Resistance Exercise Chapter 6

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Transcript of Resistance Exercise Chapter 6

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6



    Fateh Muhammad

    Senior Physiotherapist, AFIRM

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Muscle Performance

    Capacity of muscle to do work

    Force x Distance

    Influenced by all of the body system 3 Elements of Muscle Performance are:

    i. Strength

    ii. Power

    iii. endurance

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Resistance Exercise:

    Any form of active exercise in which dynamic or staticmuscle contraction is resisted by an outside forceapplied manually or mechanically.

    Also referred as resistance training

    Essential element of rehab pgm for persons withimpaired function

    An integral component of conditioning pgm for thosewho wish to promote or maintain health and physicalwell being

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    STRENGTH:Ability of contractile tissue to produce tension

    Specifically muscle strength is the greatest

    measureable force that can be exerted by a muscle ormuscle group to overcome resistance during a singlemaximum effort.

    Functional strentghn refers to the neuromuscular

    system to produce reduce or control forces duringfunctional activity in a smoth coardinated manner.

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Strength training :

    Strength training : it is defined as a systemicprocedure of a muscle or a muscle group lifting ,lowering , or controlling heavy loads(resistance) for arelatively low no of repetition or over a short period oftime.

    Most common adaptation to heavy resistance exercise

    which result in increase in muscle strength :A. neural adaptation

    B. increase muscle fiber size.

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Power Power: muscle power is defined as work per unit time

    Strength x speed of movement.

    Strength= force x distance. Power = force x distance/time.

    Power training

    Power can be enhance by increasing the work ordecreasing the time.

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6



    Refers to the low intensity, repetitive ,or sustained activitiesover a prolong period of time.

    Cardiopulmonary endurance (total body endurance)

    Muscle endurance (local endurance) ENDURANCE TRAININING:

    It is characterized by having a muscle contract and lift orlower a light load for many repetition or sustained a muscle

    contraction for the extended period of time. Adaptations:

    due to increase in their oxidative and metabolic capacitieswhich allows better delivery and use of oxygen.

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Overload principle If muscle performance is to improved, a load that

    exceed the metabolic capacity of muscle , must beapplied that is the muscle must be challenged toperform at a level greater than that to which it isaccustomed.

    Application of principle

    Strength training program Endurance program.

  • 7/31/2019 Resistance Exercise Chapter 6


    Said principle.

    (specific adaptation to imposed demand)

    Specificity of training

    Transfer of training