Research in to similiar artists

Research in to similar artists Because our chosen song is ‘Little Monster’ by Royal Blood we naturally decided to research Royal Blood as it will have a strong connection to our video in terms of music genre, target audience and gender. We researched in to Royal Bloods videos to see if there were any tips that might influence our video. We found that the most common theme of their videos was to either have a narrative story with the band performing or to just have a narrative story. One particular narrative video called ‘Figure it out’ took my eye as it has a very interesting narrative story. They have used a red and blue filter to give the idea that women is normal whilst the blue filter is on then when the red filter is on you can see her blood covered top which portrays her as a bit psychopathic. Link to the video- Another Royal Blood video we looked at was the song ‘Ten Tonne Skeleton’ has narrative and performance in which we might use for out video. The story follows a women as she seems to be running from something which we don’t really find out what it is. The performance is the most interesting part. They use a variety of different shots to emphasise that the band are out in the open and they also use quick suits which fits in with the fast paced music. Link to the video-

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Page 1: Research in to similiar artists

Research in to similar artists

Because our chosen song is ‘Little Monster’ by Royal Blood we naturally decided to research Royal Blood as it will have a strong connection to our video in terms of music genre, target audience and gender. We researched in to Royal Bloods videos to see if there were any tips that might influence our video. We found that the most common theme of their videos was to either have a narrative story with the band performing or to just have a narrative story.

One particular narrative video called ‘Figure it out’ took my eye as it has a very interesting narrative story. They have used a red and blue filter to give the idea that women is normal whilst the blue filter is on then when the red filter is on you can see her blood covered top which portrays her as a bit psychopathic.

Link to the video-

Another Royal Blood video we looked at was the song ‘Ten Tonne Skeleton’ has narrative and performance in which we might use for out video. The story follows a women as she seems to be running from something which we don’t really find out what it is. The performance is the most interesting part. They use a variety of different shots to emphasise that the band are out in the open and they also use quick suits which fits in with the fast paced music.

Link to the video-