Resume David Pires


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Resume of David Pires looking for a job in community management / web 2.0 / HR

Transcript of Resume David Pires

Page 1: Resume David Pires

David PIRES Mob: +33 6 32 14 61 03 Email: [email protected] Twitter: LinkedIn: Nationalities: French & Portuguese

2009 (4 months)

Consultant web 2.0 – USEO USEO is a consulting company helping clients on web 2.0 projects.

Junior consultant in charge of projects, studies and community management

Participation in the release of a white book on social enterprise networks & collaborative tools Project management support on the launch of a business social network Created an educational support on the benefits of microblogging for companies Business intelligence and technology watch on web 2.0 technologies and innovations Business project management support for the creation of the new website of a national authority

2008 - 2009 (12 months) Annual term

President - AIESEC France AIESEC is the biggest youth driven NGO in the world (50 000 students)

Management of the executive team and implementation of a new web 2.0 portal

Management of an international team & coaching of local committee presidents Implementation & community management of a new internal social network Development of a new communication strategy based on social media: «Telling the Story 2.0 » Sales: negotiation of new national partners (+25% of turnover) Account management: Alcatel-Lucent, Microsoft, Google, Sagem, Orange & Delphi. Financial management of a budget of 100 000 €. Bids application for new grants

2007 - 2008 (10 months)

Campus Manager - Groupe Danone Groupe Danone is one of the biggest French food-products multinationals

In charge of the Recruitment and the employer branding towards students for the sales area

Sourcing of 120 interns for 4 business units and participation in the young graduate recruitments Coaching of 15 local campus managers through a collaborative working space (QuickPlace) Development of new sourcing strategies with French business schools and universities Support of the organization of the Nuit Univers-Sell 2008 (special recruitment event)

2006 - 2007

(12 months)

Annual term

Community Manager RH / Vice President Talent Management - AIESEC France HR community management for 400 members through an intranet and social networks

Design of communication recruitment strategy Conference & agenda manager of 5 national training meetings Implementation of Talent Management processes (planning, marketing, selection, induction etc.) Webmaster of the national website Creation of national newsletters and management of internal communities Coaching of 5 local committees and management of the expansion strategy

2004 – 2008 Master of Management in a Top Business School - Telecom Ecole de Management Specialized in: Strategy & e-Business. courses: strategy, web 2.0, e-Business, knowledge intelligence, project management etc.

2002 - 2004 CPGE – Prep School in Economics - Lycée Marie Curie à Sceaux Two years degree in economics - University Paris 1: Panthéon la Sorbonne

Web 2.0 tools Social networks & medias: blogs, microblogging, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook Collaborative working tools: GoogleApp, Doodle, Mindmeister, Remember the Milk etc. CMS & social Softwares: blueKiwi, Wordpress, Ning, Cube Tree, Yammer etc.

Information Technology

OS: Windows, Mac OS et Linux Ubuntu Office suite: Microsoft Office, iWorks & Open Office Webdesign & multimedia: HTML, Photoshop & Captivate


English: Fluent, TOEIC: 920 / 990 French & Portuguese: Native Spanish: Excellent in reading, speaking and understanding. Good in writing

Community Manager: of an Alumni social network intended for 20 000 members Master thesis and research on the benefits of web 2.0 for business & non profit organizations Literature: Fantasy, S.F, etc. (Murakami, Tolkien, Rowling, Herbert, Ruffin etc.) Sports: swimming and football (soccer), personal practice




Expériences 3 ans expérience, Leader, Leadersh ip, consulting , recrutement , communit y manager, communit y management, animat eur de réseaux, social med ia strateg ist , online, rédaction, b logs, N ewsletter, plateformes

communaut aires, expert facebook fan page, t witter . M arque, b randing, personal-brand ing, e-réputation, formations,

mention bien, t rès bien su ivi des cours t ypes mba strat égie, mast ère, webmarketing, e- marketing, e- commerce, seo, sem, smm, réf érencement, W eb2.0, W eb 2.0, e-Business, NTIC, Content M anagement, référencement natu rel, business

developer, e-learn ing, blended-learning, ingén ieur d'affaires, communication, Compétences, l inkedIn , xing, viadéo , bing, iphone, t witter, wordpress, blogger, cms, facebook, d reamweaver, html, photoshop , vidéo, adobe, captivat e,

langues / international TOEFL, TOEIC, Certification , europe, bil ingue, Int ernational, mu lticu lturel, autres, organisations de conférences étudiant es dans ou av ec des étudiants des écoles des commerce et d’ingénieur, ou des meil leu res

business school international H EC, ESSEC , ESC P, Polytechn iques, Centrale, telecom paris, télécom sudparis, Paris

Tech , ENSAM, IN SEAD , H arvard , U SP, Connaissances de l'entreprise : Google, Microsoft, eB ay, Amazon, PayPal, Yahoo , M SN, L inkedIn, Viadéo , H P, Apple, PwC, Alcat el-Lucent , So lucom, Orange, B ouygues Telecom, Danone, USEO,

blueKiwi, IBM, Sony, Toshiba, N intendo , Blizzard, SFR , Facebook, Cisco , Xerox, agences, web-agency, passionné par les jeux vidéos, NTIC , Psychologie, Dév eloppement Personnel, Autres, Award du membre le p lus prof essionnel

d’aiesec paris, communit y manager de la communaut é des anciens d ’aiesec france


Career Objective

Job of Community Manager Web 2.0 / HR Consultant