Resume Basics - American University of Beirut


Transcript of Resume Basics - American University of Beirut

Resume Writing Skills

• Resume Basics

• How to create a noticeable resume

• Types of Resumes

• Writing cover letters

Interview Skills

• What is a Job Interview

• Types of Interview Questions

• How to prepare for an interview

• Assessment Centers

Contact Us


Resume Basics

• A resume is a short descriptive document.

• It showcases your work experience, education, qualifications, objectives, personal qualities

and special skills.

• First impressions count so invest in your Resume.

• The resume’s main purpose is to get you an interview.

What is a Resume?

How much time will an employer spend on your resume?

Less than 30 Seconds

1. Name to be Centered at the top of the page, include your phone number

and a professional email address ( preferably Gmail) - Use 2 names, a

professional email address, one mobile number & your LinkedIn URL

2. University, expected degree and graduation date, include any

awards or recognition received –Thesis should be listed in this section as well - You can also

include work study programs in this section, scholarships given, or

team membership

3. Action verbs, facts, quantify your achievements include voluntary work, unpaid work, part time ,

Remove irrelevant info

Use 11 point font if possible, try to have a one page CV

4. Include voluntary work, unpaid work, Societies, memberships

5. Add relevant skills, mention computer & language skills


How to create a noticeable Resume?

Include a catching headline - focus on what you can

offer the employer, not on what you want from a job.

Focus on accomplishments using action verbs

Use measurable


Customize your resume

Make sure there are no grammar & formatting


Keep it brief – Max is 2 pages if you are

experienced – include a cover letter

What about your online brand?

What do employers check?

1. The type of content that you post online2. Discriminatory religion, gender or other types of comments3. Candidate bad mouthed the previous employers or colleagues4. Qualifications don’t match5. Candidate lied about a previous employer or experience6. Candidate has poor communication skills versus candidates who post too much!

According to a new CareerBuilder survey, 70 % of employers use social media to screen

candidates before hiring, which is up significantly from

How to use Social Media to your advantage?

1. Clean your social media presence – Make sure your make your Facebook page is private2. Create a LinkedIn account – Be active, share content and network3. Use latest tools such as video resumes, online portfolios to boost your CV and your online brand4. follow your target employer’s on social media – this will help you in always keeping yourself

updated with their latest news and job opportunities5. Connect with professionals, build your network

Types of Resumes


Types of Resumes

Example: Chronological Resume

Pros Easy to read Highlights work

stability Popular & familiar Works well if you

have a solid history

ConsX Hard to identify skillsX Highlights employment gap


Example: Functional Resume

Pros Focus is on

professional growth

Helps hide employment gaps

Useful for people with limited experience

ConsX Recruiter might want to know the dates of employmentX some recruiters and job borads don’t favor this type


Example: Combination Resume

Pros Includes history & skills

but doesn’t focus on history alone

Helps you highlight what makes you the best fit for the job, while still giving the employer all the information he or she wants.

Good If you wish to include voluntary work

ConsX Repetitive if similar skills apply to different positionscan be longer than other types


Other Types?

Infographic Resume

Infographic Resume Infographic resumes

include graphic design elements Unless it is specifically requested, consider it as a supplement (but always be sure to include your traditional, original version)

If you’re familiar or experienced with graphic design, your best bet is to start out with a template. Even if you don’t have access to design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, sites like Canva,, and, can be great options

An online portfolio is a great option for showcasing your talent, especially for those working in design or photography.

Your online portfolio will provide a terrific visual representation of your work. The URL of your portfolio can be linked from your LinkedIn profile, your other social media profiles, and can also be included on your traditional resume.

Online Portfolios

LinkedIn Resume

Why LinkedIn Using your LinkedIn profile as a

resume is quick and easy, because LinkedIn does all the work for you. Fill in your LinkedIn profile as completely as possible and you'll have an online resume that you can download as a PDF, print and share via email.

Most employers have access to LinkedIn & will review your profile

Make sure your profile is polished & updated

Video Resumes

Do you know that:

89% of employers revealed that they

would watch a video resume if it were

submitted to them

"The primary reason why employers would value video

resumes is the ability to assess a candidate's professional

presentation and demeanor (52%)."

According to career publisher Vault Inc.'s annual employer survey

So What is a Video Resume?

Few Examples:

Video Resume Tips

Rehearse, write a script but make it natural!Watch your video


Tell them why you are the right person for the job, experiences, skills

& passions

Video is clear, audible and can be shared

Be creative, but professional, dress


Writing Cover Letters

• A way to introduce yourself and your CV.

• Your opportunity to say why you are the right person for the job.

• A chance to talk about your skills that relate to the job that are not in your CV.

• Must be written for each job for which you are applying, you should avoid generic cover letters

What is a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter Basics

Specific & Targeted to company

Match your skills to the job


Not more than one pageUse Action Verbs

Clear, straight to the point

Discuss one point in each paragraph

It is proper business etiquette (and

shows attention to detail) to sign your

letter. ... However, if you are sending

an email cover letter and resume, a

signature isn't necessary.

Don’t forget to ask for

the interview—but keep

it brief!

Full Address, all names spelled out, No abbreviations!

Include the date.

Sample Cover Letter

How to Ace My Interview?

• You have an average of 45 minutes to pitch of “You”

• Your chance to understand more about the company’s culture and nature of work

• You will need to determine if you really wish to pursue this role or not!

What is a Job Interview?

Important notes

• Interviews are decisive

• Confident and assertive behavior are valued

• Employers look for passion & proactivity

• The interviewer’s perception of your personality is critical

Types of Interviews





On- Site Interview

How to prepare for an Interview?

Research yourself – determine your skills set Research the company – align your strengths & skills Determine location of interview – or prepare for a phone

interview Find out the names and job titles of interviewers (google them

or check out LinkedIn profiles) Prepare your attire Professional vs. business-casual (know the organization

culture) Make sure your resume is ready for further inspection Develop 5 stories that show evidence of your most marketable

and relevant skills/competencies Develop list of references to leave with interviewer, if asked Talk with personal contacts and alumni—available through

AUB Career Services- Student Affairs about the nature of their work and the organization.


Typical Interview Format

Introduction of Interviewer

Your Introduction

Interviewer questions


Standard/Traditional Questions

Targeting your education, work experiences, and career goals

• Tell me about yourself? – Presentation skills

• What is your greatest strength? Weakness? – Be specific in your weakness ex: Although I am very good

in using PowerPoint however I am not good in designing the slides.

• Why did you choose to interview with us? -motivation

• What did you like most about your last job? Least?

• What are your short and long term career goals?

Competency Based Questions

These focus on your actions and/or behaviors in a previous setting. Past behavior provides clues to

future behavior

• Describe a time you had to make a difficult decision?

• Tell me about a time you worked under a deadline?

• Tell me about a time you had to break the rules to achieve results?

• Think about a time you made a mistake. What did you learn from it?

Types of Interview Questions

How to answer questions?

1. What practical experiences are opportunities that you can use to market yourself to employers?

2. Internships 3. Previous work experience 4. Volunteering 5. courses 6. Research projects 7. Study Abroad 8. Personal projects 9. Others?

How to build my story?

During the Interview

Show passion and enthusiasm

Be alert, friendly, and courteous

Maintain good eye contact

Be positive about yourself

Be confident

Act natural and be yourself

Use specific examples or stories to illustrate your skills

Sell yourself and your strengths

Remember an interview is a formal conversation--avoid filler words like “Um”,

“Ah”, & “You know”.

Avoid indecisive phrases like: “I think,” “I guess,” “probably,” or “pretty good”.

Your turn to ask questions

Do you have any questions?

‘You mentioned that the job involved such and such a task. Could you tell me a bit more about what that entails’

‘What sort of training will I receive?’

I notice that the organization has just signed a contract to work with such and such a client. Is this something I would be likely to get involved with?’

‘What is the biggest challenge facing this department right now?’

Dress Code

• Relax, but learn from the experience-reflect on your performance and learn

from mistakes to apply to next interview experience

• Send a Thank You note – E-mail is acceptable – Written note stands out!

• Stay in pursuit - follow up with the recruiter

• Be patient

• Don’t give up!

After the Interview

Brief Overview Assessment Centers

An Assessment Center is an event where a group of participants take part in a series of

activities & exercises by the assessor to determine if they fit the job role.

Candidates performance is measured against predetermined competencies.

One of the most reliable methods of assessing candidates. Interviews, or any

other method, taken alone, may be as low as 15% accurate. However, when scores

from a number of different selection exercises are combined, assessment

centers accuracy can rise to over 60%.

Used by top employers worldwide

For any further inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us on the below:

Web Site: +961 1 350000 Ext: 3172Email: [email protected]

Drop-In Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: West Hall, Room 112 E

Thank You!

Evaluation Form