Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by...

Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing Many slides courtesy of Graham Moore and Cathie Martin (JIC)

Transcript of Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by...

Page 1: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported



Page 2: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported



•  Plagiarism(includingself-plagiarism)•  Redundantandduplicatepublication•  Authoromissionorghostauthorship•  Datafabricationandfalsification•  Conflictofinterest•  Animalandhumanwelfare•  Reviewerresponsibility

Page 3: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Page 4: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Lookherefor:AuthorGuidelinesandAdvice onAuthorshipDisputes

Page 5: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported



Page 6: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 7: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 8: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Forexample:•  <1%-3%match—Occurswithsmallgroupsofsimilarwordsorafewshortphrases.


•  4-7%match—Thesematchescanbesimilarsinglesentencesorasmallparagraph.Onesourceatthislevelmaynotbeanissue,butseveralsourcesatthispercentagelevelcouldsignifyanoverallproblemwiththesubmission.

•  8-15%match—Asourceinthispercentagerangeusuallyinvolvesafewmatchingparagraphs.Similarityatthislevelcouldindicateimproperlyreusedmaterial.

•  15-25%match—Thislevelofsimilarityinasinglesourcelikelyinvolvesasmuchasonefullpageofmatchingmaterial,dependingonthesizeofthesubmission.Itisimportanttocheckmatchescarefullyagainstthesource.

•  >25%match—Thislevelofsimilarityfromasinglesourceshouldraiseseriousconcernsaboutinappropriatereuse,andshouldbecheckedverycarefully.

Page 9: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 10: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported





Page 11: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

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Page 12: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 13: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  ConsultCOPErecommendationsorjournalIfA


Criteriawhichdonotqualifyforauthorship:1)  acquisitionoffunding(alone)2)  collectionofdata(alone)3)  generalsupervisionoftheresearchgroup(alone)


Page 14: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported



Page 15: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  In1996PresidentofRoyalCollegeandObstetriciansandGynaecologists

•  ProfessorandHeadofStGeorgesMedicalSchool

•  Highlydistinguishedmedicalcareer•  EditorofthemajorMedicaljournalsinhisarea

•  Willhaveaknighthoodwhenhefinishesthepresidency

Page 16: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

MalcolmPearce•  SeniorLectureratStGeorgesMedicalSchool-sameDeptofGeorgeChamberlain

•  Aworldfamousexpertonultasonographyinobstetrics•  Reportsectopicpregnancyandbabybeingborn•  Doctorshavebeentryingtodothisforacentury•  Giftauthorshipwasrifeinmedicine,particularlywithdescribingpatients

•  PearceinvitesChamberlainandanumberofjuniordoctorsintheObsandGynDeptwhowerenotinvolvedintheresearchtobeauthorsontwopapers

•  Theyaccept

Page 17: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  AnotherjuniordoctoratStGeorgesraisesquestionsabouttwopapers

•  StGeorgesinvestigates•  Thepatientsandtrialneverexisted•  FrontpageoftheDailyMailshowsapictureofGeorgeChamberlain(notMalcolmPearce)exposingthepapersasFraudulent

Page 18: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  PearcewasfiredandstruckoffbyGMC•  Thepaperswereretracted•  Allthejuniordoctorsonthepaperseffectivelyreceiveda“caution”

Page 19: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported




Page 20: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 21: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 22: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Journalpolicies(especiallythosejournalswhicharenotsocietybased)areill-formulatedandworkagainstcomplainants

•  JournalsrefercasestoCOPEguidelines•  Alternatively,journalsreferresolutiontotheinstitution(s)oftheauthors

Page 23: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 24: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 25: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Thetroublewithretractions:•  Theassumptionthatmisconductunderpinsaretraction,whichmakesauthorswaryofconsideringretractionorevencorrection

•  Thereluctanceofjournalstoconsiderretractionduetofearofextrawork,costs,litigation,etc

•  Opaquereasonsofferedbyjournalsforretractions

•  Retractedpapersliveon;correctedpapersareoftenmis-cited

•  Lackofconsistencyinjournalpractices

Page 26: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Manyscientistswouldliketoseparatetwoaspectsofretractionthatseemtohavebecometangledtogether:•  Cleaninguptheliterature•  SignallingmisconductManyretractionsarestraightforwardandhonourable

Page 27: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 28: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 29: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 30: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 31: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 32: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 33: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 34: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 35: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


Page 36: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported



Page 37: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Rulesforgelsandblots:•  Donotsplicetrackstogethereveniftheyarefromthesamegel.Separatenon-contiguouslanesclearly

•  Donotcropbandstooclosetoobscurecomplicatingbands

•  Donotremovedirtysmudgesorcomplicatingbands

•  Useappropriateloadingcontrolsfortheactualsamplesrun

•  Ifindoubt,runthegelagain!

Page 38: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Rulesforimages:•  Archiveallrawimagedatawithoutalteration•  Simpleadjustmentsapplieduniformlyareacceptable•  Croppingandresizingareacceptableunlessimportantinformationislost

•  Digitalfilteringshouldbeavoided,andifusedshouldbereportedinthelegend

•  Combinationsofimagesshouldbereportedinthefigurelegend

•  Selectivealterationofimagesisnotallowed•  Replicatesofimagedatashouldbesuppliedinsufficientnumbers

Page 39: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Manipulation and Misconduct in the Handling of Image Data

by Cathie Martin, and Mike Blatt

Plantcell Volume 25(9):3147-3148

October 28, 2013

Page 40: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Examples of Inappropriate Image Manipulation.

Cathie Martin, and Mike Blatt Plant Cell 2013;25:3147-3148

(B) Green fluorescent protein expression in the protoplasts appears roughly equivalent with little signal detectable in the control (left). Adjusting the exposure and contrast to the maximum across the image set (bottom), however, demonstrates that the images have not been processed identically. The first image is completely black, and the color balance between the second and third clearly differs when the backgrounds are compared.

(A) The gel has been cleaned up to hide a stronger band above the main band at 80 kD in the rightmost lane.

Page 41: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 42: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 43: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported




Page 44: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Tomaketheirdata/imagesmorepersuasive(akabeautification)

•  Toacceleratetimetopublicationinhighlycompetitivefields

•  Hubris;theyknowthedataarerightanddon’thavetimetorepeatorperfecttheirimages

•  Adesiretomislead–howcommonisthis?•  Intentisimportantbutlackofitcannotexcuse

Page 45: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported
Page 46: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Modernscienceofteninvolvedateamandtheissueofhowtodividecreditacrossindividualscanbesensitiveandmayleadtoconflict

•  MUSTremember:thesumoftheperceptionofeachperson’sowncontributionwillalwaysbegreaterthan1.

Page 47: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Authorsshouldhavemadesubstantialcontributionto•  Conception,design,analysis,andinterpretationofthedata•  Draftingorrevisingthemanuscriptforintellectualcontent(notjustenglishedits!)

•  Authorsshouldbereadytotakepublicresponsibilityforthecontentoftheirpapers•  Journalsoftenhaveguidelinesastowhoshouldbeauthor•  Thekeyis“intellectual”contribution•  “Technical”contributionspersedonotautomaticallywarrantauthorship,buttechnical

contributionscanberecognizedinauthorship•  Thenumberofhoursyou’vespentcollectingdatadoesnotwarrantauthorshipaswell

Page 48: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Majorsourceofmisunderstanding

•  Intellectualinputincludesdesignoftheresearchprojectandexperiments,analysisandinterpretationofdata,writingdowntheideas,concepts,interpretationandimplicationsofresearch,organizingdataforfigures,etc

•  Doesnotincludeperformanceofroutinetechnicalwork,servicetypetechnicalorconsultingwork,proofreadingofmanuscripts,etc

Page 49: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Biologyistechnicallydemandingandtechnologyplaysakeyroleinmanypublications•  Therulesforwhoshouldbeanauthorremainthesame•  However,looserstandardsareoftenusedtodefineintellectualinput(designingPCR


Page 50: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Molecularbiologypapers:firstandlastauthorsareusuallyviewedasthemostimportant•  Nodefinitiverules•  Behonestinyourassessmentofthecontributionsofthevariousauthors•  Becarefulwhatyouaskfor(whatgoesaroundcomesaround)•  Explorealternativessuchassharedco-authorships(careerstage)•  Discusswithothercolleaguesinaconstructivemanner•  FuturePI:tryyourbesttobeconsistentandfair

Page 51: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Authors’ contributions DC, DS and CU wrote the manuscript; VS, SK, JD contributed corrections and suggestions; DC, DM, DS performed the bioinformatic analysis; VS conducted the wet-lab experiments; RB and XC conducted pathology tests on PST isolates; DC, DS, CU analyzed the data; DC, VS, SK, JD, DS, CU conceived and designed the experiments. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Page 52: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Whendiscussingauthorshipsithelpstodefinetheexactcontributionyoumadetotheworkbeingpublished.

•  Manyjournalsnowallowlistingofauthorcontributions•  Thisisbecomingincreasinglyimportantasitdetailstheexactcontributionandhelps


Page 53: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported

Page 54: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


C.U. and J.B. conceived and designed the project; J.M.C. and E.R.J. designed and performed experiments; I.R.-R. carried out the bioavailability assays; all authors analyzed and interpreted data; J.M.C. and J.B. cowrote the article with contributions from the other authors.

Authors’ contributions JB designed the research, performed RNA extractions, analysed the data, performed statistical analyses and wrote the manuscript; JS coordinated the field trials and developed the germplasm used in this study; CU designed the research and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author contribution statement JS developed the tetraploid and hexaploid backcross populations used in this study, analysed the data and wrote the manuscript; PS led the phenotypic assessments, and provided assistance with field trial preparation and glasshouse husbandry; JB conducted the developmental time course, qRT-PCR analysis and analysed the data; TCM conducted the TILLING screen of TaGW2-A1 and identified the G2373A mutant allele; MB conducted the cDNA sequencing of gw2-A1; AdB and JD conducted the field trials in Davis; CU conceived the study, analysed the data and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Page 55: Responsible conduct in research: scientific publishing · Most scientific research is funded by public monies. There is therefore the expectation that the work be conducted and reported


•  Correspondingauthormusthaveapprovalfromallauthorsbeforesubmission•  Contributeasmuchasyoucantoimprovingdraftsofthepaper(nofreerides!)•  Ifyoudon’tthenyoudeservetoberemovedfromthelistofauthorsevenifyoudidalot


•  Discussion