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    Resistivity and IP modelling of an anisotropic bodylocated in an isotropic environment1

    L. Eskola2

    and H. Hongisto2


    A solution based on Tabarovskiis coupled pair of surface integral equations is given for

    the potential of a direct current flowing in an electrically anisotropic body and within

    the enclosing isotropic surroundings. The sources of the secondary potential exterior

    and interior to the body are fictitious surface charge distributions. The equations are

    solved numerically using point matching with pulse functions as subsectional basis

    functions. The model used in the applications is a long prism, excited by long line

    current electrodes aligned parallel to the strike. The strike length is set at a length

    sufficient to guarantee 2D behaviour of the model.

    Comparisons of computation results indicate that for the models, electrode arrays

    and numerical procedures applied, the solutions based on fictitious surface sources

    converge faster and behave more regularly than those based on real surface charges.

    When compared with previously published integral equation solutions, the present

    solution seems to be relatively efficient, even in the case of purely isotropic models. The

    model experiments also showed that at moderate resistivity contrasts, the anomaly

    shapes are strongly dependent on the directions of the principal axes of the body

    resistivity. However, when the external resistivity is more than 100 times that of the

    geometric mean of the principal resistivities in the body, with the principal resistivities

    differing from each other by at most one order of magnitude, the contribution of the

    anisotropy to the anomaly diminishes as a result of electrical saturation.


    The behaviour of conductivity and IP anomalies of an isotropic polarizable conductor

    within an isotropic environment as a function of model parameters is well known from

    numerical modelling results. However, mineralized formations often have a laminated

    structure that makes them electrically anisotropic. The bulk resistivity and polariz-

    ability of an anisotropic body depend on the direction of consideration in relation to the

    principal axes of resistivity and polarizability, so that the number of electrical

    parameters controlling the anomalies is three times that of isotropic bodies. A current

    flowing transversely to the lamination alternately encounters highly conductive mineral

    1997 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 127

    Geophysical Prospecting, 1997, 45, 127139

    1 Received September 1995, revision accepted March 1996.2

    Geological Survey of Finland, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland.

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    laminae and purely conductive barren layers. The transverse polarizability of the body

    may be strong due to the cumulative effect of surface polarizable lamellar interfaces,

    whereas the bulk conductivity is not necessarily very high. Conversely, strong bulk

    conductivity may exist parallel to the laminae, due to the high longitudinal

    conductance of individual laminae, while the bulk polarizability may remain low,since the polarizable interfaces are predominantly orientated parallel to the current


    Numerous methods have been published for solving electromagnetic and direct

    current problems of isotropic models, based on both differential and integral equation

    techniques. Due to the subject of this work we are mainly concerned with surface

    integral equations applied to d.c. problems. Daniels (1977) applied surface integral

    equations with real surface charges as secondary sources for modelling resistivity and

    IP anomalies of 3D bodies with buried electrodes. Soininen (1985) used this technique

    to model resistivity and IP anomalies of inclined prisms in a two-layered earth. Le

    Masne and Poirmeur (1988) considered the behaviour of resistivity and IP anomalies

    of 3D bodies for a hole-to-surface method. Eloranta (1986a) based his resistivity and

    mise-a-la-masse modelling on surface integral equations with fictitious double sources.Xu, Gao and Zhao (1988) applied this technique to 3D terrain modelling associated

    with resistivity surveys. Doherty (1988) gave a coupled set of surface integral

    equations for modelling electromagnetic anomalies. The secondary sources for the

    electric and magnetic fields were represented by tangential electric and magnetic

    sources distributed on the surface of the anomalous body.

    Integral equation modelling of anisotropic anomalous bodies has received less

    attention in the published literature. This is partly due to the fact that formulation of an

    integral equation solution for an anisotropic body is conceptually difficult. For

    example, a surface charge generated on an anisotropic body is associated with volume

    charges in the body (Eskola 1988), which renders the formulation of surface integral

    equations using real physical surface charges as secondary sources inappropriate for

    modelling anisotropic bodies. The differences between the real and fictitious surfacesources of anisotropic models are also considered by Eskola (1992, pp. 8393).

    Eloranta (1988) modelled mise-a-la-masse anomalies of a perfect conductor in an

    anisotropic earth. Xiong et al. (1986) calculated IP and electromagnetic anomalies of

    an isotropic 3D body in a uniaxially anisotropic two-layer earth using a volume integral


    Based on the work of Tabarovskii (1977), we present a coupled pair of surface

    integral equations for a model consisting of an anisotropic body located in an isotropic

    half-space. Model results are computed for some very simple truncated 2D models.

    The convergence of the numerical solution as a function of boundary element density

    is tested by comparing results obtained for some isotropic models using the equations

    given in this work and those obtained with the equations given by Soininen (1985).

    Some models are also computed in order to consider the effect of anisotropy onapparent resistivity and IP anomalies. The 2D model is used in the present applications

    for computational ease and accuracy. In particular this enables testing of the

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    convergence of numerical solutions up to quite high boundary element densities along

    the cross-sectional line of the prism surface.

    Integral equation solution

    Consider an electrically anisotropic body Vi located in an isotropic environment Ve.

    The subscripts i and e refer to the interior and exterior regions, respectively. In body Vi,

    the resistivity is represented by the tensor with components ra,rb,rcin the directions

    of the principal axes a, b, c. In Ve, the body is bounded by isotropic resistivity re.

    In Ve, the electric potential Uesatisfies Poissons equation


    Ue reIdR Rp; 1

    where d is the Dirac delta function, R is the calculation point and I is the current

    emitted into the earth at point Rp.

    In Vi, the potentialUi satisfies Laplaces equation

    1 r1riUi 0; 2

    wherer i is the geometric mean of the principal resistivities, given by

    ri rarbrc1=3

    : 3

    Ue and Ui are required to be regular at infinity. When Ve is a half-space, the normal

    component of current density is zero on the earthair interface, i.e.

    r1e Ue 1 n 0: 4

    Boundary conditions also require that the potential and the normal component of

    current density are continuous across boundary Sbetween Vi and Ve, so that

    Ue Ui 5

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    Figure 1.The truncated 2D models used in the examples. Line dipole-dipole array with varying

    transmitterreceiver separation. The arrows in the small squares show the direction of layering;

    empty squares denote isotropy.

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    r1e Ue 1 n r1

    Ui 1 n: 6

    Following the procedure given by Tabarovskii (1977), we take Ue and Ui as being

    generated by fictitious sourcesje andji distributed on surface S, thus

    Ue Up re


    GejedS0 7

    130 L. Eskola and H. Hongisto

    1997 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 45, 127139

    Figure 2. Apparent resistivity and frequency effect of isotropic model A1 as the solution of (a)

    fictitious sources and (b) real sources. Line dipole-dipole array with n 15, re=ri 10,

    FE 0:2. Boundary element density varies.

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    Ui ri


    Giji dS0; 8

    whereUp is the primary potential. By analogy with (1) and (2), Greens functions GeandGi are made to satisfy the equations


    Ge dR R0 9

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    Figure 2. Continued.

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    1 r1riGi dR R0: 10

    In accordance with (4), the normal derivative of Ge must be zero on the earthair

    interface, which gives the solution

    Ge 1=4pjR R0j 1=4pjR R00j; 11

    whereR00is the image of point R0in the earthair interface. The exterior region Vecan

    also be more complicated, and correspondingly Greens functionGe then also becomes

    more complicated. For example, ifVeis a layered space, then the solution of (9) must

    satisfy continuity of the potential and the normal component of current density across

    each layer boundary.

    In Vi, Greens function Gi satisfies the regularity condition at infinity but no other

    boundary conditions, which yields the solution to (10) in the form

    Gi 1=4pr=riR R0 1 R R01=2

    : 12

    In the system of principal axes a, b, c, (12) takes the form

    Gi 1=4paaa02




    ; 13

    wherea ra=ri, b rb=ri, g rc=ri.

    132 L. Eskola and H. Hongisto

    1997 European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting, 45, 127139

    Figure 3. Apparent resistivity and frequency effect of isotropic model A1 as the solution of (a)

    fictitious sources and (b) real sources. Line dipole-dipole array with n 15, re=ri 100,

    FE 0:2.

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    In order to solve for the source densities jeandji, we form two integral equations by

    substituting the integral formulae (7) and (8) in the boundary conditions (5) and (6).

    After moving the calculation point R on to the surface S and removing the singular

    points R R0 from the integrals, we obtain the following two coupled surface integral


    Up re


    Geje dS0 ri


    Giji dS0 14


    r1e Up 1 n


    Ge 1 njedS0 je=2 ri



    Gi 1 nji dS0 ji=2: 15

    The integrals in (15) are considered as the principal values. After solving the set of

    equations (14) and (15) forje andji, the potentialsUeandUican be calculated at any

    arbitrary point within the regions of definition Ve and Vi using (7) and (8).

    Model experimentsIntegral equations (14) and (15) are solved numerically using the method of

    subsections with pulse functions as basis functions. In more practical terms, the

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    Figure 3. Continued.

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    surfaceSis divided into boundary elements, for each of which the source densities jeand ji are assumed to be constant. Requiring that (14) and (15) be satisfied in the

    centre of each boundary element, the unknown source densities can be solved by a

    linear set of algebraic equations. A detailed treatment concerning the principles of

    numerical solution of integral equations is given, for example, by Harrington (1968).

    The IP anomaly is modelled as the apparent frequency effect FEAaccording to the


    FEA rArk1FEk=rArk 1; 16

    where rA is the apparent resistivity, which is a function of the resistivity in the

    environment and of the k components of resistivity, rk, and frequency effect, FEk, in

    the body, with k a, b, cdenoting the principal axes of anisotropy.

    The test model (Fig. 1) used in numerical examples is a truncated 2D prism with a

    square-shaped cross-section, and the principal axes of resistivity in the prism are

    aligned parallel to the prism edges. The electrode array is a line dipole-dipole array

    moving perpendicular to the strike of the body, with length and orientation of theelectrodes coinciding with those of the prism. The strike length used in computations is

    200 times the side length of the cross-sectional square, which was shown by test

    134 L. Eskola and H. Hongisto

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    Figure 4. Apparent resistivity and frequency effect of model A2. Line dipole-dipole array with

    n 15. re=rk 22, re=r 2:2, re=ri 10, and re=rk 217, re=r 22, re=ri 100.

    FEk 0:2 for all k a,b,c.

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    computations to guarantee the two-dimensional behaviour of the model up to a

    resistivity contrast of 100.

    Numerical results obtained for some isotropic models using (14) and (15) (referred

    to below as the solution of the fictitious sources) are compared with the results obtainedusing the equations given by Soininen (1985) (referred to as the solution of the real

    sources). The body surface is divided homogeneously into boundary elements having

    the length of the strike. The element densities are chosen so that the solutions to be

    compared with each other have equal numbers of unknowns in discretized integral

    equations. In the case of fictitious sources, the number of unknowns is twice the

    number of boundary elements.

    Figure 2 and 3 show resistivity and IP anomalies of isotropic model A1 (see Fig. 1)

    atn values 1 5 (spacing between the inner transmitter and receiver electrodes in dipole

    lengths) and resistivity contrast 10 and 100, computed using 20, 40 and 400 boundary

    elements for the fictitious sources, and 40, 80 and 800 boundary elements for the real

    sources. The computations were performed using a 100 MHz 486 PC with 20 MB

    memory. For both source types, the computation time of a series of five curves with thehighest number of boundary elements was 45 minutes. The results corresponding to

    eachn value are represented as separate curves.

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    Figure 5. Apparent resistivity and frequency effect of model A3. Line dipole-dipole array with

    n 15. Resistivities andFEk as in Fig. 4.

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    The anomaly curves obtained from the fictitious sources show faster convergence

    with growing element density than those obtained from the real sources. The solutions

    of the fictitious sources obtained using 400 elements also show a reasonable reciprocity

    of the anomaly curves. In general, the element density needed to achieve satisfactory

    convergence of the results for the applied 2D models turns out to be rather high.Considerable difficulties in obtaining satisfactory convergence occur in the case of real

    sources, as shown by Figs 2b and 3b, in which acceptable results are found only for the

    resistivity anomaly at a resistivity contrast of 10 and when computed using the highest

    number, 800, of boundary elements. This is particularly true when the current earthing

    is close to the body.

    The effect of resistivity contrast on the anomalies is best considered by comparing

    the curves of Figs 2a and 3a when solved using 400 elements. A central high develops in

    the apparent resistivity curves with increasing n, which is a feature reflected in the IP

    anomaly as a central low. The IP anomaly intensity decreases strongly with increase of

    the resistivity contrast from 10 to 100, which is an expression of electrical saturation of

    the model, and is in qualitative agreement with the results obtained for 3D models

    (Soininen 1985; Eloranta 1986b). In a saturated state it is not possible to get muchmore current inside the body, and therefore the IP effect is weak. However, the

    intensity of the IP anomaly is still significant at a resistivity contrast of 100 (Fig. 3a),

    136 L. Eskola and H. Hongisto

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    Figure 6. Apparent resistivity and frequency effect of (a) model B1 and (b) model B2. Line

    dipole-dipole array with n 15. Resistivities and FEk as in Fig. 4.

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    which may indicate that the saturation in 2D models develops at higher resistivity

    contrasts than in 3D models.

    Figure 4 shows resistivity and IP anomalies of the horizontally layered model A2 at

    resistivity contrasts re=ri of 10 and 100, computed using 400 elements, while Fig. 5

    shows the corresponding anomalies of the vertically layered model A3. r i is now thegeometric mean of the principal resistivities in the prism. The anomalies of the

    corresponding isotropic models are shown by the lowest curves in Figs 2a and 3a. The

    isotropic case represents an intermediate form between the two layered cases, both as a

    model and also with respect to their anomalies. At a resistivity contrast of 10, the

    resistivity and IP anomalies of the horizontally and vertically layered models differ

    considerably from one another. At a contrast of 100, however, the resistivity anomalies

    of the models with mutually perpendicular layering, and also the anomaly of the

    isotropic model with the same resistivity contrast, are very similar to each other

    with respect to both shape and intensity. The shapes of IP anomalies of these three

    models at resistivity contrast 100 differ from each other but considerably less than

    at resistivity contrast 10. The decrease in IP anomaly intensity and the increase in

    similarity of anomalies associated with different anisotropy following the increase inresistivity contrast from 10 to 100 is a consequence of electrical saturation in the


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    Figure 6. Continued.

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    Figure 6a shows resistivity and IP anomalies for the isotropic model B1 and Fig. 6b

    shows the anomalies for the anisotropic model B2, both at resistivity contrasts of 10

    and 100. At a resistivity contrast of 10, the anomalies of the isotropic and anisotropic

    bodies again differ considerably from one another, principally in the strong asymmetry

    caused by anisotropy. The deepest minimum in the resistivity anomaly is located abovethe upper right-hand face of the prism, which coincides with the lower principal

    resistivity of the prism. Compared to the resistivity anomalies, the asymmetry of the IP

    anomalies shows complementary behaviour. At resistivity contrast 100, the resistivity

    anomalies of the isotropic and anisotropic bodies are almost similar, and the difference

    between corresponding IP anomalies appears as a weak asymmetry in the anomaly of

    the anisotropic model, which is again due to the effect of electrical saturation.


    We have derived a coupled pair of integral equations for fictitious surface sources for

    modelling resistivity and IP anomalies of an anisotropic body located in an isotropic

    environment. The solution was originally formulated by Tabarovskii (1977) for solvingdirect current problems for a model consisting of an anisotropic body located in an

    anisotropic full-space. The computer code was written at this first stage for a truncated

    2D model, in which the anomalous body is represented by a long rectangular prism

    with the principal axes of resistivity being aligned parallel to the prism edges. The

    numerical solution was made using point matching with pulse functions as the

    subsectional basis functions. The electrode configuration applied was a line dipole-

    dipole array.

    Comparison runs for isotropic models indicate that for the models, electrode arrays

    and numerical procedures applied in the present experiments, the solutions based on

    fictitious sources converge faster and behave more regularly than the solutions based

    on real surface charge distributions. Although originally formulated for anisotropic

    problems, the technique seems to compare favourably in efficiency with other integralequation formulations for solving direct current problems, including the case of

    isotropic models.

    At moderate resistivity contrasts between the model and its environment, the

    anomaly shapes are strongly influenced by the direction of the principal axes of

    anisotropy. However, when resistivity in the environment exceeds 100 times the

    geometric mean of the principal resistivities in the body, and when at the same time the

    contrast between the principal resistivities is not very high (in the applications in this

    workr=rk 10, the influence of anisotropy on the anomaly weakens as a result of

    electrical saturation taking place in the model.

    ReferencesDaniels J.J. 1977. Three-dimensional resistivity and induced-polarization modeling using buried

    electrodes. Geophysics 42, 10061019.

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