Responsive Typography with Sass

Responsive Typography Using Sass to Keep Things Legible

Transcript of Responsive Typography with Sass

Responsive Typography

Using Sass to Keep Things Legible

What Is Responsive Typography?

Web Typography

• Font faces • Sizes & scale • Line height & vertical rhythm • Line length

Responsive Typography

• Changing values at breakpoints • Base font size • Scale interval • Vertical Rhythm

Why DoesResponsive Typography


How Do We MakeResponsive Typography


to the Rescue!

Map for Storing Data

• Breakpoint widths • Typography values

• Base font-size • Scale • Vertical Rhythm


$rwd-typography: ( default: ( base-font-size: 16px, vertical-rhythm: 1.414, type-scale: 1.2, min-width: null ), );


$rwd-typography: ( medium: ( base-font-size: 18px, vertical-rhythm: 1.5, type-scale: 1.414, min-width: 480px ), );


$rwd-typography: ( large: ( base-font-size: 20px, vertical-rhythm: 1.618, type-scale: 1.5, min-width: 960px ), );


$rwd-typography: ( xlarge: ( base-font-size: 24px, vertical-rhythm: 1.618, type-scale: 1.618, min-width: 1300px ) );

List for Storing Labels

• Generate multiple font-sizes on a consistent scale

• Labels to assign those sizes to


$rwd-labels: ( p, bq, sh, h, hero );

Loop through Labels

@each $label in $rwd-labels { %#{$label} { // loop through breakpoints } }

Loop through Breakpoints

@each $bp, $data in $rwd-typography { // $bp = key // $data = value: nested map // font-size: ?; // line-height: ?; }

Get Font-Size

@function rwd-get-font-size($label, $bp) { $base—font-size: map-get(map-get($rwd-typography, $bp), base-font-size); $type-scale: map-get(map-get($rwd-typography, $bp), type-scale); $return: $base-font-size; @for $i from 1 to index($rwd-labels, $label) { $return: $return * $type-scale; } @return $return; }

Get Line-Height

@function rwd-get-font-size($label, $bp) { // same as before, but new var - $font-size $font-size: X;   $vertical-rhythm: map-get(map-get($rwd-typography, $bp), vertical-rhythm); $vertical-rhythm: $base-font-size * $vertical-rhythm; $line-height: ceil($font-size / $vertical-rhythm) * $vertical-rhythm / $font-size; $return: join($font-size, $line-height); @return $return; }

Using the Values

$values: rwd-generate-font-size($label, $bp);

font-size: nth($values, 1); line-height: nth($values, 2);

Extending the Labels

body { @extend %p; }

blockquote { @extend %bq; }

h2 { @extend %sh; }

h1 { @extend %h1; }

.hero { @extend %hero; }