Research on existing media posters


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Transcript of Research on existing media posters

Page 1: Research on existing media posters
Page 2: Research on existing media posters

This is a poster for the film ‘Eden Lake’. The poster is very conventional and the different conventions are clearly visible.

Poster is kept in a dark colour scheme because it relates back to the theme of horror. The title of the film is in red so it also emphasizes the typical signifiers of horror such as danger and blood. The main character has been introduced to the audience though an image which is places at the left side of the poster. The innocence of the main character has been underlined by the clothes she is wearing- flowery dress. It relates back to ideologies that woman are seen as pure and innocent. At the background we dark outline of the villains and we can argue that those are men. This also follows the stereotype of male being the villains.

At the top of the page there are selling lines which are meant to attract the audience. Also the stars show the audience that the film has been classified as being good therefore they should watch it.

Overall, I think the poster is very attractive and would attract a lot of audience firstly because the audience are introduced to the character and secondly through its layout as it is eye catching.

Page 3: Research on existing media posters

I have chosen to discuss this poster because it challenges a lot of conventions, is eye catching and in the same time attractive to the audience.

The main image does not relate to the theme of horror instead signifies the beauty of woman. The rose petals make the representation of woman even more beautiful however, the redness signifies danger and blood.

Nevertheless, the image represents the storyline of the film as it tells us how beautiful woman smell is and only when we look at the text which says ‘story of a murderer’ we think of a horror.

The rest of the conventions are very predictable; the title of the film is at the bottom of the page and below it all of the information are included.

Following, the colours are kept in a very limited range because there is only 3 different colours used.

Overall, I think this poster is very successful and shows what variations can be applied to a poster to make it effective. It also taught me that the main image does not have to be of the victim; it may be something else what makes the audience think of the actual story line of the trailer.

Page 4: Research on existing media posters

For the last poster I have decided to analyse ‘one missed call poster’ because I found it being less successful than the previous posters. First of all, the audience are shown too much because the face of the antagonist is clearly visible whereas it is more interesting when the audience are not introduced to the antagonist and they only get introduced while watching the film. It would make them want to watch the film more.

The use of colours isn’t also very successful because the text at the top of the page should also be white as not it is hard to see and read it therefore the audience may have a problems with it as well.

There is also too much of free space left and so it quite overtakes the poster and the audience attention is dragged away.

Nevertheless, the positioning of text is conventional and looks good on the page. The information below is also very clearly visible and the way it is laid out is interesting.

The release date is also very small and hard to see therefore the audience may not realise it is there.

Overall, the poster does attract the attention however it is quickly lost because the conventions used and effects created are not interesting enough.