

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent takes recycling to Tesco everyday. Respondent takes their own recycling to Tesco or to a recycling centre. Respondent talked neighbours into recycling and now everyone tries to do there bit. Respondent tends to buy more food than needed for kids. They end up not liking it and it gets wasted. Food flies everywhere with the young child. Respondent thinks all places should have the same system as Milton Keynes as it collects everything but food. Respondent thinks green bin should be emptied weekly. Respondent thinks recycling is important but the council do not offer enough facilities. Respondent thinks that Christmas waste from households is disgusting. Respondent thinks that doing the diary would be an eye opener. Respondent thinks that his family does not waste much as the children eat everything. Respondent thinks that Milton Keynes are really good, people just need to be encouraged to recycle more. Respondent thinks that Milton Keynes council are very good with recycling. Respondent thinks that recycling is not important to him but he thinks he should do more for the future of the earth. Respondent thinks that some information might benefit her knowledge but it would probably not change her habits. Respondent thinks that the black box is quite good but would like more boxes for different needs. Respondent thinks that the food waste collection is a good service. Respondent thinks that the separate collections are not serving any purpose as it all gets thrown away together, she thinks they need to talk to the packaging people as that is where the problem is Respondent thinks that there should be more facilities available. Respondent thinks the council should encourage people to recycle plastic as he finds they don't and he would like it to be picked up also Respondent thinks the council should offer more and be less picky. Respondent thinks the council should offer more recycling facilities and they would definitely do food waste recycling if it was offered Respondent thinks there should be more bins to put waste in and more collections for the bins they have already. Respondent thinks they should have different colour wheelie bins. Respondent travels 25 miles to a butcher who farms his own meat. She has an allotment with a compost bin. She does her shopping daily to cut down food waste and thinks everyone should - also adds to variety and choice for the family. Respondent tries to encourage other neighbours and tenants to recycle too. She had to go up to a bin man to get a recycling box. Respondent used to be in milk trade so aware of food and hygiene issues. Respondent used to food rationing so learned not to waste food. Respondent used to give bread to the birds but neighbours complained it attracted rats. The recycling collection is not at any set time so the respondent never knows when they are coming. They don't put the bins back properly which is a street hazard. Respondent used to home compost but got rid of it because of a rat problem. Respondent used to home compost but it's too much effort now. Respondent used to home compost but stopped when garden waste was collected. She would like a bin for cooked waste food and the bins to be collected more often. Respondent used to home compost until he found rats. Respondent used to live in Holland where they had food waste bins and would be happy to use them again. Respondent used to recycle before council brought it in. Respondent used to recycle before council collections. Respondent used to think recycling was important until he found out it was being dumped in other countries and so does not see the point in doing it as it's our countries problem and it should not be dumped on others Respondent uses a box instead of carrier bags for shopping. If uses bags he recycles them. Respondent uses a friends home composting. Respondent uses chilled pasta sauces not ready meals. Respondent uses her mothers home composting. Respondent uses out of date food and liquids to make other food, for example bread. Respondent uses services provided but feels they could do a lot more and would use any service if it was brought to the door. Time is something they are short of. Respondent uses the disposal services at Scots Wood tip but materials not specified. Respondent uses things up in the house before going shopping. Respondent very interested in this research. Respondent very interested in this research.

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent wants the council to collect plastic containers. Respondent was brought up not to waste food and was always expected to finish food. Respondent was glad when recycle bins came in and she continues to do it. Respondent was not very interested and was quite reluctant in answering the questions. Respondent was unsure of the 4th occupant’s age. Respondent was willing to help but then changed his mind. Respondent wasn't brought up to throw away food - adapt things e.g. stir fries. Uses leftovers for second meals e.g. stir fries. Respondent wants any future questionnaires posted to her, she does not want it to be done on the phone. Respondent wishes more recycling was collected such as plastics and food waste. Respondent wishes plastic carrier bags could be recycled. Respondent works away quite a lot. Respondent works with skips on tips. He sees landfill sites filling up with packaging. People don't repair things anymore so objects get thrown away unnecessarily. Respondent would do more but not enough facilities are provided. Respondent would do more recycling. Respondent would home compost if facilities were made available. Respondent would like a bin for food as she doesn't like throwing away food in the normal bin as it smells after a few days. Respondent would like a brown garden and food waste bin. Respondent would like a collection for glass bottles. Respondent would like a collection for glass. Respondent would like a collection for plastic. Respondent would like a collection for plastics. Respondent would like a collection for plastics. Respondent would like a compost bin - might find out about it. Respondent would like a glass collection. Respondent would like a glass collection. Respondent would like a glass collection. Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastics. Respondent would like a kerbside recycling for plastic and card. Respondent would like a more regular rubbish collection. Respondent would like a plastic collection or if there is one she would like information on it. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like a plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a plastic recycling collection. Respondent would like a plastics collection as it seems very wasteful to throw all the plastic out. Respondent would like better sized bins, more regular collections and everything to be collected. He would like help with compost bins (more information). Respondent would like bin men to come later in the day because he works nights and he misses them and he does not want to put it out over night because animals get it Respondent would like bins or other collections for cardboard in addition to the green bins. Respondent would like brown bins as well as the black bins as this would help towards recycling. Respondent would like collections for food, plastic and polystyrene. Respondent would like collections for plastic. Respondent would like easier disposal points near places so don't have to queue for ages. Respondent would like facilities for sheet glass. Respondent would like facilities for recycling plastics. Respondent would like food waste to be collected more often as it smells. She tries to reduce food waste because of this. Respondent would like general rubbish to be collected once a week or to be given another bin otherwise. Respondent would like green waste collected. Respondent would like information on recycling so she can do it better. Respondent would like information on recycling to be clear i.e. what do they do with a Pyrex dish? Respondent is disabled so would like someone to pick up recycling such as plastic.

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent would like local recycling for plastic and card. Respondent would like more frequent collections. Respondent would like more information and more collections so that she can recycle more. Respondent would like more information on recycling i.e. why can't you put card in recycling and vegetables in with the garden waste? Respondent would like more information on what and where she can recycle. Respondent would like more pink recycling bags. Respondent would like more regular rubbish collections as the bin becomes overfilled. Respondent would like plastic collections. Respondent would like plastic collections. Respondent would like plastic collections. Respondent would like shops to be closer. Respondent would like something for packaging so less would go in the normal bin. Respondent would like something local to recycle plastic and card. Respondent would like supermarkets to charge for bags so more people recycle and reuse them. Hopefully this would discourage people throwing them away. Respondent would like the bin to be collected more regularly because it smells when it's only collected fortnightly. Respondent would like the bins to be collected weekly. She recycles using a box but isn't bothered by it. She thinks it's too messy to clean items before recycling e.g. cat food tin. Respondent would like to be able to buy smaller portions of fresh food. Respondent would like to be able to recycle more, such as plastics as then she would recycle more. Respondent would like to do more but facilities are not good enough. Respondent would like to know what else can be recycled and how to cut down even more on food waste. Respondent would like to know why council can't take Yellow Pages and card. Why not separate it at LA rather than at home. Respondent would like to recycle but does not know what he can and can not put in it, would like some information on this Respondent would like to recycle but has nowhere to store it. Respondent would like to start home composting. Respondent would like weekly rather than fortnightly rubbish collections - it's too smelly. The bin men won't collect her bins if they are too far away from her drive. Respondent would prefer collections where everything is in one bin and the collectors take them from the home Respondent would rather cook too little than too much as he can always cook some more and not waste any food. Respondent would recycle if there were more bins and collections were done. Food piles up and there is nowhere to put it. Respondent would recycle more but would like boxes instead of bags. Respondent would recycle more if bins were provided. Respondent would use food waste collection facility if it was collected more regularly. Respondent wouldn't mind having better portions for food. Some are too small for families and too big for just one person. Respondent wouldn’t be very good for research as he speaks very little English. Respondent’s culture is to cook from fresh and waste very little. Respondents English was not very good and didn't really understand the statements. Respondents neighbour recycles for her. Respondents neighbour recycles her plastic for her. Respondents recycling box was stolen so takes recycling to her mothers. Respondent’s son answered questions for his mum as he was house-sitting. Respondent was youngest in house but tried to give accurate answers! Restrictions due to disability means that the carer does all her shopping. Rubbish collection is not efficient enough. They don't take it all and leave some on the streets. Seeing rubbish dropped by youths in the street makes her angry and thinks they should be taught to recycle. Seeing the waste in proper form due to the food collection has made the household shop more effectively. Severely disabled so can't take the bins out herself. Relies on KC but they don't collect from her garden so she doesn't recycle. Share facilities with neighbours for some recycling. Shares food waste box with neighbour as there is very little waste to dispose of. She's very wasteful now where she never was when growing up. She and daughter have food allergies, so have to be very careful about food. Wants to see a community/communal recycling bank and compost close to home so that they don't have to go out of their way to recycle.

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Additional verbatim comments She believed that the council food collection only allowed vegetable waste. She can’t work out why some people don’t recycle when it is so easy to. She does not have any extra bins only the black bin. If she did have more information and bins it would make her more aware of the impact of food waste and could encourage recycling more She doesn’t recycle that much and doesn’t seem that interested to do more unless it is given to her at her door step. She finds it difficult to keep waste to a minimum because of her children. She finds that buying on the internet the fruit and veg are not as fresh plus she cant pick out the ones she would like so she has to eat them as soon as they come to the door She grows her own vegetables so she doesn’t have much waste if she does this is then put on the garden. She is going to call once she knows her telephone number. She wanted to do the diary but couldn’t remember her number; she said she would call the office. She is open to suggestions on how we can help her recycle more, but she doesn’t want too much info as it might scare her and would rather keep the things the way they are. She is very concerned about the number of plastic bags that her food arrives in (internet shop) - often one item per bag. She usually buys using a previous list (last order option) but will look for "featured items" and buy if they look nice. She lives alone and does not waste much. Recycles papers but forgets to do any other recycle. She lives alone. Son visits for meals regularly and that's the main waste source. Used to compost but can't "turn it over" anymore. Will be happy to recycle using any services the council provides as long as she's able to do it herself. She lives on her own but she does cook for her family as well. She only uses fresh fruit and vegetables. She grows most of her food on her allotment. She saves her plastic and paper and her son takes it to the supermarket. She sometimes cooks too much but tries to re use as much food as possible. She takes her other rubbish to tip herself or to a centre that deals with it. She thinks it would be quite interesting for the information but doesn’t think it would changer her opinion on recycling. She tries to keep waste to a minimum but the children occasionally leave food. She tries to make the effort and recycle as she believes it is important. She does however find it hard now they have a young baby. She used to do all her own recycling before kerbside collections, now she relies on them. She would like a collection for plastic and card. She would definitely start recycling if she knew more about it. She would like a wheelie bin with a lid. She would like bins for glass at her home and would like more encouragement at school for the children instead of them kicking her rubbish around. She would like extra information to help reduce waste and for help on where and how much she can recycle. She would like to know where all the plastic goes and would like somewhere close for her to put her plastic rubbish. She would really like to take part in the diary scheme. Shopping habits - buys what is needed, when needed. Shops daily to ensure she has meals that she wants the same night. Should charge for bags to keep plastic waste down. Should charge on the number of garbage bags left out to encourage recycling. Should collect plastic bottles as well. Should compost as they are proper gardeners and take it quite seriously. Since mother moved in not really recycled much more. Single mother with 2 children and has no time to do any recycling (the kerbside collections). On limited income so doesn't waste food. Single mum - reliant on services. She said people need information on the facts to make them more aware of their wastage. She considers most food waste to come from shops (sell by dates) and restaurants. Single person not environment minded very busy would use services provided by the council. Small family with 2 dogs. Very little waste as dogs are very large. Small family with grown up son. Not much waste, quite concerned and interested in doing diary. Small family, fairly careful budget. Some information would help towards the recycling process. Some jars don’t say Use By dates or a time for how long it can be left opened, so these are often wasted. Some people refuse to have blue bin because of football allegiance in Glasgow. Some times has daughter over and she is very fussy so different food is cooked and some is then wasted. Some wrap leftovers in plastic bags so doesn’t smell, but obviously food doesn’t rot. If not wrapped attracts rats. Sometimes forgets about recycling cans but does try to recycle everything she can.

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Additional verbatim comments Sometimes rubbish gets set on fire. Sometimes they over cook on purpose so that leftovers can be frozen for emergencies. Son has ADHD so has to cook fresh and plan meals ahead as he has dietary needs. Spent very little time thinking about recycling and wants to do more. Very busy so time is a big factor so doesn't do her own recycling. Family, especially the kids, are all good eaters so very little food wastage. Stocks up a lot (with shopping) as sometimes not that well to go out and about. Stopped recycling as the recycled items were not being collected. Suggested a plastics collection is needed. Supermarket milk isn’t fresh round here. Takes extra things including batteries to recycling centres. Takes plastic carrier bags back to supermarket. Takes plastic to a local recycling centre. Takes plastics and any extras to supermarket. Takes tins, plastic, cardboard to work to recycle as well as kerbside box. Takes up a lot of room with different recycling bins - but it is important. The family recycle because the box is provided they would also like information on the impact of food waste. The family recycle everything and are very conscientious. They use a green bin for food waste. The family take cardboard to the tip themselves sometimes but its annoying that the council wont take it - packaging for food isn’t collected either nor is yoghurt cartons. The food bin collection should be weekly not every other week. The gentleman doesn’t eat anything fresh, he does not see any point as he can buy meals all ready to cook The grandchildren are the main source of food waste, respondent feels that to reach people the information on cost would make people realise. The household doesn't recycle or separate food at all as it not easy. The number of children varies from week to week as the respondent is a foster parent. Number of meals cooked and food waste varies accordingly. She never plans her shopping she just goes and buys what she wants. The recycle bins are too big. Would take part if the council weren’t so fussy (especially with card and paper) and if the bins were smaller and returned to individuals gardens. She used to find hers half full and not at her house. The recycling service is inadequate-would like a plastic recycling service and a bigger recycling box. The respondent and his partner both think recycling is fairly important and some extra effort would make the difference which is why they recycle bottles with his dad, to try and encourage his dad to recycle a bit more too. The respondent is currently turning the house into flats. He does not have a recycling box at present, and he doesn’t know where the recycling banks are. The respondent refused to answer the household information. The tip for household use in the local area is awful; you are limited to the amount of what you can take. The wife does the cooking and they recycle everything they can. The kids waste most of the food in the house. Their daughter wastes a lot of food by not always being at home and not always finishing her meals. There are two women that own the house and the man rents from them. There is not enough easy recycling provision. There needs to be more facilities for plastic. There should be a minimum of 1 kerbside collection a week for paper/magazines. There should be more local facilities. They admit they do not recycle and it isn’t important to him at the moment. They always eat all the food they cook. Occasionally they forget about food in the fridge and throw it away. They both work long hours so they are never in. They eat a lot of takeaways as they both work in McDonalds. They didn’t know much about recycling as they are new to the country. He doesn’t know anything about the environmental impact of all the food work. They do not have a brown bin for food and garden waste. They don't know when recycling collection day is, so the recycling bin has become mixed up with other rubbish. They don’t have a blue or brown bin, they need to get one off the council. They don’t use bin facilities as they consider it a waste of time as the council don’t empty it. They give all the card (boxes, Xmas cards, toilet rolls etc) to schools for craft work. They have three freezers so fresh food goes in there before it goes off. They only have the black bin for their waste. All other recycling is done of their own effort. They recycle everything the council asks them to recycle. They recycled at their former address but admit to being lazy about recycling as no boxes have been provided since they

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Additional verbatim comments moved in. They should get someone to teach the kids about recycling, get them keen at a young age. They take all their own recycling themselves. Cares about recycling, would like to know a lot more. They think the collections are messy. The council don’t tidy up afterwards. They try to eat fresh as often as possible. They are French and they miss local fresh food. They try to waste very little. Most of the waste is generally eaten by the dog. They use takeaways a lot, creating a lot of waste. Their kids leave a lot of leftovers. They work busy shifts so they might not be able to take part in with the diary. They would home compost if they had the space in the garden. They would like a separate glass collection. They would like an extra bin for food waste to keep it separate. They would like boxes to do recycling. Only just moved in and the previous tenant didn’t leave any. They would like to recycle plastic but there isn’t a collection. Things take away cartons and disposable nappies are bad things. Think the council should provide more recycling facilities especially for plastics. Thinking about the future for our kids. Recycling is very important as they are left with it after we go. Thinks food collection is a good idea but that it makes little difference. Thinks food in readymade meals is making too much food in each packet which is why doesn’t tend to buy as much as cooking her own Thinks people need to take recycling seriously. Thinks quite a lot of waste is due to children in the house and is not interested in anymore recycling facilities. Thinks the recycling scheme is good, but not the food collection. Prepared to try something new. To stop food wastage, the respondent tries to check fresh foods before buying to make sure they are the freshest. Too many dustbins, but they are a nice size to carry a lot of waste. Try to use local Post Office as much as possible although it's further away. Keen for it to be kept open. They recycle more often because of the box and green bin. Unsure of main waste details as all housemates generally do their own. Unsure of what goes in each recycling box more information would be good. Unsure what is allowed to be put in the wheelie bin, is it for recycling? Doesn't have a recycling box. Use - put items online for free and offer them for other people to collect - prevents items from going to the dump. Use local recycling banks as they have recently moved in and not yet received their recycling box. Used have daughter and granddaughter living with her and was used to buying more. Used to compost when in South Africa but now the garden is too small. Used to have a compost heap that he used for Home Composting but doesn’t do the gardening anymore so stopped using it. Used to have garden waste bin but council don’t empty it- would like garden waste collection. Used to have kerbside collection but now council have stopped this so she has to do it all herself. Used to home compost but is now too old for to continue doing it. Used to home compost but stopped since they started council collection. Used to recycle, even before council brought it in. Uses a recycling centre as often as possible. They need more information on how to use the bins correctly. Uses airtight containers to reduce food wastage, plus the extra bins help reduce the amount that builds up. Uses skimmed milk; this seems to last a lot longer. Uses the Monmouth’s wormery for garden waste. Uses the tip for recycling. Very busy couple with a 14mth baby. If services are provided he'd use them but not extra from his own time. Very busy lady with 6 in the household was 8 until recently-so buys a lot of food shopping. Very busy with work, doesn't use KC recycling at the moment. Food waste could be an environmental issue depending on what food it is and where it is put. Very careful about food waste and generally interested in what we do. Concerned about the environment. Very good bins. Its a good idea but only if the council follows through and collects them. Very happy to do the diary, however husband works nights so sleeps in day so only contact via phone during the evenings. Very interested in the food waste diary. Very keen on future research. Big on recycling. Very keen on recycling, council don’t provide enough means for recycling.

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Additional verbatim comments Very keen on taking part in the diary but has no phone. Very keen to do a diary. Very large family: 3 children, 1 grandchild. Main wastage is the toddler’s food. If services were provided on the doorstep she'd be very up for using them. Very concerned about environmental issues. Very little food waste as there lots of people in the house. Very little food waste, lots of people in the house so all the food gets eaten. Very little waste as most leftovers are frozen for future meals. Want to do recycling but council don't offer anything, too much hassle taking things to tips and bottle bank especially when both work. Wants council to collect plastic and card. Wants council to collect plastics. Wants plastic recycling to be done. They have three dogs that mostly finish off all the food waste. Wants the council to produce a list of everything they recycle, from food to fridges and explain how people can get rid of it all. Wants to recycle and believes it is very important, but doesn’t have the facilities. Wants weekly rubbish collection. Blames the government for not forcing supermarkets to only use 100% recyclable materials. Was not overly interested in recycling, kept changing his mind so unsure results are accurate. Was reluctant to change attitude against recycling or wasting food. Waste mainly down to the children. Use a compost bin and have eight rabbits which they feed vegetable peelings and leftovers too We are Muslims and because of this it is very, very rare that we would chuck any edible food in the bin; most gets put out to the birds Were promised brown box for garden waste -not received- would like to recycle garden waste. What do you do with plastics? When grandchildren come round tend to be the wasters and feels if recycling waste was expressed more at school would not only make them aware of the future but encourage them to do it from an early age When respondent does cook she is good at judging portions and she hates wasting food. When they buy cheap food often tastes horrible and gets thrown away. Has been told you can get fined for not recycling. When they moved in the paper recycling was full of unwanted waste. The council took it away and never brought it back. Where can we recycle plastic bags? We have looked but we can’t find anywhere to do this. Where do you take everything to be recycled? Where does the money from recycling go? Wife's very interested in recycling and would definitely be keen to do more if facilities were available or more convenient. Wife died 4 months ago so is still adjusting portion sizes. Granddaughter does his shopping now so he's reliant on kerbside collections. Wife takes bottles to bottle bank but forgets to take tins. Will help with food diary but doesn't want anymore phone calls or interviews. No incentive needed. Wish manufacturers would use less packaging With regards to recycling the respondent finds it frustrating sorting things for the different bins. Won't take waste seriously until the government make other countries stop destroying the world. World war 2 generation waste very little food. Respondent lives alone so little waste anyway. Worried that rats and vermin may be attracted to food waste. Would be interested in home composting but they are worried about maggots. Would be interested in more information and better recycling facilities. Would be recommended for diary project. Would consider composting food waste. Would definitely like more information finds that might help towards recycling the amount of food waste. Would do more if the service was provided. Would do more recycling if the council provided more services. Would gladly home compost if council offered compost bins. Would home compost but doesn't know how to get a compost bin. Would like a compost bin but the garden is too small. Would like a garden waste collection. Would like a plastic recycling collection but do not want anymore bins! Would like better facilities from the council to recycle.

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Additional verbatim comments Would like collections for card and plastic. Would like food bins at home. There is to much packaging on most food and you cant recycle most of it also food portions are too big which is why never have ready meals Would like garden waste collected more often. Would like garden waste collection. Would like glass collections. Would like info on local recycling centres for tetra-packs and plastics. Would like more boxes. Would like more collections so that she can recycle more with the bins provided otherwise it is extra effort to take the rubbish else where. If providing bins then at least make them useable. Would like more information on everything of the above in the statements Would like more information on statements above but not just for him, he thinks it would be good for his son to learn how to make recycling more efficient Would like more information. She is very happy with the amount that she recycles. Would like more information. He says that recycling is very important if he had enough information he thinks he wood recycle more. Would like more recycling facilities. Would like recycling bins for other recyclable items. Would like something like a kerbside collection for garden waste. Would like to have more information on food storage as most food goes off or goes out of date before he uses them. Would like to home compost as believes recycling is very important. Would love extra information on how to shop effectively. Would love to have more information as doesn’t shop effectively, doesn’t plan meals and rarely checks to see what already has before buying Would prefer Wheelie bin over sacks for hygiene reasons. Would recycle if had a bin. Reuses carrier bags and takes items to charity. Would recycle more and compost if the council provided more. Would recycle plastic if service was provided. Wrote to council about wanting a wheelie bin told that couldn’t have one because of the location of the property, on a main road You can't recycle plastics in this area. Young girl living alone, uses very little so wastes very little. Young man concerned about recycling but he lives with his mum so is not in control. Young married couple, expecting a baby soon, so they expect the waste to increase. Young people should be taught about consequences and how to shop more effectively. 1) Am concerned about bugging of wheelie bins - it’s absolutely illegal and I’m worried my council might start doing so. 2) Am concerned about being charged for my waste - fines and such forth. 3) Where does the recycling actually go? Are the council selling our recycling to big business - what happens to this money? 4) In America people are charged for putting bins out too early; are we soon to be fined? I have to put 3 sets of bins out. Respondent has just moved into the house and so far doesn't recycle anything but will do soon & will get a compost bin too. At the moment they use a skip. She buys loaves etc in bulk and freezes them - big family. Kids’ leftovers are a big waste. Kids do a lot of sport so they eat at different times and not all the same thing so waste from leftovers. Goes to tip and charity shop so people can use it again. Adds the cost of the food thrown away - stops me buying items I don't need. If council offered proper service I would recycle. Alternate weekly collections are no good in summer as they fester. This household tries to recycle - take part in various kerbside collections but finds if something is in the wrong container they won't take it away. She feels something should be done about the amount of plastic that's thrown away. They give bread and bakery scraps to birds and cat gets meat scraps. They're considering getting a home composting bin. She says most food waste is left over cat food (tinned) which goes in the bin. They don’t have the facilities but thinks it is very important ad would recycle more if the council provided the services. Because she has no bins she puts her paper out in the bags and hopes the council will pick them up. Respondent wants split bins for recycling even in public bins. Bin bags are put out where children play so need bins or boxes with lids. Lady and her grandson, the only food waste is minimal leftovers from the grandson, and peelings. She isn’t interested in recycling as its inconvenient and a hassle to separate the rubbish. Brief interview, she wasn’t very interested and doesn’t see that it’s her responsibility to separate and sort her rubbish. Just recently become more aware on environmental issue and started recycling own plastic card and tin.

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Additional verbatim comments Buys a lot of food close to sell by date for cheapness and variety this may mean food gets thrown away. Very interested in sorting her rubbish out but has no wheelie bin and doesn’t know what services are available to her. Buys fresh food each day. Like separate bin for glass and less packaging. Buys what she knows will be eaten cook however much needs and eat all of it. Respondent is very strict with herself and her son about eating all that's on their plate (and dropping litter etc). They always eat the same meal - kids have always eaten what they're given. She thinks litter dropping is a big problem and is not helped by TV programs like EastEnders when they show young people dropping litter. Respondent thinks you can either recycle or not, and those who don't and are stuck in their ways won't be easy to persuade. He also knows how to shop effectively which in turn helps him to save money. People have to figure this out for themselves, you can't hand feed them. Children the main source of waste. Cares about recycling feels council could collect more regularly takes own rubbish to tip herself. Wants a plastic collection with the recycling box. Complained about the smell of the bins on the other side of the road. Respondent is very anti-establishment and thinks government is too interfering (too many quangos). He thinks it's ridiculous that we're doing this research as people won't buy a huge joint and throw half of it away. He doesn't think food can be home composted (rats) and is horrified at the thought of food bins at the end of his drive. They rely on kerbside collection and want less confusion about what can go out. Card for example is wasted as it is not collected. Considers washing tins out to be extra effort on their part. Respondent is concerned about recycling and makes sure he recycles all tins etc but is adamant that they produce very little kitchen waste - the dogs eat almost everything so they throw away hardly anything at all. He shops and recycles where it is convenient for him. Never thought about recycling before today. Single mum no car so relies on collections. Cooks different meals for everyone everyday, one child is mentally disabled so this causes a time factor - she is very busy. Council don’t provide good service-lack of communication and provision, would recycle if made easy for them. Cost is important factor that would help them see what they waste. They only buy food they all like so it gets eaten. Council didn’t collect their paper for a while so she put it out with the bin for card. The bin men refused to take it so she doesn’t use the scheme anymore. Recycling is very important but if done properly. Occasionally uses the tip (via the family) for items the council won’t take. Council don’t collect from her door and she cant get the bin out to the main street as she is disabled, so she cant recycle. He is Italian, buys fresh food 2/3 times a week. His culture is based on healthy eating so buying the right food and correctly storing it is 2nd nature to him. He sorts his rubbish out even if its not part of the recycling e.g. plastic. Council needs to provide a sealable bag for the food recycling and a container for both that and the main rubbish to keep foxes out. Not bothered about recycling but does use provided services Council recycling box isn’t big enough and has no lid so paper gets wet or blows away. Council gave a choice for wheelie bins. They recycle a lot. Daughter answered for her parents as she and her kids visit twice a week. Grandkids waste food when they come round but the mum and grandparents don’t. They tried home composting for 2 years but couldn’t get it to work. Happy to recycle at extra effort. They are happy to do extra as long as it isn’t ' too much of a headache'. But recycling isn’t a top priority. Dislikes the waste collection service because they are left with a dirty box and the soggy paper is disgusting. Wants plastic to be collected by council and didn’t think tins could be either. Elderly Irish lady relies on kerbside collections for everything. Shops daily to reduce waste to keep food fresh. Grandchildren visit weekly and they waste a bit of food. Doesn’t use BOGOF and feels certain packaging at supermarkets is mostly aimed at families of 4 not 2 people with smallish appetites. Elderly couple - really not interested in answering the questionnaire. She is far more concerned than he is about recycling. Don’t waste much food at all and don’t take their own plastics to be recycled. Don’t get BOGOFs. Would like more bins with information on what to put in them. Due to living alone, he feels no importance to recycling. Would also recycle plastic if they were given the facilities. Eat leftovers all week sometimes. Has it for work (lunch) the next day. Respondent is very concerned about the application for a local dump right near her garden. She commented on her youth - one small steel bin wouldn't be filled in 2 weeks - no need for packaging. She is very happy with the council's recycling service, except the paper collections don't take directories and catalogues and cardboard. Very good at judging children’s portions, writes shopping list for husband so he can shop. Feels packaging is disgusting especially Easter eggs, takes pizzas out of their boxes before freezing them due to storage. Husband in NHS so aware of food storage and health issues. Food shopping is not a priority, pizza and pies are bought meals, but do not buy ready meals (or meals that are prepacked). Don’t have recycling for plastic and tins can be too much hassle to clean and recycle. Freezes fresh meat finds eat more

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Additional verbatim comments fresh food in summer and more frozen (originally fresh) in winter. BOGOF gets frozen. Bread sometimes fed to birds. Freezes her leftovers and uses for different meal. Respondent lives on her own and only buys what she needs. She has a fussy dog so has to be careful when shopping. Over preparing vegetables and throwing them out and loose salads is the only/main source of waste. She's confused whether kitchen waste can go into the council's green waste bin. As a debt collector he works long hours so has no time for recycling. Grass cutting is a pain (he wants a paved garden to avoid the hassle). Green waste bin would be nice. Would like a plastics collection. Happy with the food waste bin, she thinks it’s a good idea. The recycling bin isn’t big enough so her and neighbour share to ensure it all gets taken away by the bin men. Has grown up with a compost bin so has her children, grows vegetables-has an allotment. Fells children need to be taught how to cook and understand importance of not wasting things Lives alone, knows what’s in cupboards, eats leftovers, was bought up to have no food wasted. Has no food waste, eats peels, home compost not worth it as only one person. Moving soon so won’t give phone number. Respondent comes from Bosnia and hates all waste. He said he queued for small amounts of food in the past and is grateful for all his food. He feels that everyone should be forced to recycle. Very keen to help but has to reply on services provided as he does not drive. He is disabled so his family cook and freeze his meals for him as he is not allowed to cook. He eats out a lot and has frequent takeaways. When he does cook he eats everything. He is not aware of what can go in the recycling box. Respondent wants more frequent collections. He thinks he wastes quite a lot as he is not a very good cook. Respondent said he heard a new idea to charge a fee for the weight of the rubbish you throw away which he didn’t like. He is a pensioner with no benefits. He wants the council to encourage recycling not discourage waste. Respondent's wife has just recently died. He is having to learn how to cater for one instead of two so there is more food waste. He's impressed with the recycling services having just moved into the area but is confused by the collection days. His daughter takes him shopping. Respondent would like the council to do glass collections and be clear on what you can and can't do. Household are all graduates and so they are all used to budgeting from being students so don't waste much. They did send to have a compost bin but it was too big for the garden. Husband works in the community for recycling. Maybe having food waste bin would reduce the amount. If anyone throws rubbish on the floor he would tell them to pick it up and have some respect. She thinks older people are better at buying what they really need. If people bought smaller amounts of food (e.g. 2 slices of ham rather than a whole pack) then less food would be wasted. Takes a lot of stuff to other bins to help recycling the keeps help towards this by taking it to school. If the bins were provided it would be better for recycling. Only puts recycling bins once in 3 months as they don’t use or need them much. If the council made things easier and there was more available they'd use it. Nappies a huge problem should provide recyclable ones or fabric reusables. If they took plastics would use this service. Son uses soya milk, container is of cardboard but the council wont take them even though it says on the pack recycle If you stock rubbish it becomes a hazard, 2 weeks really smells, they are full within a week collections should be weekly. There are no plastic recycling facilities would like some available. In regards to milk-dates short, go off too soon. Would like another bin for food waste - to go with the other three. Info on how to recycle more efficiently. Husband is severely diabetic, has specific butter and everything. He eats all the leftovers. Wants wheelie bins as he didn’t think the council did them. Wants to find out more. It takes 3 weeks to fill the paper bin. He knows that wheelie bins are provided down the road from him and he wants them provided to him. It took council 3 months to provide a box for recycling only because he specifically asked and he's still not sure what he can put it in it. Respondent's family are very concerned about the environment. Respondent feels that ready meals especially are over packaged. Supermarkets don't do middle sizes; it's either very small or very large. Used to buy bread and milk locally but co-op milk goes off after a day and bread in 2/3, now just uses Tesco and Asda. Just moved and don’t have a recycling box so recycle nothing at the moment. Remembers rations and war worries about CFC and global warming. Lives alone shops every day so wastes very little. Takes his glass and paper to Tesco. Lives on his own and is aware that he eats a lot of packaged foods so he probably creates a lot of waste. Couple just moved in and only just ordered recycling boxes. Just had a baby so they are very disorganised at the moment. Main issue for them is lack of routine and organisation. Food goes if not used as plans change. Ready meals used for convenience even though she knows they are high in salt and fat. Feels people need to know more about what we're doing to the planet.

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Additional verbatim comments Her husband died 2 years ago and she sometimes forgets when peeling vegetables for example that she is only cooking for one. This normal accounts for most of the waste. Many meals go in the bin when her son says he' coming round but then doesn’t. Respondent has 3 big bins in the garden. Take up lots of space but its meant that she has had to get 3 bins for inside the house too as well as defacing them so people know which ones to use. This causes a big storage problem and the irregular collections mean that the house is full of rubbish all the time. Disabled lady who is diabetic and has to be careful about the types of food she eats. She never eats food left over from the day before. Microwave dinners end up in the bin a lot when she decides she doesn’t want it once it has defrosted. Respondent glass bin sits empty as they don’t use much glass and can’t fill it. Wants kerbside collection for plastics and green waste. They resent washing tins for collection so they often get missed out. Monthly collections not enough. Their girls are still learning what they like and don’t like to eat so food waste is inevitable. Husband is very concerned about best before dates, wife isn’t. She is diabetic and has to watch what she buys. Morrisons have a better quality of meat than the others - Temperature for the food is right. Feels kerbside collections are too picky - only interested in collecting items useful to them for profit. Wants to see the money invested into recycling with no need for a return in profit as the problem is too big for that. Never over-caters, flexible about sell by dates. Of a generation of no waste. Wants to see paper bags given for goods not plastic. Food waste is a sin - he eats everything kids don’t, even the crusts. Recently changed to a low salt, low fat, low sugar diet so he is far more aware of what is in food. New diet means they do not buy BOGOFs anymore but they used to be a waste. They are frustrated at the throw away culture of society today. Boils potatoes so no peelings. Clothing collection doesn’t always come which is frustrating as the clothes get wet. Now lives alone finds it hard to shop for one, as supermarket food comes in packs. No facilities for card, plastic or tin - no car to take it anywhere. Only 2 so don’t often over cater or buy too much. Only get BOGOF's of things we need. Older lady living on her own. Resents having to wash the cans out and separate her rubbish. Tired of the council changing things all the time and doesn’t see it as her job to sort out rubbish. Only recycles because the service is effectively 'forced on her'. Very little information given. Daily shopping done so little goes off as she buys fresh all the time. Takes plastics to recycling bin always freezes any leftovers. Parents hate waste, so always eat food. Very keen on recycling. Would do the diary for no financial reward. People on the other side of road to respondent got new large wheelie bins They would the same as at the moment it all gets wet. Very environmentally conscious, use energy saving devices, light bulbs etc. Very happy with food waste boxes. Plastic collection needed, they take card and plastic to their local dump. Wishes the recycling facilities were closer. Plastics are a big problem, with no provision for collection. Respondent bases children's portions on size of ready meals for a guideline which seems to work - very little leftovers. They can change their mind and decide they're not hungry however which causes waste. They buy fruit and vegetables more regularly to prevent them going off. Son answered the questions. He isn’t sure that the family recycles anything apart from food but was interested to know more. Elderly gentleman who works at Asda's and sees first hand how people shop. Receives a lot of freebies from working at Asda which are normally either already out of date or nearly out of date. Willing to do more but wants more offered. Recycling boxes only takes papers and magazines Wraps food in plastic bags then into rubbish, also has to be more careful on pension - can't just throw money away Recycling is a very good idea; people should throw things in the right bins. Would find a extra bin handy as it would allow more space for recycled items. Recycling should be compulsory Want more to be offered by council. Recycling should be more important to them but isn’t. Got too much to do. Respondent is big on recycling. Very little is wasted, a lot is recycled. Recycling tins is a problem as they have sharp edges and you only get a plastic sack to carry them. Would be better to out paper in a bag. Respondent travels to Edinburgh to buy organic vegetables. He finds organic vegetables go off quickly and can only buy packets of vegetables which is no good for one person. He doesn't use his green waste bin for kitchen scraps because collections aren't frequent enough. Doesn’t recycle hasn’t really thought about it. Family believe it’s not right to throw food when people are starving. Reliant on collections as they have no car, would do recycling if council brought bins round Respondent recycles toilet roll holders for planting shoots and uses plastic boxes for strong fruit. Respondent uses shredded newspapers for chickens and belongs to an organic gardeners group Respondent feels that the council should provide more services and make recycling more convenient and then more people would do it. Respondent also thinks that if people bought and cooked less rather than more we wouldn't waste half as

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Additional verbatim comments much Respondent uses old bikes to make water features and recycles palettes and timber. Believes a lot of householders don't recycle in the area and think the government or council should raise the tax for these people Respondent would like recycling bins redesigned so they are stronger. Buys food daily so there is more fresh and less waste, they squash cans to help the wildlife e.g. the ring pull Respondent thinks that if recycling was more accessible more people would do it. Came form Milton Keynes and there they had lots of bins rather than 1 box or plastic bags Respondent is not that organised when he shops and only goes when the cupboards are empty. Considers it the council’s job to organise the recycling and they could do a lot more, the respondent recycles what he can with the kerbside collections Respondent thinks that nowadays more food is wasted. Cooks fresh meals in winter and more frozen in summer Respondent would like to recycle more. Cooks one big meal which lasts the family the whole week by being turned into different meals Respondent would like plastic collections as she is more inclined to throw plastic items away rather than take anywhere. Respondent did try using home composting but she didn't think it worked properly Respondent has just started composting and will make a bigger effort with it now. Dislikes cooking and so has ready meals and creates more waste Respondent already recycled before the council bought it in. Disposes of liquids and sloppy food down the toilet Respondent only thinks recycling is important as long as it's genuinely being recycled. Does not always have a place to put bins and finds the bins an eye sore Respondent says that the main source of food waste comes from his daughter as she as very fussy. Does not consider recycling much but he knows it is important Respondent is concerned with the amount of food waste produced by housemates. Does not have a recycling box but would definitely recycle if there were facilities Respondent thinks that everyone should do there bit for recycling and that it should be common sense. Does not have the means to recycle plastic or card Respondent house shares so was not 100% sure f the households activities, only that of his own. Does not recycle as doesn't have recycling boxes if they had boxes and more information from council then they would Respondent would like garden waste collections. Does not think they could be encouraged to throw away any less than they do Respondent has a nice convertible car and does not want to take dirty things to recycling banks but will recycle old computer equipment. Does not use bins as they have holes in and get house wet and he does not have a front garden to put them in and they have no lids which attracts rodents Respondent would be interested by information and it might convince her to recycle a bit more. Does not use her kerbside collection, she only does a little bit of recycling by putting it in her sisters box Respondent’s sister is in hospital and he's caring for her so recycling has not been a priority for him. Does shopping regularly which prevents wastage Respondent has a food stock where when things get used they are replaced straight away and she used to be a chef so always tries to cook meals from scratch. Feels people should know what a con buy one get one frees and advertising are, also as they have arthritis they rely on the kerbside collections and will recycle everything that can be as they see it as being very important Out of date food goes in the bin and buy one get one frees cause them to eat more not waste more. Finds that meals portions are often for 2 or 4 people and as there is only 3 of them this causes waste She is too old and will forget to do the diary but is still very interested in recycling. Finds that the rubbish builds up because she cant put it out at six in the morning and she does not want to put it out at night because children throw it about and as she is disabled she finds it hard to do it at banks Feels that the council could do a lot more e.g. provide with a wheelie bin and more collections e.g. glass. Found that internet shopping takes less time and effort but doesn't create any less waste Respondent thinks that the council should make it easier for people to recycle and she would like to be able to recycle everything. Freezes bread and takes out slices at a time Would like to be able to recycle all types of plastic. Gets rid of food with the slightest of smells because it attracts flies Respondent does not think that the council do enough so they do not bother to recycle much. Has a compost bin at his allotment which he has been using for 17 years Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic. Has a compost bin but does not use it Respondent thinks that recycling cost too much money and it's all going abroad, it is important if it is being recycled for future use. Respondent would like something done about the smell of the food waste. Respondent finds the tip inconvenient as she does not drive so can't recycle batteries or plastics, would like council to do

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Additional verbatim comments kerbside collections for plastics and the tip does not take liquids such as turps so she had to pour them down sink. Respondent has been told by the council to put animal waste into the compost bin but she won't so it goes into the normal bin Respondent has little time because of baby so recycling has not been a priority but would be more interested in the future. Would like kerbside collections to be more obvious and easier Respondent would like better recycling facilities, including glass collections and does not have recycling boxes. Only been in the house for a few months so has not started composting yet Respondent would like a kerbside collection for plastic. Has very little left in normal rubbish as they recycle everything possible Respondent says that her housemate does less recycling. She is a primary school teacher and so is very aware of issues but doesn't always do it at home, they used to do some recycling but their box was stolen Produce very little waste as eats at parents or friends houses whenever he can. Aware that buy one get one frees are a con but he always falls for it Respondent want the council to collect glass, especially as he pays his rates so he considers it their job. Aware that the Government is promoting healthy eating but they need to subsidise health food in the way it subsidises manufactured food, he thinks it is ridiculous that a pack of bacon cost £1 but 2 slices of decent bacon would cost 80p Respondent used to home compost their food but stopped because it attracted rats. A diabetic and so is very careful with what she buys and they are also more aware of quantities Respondent feels that good people are being penalised for clearing up their mess as he has to buy green waste bags so his daughter can take his garden waste to the tip so he would like a green waste kerbside collection. Extremely conscientious about food waste and only ever has throw it out if he has made a mistake and over looked a sell by date Respondent says that wasting anything is bad otherwise it is not waste and you should always recycle it as then it is not going to waste. Is glad that she has a black box Takes plastic to university to be recycled. Respondent is the director of a composting charity. Works with recycling guild and has heard of WRAP. Partner recycles most things when he's home - kids do too. Respondent is very busy and would like more services brought to the door - plastic, glass etc. Recently couple separated but still living in the same house so meals are now separate which causes extra waste. Recycling not a top priority at the moment. Respondent is very busy as a nurse and considers washing and separating rubbish an extra effort on their part. Respondent has never really thought about recycling as an issue. Makes other meals out of food leftovers. Respondent does not recycle and is not very interested. Might start using internet shopping. Respondent is diabetic and is very concerned about ingredients and he never over caters as he weighs and measures all of his food. Only buys natural foods and not processed foods and he sees advertising as a con and does not fall for it, he would like a glass collection also Respondent thinks there should be more recycling facilities. Only use frozen vegetables, not ready meals. Respondent throws leftovers away, he won't keep them or reuse. Over cooks a lot of the time. Respondent is very careful and only cooks enough for two and any leftovers are eaten. Passes food on to son or daughter if they have too much. Respondent is not wasteful as she comes from a country where they appreciate what they have and don't waste things, she thinks others need to learn not to take so much for granted e.g. only cook what they need not what they think they want Respondent recycles but relies on the kerbside services. Respondent is a bit confused about what plastics can be recycled. Reuses her bags and more people would reuse bags if you had to pay for them. Respondent has little waste as lives on his own but believes packaging is a nightmare. He would recycle if he was given colour coded sacks. Respondent makes jam and grows his own vegetables. If he could afford to recycle then he would. Respondent feels that people need to reverse their habits and cook lees than they need and not more which would reduce their weight and their waste. If the collections improved he would use them. Respondent says she does not worry about food waste but feels she should recycle products such as tines, plastics and glass. Says she does not like waste but still wastes a lot. No room for a compost bin and she re-uses all plastic containers to grow vegetables in. Smaller size packaging at relative prices would cut down waste. Would like to compost but garden is not big enough. Because of the packaging you have to buy more than is needed. Respondent does not get enough recycling containers and the pink bags run out too quickly. If people waste food this is because they are not planning properly and they are not just wasting food they are wasting their money too Recently moved house and has found that information from the council is not good enough i.e. collections days. Respondent says that no public bins have been provided which is very frustrating and messy.

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent thinks that recycling is important but does not agree with sending waste abroad to be dealt with. She does not waste food and does not think that there is any reason for food waste. Respondent finds it very hard not to waste when cooking for only one. There are much better recycling facilities in Poland. A lot of food is wasted because they work nights and so don't know whether they want to eat or not. They can't recycle glass bottles at the bins at the end of the street because they are always full and they do not want to leave glass on the street. Recycling service could be better, that once per fortnight is not enough and they should have a box for glass. They have no garden waste receptacle as there is no rear access which was not very well thought out. Respondent does not recycle as boxes were stolen, she tried to put out magazines in a pile but they weren't taken. The rubbish collectors come at different times so you don't know when to put the rubbish out. Respondent says that they are too old to worry about recycling. They often over-cater which causes waste. Respondent would like plastic collections. Shops for her main shop weekly but refused to be tied to any particular shops. Respondent would like a plastic collection. Takes card to the children’s school which helps with crafts. Respondent’s children are very conscious of recycling. Takes own carrier bags so they are being used and the pink bags run out too quickly and once they have run out they can not recycle. Family never cook fresh and whole meals are wasted when children don't eat them. Respondent the only one in house who cares about recycling and finds that when they diet and eat healthier they waste less. Respondent has just started to recycle and it's starting to become more important but only if there is time unlike restaurants. Thinks it would be fantastic if there was a card collection. Respondent would like plastic collected which would help save space in the regular bin. Thinks it would be good if there was a plastic collection at a shopping centre. Respondent would like a wheelie bin for recycling. Thinks that at every tip there should be a compost heap/bin. Respondent thinks that too many leaflets come though the post. It would be a good idea to have a small waste box in the kitchen. Respondent would like her black bins collected more frequently. Thinks that it's inconvenient having to separate the food waste but is worth it. Respondent dislikes having the bins emptied fortnightly as there is an excess of waste which encourages people to dump it in the countryside. People should get a discount on their council tax because the council make money from what is recycled. Respondent wants a plastic collection. Recycling being sorted out a the dump after collection like in Holland would be a better way forward for the UK instead of people having to sort it out at home. Respondent is sometimes a bit slack with recycling but he always walks the dog up to the glass bottle bank. The council are giving good recycling services. Used to recycle but found that the council did not collect everything so they stopped. Thinks that the council should be more efficient in there collections and if they were people might be more willing to participate. Not overly knowledgeable on recycling and is not overly interested either. Would probably recycle for a few weeks if they started but would then slip back into old habits. Respondent thinks that children should be taught not to throw away food. Recycle bins in the village would be useful. Respondent says when buying food products she finds they are the wrong portion size as there is only three of them and everything is sold in fours or fives. Used to home compost but has since moved house. Respondent is a chef so understands portions and storage. Used to live in Germany who are very up on recycling so to them recycling is part of their routine. Respondent always uses leftovers. Uses a lot of meat so finds home composting a problem. Respondent thinks that if plastic can not be gotten rid of not so much should be used. Respondent uses bio-degradable bags and would like it if everything was bio-degradable. Only home composts garden waste. Usually finishes off leftovers the next day. Shares green bin with neighbour, hoping to share compost bin too. Wants more recycling facilities or present facilities explained better as the council sometimes leave things behind. No plastic or cardboard collections. Needs to be sorted out. Respondent was given a letter with contact details as she wishes to find out more about card and plastic recycling. Respondent does not have recycling boxes but would like to recycle. Not very conscious of food waste issue. Would like as much information on recycling as possible to help her recycle more. Respondent wishes that everything could be recycled as it is a big issue. Garden is not big enough to compost otherwise she would. Would like a glass collection. Unsure what to do with gummed envelopes and windowed envelopes and she thinks that junk mail is a big recycling contributor. Would like a kerbside collection for card and plastic. Do more research via the post not on the phone. Would like a kerbside plastic collection.

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Additional verbatim comments Respondent found that recycling was hard to get going but her children encouraged her and it has gotten easier since she knows what she is doing. Would like a plastic collection. Use by dates are only a rule and feel that people unnecessarily waste food because they stick to the dates. Would like a plastic collection. Bins are not collected regularly enough and they have to take rubbish to the tip once a week. Would like a plastic collection. Respondent would like a compost bin form the council at a reduced price and would like to know if this is available. Would like a plastic recycling collection, especially for milk bottles. It is too complicated as to what you can and cannot recycle. Need bigger bins or more frequent collections and she would like a glass collection. Does not use compost bin as it is full. Would like bigger bins or more regular collections because they struggle to fit it all in. Would like more pink bags have a lot of paper waste. Would like bigger boxes as they disappear or get damaged. Very keen on recycling but finds it is hard to store things that the council don't collect. Would like carrier bags to be collected as she currently takes hers to Tesco. Carriers are a big problem and that council do not do much plastic. Would like catalogues to be taken in the paper bin too. Recycling is of great benefit to the environment. Would like garden waste collected. Respondent does a big cook 4-5 times a year and freezes it, they do not eat pre-packed food because of the high salt content. Would like kerbside collections for card and plastic and thinks that the fortnightly rubbish collection is not enough. Supermarkets only take plastic bottles nothing else plastic but they should do everything that they sell, e.g. fruit cartons Respondent would like more information on what can be recycled. Landfill sites are a problem as they are full of pollutants and good land is used which could be used for other reasons, such as, housing or agricultural. Would like more items to be able to be recycled and would like to know where they can recycle plastic bags as they take theirs to Bristol. Gives her daughter the second half of BOGOF. Would like plastic collections. Would like food waste taken weekly and plastic milk bottles collected. Would like to home compost but does not have room in his garden, would like plastic to be collected. Would like food waste and plastic collections and recycling being picked up from doorstep. Respondent would like to get the children more involved. Would like recycling sites to be closer and would like a plastic collection. Would like a kerbside collection for plastic and card - would like recycling to be more localised and convenient to houses. Even if the council stopped collecting she would still recycle. Would like something for card and plastic locally and more rubbish bins and dog poop bins and more awareness in the community about recycling. Would like a plastic collection and something for food waste as has quite a bit due to having a toddler Would like bigger bins so it does not all have to crammed in one; would like something for plastic. Would like plastics to be collected and the green bin to be collected weekly in the summer. Respondent thinks that young people should be better educated on recycling so that they knew the consequences of wastage. Would like to use a compost bin but she can't use it as it has bind weed. Respondent says that there is not many recycling facilities and the recycling box is too small so she has to put things into the normal bin. Would like wheelie bins as cats scratch open bin bags and the bags they have to buy for garden waste also tear. Food waste bins get knocked about when emptied. Respondent doesn't know what happens if they get broken - who replaces them? Do the home owners have to buy new ones? In winter the bins get really knocked about especially when the insides freeze. The respondent would not pay for a new one. Respondent finds that he overcooks the food to prevent food poisoning which can sometimes lead to wastage. Respondent would use the food waste collections if they were collected more frequently. Respondent would like kerbside collections for card and plastic. Her husband has recently had an operation on his stomach she is frequently over catering now. Would like more garden waste collections; refuse collections are not reliable and so takes own rubbish to the tip. Son often leaves whole meals that she cooks for him. He takes her to tip when she needs to go otherwise she can not get there. Respondent finds recycling a nuisance. Son works at a tip so he takes it away. Respondent feels the council collection of the bins isn't regular enough and the bins look unsightly sitting outside the house. A casing or box needs to be provided to cover them or they should be smaller with more regular collections. They have to take rubbish to the tip regularly. Very busy single mum so recycling is not top priority. Has a large garden but no way to get rid of the green waste (up to 6 bin liners from 1 cut). Kerbside green bin wanted. She always overspends at the supermarket. She can’t resist BOGOF and price reductions because she feels she has got a bargain but often has to throw it away. Feels that what WRAP are doing is great. Admits she is lazy about recycling. She is very interested in the diary. She feels that if people knew more about what happened to their rubbish and their recycling they would have more faith

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Additional verbatim comments that the recycling was having a real and positive effect. Described it as being like 'sponsoring a child' people would care more. American lady who lives alone. 1 dog and 1 cat get the scraps. Always buys organic which goes off quickly. Doesn’t have a car and wants far more kerbside collections like in America - 3 bins as standard. She has been trying to find out how to recycle waxy cartons with no luck so far. Always buys seasonal fruit and vegetables, never buys foreign. Internet shopping ensures efficient shopping; only buying what she needs. Single person occasionally cooks for her students. Wishes council would collect plastic and card. Uses leftovers for other meals. She knows a lot about recycling, storage etc but she is always happy to know more. She certainly can be bothered to do more especially if its a kerbside collection. Very concerned with environmental issues. Landfills upset her. Doesn’t see why council collect just food waste on one day and not all waste on same day. Feels we could do a lot more. Uses cloth shopping bags and feels that the bag tax needs to be introduced. The tip won’t recycle plastic bags. Saw a program that said the UK wastes more food than it consumes. Had a slight communication problem when he came to the recycling questions but believes they take it to Asda. She uses leftover food for a further dinner/lunch that day or the next. They cook some meals in advance if family are coming to stay. She will encourage her family to eat more food together. Respondent feels it would be good if there were more biodegradable packaging as it helps with the children’s future to protect the planet. She does 2 shops - one for food and one for frozen food and finds this a lot more effective. She thinks that every shop should have bins for bottles and other things as not all provide this. Don’t think people waste a lot of food. Should all do our bit for recycling Respondent's family do shopping for her as she's disabled. She had her black box stolen so doesn't recycle and isn't bothered about it. She used to give all her scraps to her hens when younger. She thinks food waste is completely avoidable and people simply need to learn to cook less and buy what they need. She has a dog but doesn't feed him scraps. Council makes recycling hard work for people-difficult to get information and they are selective with collections. Single dad who is very busy wants more collections for plastic and card. Grows his own vegetables. Been composting for 15 years. Feels there is nothing more he could do unless the council provide kerbside collection for plastic. Small shops every week to prevent waste. Makes his own jam to use fruit from his garden. Never wastes food. As don’t have big enough garden for food waste the only thing that could help recycle food waste would be a collection bin. Smaller portions of meat like mince would help as they end up wasting it as it goes out of date before get round to eating it. Council don't collect plastic or tin and they rely on these services. Supermarkets should have smaller portions with relative prices. Information on environmental impact and cost would effect their level of food waste Would like more frequent collections and for them to include plastics. Takes excess recycling to local council waste disposal e.g. plastics. Composts all waste so no need to use food waste box unless the compost was full. Takes plastic and card to a recycling centre. Respondent would like compensation for recycling (money off council tax. Tesco and Asda sell food that is going off on the day you buy it. Mum of 2 so very concerned about hygiene and cleanliness. The containers they use for collection are fine if they are completely cleaned out but if there is the slightest bit of dirt on them they go bad and smell. Would like it collected more than once a week. Mother uses ready meals when daughter is away. The daughter is more concerned about recycling than the mother. Would like information on the types of bins that could be available for her and help with specifying which bin takes what rubbish. The environmental impact would be a big issue but where are they doing something about it? Said he wouldn’t mind information in the post but didn’t want to give his home phone number. The man said he recycles everything he can but then towards the end of the interview he started saying he lied in the interview as he has bins but doesn’t use them. In China the government ensure more food comes in paper packets so this can be recycled. The quality of food is getting worse here. Would like a garden waste bin for free. They would like a plastic and card collection. The supermarkets are to blame for the amount of plastic. The government and the local council have made a start and are doing a good job. Respondent always checks her rubbish for any recycling materials before she throws out with the main rubbish - mainly for tins which she puts in the special bin. She hates casinos that waste food and that they either don't have special bins or don't use them effectively. Respondent lives with his brother and can only do home composting when his brother is home. She has arthritis and can't turn it over. She's very concerned about the amount of over wrapping at the supermarket and thinks it's unnecessary. She doesn't think there are enough rubbish collections especially in the summer - it smells. Kids eat 40 yoghurts in 3 days! Very little waste. They always buy fresh fruit and veg. They make their own crumbles etc.

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Additional verbatim comments Asian family, respondent gave 'Islamic traditions' as his moral reason for being very careful not to waste any food at all. They see it as a sin when others need food and they have plenty. They are excellent at judging portions and if every anything is leftover it only stays in the fridge until the next day. She works in Sainsbury so does all her shopping there because of her discount. They often over cook because they have gone from a large family to a smaller one. Tremendously important; needs to be advice on what do with items - different councils have different criteria very confusing for households. They should all do the same thing throughout UK and people not wanting to segregate should not have their waste collected at all! Busy man, time is a major factor for his personal life. Recycling needs to be provided as a service to the door. They tried collecting glass themselves for two weeks and were shocked at how much they had. It took too much effort and time so they never did it again. Kids’ leftovers are the main source of waste. They rely heavily on council services although the husband goes to the tip occasionally. They use council collections for green waste but she wants to know how she can buy the compost back and the council aren’t giving her the information. If there is food near to the sell by date, they cook it and freeze to increase the self life. They would like a separate glass collection. They don’t recycle even though they have a box. They are not concerned with their food waste. They would not want to home compost. Respondent feels that if there were fewer offers in the supermarkets then she wouldn't be tempted to buy them, which in turn produces more packaging waste as well as food waste. She did have a compost bin but stopped using it as she found it easier to throw it in the bin and she isn't much of a gardener so didn't know what to do with the compost. Believes no nutrients in leftovers, throws them away and food that been open for 3 months etc. Dislikes freezing and has little storage. Throws away a lot of food feels diary might be good to see what waste she collects. Respondent has a carer (living off-site) and doesn’t eat much fresh food, except biscuits, fruit and alcohol. Use blue, grey and brown bins. Uneaten food and peelings go in the grey bin. The brown bin is for garden waste. Very into fresh foods. Used by dates are very bad, particularly fresh foods which don’t last very long. They asked for bigger wheelie bin from council, which they received but their old smaller old one was crushed in the waste removal van. Serious waste of money and sends out wrong message! Very keen on recycling at the care home he works in. Uses food waste collection for eggs and tea bags not kitchen waste. Grows on fruit and veg, recycles EVERYTHING. Uses recycling at the tip. Very conscientious. Works long hours so not bothered about recycling. Kids produce a lot of waste. Very brief interview. Very protective of environment, less concerned about personal cost of waste only about the impact of it. Very careful about waste and recycling. Council could encourage by giving more regular collections as an incentive. Very concerned with plastic waste. Takes plastic to the local dump. Won’t take linen and clothes. Very conscious of wasting the absolute minimum possible. Very concerned about environmental issues. Very keen to recycle but is angry about packaging. Always eat leftovers next day. Most of the time they cook fresh. Very poor English. She has a thyroid problem so has to be careful about diet so wastes very little. Very strict about sell by dates. Buys semi skimmed milk which goes off later. Wants kerbside collection for card and plastic. Feels the price of food mostly pays for the packaging. American lady who feels the UK should catch up with the US by collecting all of their rubbish recycling from the door step. She doesn’t use the food waste recycling as much as she could because she doesn’t like it to be kept in the house because of hygiene. Wants kerbside collection for plastic and card at least. Considers food waste to be as bad as any other kind of waste. Wants more environment and recycling information. Needs recycling kerbside collections but in smaller bins not wheelie bins. Wants more bottle banks more accessible, for example more community based banks. Once people see each other doing it, it will catch on. Do not like to see rubbish lying around. Washes out milk bottles and jars as well. Very busy lady - works from home. Buys organic fruit and vegetables which go off quicker. Freezes as little as possible. Has a 1 year old who wastes a bit of food. Time is a major factor in her life as she is so busy - the council could do more. When phoning about the diary please be very clear about who WRAP are, and if she hangs up, phone back because she will probably think we are selling something to begin with. Absolutely hates food waste, adamant all that gets thrown away is inedible waste. Won’t let anything go off, he will always eat it before it does and always eats leftovers. Daughter and granddaughter live with them. They freeze food or use leftovers the next day. Would be interested in home composting. Went to recycle card and plastic but don’t know where they can do it. Goes to bottle bank as well as using the bins. If she had information would find that little bit more to recycle. Would like a brown bin for garden waste as this will help her recycle more.

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Additional verbatim comments They throw very little, composting most of their waste. Would like a kerbside collection for plastic. Is concerned about plastics and where to put all of it, such as packaging. Would like bins for different recycling needs and some of the bins don’t need to be so big as a single person doesn’t waste that much All food waste that there is goes to the dog but her kids are good eaters and they hardly waste anything. Would like collections for plastic and card, wheelie bins are too big would like smaller containers. Would recycle more if there were the facilities provided. Would like glass and garden waste collection as there isn’t any currently. Throwing out food - all down to how fresh it is, dates aren't always right. Would like more for home recycling, more bins for plastic and card mainly. Respondent recently read that Britain is behind in recycling and thinks that this is really bad. Would like plastics to be collected. Goes out of her way to recycle, has a can crusher to decrease recycling storage. Would like recycling bins closer and more local. Would like more information if it helps her understand food waste recycling. Would like to know about environmental effects food waste has, where it goes and what they do with it. Wants to positively influence the children with a good image of recycling however the council don't do substantial collections. Would like to recycle if facilities were made more available. Is about to start home composting. Have a bin but haven’t yet started. Would recycle plastics but council don’t collect it.

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Appendix Y: Local Authority collections Local Authority

waste garden Food Home

compost partner

240L brown bin

garden only

4 weekly rolling

West Lothian 240L bin fortnightly NO - Yes

240L brown bin

garden only

Glasgow 240L bin weekly fortnightly NO - Yes

Newcastle 240L bin weekly trial area of 5000 households garden only NO Yes

garden only

Bradford 240L bin weekly bio sacks monthly NO - No

Manchester 240L bin weekly limited service in some areas NO - Yes

240L grey or blue bin

fortnightly a/w

240L green bin

garden only

fortnightly a/w

Wrexham NO - No

garden, food and


North Shropshire

240L black bin

fortnightly a/w

240L green bin

fortnightly a/w

YES with garden Yes

Monmouthshire sacks weekly reusable or

starch sacks garden

and card have a food trial area

covering 2000 households weekly No

Mendip DC 240L bin fortnightly paid for bin

or sacks garden

only fortnightly YES

weekly same day as waste


Northampton BC

fortnightly a/w

garden only

fortnightly a/w

wheeled bin wheeled bin NO - No

Ealing LB sacks weekly bio sacks garden

only fortnightly Yes

weekly some are same day as waste


wheeled bins or sacks

Norwich CC weekly - - - No - Yes

240L green bin

garden only

fortnightly pay to throw

have a food trial area covering 1000 households

Milton Keynes sacks weekly Yes

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Appendix Z: Research questionnaire Background details Unique reference Researcher Date of interview Call back details Respondent Name Gender House name/number Name of road Post code Telephone No Type of residence

Detached Semi-detached

Cottage Terraced


Local authority JPP CODE Home compost partner

Mixed collections 2wk


Material K/C other

Paper/ magazines

M. waste receptacle W. bin


Glass bottles/ jars

Tins/ cans Food waste collections 2wk

Weekly Tin foil

(if applicable) Aware of food waste collections


No Garden waste


No Card


(if applicable) Participate in f/w collections If NO; ask Why not? If YES; ask if the amount of food thrown away has changed & how?


Other kerbside collections household participates in or materials that household actively recycles through other means

Other (write in)

Where food shopping is done

Respondent 1 Partner 2 Everyone does their own 3 Other adult in house 4

1. Who normally does the household’s food shopping? Tick all that apply

Other adult outside the house

5 With kids Other

Respondent 1 Partner 2 Everyone does their own 3 Other adult in house 4

2. And who does any additional food shopping on top of the main shop?

Other adult outside the house

5 With kids Other

Main shopping Additional shopping
































n m



Tesco Sainsbury ASDA Morrisons Waitrose KwikSave

3. Where is the main food shopping normally done? …ask for up to 3 stores, how frequently Iceland

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Co-op Scotmid (Scottish Midland Co-operative Society)

M&S Somerfield Budgens / Londis Aldi Lidl Spar Netto Other national (write in)

Local grocer/butcher/baker

Local market Farmers market Box schemes (organic fruit & veg)

Box scheme (meat)

is the main shopping done there? Repeat for additional shopping Check if using box schemes and the Internet if not mentioned

Internet / on-line Internet site Main food shopping Additional food shopping Sainsbury to You Waitrose / Ocado

4. (If Internet ask) Which service is normally used? Other (write in)

Less More Same 5. Some people say they throw away less food when they buy over the Internet others say they throw away more. Do you think you throw away more or less food bought over the Internet or is there no difference? Why is that?


6. How far do you travel to go to (name shop in Q3 exc Internet & box schemes) for your main food shopping? Q7. And how do you normally travel to the shop? Does the store deliver the food to your home after shopping?

Name of shop (write in)

Miles one way

Car Taxi Motor bike

Push bike

Bus Train Walk Store del


Planning & buying food items

Always / most times 1 Sometimes 2 Rarely 3 Never 4

8. How frequently would you check what you have in the house before doing your main food shopping?

Other (write in)

Always / most times 1 Sometimes 2 9. To what

extent do Rarely 3 Never 4

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you plan your meals for the days ahead?

Other (write in)

Always/mostly Sometimes Rarely Neve

r In head/mental 1 2 3 4 Written 1 2 3 4

10. How frequently do you make a list of the food items that you want to buy before you go and do your main food shopping?

Other (write in)

Always /most times 1 Sometime

s 2

Rarely 3 Never 4

11. (If have a list at least sometime ask) How common is it for you to stick to buying just the items on your list?

Other (write in)

Always /most times 1 Sometime

s 2

Rarely 3 Never 4

12. Still thinking about your main food shopping, how frequently would you say that you purchase food items that you were not intending to buy? Other (write in)


1 Multi-purchase discounts 4

Multi-packs 2

Something looks / smells nice 5

13. (If buy unplanned items at least sometimes Someone else’s

suggestion/purchase Other (write in)

), What 3 are the main reasons for buying food items you had not intended to buy?

Very 1

Somewhat 2 Not very

3 Not at all 4 14. How

organised would you say you are when main food shopping (do you always do your shopping in the same order?)


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Food preparation 15. How often do you tend to order takeaways or eat at restaurants instead of cooking a meal indoors?

daily 2/3 week weekly fortnightly monthly >monthly never Eat out in restaurant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Takeaway eaten at home

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

16. How often do you tend to cook a meal from scratch (like preparing fresh vegetables & meat)?And how often do you heat up chilled or frozen meals or eat convenience foods? Type of meal prepared Daily 2-3 Wkly 2-3/mth Mthly+ Never

/wk Prepare a meal from scratch 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heat frozen/chilled or eat ready meal 1 2 3 4 5 6

Never, only one meal is prepared at any time 17. Out of the 7 days in a typical week, on how many days would you prepare more than one meal to meet the requirements of different members of the household?

Other (write in)

Food waste activity

Past best before/use by date 1 Unwanted / duplicate item 2 Didn’t look nice / perfect condition 3 Unused or unwanted BOGOF or multi-purchase 4 Food no longer wanted / cooked too much / leftovers 5 Plans changed, food no longer wanted (including going to restaurant etc)


18 What would you say are the three key reasons for you getting rid of food that is not eaten?

Forgot food was there 7 Did not taste nice (but not rotten) 8


Mouldy / rotten food 9 Inedible waste from food preparation (peelings etc) 10 Ruined food - cooking problems (burnt, over-cooked, too salty) 11 Ruined food – accidents (freezer failure, dropped on floor) 12 Inadequate fridge / freezer / storage space 13 Detail / other (write in)

Regular waste 1

Council’s food collection 2

Other bin 3

Pour down sink 4

Macerator 5

Burn it6

Home composting 7

19. How do you normally dispose of food that is not eaten? PROMPT

In garden / field

Feed to animals (specify)


Other (write in)

20. Specifically, how do you normally dispose of food waste like tea bags, coffee granules & vegetable peelings?

Regular waste Council’s food collection

Other bin Pour down sink 2 1 3 4

Macerator Burn it Home composting

In garden / field

6 5 7 8

Feed to animals (specify) Other (write in)

21. And how do you normally dispose of spoilt milk and other liquids? How OFTEN do you do this per week?

Regular waste Council’s food collection

Other bin Pour down sink 2 1 3 4

Macerator Burn it Home In garden / 6

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composting field 5 7 8 Feed to animals (specify) FREQUENCY

Composting bin 1

Compost heap 2

Green cone 3

Wormery 4

Food waste digester


22. (If home composting in Q2 or Q3 ask) Which method of home composting do you use for food waste? For how long have you been home composting? DURATION IN YEARS 23. Do you know what temperature your fridge should be to keep your food fresh for the longest time? (-5C)

Yes (write in) No

Changing food waste habits 24. I am now going to read out some statements about food waste. Please tell me the extent to which you agree or disagree with each.. ‘Some people might say...’ COMMENT St Ag Ag Dis St

dis a. Discarded food packaging is a greater environmental issue than food waste

1 2 3


b. Food waste is not an issue as it is natural and bio-degradable

1 2 4 3

c. I don’t really worry about the amount of food that I throw away

1 2 4 3

d. I don’t worry about the cost of the food that I throw away

1 2 4 3

e. I actively try to ensure that the amount of food I throw away is kept to a minimum

1 2 4 3

f. If I had information on how to best store food, I would probably end up throwing away less

1 2 4 3

g. If I had information on how to do my food shopping more effectively, I would probably end up throwing away less

1 2 4 3

‘Some people might say...’ COMMENT St Ag Ag Dis St dis

h. If I had information on the environmental impact of food waste, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

1 2 3


i. If I had information on the cost of the food that I throw away, I would probably make an effort to throw away less

1 2 4 3

j. I worry about food-poisoning so try to be careful about food storage

1 2 4 3

k. A lot of my food waste is down to supermarket promotions and special offers like BOGOF

1 2 4 3

l. A lot of my household’s food waste is down to the children

N/A 1 2 4 3

m. A lot of my food waste is down to cooking or preparing portions that are too large

1 2 4 3

n. Nothing would encourage me to make an effort to throw away less food

1 2 4 3

25. (If disagreed with last statement ask) Is there anything that would (write in verbatim) specifically encourage you / your household to reduce the amount of food waste?

Very 1 Fairly 2

Not very 3

26. Thinking about recycling household waste, how important is recycling to you personally? SHOWCARD Not at all Don’t know 4


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I recycle even if it requires additional effort

1 I recycle if it does not require additional effort


27. Which of these statements best describes your attitude to recycling? SHOWCARD

I do not recycle Don’t know 3 4

I recycle everything that can be recycled

1 I recycle a lot but not everything that can be recycled


28. Which of these statements best describes how much you recycle? SHOWCARD

I sometimes recycle I do not recycle Don’t know 3 4 5

Household information

Private garden 1

Shared garden 2

Allotment 3

29. Do you have access to a garden, allotment or patio area? Patio or deck No garden

facilities 5


Own outright 1

Own with mortgage 2

30. Do you own your house or are you currently renting?

Other (write in)

Rent – council/HA

Rent- private 3 4

Single occupancy

1 Shared, non-related 2

number31. As well as yourself, how many other occupants are there in the house? Family, only

adults Family with children 3 4

>5 5-15 16-24






Respondent Partner

32. And what is your age (and the age of your partner & children if applicable)

Children (write number)

33. What is the occupation of the household’s main earner? (Full details. If retired give previous job title)


White 1 Black 2

Asian 3

Chinese 4 Mixed 5

34. What is your ethnic origin / country of origin?

other Additional information Would you be interested in helping us understand food waste issue by filling out a diary for one week?

Yes ( contact details)


If yes -Thank you, we shall contact you shortly about the diary research that we have planned. Would you be interested in participating in any future research to do with waste and recycling?

Yes (ensure contact details are complete)


If yes - Thank you. Is it OK to keep your contact details on a database so that you can be contacted about any future research?

Yes No

Thank & close.

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