Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research...

Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native Reserve Wai 46: Ngati Awa by Michael Stevens 24 October 1995 1

Transcript of Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research...

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Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native Reserve

Wai 46: Ngati Awa

by Michael Stevens

24 October 1995


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Research Credentials

My name is Michael Joseph Stevens. I hold a Bachelors degree (with Honours) in Anthropology

from Otago University. I am presently employed in a private capacity as a liaison manager. My

work involves providing advice and otherwise facilitating the establishment of commercial

arrangements with Maori interests in the fishing industry.

My other recent working experience has been in policy and administrative positions, mostly with

a commercial perspective. These roles have been in the nature of servicing the needs of Maori

people through the Maori Trustee, Department of Maori Affairs, Maori Development

Corporation, Iwi Transition Agency and, more recently, Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Maori

Development) where, as Policy Manager for the Maori Asset Management portfolio, r filled an

advisory role to the Minister of Maori Affairs and Fisheries. While with the Ministry I carried

out a number of research and policy assignments. These included major reports on the Mana

Enterprises (Maori business development) Scheme and proposals for restructuring the provisions

of the Maori Reserved Lands Act 1955. In 1993, on behalf of the Ki Tua 0 te Arai Trust, I

researched and reported on the involvement of the financial services sector in Maori business


I have previously undertaken research for the Waitangi Tribunal in respect of Wai 334,

Otamarakau Lands, on which I reported in June 1994.

Background to the Report

On 18 November 1994 I was commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunall to prepare a research

report on the history, title devolution and current status of the Te Putere Native Reserve. It is

noted that the original completion date for this report could not be achieved because of the access

1 A copy of the Commission is attached at Appendix 1

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restrictions placed on the Auckland office of National Archives during their shift from the central

city to new premises. In preparing the report, reference was to be made to document A6 on the

record of enquiry for Wai 46, being the umberalla claim under which Ngati Awa, Tuwharetoa

ki Kawerau and other claims are being currently heard.

Extensive research has been carried out at:

a) the Maori Land Court, Rotorua Registry;

b) DoSLI (the Department of Survey and Land Information) South Auckland Registry,

Hamilton, within which the Rangitaiki area falls;

c) National Archives, Auckland, which holds archival material from DoSLI, the Department

of Maori Affairs and their predecessor departments;

d) National Archives, Wellington.

While these sources provided considerable material on the Rangitaiki and Whakatane areas, there

was very little concerning the land which is the subject of this claim. It is possible that relevant

records may have been lost in the Hope Gibbons fire of 1952 in which many records from the

Lands and Survey, Public Works and Maori Affairs Departments were destroyed.

With that proviso, my report is set out hereunder.

Michael Stevens

24 October 1995

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The Claim

The claim in respect ofthe Te Putere Native Reserve forms part ofWai 46, being a wider claim

brought by the N gati Awa people against the Crown for various actions in relation to lands in the

eastern Bay of Plenty.

Ngati Awa allege that the Crown has:

1. Failed to honour an Order in Council of 1909 declaring Te Putere as a Native Reserve,

thereby dishonouring the recommendation of the Stout-Ngata Commission.

2. Through the Departments of Native Affairs and Lands and Survey, colluded in cheating

Ngati Awa out oftheir papatupu lands.

3. Through the actions of the Department of Native Affairs, assisted in making Te Putere

available for pakeha settlement without protecting the rights ofNgati Awa.

The claimants therefore say they are prejudicially affected by the acts of omission and

commission by the Crown as set out in their claim and that the Crown's actions over Te Putere

constitute a Treaty breach.

The Location of the Land

Te Putere is located on the Bay of Plenty coastline approximately 8 kilometres east of Matata,

and 16 kilometres west of Whakatane along State Highway 2. The land subject to the claim is

an area of 275 acres formerly known as Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, or as the Putere

Native Reserve and it is on this area that research has focused.

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Historical Background

Te Putere and its surrounding area fell within the Bay of Plenty confiscation district and were

acquired by the Crown in 1866 under the provisions of the New Zealand Settlements Act of

1863. The confiscation was gazetted by way of Order in Council dated 17 January 1866 and

amended by a further Order in Council dated 1 September 1866.2

The New Zealand Settlements Act 1863 also established the Compensation Courts to hear claims

from persons with interests in confiscated lands. Evidence given at the Compensation Court in

1867 indicates that Te Putere, together with other lands, had been sold by Ngati Awa to one

Phillip Tapsell prior to the 1860s. There was, however, some debate over whether the land was

subsequently transferred by Tapsell to a Charles Fulloon or was sold by him back to Ngati Awa

interests. Although the claimants believe Ngati Awa had regained ownership of the land prior

to its confiscation by the Crown, a number of chief who gave evidence at the Compensation

Court, including Apanui, Kawakura and 'Temeahana' (possibly Te Meihana) believed that the

land continued to be rightfully owned by Fulloon or his descendants.3

The Confiscated Lands Act of 1867 empowered the Governor to set aside, from lands taken by

the Crown under confiscation, reserves for Maori who had remained loyal to the Crown and for

'rebels' who had voluntarily surrendered. There is considerable evidence that, in 1870, there was

an intention to provide land at Te Putere to surrendered Maori 'rebels'. Appendices to the

Journal ofthe House of Representatives contain various correspondence from Donald McLean,

the then Minister of Defence, and from other government officials, which document this

intention.4 It was McLean's view that the former 'rebels' should be relocated from the Urewera

2 Raupatu Document Bank v12, pp4068, 4117-8.

3 Evidence from the Compensation Court hearings of September 1867, Raupatu Document Bank.

4 Examples are given in Appendix 2 of this report.

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country to an area close to the coast where they could be closely supervised by the local Resident

Magistrate and 'loyal' chiefs.5

Whether the land at Te Putere was intended to be provided to anyone specific group, or to more

than one, is less clear. The correspondence refers variously to the land being intended for 'the

Ngatiawa' and 'the Urewera tribe' and, more specifically, 'the people of Ahikereru, with their

chiefs Hapurona [Kohi] and Hamiora.'

Civil Commissioner H.T. Clarke, in a letter to the Under-Secretary of the Native Department

dated 25 June 1870, confirmed that 'the people under Hapurona and Hamiora' would be settled

at Te Putere.6 However, on 29 March 1872, lA. Wilson wrote to Donald McLean, Native

Minister, stating that:

[Government Commissioner] Mr Clarke also informed me that the Ngatiwhare and Patuheuheu hapus of the Urewera had been promised land at Whakatane, and he mentioned the amount and locality. This promise has now been made good, I having given them the quantity (forty acres) on the bank of the river at Hawera. But I did not give them land at Te Putere, where they reside at present, because I ascertained that they do not expect any - that they do not wish to remain there; nor was Mr Clarke aware that any land had been promised to them at that place.7

None of the early records provide an indication ofthe area ofland which was initially intended

to be set aside nor the manner in which it was to be held by or for those for whom it was

intended. In 1949, however, the Under-Secretary ofthe Department of Maori Affairs, in a report

to his Minister, made mention of ' A report by Mr Commissioner Wilson written in 1872 [which]

5 See letter of 26 May 1870 from Donald McLean to Major Mair, Resident Magistrate, AJHR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 72. An extract from this letter is in Appendix 2 of this report.

6 AJHR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 87. An extract of this letter is reproduced in Appendix 2 of this report.

7 AJHR I, 1872, C-No 4, p6.

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has on it a minute by Sir Donald McLean to the effect that he had promised some land to certain

groups of Maoris and that 500 or 600 acres could be set aside for them at Putere.'8

The Under-Secretary goes on to suggest that as Lots 34, 35, 36, and 37 total just over 600 acres,

they may have been intended to carry out Sir Donald's promise. In the event, it was only

Allotment 37, of275 acres, that was designated a reserve.

As has been mentioned, some of the early correspondence made reference to Te Putere as being

intended as a reserve on which Ngatiawa would be settled. More frequent, however, are

references to 'the people of Ahikereru with their chiefs Hapurona and Hamiora,' or to Ngati

Whare and Patuheuheu. Ahikereru is located in the Urewera territory near the township of Te

Whaiti and Ngati Whare are from the Te Whaiti/Minginui area. Patuheuheu are from the

Waiohau district. Ngati Whare and Patuheuheu are considered to either be iwi in their own right

or hapu of Tuhoe. Hamiora and Hapurona were of those iwi/hapu.9

Further evidence that it was these Urewera people for whom the reserve was intended is held at

National Archives in Wellington. The Stout-Ngata Commission was set up in 1907 to enquire

into Maori land with a view to having areas reserved for Maori use and occupation. The

8 Under-Secretary of Maori Affairs to Minister of Maori Affairs, 29 July 1949. A copy of this memorandum is included as an appendix to Te Roopu Whakaemi Korero 0 Ngati Awa - Research Briefing Paper No. 4 - Te Putere Native Reserve, 31 July 1992; Document A6 on the Record of Enquiry for Wai 46 (hereinafter referred to as Briefing Paper No.4). A copy is also attached as Appendix 3 of this report. The original of Commissioner Wilson's 1872 report, with McLean's minute, has not been located, however it is likely to be that of 29 March 1872 referred to above.

9 Tamati Kruger and Maanu Paul, personal communications. If this is correct, Commissioner Clarke's 25 June 1870 confirmation that lithe people under Hapurona and Hamiora would be settled at Te Putere" conflicts with Wilson's 29 March 1872 advice to McLean that Clarke was not aware that any land at Te Putere had been promised to Patuheuheu and Ngati Whare. Maanu Paul further confirmed that Te Putere had been used as what he described as a Concentration Camp for Ngati Whare.

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Commission sat at Whakatane and on Tuesday 21 January 1908 heard evidence on various

blocks. The notes of evidence given by Ponawha(?) Meihana regarding Allotment 37 read as


"275 acres [Known as Putere N Reserve]

Belongs to N'Whare & Patuheuheu

No one occupying - Part swamp

Resere M.O." [sic]lO

In addition, a Department of Maori Affairs file contains a letter (and a departmental translation)

from Te Matehaere Whatanui to the Native Minister dated 28 November 1915. The writer,

talking about Te Putere, says:

... this is Crown land and was given to Ngati Rakall and Ngati Whare by McLean in the old days to live upon at the resumption of peace during the Hauhau wars. 12

On the other hand, Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, is shown on a map currently held by

DoSLI in Hamilton. This map, dated August 1920 and designated 'index map' Opotiki County,

shows Allotment 37 named as the Putere Native Reserve. Further, it is colour coded within

'Areas returned to Natives' (as distinct from 'Areas awarded to rebels' or 'Areas under N[ative]

L[and] C[ourt] adjudication'). It is strange that, if Te Putere was intended for surrendered

Urewera 'rebels,' the reserve was not included under the 'Areas awarded to rebels'.

10 Minutes of the Stout-Ngata Commission, Whakatane hearing, 1908. These are held at National Archives, Wellington, but are unable to be photocopied.

11 Understood to be a Tuhoe hapu.

12 Extract from the departmental translation. A copy of the letter and translation are at Appendix 4. Other than these papers the file is empty, and the handwritten note questioning the status of the block has not been answered.

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There is evidence of partial or periodic occupation of Te Putere in the 1890s. Te Matehaere

Whatanui and Arama Karaka Mokonuiarangi apparently cultivated the land in 1890Y And

government reports show Te Putere, bracketed with Allotments 34,35 and 36, to a total of 648

acres, as being occupied by 20 to 30 Maori in 1899.14

Under section 23 of the Native Land Act 1873, the Native Reserves Commissioner was required

to provide the District Officer of each district with a list of 'alliands ... that have ... by any authority

whatsoever been set apart or reserved for the benefit of the Natives and that now subsist for that

purpose, or are generally known as Native Reserves ... ' Section 26 of that Act required the

District Officer to then make application to the Court for an Investigation of Title. It appears that,

as far as Te Putere is concerned, this was never done and the title remained uninvestigated by the

Court with significant later effects.

On 21 January 1907 the Stout -N gata Commission was established to investigate Maori land with

a view to having areas set aside for Maori use and occupation under the provisions of the Native

Land Settlement Act 1907. Within section 2 ofthat Act is a definition of Native land as 'all land

owned at law or in equity by any Maori under any class of title, if the title has been ascertained ... '

The Commission's report included Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki among the lands

recommended to be reserved for Maori occupation under the provisions of Part II ofthe Native

Land Settlement Act 1907.15 Subsequently, an Order in Council was gazetted on 16 December

1909 which included the block amongst a number set aside under that legislation. The preamble

to the gazette notice begins:

13 See letter of 28 November 1915 to the Native Minister, Appendix 4.

14 Legislative Council Paper No. 20, p32, 1900. A copy of this page is attached as Appendix 5.

15 A copy of an interim report of the Commission is in AJHR 1908, G-1c, p4. The report contains a schedule of lands recommended to be set aside. Included in the schedule is Allotment 37 Parish of Rangitaiki, with the number of owners unspecified, and the remark 'Known as Put ere Native Reserve.'

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Whereas the Commission referred to in section fifty-four of 'The Native Land Settlement Act, 1907,' has reported to the Governor that certain Native land, to wit, the Native lands described in the Schedule hereto, should be reserved for the use and occupation of Maoris:' 16


However, at the time of gazetting, the land was not Maori land but was still Crown land as a

consequence of the 1866 confiscation and the failure of the Crown to comply with the provisions

of the Native Land Act 1873 and have the title investigated.

The claimants have located correspondence from 1915-1916 which shows an intention by the

Crown to acquire Allotments 26,35,36 and 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, totalling 666 acres, from

what was assumed to be their Maori owners.17 On 23 August 1915 the Chief Drainage Engineer

in Thames wrote to the Under-Secretary of Lands suggesting that the lands be purchased by the

Native Land Purchase Board and, after amalgamation with surrounding Crown land, be

subdivided for sale. The Native Land Purchase Officer was instructed to report on the land and

was given authority to purchase individual interests. In his report of25 January 1916 the Land

Purchase Officer, having made enquiries at the Crown lands office, advised that, as no Crown

Grants had issued, the blocks were papatupu land. He further reported that they had earlier been

included in a schedule previously sent to the Under-Secretary for Lands with a view to the matter

being referred to the Native Land Court for investigation of titles.

It appears that this may have occurred earlier in 1915. In a 27 May 1949 memorandum to the

Director-General of Lands, the Chief Surveyor referred to reports of 26 July and 9 September

1915 in which the matter ofTe Putere had been raised. He noted that, while the land appeared

to have been set aside for return to Maori after the Bay of Plenty confiscation, no finality had

been reached in determining for whom the lands had been set aside. 18 Unfortunately a thorough

search ofthe appropriate archives has not produced copies ofthose 1915 reports. It is possible,

16 New Zealand Gazette 1909 p3245. A copy of the full gazette notice is attached as Appendix 6.

17 Copies of this correspondence, which are appended to Briefing Paper No 4, are included as Appendix 7 of this report.

18 A copy of this memorandum is at Appendix 8.

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however, that even at this time it had not been possible to determine whether the reserve had

been intended for Ngati Awa or for Urewera iwi.

The claimants imply that it was the Crown's intention to acquire the land at a low price and profit

from its subsequent sale. Evidence suggests that this was not the case and that the Crown's

motive was to enhance the value of its surrounding blocks. The sections it intended to purchase,

including Allotment 37, were described as ' ... generally poor and sandy in quality

positioned as to prevent us making the best ofthe Crown Lands adjoining.' 19

The Chief Drainage Engineer provided the Under-Secretary of Lands with possible purchase

prices for the land which exceeded the then government valuations. For Allotment 37, for

example, he suggested a price of30 shillings an acre. The government valuation (of March 1913)

was about 25 shillings an acre.20

It appears that around 1917 there was a further attempt to have the Maori Land Court investigate

the title of Allotment 37. The Lands Department refused the request, insisting that the land was

Crown Land required in connection with drainage work.21 In fact, however, it seems that the

Lands Department still wanted to use the land to improve the prospects of selling the adjoining

Crown lands.

In his 27 May 1949 memorandum to the Director General of Lands, the Chief Surveyor noted

that a Ranger C.S. Kensington had been asked to inspect the block in 1917, and had reported that

there were no signs of any Maori living there or of any improvements. The memorandum goes

on to say:

19 Chief Drainage Engineer to Under-Secretary of Lands, 23 August 1915, included in Appendix 7.

20 A copy of the valuation is included in Appendix 7. Allotment 37 was valued at £344 for 275 acres.

21 Memorandum of 29 July 1949 from the Under-Secretary of Maori Affairs to the Minister of Maori Affairs, paragraph 6. This memorandum is reproduced in full at Appendix 3.

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The late Mr. RJ.Knight advised the Commissioner of Crown Lands that, as no application had ever been lodged with the Maori Land Court to ascertain to whom the land should be awarded, it could be presumed that the Maoris were not in need of it, and he suggested that this Department should take steps to resume title to the land. This appears to have been taken as advice that it could be dealt with as ordinary Crown Land, as in August 1917 instructions were issued to prepare a new scheme of subdivision incorporating this area of 275 acres with surrounding Crown Land.22


Under the scheme of subdivision, Allotment 37 was amalgamated with the surrounding Crown

blocks and the whole area re-subdivided to form Allotments 99 to 105, Parish of Rangitaiki.

These new allotments were, over time, leased out to settlers.

By 1949 the Crown had decided to sell the properties in the 1917 re-subdivision. The District

Land Registrar, however, was not prepared to issue titles to the purchasers because the 1909

Order in Council, which set the land aside under Part II of the Native Land Settlement Act, 1907,

had been registered in the Land Registry Office against the title of Allotment 37. The

Director-General of Lands consequently sought the help of the Under-Secretary of the

Department of Maori Affairs to have the 1909 Order in Council revoked insofar as it affected

Allotment 37.23

In his subsequent 29 July 1949 memorandum to the Minister of Maori Affairs, the Under­

Secretary recommended that the Minister sign Executive Council papers to revoke the Order in

Council (presumably only so far as Allotment 37 was concerned). That recommendation was

based on his advice that:

a) The original intention in regard to the block, and for whom it was to be reserved, was uncertain.

b) No claim had been made by Maori in some 70 or 80 years.

22 See full text in Appendix 8.

23 Memorandum dated 13 June 1949 from the Director-General of Lands to the Under-Secretary of the Department of Maori Affairs. A copy of this memorandum is at Appendix 9.

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c) The land had been sold and the purchasers were entitled to look to the Crown for title and had a good legal claim to do so.

d) The 1909 Order in Council was in error insofar as it included Allotment 37. The Stout­Ngata Commission, which established the schedule of lands which were set aside under the Order in Council, was only empowered to deal with Maori land, the title to which had been determined. Allotment 37, being Crown land and never the subject of a title investigation, was beyond the scope of the Commission's terms of reference.

The 1909 Order in Council was varied in 1949 to exclude Allotment 37 and the variation

gazetted.24 Titles to the subdivision subsequently issued to purchasers.

Current Status

Attached at Appendix 11 are overlay plans prepared by DoSLI and showing:

a) The original Allotment 37 (and the adjoining Allotment 26) Parish of Rangitaiki;

b) The re-subdivided Allotments 99 to 105, Parish of Rangitaiki;

c) The current allotments following subsequent further subdivision.

DoSLI have also provided copies of the Certificates of Title for the areas included in the 1917

subdivision into Allotments 99 to 105.25 All titles are held in private ownership, although it

appears from the overlay plans that there is a small area along the southern boundary of the

former Allotment 37 which was not incorporated into the 1917 re-subdivision. Some of this has

been incorporated into the roadway, with small portions on the Southern side of the highway and

now within Allotments 112 and 113.

24 New Zealand Gazette 1949 p1811. A copy of the gazette notice is at Appendix 10.

25 These are at Appendix 12.

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Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, was taken by the Crown in 1866 under the provisions of the

New Zealand Settlements Act 1863 as part of the Bay of Plenty confiscations. Evidence is

unclear as to whether, at the time of the confiscation, the land was owned by Ngati Awa or by

the descendants of Charles Fulloon who had acquired the land from a previous purchaser, Phillip


As the Bay of Plenty war drew to a close the Minister of Defence, Donald McLean, decided to

use land at Te Putere to resettle former 'rebels' in an area where they could be closely supervised

and away from the Urewera. While reference was made to settling surrendered Ngati Awa at Te

Putere, evidence suggests strongly that the area was primarily intended and used as a reserve for

N gati Whare and Patuheuheu.

Patuheuheu and Ngati Whare did not, however, want to remain at Te Putere and those who had

been settled there presumably returned to their home areas. Allotment 37, which had been

designated as the Te Putere Native Reserve, became subject to only periodic occupation and use

by Maori.

Despite the requirements of the Native Land Act 1873 that title investigations be carried out on

all Native Reserves, no such investigation was ever requested or carried out for Te Putere.

Consequently, the land was still Crown land when it was included in a 1909 Order in Council

setting areas aside for the use and occupation of Maori under the provisions of Part II of the

Native Land Settlement Act 1907, following the recommendations of the Stout-Ngata


By 1915 the matter of ownership had been raised within the then Native Department and the

Department of Lands and Survey. While noting that the land appeared to have been set aside for

return to Maori, the Chief Surveyor was unclear for whom the land had been intended. At around

the same time (and believing it to be Maori land) other parties within government were

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developing proposals to acquire Te Putere for inclusion within a new subdivision incorporating

surrounding Crown properties.

Attempts at the time to have the title investigated by the Court were rejected by the Department

of Lands and Survey when it was realised that the block was still Crown owned. The new

subdivision, including Te Putere, was consequently undertaken in 1917. What had been

Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, became incorporated into Allotments 100 to 104.

In 1949 the Crown decided to sell the sections in the 1917 subdivision, but was unable to do so

because the 1909 Order in Council had been registered against the title to Allotment 37. The

1909 Order in Council was consequently amended in 1949 to exclude Allotment 37, thereby

enabling titles to issue to the purchasers of the lots in the 1917 subdivision. The former

Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki, also lmown as Te Putere Native Reserve, is now in private


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a) Direction Commissioning Research

b) Extension to Direction Commissioning Research

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~-Wai 46

the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975

Ngati Awa, Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau and other claims


1. Pursuant to clause 5A(l) of the second schedule of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, Mr Michael Stevens of Auckland is hereby commissioned to prepare a research report giving the history, title devolution and current status of the Te Putere Native Reserve. Reference will be made to document A6 on the record of inquiry for this claim.

2. This commission will commence on 1 December 1994 and will end on 1 April 1995 when a report on the matters outlined above will be filed with the Tribunal.

3. The report may be received as evidence and the commissionee may be cross examined on it.

4. The commission will take effect when Mr Stevens provides a written statement to the Registrar, that the terms of this commission are acceptable to him.

5. The Registrar is to send copies of this direction to:

Dated at

Claimants Crown Law Office Director Treaty of Waitangi Policy Unit Mr Tom Bennion Mr Harris Martin National Maori Congress NZ Maori Council Mr Michael Stevens

(6 Iv day of November 199f U.


II 3·J)

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CONCERNING the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975

AND Putere native reserve, Ngati Awa claim


1. Pursuant to clause 5A( 1) of the 2nd schedule of the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, Mr Michael Stevens of Auckland was commissioned on 18.11.94 to prepare a research report for Wai 46 the deadline for which was 31.03.95.

2. An extension to the deadline has been agreed to and the new completion date is 14.08.95.

3. The Registrar is to send copies of this direction to:

Mr Michael Stevens Claimant Counsel Crown Counsel, Crown Law Office Director, Office of Treaty Settlements NZ Maori Council National Maori Congress

DATED at Wellington this J.t,;cL day of March 1995

~ Deputy Chief Judge N S~ Deputy Chairperson Waitangi Tribunal

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Extracts of Correspondence in Appendices to the Journal of the House of

Representatives, 1870

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve 1

AJHR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 66: Letter of25 May 1870 from Donald McLean, Minister of Defence,

to Apanui, Wepiha, Hori Kawa Kawa:

... .It is with reference to the people of the Urewera, ofthe Ngatiawa who have come out and surrendered themselves.

I propose to locate them at Te Putere; but it would be better that you, Arama, Tukehu and Te Wepiha, should look after and take charge of these people. Upon their quiet behaviour depends how they will be dealt with.

AJHR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 66: Letter of25 May 1870 from Donald McLean, Minister of Defence,

to Rangitukehu:

... .1 have been considering what to do about these men, and have decided that Te Putere is the best place for them; but they will be left for you, for Arama, for Te Kepa, for Hori and Apanui to guard and watch them.

AJHRI, 1870, A-No 8B, 66: Letter of25 May 1870 from Donald McLean, Minister of Defence,

to Te Keepa:

... .1 will locate these people at Te Putere, which will be a place for them ....

AJHRI, 1870, A-No 16,8-9: Letter of27 May 1870 from WG Mair (Resident Magistrate) to the

Under-Secretary of the Native Department. The letter refers to a meeting between Donald

McLean and Ngatiawa at Whakatane, and includes:

.... Mr McLean informed them that [those who submitted voluntarily]. ... would be assisted by the Government; for instance the Ahikereru people would be settled at Te Putere, under the eyes of.. .. surrounding loyal chiefs ....

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve

An enclosure to this letter includes notes from the meeting in which McLean said:

... The people of Ahikereru, with their chiefs Hapurona and Hamiora, have surrendered, and are now at Te Teko and at Rotorua .... .I am going to place them at Te Putere, where they can get plenty of fish and eels, and cut flax for the Pakehas; I will supply them with seed potatoes for planting ...


AlliR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 72: Letter of26 May 1870 from Donald McLean (Minister of Defence)

to Major Mair, Resident Magistrate, asking him to take charge of Native Affairs in the Bay of

Plenty. The letter includes the following extract which suggests that Putere was principally

intended as a resettlement area for Urewera 'rebels':

.... The different settlements between Tauranga and the Kaha [sic] should be frequently visited by you and a general supervision exercised over those Natives who have recently surrendered, more especially the Whakatohea and those of the Urewera under Hapurona Kohi, with others of the same tribe who are expected to follow.

The Whakatohea are already provided with land; and as it is highly important that the Urewera tribe should be got out of their mountain fastnesses, land for cultivation will be assigned to them on the coast, in positions where they can in a great measure support themselves by fishing and cutting flax for sale to Europeans.

The reserve at Putere, near Matata, will be devoted to this purpose, and the following chiefs will be responsible for the future good conduct ofthe Natives placed under their charge:- Major Kemp of Tuhourangi, Tukehu, Arama Karaka, Te Apanui, Wepiha, Kawakura.

For the better security of the Urewera, the above named chiefs may take parties of them to reside at their respective kaingas, it being understood that they have the Putere reserve to cultivate upon.

A distinction should be made between those Natives who surrender of their own accord, and those who are compelled to do so by force of arms ....

AJHR I, 1870, A-No 8B, 87: Extract of a letter dated 25 June 1870 from HT Clarke, Civil Commissioner, to the Under-Secretary ofthe Native Department. This refers to Hapurona Kohi as an 'Urewera chief and goes on to say:


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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve

... .In accordance with instructions left by the Hon. the Native Minister, the people under Hapurona and Hamiora, will be established at Te Putere, and the old chief Rangitukehu has given them permission to cultivate some of his forest land at Oheu.


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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


Memorandum from the Under-Secretary of Maori Affairs to the Minister of

Maori Affairs, 29 July 1949

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£1 ,


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De~artment or Waori Affair., P.O. Box 3006, , :, '


Memorandum ~orl-

'the Rt. Hon. Mini st8r' ot Maori Attaire.:



The above section or 273 acral is altuated nea~

l' \


1'. Whakatane. Settlement Dil5triot.

It beogme Crown land by the operation of the N.Z •. Aota, 1863, being within the Bar o~ Plsnty Oonrilcation

2. In 1909 an order-in-Council il.ued purporting to bring this land under the prOTisions ot Pa~ II or Native Land Bettlement Act, 1907 (now Part XVI ot the Maori Land Act, 1931). Part II o£ the 1907 Act dealt only with Maori land and ae Lot. 37 was still Crown land, it .eems that the Order-in-Counoil wa. a nUllity a. regards this area.

3. In 1917 the Landi Department prepared a new soheme or subdivision tor the area incorporating it w1~h neighbouring Crown blook.. Under this subdivision Lot 37 dilapp'ared and the new .eotions, Lots 99-105 Parieh or Rangitaiki haTe all been dil5~osed ot by l5ale or'leale.

4. The Crown tenants who are treeholding wilh to obtain tiil8 but the District Land Registrar has retueed,to erteot the neoeBBary registrations until the order-in-Council o~ 1909 1. revoked. The Lands Department haTe asked that the Order-in­Counoil be revoked.

5. , There is in ~aot loma auggestion in '1117 reoorde that the blook waS intended at one time to be re.erved tor Maori •• It 1, shown as Putere Maori Reserv. on seTeral old plana and also on a return ot Maori Rel5erves laid betore the Legislative Oounoil in 1900. Anre~ort by Mr. Conmisaioner Willon written in 1872, has on it a minute by Sir. Donald MoLean to the etrect that he had promised Bome land to oertain group. or Kaoris and that 500. or 600 aares could be Bet aside 1"or them at PUtere. Lota 34, '35, 36, and 37 total just over 600 aore. and might hay. been intended to carry out S1r. Donald's pr~ •••

6. Inquiries were made about the block in 1917 when it was requested that jurisdiotion be given to the Maori Land Court to inquire 1nto the title. This requeat wal refused. the Lands Department stating that it was Crown land and that it was required in conneotion wi th drainage -workl.

7. On the other hand no definite details haye been found one way or the other ot the original intention in regard to· the block. The Reserves Return of 1900 and the entriea on the plane limply indioate that there had been an intention to award the land to Maoris. No definite ola~ haB been made b7 Maoril in same 70 or 80 yearB.

8. In the meantime the land haa been disposed of and the EuroDean holders are entitled to look to the Crown for title and

\ , ,

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...'.... 2- ~ } a ~ood legal 'olaim in tha t b~haU'. It thercs W8.e a promi'Be to

I 'Maori, {1I'hioh iab7 no m~an8 oertain) it does not B~em that thia land

j .. , oOiVul.4. tWit"l,\>: lJL8.1dt •• ·!llabrlCl to th~. '"' 'r~~ crbown i. l!ghal.llYndbO~ to g ~9: ¥ e • some 04 WuOlIl UClve een on "e a "'O~ maw 7ear •• ·;· It, ,,111 14aoria do at .ome time or other I.tabli.h

J aU+matiye~ ~nat>~hi., land 11'&. promillod to them - whioh in vilw ot

.. ,t11. ~.lay· d9,. no~' .,em very' l1kely - then the Crown could po~tlap •. tind: anethlt. ar, •. or' unoocupied land, or thi. ta111,ng, grant· . : .

1·;:'~'J~9f !:.::.:~:::O::"n;:l or 1909 . "as 1sauad on tha bad. or a .chod~e or unocoupied Maori land in t11e atout-Ngata Report or

1· .. 1908. ~'. +t '!-. 01 ... 1' that thl land in question was inoluded in tll, . .chedule in erroJt· 8inol it was atill legally Crown land and. tlll

00lIll11 •• 1on>~1n· aw' qa.1 llad onl.y powlr to make recomnendationa in

1 .r,,~?!,l··9.~ t.~~·,·:19··'lU~q. tn" .~tll had. b,.n aaqertaiDOd •

. .... ; . '. . ..... / ... :.; :,:. Ji~? .• " '. . 10. '. .. ........ Taking all tnt o1roum.tanoea intooons1dlration 1 t

,'J". " •• r. that ~h. 'rlYQcat1on ot the order-in-Counoil oannot do 8.Il7

ha~ and w111 ,~ble't~e crown to fult1l 1ta logal ob11aation to ·the •• ttl~r ••. It,the Order-in-Counc11 111 not revoked, 1I'hat.YI~ tn. position rliard1ng any po.a1ble Maor1 r1ghte, the Crown w111 .

'] 1mnediatelybe raced w1th aoilona by tllo lottlers "for specitia j'i :p~~!f,e~9~ 9f ~~" qon~raot. w1t~ \1101 or to;;- damago,. .

. :-.: •.. :'~ •.. ';~ . ."~I'?:';~:". .

11. .' I J'14ommend, thore"fore, that 70U 8~gn the attaohed ] . .. ~'~~T~ C9.~o~~·fl"~r, tor tn~ ;.yooat~on 01' thl Ordor-tn .... Counoil.

. . i. l' . ;; : . f" . . .


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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


a) Letter of28 November 1915 from Te Matehaere Whatanui to the Native


b) Departmental translation


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, ....

.. ... . ! NATlO~fi"LDA~~~lli:S~~,7r:T~~A~ND /1 ..... u

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Y\ 1 i I ;

To the Hon. the Native Minister.

it NATIYE : . _." ., 'n:'li




Matata, ,I

28th. November,19l5.

Greetings to you, vmo is transacting the onerous duties or the

'Dominion. Surricient or greetings.


I write to express my wishes regarding Te Patere, a piece

of land near the Rangitaiki River and between Whakatane and Matata

and near the sea-beach. This is Crown Land and was given to

Ngati Raka and Ngati Whare by McLean in the old days to live upon

at the resumption of peace during the Hauhau Wars. The occupation

of the Natives ceased then. In 1890 Arana Karaka Mokonuiarangi

(",l~Jl I w,':!n1J to T,:? Pltel'e 'j 0 cultivate food therE;. We did

this for one year and ~hen ceased. At the present time now that

it is found that this land is improved, I ask that I should be allow~~

to lease this land to the Government. I am living at Matata.

Kia ora the Minister.

(Sgd)Te Matehaere Whatanui.




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Legislative Council Paper No. 20, p32, 1900

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SCHEDULE of NATIVE RESEIWES as at the 21s~ October, 1899--continued. ~ .. - ,

.. . - '<1» ¢~ >,c;\. & >.00 ~~.o ~ ".0 Q, Situo.tian, o.nd Areo. of Reserve. State how such Lands be- '" 8"0.0 :; ~ ~j'g.e-~ came Native Heaerves- Sta.te whether State whether State' State, ~grg~ .<~~~

Date when Re!:ierve was occupied Nnruber ot ~~'Q)QS~~ viz., by Grant from the Agrioultural whether ~ P-o@ ~ ~.;.g ~ ...... -:> ~ ""ro

" -

I· CrOWD. or hy being ex~

Ret aside . . or or unoccupied: improved Nn.tives I<".,;;E-i ,Q~-:OO ~rg~~ ~·o (Stat~ Ga.eett8, if any.) (a.) By Maoris. occnpying the co'O'·- 0 ~a>z.Q) "mpted from Surrol1n·j- P •. storal La.nd. lb.) Europeans. or not. Heserve. ~ ~.S::§ o.~ ~.~ ~'~~8~~ N ",rue of Heserve. Block. Section. Survey District. Area. ing L .. nds sold or ceded. ~~E::s rD!I)0gS '" 0''' Ul~ilp-< ~~OZ olQ.Q

---- - ~.~..,


Ro.ngitaikiParish'-:" A. R. P. WHAKATANE COU'NTy-conti,Lucd. Miriann. Hauaura •. , 5 4 Awa 0 te Atua.. 5 0 01 N.Z. Settlements I Agricultural Unoccupied Not None ., I Crown grn.r

. Acts, 1863 and 1865 Heni Henuperuia .. 5 5 " 15 0 0 Ditto .. / Reripeti Whiuwhu 5 6 50 0 O. . . Apanui te Hamaiwaho 5 7 40 0 0 '. Miria te Mantaianiu 5 8 " 135 0 0 Mita Wiremu Hihaira 7 11 Rangitaiki 200 0 0 Wiremu te Whatapapa 7 and 8 ~12 . 300 0 0 Mere Maihii 1 13 15 0 0, .. , Mata Hira . . 1 14 10 0 0, Taki. . 2 ' 15 Whakatane 5 0 01 . " 1 • Tiaho 2 16 5 0 0 Hera Tiri . . 2 17 4 0 0 Te Wharepu .J' 2,' 18 4 0 0 • Pero . . 2 ,19 2 2 0 • Mere Hihiko,.. 2 20 2 2 0 '" Apanui to Hamaiwaho: 4 21 158 0 0 ".. Tu Perea .. ' '.. 5 26 18 0 0 Given back ..." Sandy • No Wepiha Apanui and others.: ' 5 ' 27 56 0 0 " Volunteers and •

• " Others Ln.nds Act, , . 1877" '

,Apanui Hamaiwaho " 1 aud 1A 28 2,510 0 0 Ditto Both lIboris partiallY} IharairaMatahitiraandothcrs 1 29 1,330 0 0 " 100, ", I Romano. Tautau and others.. 1 and 4 30 3,306 0 0 ". I Apanui Hamai waho '., 5 31 • 8,043 0 0 Agricultural Europeans " '" None} Assets { On I •. Iharaira Matahitira 12 and 8 3~ Rangitaiki 7,654 0 0 " ~ Board • , • , Romano. Tautau and otherR .. 10,11,&12 33 6,864 0 0 ,. " • No Te Manohoaka te Whakanoho ~ 4 38 Whakatane 2,267 0 0 ' R~mana Tautau'and others.; ~ 4, 39 50 0 0 " • " Te Manohoaka and others 4' 40 50 0 0 '

12' 41 4,877 0,0 ", •. ~." ~ . :\ 5· 34 Awa 0 to Atua. . 273 0 0 Both Partially by I

Maoris I' 5' 35 50 0 0 Ditto 20to'SO {Not.under ;:' 5 36 50 0 '0 . . tItle.

Putere' 4 ' 37 • 275 0 0 '" " RomallaTautau and others.. 12 42 ,Whakatane 77 0 0 Agricultural Unoccupied Not None "I Ditto. Te Manoboaka Whakanoho .. 1 43 Waimana 75 0 0 • . , . .

WaimanaParish- ' Hori Tuniu 1 8 Wbakatane} { N.Z. Settlements / .. , I ..

100 0 0 Aots,1863 and 1865 . ' ~ .. I 2 2 . Ditto ' Agricultural ,Partiall(by Partially /1 Maons

;mif:i;1~,;M~%::&i~ tr1f: t"rj'U ,;"';: O<N. "', '.:: ': ": " "Hi...· ,{ d': ;\:1':'. ;. th,f:~i:Hi~tifi'!i'+';:0.t,t,!:\t!~':t~1\'~.t:s'9 fBi;:", .' .. '.,' ','. ··Hobala. .l\fatn.t~JUJJrjn.· . ~." • ~ ..

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


New Zealand Gazette 1909 p3245

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Declaring Land to -be $ll~ilct to Part II of .. The Native' Land SCI!lclIltlit Act, 1907."

PLUNKET, Governor.


A.~ ~he GOV6rnmen, Honse, p.t WelJin!!,on, ~hi" fourteenth day of December, 1909.


\A'THEREAS the Commission referred to in,aeotion fifty. \' V four of .. The, Native Land Settlement Act, 1907,"

has reported to the Governor that certain Native land, to wit, I tbe Native lands described in the Schedule hereto, sbould be reserved for the use and occupation of Ma.oris :

Now, therefore, in exeroise of the powers in this behalf conferred upon bim by the aforeRaid 8eeLion fifty.four, His Excellenoy the Governor of tho Dominion of New acting by and with the advice and oonsent of the Exccutiv~ Council tbereof, doth bereby doclare Ibat the Na.tive land described in the Schedule bereto shall be subject to Part lJj of the aforesaid Act, as Irom tbe date 01 this Ordcr in Counoil. '


N .. me of Block.

Pari s b of Rangitaiki, I'

Lot 21 , Ditto, Lot 28B I

Lot 300 Lot SOE Lot SOli' Lot SOa Lot S7 •• Lot S9 •• Lot 40 ~. Lot 60A6 Lot 60ll: Lot 6011' Lot 6Oa,

• Lot 60Il Parish of Matato.,

Lot 72ul Ditto, Lot 72B2

• Lot 72u3 Mothi A No.2 ..

• No.3 .. MoLiti B Motiti North a


• G Putauald No.2 Wlliohau No. U.

arisb of Ma.tata, Lot 59A. tto, Lot 6SA'

a r i 8 h of, Lot 239

Ditto, Lol 246 Lot 260A. Lot 274 ..

ana. No. 1nl No.lu2 No.lel No.le3

• No. 10 a r ish of Wa.imana., Lot 313

ngo.roa. North B No.3 DNo.lA DNo.ln D No. Ie DNo.l0 DNo.b; DNo.h· n No.ln DNo.ll1 DNo.2

• E B No.1

B No.2 B No.3 B No.5 B No.o

Approxima.te I Area..

~8 R. P. 0 0

506 0 0 35 2 6 71 0'12

4 0 0 - 126 0 0

275 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 85 0 0

5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 o ~O

293 2 In 1 0 2

2,230 1 21 63 1 10 86 2 30

1GB 0 0 203 0 0 129 0 0 230 0 0

1 0 0 2 0 0

2,416 0 0 7,464 0 0

5 0 0

112 0 0

40 0 0

1,575 0 0 8 0 0

15 2 20 500 0 0 100 0 0

2,000 0 0 100 o '0

1,250 0 0 600 0 0

34 0 8 45 0 0 64 0 0 72 0 0 43 0 0 39 0 0 25 0 0 12 0 0 20 0 0

1 0 0 50 0 0

200 0 0 155 0 ()

lOf) 0 0 ao 0 0' , 51 0 0 1

Suney District.


Awa.:.; Wlia.katane.

Rangltaiki Upper.


Ro.;Sitaiki Upper. Lower. Upper.

Waibi South and Awa· o· La ·atua.





N .. me oC Block.

Puka.ingataru B No.7 B No.8 B No.9 B No. 10 B No.W 13 No.17 B No. 18 B No. 19 B No. 20

• B No. 21 Maungarangi B No 1 ..

B No. 10 B No. Is 13 No. 2e H No. 21-' B No.ilo B No. 3e B No. 3D B No.31l: B No. Sp B No. 30 B No.3H BNo.4 B No. 6e

• B No. 7A , Ngatipahiko B No. 3A.3 '. , No. 3.1.4 ..

No.3e4A No.3e8 .. No.3e9 .. No.3elO No.3ell No. '3e12

• No.4 Tumu·Kaituna No. 7n


: Rauotebuia C Te Kara.ngi A

No. 12

Ranginru No. 2A No. 20 No. 20

• No. 21> Pukebina. B

o G

• K Te Puke No. 10

• No. IB: Section 26. Block 11,

MakeLo Sorvey Distric& Section 28, Blook 11,

Maketn Survey District Section 29, Block 11.

Makutn Survey District Sedion 19, Block 11.

Maketn Burvey District Para.wai No.1 Kawaba NOB. 1 to 8 Te Koutu No. lA-

No.ln No.2 No. ZA. No.3A

• No.3n Ngapune. No.1

No.2 No.3

Koutu Owh~tiura No. lA­

No.ln • No.2

Okoheriki No. 106n • No. lK North ..

Ko.i~o.o No. 2e •. • No. 20 ..

Rotahokahok& 01 02

• E Paebioahino..Manupirua Te Rimu·Rorohoro Rotomabana • Paereka·

rangi No. Ditto 6.1.2 No. 60

6A2 No. on (Tumu. nui No.2)

No.603u No.6L2u2

I Approxima.te I Area..

A. n. P. 166 0 0 181 0 0 170 0 0 240 0 0

55 0' 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 20 0 0 22 0 0 28 0 0

8 1 27 a 1 :20

20 Q.33 79 1 3

111 1 11 30 1 7 89 o 29 10 o 16 13 1 32 10 6 16 10 6)6 5 0 9

77 3 0 10 014 16 3.16 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0

773 3 0 109 3 36 289 2 30

7S 1 24 117 1 24

50 0 0 52 0 0

502 0 0 50 0 0 14 0 0

594 0 0 504 0 0 511 2 0 100 0 0 689 a 20 150 0 0

20 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0

46 0 0 0 3 0

15 0 0

20 0 0

20 0 0

43 2 0

140 0 0 540 0 0

90 2 17 28 0 2 10 0 0 o 0 20

20 0 0 33 0 24

166 3 8 17 0 0 20 0 32

110 3 31 55 3 0

126 2 0 167 2 0 338 0 0 162 1 38 100 0 0 200 0 0

50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0

920 0 0 114 0 .0 740 3 20

137 0 0 3,346 0 0

187 2 0 700

15D3 3245

Survey District.


. -Te Tumu.

Waihl South.



Retorno.. To.rawera.

Retoru ...


Retorua. Retoiti. Hnrohoro. Pa.eroa.





,i ,J •

" :j

" :i

! i


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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


Correspondence relating to the intended purchase by the Crown of Allotment 37,

Parish of Rangitaiki

a) Memorandum of23 August 1915 from the Chief Drainage Engineer to

the Under-Secretary of Lands

b) Memorandum of 18 December 1915 from the Valuer General to the

Under Secretary, Native Department giving government roll values as at

March 1913

c) Memorandum of20 December 1915 from the Under-Secretary, Native

Department, to the Native Land Purchase Officer, Auckland

d) Memorandum of25 January 1916 from the Native Land Purchase Officer,

Auckland, to the Under-Secretary, Native Department

e) Memorandum of 1 February 1916 from the Under-Secretary, Native

Department to the Under-Secretary, Department of Lands & Survey

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(COpy) .

THA1IillS •••• 23rd. Aug. 1915.

Re sug~ested purohas~ of N~tive LandH. being Sections 26. 35 • . ' 36. and 37. Pariah of Rangitaiki. Rangitaiki Drainage


1.' The Under-Secretary of Landa,


l ]






I would suggest that an endeavour be made to acquire the above sections by the Native Land Pllrchaae Board as early as possible. Adjoining. these seotions we have certain Crown Landa which would in conjunction with the 'Native Lands be cut up profitably. The sections bf Native Land referred to are generally poor and sandy in quality but are eo poai t-toned as to prevent us making t he beat of the CrownLands adjoining. The values and areas of .the Native seotions are as followa:-

Sectioa· Perri !Jh Area. Price we could uffoni to pay at . . EreHent time fo t'srune. '

.: . . , 26 Rangitaiki 18 D.c. 30/- per ac •• £27 0 0 35)

15/-36) " 100 " ~ 75 0 0

-37 It 275 " ' 30/- N 412 10 0

393 " £514 10 0 =====::::.:== ====::;=:::z===~

With the addition or suitable Crown Land we would then have appro4imately aome 700 acres of land available for settlement, which if suitably,subdivided would sell at. an ~verage of say £5. per acre all round, or a total of £3.500.

Of COUrse, the Native Lands could be taken under the provisions ~f the Rangitaiki Land Drainage Act, 1910. but would then become Land for Set Uement lands, which fact would noke it di ffiGul t for us to carr: out our amalgamation proposals as to subdivision. I therefore BuggeBt ror your conBideration that the difficulty might be met by purchul3ing t

la.nd through the Native Land Purohase Rbard.

I attach litho. shewing the position of sections in question.



Chie!' Drainage Engineer.

For Head Office Use.

Would you kindly brilig before next meet ing of Boa:rd.

(Sgd) ; J'ue. McKenzie. 25/e/ 15.

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J 1. 1 ]







J 1 .t j


H.~.P. '1/37·

If?:MO MNlHJll for





16th. Deo. 1915 ..

RANGITAIKI, SEOS. 26~ 3~36& 37. _:""-=---Rtiferring to the a.ttached memo. from the Chief D:t'ainage Enginet.

at 'l'ha.mea arxl. to the IllelIlO. or 25th. August last endorsed thereon, I

have to info lIn, you that the matter 'Has considered by the NativB Land

PurohAae Boa.rd u.t 1 ts laat me eti ns. when it T;aa deoid ed that the

Native Land Purchaue Officer at Auckland be naked tQ rorw~rd a report . '~cJ-

on the lanQ ~nJ;\.authority be given to him to \.lequirE! individual 1nte:

-eats ,in the. above lDoentioned lJeot1ona., Should it 'be oonsidered neot

-t1ry~ ,lOOet1ng» of. auuombled owners ~111 be direoted. At present I et

awaiting reoeipt of particulars as to the title and the Government

VAluation of the land.



(ENOL) ..

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HJNJVE c:~·~~ ~-" - -' -r

T i!"j ')DI<E8Hl!:D


r-__ 2~ DEC 1915


D.J.O •. WELLINGTON, 18th December,

The Under 8eoretary,

Native Depar~nt.


Referring to your memo ot the 29th ill. timo I append hereto

particltlars of the asses8Ill8nts aa they appear on the roll for the

aboTe 8eo~ion8:-

------.---------.----------~~~~-~---------------------~--~--~ I Area ~ Oap. I. Unimp. I Val.of I a. r.· p. I Val. I Val. : Impts. Desoription

-----------------.-----~---- -- • ¥ .... _ ...... - , ~...-.--, £. I £ I

8eo.26 Parish ot Rangitaild. 18.0.00 18 I 18 I 200 I '200' I

I I • 34/36 do •. 373.0.00 .. I I

275.0.00 344 I 344 I . I I • 37 do. G G (, I' --______ ._. __ • __________________ . ____ J~ __ ~. _______ ~ _______ ~ ______ ~~~ __ _

Date of. valuation - Karoh.1913.

--------------.---------You will observe that 8eo.34 1s inoluded in the valuat10

of 8eos.36 & 36, there being no separate valuation for the last

mentioned sections.

~~ Va.luer General.

.. - ---- .. - - ----_.


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I ,I ]


l j

. ," . '.- .

_~_~? N.L.P • ·11/37 •


lie s.

w. H. BOWT~ER E8~.,



20th. Deo. 1915.

RANGITAIKI PARISH. & 37. =g---c=-= __ =-:=~~_c=~ Herewithple~Be finJ a gOpy of a letter f~om the Chief Drainage

Rngineer at T~a to the Under-Seoretary for Landa. in which it ia

suggested tMt the Crown ehould aoquire the above seotions fro~. th8

N'tt t iTo owns r1t.

The matter has been oonsidered by the Native ~nd Purchase Board

whioh hae deoided that you be instruoted to report on the position. a

that, if neoessary. authority be giv~n to you to aoquire individual

interests. A oopy of A memo. from the Valuer-General 1s enolosed heI

-wi the The Regietrnr of the Wa1.arik1 Court 1nformIS me that he oan!

no xxx.X reoord of the title to the seotions in hie off10e.

Would you kindly look into the matter at an early date and let

me have aD full tl repo rt as PODS ible. It is probable that the above

lots are oooupied by the Native' owners per.manently or as oamping grou

for fiShing parties ot Natives from plaoes inland. The attaohod lit

will 1rxi1oate thfl looality of the larrl.

. r.!t llly, ~

Pleaee return it with your



J (llNCL).

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r~'~':~~~ ", .J




Memorandum ~or t m Under Seoretary,

Native Department. Wellington.

Auokland, 25th January, 1916.


NATI';'- :

27 JAN. 1916 -i(.:)····

Rangitaiki Parish Sp.ctionB 26, 35, 36 and 37.

Referring to your memorandum o~ the 20th ultimo, I made

what inquiries I could when at Rotorua, but was not able to aSCAr­

tain anything in ro~erenoe to these seotionB.

~om inquiriAs rna.dft in thA Crown landa o'N"ioe oorA I find

t lBt no Crown Grants were issued in rospeot of' the s90t1011B. whioh

are oonsequAntly ·papa.tupu· land. I am inf'ormAd that thAy were in­

oluded in a sohedule sent tbo Under Secretary f.or Lands

Bome little time since, with the idea o~ the mntter being ref.erred .

the Native Land Court ~or 1nvest~ation of titles. Proba.bly you wil

have Bame oorrespondnoe bearing on the matter.

I have not been able to asoertain whetoor' or not anyone 1s

living on the seotions, but probably the Drainage EnginAer nIl be

able to supply intormation on th:'s point.


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.• J \.~ .


I -1





~~~t-.. :;;t J

1 ]



ll.L .. l? .. 1 1/3'7-

1st .. Faby. 1916.





Referring to your manoa of too 25th. AUgu~t lWlt. endorst: !

on a memo. t:rom the Chie! Engineer ~~ Tharueu, dated ths . j • :

23rd.1dGm. I have to inform you thAt thtJ Resi1Jtr~r ot the 'lTa1arik!

Distriot Hat1v. ~ Oourt oan f1~ no roaorda of tho title ~q the

acova lIoations in hie offioe. The N~t1ve Land Purchuse Offioer WaJ

aooordi~ly in8~ruot~ to endeavour to asoertain the at~te of the

t 1 tlo to theae landa. ani I now enoloae a. QOPY of hi:3 rep ort.

It ae~e .a~1Bable that tho D~1nage Engineer Ihould be ~

to give full partlaularo of the title to theo~ blooks. Tho quest;

of aoquiring these land. on bellal!" of the Crown oan then b~ p rooee,­

w1 the

"\ Under-Seoretary.

. toOL) •

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


Memorandum of 27 May 1949 from the Chief Surveyor to the Director General

of Lands


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, "

. 'J'

.,: ,.

,~' "


,b1 r:~,,~,t .or; :9,~, ~"' l~'~'dB;;-:,Jr -(, ~ 'f ',. ',' '. • _:,

. "."'.~ ::,: , .. . .:' :.. ;: ':"~."J

..,. """ .". ~',:: ':1

L. C.1900 No. 20 p.32.

p.p.190a a1 1'.2

P.P.190B G-lc 1'.4

.!:T. z. Gaz. 1909 1'.3245

,- .' ,J ./. , el. ------

'In Lerislotive Counc"l' ' the above land con tainin 27 1 puper, Lo. 20 of' 1900,.3 t page other nec rby sec tiona, a ~ b~ i ~cres; 10_ 8 {lQ:~n, brae ~e ted with la nd, 8;-Jpears to hoye been sct agi~~c~Pied b" 20 to .;0 . £loris •. ' The ' !,

confiscation, in, the Boy. of'. plcnt D ,or. return to ~he "aoris oTter ,': h,ave ~cen reached 1n deCiclin. ' Y I ,1str~ct but, no fInality seems 'to ' In thl.S connection p1ea"'c re~efOrt ~,hom the lando b~lC'- beo;; O)t ''''<:id6~

'3 t b 1 .;;:., . .1. l' 0 my rcnorts 0'" 1 .~U. ep em er 915- your f'ile 22/1218. . l .1. t,... - Ju y and 9th

The stolJt-Ngata Commission rIDs set up on 21st Jan. 1907, to enquire as to how' areos of' fAaori land which were unoccupied, or

'n'otpro:f'1tablyocclJpicd could best be utilised :for the benefi t of ~):~:uaoriowriers~pollowin[l upon. this the !,Iaori Lund ~1ettlerneot i\ct

.... '1907 was passed on the 25th November 1907 to validate certain>: ,,' recomr:)cnds tions made by tbe Comr.7iso ion. .

10 their f'irst report doted 18th .TaoLJury 1908 the 1136ioo io the paraf'raph headed "papo tupu La nds It s ta tcs: "'!'he Leris .ure by the .1~Ct" of 1907, hDS limited to lands the ti tlcsof which h bee n ascertained, the scope of' the recommendu ti ':; os we which can be riven e:f'f'ect to under that Act."

" In Parliementur.y papers 1908-'1"\G pDge 4, . chedu1e B, the

Corrmiosion includes T,ot 37 Rao8itaiki P3rish in the lis t of lund.s . recommended'':;to be reserved :f'oI'?:aori oce upa tian under Part. 11 of' t ;,'aori I.and ~;ott1ement ./I.ct 1907. }<'0110";io[ on this rocoIDoend-.ltion on o,rder in Cooncil dated 14,th December 1909 was ",ublinhc!i in the odzette or 16th ')eccmber 1909 par.e 3g1t5 settinG aside a large nu 01' blocks, including, this sectiDn, under ,'art II of the above Act. 'l'his 1\ct was repealed by the ~I:aori Land,J\ct 1909 which waD passed. . 24th December 1909, but wrJich did not C';XlJe inth force untl131st',c,y.'-"',l1'_'-"" vareh 1910. '

lIt the time' Lot 37 Rongitaiki Portsll \:'us set noide un the :/aori Lend settlement ,~,ct 1907, the title to the land hod. not been ascertained, and the Repistrar, poor,! I,and Court, ROtOru6, on," 9/5/49 advises rile that no attmpt has ever been made to bring the matter' before the tl180ri Land Court, nor is there a recordcf' any applicotionhavinu been 1od[cd., •

't' It oppears obvious t: eref'ore, tho t tbis sectio n shou __ .. :.:.,:,:,.:""" not have been included in the list of lands so sct seide"oeit still Crown I.and under the N.Z.Scttlemcnt Act 1863Jalthou~:h rose

'~.,";, __ ,_rpom sale or disposition LJntil required for settlement of [:'aori ,. claims •

.......... , In "'flY 19l7,Ronger C.S.Kensington W!lO hEld been asked inspect the block,: reported thnt 11e could find 00 sign of, any. it~ing. onthe"block and that there were no improvements" tp~~,::,

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- ...

" ~ i i

, ..... ;'4 .. :;'.;;:·····1/;1

Mr. R.J.Knight advised the Commissioner of' crowp Landa no applica tion hpd ever been 19i.dged wi th the Maori L.a od

Court to ascertain to whorn·.th~.;~aod ShoJ~ldbe awarded, i.t cOl?ld be presumed that the Maoris were not io!need of' it, and.he 8ugg.,ested that this'Department should take steps 'to resume title to .the'tlaed. -This appears to have been taken as advi ce that it could be· deal t wi th as ordioDry Crpwn Land, as in )\ugust 1917 instructions we~e issued to prepare a new scheme Of'S ubi! i vision' incorpora tiog this area of 275 acres wi th surrounding. Crown u~n,d/ .. ",;1'

Under this subdi vision Lot 37 .disapp~areQ.:;a[)d the new sections known as ABotments 99.tol05'Parish "of'sangitaild have all been disposed of' ei ther by sale or lease. .

, ...... 'All.otrnents 101 and. 104· are now being coover.ted to free-hold .tenure, ,pu.t when these ti tIes are presen ted for regie trati on the.Distric.t T~and Re fl'istrar will require proof' that the Crown has acqtd:r.ed.:titleto the land. TheOFder in Council of eecember 19091'.:.hss· been regi stercd in the T,a nd Hegie trY .O:etice: as.~ .. K. (507, this of' course, being'theonly.regist:ration orraiostAllotment 37 l~aogitaiki Parisb. '. . -

. The District Land Registra:;- h~~,,:)be,~o:,iDte.rViewed':6n the subject, and whil,e, he agrees that Lot3.7.,probably.:;;should'Lnot have been included ,1n the Schedule at tache.d· tothe~'or"d~r:>in<;.Co.lJn.c1'l,:;~he holds thatthe'posltioo should be rectif'iedby an equally high authority~ He,s·~:ggests·.:th:at· steps should be. taken as 8000 as have the proclamation revoked io 80 far as it a1'fects Lot 37 Rangitailci parish, and I agree that the posl tiCD should berecti1'ied io this

. manner •

.. \:

'1 .. :'-" , 'i",


." , .. I"'.': 'j",


'. '::, \ " ri

. t' ~.: " ' >

-/:, "",!

I . ". ..~, "

) (

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


Memorandum of 13 June 1949 from the Director-General of Lands to the

Under-Secretary of the Department of Maori Affairs

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13th June, 1949

tEMQRi\NDUM 1:or &



'1 J J , .:J


:1 I


The Under-Seoret~ry. Department or M~ori Attair~f W~:LLINGT(lN

;\LLOTVENT 37. PJ\IUGlJ OF RANOI'hAIltl (PU'1'l':RE ~j~i\OtU, RgSERVE)

n1 an Order in Council dated 14th December, 1909, (Tide N.Z. Gazette 1909 page 3245) the above-mentioned seotion wae se' apart together with other land under Par' II of the Maori Land Se'tlemen' Aot, 1907. The 1907 Aot was passed to validate certain recommendatia made by the, stout-Ngata Commiesion concerning tinoocupied llaori land. The land det-tlt with in the Ao' purported Maori land t'he \i t1e to whioh had been investigated. In thelr first repor' dated 18th JanU8I'7 1908 the COmmission in the paragraph headed "Papatupu Landen states! 'The Legil!lature by the Aot or 1907. hal! lim! ted to landI!' the ti tlea o~ whioh have been ascertained, the scope or the recommend.ations we may make and which can be giyen effec' to under the' Aot.'

In parliamentary Pup~r8 1908-01° page 4, Schedule B, the Commission includes Lot 37 Rang! taikl Parieh 1n the 1111' or lands recommended to be reserved for ~aori occupation under Par' II of the Maori Land Settlement Aot 1907. Following on this recomloondation an Order in Council dated 14th December, 190~t wae published in the Gazette of 16th December, 1909, page 3245 setting aside a lorge number of blocks, including thiB I!eotlon, under Part.II ot the aboTe Aot. Th1eAct wae repealed by the Maori Land Act, 1909, whioh was passed 'on 24th Deoember, 1909, but which did not corne into force until 31st Maroh, 1910. .

At the time Lot 37 Rangitaik1 Parish wae set aside under the Maori Land Settlement Act, 1907, the title to the land had not been ascertained, and the Registrar, Maori Land Oourt, Rotorua, on 9/5/49 advised, me thnt no attempt hoe ever been made to bring the matter before the ![Jlor-i Land Court,and that there is no record of any a.pp11c~_tion hf'ving been lodged.

It appe8rs obvious therefore that thie seotion should not have been included in the list of lands 80 set aeide, as it was st111 Crown Land under the N.Z. Settlement Act 1863, although reserved !'rom aale or dieposi ti,on until req,uired for eet"tlement of Maor1 claim.

In ~ny 1917, Ranger 0.8. ~en8ington who had been asked to inepect the Block, reported that he could find no e1gn of any Maori8 living. on the Block and that there were no improTementa to be seen. The late Mr. R.J. Knight advised the Co~eBioner or Crown LandI! that, as no application had eYer been lodged with the Maori Land Cou~ to asoertain to whom the land ehould be awarded, it oould be presumed that the MaoriS were not 1n need of it, and he auggested that this Department should take steps to resume title to the land. This appears to have been taken ae advioe that it could be dealt with ae ordinary Crown Land, as' in August 1917 lnl!truotions were issued to prepare a new Boheme of subdl T1e10n Inoorporatl.ngthia area of 275 nares with surrounding Crown Land. ,

Under th:4d subdi Tieion Lot 37 dlBap~ .red and the new I!eotione

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r':' : ....



I ]


known as Allotments 99 to 105 Pariah of Rangi ta1ki have all been di6P~ed ot ei ther by sale or lease.

Allotments 101 and 104 are now being converted to freehold tenure, but when theBe titles are presented for registration ihe Dis trio t Land Regilltrar will require proot that the Orown has aoquired title to the land. The Order in Council ot 14th December 1909, has been registered in the Land Registry Oftice as K.607, tn1~ or course, being the only registration against Allotment 37 Rangitaik1 Pariah.

The District Land Registrar has been interviewed and while he agrees ina t Lo", 37 proba:;,ly should not have been included in the schedule attuched to \he Order in Counoil he is noi prepared to issue titles \0 ihe Crown .1onan~s who aro treeholding until the Order in Oouncil haa been rOTersod 1n 80 tar aa it arrects Lot 37.

It is oloar I think that Lot 37 has never beon 1n effective Maor1 occupaiion and that the area was wrongfully inoluded 1n the

.schedule to the Order in ,Council. Will you therefore pleaao ar~ange ror ~he issue or an Order in Council revoking the pr~vioua Order 1n OOWlcil 8JI tar aa 1~ affeats Lot 37.

F:NCLtl. Dup.meDX)

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Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


New Zealand Gazette 1949 p1811

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Lower Hutt - Wainui-o-mata.-All that road or portion of road in the Hutt County, commencing at the south-eastern boundary of the City of Lower Hutt and procecding thence generally in n. south-easterly direction, and terminating in Wainui-o-matn Town-

· ahip at the junction of Burdan Avenue and Hine Road, being a · distance of 3 miles 16 chains, more or le,,-~; as the snme is more particularly delineated on plnn markcd P.W.D. 129691, deposited

· in the office of the Main High wnys Board at Wellington, hnd thereon coloured green.

T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council.

(M.H. 62/19.)


Licence-Akaro" lIarbour-Slipway-Akaroa Progres8 Association (Incorporated)

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General


At the Government House at Wellington, thia 24th day of August, 1940


PURSUANT to the Harbours Act. 1923, His E>:cellcney, tbe .' Governor-Geneml, acting by and witb the advice nnd consent

of the Executive Council, doth hereby licence and permit the Akaroa Progress Association (Incorporated), of Akaroa (hereinafter called the licensee, which term shall include its successors and assigns unless the context requires a diffcrent construction), to use nnd occupy that part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark in Akaroa Harbour shown on plan marked M.D. 3089, and deposited in tho offico of the Marino Dcpnrtment at Wellington, fllr tho purpO"" of erecting nnd maintnining n RJipwny theroon, snch licl'nce to he held and enjoyed by the licensee IIpon nlld "ubject to the terms and

· conditions set forth in the Schedule hereto.


1. THIS lic~nce is subject to the Foreshore Licence Regulations · 1940, and the provisions of those regulations shall. so far "-' npplicabll'.

apply thereto. 2. The term of the licence shall be fourteen years from the day of August, 1949.

3. The annual sum so payable to the Hon. the Minister of Marine by the 'licensee shall be one shilling (Is.), payable on demand.

T. J. SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Sett;ng Apart "'1aor; Lands as Maori Reservat;olls

B. C. FREY BERG. Governor-Gcneml


At the Government House at Wellington, this 24th dny of August, 1949


P URSUANT to section five of the Maori P~lrposes Act. 1!J37. His Excellency the Go.ernor-Geneml. actmg by and WIth the

advice and consent of the E",ecutive Council. doth hereby set apflrt and reserve the Maori freehold land. describecl in the Gmt col limn of the Schedule hereto for the common ""e of the :lfaori inhahitant. of Ro.paki for the respective purposes set out ill the s~eond ('olurnn

· of the said Schedule.


First Column.

· The following blocks situllted in Block IX, Halswell Survey District:-

Rapaki Maori Reserve 875, Scction 37

Rapaki Mnori RCRerve 875. Section 40 Rapaki Mnori HeRervo 875. Seclion 41 Rapaki Maori Reservo 875. Scction 42



0 1 0

Area R. P.

3 10

., 0 . , r, 4

Second Column.

Churc:h site nnd eemetery.

Cemeterv. Ct'mf"trr~" .

: .. Maori Reservo 8-;:5, Section 43 0 o 34

Me!'t i n·g.hollse Rito.

Chlln·h .ite nnd cemetery.

• ;;I'.' Ra.paki Maori Reserve 875. Section -l4 ·"h.. Rapaki Maori ReBerve 875, Section 45

0 I)

o 38 o II

School site . School site.

T . .r. SHERRARD. r. r' Clerk of the I':xccutive r:ounril.

Revoking an !/rder in Council Setting Apart Naori Law lU Mcwri Reservatioru

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor·Geneml


At the Government House nt Wellington, this 21th day of Augu~t, 1949


PURSUANT to subsection four of section five of the Mnori Purposes Act. 1937, His Excellency the Governor-G<meral.

acting by rtnd with the advice Rnd consent of the Executh'e Council. doth hereby revoke 1\ certnin Order in Council made on the fifteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. nnd published in the Ga"tte on the twenty-third oO{ay, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, at page 703. and affecting Rll.paki Mnori Rese-rve 8i", Sel'tioll 37, n nd other ""ction~.

T. J. I:>HEltRARD, Clerk of the Exel'ntj,'e Council.

r"nJing an Orde.r in COllncil Prohibiting Alienation of Certain Jfaori Lands or Land., OU'1led by 1lf aoris

B. C. FREYBERG, Governor-General


At the Government Hous~, at Wellington. this 24th day of August, 1949


P URSUANT to Rection one hundred and Rixtv-Reven of the Mnori I.nnd Act, 1931. His E>:celJency th" Governor.Gcneml. Il.ctin~

hv and with the advice nnd consent of the E>:eeuti.o Council, doth h~reby .ary an Order in Council made on the fourth clay of April, one thousand nine hundred nnd thirty-two, and pUblished in the U"zr.lte on the seventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred nnd thirty-two, at pnges 735, 736, and i37, and affectin~ Hrmtllrtl Enst B 2, Section 2A, lAo and other blocks, by excluding therefrom tho lands described in the Schedule hcreto.

SCHEDULE ._--- .. _--,------...,-------;----

Old Title.

Te Kumi 4n Pukeroa Hangatiki

4n 2A Hnuturu Enst 3n f

In. part I..

(M.A. 29/3/1.)

New TItle.

Te Kumi A 4 Pukeroa Hangatiki

A 42 Waitomo A 3A Waitomo A 3B


A. R. P. 11 2 27'5 22 0 24

24 0 20 92 3 28·6


Survey District.


} ..

Clerk of the Executive Coulleil.

V"Tlli/lglln Orrier ill COllneil Declaring Land t.o h .. S"I)jret to Part If '4 the ",nlive L(lnri Spltlcment Act., 1f10i (Sow Part XVI nf the D/'lOri Lnnd Act, W31)

B. C. FltEYJ~ERG. Governor·Gcneral


At the Government HOllse. at \\'ellington, thiM :!4th day of August. 1949


P URSUAXT to section three hllnd ... ,,1 nnd of the Maori Land Act. 1931, His Excellency lhe Go,ernor·General,

acting by and with th~ Ild,·;"e Ilnd consent of the E",<'cuti,o Coull~il, doth hereh\' var\, an Order in Council marie on the fourteenth t1n.v of Deeemh~r. olie t.hou"nnrl nine Illlnrlred'and nine. and published in the G(lz~tle on the si>:teenth dn, of Decemh~r. one tholl"nnd ninr, hundn>rl aIHI nine. Ilt page 32·\:;, and nffeding Pnri,h of Rnn~illliki Lot ~ 1 and other hlocks. by exeluding therefrom the land deBcriherl in the Schedule hereto.


PnriHh of R/ll\~ilniki Lot 3,


A. It. P.

27:) 0 f)

SnT\'l'Y District.


T .. J. ~HlmIURD. Clerk of lhe ExeclIti,·c COllncil.

Page 49: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


DoSLI overlay plan showing from base to top:

a) The current status of the land under claim

b) The subdivision creating Allotments 99 to 105, Parish of Rangitaiki

c) The original Allotment 37, Parish of Rangitaiki (and the adjoining

Allotment 26)

Page 50: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

l> --o -1-3 ro :::J -1-(f)

W -..J


N ~

::0 p :::J

u::l -1-P _. ~ ., _. (f) =r .. (j") o w ~ (X)

Page 51: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.




Allotments 99 -105 Rangitaiki Parish I SO 21226


Page 52: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

N \C

2 27.2850

DPS 44633

SO'21226 2

30.3488 OPS 8392

HAY u J-lL1:/V I Y


685 000

r,23·~1 [~ so~;+Fz~ IITl~~ II,,'""' Wahi ero~3


1 20·2344


2 3



I 33.5889

01' 12566

Old~~ Ral7gi~ taiki -

10329 12370

P:2 46· 0604

OP 1256£

= "" ~


= '" en = 0> .... ~ '" '" '"

I (102)

26. ;588

Pt 1 21.6283

14 P' '"

'~ 53. '"" 0 """"

S 48051 • PC '5 ' SO "2"

52 "" ,"'

1 5.6776

DPS 32327

SO 48057 /'

, 20·1511

DPS 31697

Ptl OP 26910

2 33.7147

DPS 38466

OP 26970

Pt 2 23.4939

OP 10329

44 44.5812

Page 53: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

Research Report - Te Putere Native Reserve


Copies of Certificates of Title for all those lands included in Allotments 99 to

105, Parish of Rangitaiki


Page 54: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Prior CIT 38C/914

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B.219810.2

SEARCH 1'2. MAY 1995

F~P'I t,\!..J~ I ~

RfGISrf!~ Land· and Deeds 69


it I) I!> <Certificate dated the 3rd day of August one thousand nine hundred and ninety four under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that KEITH BANNAN finance field officer and GAYLENE LORRAINE BANNAN office manager both of Whakatane are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

z o

V"1 +­o ~



ixXO[~:lGXIK~:IDl:ldX~~(subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 9.7966 HECTARES

more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 3 on Deposited Plan S.68217


Appurtenant hereto is a Stormwater easement over: a) part Lot 2 marked C and D1 on DPS.44633

(part CT 38C/915) created by Transfer H.758527 and

b) part Lot 3 marked F on DPS.44633 (part CT 38C/916) created by Transfer H.760103.1

(See Easement Certificate H.737431.3) Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Stormwater easement over: a) parts herein marked A and B on DPS.44633

appurtenant to Lot 2 DPS.44633 (CT 38C/915) created by Transfer H.758527 and

b) part herein marked B on DPS.44633 appurtenant to Lot 3 DPS.5]44633 (CT 38C/916) created by Transfer H.760103.1

(See Easement Certificate H.737431.3)

~.--.---. ./;.:{ \'ri rTir·7~·>·,.

/:i/~' I"'" '., -', ):~(':~:j~}, Ilc,)( l . '. --'-;'Y\

~I {~:.; ( ') ~~~~~.~'~ \\ \. ,! \:~». . .' ,;~:~;/;

LA~Gts:mm~<.~\'~'/ ",-.;i t! I I' \ \.\ c.·· ... ~l.::.~;'r·


B.219810.3 Easement Certificate certifying the following drainage easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952

LOTS ON DPS.68217 Servient Tenement Marked Dominant Tenement Lot 3 (herein) BLot 1 (CT 54D/113)

Lot 2 (CT 54D/114) - 3.8.1994 at 9.00 o'c Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government Act 1974

The easements referred to in Easement Certificate B.219810.3 (relative to Lot 2 DPS.68217) (CT 54D/114) were created by Transfer B.227784.

z.(~. Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government 232 19 f Act 1974 B. - 5 .1 Trans er

for A.L.R. to Glenn Charles

L0 ~i


CY--~ L[')


Measurements are Metric

Cotterill of Te Puke company manager and Donald Bruce Cotterill of Auckland businessman (1/2 share jointly) and Donna Hay Cotterill of Te Puke homemaker and Do~~lc Bruce Cotterill abovenamed (1/2 share jointly) as tenants in common in the said shares - 7.10.1994 at 9.05 o'c

~R. B.232519.2 Mortgage to Bank of New zealand-7.10.1994 at 9.05 o·C

g~/..e-for A.L.R.

Page 55: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

-------- 21~



(:~ ~ '{ -26_ .!:: ,~-,,-. ~''''I)

,,.t., -----lyO'- ~//~_'O'"

SO~07"'2 :';:,:::l.,:_j"c.c,-hc:;>0. ?....Q....f'--c...t~~,c..,. ~z :";i"'i




@I ~~ .. ,' \ .;,:;

11//; IA~::J:""" iJ,V'-'l.z..,,/ y, -~B-:;;'f\;;-f'-'-

~'. __ V-...!.!''''2!?~

o L e~~, , RG.fli~\a...rc:.d O\NNJ..r --------J

PLl("~--I:\O C\ rc:t.6C)\U,"T\C(\cT ~'\a.':Wr..okb~ r,--'''''' c, M_~ ill D"".;tr<ctc.o..,.."C.'i~=l.G""."'''':L Z6~dco.\i ; -, --~--,----,---- OT ffU!,Y' ___ 191'.+_Cl..ooro,:\r-c"\ tyJ.l'"::s.:.,.l.o,r\1 .... 6 r : L~:::. \ I C""\ Ra .. ;tr:v!"(lJ\c:z.. ..5cr210r\ ~ or"1i""\cv Lo:::c..~fT\~ ~ :-i-~I 540/113 \.,.)-~,.-t-l\5 ~cy p\=f\~ .:<;.:;.bd"ViS.iOf\' '! i-2.. i. 540/114- -- ~~~~~a:~~~~~r\ ir\ ! i ? i 54-0/115, "tf\.Q., ~;;~ ~ f\Q.,("'a...o(\c..rdl

~.\"'yi~\'r\a-:"tr'<LP\C.(\ ~.Ir\ c:::lCcoc~ ~ \".:0r:'- iT0 roCH.. ... \:<u"\\,::.A'\"":? .~ poIO\i\=:'\Oi\......." 'I'

~:~~~~~~c:.~~~ :"oe..c..e,oo",l'. 107 '''\;;,f '/ ¥ ~;,.'"

Lot I ' --------

:;>..5i'Ti0 .. ~rc..., \,."-.'0.5 c..",:'Ti">..2d \f\ I '7T~p~~c\: _ ,

i i


SO 2.1226

"' -'.

'7 00'7 1 00. -' ~ ..(>,. '~I~ " "I:' /~ N ~ !:\'::l ., , ?-r' '

:J, \ ,) . L I ~ ~,~ \" ' ;v 0-- 2. » of I"'Y " '" ~ \. } .V "",-0<; .' . /.1: '0 I·T"r~r~ h " :h'C> .0 1'" "/ .~~ 0.

,6'0,. :::x,.q rr'C!/~ 67.~) ~O: ~

1 .• :.!1 C~bc-=-~I ...•. _ •... )' ~dl, ::-,o,,~ i

R .'. '-~t\; -tO~"tICX\ ?00(1) ~(j) L.c:x::.c.\----j I C-o"{ ~.<l.1\'\ \:.~ r 20 r-,Gra.b\,f c.arti·hl

-i-f'~' cUI, C CC,0d.(,\or-,s ~:"I\ or\~ 0\ rcr..~(~To ..... ~~plC.f\OI.

~~~~~~~ ~~rxv~~\~~-to D~!::>""l!iCT ~\" 2

I . ~~OC-'-~

® <-'JI.e.:> ........ 64

A cO< 0 '

" I L c>,.(',· -- :"""co. , " I ,? 0+ L ":~ ~,'b3«,

~' 'j 8110800 I ~~'':,'''''. j.

.!c .l', DPS ""\-4(,'"J ') ~:~ccl a.-r __ ~_Ir.~_ d..:::..'Y dr

- - --- _I~_­

____ ~ __ c~rc..\ 1'-\:::.3.

I I I I 1


.>~ J ~">-" '0 " i ' , ~ "'>

" S:-", '" '", ' ' ' ' @ ~ <..) <a ;; q D'-'c. -'8 ~ D


MCJT'Cr~"I\oi E_C\.:':-4J\'\cm1-5

"'.~ _ ~<lI\" I~I D=ffiil"clJ'ct­i~;-<.-'~IT~'" r' T~'\'

p-o;~1 ~ I ® I~~ I Lot'? nc..rQ.Cr\ @ L.oT~ 1& 2.


I_=~ '4)" " _, "'i,' 9=, 'A 'cL I.." >o,·,,~ -""-- 'I""'",~ ~ -<> . t.x'S'.'~ D' "......... "'-'r . -~~ ,"" .G.~ F ~ '- 'C ,~", ,,'6', !,U~!""b,,0 ,~" ~ ,,' to> ,',,"' " , ;, y "v~" ©

"" 'I '0 '! ' ", 4" a ~ ",HO~ , ",,'

<'I 1 >c:::; ~Q.-.I ~ I'~ -'\0' --25= ~;;.~;) ~

o "'" '-j ,,,w~ M = ~~\ ' o'i" ,," H," " /0 ' ' 't,; ~,'"

~® -b .3


Lot') ( )-.0 :::---...... Ole'.. \<.~ro:,'\'C\"I<., R.i"Q i-> • ~ ,,/!iP " ~, " '-0' f'! ~",.d' "'", ::jC;:;--.... ~. '-<',-t- ';:'" 0 -- ~ 0'):: .,,;:..f'>." s:;e .p-p:' 0

Toiol Areo ... 2.0.,'1 J0'i. f:= ....

Comprised in .r;,:r.o,bGj.11"'.I.."'.\I,).. ..



" "","' ~ '" '~ ,''''' "', "'", ", ~ , '" /)" ',' r' ~"

o ' 0,,'" '0 " Lot 2.. ~: 'o,~ J2 ~9,!:}/i. 'i) ;:::, ~ ~ ~ (~~ 'oJJ.- - 0 ' lO-.. \ ,~ -J' ~,,"," ~ ," i=" ?

. ~? "'~~.y ~ ........ -'!.. . "".. -,--(""/ , i ,,"~';,f"'" '0' \ DPS 4<;(..,")")

© .... ,:-:.". '0" \ ~.iO:'co - ~,'\ 1

DiQ€fa <5\ Not to '2Co.\~

~0~ . "' ~.,' <;;"'" E .. ::Z-

R -.9

9 "

uJ: p ~: o r' ",'"

~ o 8: ~

1~--------------------4 f • . r::o"d, .. brsrbrsl .. LC\i""' ..................................... . Rtgis[~r~d Surwror ,nd holdu of ,n 8/lr{ulJi pfllcrising clJrrifi~u (or .... ho m.Jy lIet lIS II 'lf9isttl(t!d wfV!'YOt pUfSu,nr to s6Ction 2S of rhll Survey Act 15) hereby certify tlMt this piln has b~n mild, from Htfl.t'~ ~~ut~ by me or tinder my di!"ctions, !Mt both P/M IJnd su~,~ corrllct Ind hIJWI beM! m4de in IIcc(l'dlm~ with the SUM!'( R~ul/Jti","IS 1972 Of MY {t!gu/,riOf}$ mlJde in substitution thefMf.

D6:~d ~!Wl'o.ko."TClJ"Cbis 3 Iff ~ of iJ-t::1(..f.Jj19:':>3 SignlJture~-RHd Book p. TrlJYf:rse 6~t:,/9 p. ~i-~O

Refmnc£ PIl1('S ::>?~~b·:>i?,.5()~"74-I/_-t::/·

fumined -..:~< CcrrlJct -;:d:~,~

Approl'ed 05 10 Survey .

/j'~r :.:27. K'.~/:?:+" .£Shief Surveyor

.- 'L, "\,..J I L..L \ LAND DISTRICT .... ~Or...\T.I"./'\Y,(;.X\Q""" .. '"L''' ' 0 1 S - ~ bQ.;'! no 0. 5u.bdW'!Sion

--.J I TERR!iORiAl AUTHORITY \:It-A',,,;:Jq.f'4,[)i,o,1'('5d. DepOSile!~hi~:i~\cd. doy of j)"''f~f J 'rN

- . (q,~.{0.<>:2... . /i,~,.J..\I..uF'* 'lond Regislro l

SUR.'YEY BLK. & DISr. lVAIc,o,q.Tq-s:;ho... .I' Lot I - M·' ? N 82 01- _____ ~~~ laMS 261 SHT.VI:"i ..... RtCORD i." O. , .... DP.s L:lr40?/~ __ -..1

'ur'yp"prl b,,)-larr;~----I\r-~ia..r.:S()rC;:;:0:::{.),\..1.-Qi'~5l4.--1.~-_-----.... --~.--r--~-- .. --- -----' wl-'" J.. ·-~"··FS~;4-;;'~)· .......... - .. 1.-." .. )-l:fe --:- 4 f , r. 2J

" . ~[n Q" '''"'' 'o( 'To' c:: 6 ~ 1 7 Se", L.,c;e .... O ...... DOlef\..",J=6t .. L)2 ...... J ;',mol.M, .' L DP"", 8_ p;:., ~;';·!.~·M", - Co' O.J'"

n m :=0 -t -" -n )--t m

o " -t --t .... m

I~ IVl +""­o ~



Page 56: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

0.... .... ,

I __ I ~el erent::; , Ii'nor CIT 734/l94

1 Tr3nsfer No,

SEARCH 12. MAY 1995 Land and Deeds 69

\Z j? IUJ iOJ ~

Nle. Order No, H. 7374, 31. 2 ~fflPY ~...;~{~. ; ~


CERTIFICATE OF TITLE UNDER LAND TRANSFER ACT J) -seven 11Jl lrl)iS (:ertificate dated the 10th day of July one thousand nine hundred and eighty

under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that MARK NORMAN LAWRENCE of Matata farmer and SHIRLEY GAYLE LAWRENCE are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

... "~ ,,-,-S Wlre I

i~~~t:arp~MW<lli'~ltlitf~~ (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 27.2850

HECTARES more or less being Lot 2 on Deposited Plan S.44633 and being part Allotment 105 Parish of Rangitaiki


:~:;":~>\ 0<;/ 'y~>:,

,,)~ " ' ." ' ..... >:/' ASSISTANT LAND REGISTRAR

'I .. " .. \\\ ',I THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED BY THEFOLLQWING\\'~,A70318 Variation of terms of Mortgage INTERESTS AS AT THE DATE OF ISSUE: ~~.208026.2 produced 16.6.1983 at 9.01 o'e

.r:.~'O ~-,-'"'\ H.208026.2 Mortga~&~~~~h~\~r king and Finance Corpor~£bfi·.of ~~w Ian produced

2~.11.~972Sat 9'~1&'\::~. "'\.~ \- \ .. 'It..!. '2) -=1 \ -\. \. 1\u fl.-'-


n.:f(..O o--~ B W GREEN, r-.?-...... O\U A.L.R.

H. 703875.2 MortgaQ\lb~ AN~ \Jf~~~oup (New Zealand) Lim~te~~~du~~£!1'1987 at 9.15 0 I c 8 R ' -\-\~L\-B'~ \C\, 2.. ~- i

B W GREEN A.L.R. H.737431.3 Easement Certificate certifying B\k \V Awoot<Z.otuo 5.0 the following Stormwater eacements to be I

I Rec.ra..ot.;·cn'cZ- \


2 21-285000 -l


o tv

the easements intended to be created by I the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952


LOTS ON PLAN S.44633 I Servient Tenement Marked Dominant Tenement

part Lot 1 --A---- Lot 2 (herein) 1 (part CT 38C/914) I

part Lot 1 BLot 2 (heJ'ein) II

(part CT 38C/914) part Lot 2 C L.ot t. (3(C~l4-)

(part herein) i>=- ~~:. ...... C':' ~

(part herein) part Lot 2

(.Frert herein) p~ Lc"t 3




(...0t 3 (3<iC/9 16)

Lots ~ ;; 3 (C' s • :- ..

38C!9~. i 3BCS:f J Lo~ 2 (

Uli ~I

r: A;)

! Qv. ("<:J;,, t;?,- '<::' 'v.~() ~\)'

I c:J, /-< SI-t

(~"\" Ct 3<iC./, \6) ~o.1't 1:.0'1' 3

(;p.:t.rt Cf 31L/'H~) ente,ed 10.7.1987

F t,.OT 2. (h~1 e..\l\ ")

at 11.31 o'e

B W GREEN A,~.R. I ~

u CO (f)


~ (::~

;-'!<:aour~menb dfe \letnc <±U.S /

tv" ~, "'-' <. Tke Sto"~Qter eQSC~$ te{et~c~ ~o l~

E~sct\'\C<\.-\: CCdl~~ \-I 131\.4031':; WV\'U\ G/ea.-\eJ

"hi. \ \:'ce. li"""bjC!'c\ t ... .se~~lOq 3o" t,)(?') Loco.l <DolIll.fA~ Ac.:t\: ~'''4- 1'--- ......... _,. ~ ....

fr,~ 1.-. ~, ! Register copy for L. & D. 69, 71, 72:-·_· ---"-------'

o V E R ••

Page 57: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



:SEARCK' 1'2-. MAY 1995


CT 38Cj915

H.758527 Transfer to Ross Malcolm Gordon of Waiotahi farmer, Janine Rayner Gordon farmer and Craig Jones Gordon contract milker both of Whakatane as tenants in common in equal shares produced 23.10.1987 at 12.26 O'C

~ for A.L.R.

'thE eacsef[(cnl LefeLLea La eaaCfttCnt es£tifieat:a­II. 737<431. 3 LelaLive to Lot 2 fl.F .8. 44633 (O.~. 380/915) was cLeated by ~LanaEeL lIo79!l§;l7· e"",~ Iv.. ~

H.927182.1 Evidence that the correct name of one of the registered proprietors is Janine Raynor Gordon - 19.1.1990 at 10.35 O'C

~ H.927182.2 Mortgage of the one third shares of Ross Malcolm Gordon and Janine Raynor Gordon to Bank of New Zealand - 19.1.1990 at 10.35 o'e

L:f!!: A.L.R.

H.952159 Evidence that th correct name of Criag Jones Gordon is Craig James Gordon -17.5.1990 at 10.38 o'e

4P4VJ. ~S) I) for A.L.R.

c.·/ C\ ~/ H. 984370. 2 Encumbra~~Jt~$'& of Plenty Regional counciLiJ~\;12 ,HL '. at 10.50 0 I c

GtJ74-7&'5-2- '\)\ \~~ !"~~d~ , 'OZ/~.R.


;. ~, .

Page 58: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



SEARCH; Re/erences G

Prior C!T 734/194

Transfer No.

N/C. Order No. H."7 3 74 31. 2

1'2. MAY 1995.

COpU Land and Deeds 69



en ()



l~ his wife 1-

i!"l)is ICrrtiflmlt dated the 10th day of July on:.? thousand nine hundred and eis',t.y seven under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND


are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

i~i:I;Rck~k:aKX'St>I\ie{IDd"ve~F4}l: (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 6.2320

HECTARES more or less being Lot 3 on Deposited Plan S.44633 and being part Allotment 105 Parish of Rangitaiki

,~ \



Blk \V Awoataotua

.... "..,

!.:\~~\ .. '.-


H."737431.3 Easement Certificate certifying the following Stormwater easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952

LOTS ON PLAN S.44633 I Servient Tenement Marked Dominant Tenemen~


.~ \£)1 -I ()'I

i ~.

U ())i (1)1

:)\ ,7

3 ~

Gt....6/. r 0",," Ie: "'<:J

.;?o. /~ i,.. ........ , :-.'


Measuremenls 3ft: .\ktnc dll.>.5 ::p"


part Lot 1 B Lot 3 (herein) (part CT 38C/914)

part Lot 2 D Lot oJ (herein) (part CT 38C/915)

part Lot 2 Dl L~~ ., (herein)

(~art CT 38C/915) fJa.r~ Lot. 3 E .!.J'-''.... .:... (3cr~.;;- -!-:.. :

(part herein) part Lot 3 F Lo:..s 1 &

~ • ...... t . ~ \'- 5 ..

'part herein) ::' i\i:~ "14 ;. ~;. ~,-:, 1 _

e;:-;-.:e'ec. 10.7.1987 at 11.32 :;'-

B W GREEN A.: ;: ':":-,{: S"_or~\.;ater easements :-C: if ".j t·~

Ease~ent Certificate H.73~~~: ~::l be subject to Sect~o~ Government Act 1974


_ j (c

:::. t:.2:'::


o V E R •••

Register cop)" for L & D. 69,11. 11.

Page 59: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.




12.. MAY 1995

(~~. ~;D{:, y ,h ~,

..... :0;.>'

CT 38C/916


The easement referred toAeasement certificate H.737431.3 relative to Lot 2 D.P.S. 44633 (C.T. 38C/915) was created by Transfer H.758527

{\j~-for A.L.R.

The easement referred to in Easement Certificat~ H.737431.3 relative to Lot,1 DPS.44633 (CT 38C/914) was created by 'Transfer H.760103.1

.t. QA~ H.B3780B.2 Transfer to Garth Alexander Carter of vJhakatane company director a!'ld Sharan Ann Carter his wife produced 2~.11.1988 at 9.02 O'C ~

~r A.L.R. H.837808.3 Mortgage to ANZ Banking Group (New Zealand) Limited produced 24.11.1988 at 9.02 O'C

~ ;£r A.L.R.


., '1 \t.,:.\

Page 60: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

\\J ,,'

I P~terences hior CIT. 946/149

Transfer No. S.372480 N/C. Order No.

SEARCH 1.?- MAY 1995


Land aDd Dceda 69



~ 6'\ D

UJ (j) :--...

~bi5 Ittrtificlltt dated the 13th day of April one thousand nine hundred and Sixty-seve under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Ll;Uld Registration District of South Auckland


is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances; liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black linea on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing ;74 ACRES :3 ROODS 39 PERCHES more or ~ess being Lot. 2. on Deposited Plan S"~29,2C-r~d,being part of Allotment 104 Parlsh of Rangi ta:1k1k/\/,:I\\i :0,~.->\

• I ,..1., • C,.

i "..:~\) " ' [


./j /.:// / ( /~(~:;.:) ..

, .~.'O C\-\~,,-, :10

S.372481 Mortg~ t~.}e Amel~~ Si~ produced 13.4.~~71 ~ o'c/~(~

\l.- '. ~ A.L.1L

Assistant Land Registrar

H.384504 Transfer to Jahine Raynor Gordon of Whakatane married woman produced 22.12.1981 at 11.45 o'c ~

. if'-I6~ A.L. •

" \0 rt)

IV AwoOflZOfUQ, S,D,

H.927182.2 Mortgage to Bank of New Zealand - 19.1.1990 at 10.35 o'e '~

~~r A.L.R.

o ,.. . " ..... IJ IY)

/;-. METRIC AREA IS 30·:5 (~'69 .0 S loS, S .................. _ ............. - q



74- - 3 - 39p,

o ~



H.932954.1 Transfer of a 1/2 share to Ross Malcolm Gordon of Thornton farmer - 15.2.1990 at 10.41 o'e

/Jy-v~ <_\} .; for A.L.R.

~ C,;. I' 12 H. 991199.1 Encum~{wl~e 111f,ci1'he Bay of Plenty

Regional Cou~¢)'- 1tU~.90 at 10.4,7 o'e

d()N .. 't(,4~'1 0\..... \ \Vii~'v~~ , D for A.L.R .

---q \9. ~

Scale: "1A:rc:..


0'\ ~' ~

Register copy for L. &: D. G9, iI, 72

Page 61: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

I .,',.

llejerence: Prior CjT .• 946/149

SEARCH : i?- MAY 1995

Land and Deeds



Z ?

Transfer No. S. 265539 ;~/C. Order No. COpy REG Ii S T E R '-


'crrUis Q[:ertificate dated the 29th day of August one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of South Auckland

WITNESSETH that IAN ALLAN LNJV of Whaka tane :farmer

is seisL~Ll of an estate in fee-simple (subject to Stich reservatiolls, restrictiolls, ellcullll)raIlCeS, liells, alld inkrcsts as are Iloli/ied by memorial llIldervvritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the S('<.'" ,,j admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say; All that parcel of land containing 51: ACRES 28 PERCHES more or' less being Lot 1 Depos1 ted Plan S .8392 and being part ot:' Allotment 104 Pari sll 01' Rangi taiki •

S.265541 Adams .. 11.33 o'c

Australia and d. Produced


--. ~ f:~Ei}:~~~~,

(j;~:~I'f:; {:;:f::;~ ~$~;~~ , : ,. ': ,r ,<hll ';/:J' .J"'V\ J,; / ( /;' "'. ""~I::'w" ) ~~/il!,':df,>",:, ) .

VII \'c.Y i t'f/;ir)1 ) ~ q... ~~';",:,~,,;, JI,~;" j ~~h§.~~~~~::.....!~Q::;.";;"'; __ -'I; v \ ~~, ,'-. '~'!"( ~'f!..:.lj( /

;:.; ~\,I ""'';~~\\~d::/ 1,.--y -11:- -./,/ ~/.~ r--------------~ ........ KLAt-lO' .

H. 343471 Change of Name of the! ___ -: mortgagee under Mortgage .:f4.((6~, to Western Building Society entered: 25.5.;981 at '1 1.36 o'c ~:

8.406248 ~o~'~ t~ . estern H.4132.58 MortgaIIi..cri!:')'~~~:; (rn Bun.ding Society . Co-operatl ve;2Bp clet:r prodyce~, 1? G.198J,j~t11q . c .r;~ ~ ~.7'01 ~~oduced lO.6.4J.9. • 6 0 C I.·\t,i-II~:)' )'-'7/\ 1') " foi'A:'L.ii. .\-13b301 1 H.570397 Tr n'~fer of a one half share

Blk IV Awoot fu 0 S. D. / . to Margaret Adelaide Law c;>f Edgecumbe

,,-V fo~.R:



. ~ ·,r

12D- 7",,11 I."q married woman produced 31:1.1985 at METRIC AREA IS ...... "" ... " ............ ,- 9 . 04 0 I c

..0' ':", ~ N


51 Q,"

~s . ..,...~"'-<?c;-.., ~p~."

.j> w

• 11\

~H ~'

Q, G'

'" ~

0 ~

~ . I' I. . L Jlleh. .)ea <.. 10 ChoIr!.

.tL;.f. ,. I{cd;ttr

,~ '-"!{'"


f(lT 1.. ~{}.:. D. (,9, i 1,72

Page 62: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

SEARCH! 1M! ,;;>l n. \;1. i\ """ i~). R''"~·' Ggi ~""""~ (f"'Qll ,\,~ j '~~1",--1"'-~ :f ri; 'r

j ~ik~, ~~"JJ "1 ~'1A~ ~ References

Prior CIT 3B/655 12. MAY 1995 Land and Deeds 69

~npy ~....:~v·; Transfer No,

N/C. Order No. H. 930743.2 .,~~,.&,.


I[I)is ((ettificate dated the 5th day of February one thousand nine hundred and ninety under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that ELFREDA KATHLEEN LAW of Whakatane married woman

z o '.t"-Ul OJ

CP o '....J

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subjec~ to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 30.2560 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being part Allotment 103 Earisb_~!_~~ng!taik! ------------------

Subject to a Building Line Restriction,5.03 metres from the sideline of state Highway No.2 imposed by S.275001 and H.9~_

~ o CO

co L[)

.......t. il


-0 ci

\.. Q) ~ -1


Rec...r-eation Re:'seY"ve-

co 'a:­t!) Q) N

pT A\ \ot ~ \03 ~

~O·2.C)<oO ho tr\ ..s

SO 2.12.2-0 Measurements are Metric


~00.f6-),1~" . -<:\ r-~~. ) I-C>\\.

j/,~'r """' (,,~

/r0!:(. * ~\v? ~ Iv) ( t/) r.ii"':l .%f '1'1".\, /-. .'.1 "($tIS?' I' V

~'Ir:.,: ( :' ...• i!;W;l.;E\c, )::p, 'F0riftJl;·1 ) I. I, . ~'.1"h~r~i}~ ; ! . ''\cjlj.l·.:tfr' <. "". \.P \..."-r-,,):t~'~'j.4~ ) "'/

ASS~~~~T > ~FoL.~~)§TRAR "<!.~ U C IZ \1\/ ~


Page 63: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

Reference: Prior CIT. 1103/206

Transfer No.8. 289957 N/C. Order No.

S'leAR'·U rCif~~ bl \?U

1?- MAY 1995

COpy Lal,u and Deeds 69

": REG', ~) T E R


~ w ~ -...... <S'\

~ 1!Cbi5 Cltertifitate dated the ' 23rd day of July one thousand nine hundred a~d sixty-f'our under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of 80uth Auckland


WITNESSETH that JOHN THOMA8 GRIFFIN of' l<.:awerau Papermaker and MARION JEAN GRIFFIN his wif'e are I

~ seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon. be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 5 ACR1<.:8 0.7 PERCHE8 more or less being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 8.8725 vnd being part of' Allotment 103 Parish of' Rangitaiki.

Building Line Restriction 25 links f'rom sideline of' State Highway No. 2 contained


axton Paper 27.7.1964 at

.1\,A. in S. 275001 • ,. • J1..1J~ A.~R. .L.R.

eda Kathleen ~ obi\

8. 289958 Mortga~ t'2 Law produced ~ \. ~ t 1.35 o'c. ,C:::=) :78.437811 Transmissi;on to Marion Jean

~ 0-\ I)-

9lk /Y AWqqflZQIl./q 5, 2). /

w:rRJCAREA IS 2· 02..:)2 i.e; ....... ..--.. .....- ...............


. ~ I.() ~

-...... fC,) M

ci Z


5 - o

? .t

, ,


"i' ~

<:t #4'{ Scale: 1 inch = 2 Chcl/ns

Grif'f'in as,surviVO~ entered 29.1.19~9 at 12.30 0 c. i,'. ~

! •

: A. .R. I

H.161498.1 Transfer to Anthotw Alan Eddy of ~~akntane funeral director apd Adrienne Joy Eddy his wife produced 8.12.1 977 at~o.1 ~'c

~O' i

~~G .~\ I f ~.L.R.

H. 161498.2 MO~l>e to {3i:Hik. New Zealand produced 8.1 ~t 77 a:'0 ~ 0 b' c ~

/{.360446 0/ \0, \ fPf'o..y.'N •

I fo .L.R. H.161498.3 Mort,~flpt\Q\-~ltr;L,<tf Jean riffin

produced 8.12.~7¥f7 \' 1Bt~t~. 'c ~ rr2b44W ."oq I JaW .

,. iJx;. ~""'~r fA. L.R • H.225919 Mortgat'~t>-~ M ?F1.1nance Limited produced 3.4Q\~~ .' ~.c ~

\ \ I~~ ~ ~::>?c40) ! ~ ': for A .L.R.

H.299010 'l'rnIlsfcr to A1'nn AnLliony Eddy and Adrienne Joy Eddy both abovenqmed us tenants in common in equal shares proJ,uced 11.8.1980 at 11.01 o'e

o V E R •••

&.\.kwd. ~ A~r;R~

Rq:lstcr for L. & D. (9, 71,72

SO,OOO/1/63-64570 W

Page 64: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



~~Q~ q.T. 3B/654

Buil ding .Societx\..~a. B ~'\l:;Deposi t produced ~~t-l~' . f~~ 19.8.1981 at9.W :0"crv1 t~

{k;;2 7667· ( . / ~ (. lfP.UJQ.DJ-d for A.L.R.

H.406601 Mortgage ~ A~~1.'---; . nn Guarantee

co,rporation (N.~ Lin(i, . r~Oduced 4.5.1982 at 9. ~ o,~t\ ;,. '//1 J '/ y'

\\ rt ~CF V ".. If!. ".. l'IU$2i"",O Q~ (1\ \_1 (/ or A.LUt.

\0 \ H.344447 Change of name of mortgagee in Mortgage H.360440.2 to Canterbury Building Society produced 29.5.1981 at II, . 44lo c and entered 25.11.1985 at 1~'30 o'c t' 011f<>' uY-

f r A •• R.

H.446801 Transmission of Mo tgag~.360440.2 to United Building Society entered, f 24.12.1982 at 11.00 o'c }t 1 '1A,f) ~--

I t(I ~u1111 1/)YL:e7 / U' f/(/~ I

fOf A.L& . H.627857.2 Transfer to Kenneth ~llan Gray of Whakatane boilermaker and Molly Elaine Gray his wife produced 25.11.1985 at~. 0 6'c il

~ /;1(1;;14.' /U({b-, ~G~" ,f!cr~i .R.,

H.627857,.3 Mortgagec~ T~~~" ~k Bay of p~enty produc.~5\tjJ1\ . ~~at~ 130 'c H ·75':61;)13·1 1-"1\ 'r-T Jt;? {j/)Ub---

(!j)frA .R.

~0 \,\'"\1...-' U H.75867~4Mortgage to T~~t~Bay of Plenty produced 27.10.1987 ~\1 ~~·c 0110723.1 "l\ '0, ~~

or A.L.R. B.II0783.2 Transfer to Belind ane Wycherley of Whakatane beneficiary - 4."~ at 9.06 o'c

for A.L.R. B.l10783.3 Transfer of a 1/2 share to Carl Joseph Anderson of Whakatane businessman -4.11.1992 at 9.06 o'c

~ for A.L.R.

B.II0783.4 Mortgage to ANZ Banking Group (New_ Zealand) Limited - 4.11.1992 at~o'c

for A.L.R.

B.243172 Restraining' Order pursuant to Part IV Prcrce.eds of Crime Act 1991 preventing dealings with the within land except by Order of The High Court of New Zeal~nd for a period of six months from 28.11..1994 - 1.12.1994 at 11.05'o'c

rIM for A.L.R

.. ,'

Page 65: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


References 1'2. MAY 1995 Prior CIT 3B/655

F~PY ~.;!t i!.v-; Transfer No. N/C. Order No. H. 930743.2


t'j'\) 1i7'Il ~'" i'1 ~~ ,to 'J~m l; r, !,I~

I""a""-I""", r,;, : t,' : PI" 1 .. 11"",\"1,.1 Land and Deeds 69


{[bili <tcrtifiratc dated the 5th day of February one thousand nine hundred and ninety under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH iliat ELFREDA KATHLEEN LAW of Whakatane married woman

z o

.J:". Ul OJ

(J:J o OJ

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 20.2344 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being ~~~_!~~~~r~~~~~~ Plan S.54242 ---------

Subject to a Building Line Restriction 5.03 metres from the sideline of State Highway No.2 imposed by 8.275001 and H.93~ •

to o CO

co LD ~.

o Z

} A.L.R.

Ple.creatlon Reoexve

iJ ..J


2.0,2.,44 ha

~ ..:.J i [I>

I"" « S. /.../ ""-~ ~'&

a,/. '7;V fI, ~ 2¢ 0

Ok; :::> (2.rJ ......

Measurements are Metric cfr.e.~

~'-rc~ /<"" f\ I'J ,j fri~ /"(- \ ~ ~ -~-' (~)..~

//,,'0 (- \ -/Ji~ I"Q::( ~ \ /'

dc:J( ('). Gw c~{ \;., ! 10 ( ;, '" w'irJ, i""" ,C" I:)J , ~ if:~h·~~~r\ ,i )~' 1/ ' · ~;~~J'~f?;f!"\) ,

\ . () \. \';:t:'I~~~~~~.c:J/ J'V ') . \'\-'0'- "-~.;,-,,,,,,,, ./';""'// \' - , ,,/

ASS IS.fA'N'T''.LAND;R,EGI8TRAR ---~~-----

H.945616 Transfer to Leonard William Pinny an Beverley Marie Pinny both of Te Aroha farmers as tenants in cornman in 12.4.1990 at 11.15 O'C

equal shares

~. for A.L.R.


- 18.2.1991 AT 2.22 O'C



Page 66: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

I I, 11 ,/ '/','/1 • ',' ,'\/ j( . « L

,SEARCH ~and alid Deeds

/, ?1 -I Prior err. 7A/84


i lb MAY 1995

"'-.) ~l:>

----ITramfer No, S. 488247 I~/c, Order No. COpy I

DF('m(~T['o n .~ (1111 ""~ l~ H

N '-D C5"""

C!ERT!f-~CA1[;; Of TBl'!LE ijN~ER LAND TfV4.NSlFiER ACT i

'([big Q!:ettificnte dated the 27th day of July one thousand nine hundred and S even ty under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of South Auckland


ilWITNESSETH that CORNELIS IfANillL SMIT of Whokatane farmer and Mi\RGARET ALID1, l.:ARIA SMIT his wife are seisea of un estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

8;::xcl&':d:llEGiiKN;l~W!ilp1'K,(subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interest; as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed. hereon) in the land h~reinafler described, delineated with bold black lines on th~.Jllan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that IS to say: All that parcel of land containing 21 A CREi:::l ' 2 ROODS 4 PERCHES more or less being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S.11376 and being part Allotment 102 Parish of Rangitaiki saving and excep~ing all minerals wi thin the meaning of the Land Act 1924 on or under the land and reserving always to Her Majesty the Queen and all persons lawfully entitled to work the said minerals a right of' ingress egress and regresEJ over the said land .

REG IS 'I'RA R Appurtenant hereto is the

Blk. (V /


0 Cfl

t'-¢ ~-0- 0 .q.

0 V M ~ METRIC ARc;\ is


'A.L.R. H. 083015 Variation of t~triJ.S. Of,. ; Mortgage 8.488248 prodP~"" 31 • 5. 1 97 6 at 1. 43 0' c· /

, .,. A If ....... (

~. /109 -4q Ii A.L.R.

'-.01 l' N

0" "'-~G<?'0 N' s'-$'

~ . ~ h -lOchains «I Scale: 1 me _ NI' i

----. ~ ~ I R.A. UJ

H('l~I,;la I'r'/l/ f.,!' r..',,<:". I). (}I). 71, 7.!.

C\ . '.

Page 67: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

References Prior CIT. 7 A/84

tSEARCH ~17 MAY 1995


Lind and Deeds ~?-<


l~ ~ i

! Transfer No. S.468517 N/C. Order No. COpy REGISTER

~:t. '\'~'.

\~~.~' CtERTifiCAil'E or: llTlilLlE UNDER lAND TRAb\jSf~R L£i:.CT

'. , j~ 1",1;i. <!!:ertifimt' do <cd tho 23rd doyof January ono tho=nd n'no hundredi=d seventy lmder the seal of the District Land Registrar Qf the Land Registration District of Sou th A uCklapd




'I I


'0 , '~

tl; seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and int&rests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, deliiieated with bold black Hnes on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 21 ACRES 2 ROODS 39.0 PERCHES more or less being Lot 2 on Deposited Plau'S.11376 and being part Allotment 102 Parish of Rangi taiki- saving and e:xcept~ng all minerals wi thin the meaning of the Land Act 1924 on or under the land and reserving always to Her Majesty the Queen and all persons lawfu:lly enti tIed to work the said minerals a right of ingress c.~ egress and regress over the said land. .!

~ "-0--

METRIC AREA IS .~ .. ~ .. :.1.:?\~.~ 3/;{. IV AwcrarecrluO' S,/J.

2 r-.. I:} ,~ ~ I:} "'- Col ,...

<:J ~

Cl \. ~ 0\


~ \.0


;', J' . /r. /}/.

~ ~l

0. <'

Scale: 1 "rnch = 8 c h Ct In

. Cltf. ~

T..B1.§,,_9ERTIJi2IQ6.TlLlsL-fLEF~~2~Jr f3 I 7jW"lll" POLI,ownw H:TERBs',rs P.S Nl' TI'HE DATE OF ISSUE

Appurtenant hereto is tl¥ right to draw water from the pumPI in the part Lot 4 Plan 8~11376 Cpt C!.T.8A/372) coloured yellow on the s laid Plan . created by Transfer S.392842~

J.hl. Glamu~ina h.L.R. i

Appurtenant hereto are w.ater rights over part Lot 3 shONn cOloured blue on Plan 8.11376 (C.T.10B/286) created by Transfer 8.442164.

J.M. Glamuzina A.L.R~

Subject to watel'" rights ovel' the part shown coloured yellow on Plon 8.11376 appurtenant to Lot 1 Plan 8.11376 (part C. T. 7A/84) crea ted

j by.Transt'er

3.468517. i


J.M. Glamuiina A.L.R. i

See over

Register copy for L. & I;). 69) 71, 72

Page 68: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.




:SEARCH '1,7 MAY 1995



, 8.468518 ;\~olej!~!~ Guthrie Tennant

-Smi th a1;'(} (~e ~t seph' s (1,;8 ta ta ) -Credit Un~ i'-ffi u ed 23.1.1970 at : • 50 0' c.~ '1"1 ' -# AJ'd.a "c, , H·2;-lob,:' :... Q ,'.." ~i _,

V J1..1." •. b .•

--=0-- . '. ,.f(,Q __ , _

H. 295322 M;;;-tgag-;~~~k~f New Zealand produced 11.7.19~a~to ~~'c H g)C)"i30 '0 I, ~ I \\>", ~

" .\V\ , , , . f r A. I,. R. . , , t H.427790 Transfer to Maximiliaan Rutgerus ~ Petrus Van Basten Batenburg and Maria Theresi Catharina Van Basten Batenburg both of Thornt n farmers as tenants in common in equal shares ~ produced 1.9.,1:82 ~t 1.35 o'c ~C~ 'I

. " 4/ for A.L.R.O 1 B.184417 Notice of Claim under the Matrimonial Property Act 1976 against the share of Maximiliaan Rutgerus Petrus,. Van. Basten Batenburg by Maria Theres'ia Catharina Van Basten Batenburg - 1.2.1994 at 1Q.55



Page 69: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



Z ?

Refcrcnces Prior CIT. 7 A/84 'i7 MAY 1995

I\PJ Lanf and Deeds 69

('~'1"i ~

Transfer No. S.442164 N/C. Order No.

~i;\ Cnpy ~L.~ .. JJ SREGIShR



~Vi.5, (!Certificate dated the 17th day of Ma rch one thousand nine hundred a:nd sixty-nine under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of South Auckland

WITNESSETH that ALFRED JAMES FERGUSON of' Whaka tane f'armer


is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are n~tified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hcroon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated Witll bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 2? ACRE::; 18.0

PERCHES more or less being Lot 3 on Deposited Plan S.11376 and peing part Allotment 102 Parish of Rangitaiki saving and excepting all min~rals within the meaning of the Land Act 1924 on or under the land and reserving always to Her Majesty the Queen and all persons lawfully entitled to work the said minera Is a right of ingress egress and regress over the sa id la==~



--L ro ~ o zj



. ~vG-{; \.AN61~ /;~~I ,,~, ";...:, ~

,/t:"'? ?!' ~

.CJ ~f~!;~~~ 'J~' ~~ ~I

C·). ".' A.'



Appurt~nant hereto is the right to draw water from the pump on the! part Lot 4 Plan S.11376 (part CT 8A/372) coloured

IV A 1 f S. ]) yellow 0 n the sa id Plan crl3a ted by , WaaT-ea ua' " Transfer S.392842 . 7k

~ g. 9Y:?JS-Aq i

Mt TRIC AREA IS ........ ; .......... ; ... :............ ' A • L. R.

3, ~ o

I!)'.~o; . -... o N C) III co I ct.­t() t()

o I


Subject to an easement to convey water over the part herein shown: coloured blue on Plan S.11376 appurtenant to Lots 1 and 2 Plan S.11376 (part CT 7 A/54) crea ted by Transrer)1.t 84. 64 I.r

."'L.R. o

$~A'O 'V, <.

m Scale: 1 inch= /0 Cha'1ns. ! •

Register cop)' for 1.. & D. ~9. 7 I. 72

Page 70: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

References . :SfARCH Land and Deeds 69

;-:' ~ 1-' . I:~


Prior CIT. 7B/708

Transfer No. S. 392841 ,N/C. OrJer No.


". 1'~. MAY 1995 i~. fi, COAy , ; ~{~'c!.'

.;,~ .v REGISTER


I oJ ~ N

m::bifi (/[ertifiCllte dated the 19th day of December one thousand nine hundred and sixty seve IIl1der the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Laud Registration District of .sOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that MALCOLM EDWARD LAW of Vlhakatane, Farmer

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial undelWritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasuremeuts a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 65 Acres

N ..... (1)

1 Rood 21.0 Perches more or less being Lot 4 on Deposited Plan 3.11376 and being part Allotment 102 Parish of Rangitaiki saving and excepting all minerals within the meaning of the Land Act 1924 on or under the land and reserving always to Her Maj8sty the Queen and to all persons lawfully entitled to work the said minerals a right of ingress, egress and regress over the said land.

S.392842 Transfer being a Grant of The Right to draw water from the pump hereon shown coloured yellow on Plan 8.11376 appurtenant to Lots 1, 2 and 3 Plan S.11376 (C.T.7A/84) the registered proprietor to Guthrie Tennant Smith produced 19.12.1967 at 9.15 am.


Zealand 'Produ

IV o'e

A f + S D tt-~~~s~ Y5> woo eo uo " 3.579636 Mortg1ge t~~~

0' ~

Citizens' Ass a ~ o~~imited roduce METRIC AREA IS~:.~::"',!!,<q ~<ik4~;5. at~~ ". ~

. 3.579637 Memorandum of priority making Mortgage

~ o N If)

a} (f) 4,

~ r­r­rfJ

65 - t ·21

G~"'3 ~

;>~ ...§..~ ,"""':'(f'l


3.579636 a second mortgage and Mortgage 3.519896 a third mortgage produced 22.1~~at ~~.~I.

~7o/'/1:.'1.R: H.218412 Variation of terms of Mortgages S.392844 and S.579636 produced 14.2.1979 at 11.52 o'c (consent "by mortgagee under Mortgage 8.519896) ?tf'<. ~~.

, for A.L.R. H.507699 Variation of terms of Mortgages S.3928411 and S.579636 produced 31.1.1984 at 12.10 o'c ( .... itli 88BseBt ef JB61"tgagee in ~fortgege S.584537)

~ Scale: 1 inch = i =:, Co\-. Q\~ "'.

H.523896 Transfer of a 1/2 share to Barbara Winifred Law of Whakatane married woman produced

MFC . .)/

10.5.1984 at 1.31 o'c ~

for A.L.R. Register copy {or L. & D. 69, 71, 72

Page 71: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.





SEARCH' 1'2- MAY 1995

~~~y ~..;,Qd{



I 1lO.3:1.90 AT 11.05 O'CLOCK




'''\ '\ \

, .. ~



i \ ..

Page 72: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

1\( J('J <: ;,i (',\

, 1'11\)[ C j ~4A,11103

Transfer No,

N/C. Order No. H.4 35035.2

:SEARCH! 16 MAY 1995

~t)~y t,t~r

I .1111: :iT~\i n~·t·Lh (,c)



~1)i5 (Certificate dated the 14th day of October one thousand nine hundred and eighty two under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District. of SOUTH AUCKLAND


N (f) n o o o

Hseised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 21.8283 HECTAllES more or Ie ss being part Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S.10530 and ;.being part Allotment 101 Parish of Rangitaiki

o o o u cD (\j

o Z


t!(~~. O "'~k"~" if41 ~

."" tor cA.\. If Lr\..\.IU .... -~~ ~ .. ~~ ASS! STANr LAND "}Ui;GI STRAR

H.517797 Transfer to Norah Marlene Lumsden of Wbakatane farmer produced 29.).198q at 9.26 o'e

Blk \V AWQoteotuo 5.D for A.L.R.



~ .:t

~ .§

Pt. \ ~ If>


i\J IP ,j-

Measurements are Metric

'N. ~

H.958192.1 Evidence of the marriage of Norah Marlene Lumsden abovenamed to Terrence David Hengen of Saskatchewan, Canada farmer - 14.6.1990 at 11.35 O'C

~ for A.L.R.

H.958192.2 Transfer to David Gordon Mart~n and Ruth Evelyn Martin both of Whakatane farmers as tenants in common in equal shares - 14.6.1990 at 11.35 O'C

JJJ~~ for A.L.R.

B.227742.1 Transfer to Rachel Maud Mexted of Whakatane farmer - 12.9.1994 at 11.20 O'C

l1JJ for A.L.R.

B.227742.2 Mortgage to Bank of New Zealand -12.9.1994 at 11.20 O'C

N~ for A.L.R.

Register copy for L. & D. 69, 71. 72.


Page 73: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

a l{)

References Prior CIT. 1108/36

SEARCH c .. , I\l'cii2

Land and Deeds 69

:L; ? '():)

bJ c: ,-" ('I - MAY 1995 ... '!' "~,I .I-,~,~

t't;;';:7>:' ;:')~s~,':' ~

Transfer No. s. 396779 N/C. Order No. '~ COpy " " REGISTER


O'J o

\!::bis Ql:ertificate dated the 23rd day of February one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Lalld Registration District of SOU'rH AUCKLAND '

WITNESSETH that GAVIN RODNEY l'.1EXTED of Whakatane, Farmer

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by I1lLIIlorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereiu.lfter described, delineated with bold black lihes on the plan hereon I

be tbe several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 15 Acres 1 Rood 12.3 Perches more or less being part Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S~2356 and being part Allotment 101 PARISH OF HANGI'rAIKI excepting thereout all minerals within the meaninp; of the Land Act 1924 on or under the land and reserving always to Her Majesty 'rhe ~ueen and all persons lawfully entitled to work the said minerals a right of ingress, egress and regress over the said land. : /::~":'~~~.I

':'" IS r:'" G~\) (,' ~~~\ S. 396780 Mort~sfe'<\~~~~ tate Advances .. ' "'.1' '):;:.')~ C t · ~ (J, d d 'Nl'" orpora lon 0 _,er\ ~ pro uce I ;;;4~ 23.2.1c)G8 at 2. {)I 0 ~ \ .:: )p,r/ft

' \ /~,*7 1

~ '. -<I'v?>'; 1-.; : i ,1 \.\~ -:4;7

,,~<\) \ A L H REGT...lri11RAR', _/' v'" \ ' ••• ~ -\r-~f$' /1 I ~ _ .... ~~~G,1 " 8.396781 Mor1(~ge,\t \R ey Irhomadss.408172 Mor)~'g~, 1M gage 8396781 Mexted produc·ed ~f~~ ,~ at 2.20 0 c • to 1he Nati~?ll ~p New Zealand

~_\ ", ~ Limiteo produti:J:~tl 2 8~t 12.25 Of c. (j ,




'<I­ltl -..

• L. R. : /R

S.574800 Transfer to John Gordo ~ex~e~ IV AwaaieatuCl S. J).

6' 202.6 iq """.,,,,,,,,, ... ----

Pf. I.

15 - I - /2' 3 f-

Ivhakatane farmer produced

B.172759.1 Transmission to Rachel Maud '~~v_q<:>1 '

Mexted as survivor - 22.11.1993 at 10.50 o'c

,~~A.tR. B.172759.2 Transfer to Rachel Maud Mexted of Whakatane widow - 22.11.1993 at 10.50 o'c

, dl}{l,~ forA:-L.R. '

B.217938.2 Transfer to TrevQr Brian Brake of

{() ()(:) ~. Scale: 1 inch= Chatns.

Whakatane carpenter and Jan~t Lesley Brake his wife ,- 25.7.1994 at 11.12 0' c . '

i QLJ6~, fdi:~ A.L.R •. ~

lhgistrr copy for L'I & D. 6U, 71 ~ 72

Page 74: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Referencls Prior CIT. 1108/36

Transfer No. S .337099 NjC. Order No.. '

SEARCH .' ,i?- MAY 1995


'Land and Deed. 69

i I




~ --~ ~

~bf5 Certificate dated the 10th day of Februu ry one thousand nine hundred and sixty-six under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of 80u th Aucklqmel

WITNESSETH that JOHN DAVID iWOHE of' Thornton Construction Worker '

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 5 ACHES more

or less being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan 8.10070 and being part A~lotment 101 Parish of' RanG"i taiki exceptinl7 thereout all minerals wi thin the meaning of' the Land Act 1924 on or under the lanel anel rel3erving a Ir/aYs ,to Her Majesty the Queen and to all persons lawfully entitled to VJork'the said minerals a rieht of' ingresfl egress Elnd regress over the saiel land

(~ -! Land Rcp:iistriJr

H.919016.1 Transmission to the Public Trustee - 30.11.1989 at 9.10 o'c

B.169650 Transfer to Gregory'Shane Wilson builder and Sharyn Lee Wilso~ accounting clerk both of Thornton - 5.11.1993 at 9.05 ~.

for A.L.R. H.919016.2 Transfer to Lois Claudia Moore of Thornton widow - 30.11.1989 at 9.10 O'C ~.

for A.L.R. Zy AwaafealaCl S. .1). ~/



;; ?, 02 3«-,......, --.


~ ----~

o Z


...... ~----------~---.... --

. ~/t/. 1 inch = S chains, ".'" A_":


;\6 for A.L.R.

i· [

SO,OOO/8/M-9040 IV

Rcgi,tcr copy (or L. &i D. 69, 71, 72

Page 75: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


;.: f ~I ( '/ ( 'I, •. ( .\

!'r1','1 CiT ~1~A/l103 I

I. . N ITJJnster 0,

N/C. Order No. H.435035.2

SEARCH 12. MA .. Y 19LJ95.. t) ,

C~~ ) Y ~V'i ~ ¥i'{ "

...;~'a:>' ""~.J

LIlI,j and Pt'I:!.l" f 'J


I'\> :00 n

----""---;..1) 14)


I!:I)is ~rrtifiCiltr dated the 14. th day of Octo ber one thousand nine hundred and ei ghty t ... o IT under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SJUTH AUCKLAND


ix seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 1.5372 HECTARES more or less being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S.32370 and being part Allotment 101 Parish of Rangitaiki



04.1V~ S:I Vi

t are Metric ~I Measuremen s

11. 01 Scl--z


Barry Smi th of contractor produced

~it· e Rural Banking

New Zealand 5 o'e

~ fo A.L.R.

H.4,67628.2 The within land ~ ettled as a Joint Family Home.~~~~fptbs' . h abov~named and Linda smi. th h~ ere~3 p!j1983 at 12.15 ot\,~"".'~' .

. f:tc/ 0«"\) _r~~~ 1.7 for A.L.R.

H.4,7854,8 MorG~e to Banking Group (New Zealand) Limit,& ~ ~8~19,~3~/a ~.31 otc

,+fq?*~6B·2 ry ~ ~h J i I f7 <.:.- )f.r)1 tJ1..£j Jij-(t-'-;-t, .'

"'i!/ r .:L.R. . H.54,4,611 Variation of terms Mort~~, / H.4,67628.1 produced 6.9.1984, at 1.30 OIC

(consent Of. mortgagee under Mortg~l~ 'n:4,7851±S) : /'e'.:-t{ T, R

, .. or A.L.R.

H.866858.3 Transfer to Jan Willem Mandemaker town planner and Catharina Elisabeth Mandemaker social worker both of Ohope - 21.4.1989

at 12.20 O'C ~ for A.L.R.

H.866858.4 Mortgage to Countrywide Banking Corporation Limited - 21.4.1989 at 12.20

o'e ~, for A.L.R.

Register copy for L. & D. 69, 71. 72.

Page 76: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

References SEARCH ,I Land and Deeds 69

Prior CIT 1105/133 12. MAY 1995 I

r~Fpy ... Transfer No.

t~,,5ill1 ., REGISTER N/C. Order No. H.196479


~biG €ertificate dated the 7th day of September one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that NORMAN FRANCIS REYNOLDS and WILLIAM MAURICE REYNOLDS both of Thornton .farmers are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

~~C!-T>f-ttft~tttte-jft-.fee-stmple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 19.9864 HECTARESi <\ more or less being Lot 2 on Deposited Plan s.10530 and being part Allotment 101 Parish of Rangitaiki

o Z

H.255184 Transfer to William Maurice Reynolds of Thornton farmer, Susan Mary Reynolds his wife and Richard Minden Fenw~e of Whakatane chartered accoYntant produce 3 10.1979 at 2. 1 3 0 I C .('n .-(\run


BIl<. IV



AWClQieafuQ S. D.

~ ~

" ~'"l.t . ,~ , 2.'·~


I~' 98'/;,4 her.

b r:.

Measurements are Metric t/I"u. ire,


ASSIST.J~ H.592358 Transfer to Seaview Lands Limited at Whakatane produced 30.5.198 at 10.46 o'e

B.150583.2 Transfer to NO~ Shaw, Ailsa Lillian Shaw, Glen Arthur Shaw and Diane Lesley Shaw all of Whakatane farmers as tenants in common in equal shares - 16.7.1993 at 9.10 o'e

~ for A.L.R.

B.1SOS83.4 Mortgage to The Rural Bank Limited - 16.7.1993 at 9.10 o'e


Register copy for L. & 0,69,71,72

Page 77: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Prior C/T 1051/255

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B. 213594. 3

SEARCH! 1'2.. MAY 1995

r~~y h U ,,];" _, .. ~ iii


~~fl:.f)~. STI=~. Land.and Deeds 69 ~'d.:iJJ~ _ l1\..~l L.n W (J


l!i:bilS (6:ettificate dated the 5th day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety four under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that NORMAN ARTHUR SHAW, AILSA LILLIAN SHAW, GLEN ARTHUR SHAW and DIANE LESLEY SHAW all of Whakatane farmers are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

~~roXXiK:lU"JeX1lQmcID{~~pm (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 18.0380 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being part Allotment 100 Parish of Rangitaiki


___ ,, ___________ u ___ , -,.,--'-7---- _. ManagementB.150583.4 Mortgage to The Rural Bank Limited ... ( Or '7 A ./


Cl"" '-D Cl""

LJ rn L.JI


f.' \)I

b:?4 ~11 .'. L

Pt ~IAllot 100

15,0.350 ha

I'ltartlto (~O'lc: I,. "

'V1Cfe- '" .,. OVeJ"l)

Measurements are Metric

50 eiccCo

ZI )Jh «.

DPS.66961 - 16.7.1993 at 9.10 O'C

B.213594.4 Easement Certificate certifying the following Right of Way I Right to Convey Water, Electricity and Telecommunication easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952


Lot 1 (CT 53C/968) B

- 5.7.1994 a~ 10.36 O'C

part Allotment 100 Parish of Rangitaiki (herein)

Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991


B.243173.2 Transfer granting a right of way easement over the part herein marked C on DPS.66961 appurtenant to Lot 1 DPS.66961 (CT 53C/968) - 1.12.1994 at 11.05 O'C

Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991

~ The easement referred to in Easement Certificate B.213594.4 was created by Transfer B.243173.2


Page 78: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Prior CIT 1051/255

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B. 213594.3

SEARCH) 12. MAY 1995

(~'Dy n ~I"J" ..;~t:.d; ~~~

~,'(~W~' fl N""'~;' 1'~"P" r.1l1j>iS~!r"R ~n .. U ~ ~&l:'

Land, and Deeds 69


itlJis <Certificate dated the 5th day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety four under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

z o

lJ1 W n

'-D C1' a::>

WITNESSETH iliat NORMAN ARTHUR SHAW, AILSA LILLIAN SHAW, GLEN ARTHUR SHAW and DIANE LESLEY SHAW all of Whakatane farmers are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

/ ilK~ltx>xx]{~roxlXiIK:f~~ (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 9.3440 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S.66961


/~~:-:~~, /.';' \..1\ I', D ~;'~" " <_:;'-' >-, __ ~_..-.. --., l; <~>~:: " ,

/IQ;,-,r -\ :'>;»:', /~~ .. .", <~ ,." ••• .),~-. ,,-\ .)<\ ,'~, I r .... (, j , ,'\1 1-0\\

t~' ( ::,":~\~~rQ7i~: :'t~;rl .' u' \, ';':.i" ' if \\ ",,', "'. ',tV' )"~'I ,\./ -.' ~." I VI

~~4- , ~ -~\.~s~ NT REGISTRAR '~''!lr;J( Ll\;;.?

"" .... -'"':.:..~ .... ~

_____ J - _ - - - ,. - - - - •. - C"" a • <' ManagementB. 21 3594.4 Easement Certificate certifying the '\V /. following Right of Way, Right to Convey Water,

(Right of Way e n DPS.66961 Electricity and Telecommunication easements to to be created) C:~\) be the easements intended to be created by the

,') c\\.\ , (":vi], i-no '-L '1"\' ,f\ operatl..on of Section 90A Land Transfer Act B.150583.4 Mort~,~'e \Lto\ Bank Limited1952 ~ 16.7.1993 a~'g.10 0 ' IS ~) L\ !:>\ 1 ?y\ \ \'''' LOTS ON DPS.66961 B.213594.2 Consent Notice pursuant to SectionSERVIENT TENEMENT MARKED DOMINANT TENEMENT 221 Resource Management Act 1991 by the Whakatane District Council - 5.7.1994 at 10~36 O'C

cD! '-.0 Q"\

rn UI


Measurements are Metric

Lot 1 (herein) B

- 5.7.1994 at 10.36 O'C

part Allotment 100 Parish of Rangitaiki (CT 5 3C/ 969)

Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991

~~ B.24.3173.2, Transfer to John Lawrence Redmond of Whakatane fitter/welder and Judith Rosamond Redmond his wife together with a right of way easement over part Allotment 100 Parish of Rangitaiki marked C on DPS.66961 (part CT 53C/969) - 1.12.1994 at 11.05 O'C

Subject to Section 243(a) Resource Management Act 1991

Gw.~: Fencing covenant in Transfer B. 243173.2

~ B.251030 Mortgage to Westpac Banking Corporation - 16.1.1995 at 9.03 O'C

~. for A.L.R.

Page 79: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


I ,I


J ~ ::~,\ ~~ ~~ 'o")~:\~:

!I \\ y:\o~~:~\ _:Of\ \~~;. "~\

.1 :;'.;..~;\ \\::"- •

il >'1' I

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II ~:;! .. J 12!

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New C,' Allocate<]

--u5TI CT Fie!erence r----TI -53 c /9':;8 L BtlL I '5,3c/"709

;~:'e;, r 1:~ A ,

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" 'o'~

~1\;\ ~?».s.. LOT 1 31'i/SE~'" 9·3440 hrr

• /!JIAGRAM 'T'--.. ~ ;, lo:.'.,L':;~S; ;':'T ~ ;'I(} T '-....,,~.;;r~·~2 0 <')0',.:..'-::;;' 1 _.

I ; '>-oy,~, ~-I ' ~---.. ",,'0 .. -..; ...,,-';; ,...

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t~~ ~ ~< DPs 32240 ;;: ;t

i ApprO~li:S ~';' ; .• ,' .~, -. ...:.-=----=--- .. ~ -,"'r -7----1 of .t.!..e __ ~-:,:",v';""cr VlQ>'\oqe ...... p..-,+ ~ci 1'!11 0 ..... -'""''''1 __ L;_ ~ __ ;0;, 0; __ .(g~~~·c~c ___ ''1e;,

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~::!i:~~/"r';'" _ _ ___ GIi'....,~ .... '1i ~v'.ay'cs~yl


",,~~~a·-I0=''''''''''' Spoce Ib bi-lo,-,a


".~~r ~~ ':"~.. I I p+ AI\o~ tOO ;~;;; E'~(~:~~:~ L..j-: ~r-~v'" I @ O!..,~q,"'O'K'

. . I ?o"I,h v-..; \, "':""('tCD"'--'~""'CCl~'o""""l Lc""!-"':. c>P! iC::;-;C

Riql-.t 0; \1\.'0"; 1-;:- ~IIO+ lOa I :: ;'0'" ~+o,i:: Qc~m ~o""g',;,o'\c: I (c) L,:+ I .... ~ ... ("c...., L ~'\, i I;' .--.

-, Ii, .... ~~·,c-~ 1).« 104 ',' . ~I ® 1"(:..1]':--" ~t;"Q" ,

II '";II~[fi"" ';,,~ ¥' : I

I ~~I Diagram .::~ '" I~

,,-, c cc, I .,i-'.'~'-I' ,-. 'a"'s~ -

--1l-A-SHt.W- --

:f~ __ __ ~ __ -. __ ~·f~ ~~_ , ::i A SHAw 0 l SHAW

l:fGI~iE:::H! OWNER

--''::'ALSH"Ii- --

Total Areo ... 9·344.0.h.o. .. Comprised in ... CT.1QS1 .. !.25S. CPt.) ... I Not to scale :1 a

ll~ ~ 1 -- :~~~ S02 C T 1:J:

__ ~=J :

I 2 R,r"

PT 100 1226 11255

,~.Q.I:'.~ .... 9}.Y..:'R .... f..~."!".In?.$.O!).... . ...... . . _"._.'~ntd $urwyof .nd holdlJf of,n .nnwl prJct/$Ing cfflifjClr~ fOf U , rtglstlJrwi SU~f pU"IJ,nr to s6f:1"ion :5 of ~fle ....... ~r Act 1ES6} h'fHJy c,rrifr th.t this plltn hu b~M m.d. from Sll~ lU,cut.cJ br ",II or unfHf my di/"ffCtions. tlat both pl.n ."d su~ Ife ~OfTKt .nd hlt~ b,.., /TI6d, in .ecorditnCll wirh rh, 511,..". R'9ulitrions 1972 or '17'( reglll.rkJru in Jubsrirvtion M.llrHJf.

IJ.ferJ .r WHAi::ATANE this 2.nd d'r

:.Je:,UST ;5~3 Sign.rufe __ /-:/.ZJ.?~-

Book p. TflM!fle Book (;:.7'+ p. 102 -!OLi­

me. Pilms S';-::T:h, :'O.e..e.lgO, SO.1.671~, SOC;B'OJ'2,

N's Icqo DP~"3'22.40

D Ps 3221,0 fum Md.6§2 'Come! p-c:.,rt1~£.<..,,-""\A...,

. ~

, . _" .',_ . Approved os to Survey ,c::L . ? ~''(N~ ~- I II ~:-- j·I --r

~. :~~;~,~:DC,~tv. })J~~~-~ I /%.;r.s';{~: /~hief Surveyo~ '-;-___ 0 _. . • ~ I' _::- -.!k~~.~;'fttdoy of]-"-l;ln"'r

I JlliD DISlldLT .... S .. o.lJ:rn .r,.UFL~NO ........ ~........... LOT 1 BEl NG A SUBDIVISiON DF ALLOTMUiTI~ 100 IERRiTORIAl AUTHORITY ... fI.~.~'AJA.~'J .OISFiCT (, '/,:)) J. ~~---. " .... "pry 81" c _ - .- ., t.-=-y ~ _____ ~R'gls,rar

I A),d_ .. ~ .. & uISi..:'{.Aw.~:'H"ruA............ RANG!TAIKI PARISH AND EAStl'1ENT OVtR Surveyed by RAI.~FQR~ ?AFEo,S:"C~·~I'EJTO. i.m. 1':i:i-;;,7.>,=""·'-;:'~":.:· '---'::'-'--~~~:':':"-=~ I NZM.S 261 SHL .. v';:; ... xECORD MAP Nnt)t=' I PT ALL'JTMENT 10e RANGITA IKI ~t\RISH _~S,ole .1'25.)0 Dole . .AUG:~ST.i9°3.. I ::~:~.;;~~ 1 DPS 66961

n m ;IaI .... ." -n » ... m

o ."

.... --t r­m

It, Iw n

Page 80: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

References SEARCH Land and Deeds 69

Prior CIT 46B/845 1'7 MAY 1995

~npy ~...;~~~ iI

REGISTER Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B. 21651 2


Ili:j)is ({ertificate dated the 18th day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety four under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that JOHN ERIC BENNER transport operator and WINIFRED GAYNOR BENNER care assistant both of Whakatane are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

z ° Ln +­o

w ~


j§~Nmc~kKIXx~Kxkoc~~m~ (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 6.2257 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being part Lot 2 on Deposited

Plan S. 32240 fttf;:::~~~,~~J;~:.1i \ /,. :l~+~/\\;:":'., . J

'1~~:~:i!~ld(~-'f~ ... f I .• ,:.1 ,~, · ... , .. ;;~:~~i;~\~ !:\~,;/

~~~~1fl';&iE;' ~~~;I~EGI STRAR ".' .~i THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED BY THE FOLLOWING .. ~~- :/:. ~;-..::..; -'"


SUBJECT TO SECTION 243(C) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Subject to a Drainage easement in gross over ACT 1991 part herein marked E on DPS.32240 in favour (easement on DPS.68266 to be created)

Subject to the reservations and conditions imposed by Section 59 Land Act 1948

'-0 ~


o -:t L1I

O[ 4R. Z )JJr1,

U1 --t <1' <0 rw

p+ c CD·.e 2Sc ha

Measurements are Metric

i\.l (jJ

d t­(I.j

of The Rangitaiki Drainage Board created by Transfer H.443917.3 Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Right of Way easement over part herein marked D on DPS.32240 appurtenant to: a) Lot 4 DPS.32240 (CT 35C/419) b) Lot 5 DPS.32240 (CT 35C/420) created by Transfer H.468460 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2) Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Right of Way easement over parts herein marked A and B on DPS.55884 appurtenant to Lot 1 DPS.55884 (CT 46B/844) created by Transfer H.996693.1 Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Local Government Act 1974 \~ •

r ~.L.R.

Page 81: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



SEARCH L. e, Rtj"ercu:.:.'s

Prior CIT 29A/J8'/ 1b MAY 1995 Loud ,JlHI IkcJ" 6'1

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. H.641172.2

COpy .~-

v.) 01




\.D I

~bi5 £ertificilte dated the 20th day of. Februdry une thousand Iline hundred and eighty six under the seal of the Distrid Land Registrar of the Land RegistIa lion District of sou'rH AUCKLANP

I L.

WITNESSETH that 'rHOi'1AS VIC'l'OR JVleDONNELL of ~'hornton fdrmer

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, aud intetests as are notified by memorial underwritten Or endoIned hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hl!rcon, be the several admeasurements a lilLIe more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 1135 SQUARE METRES moce or less being Lot 4 on Deposited Plan 5.32240 dnd being pdrt Allotments 99 and 201 Pdrish of Rangitdiki




~ .~ 4

II-:}';; m~

..., .... -::-:· .. ~c< •• -..~":~':':::.~;:""~, .. /" \. ~tlfJ,_ !ij'~'~~"'" 'c, " -'.?/'-" /,'" \ .' --, Jl"\

/~i-:' '\'\(\~ ih", ( \ F'~ } !o,",::," . ) '.:.\:1\ \

I, !C, \1 II '\ I' I ~ ( \' // \<,"J::l 5 / ;~S.(,f::,~', /,>>-;/' //Y/ ..... . ' )

\'':;'{.!>'' '~ , , -'" .~i:·~;?' t/ l/.a/l_"~ '..;""~t{f·iu; I~:,\~'\~>/ AS SIS '{'AWl' LAND REG I S'I' HARl

.... -~=;::;;>~ -7', 'I'HIS CEH'l'IFICATE IS AFFEC'rED' ~l::....!HE J;~9LLOVnNG

INTERESTS AS AT THE DATE OF ISSUE ---------------------------------~ ,

Subject to the reservdtions dhd conditions imposed by Section 59 Ldnd Act 1948

J. VAN DORP A.L.H. Appurtendnt hereto is d Right'of Way over the Pdrt Lot 2 mdcked D on Pl~n 5.32240 (pdrt C.T. 29A/385) credted by Trdnsfer 11.468460.1 (See Edsement Certificdte H.443917.2)

J. VAN DOHP A.I..H. 'I'he Basement credted by 'l'rdnsJ:er II. 460460.1 is subject to Section 309 (1) (d) LOCdl Government Act 1974


N~minees Limi~4l6d'

A.L.H. & Chappell

1983 at 10.53

oc \ QI",lJ Hb S'7 .)0-7 J. VAN"!JORP A.J" . II.

H. 468460. 3 Mort,g",\~~trf" , dy of Plenty Sdvings Bank P5?-~ ed 1983 dt 10.53

(J'e ,-~.:\. /y/J ~ ~'\ 1>~6 ..... \ ~# ~Jq.. . ,vr~·

~,~ ,A.L.R.


<l' -----------.. ~.o.\I(,'. I I I I

H.936634.2 Transfer to Nichola~ Peter Harrington of Edgecumbe contractor --.q-

---U 1--If' ((\

0 Z

---..... -.J

!vi easuremcnts are Metric


5.3.1990 at 9.03 o'c A ~ fc!>r A.L.R.

H.936634.3 Mortgage to Post Office Bank

Limited - 5.3.1990 at 9.03 O'C\:,A~

for A'~{R.

j{._ •. ~:,{C.f..;()p)I.,ll 1),i,: ~1.-'2

Page 82: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Prior C!T 29A/385

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. H.962325.1

SEARCH 12- MAY 1995

~npy ~",,~~)f

Land and Deeds 69


\!j;bi1~ (Certificate dated the 3rd day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that JOSEPH KOHU CASHELL of Mat.ata farmer and ELIZA CASHELL his wife are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

z o



CD +' +'

X~~g)fi{~ecxu.D{~sii~.l§:WI(subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 1023 SQUARE

METRES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 1 onDeposited Plan 8.55884


THIS CERTIFICATE IS AFFECTED BY THE FOLLOWING H.996693.1 Transfer to Joseph Adam Cashell of INTERESTS AS AT THE DATE OF ISSUE Matata labourer and Freda Cashell his wife

Subject to seS:1\4Pa\ 3(..~~( i\ GovernmETIttJ.'AIs-'t: J 9\t41D (EASEMEtr(S' -PN~D~S. 55884

,::;2.'"'- ,

Subject to the reservations and conditions imposed by Section 59 Land Act 1948

~. \~

,R..;bliC P<.q -- (Cb'/~ I-y'd .

lQ) ---------. "'""-""""-.,--

-.j--..j CO


-...0 -S

___ R.O.'·! __. vv·

---------- ---____ I


Measurements are Metric 8l~

together with a Right of Way over parts Lot 2 DPS.32240 (partsCT 46B/84S) marked A and B DPS.55884 - 17.12.1990 at 10.47 O'C

Subject to Section 309(1)(a) Act 1974

Local Government

~ A.L.R. H.996693.2 Mortgage to The Housing Corporation of New Zealand - 17.12.1990 at

10.47 O'C ~

A.L.R. H.996693.3 Mortgage to The Housing Corporation of New Zealand - 17.12.1990 at

10.47 o'c ~

B.119077 Transfer to Joseph Adam Cashell

abovenamed - 21.12.1992 at 9.10 OIC~I~~


Page 83: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



SEARCH! References 1'2. MAY 1995 Land and Deeds 69 Prior CIT 46E/845

V Transfer No. REGISTER N/C. Order No. B. 216512


l!i:IJis Certificate dated the 18th day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety four under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that JOHN ERIC BENNER transport operator and WINIFRED GAYNOR BENNER care assistant both of Whakatane are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

z o



L.u ~


~~KQcJi2KXK~:mcirn:me*,:impjx (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 4000 SQUARE METRES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 1 on

Deposited Plan S. 68266 .,'.~:~~::~:TI~~}':\:".'



SUBJECT TO SECTION 243(C) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 (easement on DPS.68266 to be created)

Subject to the reservations and conditions imposed by Section 59 Lan~Act.1948

L.fJ ~


o -:t­Lf1

o Z


Measurements are Metric

-,j .... ~.::.:>

I, Cl ( :';, ',:. Ii;~;l p~1': ." ,

i\ ~" ~;j\\' lIP)" i tIl k<\ ,.',~"":1',,,,: ," \' I),J- 1(;-· ~~'.. j ~\ '

\' \ ~:';~~j;~""" \::.)

~~s;t\~l~<<LXi~ REGI STRAR

Page 84: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



I f---- ___ 'I I -----­PuBLIC ROllO,

CROWl>{ Gi?A.'Vr • _;;

(2~1' ~idp) , It'-8e:' '0 ~




LAND OISTRICT ..... S.O.VlH .. AV.CKL;\J!O ....

SURVEY BlK. & DIST. .. l.Y ... AWA.A.UAtW!L.

NZMS 261 SHT .)'17 ...... RECORD MAP No~2.



PT 2

DPs32240 ;------I I

DPS5~88 4 I CT ",g /845

"26'4-' 22'"

'28"® '2 • ROW 4.0°'

c ____ 2 8<; ,




5 DPs 32240

DPs 32240

LOT 1 4000 m 2

r--': ...


J ~l f:j\~ E

"Ia lr '" 0-er' e

b~~ ,gO J

3 DPs32240

beL ,~o ~


.- - -J '':L-''IO~ ...... ·:''~~! Appro,OII ,~~, ,', '~a~:::p::::±, A'~19ql _ 19q4-

of ,h, • .5''''''''''' ;;;;,~:r' _ o~~.~;i~; 8 - - .-a~"-a . +h' - .- ~ -+0 .... h(' ~ <.q-' out . .,....,

:tJ:~; 'd":'~;rN::, "'hoko+a~p O;\+rl~f ..... ('''''''0 .... 0...., u <: 1:'0' oJ. - ... (' . +he pr.ese ..... ce Th(, (0 ...... ':""0:,.,; 1')( rc ....... ev-....:-o ''''''' Cou~,;1 1\ \, t;; jJ .

~. d.~Y-!f/r.r_ ou~"llor /".'0: .;,\ \g/l . I MQ~Qa,r : .' "', , / &'~'ra , " ; I . ..,;. _____ _

.cC' /

Pu rSua .... + "+0 Sed 10""'" :'24- (c) 0+ Th(' Reso~~ce MQV\o9r ....... <:.n..!. Ac+ I<:JC}! ! hereby cer+'ti +ha+ all .:. .... ':: ccv>oi+IO>'"lS Ot +!,.-,,, SubdiviSloV"l COO')S€""- ;"'0'/( bee'" co ....... plied wi ... \.-, +0 +t-.e sa+I~{'Clc+io"" 0[' -he wv..aka+aVl€ D\$+ ..... ,(+ COU"'c'\ . .

.1.. -<" Oo+ed -'-h,'s r~.;. --;7'" :1'7" __ ~. ____ 1'1'14-

t-7 ~<:.--. ? _ ___ t;:J.c.;- _________ General tvloY"l0get'"


TEt4EHENT I ! 1----RI'3;"'+ of wail


f( 'qh+ 'to C0V'1~1 w'a+n;Elech-ici+i ~ Te!~cc""""""",,,,,,,,




p .... '..OT'2.


i'Je'-V CT A IlocoTed

(T £efere ...... ce

PTZ DPS.3,240



Lo+ I here"..,

:' ;; /

......:..i.P_·:::f_·_k'=='!:2~· WG BENNER ;


/" J:lEG1ST~~EO rJWNEJ:I<:::

Total Area ..... 4 0.0.0 .W? ..... ..................... . Comprised in ... U.46.Bj8A5 .. P.T... ................. .

I • .... _.;r.Q.I;l!'! .••• Q_ay..'_p. ••• ~~IIg.!':.?g.b!._ ..................................... . R~ist.,-,d Surwyor .r.d hDkf.Hof.n .nnu.1 practising c.rotiar~ {or who mrr .cr u • ~i.t.,-.d ~r pu,-,Ulnr to uction 25 of rhtl SUfYf!'( Act 1ft} hHYby c.mty [fur ttm pl.n ".. bHn tnMJ. from .fu~ IDCUtPii by m. Of und.r my dirKtiom. rhn both pj.n .nd su,..,..,." COfTK"l Inti h"", ~ mid. in .crord'na wirh m. Surwy R~ul,riom 7m 0( 1fT( r~ulltioN ,.,.,..dl in substitution rh_f. D,fPli ,rWHAMTANE this 3 rJ dry 4. 01 MAy 19'1f SigMru~~r:lJ--/124

Fi~d Book p. Tfro'e'~tI Bo~ b 7'7 p.

Ref"mnce Pl,ns DPSS:'24-0, oPs':;;944, 0;04-"'160

EnmirH!d ~,.~" Corflct G~.;.A..:l

Approved as to Survey .:7 / ;1.3'-~

.. 7:. /.? . .}."1~ ~Chiel Surveyor

Deposited this . ..!" ffi .. d~y 01 S",\A> .... 19~ TERRITORIAL AUTHORITy ... WHflKflTAN, .. P.ISJ8I.CJ.. . I ~~~ land Registrar.

Sumyed byRAJNF.QRDPAUERSOtURil,NUTP .... ~19.2. F;" . I DPS 68266t~ In::tnxtHHlr . Dote .. MAY...19.94,. Recerr~ /7- b .'1r-

Srole .... )600. W" "'<. .. a'''~5~'' S,J~.P'.lR Gi."'I;~"'l O~~AlIt""~NT ij~ SUQvt~ .... D , .... u 'N~O"""':'lIO" ... ~ ..... n.,~ ... o

n m ~ -t

" -o ~ -f m

o " -t --t r­m

I~ In -r: '0

OJ <1\

Page 85: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.


Prior CIT 29A/384

Transfer No. N/C. Order No. B. 115409.2

SEARCH 12- MAY 1995 ,

~~Dy t,,{,:> f ~

Land and Deeds 69


'li:f)ili IiSrrtificatr dated the 30th day of November one thousand nine hundred and ninety two under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

z o 'V1 ~


W '-0 '-0

WITNESSETH that ANTHONY GORDON HASSALL of Whakatane accountant and JULIA ROSEMARY HASSALL his wife (jointly) and the said ANTHONY GORDON HASSALL and JULIA ROSEMARY HASSALL (jointly) are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

is~bs~:dCllikxoc:JeXUiWCklx:me*,im:p:lK (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 8.9710 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 1 on Deposited Plan S.63995 ~~


I ~( 1;1 ~ -'~' y~>~ ~~({ \\P~

he ~ :~~~,,:{\_,~~;~ : :0)1 \\ I ' '" " ! \,\\ ~ f, ,.< /":l ~o '- "- .' " ~, 0-.v:J:'-~_ ~ ~ "~ju l<\.~


Subject to Section 59 Land Act 1948

Appurtenant hereto is a Right of Way easement over part Lot 3 D.P.S.32240 (part C.T. 29A/386) marked C on D.p.S.63995 created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2) Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Right of Way easement over the part herein marked A on D.P.S.63995 appurtenant to: (a) Lot 3 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/386) (b) Lot 6 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/388) (c) Lot 7 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 25A/389) all created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2) Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974


Subject to a Right to Convey Water easement over the part herein marked E1 on D.P.S.63995 appurtenant to: (a) Lot 5 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 35C/420) (b) Lot 6 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/388) (c) Lot 7 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/389) all created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2)

Subject to a Drainage easement in gross over the part herein marked A2 on D.p.S.63995 in favour of the Rangitaiki Drainage Board created by Transfer H.443917.3 Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974

H.929101.2 Mortgage to Bank of New Zealand - 30.1.1990 at 10.30 o'c

o V E R .....

0-. a­m

u Measurements are Metric ~


Page 86: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.





"/JA, /(040 :-... ~Jc ~ c~OVvtv R O .... b


ALLOT 5046733


RECREATION I ~RVE Goz 1975 p.17

LOT 2 PT ALLOT 271 5047441 LOT 1


n r.;;: - '1";/ " l/io..l~L.L..,.lJ 8 CT Z'l"I'>B~

P: 2 D P 5 2 2 4 0



1 '



~III >- ~~ P: ALLOT 98 * 3 ~E 5 0 2 1 22 6 u.. 0


-------- .... OJ: L:l


10:\ 1






SURVEY BLK. & DIS1sIV .. AWMTEAIUA""8"Z'''' NZMS 261 SHT .~:~5""" RECORD MAP No ,,,1,:2,,,,,

LOT 1 D P S 3 2 2 4 0 . Surveyed by B.Q.S,~,."J".,QV.~B.!N!;iJPN"""""" Scale ",L"2S.o,Q".""",, Dote $,a'TEM,S.tJ.U},n,,,

:'H/Uttlejohns. ~8eEA=;se .6 'f't'l at E k.oe • (TO AITOt_NO NFJI\MX"O .. , NfW2fX .. tIJO

6-7' c~_ ~~;-

-~ CDl.lNciC~-

n m ~ -t -." -n ~ -t m

o ."

-t --t r­m IZ 1~U1 I~ In

W '-0 '-0

Page 87: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.



:SEARCH . .' 1'2. MAY 1995

r~py \t~ ... ~·T


B.115409.3 Easement Certificate certifying the following easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952

LOTS ON D.p.s.63995

Nature of Servient Marked Dominant Easement Tenement Tenement

Right of Lot 1 A, A 1, Lot 2 (CT Way (herein) A2 & 51C/400)


Lot 2 (CT B, B1, Lot 51C/400) B2 & (herein)


Water L.ot 2 (CT D & D1 Lot 1 Supply 51C/400) (herein)

Water Lot 1 A3 Lot 2 (CT Drainage (herein) 51C/400)

Lot 2 (CT B3 Lot 1 51C/400) (herein)

- 30.11.1992 at 10.55 O'C

Subject to Section 243 (a) Resource Management Act 1991

The easemen~ referred to in Easement Certificate B.llS409.3 ~ created by Transfer

B.12649S.3 &P~.

for ~~~~:

Page 88: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

:SEARCH, z o 1-


l'rior C/T29A/384 1'2. MAY 1995 Lamr and Def.'cs 6~ lT1


Transfer No.· ~n~y ~~,t;r REGISTER n

N/C. Order No. B. 115409.2 ~


\li:IJis (,!:ettificate dated the 30th day of November one thousand nine hundred and ninety two under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND

WITNESSETH that ANTHONY GORDON HASSALL of Whakatane accountant and JULIA ROSEMARY HASSALL his wife (jointly) and the said ANTHONY GORDON HASSALL and JULIA ROSEMARY HASSALL (jointly) are seised of an estate in fee simple as tenants in common in equal shares

N;:l'SEMooXNKXlX:lexllltexkDcM!e*ikocpiK (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several ad measurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 8.1915 HECTARES more or less situated in Block IV Awaateatua Survey District being Lot 2 on Deposited Plan S.63995


Subject to Section 59 Land Act 1948

Appurtenant hereto is a Right of Way easement over part Lot 3 D.P.S.32240 (part C.T. 29A/386) marked C on D.P.s.63995 created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2) Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Right of Way easement over the part herein marked B on D.P.S.63995 appurtenant to: (a) Lot 3 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/386) (b) Lot 6 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/388) (c) Lot 7 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 25A/389) all created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2) Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974

Subject to a Right to Convey Water easement over the part herein marked E, D1 & D2 on D.P.S.63995 appurtenant to: (a) Lot 5 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 35C/420) (b) Lot 6 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/388) (c) Lot 7 D.P.S.32240 (C.T. 29A/389) all created by Transfer H.453036.3 (See Easement Certificate H.443917.2)

Subject to a Drainage easement in gross over the part herein marked B2 on D.P.S.63995 in favour of the Rangitaiki Drainage Board created by Transfer H.443917.3 Subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974 ~

0~Cj"\3 H.929101.2 Mortgage~~~tnk of New Zealand - 30.1'.1990 at w..~\o~~·

b''Z-G4'''>'?'-z. \.>' I, 1'<::;1"

o V E R •••••



a o -:t

u ~

Lf1. ~I

Measurements are Metric

Page 89: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.




ia c

Bitt ~


® ~ LOT 22 '50' 1<),2: ® E

(~35) Lor 1 ~ '!-ie ~C>j) ~!2 <'55~~",

'Xl 00'






i? c;~e(IC I(t A, D

LOT 1 8 ,9 7 1 0 ha

. :

ALLOT 5046733

g .Jl'

."1,,, -~


DP5.3224G CT ~~I'1>1I

P: 2

w 272


Gaz 1975 p.17 I

LOT 2 8 ·1 91 5 ha



!f1 ~i

IF ~ c

<" ~

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I ,1.v5~~ ~'v-r ~ LAND DISTRICT ........ SOUIH .. .AU.cKL.AN.Q ............. I --, '-.....




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/.ppm,"is ~'UlSW<T m S3::TIC>I"ZZ? OF n.. ""-"<l. """" W""GEMENT I>Cr ffil "" nE = DAV OFs:;;;;t""~--=-­~~~TOTHEG\Ut.N11I'CO~~~'OFTHe. EJ6E:MENTS 5ET CUT IN "THE h"IENIC£ANCOM. HEREON.

cr:M - OF TIlE WAAXATANE ll6TlZJC1" eruNCIL tNiH~ ~CE. OF" :

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fiClTE. : ARE.A5 SHOWN F - u A2£ lNTCNDEl> -- Fl>R. RE51"RlcnVE. Cl>'IEN""'TS.

M~OI..H. a' """". tiGHT OF LOT I 1 A.A..k..&.A, 1 LeT 'Z.

WAY urr 'Z. B,BI,B',t-B'l lllT I

WA1El: ~ I LOT Z I 0 & 0, I un \ D'lA!NI>GE .1 LOT 1 1 A", LOT L

. . LO, 2. 63 LOT , ~ED\JLE OF EXlSfI

".(~.:,,::,'.~ ,- !),,;,,~~;.J: ;-J~~-HASSALL--- --A:'~~SALL-

~lS\~ED CYNN€..R.S

Total Area ..... .:1..7..:,. .ho. ................ . Comprised in .CI .. 2.9Aj3.8.4."!:~ .... : ........... . . ..................... -....................................... .

I. ~ ..•.. ;.lN:lici.: .... Qri£)\l ......... _ ............ _ ......... . R~gisre~ SUl"o'f!)'Or ,rld holder ol.n .nnuaJ p~t:tDing ctutifir:J!l~ (O~

- who m8Y ,cr liS , ~gisre~ su~r pursuant to uction 25 of ~ Survey Att 15/ ht:reby ~rtify th.r this pUn ius b«n (Mdt: from SUfl'eyS eucllfed by me or under my directions, tMt both~ MJd WI"r'e)' are correct .nd hIYf! beet! m.di! in 'CcordHlCt! ~jJ Uf'Ioon'

Rt:gula~iorJ$ 7!/12 or.ny mgulJtioru m.t~n sulntinrti 'fr. f ..

D8tec "t'M:Q.~re-. this ••••• ~ ......... d.r ~IJ'~ of~6~ •••• 75~~ ..... Sign8ture •• •••

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SURVEY BlK. & PISTJY .. AWMTfATUA ... '.T'" NZMS 261 SHT .~J5 ..... RECORD MAP No .1.2 .....

LOT5 1 & 2 BEl NG 5UBOIVI5 I ON OF LOT 1 0 P 5 3 224 O.

TERRITORIAL AUTHORITYWHAKATANE. . .QI.ST.RJ.C.T..\ Surveyed by .8.Q5.$. ... ): .... QV.~B.!N~JQN ...... .x:::~k ._;. - p- -_P- p-,.-". I

/ Scole ... L .. 25.0.Q .......... Date S.~EM.8.~ . .J.9..9.2 .. . GH/Utt!ejohns W.A. FtOSERT50f,. SUIW!YOR GHi~Ft .... ~. OE/'ARTMHIT Of SUf'lVEY "-NO lAIojD IN~()RM"'TION, NEW 2E.t.,lA""Q

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Page 90: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.




:' .'

12. MAY 1995



B.115409.3 Easement Certificate certifying the following easements to be the easements intended to be created by the operation of Section 90A Land Transfer Act 1952

Nature of Easement

Right of Way

Water Supply

Water Drainage

LOTS ON D.P.S.63995

Servient Tenement

Lot 1 (CT 51C/j99)

Lot 2 (herein)

Lot 2 (herein)

Lot 1 (CT 51C/!99 )

Marked Dominant Tenement

A, A 1, Lot 2 A2 & (herein) A3

B, B1, Lot 1 (CT B2 & 51C/!99) B3

D & D1 Lot 1 (CT ~,1C/j99)

A3 Lot 2 (herein)

Lot 2 B3

/?(:i1> ~~ - 30.11.1992 at 10.55 O'C

(herein) Lot 1 (CT 51CI)f99)


,t I

Subject to Section 243 (a) Resource Management Act 1991

B.126495.3 Transfer to Gary Francis Reid builder and Amanda Susan Reid flight attendant both of Whakatane as tenants in ~~:mon in equal shares - 17.2.19~at 11.13

~0<V\) JorY::~. B.126495.4 Mortgag~\~.~(~ahking Group (New Zealand) Limite~~ 17,2 pt 11.13 o'e E')15\Gf:~\ '0' P \~v ~

for~.~. B.156183.2 Transfer to David John Murray of Whakatane farmer and Karen Louise Murray his wife as tenants in common in equal shares -18.8.1993 at 10.54 o'e ~~jR/-

U ~.i.;~Y B.156183.3 Mortgage to The Rural Bank Limited - 18.8.1993 at 10.54 o'e ~~~

(y5r ~A.LR:v

Page 91: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

SEARCH;; I'll"! en l08/5~ ~/371

'11;JIISJcr Nu.

N/C Order No. 11. 1l43917. 4

/\l.i 1{!l1 c.\

2bMAY 1995, S -COpy ~ ; -- .. ~- -"

l.;llld d ~. I ,"d ... (1 t;



Irl)is ~rrtifi{atr dated the 9th day of December one thousand nine hundred and eighty tMl under the seal of the District Land Registrar of the Land Registration District of SOUTH AUCKLAND


i J/


~ CD V'

is seised of an estate in fee-simple (subject to such reservations, restrictions, encumbrances, liens, and interests as are notified by memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon) in the land hereinafter described, delineated with bold black lines on the plan hereon, be the several admeasurements a little more or less, that is to say: All that parcel of land containing 7.1270

IlliCTARES more or less being Lot 3 on Deposited Plan S.32240 and being part Allotments 99 and 201 Parish of Rangitaiki

Blk.IV AwooteoTUO 5D


CO m i&-eJ"'1 CUi



(IJ rf\

If1 n1 rn

3 71270ha.

(() o r­..9 en


ROoCj ~ o.

Measurements are Metric I(R' ~ -~




Subject to the res~rvations and conditions imposed by Section 59 Land Act 19~8

B. LLOYD A.L.R. Subject to a drainage easement in gross over the parts herein marked 'F' and 'G' on Plan S.32240 in favour of the Rsngitaiki Drainage Board created by Transfer H.4~3917.3

B. LLOYD A.L.R. The drainage easement created by Transfer H.~43917.3 is subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974


S.~493. 72 S~U~R ~ d Charge under the Rural Housing~ ~J9 ~he h~akatane District Counc~entei:'e. . .1.969 at 9.00 OIC

¥ '-I5dYd,~i\ B. Ll..~~R' S.485294 Statutory Land Cha:r;~ .. \ju~ ~ Rural Housing A('t 1939 by the \,~a~~t'W~ _. iet

Council entered 3D.6.197~i'1\'::UO I.. .

~I '153036-:2. 0<V'V~' LOYD A.L.ll. 1l.144220. 2 Hort~~ to {,~' anking and Finance Corporation o:t;".,~w?;fa ~roduced 15.8.1977 at 9.18 ole, <::r \\ . If '183036' J?- B. L A.L.R.

H.231806 Variation of term of Mortgage ll.144220.2 produced 15 •• 1979 at 9.24 o'c



Register copy for L. & D. 69, 71. 72.

Page 92: Research Report to the Waitangi Tribunal on the Te Putere Native … · 2018-02-25 · Research Report -Te Putere Native Reserve 2 Research Credentials My name is Michael Joseph Stevens.

CERTIFICATE OF TITLE l\o. :.'fJ)\/ :,hl, .... _ ..

1l.}14191i.~ r,u;"('[Lrnt Certifjcutc ccrtifyillg till'

follo'"illg t'flSI'Ulrni.:-; to 1)(> the easements lntendpd 1.0 Le c[('ui.pd Ly HlP oper-ution 0l Section 90A Land Transfl'r Act 1952

H.625973.2 Transfer to David Joel Martin of Whakatane horticultural cadet produced 14.11.1985 at 9.02 o'c

LO'I'S ON PLAN S. }2240

1\ature Servient Marked Tenement

Hight of part Lot 1 A Way (C.T. 29A/384 ) Hight of parts Lot 3 B & C Way (herein)

Dominant Tenement

Lot 3 (herein)

Lots 1, 6 & 7 (C's.T. 29A/38q,

29A/388 & 29A/389)

~~ H.904398 Transfer to Robyn Janet Leeming of Kawerau company executive and Royden Russell Mottram of Auckland sales consultant as tenants in common in equal shares - 29.9.1989 at 12.15 o'c

for A.L.R. Lots 5, 6 & 7 (C's.T. 29A/387, B.006894 Transfer to Peter Clark of

29A/388 & Whakatane upholster - 27.2.1991 at

Water parts Lot 3 F, K &

Conveyance (herein) L

Water Conveyance

part Lot 3 (herein)

C 29A/389) 9.10 o'c ~~

Lots 6 & 7 (C's.T. 29A/388 & /,S for .L.R

29A/389) 9 ~ B. 012182 Mortga$l;~k9"JB • Of New Zealand - 28.~~991\at ; 0 o'c

B. LLOYD A. L.R. 0'0 V; I' ~

entered 9.12.1982 at 9.00 o'e

The Rights of Way easements referred to in Easement@" __ ~--+--Certificate H.443917.2 above when created will be £::'.2-12.1o·~&!' subject to Section 309 (1) (a) Local Government Act 1974

ES~. A.~

The easement referred to in Easement Certificate H.443917.2 relative to Lot 6 Plan S.32240 (CT 29A/388) wascreated by Transfer H.453036.3 on 21.2.1983

r t, (~\ __

/~~, for A.L.R.

The easement referred to in Easement Certificate H.443917.2 relative to Lot 1 Plan S.32240 (CT 29A/384) was created by Transfer H.453036.3 on 21.2.1983

~ for A.L.R.

The easement referred to in Easement Certificate H.443917.2 above relative to Lot 5 on Plan 8.32240 (C.T. 29A/387) was created by Transfer

H.468460 on 3°.6 ..• 1983 .' ~r pi //J ~9 . ~ \ . . . ~"'~. ./ ;A. for A.L.R.

H.472879 Mort .. :to~. nk ew Zealand produced 30.6.98r~t . Ie

t1 ~~7~'( /il' / """,,1IJU~ fo';-'tl. L. R.

The Easement referred to in Easement Certificate H.443917.2 relative to Lot 7 Plan 8.32240 (CT 29A/389) was created by Transfer H.484875.1 on 6.9.1983 ~


5~178C· 50,OOOfJI81MK

for A.L.R.

B.272686.2 Transfer to Henry Liston Skiffington of Whakatane farmer and Elsie Matilda Lydia Skiffington his wife as tenants in common in equal shares - 16.5.1995

at 9.10 o'c ~ ,
