RESMET2 Tips for Qualitative Research


tips for qualitative research

Transcript of RESMET2Tips

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RESMET2Tips for Qualitative Research

1. Pick a topic that is interesting to you

2. Create a timeline

3. Prepare for the interviewInformed ConsentCHARGED phone/recorderScriptFind a good location

4. Ask the rightquestions .Ask open-ended questions

Kinds of Questions Follow-up questionsUsed to encourage expansion of ideas deemed most relevant to the research questionsUsed to elaborate on themes, clarify conceptsE.g. What do you mean by? Can you tell me more about. Can you give more detail?Tips for asking questions Tips for interviewing:Do not ask leading questions. Make sure people are free to give their own, honest answers.

Do not use emotional, loaded, or biased language.

Make sure your questions are clear and easy to understand only use technical or academic language if you are sure your interviewee will understand what you mean

Use encouragers.

5. Probe Probes are standardizes ways to get more depth and detail Probes should be short and simple to avoid breaking the interviewees focusFor continuation: Then what happened?For elaboration: Can you give me an example?For steering the conversation: You mentioned thatProbingThe key to successful interviewing is learning how to probe effectively that is, to stimulate an informant to produce more information without injecting yourself so much into the interaction that you only get a reflection of yourself in the data (Bernard, 1995).

Enjoy& Goodluck!