Research Paper

Sta. Catalina National High School Majayjay, Laguna JUVENILE DELIQUENCY / CAUSES AND PREVENTION A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement in English IV Submitted to: MISS IZA DORADO ARASA Teacher Submitted by: GZA LOUREEN ARAGON


This is not mine

Transcript of Research Paper

Sta. Catalina National High SchoolMajayjay, Laguna


A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement in English IV

Submitted to: MISS IZA DORADO ARASATeacher

Submitted by: GZA LOUREEN ARAGONIV DiamondSY: 2014- 2015


Grateful acknowledgement to our modern technology nowadays especially to Google which provided much information and helped the researchers to make this research possible.Deep and gracious thanks to her mothers friend, teachers who lend books and notes to make some research. Full and heartfelt thanks to the researchers grandmother who helped arranged the research, served as constant guide and to her family that served as inspiration and courage to push through her writing.The researchers gives her acknowledge to her teacher, Ms. Iza D. Arasa who taught and explained her how to make a research paper.



The researcher dedicates the research paper to her family who serves as inspiration to her in writing and making this term paper. The researcher also dedicates to all the youth especially to the students of Sta. Catalina National High School., to open their mind what happened to some delinquents or juvenile nowadays so that they can think further about these.



In response to the requirements in English IV, this research is made. It is designed to fulfill requirements of a complete research paper. It intends to make contribution to the Values Education Program of the school. It aims to inspire a beginner writer like the researcher to do such research study in future.

Objectives: In preparation of this research paper the following objectives are carefully considered:a) To develop awareness of some social problems of the society.b) To give information of rightful behavior of the youth.c) To enhance the development of desirable attitude and values of the youth of today.


CHAPTER IIntroduction

The legal term juvenile delinquent was established so that young law breakers could avoid the disgrace of being classified in legal records as criminals. Juvenile delinquency laws were designed to provide treatment, rather than punishment for juvenile offenders. Young delinquents were usually sent to juvenile courts where the main aim is to rehabilitate offenders rather than to punish them. But the term juvenile delinquency itself has come to imply disgrace.

Many studies has made in an effect to determine the cases of delinquency. Most of these have focused on family, relationship or the neighborhood or community conditions. The result of these investigation have shown that it is doubtful, that any child becomes delinquent for any single reason.

Civic and government efforts are made to develop programs of delinquency prevention. There is a little evidence however, that any of these program provide counselling services to the youth who appear to be on the verge of becoming delinquents. Other programs draw youngsters from situation in which delinquency is likely to occur. Probations services are offered through juvenile courts in an efforts to provide guidance to delinquent children. However, many instituting provide little more than protective custody for juvenile delinquency.


Significance of the Problem

Having an idea of what juvenile delinquency is, will help the researcher and the youngsters of today to avoid such delinquent acts.

1. To knowledge about it will help those people involve to keep a good name and not be a disgrace to the society where he/she belongs.2. To enlighten our government officials and other high ranking officers of the institutions to provide adequate understanding to our delinquents and not to treat them as criminals.3. To open the mind of the parents they should rather be tactful enough in dealing with their children, understand their need and provide them with a healthy, happy and apeaceful place to live in.


Scope and Definition of Terms

This research tends to include a clear definition of the term juvenile delinquency and other terminologies found in the research. It intends to provide the readers an eye view on how juvenile delinquency affects the person and the family and the society where he/she belongs. It also suggests solutions and recommendations to the problems made by delinquents and the solutions regarding to them.

Definition of terms1) Juvenile refers to the youth of non- adult person2) Juvenile delinquent is a boy or girl who has been tried by a judge found guilty of committing an act that violates local statue3) Juvenile delinquency refers to the violation of law by a juvenile. It includes those acts against the standard of the society, committed by a youngsters regardless whether this action is legal or illegal.4) Aftercase supervision programs to ease to juvenile reentry to the community following the release from a juvenile institution5) Reformatory is the correction institution for the lawbreakers over the age of 18 who do not need maximum security used to separate young offenders from adult prisoners6) Gang one group of people who associated with one another with social or criminal reason


Background of the Study

Juvenile delinquency is regarded as a serious social problem. It has caused increasing public concern, but it has by no way a new problem. Young people formed violent acts such as robbery, theft and even prostitution and murder. Delinquency is found in all nations and in particularly a widespread I highly industrialized nations especially in large cities.The factors affecting the social development of juveniles are his/her emotion and social development; his leadership trainings on camps, gang and other emotional experiences. The causes of juvenile delinquency, there are also solutions. It is also the duty of the youth, the parents, the law enforcers and lawmakers to provide such solution that would bring to the fulfillment of a happy life and eradicate juvenile delinquency in our society and the nation as well.


Statement of the problem This paper is the study on Juvenile Delinquency / Its Causes and Preventions, Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is juvenile? A delinquent? 2. What is juvenile delinquency?3. What are the factors that affects the social development of a juvenile delinquent?4. What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?5. How can we help treat/prevent juvenile delinquency in our society?


CHAPTER IIRelated LiteratureHistoryIn the history of administration of criminal justice, among the early attempts to give differentials treatment to person of tender years, mention may be made on the 10th century monarch, King Athelstan of England, who enacted a law that Man shall not slay none younger than fifteen winters man. On the whole, however, a juvenile who had committed an offense was dealt with as ordinary criminals, and it is not surprising that in the 18th century and 19th centuries, when the prevailing criminological theories favored the imprisonment of offenders, juveniles as well as adults were imprisoned. Among historical precedents which leads to the birth of the concept of juvenile delinquency, two deserve brief mention of significance in the first place are the early attempts made to separate juvenile as different category from adults in connections with imprisonment. Thus, as early as 1704, Pope Clement XI founded in Rome a center for the correction of profligate youth so that they might be taught to become useful citizens. In 1756, the Marine Society of England established a special institution some of which were known as ragged schools, soon followed. By 1825 New York City had established a house of refuge for juveniles which was the predecessors of American reformatory school.The full force of this movement, however, was not felt until 1854 when the reformatory school act was passed in England, this legislative recognition giving the necessary impetus for the spread of separate institutional treatment for juvenile. The end of 19th century a substantial number of reformatory school had been established in a number of centuries, under British Administration. In the development of this movement was coincident with the humanitarians outlook of the Western world at that time, and it emphasized that juveniles should be reformed instead of punished. Early efforts to established separate adjudication procedures in juvenile cases were known, among others, in a Swiss ordinance of 1862and in Boston Mass, where charges against children

6were heard separately in 1869. The State of South Australia also experimented with such procedures before at the end of 19th century. It was not until July1, 1899. However, that the first juvenile court in the law prepared by the committee of the Chicago Bar Association. The importance of this approach was the principles which they associated with chancery practice came into what had previously been the realm of purely criminal procedure. This juvenile court movement has spread throughout the world since that time.

7Factors Affecting Social Development of JuvenilesAttention has been directed in the foregoing to the fact that the development of social maturity is dependent upon the nature of the child and the ways in which environmental factors affect is growing self: a) Emotion and Social Development. The emotions arousing nature of any stimuli in the childs environment. Exerts a powerful influence upon social values developed by his. Since the experience background of children and adults differ, similar stimuli do not arouse emotion of like intensity in both at the same time. Yet, in many situation the emotional qualities of childs experience are the direct results those experienced by his parents and other around him. Emotional and social expansion go together. By observing others especially his deal, the juvenile is motivated to imitate them in what he does and in the way he expresses himself. Social values are achieved in great port from the example of others. It is emotionally disturbing to a child if parents or other leader are not consistent in their demands, or in their method of control. A child is confused when his mother who has been teaching him not to tell lie, is heard by him as he tells a little white lie in order to avoid embarrassment either to himself or to other person. He cannot understand that there may be a difference between his mothers lie and the untruth that he tells to protect his own ego of self-respect. b) Leadership and Social Development. Leadership traits to begin to show themselves in kindergarten, if not earlier. They are manifestation of the dominance of one child over other may be expressed in variety ways. The young leader may be larger in size, he may be more vocal, or maybe able to run faster than the other children. The leader in the game may be the one who know how to play the game. Another child may lead as a result of his skill in establishing friendly relation with other children. A child who is aggressive may force leadership through his coercive method. The power of the leadership drive differs among children. A child can or is willing to give leadership in one situation and in no other. A leader who is chosen by his group has advantages of group and individual cooperation in which are not always experienced by a leader who has superimposed upon group. This is a chief reason of allowing children to select their own classroom, school and game leader whenever it is possible. Friction sometimes develops among children because each member of the group wants to be leader. Hence, a child should be helped to understand that he sometimes must follow the lead of someone else. He may be a leader I another group. Many quarrels among

8children result from desire to be a leader. Sometimes a group select one of its member to be a leader, and then it finds that he not have leadership qualities, since he cannot understand the desires of other children and do something to satisfy them. In any schools or play situation, a child may be found who is usually chosen by his associates to lead their activities. He is the self-confident should who is willing and able to inspire the group and to established favorable emotional attitudes among the members of the group.c) Clubs, Gangs, and Camp Experiences. Most children are gregarious. They want to include in a peer groups, even though they may participate in only a minor way in the activities of the group. Also although a normal child who is secure in the affections of the adults as his parents and teachers is amiable to the general pattern of social living to which he is oriented by adults, he still needs opportunities to express his social interest without too close supervision. This is especially true of a child of later elementary school years or older. The young child gradually attaches himself to play groups in his immediate neighborhood. With other members of such groups he is usually engages in more or less informal play activities. Sooner or later he experiences the urge of membership in more definite group club composed of his peers. He wants to help a plan, organize and carry out projects that are associated with his growing interest and that he directed towards the realization of specific goal. Whether his goal is desirable from the adult point of view is bit particularly important to the young person. Hence, it is the responsibility of adults to provide constructive opportunities for group and to encourage the childs participation in those activities. Any formally organizes and wholesome groups are now available.

9Extent of the Delinquency

Crime statistics through them are often incomplete and may be misleading give an indication of the extent of the delinquency problems. Reports said that during 1980s about of all arrested juveniles for burglary and arson were person under the age of 18. Juveniles also accounted for about of all arrested for theft. During any year about 4% of all children between ages of 10 to 18 appear in juvenile court. The percentage of youngsters in this age group who are sent to court to least once is much higher. A third or more of those boys living in the slum areas of large cities may appear in a juvenile court at least once.Girls are becoming increasingly involved in juvenile delinquency. Today about one of every fine youngsters appearing the juvenile court is a girl in early 1900s the ratio was about one girl in every fifty boys.Sociologists have conducted a number of studies to determine how much delinquency is not reported to the police. Most youngsters report taking part in one or more delinquents acts, though a majority other offenses are minor. Experts have concluded that youthful misbehavior is much more common than is indicated by arrest records and juvenile court statistics.

10Where are the Delinquents

Countries that are highly industrialized and have many big cities have more delinquents than countries where most people live on farms. There are several reason for this:

a) When a child lives on a farm; life is usually simple, he meets only few people each day. There he does meet are generally friends of long standing. He knows their relatives, and they know his. They trust each other because they trust each others families in addition most parents know where their children are going with whom they are playing and what they are doing. Parents see and talk to most of people who affect their childrens lives. Parents have time to pay attention to their children.b) In big city things are very different. Living in a big apartment building, a child may not even know the people who live next door. Children meet dozen of people whom their parents will never know. The comfort of living in an atmosphere where many members of the family are well-known and trusted by the community is lost in the big cities. It is easier a youngsters to get into trouble in the big cities because people know him and are willing to keep him out of the trouble. Actually in the cities there are more laws to be broken.

11Causes of Delinquency

The causes of delinquency have focused on family relationships or neighborhood or community condition. The results of these investigation have shown that it is doubtful that any child becomes a delinquents for any single reason.

1. Family Relationship, especially those between parents and individual child, have been the focused of several delinquency studies. Whatever the nature of the delinquents unhappiness, delinquency appeared to them the solution. It brought attention to the youth neglected by their parents, or approval by delinquents friends, or it solved problems of an unhappy home life in other ways. More recent studies have revealed that many delinquents had parents with whom they did not get along or were inconsistent in their patterns of discipline and punishments.2. Neighborhood conditions have been stressed in studies by sociologists. Many of this requires concentrate on differing rates of delinquents rather than on the way individual become delinquents. Such areas have many broken homes and high rate of alcoholism. They also have poor schools, high unemployment, few recreational facilities and high crime rate. Many young people see delinquency as their only escape from boredom, poverty and other problems. Studies indicate that the causes of delinquency also extend to a whole society. For example, delinquency rates intend to be high among the low income groups in societies where most people are well to do the pain of being poor and living in a slum conditions is felt more strongly in rich society than in a poor one.

12Treatment of Juvenile Offenders

One of the most frequent measure of treatment applied by juvenile courts is probation. A juvenile delinquent is a place under the supervision of a probation, officer whose duties are to be friend and assist him with a view of rehabilitation. Probation is essentially social case work because it is a task of the probation officers to find regular employment for his charge and assist in his family problems whenever necessary. Trained probation officers is a perquisite for the success of this measure.Other measure of the treatment in the freedom include faster homes are inadequate. Inspite of the emphasis on rehabilitation in the treatment of the juvenile delinquents, many countries still employ measurements much as corporal punishments, the rehabilitative value as which is doubtful.Next to probation, juvenile are most often sent to institution of rehabilitation. The modern juvenile institution is greatly improved version of an early reformatory schools, but it is far cry from the ideal establishment which send book to the community of the rehabilitated juvenile whose adjustment to normal living condition is easy and smooth. Juvenile institution after agricultural or industrial training to juveniles usually provides opportunities for the development social responsibilities in their inmates. This is a tendency to have the cottage type of establishments in the preference to the congregate type of institution so that the juveniles maybe classified according to the different criteria and individualized treatment given. It also been realized that individualized treatment does not consist in treating in a juvenile apart from other human beings but in relation to them.

13Control and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

Many offers have been made to develop programs of delinquency prevention. There is little evidence, however, that many of these programs provides counseling services to the youth who appear to be on the verge of becoming delinquents. Other programs draw youngsters into clubs and recreation centers in an effort to keep them away from situation in which delinquency is likely to occur. In recent year, many efforts have centered in improving the educational and work skill of youngster.The probation officers are offered through the juvenile courts in an effort to provide guidance for delinquent children. The more progressive institutions for juvenile attempts to provide treatment programs for the fonder the work experiences, counseling, education, and group therapy. However, many other institutions provide little more than protective custody for juvenile delinquents. Juvenile courts is a special court that handless cases involving children who have committed offenses or who need the care and protection of society. The jurisdiction of juvenile courts varies from state to state, but most of them handle cases of delinquency and neglected. Most delinquency cases involved children who are difficult who do not care for them properly.Prior to the establishment to juvenile courts tried children for law-breaking and many of them to prison. In prison, the youngsters often associated with hardened criminals. A juvenile court was not considered a place to punish children, but a place that could help them.Reformatory is a correctional institution for lawbreakers over the age 18 who do not use maximum security. Reformatories are often used to separate young adult offenders from older prisoners. They provide counselling education vocational training and other improvement programs. Institution for lawbreakers under the age of 18 is called training schools. More training schools are held from atleast six months. Institution at which youthful offenders stay for a shorter time are called detention center.The first reformatories is received some state funds but where mainly supported and opeated by private.


According to a law a juvenile delinquent is a boy or girl who has been tried by a judge and found guilty of community on act that violates the state. They are the young lawbreakers criminals. Crime statistics showed that most youngsters are taking part in one or more delinquent acts, through a majority of the offenders are minors. Experts have concluded that youthful misbehavior is scuch more common than is indicated by arrested records and juvenile court statistics. Juvenile delinquency found in high populated areas than in farms. This is due to the reason that these youngsters has big numbers of persons that influenced them.The several reason why some youngsters become delinquent. This may be due to some influences of friends, family or neighborhood conditions.However there is great deal being cone due to prevent, and control juvenile delinquency. In some countries there are some special police trained to deal carefully with children. This police call on the juvenile delinquents parents and try to help resolve the childs trouble without giving him a police records. The juvenile courts help change the behavior of the child. They are special courts that handles the cases of the children are not given harsh atmosphere. The judge decides what may be the best for the child. Another one is the reformatory which try to reform juvenile delinquency into well-behaved individual and become proud of the society which he belong.


Different people use the term juvenile delinquency to mean different things. Parents with disobedient children disregard them as juvenile delinquency. Boys and girls who look weird in the way they dress, for their hairdos or what else are considered juvenile delinquency. They said that they are disgrace to the society.However, if there are causes of juvenile delinquency there are also solutions. The way parents brought up their children is the main solution to the problem. The way the peers treated him is the another factor through we have special courts that helped a lot treat this juvenile delinquency and keep this society a peaceful and happy place to live in.

16FindingsAs a result, the researchers found out that:1. Juvenile delinquency is the term refers to the violent act committed by children below 18.2. Delinquent acts are different from crimes committed by criminals.3. There are more juvenile delinquency problems in a large cities than in rural places.4. Juvenile delinquents usually came from serious family problems and bad influence.5. Our governments is trying its best juvenile delinquency problems in the society.6. Our government establishing juvenile courts to differentiate delinquents acts from criminal one


After a thorough study of the subject matter that researchers therefore recommends that: 1. Parents should involve themselves in this problems in this problems by showing love and understanding to their children.2. Children should avoid peers that might influence them badly. Choice of friends is a must they should engage in productive activities and spend leisure hours wisely.3. Government officials especially the law enforcers should have wide understanding to juvenile delinquents. They should act as models and example of good moral character to the youth.4. Government should provide more juvenile courts equipped with all the necessary things and personnel that will try cases and give judgment fairly.

18Curriculum Vitae NAME: Gza Loureen Gruezo AragonADDRESS: 549 Regidor Street Majayjay, LagunaBIRTHDATE: October 20, 1998BIRTHPLACE: Majayjay, LagunaSEX: FemaleCIVIL STATUS: SingleNATIONALITY: FilipinoRELIGION: Roman CatholicEDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Sta. Catalina Elementary School2005-2011 Sta. Catalina National High School4th yearPARENTS: Ronald Conese AragonRosalie Gruezo AragonWISHES AND DESIRES: To have friends all over the world, the realization of my dreams, ambition, and to travel someday as to be happy in the future.


PrefaceiAcknowledgements iiDedication iii

CHAPTER I Introduction1Background of the Research 2Statement of the Problem3Significance of the Study4Scope and Definition5

CHAPTER IIRelated LiteratureHistory 6Factors Affecting Social Development8Extent of Delinquency10Causes of delinquency12Treatment of Delinquency13Control and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency14

CHAPTER IIISummary 15Conclusion16Findings 17Recommendation18

Curriculum Vitae19