Resource Usage Porting Guide - Teradata

Teradata Vantage™ Resource Usage Porting Guide Release 16.20 March 2019 B035-1183-162K DOCS.TERADATA.COM

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Teradata Vantage™ Resource Usage Porting Guide

Release 16.20

March 2019


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Teradata Vantage Resource Usage Porting Guide – Release 16.20

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Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................ 4

Chapter 2 ResUsage Changes .............................................................. 5 2.1 Used Spare Fields Converted ...................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Removed Fields ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Renamed Fields ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Reformatted NodeID Fields ......................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Changed Reserved Fields ............................................................................................................ 7 2.6 Added New Fields ....................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 Added New Table ...................................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Updated ResUsage Views ......................................................................................................... 11 2.9 Updated ResUsage Macros ........................................................................................................ 12 2.10 Field Changes by Tables............................................................................................................ 13

2.10.1 Spma Table ............................................................................................................13 2.10.2 Scpu Table .............................................................................................................14 2.10.3 Sldv Table ..............................................................................................................14 2.10.4 Svpr Table ..............................................................................................................14 2.10.5 Shst Table...............................................................................................................15 2.10.6 Spdsk Table ............................................................................................................15 2.10.7 Svdsk Table ............................................................................................................16 2.10.8 Sawt Table .............................................................................................................16 2.10.9 Sps Table ................................................................................................................17 2.10.10 Smhm Table ...........................................................................................................18 2.10.11 Ipma Table .............................................................................................................19 2.10.12 Ivpr Table ...............................................................................................................19

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Chapter 1 Introduction

Teradata Vantage™ is our flagship analytic platform offering, which evolved from our industry-leading Teradata® Database. Until references in content are updated to reflect this change, the term Teradata Database is synonymous with Teradata Vantage.

Teradata NewSQL Engine is the core of Teradata Vantage, based on our best-of-breed Teradata Database processing capability. NewSQL refers to the ability to run advanced analytic functions beyond that of standard SQL.

1.1 Resource Sampling Subsystem Changes This document describes the Teradata Database 16.20 Resource Sampling Subsystem (RSS) changes that affect users of the Resource Usage (ResUsage) tables. The ResUsage table changes affect every ResUsage table. These changes involve the addition of new fields, renaming of existing fields, reformat of existing fields, the removal of obsolete fields, the addition of new fields in existing tables, and the addition of a new ResUsageSmhm table. All major releases of Teradata have ResUsage field changes because changes are not allowed at other times. ResUsage views and macros affected by the table changes are also updated accordingly.

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Chapter 2 ResUsage Changes

2.1 Used Spare Fields Converted Spare fields that were used in Teradata Database 15.xx have been changed to permanent fields in Teradata Database 16.x. New fields are added and views are updated where the Spare fields were mapped to the final names. Refer to Teradata Vantage™ Resource Usage Macros and Tables, B035-1099, for a description of the fields.

Table Release 15.x name Release 16.x name Shst Spare02 hstid (64-bit field) Sawt Spare02 UnReservedAwtPoolSize

2.2 Removed Fields Some fields that are no longer supported or deemed useless were removed from the tables. Table Removed column reason Sps

WorkMsgReceiveDelayCntMax Deemed useless. AGId SLES 10 specific. No longer supported on td16.0+. RelWgt SLES 10 specific. No longer supported on td16.0+. IOBlks SLES 10 specific. No longer supported on td16.0+. ProcBlksCpuLimit SLES 10 specific. No longer supported on td16.0+. ProcWaitCpuLimit SLES 10 specific. No longer supported on td16.0+.

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2.3 Renamed Fields Some fields were renamed to make the names less confusing or more intuitive to the user. Below are the renamed fields. Table Old name New name ALL PM_CPU_COD PM_COD_CPU

WM_CPU_COD WM_COD_CPU Spma, Spdsk, Svdsk, Sldv, Sps, Ipma PM_IO_COD PM_COD_IO

WM_IO_COD WM_COD_IO Sawt AwtLimit AWTsConfigured

2.4 Reformatted NodeID Fields The NodeID field format was changed from 3-digit cabinet number and 2-digit module number to 4-digits each.

• The value format was changed from CCCMM to CCCCMMMM where the C’s represent the cabinet number and the M’s represent the module number.

• The display format has changed from ZZ9-99 to ZZZ9-9999. Table Column Name 15.x value

format 15.x display format

16.x value format

16.x display format


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2.5 Changed Reserved Fields The following reserved house-keeping fields have been added: Table Column Name Data Type Spma, Ipma

Resverved0 CHAR(1) Resverved1 CHAR(5) Resverved2 CHAR(8)

Sldv Resverved0 CHAR(1) Resverved1 CHAR(4) Resverved2 CHAR(8)

Shst Resverved2 CHAR(4) Spdsk Resverved0 CHAR(8) The following reserved house-keeping fields are removed: Table Column Name Sldv Reserved Sps Resverved2 The following reserved house-keeping fields changed: Table Column Name Data Type What is changed Spdsk Reserved CHAR(1) changed from CHAR(3) Svdsk Reserved CHAR(1) changed from CHAR(3) Sps Reserved CHAR(3) changed from CHAR(2)

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2.6 Added New Fields New fields have been added due to new features in 16.x. Refer to Teradata Vantage™ Resource Usage Macros and Tables, B035-1099, for a description of the fields. Table Column Name Mode Internal type Database type ALL CabinetID n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER

ModuleID n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER Spma TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT

SegMaxAvailMB TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegInuseMB TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegCacheMB TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLAlloc COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLFree COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLRelease COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLRecycle COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLAllocKB COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLFreeKB COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLReleaseKB COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLRecycleKB COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT RTCpuTime COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT RTTasksMax MAX 32-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheInUseKB TRACK 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheTotalKB TRACK 64-bit Integer FLOAT

Sldv TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT Spdsk TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT

DiskCacheReadCnt COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheWriteCnt COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheReadHitCnt COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheWriteHitCnt COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheFillCnt COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheInUseKB TRACK 64-bit Integer FLOAT DiskCacheTotalKB TRACK 64-bit Integer FLOAT

Svdsk TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT Sps TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT

RTBoostCount COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT RTCpuTime COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT RTTasksMax MAX 32-bit Integer FLOAT WorkTypeAWTExhausted[00-15] COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT

Sawt AvailableForWork00 TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT AvailableForWork08 TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT AvailableForWork00Min MIN 32-bit integer FLOAT AvailableForWork08Min MIN 32-bit integer FLOAT WorkTypeAWTExhausted[00-15] COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceReactiveCnt TRACK 32-bit integer FLOAT SpaceReactiveWaitTime COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT

Svpr FileCompDBs_HW COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT FileUnCompDBs_HW COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceProactiveAllocs COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceGroupAllocs COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceMsgsCnt COUNT 32-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceAllocated COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT SpaceDeallocated COUNT 64-bit Integer FLOAT

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Table Column Name Mode Internal type Database type Ipma TIER_FACTOR n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT

SegMDLAlloc[00-08] COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLFree[00-08] COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLRelease[00-08] COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

SegMDLRecycle[00-08] COUNT 32-bit integer FLOAT

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2.7 Added New Table A new ResUsage table, SMHM, is added to support the MHM map level statistics. The corresponding view, ResSmhmView, is also added. Refer to Teradata Vantage™ Resource Usage Macros and Tables, B035-1099, for a description of the fields. Column Name Mode Internal Type Database Type

House-keeping Columns TheDate n/a 32-bit integer DATE NodeID n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER TheTime n/a double FLOAT GmtTime n/a double FLOAT CabinetID n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER ModuleID n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER NodeType n/a char[8] CHAR(8) TheTimestamp n/a 64-bit integer BIGINT CentiSecs n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER Secs n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT NominalSecs n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT NCPUs n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT AMPcount n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT MapSlot n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT MapKind n/a 8-bit integer BYTEINT vprid n/a 32-bit integer INTEGER VprType n/a char[4] CHAR(4) SummaryFlag n/a char[1] CHAR(1) Reserved[00-03] n/a 16-bit integer SMALLINT

Statistics Columns Active max 32-bit integer FLOAT CPUUServ count 32-bit integer FLOAT CPUUExec count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]Acqs count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]AcqReads count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]Pres count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]PreReads count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]DyRRels count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]FWrites count 32-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]AcqKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]AcqReadKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]PresKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]PreReadKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]DyRRelKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT File[seg]FWriteKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT VHLogicalDBRead count 64-bit integer FLOAT VHLogicalDBReadKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT VHPhysicalDBRead count 64-bit integer FLOAT VHPhysicalDBReadKB count 64-bit integer FLOAT Spare[00-19] count 64-bit integer FLOAT SpareInt count 32-bit integer FLOAT

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2.8 Updated ResUsage Views All views contain all the fields in the source table in addition to any combining of fields or other math resulting in new fields. This allows the view to be the primary interface to the ResUsage data rather than the ResUsage tables themselves. Any corrections to any fields in the view can be made without affecting the table, and you do not need to change any reports to pick up the corrected field. Views can be modified without sysinit/tableinit operations. The views for Release 16.x were updated to be in sync with the updates made to the ResUsage tables. In addition, some aliases were renamed or removed. Renamed aliases: View Old Name New Name All CPU_COD Combined_COD_CPU Spma, Spdsk, Svdsk, Sldv, Sps, Ipma IO_COD Combined_COD_IO Sawt WorkTypeInuse WorkTypeInuseTotal Removed Alias: View Removed alias Notes Sps WorkTypeInuseMax Deemed useless.

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2.9 Updated ResUsage Macros Some ResUsage macros use Node ID as input parameters to select the data for the desired node or nodes, and display the Node ID in the macro execution. For these macros, the Node ID parameter type has been extended from CHAR(6) to CHAR(9) (from 'CCC-MM' to 'CCCC-MMMM') to accommodate the new Node ID format of 4-digit cabinet number and 4-digit module number. Below are the affected macros:

Macros ResCPUByAMP























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2.10 Field Changes by Tables This section identifies all the RSS field changes between Teradata Database 15.xx and Teradata Database 16.xx.

2.10.1 Spma Table Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Resverved0 new Data type = CHAR(1) Resverved1 new Data type = CHAR(5) Resverved2 new Data type = CHAR(8)

Statistics SegMaxAvailMB new Mode = TRACK SegInuseMB new Mode = TRACK SegCacheMB new Mode = TRACK SegMDLAlloc new Mode = COUNT SegMDLFree new Mode = COUNT SegMDLRelease new Mode = COUNT SegMDLRecycle new Mode = COUNT SegMDLAllocKB new Mode = COUNT SegMDLFreeKB new Mode = COUNT SegMDLReleaseKB new Mode = COUNT SegMDLRecycleKB new Mode = COUNT RTCpuTime new Mode = COUNT RTTasksMax new Mode = MAX DiskCacheInUseKB new Mode = TRACK DiskCacheTotalKB new Mode = TRACK

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2.10.2 Scpu Table Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER

2.10.3 Sldv Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Resverved0 new Data type = CHAR(1) Resverved1 new Data type = CHAR(4) Resverved2 new Data type = CHAR(8) Reserved removed

2.10.4 Svpr Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER

Statistics FileCompDBs_HW new Mode = COUNT FileUnCompDBs_HW new Mode = COUNT SpaceProactiveAllocs new Mode = COUNT SpaceGroupAllocs new Mode = COUNT SpaceMsgsCnt new Mode = COUNT SpaceAllocated new Mode = COUNT SpaceDeallocated new Mode = COUNT

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2.10.5 Shst Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER hstid changed Data type changed to BIGINT from INTEGER.

Conversion of Spare02 to permanent field. Resverved2 new Data type = CHAR(4)

2.10.6 Spdsk Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Resverved0 new Data type = CHAR(8) Reserved changed Data type changed to CHAR(1) from CHAR(3)

Statistics DiskCacheReadCnt new Mode = COUNT DiskCacheWriteCnt new Mode = COUNT DiskCacheReadHitCnt new Mode = COUNT DiskCacheWriteHitCnt new Mode = COUNT DiskCacheFillCnt new Mode = COUNT DiskCacheInUseKB new Mode = TRACK DiskCacheTotalKB new Mode = TRACK

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2.10.7 Svdsk Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Reserved changed Data type changed to CHAR(1) from CHAR(3)

2.10.8 Sawt Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM

from CCCMM. Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99.

CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER

Statistics UnReservedAwtPoolSize added Mode = CONST Conversion of Spare02 to permanent field.

AWTsConfigured renamed Renamed from AwtLimit. AvailableForWork00 new Mode = TRACK AvailableForWork08 new Mode = TRACK AvailableForWork00Min new Mode = MIN AvailableForWork08Min new Mode = MIN WorkTypeAWTExhausted[00-15] new Mode = COUNT SpaceReactiveCnt new Mode = TRACK SpaceReactiveWaitTime new Mode = COUNT

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2.10.9 Sps Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM

from CCCMM. Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99.

CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Reserved changed Data type changed to CHAR(3) from

CHAR(2) Reserved2 removed

Statistics RTBoostCount new Mode = COUNT RTCpuTime new Mode = COUNT RTTasksMax new Mode = MAX WorkTypeAWTExhausted[00-15] new Mode = COUNT WorkMsgReceiveDelayCntMax removed AGId removed RelWgt removed IOBlks removed ProcBlksCpuLimit removed ProcWaitCpuLimit removed

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2.10.10 Smhm Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping TheDate new Data type = DATE

NodeID new Data type = INTEGER TheTime new Data type = FLOAT GmtTime new Data type = FLOAT CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER NodeType new Data type = CHAR(8) TheTimestamp new Data type = BIGINT CentiSecs new Data type = INTEGER Secs new Data type = SMALLINT NominalSecs new Data type = SMALLINT NCPUs new Data type = SMALLINT AMPcount new Data type = SMALLINT MapSlot new Data type = SMALLINT MapKind new Data type = BYTEINT vprid new Data type = INTEGER VprType new Data type = CHAR(4) SummaryFlag new Data type = CHAR(1) Reserved[00-03] new Data type = SMALLINT

Statistics Active new Mode = MAX CPUUServ new Mode = COUNT CPUUExec new Mode = COUNT File[seg]Acqs new Mode = COUNT File[seg]AcqReads new Mode = COUNT File[seg]Pres new Mode = COUNT File[seg]PreReads new Mode = COUNT File[seg]DyRRels new Mode = COUNT File[seg]FWrites new Mode = COUNT File[seg]AcqKB new Mode = COUNT File[seg]AcqReadKB new Mode = COUNT File[seg]PresKB new Mode = COUNT File[seg]PreReadKB new Mode = COUNT File[seg]DyRRelKB new Mode = COUNT File[seg]FWriteKB new Mode = COUNT VHLogicalDBRead new Mode = COUNT VHLogicalDBReadKB new Mode = COUNT VHPhysicalDBRead new Mode = COUNT VHPhysicalDBReadKB new Mode = COUNT Spare[00-19] new Mode = COUNT SpareInt new Mode = COUNT

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2.10.11 Ipma Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

PM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from PM_IO_COD. WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. WM_COD_IO renamed Renamed from WM_IO_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER TIER_FACTOR new Data type = SMALLINT Resverved0 new Data type = CHAR(1) Resverved1 new Data type = CHAR(5) Resverved2 new Data type = CHAR(8)

Statistics SegMDLAlloc[00-08] new Mode = COUNT SegMDLFree[00-08] new Mode = COUNT SegMDLRelease[00-08] new Mode = COUNT SegMDLRecycle[00-08] new Mode = COUNT

2.10.12 Ivpr Table

Category Column Change Notes House-keeping PM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from PM_CPU_COD.

WM_COD_CPU renamed Renamed from WM_CPU_COD. NodeID reformatted Value format changed to CCCCMMMM from CCCMM.

Display format changed to ZZZ9-9999 from ZZ9-99. CabinetID new Data type = INTEGER ModuleID new Data type = INTEGER

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Appendix A: Glossary

ResUsage Database tables that contain RSS data that has been logged during system operation. Also may refer to the SQL macros that can be used to view the ResUsage data.

RSS Resource Sampling Subsystem collects performance related data for hardware and software involved in the operation of the database.