RESIDENT-CENTERED COMMUNITY BUILDING - Aspen Institute · Connecting Communities Learning Exchange...

Connecting Communities Learning Exchange Roundtable on Community Change R RESIDENT-CENTERED COMMUNITY BUILDING What Makes It Different? San Diego, California June 2012 A Resident-to-Resident Learning Exchange

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Connecting Communities Learning Exchange

Roundtable on Community ChangeR


What Makes It Different?

San Diego, California • June 2012

A Resident-to-Resident Learning Exchange

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This is the first report that I have ever read that really

feels ‘community friendly’ and that communicates what

we do as community builders.

— Roque Barros, San Diego

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In June 2012, forty-one leaders of community

building efforts came together to share

strategies and discuss lessons they have

learned about how to improve conditions

in disadvantaged communities. While

gatherings like these happen regularly, this

one was unusual: it was designed by and for

community residents. Some of the participants

were volunteer resident activists, while others

were employed as locally embedded change

agents, community organizers, or staff of local

agencies and organizations. Most of them

played multiple and overlapping roles in their

communities, but they all had in common

a deep connection and commitment to the

communities in which they were active.

The meeting had three main objectives.

The first was for the participants to share

their experiences, learn from each other,

and celebrate one another’s efforts and

accomplishments. The second was to build

a sense of community and common purpose

among the participants, and to remind them

that they’re not alone as they engage in the

important work of community building. The

third was to capture the collective wisdom

of these community builders in order to share

it with other actors in the field of community

change. This report aims to fulfill that third


This report summarizes community builders’

lessons, conclusions, and suggestions for

future work. It identifies a set of ingredients

that are needed for effective resident-centered

community building but does not offer

a recipe for putting them together because

each community has its own unique history,

conditions, capacities, and potential. Rather,

the themes introduced here are the basic

building blocks that experienced community

builders have learned are essential for

community work to succeed. It also provides

guiding principles for those who support

resident-centered community change efforts.

Hearing the resident voice firsthand is rare.

The Jacobs Center for Neighborhood

Innovation and the Aspen Institute Roundtable

on Community Change were honored to co-

convene a meeting that was designed to draw

out and amplify the resident voice. We thank

the participants in the meeting for sharing their

time and wisdom so generously, and we hope

that they feel that their voices are accurately

represented here. A complete list of all the

participants in the national learning exchange

appears at the end of this report (see page 24).



1. Community builders’ lessons, conclusions, and suggestions for future work

2. The building blocks that are essential for effective, resident-centered community building work

3. Guiding principles for individuals and organizations who support community change efforts

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There has to be follow-through. Too many groups come through

our neighborhoods and gain our trust, and then don’t do

what they say they’re going to do. Promises are made and not

delivered on. This creates distrust in the future. When everyone

else—the funders, the private investors — has gone away, the

community is still there. —Valerie Joiner, Austin

When in doubt, start something. You don’t know what will

be valuable when you start. But if you don’t start, you’ll

lose opportunities. It’s key that residents actually produce

or DO something together.

—Kathy Szenda Wilson, Battle Creek

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In low- and moderate-income communities

across the United States, there are many public

and nonprofit organizations working on various

aspects of neighborhood improvement. Most

of them operate as stand-alone entities that

deliver social services, build houses, enforce

regulations, and the like. They are staffed

by professionals such as social workers,

community organizers, foundation officers,

or public servants. The best of them adopt

a “community building” orientation, which

is to say that they work hard to become part

of the institutional and social fabric of the


A core principle of a community-building

approach to neighborhood change is that

residents should be engaged in the work

of improving their own communities: their

knowledge of the neighborhood should

undergird the work; their opinions and

judgment should inform decisions; and their

energy and commitment should be harnessed.

The ways in which residents are engaged

can vary dramatically, however. Too often,

their engagement is token: resident leaders

are consulted to represent the “resident

perspective” on the work that government

officials, foundations, experts, and practitioners

embark on for the residents’ benefit. It is

not unusual for residents to be brought

in well after the basic outlines of the work

are already set.

The Cornerstone: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

When residents are genuinely at the center

of community building, a different process

unfolds. Relationships become the centerpiece

of the work. This is because for residents

community building is personal — it’s about

their children, their families, their homes, their

neighbors, and their streets. It is about making

their day-to-day lives better in real time.


You may try to keep to yourselves as adults,

but kids are already out there building

a community within themselves.

— Lisa Miller, Tacoma

What Makes It Different?


In resident-centered community building, three types of relationships must be built and maintained:

1. Relationships Between Residents These are one-on-one, personal

relationships among neighbors.

2. Relationships Between Residents and Neighborhood Institutions

These are residents’ relationships with people who work in institutions that affect their daily lives, such as schools and police departments.

3. Relationships Between Residents and Community Change Agents

These are residents’ relationships with individuals and institutions that are leading community improvement efforts, sometimes from inside the neighborhood as locally embedded change agents and sometimes from the outside as funders, intermediaries, or public servants.

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of neighborly relationships.

Neighborhoods with a lot of

trusting social relationships are

high in “social capital,” which

has been correlated with a

pleasant, safe, and nurturing


Relationships begin with person-

to-person connections, when

neighbors greet each other

every day, share food together,

or knock on each other’s doors.

They can start spontaneously,

as when neighbors meet at the

playground, laundromat, or

grocery store. Relationships are

also forged through intentional

activities designed to bring

people together such as block

clubs, community gardens, and

cultural celebrations. Effective

leaders of resident-centered

community building make

these connections themselves,

encourage others to make

them, and create opportunities

for neighbors to meet each

other and connect. The key is

bridging differences and finding

common ground, common

interests, and a sense of mutual

self-benefit. Getting to know

people as individuals also helps

to overcome stereotypes and

stigmas and build trust.

Collective action: relationships can spark community engagement and lead to collective action

Once relationships have been

forged, people may join together

to solve problems or take action

on behalf of the community.

Neighbors are more likely to help

each other out or work together

on behalf of the neighborhood if

they feel a personal connection

to each other. As a result of this

affinity, they have deeper ties to

the community and care more

about improving it. They might

realize that they are all facing the

same problems and that if they

join forces they have a greater

ability to solve them.

As relationships build and trust

grows among neighbors, so do

the opportunities for people to

take action together. As people

work together, the bonds of

friendship expand, deepen,

and strengthen. Therefore,

relationship building and

collective community action are

mutually reinforcing activities.

Relationships for their own sake, or as a means to an end?

It is tempting to see all

relationship building as an

activity that is done in the

service of something else,

such as community action and

improvement. People who

feel a sense of urgency about

the conditions in distressed

communities, including

professionals whose lives are

devoted to improving outcomes

To build relationships, you must open your heart to others as

human beings. Do that by engaging in conversations in which

each of you tells stories about yourself. Those stories can bring

out commonalities. Once you find you have a commonality

with somebody else, you can broaden the conversation and

start to discuss what you are interested in doing.

— Eva Bowen, Tacoma

1. Relationships Between Residents

Resident-centered community

change work is, first and

foremost, about building

personal relationships

among people who live in the

neighborhood. There are two

reasons why relationships are

the core of resident-centered

community building: mutual

support and collective action.

Mutual support: relationships are supportive, and they build a sense of community

Neighbors develop friendships,

share information that is

useful, and help each other out.

Individuals and families can get

social and emotional rewards

as well as practical support out

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for low-income children and

families, are especially anxious

for newly forged relationships

to lead quickly to improved

outcomes that can be seen

and felt.

Resident-centered community

building is more patient. It

recognizes that people have

multiple motives for most things

that they do. People might

engage in community-building

activities because their friends

do it and it’s fun, or because

there’s a problem that needs

solving, or because they have

high aspirations for what their

community could become.

A number of men in my

community were hanging out

with nothing to do. I asked why

they weren’t helping in the

community. They responded,

‘No one asked us.’

— Phillis Tigue-Judkins, Detroit

lead immediately and directly

to more strategic community

improvement activities. Instead,

they value social interaction,

emotional support, informal

information exchange, recreation

and fun, and neighborliness.

Those are legitimate and

important outcomes. In resident-

centered community building,

relationships can be ends

in themselves.

This is particularly true in low-

income neighborhoods where

people move frequently, there

is a lot of crime, and many

different cultural groups live side

by side. In those neighborhoods,

relationships don’t necessarily

happen spontaneously: busy

working parents have little free

time, distrust can weaken social

ties, and people can feel isolated

from their neighbors. Therefore,

any activity that introduces

people to one another, links

them up, and creates friendships

and trust is good in and of itself.

It does not need to lead to

anything else.

2. Relationships Between Residents and Neighborhood Institutions

Residents benefit from having

personal connections not only

with each other but also with

the staff of the organizations

and institutions that work in

their communities and affect

their lives on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, there is a history

of poor relationships between

community residents and local

institutions: public agencies

Community building leaders

offer a caution: not all

relationships have to lead to

community action and tangible

outcomes. Resident-centered

community building considers

new relationships a success

in their own right. For sure,

there is a hope that the social

capital and trust created through

these relationships might

have a bigger payoff down

the road — that they might be

tapped for broader community-

change work. But residents do

not judge the work a failure

if those relationships don’t

I don’t go for the easy-to-reach residents. I’m not comfortable

when the same people are always participating in activities.

I go for new people, those whose doors have not been

knocked on yet, and I want them to be engaged.

—Jezamil Vega-Skeels, Milwaukee

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supports for their students,

police will know the youth in

the neighborhood by name, and

housing authorities will know

the family circumstances of their


Residents are aware that

aligning with the interests of

an institution requires keen

political skills. Doing research,

gathering information, and

developing a power analysis

are invaluable. When resident

leaders understand the multiple

ways that neighborhood

organizations, local institutions,

and city officials are connected

and who is in a position

to influence behavior or

policy, they can develop and

leverage relationships to the

community’s advantage. So,

for example, when line staff are

not addressing a problem—

or indeed when they are the

have been bureaucratic and

slow-moving; schools have been

unresponsive to parents’ wishes;

police have instituted aggressive

stop-and-frisk policies that

have swept up many of the

neighborhood youth; and so on.

These relationships are often

strained by differences between

the racial composition of the

staff of these institutions and

the communities they serve.

Resident-centered development

aims to create more of a win-

win situation in the relationships

between residents and the line

staff in public and community

institutions — with, for example,

teachers in schools, police on

foot patrol, building managers

in public housing—because

they are the people community

members interact with every

day. Institutional interests are

also served if staff members

make an effort to develop

relationships with residents:

school administrators will know

what to suggest in after-school

The city listens when there is

a shared self-interest. When

the community isn’t engaged,

it makes it harder for the city

to be engaged.

—Kristy Clemons, Minneapolis

problem—residents might

need to go over their heads to

middle or upper management.

Sometimes this works and

sometimes it backfires. Knowing

when and how to engage public

and community organizations,

and knowing whom to reach

out to and whom not to reach

out to is a sophisticated

relationship-building skill that

savvy community builders

bring to resident-centered

development. Like all resident-

led work, these efforts require

finding connections and building

relationships on a person-to-

person level.

3. Relationships Between Residents and Community Change Agents

Every community has a history

of local improvement efforts;

there is no such thing as a clean

slate in the community-building

world. Unfortunately, from the

neighborhood perspective, too

much of that history is negative:

it’s about abandonment,

disrespect, token efforts, and

broken promises. Too often

external entities with money but

little accountability or connection

Establishing a connection with the police captain helped to

get other officers involved in developing better relationships

with residents. We had to learn the police ranks so we knew

who to call when there was a problem, without undermining

the relationships between the officers and their superiors.

It’s tricky to maintain all these relationships, but it’s important

to get everyone involved.

— Danny Gutierrez, San Diego

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to the community came in with

their own agendas and left when

they didn’t get the results they

wanted in the time frame they

set for themselves. They left

behind a legacy of distrust that

continues to poison relationships

and must be overcome if new

change agents are to work

effectively with residents. This

distrust may be exacerbated

when there is a perception

that a predominantly white

organization is imposing its

agenda on a community of color.

The most basic point is being genuine

in what you are doing. People can tell.

It’s not about being smart, connected,

or funded. It is about being genuine.

— Jeremy Andrews, Battle Creek

When working with a big

institution, enter by saying,

‘You need us, the residents.’

— Niesha Bryant-Williams, San Francisco

As a nonprofit working in the community, we need to

be invited in as well as to invite. We need to show that

we are there for the long haul, and overcome the lack

of trust. We need to be consistent and accountable.

— Jacqueline Kennedy, Brooklyn

ways to connect to it rather than

expecting that the community

should learn about and adapt

to the outsiders’ agenda. This

is true whether the change

agent is a community organizer,

a nonprofit working in the

community, a public agency,

a foundation, a police officer,

a school principal, or even a

community resident taking up

a leadership challenge.

Communities and outside

change agents have both learned

that these relationships work

best when they are organized

around mutual self-interest.

Finding areas of mutual benefit

requires honesty and integrity

on all sides. The external

change agent must be up-

front about what is motivating

the work, what outcomes

are expected, and the nature

of the institutional, political,

and financial relationship.

Community residents are

extremely savvy about

detecting tokenism, naïveté,

and doubletalk in people’s

intentions when they embark

on community efforts. For their

part, community residents need

to be clear about what their

true interests are, what they are

willing to sign on to, and how

they want to invest their time

and energy.

When there is a power

imbalance — as there inevitably

is between funders and

communities — these honest

conversations are hard to have.

Community leaders want and

need the resources that a funder

can bring, but they understand

that funders have their own

agendas and that funds are likely

to come with strings attached.

At the same time, funders need

genuine partnerships with

communities if their work is to

succeed. The most experienced

community builders prefer to

address the power dilemma

head-on, and the most respected

funders rise to this challenge.

Resident-centered community

building aims to establish a

new way of doing business

by creating effective working

relationships between the

community and “agents of

change” who want to assist

the community. A prerequisite

for outside change agents is

to understand that the onus

is on them to learn about the

community and find meaningful

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Having multiple generations involved together can be a

very powerful thing. Youth become motivated through the

stories of seniors. Our youth came up with a campaign

called ‘Take a Child to the Polls’ based on what they learned

from the seniors about the benefit of having watched their

parents vote.

— Susana Amanza, Austin

Community building is like making a Lego house. You have to have

all the pieces, and you can’t just throw them together. You have to

build it in such a way that it creates a structure that sustains. The way

you do that is through creating networks, and the way you create

networks is through building relationships with people one at a time.

The architecture was planned from the very beginning: creating all

those tiny little relationships created that building.

—Brett Lipshutz, Milwaukee

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Relationships are the cornerstone of

resident-centered community building. Once

that cornerstone is laid, four building blocks

anchor community change efforts in the

reality of residents’ lives while also providing

a platform that allows the work to grow and

build vibrant, healthy communities over time.

I have more luck with young people.

They are ready to go, to talk together,

to dream, and to act. They are leaders

at the group level. They have lots of cool

ideas and energy. It’s a matter of giving

them space and letting them go.

— Jeremy Andrews, Battle Creek

First find out what people are working

on. Meet people where they are. Go to

community or PTA meetings and find

out what is going on.

— Rosalind Magwood, Brooklyn

way” is a common refrain. Most people will

become involved because they care about

a particular issue, especially one that affects

their family and friends directly. Community

builders must create multiple entry points

for people to participate and multiple ways

for them to stay involved.

Find people’s passion: Some people become

active because they care passionately about

particular issues like neighborhood safety,

cleanliness, exercise opportunities, potholes,

or gardens. Youth are often most easily

engaged through sports activities and

performance arts (swim and gym, boxing,

baseball, theater, music, and dance). Parents

often get involved because they are concerned

about their children’s well-being, so family-

oriented activities can be a great way to reach

adults. Seniors might become motivated

by safety concerns, recreational activities,

and community meal sharing.

Meet people where they are: Existing

community gathering spots and events are

the best place to reach out to community

members. Change agents who want to

embark on community building must first

understand what is happening in the

community and what people care about.

To do this, they need to go to where people

are naturally congregating, listen to what


The Four Building Blocks


1. Create multiple ways for people to engage and contribute

2. Build trust and capacity

3. Communicate often and in many ways

4. Build the foundations for long-term work

BUILDING BLOCK 1: Create multiple ways for people to engage and contribute

Resident-centered community building aims

to engage as many people as possible in

the community improvement process. But

communities are made up of people with

a wide range of interests, talents, and time.

“Not everyone can be reached in the same

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and holiday events are venues

for reaching out to diverse

groups. Political campaign

events in the neighborhood

are also moments when local

residents can be inspired to

come out and express their


Be flexible about how people

participate: Most residents

get involved by participating

in a community activity or

project. Some are willing to

attend planning or governance

meetings; others find meetings

a turnoff and would prefer to

do a defined project. Some

residents have a lot of time to

give on a regular basis. Others

may participate only once or

very sporadically. People need

to feel that they can adapt

their participation as their life

circumstances and interests

change, and as their energy for

community work ebbs and flows.

Being able to choose among

an array of activities or tasks

helps to keep people energized

and involved over the long term

and accommodates different

levels and styles of engagement.

Skillful community builders will

divide the work into multiple,

discrete tasks to fit individual

talents and capacities and allow

for different leadership styles.

Whatever the work or project or program is, if it doesn’t come

from what the residents want and desire and need, it’s never

going to stick. It will be just a Band-Aid that covers over a wound

without any healing going on underneath.

—Andala Duong, Tacoma

residents have to say, and build

relationships. This can happen

in informal meeting spots, such

as a home or a playground

or a church basement or a

barbershop, or at more formal,

regularly scheduled community

events such as PTA or block

association meetings.

Create spaces, places, and

reasons for people to come

together: Some communities

do not have a rich tradition of

spaces, places, or events where

a broad array of residents can

come together. Opportunities

can be created to bring people

out and create new relationships,

such as community cleanups,

block watches, and child-

focused activities. Seasonal

Respect people’s time: Resident-

centered community building

relies on voluntary engagement

and work. In any neighborhood,

residents have hectic and full

lives with little spare time

for taking on community

obligations. In low-income

neighborhoods, where parents

might be working more than

one job and have few family

supports, this is especially true.

Not everyone has to be involved

all the time: people should be

invited to meetings or projects

strategically. Meetings should

only be called when they’re

necessary, and they must be

well run. People are more

likely to stay engaged if they

feel respected in the process;

wasting people’s time is a sign

of disrespect that can be easily


Make it fun and easy to

participate: Community building

may take work, but it is easy

to add in some fun. This is

especially important because

so much of the effort relies on

volunteers who are donating

their time. Youth in particular

need to feel an activity is

“cool” if they are to participate.

Providing food and child care

makes it easier for people to

come to events and meetings

BUILDING BLOCK 1Create multiple ways for people to engage and contribute

F Find people’s passion

F Meet people where they are

F Create spaces, places, and reasons for people to come together

F Be flexible about how people particpate

F Respect people’s time

F Make it fun and easy to participate

F Make efforts to reach the hard- to-reach

Not everyone has to be involved

all of the time. Let people go at

their own pace.

—Macedonio Arteaga, San Diego

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and is another way of honoring

the effort they are making. One

thing that everyone agrees on:

food will bring people out to

events, and really good food will

bring out even more people.

Make efforts to reach the hard-

to-reach: Multiple entry points

and flexibility of roles can help

to ensure that a community

building effort goes beyond the

usual suspects and includes

those who are hardest to reach.

For example, senior citizens

and others who are less mobile

can be asked to undertake

activities that don’t require them

to leave their homes. Seniors

also enjoy opportunities to

cross generational boundaries

and work with youths. Special

efforts are needed to reach

new immigrants who have no

natural connections to others

in the community, marginalized

youth who might otherwise

feel unwelcome, and higher-

income gentrifiers. In diverse

communities, learning about

other cultures and religions can

help bridge differences, identify

common interests and concerns,

and draw people out.

BUILDING BLOCK 2: Build trust and capacity

Resident-centered community

building is, first and foremost,

about creating a foundation

for ongoing voluntary

engagement of many residents

in neighborhood improvement.

This requires developing trusting

relationships and building

community capacity.

Start wherever the energy lies:

There is no “best” first activity.

Instead, community builders

take their cue from where there

is energy in the neighborhood—

which can be positive around

One important principle is to

provide food and child care

at events and meetings.

—Roanae Kent, San Francisco

an opportunity, or negative in

response to a problem or threat.

They act entrepreneurially when

an opportunity arises, when a

leader takes initiative, or when

a nascent group takes its first

step, and build momentum

from there.

BUILDING BLOCK 2Build trust and capacity

F Start wherever the energy lies

F Don’t be afraid to start small

F Build capacity not dependency

F Look for opportunities to broaden and deepen the work

F Be accountable to the community – it’s key to building trust

F Take into account the historical factors that have undermined capacity and trust

Don’t be afraid to start small:

Starting small means launching

and delivering on a project or an

activity that provides immediate

benefit to some group in the

community. This gives visibility

to a new undertaking. Starting

small does not mean that

the goals for change can’t be

ambitious but, rather, that the

first steps should match the

possibilities and constraints in

the community and be quickly


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Build capacity not dependency:

Starting small also makes it

easier to establish a way of

working that prioritizes building

local capacity as the work

proceeds, which is core to

resident-centered community

work. By not aiming too high too

quickly, the work is less likely to

depend on ideas, people, and

Offer community groups small grants to do their own projects.

Walk them through the application and be sure to take out all

the jargon. When groups are working on similar things, bring

them together to help them build coalitions.

—Lefaua Leilua, San Diego

a playground, community

builders need to identify the root

causes of those problems and

develop strategies for working

on them. As community-level

work bumps up against problems

in the way that city agencies

or other institutions operate,

for example, a systems reform

strategy may be necessary.

Larger ventures around physical

revitalization, economic

development, or political

activism may be necessary also.

Be accountable to the

community — it’s the key to

building trust: Credibility and

legitimacy— both centerpieces

of resident-centered community

change work—are built one

accomplishment at a time. In the

end, accountability is key. Low-

income communities have heard

many promises that haven’t been

honored. They have been the

momentary focus of attention

during a political campaign

or when a tragedy devastates

a neighborhood. They have

watched as selfish community

leaders jumped into the spotlight

and pushed for splashy but

short-term projects. They have

seen the fickleness of funders

searching for the next new thing.

Trust is key to effective working

relationships. Nothing builds

trust better than delivering on


F Community gardens

F Walking group

F Youth job fair

F School lunches with special community guests

F Arts event

F Zumba classes

F Block watch

F Youth survey of the neighborhood

F Neighborhood cleanup

F Painting boarded-up houses

F Building a pocket park

money from the outside, and

more likely to build on resources

that exist within the community.

As the work succeeds, it builds

capacity. As capacity is built,

a larger change agenda can

emerge out of the experience

on the ground and be taken

up by the community.

Look for opportunities to

broaden and deepen the

work: Although residents

are encouraged to look for

small wins as a starting point,

ambitious goals for community

building should always be on

the table. Community builders

need to take care not to become

too distracted by or satisfied

with small steps. Even when

a neighborhood has been

successful in turning a boarded-

up house into a shelter or a

crime-ridden vacant block into

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a promise and being accountable

to the community, especially

over the long term.

Take into account the historical

factors that have undermined

capacity and trust: Most of the

neighborhoods that are the

focus of community building

work have been weakened by

years of underinvestment due

to structural economic factors,

racialized policies and practices,

and disempowerment. Building

trust between a community and

outside change agents requires

acknowledging the historical

roots of today’s problems and

the ways in which they continue

to influence current community

conditions. In places where

there are longstanding racial

and power imbalances, it

is critical to deal directly

and openly with the history,

understand the constraints it

places on current work, and

seek ways to compensate for it.

BUILDING BLOCK 3: Communicate often and in many ways

Real, open, and empowering

communication is required

for effective resident-centered

community building. It’s critical

to motivating, mobilizing,

connecting, collaborating,

accomplishing, informing, and

celebrating. Communication is

also key to accountability and

trust building: All decisions and

actions must be transparent and

reported back to the community.

There is no such thing as

overcommunicating. People

have so many demands on

their attention that hearing

about something just once

doesn’t mean that they will

remember it, internalize it, or

think through the implications

for themselves. This means that

communications strategies must

be intentional and built into

every step along the way.

Listen to the community:

Listening well is the key to

good communication. Too often,

community change work has

been led by people who enter

a community with good ideas,

energy, and commitment and

then begin their work. Anxious

to hear from the community,

they might embark on listening

We have many languages and cultures in our community and

regularly do translations of all meetings. We employ different

media and messages to communicate what we know and do, and

more importantly what the residents want to know and do with

us. We emphasize building on strengths and assets, and finding

out what people can contribute rather than what they need.

—Marquise Roberson-Bester, Seattle

Our community has

Cambodian, Filipino, and

Latino members. Even if our

ability is limited, we try talking

to them in their language to

get them engaged.

—Kelly Nhim, Long Beach

BUILDING BLOCK 3Communicate often and in many ways

F Listen to the community

F Develop a deliberate communications plan

F Choose the most effective messengers

F Think creatively about informal and personal communication opportunities

F Translate everything

F Avoid jargon

F Communicate to audiences outside of the neighborhood

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tours, conduct surveys, or hold a

series of meetings. This is a start,

but it’s not enough. Resident-

centered community building

requires more organic, ongoing,

and genuine communication.

Listening to the community

is not a one-time activity that

takes place at the beginning

of a community building effort.

It is an ongoing process.

Develop a deliberate

communications plan: Having

a communications plan that

focuses on informing residents

about the progress that is being

made is as important as having

a program plan that identifies

concrete projects to carry out.

Most community building efforts

hold open community meetings

where issues can be surfaced,

plans can be debated, results

can be reported in “brief-backs,”

and leaders can be asked to

explain their actions. Most

also keep residents informed

by distributing newsletters

or other printed materials.

Increasingly, email, social

media, and websites are being

used as communication tools.

Leaders caution, however, that

those methods may not reach

the elderly, new immigrants,

and individuals without stable

jobs or housing: Specialized

communications strategies are

required for those populations.

Choose the most effective

messengers: Messengers

must be trusted in order for

the message to be heard and

believed. This means that the

community planner or project

manager may not be the best

messenger even if s/he has the

most detailed information about

the work. Resident leaders who

When we started we didn’t

know the power we had.

It took us a few years to

learn, but when we did,

we began taking action.

—Phillis Tigue-Judkins, Detroit

have a track record in working

for the community are often the

go-to people for reaching out

to other residents, but some

caution that they might have

baggage and be suspected of

having their own agenda. Peers

are best positioned to talk to one

another, so a good strategy is to

have a range of communicators

with messages that are tailored

to their peer group: youth,

elderly, religious groups, and

ethnic groups.

Think creatively about informal

and personal communication

opportunities: Communication

vehicles don’t have to be big

and formal. Informal personal

connections are sometimes the

most powerful. One community

leader actually goes to the door

of her neighbors and physically

helps them get to community

events. Some neighborhoods

work with barbers and

beauticians to communicate

important community messages.

Translate everything: Low-

income neighborhoods are

often the receiving communities

for new immigrants who are

not comfortable with or able

to communicate in English.

Language barriers can inhibit

participation, whereas having

all of the languages in the

community represented at

the table can build inclusivity.

Meetings should have

interpreters. Written materials

should be translated into all of

the community’s languages.

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Translation does not have to be

a costly venture if leaders utilize

the language skills of community

residents, including the youth.

Avoid jargon: Professionals who

work in distressed communities

often aren’t aware of how much

specialized terminology has

crept into their conversations.

While technical jargon can serve

as a convenient shorthand for

funders and professionals in

community work, it can alienate

residents. The communicator

must speak in the language of

the listeners. Understanding the

cultural nuances in language

and embracing the ways people

communicate can build trust.

Communicate to audiences

outside of the neighborhood:

A communications strategy

needs to relay what is going on

in the neighborhood to outside

audiences. Communities need

to create relationships with

the local media, government

officials, leaders in other

neighborhoods, and advocates.

Press coverage is powerful.

When residents have the skills

and tools to communicate

regularly with local press, they

can build visibility, engagement,

and momentum across

neighborhoods, organizations,

and institutions.

BUILDING BLOCK 4: Build the foundations for long-term work

Creating healthy and vibrant

communities is a long-term

process. While short-term

victories are possible and

desirable, large-scale sustained

change will take time. All the

relationships, capacities, trust,

and accountability mechanisms

already discussed need to

endure and grow. Other

elements that are required in

order for community building

efforts to have long-term impact

are described below.

Set goals, but be prepared

to adapt to changing

circumstances: Neighborhoods

are in a constant state of

flux. People move in and out.

Macroeconomic forces might

eliminate a large number of

jobs that sustain a community

or spark a gentrification process

that has both positive and

negative consequences. Federal

or philanthropic grants might

offer new opportunities for

action. A natural disaster, the

The Tacoma School Board was going to close our alma mater.

We passed the word about the potential closing through telephone

chains, emails, and Facebook. Instead of a couple hundred people

at the school board meeting, we had well over a thousand. Because

of our collective networking and the passion of our alumni

and the community, they were not able to close the school.

— Jonathan Wagner, Tacoma

outbreak of a virulent disease, or

widespread use of a new illegal

drug might wreak havoc on a

community. Resident-centered

community building keeps a

clear eye on the goal of creating

a vibrant neighborhood but

appreciates that the work needs

to be flexible and responsive to

circumstances and opportunities

as they emerge. The focus

should always be on creating the

most effective match between

the conditions, capacities, and

realities of the community and

the existing vehicles for change.

BUILDING BLOCK 4Build the foundations for long-term work

F Set goals, but be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances

F Build in a process for learning and reflecting

F Create opportunities for leaders to rest and reenergize

F Integrate new leadership development into everything

F Aim for weightlessness

F Celebrate

F Think carefully about how large and formalized the management and financial structures should be

If at first you don’t succeed,

reflect, revisit, and rethink

what you’re doing. Are you

meeting the needs of your


—Kate Frazier, Tacoma

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Community building requires

a constant balancing and

rebalancing in pace, scale,

and focus.

Build in a process for learning

and reflecting: A deliberate

learning process must be woven

into community change efforts.

Not everything will work. Things

that work once won’t necessarily

work a second time. Some

projects will gain momentum

while others will languish.

Community building must

accept this reality and build

in a process for reflecting and

learning. If things aren’t working,

take the time to assess what is

off-balance. It is tempting to let

the press of everyday work take

precedence over reviewing and

assessing what has happened,

but long-term success will

require periodic course


Create opportunities for leaders

to rest and reenergize: Resident-

centered development depends

on local leaders. The work they

do is time-consuming and

stressful, and it can sometimes

seem overwhelming. Established

leaders can become exhausted,

suffer burnout, or feel they are

getting stale. From time to time,

they may need to step out of the

work to reenergize or restore

balance in their personal lives.

Efforts to recharge and reengage

need to be accommodated and


Integrate new leadership

development into everything:

Long-term community

change requires nurturing

and supporting new leaders,

and doing so deliberately and

constantly. Community builders

benefit from both informal and

formal leadership development

efforts. Neighborhoods

maintain energy, progress,

and momentum by bringing

in new leadership. This often

means going beyond the most

outspoken or involved residents

to engage harder-to-reach

groups. Bringing new voices

into the work can offset turnover

at the top and help to ensure

that the leadership remains

representative of the community,

especially if there is a lot of

demographic change in the

neighborhood. Cultivating youth

leaders should be a top priority

because the next generation

will have to carry the work to


Aim for weightlessness:

Mobilizing local assets lays the

groundwork for a broad base

of participation going forward:

residents are more likely to join

in if they see that their friends

and neighbors are involved.

As more residents become

engaged, the footprint of the

work expands so that it can be

distributed over a wider number

of people. This leads to a state

I’ve learned that you have to build short-term identifiable

wins into the long-term process. You can’t try to attack all the

problems at the same time. Instead, find a narrow issue and

start there. If there is enough energy around a selected issue,

residents can then build momentum from there.

—Anne Griffith, San Francisco

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of “weightlessness” where no

single person is overburdened.

Then, in turn, community-

wide commitment to the work

strengthens, which is critical

to long-term sustainability of

the change effort. It creates the

expectation, process, and track

record of working collectively.

Celebrate: Community building

is hard work, and the rewards

are sometimes few and far

between. Accomplishments,

even small ones like a cleaned-

up street or a block without

crime, need to be celebrated.

Community assets should also

be celebrated: a class of eighth-

grade graduates, a youth group’s

musical production, or the

beauty of a community garden.

Fun events that are positive

Having a community garden has

helped with economic sustainability.

The garden attracts businesses

to come back to a block that was


—Jerry Hebron, Detroit

and affirming contribute to

community health and vibrancy

and inspire people to invest in

their community.

Think carefully about how

large and formalized the

management and financial

structures should be: One

question that communities face

is how formalized the resident

leadership structure should

be. For some neighborhoods,

informal structures, which

allow people to volunteer on

an as-needed basis and are

only lightly organized by a local

coordinating committee, work

best. Others have developed

more formal structures that

typically include resident

governance boards, block

associations, or institutionalized

You can’t rest on the leaders that you have. People are transient

so you always have to be looking for new people and cultivating

new leaders.

—Chaka Mkali, Minneapolis

vehicles for neighborhood

work to be led and managed.

On the financial front, resident-

centered community building has

typically been underwritten by

volunteer labor and foundation

grants. This places the work in

a precarious financial situation.

A costly structure requires

fundraising, and communities

know from experience that

foundations will not renew

their support indefinitely. While

no single structure works best

for all neighborhoods or for

all purposes, the goal is the

same: to maintain a sustainable

network of residents who can

organize, lead, and represent the

community on a range of issues

over the long term.

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Power is generally held by the foundations and nonprofits

in the beginning because it’s their money. You need to make

sure that funders are in the room with the community

and the conversations are facilitated, so that the power

differentials are not amplified. You need to construct forums

where the community’s voice is valued.

—Lisa Leverette, Detroit

What makes a good partnership between

a community and an institution? When the

institutions follow through on their promises.

—Dedria Smith, San Francisco

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The central role that relationships play in

effective community building has profound

implications for how outside organizations

— foundations, intermediaries, technical

assistance providers, nonprofit organizations,

anchor institutions, and so on — operate

in communities. It suggests that those

organizations adopt a different mind-set as

they approach their work and support different

kinds of activities on the ground. Unfortunately,

very few will be able to invest in embedded

change agents, such as community organizers,

in the communities in which they are working.

Even when they do, and especially when they

don’t, they will need to adapt their practices

to effectively support residents.

For many organizations, taking these principles

to heart will mean moving out of their comfort

zone, rethinking the way they do business,

seeking different kinds of outcomes, and even

changing staffing and hiring practices.

Develop direct relationships with residents of

the community: The staff of organizations that

work in communities need to build their own

one-on-one connections and relationships with

community members. Outside organizations

cannot assume that they are working

effectively with residents if they simply

convene a neighborhood planning process or

invite residents to serve on advisory boards.

To build relationships with residents, outside

organizations should follow the strategies

described in the four building blocks: take the

time to find out what awakens the passions

of community members, communicate well,

build trust, and so on. They must find ways

to support what the residents care about

and want to do rather than trying to involve

residents in preconceived plans.

Staff can only establish a presence in the

community by getting out of their offices,

going to the places where residents go, and

engaging in what the residents are already

doing. This might mean, for example, that their

work hours need to be modified so they can

be available on evenings and weekends, and

not just from nine to five on weekdays. Some

organizations have even hired community

organizers into management positions,

thereby incorporating a relationship building

orientation into the operating culture of their



Guiding Principles for Supporters


F Develop direct relationships with residents of the community

F Create and support opportunities for residents to build ties with each other

F Foster ways to combine external expertise and local knowledge

F Facilitate constructive relationships between the community and powerful institutions

F Encourage outside supporters of community building to cooperate and collaborate with one another

F Develop the evidence base about the value of community building

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Create and support opportunities

for residents to build ties

with each other: Outside

organizations can provide

the supports that facilitate

networking among residents and

organizations in a community.

Creating connections, holding

meetings, sharing information,

and working together are not

cost-free activities: they take

people’s time, they need a

coordinator, they need meeting

space and food, and they need

a communications vehicle.

External change agents can and

should use their resources to

support community building and

community organizing activities

directly as well as by creating

opportunities and spaces for

residents to get to know each

other and come together in

collective action.

resident activists; underwriting

the costs of networking across

neighborhoods; supporting

resident participation in

study tours and conferences;

and creating local learning


Facilitate constructive

relationships between residents

and powerful institutions:

The relationships between

residents and community-level

institutions that affect their

everyday life, like the police,

public housing, and schools,

need to be developed and

nurtured. Community residents

also need support to build

relationships with people,

organizations, and coalitions

outside the neighborhood that

can be allies and champions

for the community. Outside

organizations can support this

by making sure that community

members and leaders know

the landscape of actors who

have influence over policies

and practices that affect the

neighborhood, such as city

commissioners, elected officials,

corporate leaders, and so

on. This requires developing

a “power analysis” of key

decision-makers. External

support organizations can also

use their own social capital,

reputation, and convening

authority to open doors

and facilitate connections

between the community and

powerful actors outside the


There was one resident leader who worked tirelessly in our

community who first let us in, and listened to our ideas for

the community. She’s one of the reasons we do our work.

She is a rock of the community.

—Emmanuel Hepburn, San Francisco

Build community capacity to

combine external expertise and

local knowledge: Following

the community’s lead does

not mean ignoring or rejecting

the knowledge and experience

of external organizations.

External change agents can

bring important expertise

about best practices and

strategies that have worked

in other locations. But they

need to bring that expertise

respectfully, recognizing that

local knowledge is invaluable

and that any field-level expertise

must be married to the wisdom

of residents about how their

own community operates.

Strategies for building a

community’s capacity to utilize

external resources effectively

include providing leadership

development opportunities for

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For relationship building, it’s important to do research so you

know who to work with. When we were working on our local

park, we focused on the Park Board and city officials. We went

to City Council meetings and saw how the Park Board and City

Council interacted. When we saw a lot of tension between them,

we learned to maneuver in an intentional way between those

two institutions.

– Kristy Clemons, Minneapolis

Encourage outside supporters

of community building to

cooperate and collaborate with

one another: One of the most

commonly heard complaints

is that funders, city agencies,

and other outside institutions

work at cross-purposes at the

community level. At best, they

are losing opportunities to build

on one another’s investments,

and at worst they are competing

with and undermining each

other. In either case, external

agents are putting the burden

on the community to sort out

the conflicting demands on

residents’ time, attention, and

resources. Instead, the outside

supporters of community

building need to coordinate with

each other in order to maximize

the value of their resources to

the community.

Develop the evidence base

about the value of community

building: Outside organizations

can help to develop knowledge

and evidence about the efficacy

of resident-centered community

building. They should fund

and facilitate research that can

make a case for the importance

of relationship building in

providing mutual support,

carrying out collective action,

and producing improvements

in health, income, employment,

housing, education, and the like.

The value of resident-centered

community building needs to

be documented.

There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a

child. But what does it take to raise a village? We all

have to come together and work together. Different

organizations, different companies, different businesses

have to come in together and collaborate.

—Edward Davis, San Diego

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Take the time to listen. Residents feel empowered when

their ideas are promoted and used. Give people the

opportunity to express their opinions and have a voice,

and create space for disagreement and reconciliation.

—Eva Bowen, Tacoma

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Community builders have a message

to communicate to the individuals and

institutions who work in their neighborhoods:

We welcome all who want to help our communities, but we don’t want you to come in with your checkbooks, your professional credentials, your connections to power, and your jargon and impose your agenda on us. Respect us and our community. Don’t do “to” us, but do “with” us. Get to know us, learn about our community, and figure out how to work with us as people: as concerned citizens, neighbors, parents, brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters. Don’t patronize us. Tell us the truth about why you are in our neighborhoods, what you expect, and what you need. Work with us as partners, and together we’ll figure out the best ways to marry our strengths and assets with your knowledge, resources, connections, and good will. We’ve seen too many of you come and go; meanwhile, we’re still here. We really want to get it right this time, and we think you do, too. Let’s figure it out in genuine partnership.

This message is not a new one. Residents

of low-income neighborhoods have long

asked for a different type of relationship with

external change agents, technical experts,

funders, politicians, and researchers. Some

progress has been made in some locations,

but for the most part old habits die hard and

traditional methods of doing business in poor

neighborhoods persist. In this document,

we hear the message once again, but this time

we hear it from residents in their own words.

Hopefully, this will give the message more



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Susana Amanza – Austin, TX

Jeremy Andrews – Battle Creek, MI

Macedonio Arteaga – San Diego, CA

Eva Bowen – Tacoma, WA

Niesha Bryant-Williams – San Francisco, CA

Kristy Clemons – Minneapolis, MN

Marta Beatriz Cota – Long Beach, CA

Edward Davis – San Diego, CA

Andala Duong – Tacoma, WA

Kate Frazier – Tacoma, WA

Anne Griffith – San Francisco, CA

Jerry Hebron – Detroit, MI

Andy Helmboldt – Battle Creek, MI

Emanuel Hepburn – San Francisco, CA

Ionna Jimenez – Brooklyn, NY

Valerie Joiner – Austin, TX

Jacqueline Kennedy – Brooklyn, NY

Roanae Kent – San Francisco, CA

Lisa Leverette – Detroit, MI

Brett Lipshutz – Milwaukee, WI

Rosalind Magwood – Brooklyn, NY

James Martin – Detroit, MI

Bob McCutchan – Tacoma, WA

Lisa Miller – Tacoma, WA

Chaka Mkali – Minneapolis, MN

Kelly Nhim – Long Beach, CA

Marquise Roberson-Bester – Seattle, WA

Cheryl Roberts – Battle Creek, MI

Julia Bautista Salinas – Seattle, WA

Falaofuta Satele – San Francisco, CA

Dedria Smith – San Francisco , CA

Dorothy Smith – San Francisco, CA

Phillis Tigue-Judkins – Detroit, MI

Jezamil Vega-Skeels – Milwaukee, WI

Jonathan Wagner – Fife, WA

Kathy Szenda Wilson – Battle Creek, MI


Patricia Auspos

Tom Dewar

Anne Kubisch

Sydney Taylor


Joseph Aongo

Roque Barros

Kristine Breese

Sandra Candler-Wafer

Danny Gutierrez

Lisette Islas

Valerie Jacobs

Lefaua Leilua

Renee Novo


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Institutional Conveners

The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change is a national forum where leaders working on promising community revitalization efforts can share lessons and work together on common problems. The goal of the Roundtable is to strengthen the quality of policies, research, and practice in the community change field in a way that will lead to vibrant, racially equitable communities. The Roundtable also has a premier research and action program on race and racism in twenty-first century America, including a seminar series for government, nonprofit, media, and business leaders to improve their skills in working on racial equity and inclusion.

The Roundtable has become a core field-building institution serving individuals and institutions dedicated to improving conditions in poor communities by playing the role of convener, technical advisor, clearinghouse, analyst, and disseminator of lessons learned nationally and internationally. The Roundtable does this through two principal lines of work: training and leadership development; and knowledge development and dissemination.

The Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (JCNI) is an operating nonprofit foundation that works in partnership with the Jacobs Family Foundation and residents of the Diamond Neighborhoods in San Diego, CA. The vision of the organization is to build a stronger community through entrepreneurial projects, hands-on learning relationships, and the creative investment of resources. JCNI helps attract and leverage investment while working with residents to build the capacity of individuals, families, and the community.

As a partner in community change, JCNI has the vision to be a part of a caring community where people are responsible to each other, where all cultures are embraced, where sustaining resources are in place for a vibrant economic and philanthropic life, and where residents create the future they envision.

Project Team, Authors

The national learning exchange was a collaborative effort in the best sense of the term. Special thanks are due to the team from the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation — Roque Barros, Kristine Breese, Marie Horn, Lisette Islas, Renee Novo, and Lois Meza — who contributed their expertise and passion, as well as the resources of the Jacobs Center, to provide a welcoming environment and stimulating meeting for all the participants.

Thanks also to the group of community builders — Jacqueline Kennedy, Eva Bowen, Lisa Leverette, Kathy Szenda Wilson, and Chaka Mkali — who helped shape the meeting agenda and reviewed the final report. Anne Kubisch, Patricia Auspos, Sydney Taylor, and Tom Dewar from the Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change are the authors of this report and feel privileged to have worked on this project.

We are grateful as well to the foundations that generously supported this unusual convening: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The California Endowment, the Kellogg Foundation, the Kresge Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.


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Connecting Communities Learning Exchange