Research presentation

Research Presentation



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Research Presentation

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Conventions of Typical Trailers

• Short and snapping clips to tease the viewers into watching the whole film

• Fast paced editing• Information about other films, for example, other films produced by

the producers of the featuring film.• Main characters names appearing next to or around the main

character in the trailer. • The release date for the cinema or DVD and the certificate is stated

at the end or throughout the trailer. For example, in the trailer of The Change-up, ‘This Summer’ appears to signify when the film is coming out.

• Establishing shots are used at the start to show the setting of the film that’s place or where it originates from.

• Voice overs can be used to describe characters or the build up into the trailer.

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Conventions of a Comedy Trailer

• With use of two main characters, these character can be from different social or economic backgrounds. Dave and Mitch are from two different social and economic backgrounds in ‘The Change-up’.

• Close up shots can be used to show comedy scenes in greater detail, for example facial expressions. In ‘21 Jump Street’ Channing Tatum’s character, Greg, has taken a drug and the close up of his face shows the effect it is having.

• On screen text can be used to describe the characters very briefly, making the viewers go and watch the film to find out more about that character.

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Target Audience

• From my focus group video I found out that my ideal target audience is young people from ages 16-25.

• The two people in my focus group were a ideal age for comedy trailers and there were both 17.

• The trailer should last for around 2-2 and a half minutes and I found out from my comedy wall comments that upbeat music is very popular.

• A range of different music genres will be considered to give a variation in the trailer.• Popular comedies amongst my target audience are crude, visual and physical. All these

comedies will be considered in production.• Faced paced editing is also popular, making the trailer more interesting for younger


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Ancillary Task Conventions

• The posters that I analysed have used different colours to contrast with each and the positioning of images to grab the viewers attention.

• On the poster of ‘21 Jump Street’ the word jump is in red to stand out against the white background, this grabs the viewers attention quickly. The attention then transfers to the main characters. This use of contrasting colours and images works really well amongst most film posters.

• The poster of ‘the inbetweeners movie’ using very bright neon colours to represent the idea that they are surrounded by clubs during the film. The viewers attention travels from the name of the film to the image of the four boys in the middle, all wearing brightly coloured clothes so they stand out.

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My Trailer

• In my trailer I will include lots of fast paced editing to increase the tempo of the trailer and the different shots.

• I will be including different types of music from the UK top 40, so my target audience will be familiar with the music in the trailer. But we will be looking at more up-beat music as that was a popular response from my target audience.

• The music that I will include will fit with the situation in the trailer and the type of comedy of the trailer.

• I will have younger people in the trailer so they can relate the target audience. The ages I will be using will be from 16-20.