Responsive design in plone

High performant and maintainable Plone themes David Ichim Eau de Web Romania

Transcript of Responsive design in plone

High performant and maintainable Plone

themesDavid Ichim

Eau de WebRomania

Why do we need our theme to be performant?

Google now has more mobile search queries

Mobile trafic with various resolutions

Cost of internet around the world

It requires many different steps and skills...

How to make a performant theme?

● mobile view● tablet view● edit view● anonymous view

● size● speed● weight● power

● document ● maintain● enforce ● test

What do we need for a performant theme?

1. Cater to different aspects of the site for different users2. Measure key site sections for performance3. Keep it performant, understandable and maintainable

We need to:

1. Measure2. Optimize3. Document4. Monitor

What do we need for a performant theme?

Step 1: Measure

How to keep a theme performant

From simple tools

To intermediare tools

To advanced tools

You should aim for high scores and low loading times

Step 2: Optimize

Optimize - first steps

1. Upgrade jQuery to the latest 1.x version for a big improvement in overall page speed especially on mobile!2. needs to use a newer version as well compatible with the newer jQuery.


Easy to do by pinning the following versions:[versions] = = 1.7.0

Optimize - first steps

3. Load the development profile of in order to install jquery-migrate plugin as well

Load minimum amount of js

1. Load only jQuery within head from a cdn sistem.2. Load only jquery.domready


Load minimum amount of js<html> <head> ... <metal:topslot define-slot="top_slot" /> <metal:headslot define-slot="head_slot" /> <metal:styleslot define-slot="style_slot" /> <!-- Insert jquery only in the head --> <script src="">

</script> ... </head> ...</html>

Load minimum amount of js - alt<html> <head> ... <metal:topslot define-slot="top_slot" /> <metal:headslot define-slot="head_slot" /> <metal:styleslot define-slot="style_slot" /> <!-- Insert jquery dom ready script only in the head inlined --> <script src="”

“blob/master/jquery.documentReady.js"> </script>

... </head> ...</html>

Avoid javascript render blocking

Move the javascripts out of the head in order to avoid render blocking

Move js to the body - diazo

<!-- Copy script tags from Plone head to end of body -->

<after css:content="html head script" css:theme-children="html body" />

Move js to the body - ttw

Classic theme approach:

1. Customize Products.ResourceRegistries.browser.resourceregistries.pt2. Remove <tal:scripts replace="structure provider:plone.resourceregistries.

scripts" />

3. Customize main_template.pt4. Move <metal:javascriptslot define-slot="javascript_head_slot" /> to end of body5. Move scripts removed from to the end of the body 6. Measure performance change

<html> <head> ... </head> <body> …

<tal:scripts replace="structure provider:plone.resourceregistries.scripts" />

<metal:javascriptslot define-slot="javascript_head_slot" />


Move js to the body - ttw

Flash of unstyled content:a. Quicker loading can mean the introduction of content that

could be transformed by javascript.b.


Move js to the body - side-effects

Random javascript could break:a. Could be avoided by adding domready script to the headb.

Move js to the body - side-effects

Dealing with compression problem

1. Install

2. Enabled gzip compression and caching

3. Measure performance change both for mobile and desktop score

Dealing with resource caching

1. Inspect merged composition

2. Arrange resources in order to have a minimum number of requests

3. Remove styles or javascript the site doesn’t use

One bundle breaker

Second bundle breaker

Third bundle breaker

Empty can be removed

One bundle breaker

Second bundle breaker

Empty can be removed

Cleaned and organized resources

Score after better resource concatenation

Dealing with static content cache

1. Import caching strategy

2. Add images that should have a long cache to the strong cache policy

3. Set strong policy cache to expire in 1 year

Stable images that should be cached

Further optimizations

1. Optimize css2. Optimize javascript

Optimize css

Optimize css

Optimize css

Optimize css further reading


Optimize javascript

Optimize javascript

Optimize javascript

Step 3: Document

Document - first steps

1. Why do we need a styleguide?2. How to create a styleguide3. How to automate the styleguide4. How to maintain the styleguide


1. Why do we need a styleguide?

Why do we need a styleguide?

Why do we need a styleguide?

1. Having a living documentation of visual code2. Provide a one stop place for anyone on the team to

reference it when a design element is needed3. To provide consistency when system is made up

from several components made by different teams

We need a styleguide for:

Why do we need a styleguide?

2. Creating a styleguide

Creating a styleguide

1. Use a style guide generator - with automatic or manual templating

2. Create a manual page template as the styleguide

Automated styleguide generators

1. KSS -

2. StyleDoccu -

3. DocumentCSS -

4. Hologram -

Automated styleguide generator

1. Made with different languages requiring different technology stacks:

eg. PHP, Nodejs, Ruby

2. Only some tools will make a template out of the commented markup

3. Will not load the site css by default and you need to style the templates

4. You need to spend a lot of time to configure them with good defaults

5. They will not integrate with the site styles acting like a blackbox test

Disadvantages of automated styleguides:

Output of hologram after following readme

Manual styleguide how to

1. Use a page template that is added within site which anyone can use

2. Automate rendering of code examples

Manual styleguide how to

3. Automate the styleguide

Filament Group X-ray js plugin

1. Automatically adds pre tags with the demo markup which avoid repetition

2. Can be used with Prism.js to provide syntax highlighting for the demo code

What it does:


4. Maintain the styleguide

Maintain the styleguide

1. Make it easy to maintain by having it placed within the site with the actual site styles loading

2. Make a habit of enforcing styleguide update every time there is feature added

3. Look for ways of automating the styleguide through styleguide generators

Advice for maintaining the styleguide:

Styleguides further reading:1.


Document - more steps


Document - more steps

Step 4: Monitor

Monitor for regressions:





Automate performance tests with:

Monitor for regressions - psi:

Monitor for regressions - alt:

Final advice:

1. Measure your site performance periodically

2. Keep your styleguide up to date

3. Consider setting a performance budget

4. Focus on what matters the most to your users

Further reading:





