Results of Program Evaluation Rubric 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Results of Program Evaluation Rubric 2013


    Memo to: Principal and Deans

    Topic: GA DOE 2013 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

    Overall Findings

    Overall, the media center at Atlanta Heights Charter is exemplary. The media center fosters critical

    thinking skills and independent inquiry. The media specialist and the teaching staff regularly collaborate

    using the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards and the Georgia Performance Standards.

    There is also a large amount of evidence demonstrating that there is differentiating instruction taking

    place in the media center so that all students can achieve. The library technology specialist and the

    teachers also create tools, such as rubrics, self-assessments, etc to evaluate student achievement.

    It is clear that the media center plays a large role in supporting the schools reading program through

    the lessons taught, as well as silent/recreational reading that is encouraged during media connections

    time. Throughout the entire school, teachers utilize streaming video and other technology to enhance

    and support the lessons. There are print and non-print resources available to students and staff. Non-print resources can be accessed at any computer in the school.

    The schools Library Technology Specialist communicates regularly with other LTSs in NHA through

    webcasts, email, and discussion boards. NHA and the school encourage such communication, which

    enhances the LTS knowledge base. There are NHA regional meetings for additional professional

    development training outside of the regular PDs that are conducted at the school level. NHA and

    Atlanta Heights also sets out clear media center policies for all stakeholders.

    To address the items scored as basic:

    7b. The library technology specialist is employed full time but has other duties outside of the mediacenter such as laminating, using the poster maker, and repairing various technology that breaks. It

    would also be beneficial to have a part-time media clerk to help with students during check in/out and

    to help reshelf books

    8. Flexible scheduling or scheduled times throughout the day where the LTS does not have class would

    be beneficial so that students can come into the library to do research, read, or to check out books.

    13. Students need to b instruction on how to access Galileo and the purpose of using Galileo to help

    with problem solving and research.

    16. There needs to be a media committee on a local level to help with the establishment of the mediapolicy, which should be updated regularly. NHA does this on a corporate level but this does not account

    for the specific needs of AHCS.

    18. The LTS needs to be aware of the set budget for the year for media center expenditures.

    To address items scored proficient:

  • 8/13/2019 Results of Program Evaluation Rubric 2013


    6. The LTS and teachers need to use student data to drive the instruction of the media center. There is

    some evidence that this is done but not on a regular basis. This would be addressed if all of the

    teachers would work collaboratively with the LTS. Majority of teachers are working with the LTS but

    that is not enough.

    7a. The LTS is sometimes called to help out in other areas of the school, ie to fill in for a teacher whenabsent. This used to occur more frequently than it is now but this needs to be eliminated. In addition,

    the LTS is in charge of various items like laminating and using the poster maker during her planning time.

    Perhaps some other support personnel could take over those tasks for her.

    9. The space is very limited in the media center. There are no plans for expansion on the school level.

    There is adequate space for books, etc but the guided reading books should be moved to a smaller,

    unused office so that teachers can choose those books on their own time.

    15. The administrators sometimes encourage teachers to bring their classes to the media center to type

    up papers, test prep, or to do research, but there is little encouragement for teachers to collaborate

    with the LTS to plan lessons or units. The teachers and the LTS have collaborated on their own but there

    might be more teachers if it were encouraged by the administration.