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1 2 3 4 5 Restarting Lytic Gene Transcription at the Onset of 6 Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Anna R. Cliffe 1 and Angus C. Wilson 2 13 14 1. Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology, University of 15 Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22908. 16 17 2. Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New 18 York, NY 10016, USA. 19 20 21 Address correspondence to Angus Wilson, [email protected] 22 23 JVI Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 2 November 2016 J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.01419-16 Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. on March 16, 2018 by guest Downloaded from

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Restarting Lytic Gene Transcription at the Onset of 6 Herpes Simplex Virus Reactivation. 7

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11 12 Anna R. Cliffe1 and Angus C. Wilson2 13 14 1. Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology, University of 15 Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 22908. 16 17 2. Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New 18 York, NY 10016, USA. 19 20 21 Address correspondence to Angus Wilson, [email protected] 22 23

JVI Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 2 November 2016J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.01419-16Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

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ABSTRACT 24 Herpes simplex virus type (HSV) establishes a latent reservoir in neurons of 25 human peripheral nerves. In this quiescent state the viral genome persists as a 26 circular, histone-associated episome and transcription of viral lytic-cycle genes is 27 largely suppressed through epigenetic processes. Periodically latent virus 28 undergoes reactivation whereby lytic genes are activated and viral replication 29 occurs. In this GEM we review recent evidence that mechanisms governing the 30 initial transcription of lytic genes are distinct from those of de novo infection and 31 directly link reactivation to neuronal stress response pathways. We also discuss 32 evidence that lytic cycle gene expression can be uncoupled from the full 33 reactivation program, arguing for a less sharply bimodal definition of latency. 34 35

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INTRODUCTION 36 Often we think of viruses as self-serving agents that aggressively replicate to the 37 detriment of the infected cell but in truth many establish a long-term relationship 38 with their host, thereby ensuring a continuous presence and prolonged 39 transmission. Herpesviruses offer a clear example, having evolved a dedicated 40 strategy termed latency that limits the pathogenic consequences of infection and 41 avoids immune clearance. For herpes simplex virus (HSV), latency is restricted 42 to post-mitotic neurons in the peripheral nervous system (1). Latently infected 43 neurons serve as lifelong reservoirs from which infectious particles can emerge 44 (reactivate) from time to time. In some individuals repeated reactivation gives rise 45 to painful oral or genital lesions, corneal scarring, nerve inflammation, and even 46 life-threatening encephalitis. 47 48 WHAT IS LATENCY? 49 Herpesvirus latency is defined as the persistence of viral DNA in the 50 absence of infectious viral particles with the potential for these latent genomes to 51 reactivate. For HSV this refers to latency at the level of individual ganglia 52 because in reality only a fraction of individual infected neurons will reactivate, 53 even in response to a strong stimulus. The clearest molecular hallmark of HSV 54 latency is the expression of several non-coding RNAs known as the latency-55 associated transcripts (LATs). However, LAT expression also varies between 56 neurons and HSV latency can be established in the absence of LAT expression 57

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indicating that the transcripts themselves are not required for latency but do 58 contribute neuronal survival and modulate the efficiency of reactivation (2-4). 59

In the neuronal nucleus, the 150-kb double-stranded DNA HSV genome 60 exists as closed circle loaded with regularly spaced nucleosomes. Histones 61 assembled on the viral lytic gene promoters are decorated with post-translational 62 modifications associated with transcriptional repression (Fig. 1), specifically 63 histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 27 (H3K27me3) and histone H3 di- and 64 trimethylation at lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3) (5-7). Expression of the LATs is thought to 65 modify the chromatin on the viral genome to promote stable but ultimately 66 reversible silencing (8). Repressive chromatin can act as a barrier to positive-67 acting transcription factors and RNA polymerase II and silencing is augmented 68 by viral microRNAs expressed from the LAT locus that act cooperatively with the 69 neuronal miR-138 to suppress translation of key viral mRNAs (9, 10). These 70 blocks result is very reduced levels of viral antigen and prevent viral replication, 71 protecting infected neurons from both intrinsic and acquired immune defenses. 72 73 MECHANISMS OF HSV LYTIC GENE EXPRESSION DURING THE FIRST 74 PHASE OF HSV REACTIVATION ARE DISTINCT FROM DE NOVO 75 INFECTION 76 Although the endpoint of reactivation is similar to that of a de novo 77 infection, the start points are very different. When HSV infects a permissive cell it 78 delivers the viral genome together with tegument proteins that ensure high levels 79 of viral gene expression. The tegument factors include VP16, a transcriptional 80

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activator that is co-recruited with cellular transcription factors HCF-1 and Oct-81 1/POU2F1 to a VP16-response sequence found in the promoters of viral 82 immediate-early (IE) gene (11). Synthesis of the IE proteins is necessary for 83 early gene (E) expression, which in turn allow HSV DNA replication and late 84 gene (L) expression. Expression of viral genes at each stage requires both viral 85 and cellular proteins including histone demethylase enzymes that remove 86 repressive chromatin modifications deposited onto the genome immediately 87 following infection (12-15). 88 Reactivation incurs two major differences compared to de novo infection. 89 First, the viral genome is associated with a more compact chromatin structure 90 (16) and second, tegument factors such as VP16 are likely absent. Even if 91 transcription occurs, host and viral microRNAs suppress translation of stimulatory 92 viral factors such as ICP0. So how is latency is reversed and how is the switch 93 from one epigenetic state to the other linked to environmental inputs? Our recent 94 work has uncovered a conceptually simple answer in the form of two-stage 95 reactivation program initiated by a pre-existing epigenetic switch (14, 17). The 96 viral response begins with a generalized burst of HSV gene transcription – 97 termed Phase I or animation – resulting in the de novo synthesis of many viral 98 proteins including the missing tegument factors (17). This discovery came from in 99 vitro studies using primary neurons isolated from peripheral ganglia of prenatal 100 rats or postnatal mice (18, 19). In these models, reactivation can be deliberately 101 induced by interrupting signaling by neurotropic factors such as nerve growth 102

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factor (NGF), through inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), AKT, 103 mTORC1 and/or cap-dependent protein synthesis (20, 21). 104

Phase I corresponds to a transient wave of viral lytic gene transcription not 105 observed during acute infection. In Phase I, IE gene expression is not dependent 106 on the viral transactivator VP16 and the expression of both viral E and L genes 107 occurs even when viral protein synthesis is inhibited, indicating that synthesis of 108 the IE proteins is not required. Likewise, L gene expression is not affected by 109 inhibition of viral DNA replication. Similar disordered patterns of gene expression 110 occur during ex vivo reactivation triggered by axotomy in combination with 111 neurotropin deprivation (22), cementing the notion of a unique mechanism for 112 transcriptional activation from latent HSV genomes. Activation of the late VP16 113 promoter has also been found to occur independently of IE gene expression in 114 an in vivo model of HSV reactivation (23). Finally, Phase I gene expression 115 occurs in the presence of histone demethylase inhibitors (14), indicating that viral 116 transcription take places without removal of repressive histone modifications. 117 118 CO-OPTION OF A NEURONAL STRESS PATHWAY FOR PHASE I OF 119 REACTIVATION 120 At the onset of reactivation viral proteins are absent and activation of HSV 121 genes must rely on cellular activities. In the studies described above reactivation 122 was triggered by inhibiting PI3K signaling. This along with other triggers such as 123 withdrawal of trophic support, axotomy and heat shock, are known inducers of c-124 Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling. In most cells, JNKs play an important role 125

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in stress-response pathways but in neurons they also control dendritic 126 arborization and synaptic plasticity (24). In response to nerve injury, JNKs are 127 redirected through mobilization of JNK interacting proteins 3 (JIP3) and dual 128 leucine zipper kinase (DLK). This can be induced by inactivation of AKT, a 129 negative regulator of DLK, which occurs when neurotrophin signaling is 130 interrupted. Recent studies show that activation of JNK by DLK/JIP3 is required 131 for Phase I, indicating that activation of the JNK stress response can initiate HSV 132 reactivation (14). Although JNK signaling is important in HSV lytic replication 133 (25), the mechanism by which JNK functions to initiate Phase I is distinct 134 because JNK activation by DLK/JIP3 is not required during de novo infection. 135 Induction of the JNK stress response pathway results in activation of 136 multiple transcription factors that could be involved in HSV reactivation. Less 137 easily answered is how activation permits transcription of lytic genes associated 138 with histones that carry repressive lysine modifications. Although many studies 139 focusing on histone modifications use antibodies generated against individual 140 modifications, the reality is much more complex with multiple combinations of 141 histone modifications acting together to control gene expression (26). One way in 142 which gene expression can still be initiated even when histones carry repressive 143 lysine modifications is through phosphorylation on the neighboring serine 144 residue, a process known as a histone methyl/phospho switch (27, 28). This 145 switch is used during Phase I and is dependent upon JNK activity and correlated 146 with JNK recruitment to viral promoters (14). Therefore, activation of the JNK 147

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pathway results in a chromatin state permissive for transcription even though 148 repressive histone lysine modifications are maintained. 149 150 SECOND PHASE OF REACTIVATION CLOSELY RESEMBLES DE NOVO 151 INFECTION 152

Even if all latently infected neurons are exposed to the stress, only a 153 subset will undergo productive reactivation. One idea is that in the reactivating 154 population, sufficient quantities of key viral proteins are made in Phase I to cross 155 a threshold that allows a second wave of viral gene expression termed Phase II 156 or the synthesis phase, that culminates in the amplification of viral DNA and 157 production of infectious virus (17). Viral gene expression in Phase II resembles 158 the cascade of viral gene expression observed during de novo infection. 159 Expression of the L genes is dependent on viral DNA replication and the 160 stimulatory effect of VP16 is evident. As already mentioned, VP16 is recruited 161 together with host cofactors such as HCF-1 to the IE promoters and facilitates 162 the recruitment of additional chromatin remodeling and histone modifying 163 proteins (29). The requirement for VP16 in Phase II argues that chromatin 164 remodeling is critical for full reactivation. Likewise, the activities of cellular H3K27 165 demethylases (UTX/KDM6A and JMJD3/KDM6B) and the H3K9 demethylase 166 (LSD1/KDM1) are also required for the transition to full reactivation (14, 29-31). 167 Interestingly, explant reactivation, which involves significant physical trauma 168 (axotomy) to the neurons, produces new virus much faster than reactivation 169 through PI3K inhibition (32). Explant/axotomy activates multiple stress responses 170

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simultaneously (33) and this might compress the biphasic program accelerating 171 the onset of Phase II. 172 173 LATENT INFECTION IN VIVO IS DYNAMIC 174

Early studies implied that the outcome of neuronal infection is essentially 175 binary: viruses either expresses lytic mRNAs and attempt to replicate or express 176 the LATs and becomes latent (34, 35). However, new findings argue for a less 177 rigid distinction. Use of a tracing method to permanently mark neurons that have 178 expressed lytic genes revealed latently infected neurons with evidence of prior 179 lytic promoter activation (36). Likewise, low levels of lytic mRNA can be detected 180 in the ganglia of latently infected mice and a recent study found lytic mRNAs in 181 over two thirds of latently infected neurons (37). These and other observations 182 challenge the either/or view of HSV latency and raise exciting questions that will 183 direct future research. For example, are these ‘lytic’ mRNAs functional and do 184 they influence latency, neuronal survival or some aspect of reactivation? IE 185 protein ICP0 for instance, stimulates LAT expression during latency and alters 186 the chromatin composition of the latent genome (38). Lytic gene activity may also 187 be sensed by the neuron reinforcing the expression of host antiviral factors that 188 help maintain latency. 189 190 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 191

These exciting advances highlight the value of modeling HSV latency and 192 reactivation in both cultured neurons and infected animals. The cultured neuron 193

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models have shown that continuous neuronal signaling is necessary to sustain 194 the repressive chromatin state of the viral episome and expression of latency-195 associated RNAs. Importantly, this provides new ideas for how transcription 196 might be initiated from epigenetically silenced chromatin in the absence of viral 197 factors. Release from epigenetic silencing through a bivalent histone mark (the 198 methyl/phospho switch) is appealing because it directly links viral transcription to 199 neuronal stress response pathways known to induce reactivation. Host 200 transcription factors activated by the same stress pathways will also benefit from 201 the altered chromatin state through increased access to binding sites and greater 202 RNA polymerase processivity. Although these studies have focused on H3S10 203 phosphorylation, stress-associated kinases can also phosphorylate H3 serine 28 204 (H3pS28), which is immediately adjacent to H3K27me3 and represents a second 205 methyl/phospho switch, triggering gene activation from cellular promoters 206 through polycomb displacement (28). Whether this contributes to the initiation of 207 Phase I remains to be determined. 208

Clearly there has been much progress but important questions remain. 209 For instance, what limits the progression from Phase I/animation to Phase II and 210 full reactivation? What are the specific chromatin remodeling events that need to 211 occur in each step and what factors are required? How do changes in higher-212 order structure of the episome (chromatin looping) observed during reactivation 213 (39), correlate with these events? How does reactivation and chromatin silencing 214 vary between different types of neurons and between HSV-1 and HSV-2? Lastly 215 we should not forget that neurons are highly specialized cells and often use 216

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nuclear functions differently from other cell types. We have just begun to explore 217 epigenetic processes in a neuronal context, so there will doubtless be a few more 218 surprises along the way. 219

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FIGURE LEGEND 357 358 Figure 1. Stepwise reversal of host mediated epigenetic silencing of the 359 HSV latent genome. During latency, the histones associated with HSV lytic 360 promoters are enriched for epigenetic silencing modifications such as histone H3 361 trimethylation at lysine 27 (H3K27me3) and histone H3 di- and trimethylation at 362 lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3), resulting in a stable chromatin state refractory to 363 transcription by RNA polymerase II. Activation of neuronal stress response 364 pathways triggers DLK/JIP-3-mediated activation of JNK and phosphorylation of 365 histone H3 serine 10 (H3pS10) adjacent to the H3K9me2/3 mark. This dual 366 modification (the methyl-phosopho switch) displaces repressive factors and 367 renders the chromatin permissive for simultaneous transcription of the viral IE, E 368 and L gene mRNAs characteristic of Phase I (animation). Viral regulatory factors 369 such as VP16 synthesized during Phase I can then associate with the viral IE 370 promoters and recruit cellular demethylases to remove heterochromatic marks 371 along with histone acetyltransferases that promote hyperacetylation of the viral 372 chromatin. This increases the transcriptional capabilities of viral genes, achieving 373 sufficient levels to initiate HSV DNA replication and assembly of new infectious 374 particles. 375

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