Research into existing media


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Transcript of Research into existing media

Page 1: Research into existing media
Page 2: Research into existing media

Prometheus is a science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. The audience are lead into the genre of the film straight at the beginning of the trailer where we see an establishing shot of spaceship and a different planet. We also hear a specific for the spaceship sound when it lands on the different planet. Afterwards text on the screen also informs us that the Prometheus has landed. The props and settings are also very significant because we can tell that the action is not taking place on Earth therefore it must be a different planet which isn’t very realistic from the human point of view. The technology used in the film is also very different to the technology we have on Earth right now, there is a lot of new computers, projectors, touchable screens and so on.

Throughout the trailer the characters are presented to the audience step by step so we don’t get huge amount of information at once; we meet the characters one by one so we are able to learn about them. At first we are introduced to a blond lady who is shown in a bright light to emphasize her significance in the film as she present herself as the one whose job is to make sure that the others do theirs; therefore she is presented as the leader of the group. Afterwards we are introduced to a pair of scientists who are trying to explain the whole purpose and give background information to the rest of the group. They have been also shown in a bright light making an impression that they are very passionate about their job and that they really see a point in the whole action.

The main target audience of the movie will be people over 18, in my opinion there will be more male audience because they are more attracted to sci-fi, action movies. There may also be a lot of people that like to play adventurous games and maybe in the future some of the institutions will release a game based on the Prometheus movie. The trailer seems to be very attractive and raise a lot of enigmas through, so it will attract a lot of audience because they, as well as I will be very curious of how the whole situation is going to end and if they will be able to save the world fighting against the aliens. Best bits shown in the trailer are also not very clear and do not give a lot of information. In a particular point we can see ‘something’ but we are not sure if that is an alien. However, the relation to previous work of Ridley Scott which is also mentioned in the trailer gives us a clue that there will be aliens playing a major role. This convention is also very significant for this trailer because it will attract the audience who already admire Ridley Scott as a director and really like his previous work which is quiet similar to this film.

The atmosphere builds a lot of questions throughout the trailer. The composition of sound and setting seems to be very mysterious and in some way may frighten the audience. The whole trailer is kept in very dark scenery therefore it does reflect the situation taking place.

The content of the film is mostly presented by the dialogue used which does tell the audience what the film is about and introduces them to the action of the film. Other than that there is diegetic sound used when we hear the spaceship landing on the planet. The soundtrack also reflects the atmosphere created because it just makes the audience feel that the film is even more mysterious and full of questions.

The marketing campaign for Prometheus began on the 21st July 2011 in San Diego Comic-Con where images and footage of the film were presented. Teaser poster was released on 14th of December 2011. Afterwards incomplete trailer was leaked to the internet but quiet fast taken out. Couple of days later the full teaser trailer was released and became popular very quickly. On the 17th of March 2012 Ridley Scott in partnership with AMC Theatres, hosted the premiere of first full Prometheus trailer which was life streamed on Facebook, Twitter and the AMC Theatre website. Few hours ago the trailer was posted on YouTube and had 3 million viewers just after three days of being on the web.

The IMDB has given the film scoring of 7.6/10 comparing that to previous work of Ridley Scott ‘Alien’ there is a slight difference because that movie awarded 8.6 points. Nevertheless, they do describe the film as interesting and worth watching. Prometheus has been nominated to Golden Trailer Awards and to the Teen Choice awards. The movie has been distributed by the 20th Century Fox with a total budget of $120-$130 and box office of $284.1 million.

Page 3: Research into existing media

The Avengers Assemble is a movie produced by Marvel Studio and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The story is based in the New York City where the group of a Marvel people such as: Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and many more are gathered together to fight the battles which man would not be able to. Their main aim is to work as a team to defend the villain and save the world before it is too late.

The Avengers Assemble is a superhero film. It is very easy to identify the genre already on the very beginning of the trailer because the characters are introduced to the audience which are superheroes; which the audience may, or may not know from their childhood, therefore the producers didn’t have to use a variety of conventions to present the genre. At the beginning the narrator also talks about the Marvel people therefore if someone still wasn’t sure about the genre that surely helped them to identify it.

At the beginning of the trailer the villain in presented through low angle shot and in a low key lighting. It is done to emphasize his significance in the movie and show that he is the one that want to take the control over the whole world and cause distraction. On the other had each one of the superheroes is shown in a bright light to show that they are very friendly and that they are trying to help the powerless people save their home.

Throughout the trailer, which is very conventional because it includes a variety of different conventional elements such as: best bits, movie title, producer, sound, director’s name and so on, we can learn that the main aim of this trailer was to attract the audience which are over 18 and are willing to see their idols once again to get back to their childhood times and go on an adventure with them one more time. The gender may not play such a big role here because there will be almost equal number of males and females because there are a lot of different characters in the movie and I am sure that each one of us will be attracted by at least one of them.

The trailer itself tries to attract the audience through the enigmas that are raised while watching it. I am sure that everyone builds on their own ones that they want to discover but the main ones will be: ‘Why is it happening?’ and ‘Are the Marvel people able to save the world?’. The movie also attracts the audience because of the through though range of characters and cast. Other than that the audience will be attracted because there is also a lot of different less significant genres combined, such as: action- will surely attract people who are into this kind of movies and like when their adrenaline raises because they have no idea what to expect and what they would do in the same situation, adventure- a lot of people will be attracted because they seek to find out about new adventures of their favourite characters, fantasy- the people with opened imagination will be attracted, who like to analyse and predict the possible ending of the movie and also these ones who like fantasy characters which Iron Man an Hulk surely are.

There is few different sound techniques used in the trailer. First of all the narrator introduces the characters to the audience and informs us a little bit about the story line of the film. Thereafter, the characters dialogue is used to give background information to the audience and inform them what the film is about. There is also soundtrack used where the lyrics fully reflect the purpose of the Marvel group- work together and save the world.

Throughout the trailed an atmosphere which creates tension, which brings up adrenaline, which makes you want to watch the movie and find out all the answers is created. It is also a part of the attracting the audience process where the atmosphere has a big impact on their decision whether to watch the movie or not.

The marketing of the movie was very wide. They have started with showing off teaser trailer in 2010 followed by an introduction of the cast. In October 2011 the Marvel Studio held a presentation at the New York Comic Con where the producer Kevin Feige took a part in a discussion together with several cast where they have given more information about the movie and how they have worked on it. In the same month they have also released the first full-time trailer which had lot viewers. A second trailer was released on ITune reaching a record 13.7 million downloads in 24 hours. In January 2012, Marvel Studios held a global Twitter chat. It was 30 minutes of exciting live tweeting with the writer/director and couple of the cast members. It turned to be the most popular chat known by the internet users.

The world premiere of the movie has taken place on the 11 of April, 2012. The budget of the movie is $220 million. The movie has been nominated in 12 different categories to a Teen Choice Awards. According to IMDB the scoring of The Avengers is 8.6 out of 10. They are also trying to convince the audience to watch it by saying that it is ‘exciting and worth any money’. The Avengers Assemble has been rated 12A by the BBFC, what means that the movie is available for kids under 12 but they must be accompanied by an adult.