Researching the market place


Transcript of Researching the market place

Page 1: Researching the market place



Page 3: Researching the market place


Prices Media pack:

Magazine’s website:

Publisher’s website:

The Q magazine costs= £3.99

Frequency of Publication MonthlyIssue Size 166 pages

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Regular Content-The regular content of this magazine are the masthead, cover lines, main cover line, main image, barcode, date, issue number, price, position statement and puffs. These are all seen on every magazine Q produces as the magazine is following the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The Masthead, is big so that the audience can see what magazine is this. It is also bold and placed at the left hand side. The colours are red and white, the colours do differ from the rest of the feature although, the cover lines are presented in white. Main cover lines and cover lines are used in this magazine as the magazine is trying to attract as many viewers with their interesting articles that feature in the magazine. These cover lines are placed to the side of the main image, this is so that the main image is remained the most important attraction for the audience to see. The cover lines have a different font from the other contents. The main image is placed in the middle spreading across the whole magazine-this is so that the main focus is aimed at the image present. The barcode, price and issue number and date is placed to the right hand side and near the top. They are all easy to see for the audience to know what the price is, issue number and the date. The position statement is placed at the top above of the masthead.

Feature Articles-The featured articles that are presented in this issue wants their target audience to attract to the “britpop explosion” information. Also, different types of bands that are famous and well known are presented and talked about in this magazine which brings the audience closer.

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Regular Content -The regular content of this magazine are the masthead, cover lines, main cover

line, main image, barcode, date, issue number, price, position statement and puffs. These are all seen on every magazine NME produces as the magazine is following the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The Masthead, is big so that the audience can see what magazine is this. It is also bold and placed at the left hand side. The colours is blue which differs from any of the features on the magazine front cover. Main cover lines and cover lines are used in this magazine as the magazine is trying to attract as many viewers with their interesting articles that feature in the magazine. These are in yellow and white this refers to their target audience and the gender they are trying to interest in. These cover lines are placed to the side of the main image which is of Dave Grohl, this is so that the main image is remained the most important attraction for the audience to see. The cover lines have a different font from the other contents. The main image is placed in the middle spreading across the whole magazine-this is so that the main focus is aimed at the image present. The barcode, price and issue number and date is placed to the right hand side and near the bottom. They are all easy to see for the audience to know what the price is, issue number and the date.

Feature Articles -These are to entertain the audience and draw them into buying the magazine.

This includes using puffs for deals or exclusive interviews with a particular artist they want the viewers to see. In this magazine, they used particular bands that suit their genre like “the stokes” or “foo fighters”.

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SPIN MAGAZINEPrices Media pack website: Magazine’s website: Publisher’s website: The magazine costs= £5.25 Frequency of Publication WeeklyIssue size 97 pages

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Regular Content- The regular content of this magazine are the masthead, cover lines, main cover line, main image, barcode, date, issue number, price, position statement and puffs. These are all seen on every magazine Spin produces as the magazine is following the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The Masthead, is big so that the audience can see what magazine is this. It is also bold and placed at the left hand side. The colours are black and white, these colours are simple but effective for the magazine. Main cover lines and cover lines are used in this magazine as the magazine is trying to attract as many viewers with their interesting articles that feature in the magazine. These cover lines are placed to the side of the main image, this is so that the main image is remained the most important attraction for the audience to see. The colours used for the cover lines are white and yellow. The cover lines have a different font from the other contents. The main image is placed in the middle spreading across the whole magazine-this is so that the main focus is aimed at the image present. The barcode, price and issue number and date is placed to the right hand side and near the bottom. They are all easy to see for the audience to know what the price is, issue number and the date.

Feature Articles-The featured articles in this magazine, contain one of the most famous bands “No Doubt” these are very well known, this will attract more people to buy the magazine. Using puffs brings the viewers close to read the magazine and see what else is featured in the magazine.

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Regular content- The regular content of this magazine are the masthead, cover lines, main cover line, main image, barcode, date, issue number, price, position statement and puffs. These are all seen on every magazine Q produces as the magazine is following the codes and conventions of a music magazine. The Masthead, is big so that the audience can see what magazine is this. It is also bold and placed across the whole magazine width wise. The colours is white, this does feature in the cover lines this colour. Main cover lines and cover lines are used in this magazine as the magazine is trying to attract as many viewers with their interesting articles that feature in the magazine. These cover lines are placed to the side of the main image, this is so that the main image is remained the most important attraction for the audience to see. The cover lines have a different font from the other contents. The main image is placed in the middle spreading across the whole magazine-this is so that the main focus is aimed at the image present. The barcode, price and issue number and date is placed to the right hand side and near the top. They are all easy to see for the audience to know what the price is, issue number and the date. The position statement is placed at the top underneath the masthead.

Feature articles-The feature articles that are presented in this magazine the devices are to entertain the audience and persuade them to buy the magazine. They use interesting famous bands, in this issue “Oasis” is presented. These a huge band and have a wide range of fans that will be attracted in buying this magazine.