
“A GIRL’S WORLD”: A Relational Aggression Presentation or 4 th and 5 th Grade Girls Annandale Terrace ES School Counselors K. Cain and F. Lieb April 2010 RESULTS


This document contains the results from the pre/post test for "A Girl's World": A Relational Aggression Presentation for 4th and 5th Grade Girls.

Transcript of Results

Page 1: Results

“A GIRL’S WORLD”: A Relational Aggression Presentation or 4th and 5th Grade Girls

Annandale Terrace ES School Counselors K. Cain and F. Lieb April 2010


Page 2: Results

4th Grade Pre-Test

Question #5: Relational Aggression is…

Correct Incorrect When someone picks on you.

4th Grade Post-Test

Question #5: Relational Aggression is…

Correct Incorrect When girls are bullies or being bullied When someone is going to be mean you

can be nice or you can leave When you pick on someone Being pretty and perfect also not the one

that is supposed to be popular like the nice ones, not the mean ones

That you have a friend and then you fight with the person

I learned that not to bully

When you bully or hurt someone, like rumors

If you see your friend being bullied defend them, don’t help the bully

Girls bully When you bully someone in your

friendship Girl Bullying (x2) When you have a fight with your friend

and they be mean You are someone’s friend and then you

bully or fight When girls are being mean an bullying Being mean How girls bully (x2)

5th Grade Pre-Test

Question #5: Relational Aggression is…

Correct Incorrect Saying Rumors and bad words Mean bad Being mean and bad

Page 3: Results

5h Grade Post-Test

Question #5: Relational Aggression is…

Correct Incorrect That you have a true friend but then you

just don’t be her friend Being a bully or not being a bully

Like don’t be her friend Because that bullying is bad Taking away your/a friend(s) (x3) When you are being mean When there are rumors Being mean and showing disrespect Girl Bullying (x16) Something that makes you do something

mean When a girl relationship is not so

good/going bad (x2) Bullying means being mean to another

student Girl Aggression Being a bully and being mean When a girl bullies through relationships When the bully is telling the friends that

they don’t need to be friends anymore

Something girls do Saying works and making rumors and

making fun of them

Is a girl’s relationship and aggression combined together

When you are being bossed around

Pre/Post-Test Question #5: “Relational Aggression is…”