Research Article Perceptions on Barriers to the Use of...

Research Article Perceptions on Barriers to the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks for Housing Construction Bernard K. Baiden, Kofi Agyekum, and Joseph K. Ofori-Kuragu Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Private Mail Bag, Kumasi, Ghana Correspondence should be addressed to Kofi Agyekum; agyekum.kofi[email protected] Received 31 May 2014; Accepted 13 July 2014; Published 21 July 2014 Academic Editor: F. Pacheco-Torgal Copyright © 2014 Bernard K. Baiden et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Burnt clay bricks can be readily manufactured in Ghana as all ten regions have significant clay deposits with the Ashanti region having the highest estimated deposit of 37.1 million metric tonnes. In recent times, burnt clay bricks have been regarded as old fashioned and replaced by other perceived modern walling units within Kumasi, the metropolitan capital of Ashanti Region, despite its availability, unique advantages (aesthetics, low maintenance cost, etc.), and structural and nonstructural properties. is study involved a questionnaire survey of 85 respondents made up of architects, brick manufacturing firms, and brick house owners or occupants in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana and sought to examine their perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks for housing construction. e findings revealed that the key factors inhibiting the use of burnt clay bricks for housing construction are low material demand, excessive cost implications, inappropriate use in construction, noncompatibility of burnt clay bricks with other materials, unreliable production, and transportation problems. e findings however provide a platform for stakeholders to address the barriers to enable the extensive use of clay bricks in housing constructions. 1. Introduction e construction industry is very vital to the socioeconomic development and, in many countries, the yardstick for the measurement of national progress is hinged on the degree of contributions of the construction industry. e building materials sector is also a major contributor to the construc- tion industry of every nation because materials constitute the single largest input in construction oſten accounting for about half of the total cost of most or any construction products [15]. Furthermore, Adedeji [6] noted that about 60% of the total house construction cost goes towards the purchase of construction materials. According to Abanda et al. [7] the share of materials oſten used in construction is huge and most other factors depend on them. A report by the United Nations revealed that the building materials sector was split into three production groups [8]: modern or conventional building materials which are based on modern conventional production methods like concrete, steel, and glass; traditional materials which include those materials that have been in local production from ancient times using small-scale rudimentary technologies, for exam- ple, laterite, gravel, thatch, straw, stabilised mud, Azara, and raphia palm; and innovative materials which are materials developed through research efforts aimed at providing alter- natives to import-based materials, for example, fibre-based concrete and ferrocement products [9, 10]. e population of Ghana was estimated to be over 20 million in the year 2000 and projected to be 35 million by the year 2025. Results from the 2010 population census indicated that Ghana’s population stood at 24, 233, and 431. Available data also shows that the housing deficit in Ghana is in excess of 800,000 housing units. Housing supply growth varies between 25,000 and 40,000 units per year as against the annual requirements of 100,000 units [11]. is requires that more housing units would have to be constructed to satisfy the growth rate of about 1.822%. e most popularly used walling unit for housing con- struction in the two most densely populated regions of Ghana, Greater Accra, and Ashanti is the sandcrete block, whilst some remote areas have most of their housing units constructed with mud or earth [11]. e rate of urbanization Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Construction Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 502961, 7 pages

Transcript of Research Article Perceptions on Barriers to the Use of...

Research ArticlePerceptions on Barriers to the Use ofBurnt Clay Bricks for Housing Construction

Bernard K Baiden Kofi Agyekum and Joseph K Ofori-Kuragu

Department of Building Technology Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Private Mail Bag Kumasi Ghana

Correspondence should be addressed to Kofi Agyekum agyekumkofi1gmailcom

Received 31 May 2014 Accepted 13 July 2014 Published 21 July 2014

Academic Editor F Pacheco-Torgal

Copyright copy 2014 Bernard K Baiden et al This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense which permits unrestricted use distribution and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properlycited

Burnt clay bricks can be readily manufactured in Ghana as all ten regions have significant clay deposits with the Ashanti regionhaving the highest estimated deposit of 371 million metric tonnes In recent times burnt clay bricks have been regarded as oldfashioned and replaced by other perceivedmodernwalling units within Kumasi themetropolitan capital of Ashanti Region despiteits availability unique advantages (aesthetics low maintenance cost etc) and structural and nonstructural properties This studyinvolved a questionnaire survey of 85 respondents made up of architects brick manufacturing firms and brick house owners oroccupants in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana and sought to examine their perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricksfor housing constructionThe findings revealed that the key factors inhibiting the use of burnt clay bricks for housing constructionare lowmaterial demand excessive cost implications inappropriate use in construction noncompatibility of burnt clay bricks withother materials unreliable production and transportation problems The findings however provide a platform for stakeholders toaddress the barriers to enable the extensive use of clay bricks in housing constructions

1 Introduction

The construction industry is very vital to the socioeconomicdevelopment and in many countries the yardstick for themeasurement of national progress is hinged on the degreeof contributions of the construction industry The buildingmaterials sector is also a major contributor to the construc-tion industry of every nation because materials constitute thesingle largest input in construction often accounting for abouthalf of the total cost of most or any construction products[1ndash5] Furthermore Adedeji [6] noted that about 60 of thetotal house construction cost goes towards the purchase ofconstruction materials According to Abanda et al [7] theshare ofmaterials often used in construction is huge andmostother factors depend on them

A report by the United Nations revealed that the buildingmaterials sector was split into three production groups [8]modern or conventional building materials which are basedon modern conventional production methods like concretesteel and glass traditional materials which include thosematerials that have been in local production from ancient

times using small-scale rudimentary technologies for exam-ple laterite gravel thatch straw stabilised mud Azara andraphia palm and innovative materials which are materialsdeveloped through research efforts aimed at providing alter-natives to import-based materials for example fibre-basedconcrete and ferrocement products [9 10]

The population of Ghana was estimated to be over 20million in the year 2000 and projected to be 35 millionby the year 2025 Results from the 2010 population censusindicated that Ghanarsquos population stood at 24 233 and 431Available data also shows that the housing deficit in Ghanais in excess of 800000 housing units Housing supply growthvaries between 25000 and 40000 units per year as against theannual requirements of 100000 units [11]

This requires that more housing units would have to beconstructed to satisfy the growth rate of about 1822

The most popularly used walling unit for housing con-struction in the two most densely populated regions ofGhana Greater Accra and Ashanti is the sandcrete blockwhilst some remote areas have most of their housing unitsconstructed with mud or earth [11] The rate of urbanization

Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Construction EngineeringVolume 2014 Article ID 502961 7 pageshttpdxdoiorg1011552014502961

2 Journal of Construction Engineering

varies from one administrative region to another in Ghana[11] The Ashanti region shows an average of 32 urbanresidency second to Greater Accra region with 58 [11] Inorder to meet the increasing population and urbanization inGhana the housing units or stock will have to increase Toachieve this it is very important to look into the possibilitiesof using available local materials which would be cost-effective

Studies have shown that despite the modern and innova-tive materials in the market there is still the need to return totraditional materials [8] In Nigeria for instance Abiola [12]identified building materials as one of the principal factorsaffecting the effective performance of the Nigerian construc-tion industry In Ghana the Building and Road ResearchInstitute BRRI [13] reported that despite the commendableperformance and properties of burnt clay bricks the usage ofsandcrete blocks containing cement produced from clinkerwhich is imported is widespread [13] According to BRRI[13] if part of the expenditure currently incurred in theimportation of clinker is invested in the production andusage of burnt clay bricks some substantial gains could bemade in solving the nationrsquos housing deficit Though severalresearchers worldwide have called for the need to revert toindigenous building materials [8 13ndash18] little is being saidabout the factors inhibiting the use of suchmaterials inGhana[19] For many years the government of Ghana has triedto find suitable ways to solve the housing problem of thecountry through various means One of such means is tryingto encourage the use of indigenous local materials such asburnt clay bricks and tiles [20] The efforts to construct morehouses have become a priority because the country is said tohave a housing deficit of 15 million [20] The critical factorin making the extraction of clay an available proposition isthe proximity of a market to absorb the bricks This studypresents the findings of the perceptions of architects burntclay brick manufacturers and owners or occupants of burntclay brick houses and the reasons behind the apparent lowusage of burnt clay bricks for building construction in theKumasi Metropolis

2 Brief History of Clay Bricks in Ghana

Clay bricks are man-made materials that are widely usedin building civil engineering work and landscape design[20] The history of clay bricks in Ghana dates back to theprecolonial era [21] as can be observed from the existenceof some old brick buildings in Accra Kumasi Cape Coastand Takoradi One of the legacies of the colonial governmentwas the scattered pieces of colonial and government flats builtwith clay bricks dotted within the countries especially alongthe coastal areas [21]

According to Hammond [21] the practice of burnt claybrick manufacturing for housing died down until after theSecond World War Before and during the war the mission-aries notably Basel and Scottish missionaries continued toproduce bricks and tiles on a small scale and all the skillswere taught at their teacher training colleges and schools[21] Hammond [21] further reported that in 1954 the Ghana

Industrial Holding Corporation (GIHOC) set up a brick andtile factory in Ghana and the demand for the products werevery high Heading towards the later part of the 1960s newbricks and tiles factories were set up in Ghana following thesuccess of GIHOC Through a mass importation of Brazilianbrickmaking machines more factories were established inthe late 1970s and early 1980s [21] However their productsexerted little impact on the building construction industryfollowing the closure of many large-scale factories [19]Research was initiated to support the industry and focusedon clay evaluation and kiln designThe research later focusedon identifying the poor performance of the brick and tileindustry to find means of overcoming the problems [21]

3 Properties of Bricks

Generally a good brick must be hard well burnt uniformthroughout sound in texture and colour and sharp in shapeand dimension and should not break easily when stuckagainst another brick or dropped from a height of aboutone meter [22] In using burnt clay bricks for constructioncertain desirable properties should be achieved Amongthese desirable properties are compressive strength densitythermal stability porosity sound insulation fire resistancedurability and so forth

Compressive strength is a mechanical property used inclay specifications which has assumed great importance forseveral reasons [23 24] Compressive strength is easy todetermine whereas other properties are difficult to evaluate[23 24] A higher compressive strength increases otherproperties like flexure resistance to abrasion and so forth[23] Compressive strength is the only property of brickwhichcan be determined accurately [25] Compressive strengthdepends on the raw materials used the manufacturingprocess and the shape and size of the brick The crushingresistance varies from about 35Nmm2 for soft facing bricksto 140Nmm2 for engineering bricks when tested in the drystate [23] Generally compressive strength decreases withincreasing porosity but strength is also influenced by claycomposition and firing [24]

Density is described as the ratio between the dry brickweight and the volume of the clay brick measuring theproportion of matter (clay) found in the volume It is evidentfrom this description that the higher this value is the denserthe brick is and obviously the better its mechanical anddurability properties are Typical values for the apparentdensity range from 1200 kgm3 to 1900 kgm3 [26]

Bricks generally exhibit better thermal insulation prop-erty than other building materials such as concrete Per-foration can improve the thermal insulation property ofbricks to some extent The mass and moisture of brickshelp to keep the temperature inside a brick house relativelyconstant The thermal conductivity of bricks measured atvarious water content and densities have shown that thethermal conductivity of denser bricks are higher than lessdense bricks [27] The increase in thermal conductivity dueto wetting varies from brick to brick and may be as low asfive percent (5) or as high as thirteen percent (13) for

Journal of Construction Engineering 3

one percent (1) increase in moisture content Generally thethermal conductivity is doubled when it is saturated withwater The thermal conductivity of bricks varies between 07and 13 wmk [27]

Porosity can be defined as the ratio between the volumeof void spaces (pores and cracks) and the total volume ofthe specimen Porosity is an important parameter concerningclay bricks due to its influence on properties such as chemicalreactivity mechanical strength durability and the generalquality of the brick [26] The amount of water a brick or abrick structure absorbs varies depending on the propertiesof the brick The dimension and distribution of the poresare influenced by the quality of the raw clay the presenceof additives or impurities the amount of water and thefiring temperature Cultrone et al [28] observed that if thefiring temperature increases the proportion of large pores(3ndash15 120583m) increases and the connectivity between pores isreduced whereas the amount of small pores diminishesThishas a strong impact on the durability of the bricks as it hasbeen shown that large pores are less influenced by solublesalts and freezethaw cycles Furthermore several studies byCultrone et al [28] and Elert et al [29] reported that theformation of small pores with a diameter below 1120583m ispromoted by carbonates in the raw clay (low qualitymaterial)and by a firing temperature between 800 and 1000∘C Suchpore sizes negatively influence the quality of the bricks astheir capacity to absorb and retain water increases A similarconclusion was given by Winslow et al [30] for bricks with apore size smaller to 15 120583m

Brick walls also have good insulation properties due totheir dense structure The sound insulation of brickwork isgenerally 45 decibels for 45 inch thickness and 50 decibels fora 9 inch thickness for the frequency range of 200 to 20000Hzwhich is specified for buildings [31]

Brick has excellent fire resistance 100mmbrickworkwith125mm normal plastering would provide a fire-resistance of2 hours and 200mm nonplastered brickwork would give amaximum rating of 6 hours for nonload bearing purposesBricks can support considerable load even when heated to1000∘C in contrast to a concrete wall which can sustain thesame load only up to 450∘C due to loss of water of hydration[31]

The durability of a material is its ability to withstand aparticular recurrent weathering effect without failure [23]Burnt clay bricks are extremely durable and perhaps are themost man-made structural building material so far Therehave been numerous ancient brick buildings standing forcenturies as a testimony of the endurance of burnt-clay bricks[24]

4 Sizes of Clay Bricks Used in Ghana

The extensive use of bigger 1810158401015840 times 910158401015840 times 610158401015840 sandcrete blocksmakes it very difficult for small-size standard bricks tocompete with it [32] On the other hand clay bricks cannot bemade in bigger sizes due to danger of cracking on drying andburning which is an inherent property of clay unless brick ismade hollow or perforated For this reason solid clay bricks

Table 1 Sizes of clay bricks proposed by BRRI for use in Ghana

Type Nominal Actual Mould sizeMetric (modular) cm 20 times 10 times 10 19 times 9 times 9 20 times 95 times 95Source BRRI [13]

are generally made in standard size which is 20 cm times 10 cm times10 cm nominal units Actual size of brick is slightly less thanthis as it includes thickness of mortar joint [32] Actual sizeof finished bricks and required sizes of green bricks for twonominal sizes are given in Table 1

5 Sustainability Importance of Clay as anIndigenous Material

Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the presentwithout compromising the ability of future generations tomeet their own needs [33 34] Brick masonry has been aprimary technique of the built environment for at least sevenmillennia and this makes it one of the oldest constructiontechnologies still in use [35] Recently clay bricks have comeunder different kinds of fire due to their environmentalimpact [35] Fired clay bricks have certain inherent sustain-able properties such as durability and high thermal masswhereas the kilning process has raised some sustainableconcerns because of energy consumption and greenhousegas emissions [35] New ways have been sought by thebrick industry to address sustainability altering certain time-honoured practices [35]

Sustainability is an umbrella concept that has come toencompass efforts to address a multitude of ldquoenvironmentalsinsrdquo [35] Sustainability issues surrounding brick manufac-ture (and construction processes in general) include rawmaterials consumption recycled content embodied energyand greenhouse gas emissions [35] According to the BrickIndustry Association BIA [33] every sustainable buildingis unique and designed specifically for its site and theprogramming requirements of the user However all high-performance sustainable buildings should consider certaincomponents of design such as environmentally responsivesite planning thermal comfort renewable energy waterefficiency safety and security and acoustic comfort amongothers [33]The versatility and durability of brick facilitate itsuse as part of many elements of sustainable design [33]

6 Materials and Methods

A multiple research approach was adopted to carry out thecurrent study The study involved a questionnaire survey ofsenior architects of architectural firms brick manufacturingfirms and inhabitants of brick housings in the KumasiMetropolis of Ghana and aimed at examining the key barriersto the use of burnt clay bricks in housing construction Face-to-face interviews andphysical observationswere also carriedout to aid in the data gathering

Data from the Architects Registration Council of Ghana[36] and The Building and Roads Research Institute (BRRI)indicated that there are 16 fully registered architectural firms

4 Journal of Construction Engineering

Table 2 Perceptions of architects on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 12 75 5thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 14 88 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 14 88 2ndLimitation in design forms 10 63 7thInadequate supply of clay 1 6 11thStructural problems 1 6 11thExcessive cost implications 15 94 1stNoncompatibility with other materials 13 81 4thTransportation problems 9 56 9thConstructability problems 10 63 7thPsychological problems 9 56 9thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 12 75 5th

in good standing and 9 active burnt clay bricks manufac-turing companies in the Kumasi Metropolis Using a censussampling approach the respondents (senior personnel) fromthe architectural and burnt clay brick manufacturing firmswere selected and interviewed This sampling approach wasused because a census is attractive for small populations of200 or less as it eliminates sampling error and provides dataon all individuals in the population [37] Information onthe total number of inhabitants living in burnt clay bricksin Kumasi was difficult to obtain As a result conveniencepurposive sampling approach was adopted to select 60inhabitants living in burnt clay bricks in Kumasi for thestudy All 85 questionnaires were sent out to the variousrespondents The questionnaire was administered through aface-to-face session which ensured the participation of allthe 85 respondents bringing the response rate to 100 Thequestionnaire was divided into two main sections The firstpart sought information on their experiences with the use ofburnt clay bricks and the second part sought information ontheir perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricksin the metropolis Data obtained from the questionnairesurveys were analysed with SPSS Version 20 based on theirfrequencies

7 Results and Discussions

71 Experiences with the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks All therespondents demonstrated in-depth knowledge on the useof burnt clay bricks in housing Twelve (12) out of 16 seniorarchitects interviewed indicated that they had been activelyinvolved in the use of burnt clay bricks for housing beforeAccording to these respondents they had frequently beeninvolved in the design of burnt clay bricks for clients for about8 years of their practices These architects further stated thatthough they had been involved in the design of these hous-ings clients normally shied away when they recommendedburnt clay bricks to them as alternative building materials

The opinions on the experiences of the 60 inhabitantsliving in burnt clay brick housings were sought For theinterviewed inhabitants about 50 of them opted to buildwith burnt clay bricks because of its aesthetic appeal All the

interviewed inhabitants indicated several reasons for theirchoice of burnt clay bricks All the interviewed inhabitantsindicated several reasons for their choices of burnt clay bricksAmong the reasons are that burnt clay bricks are aestheticallyappealing could be used without painting and are unique innature

The experiences of the senior members interviewed fromthe nine burnt clay bricks manufacturing firms were furthersought According to the respondents their respective firmsproduced burnt clay bricks and these bricks were mainlypurchased for government housing projectsThe respondentsfurther indicated some of their major challenges to includethe outskirt locations of the factories and unavailability ofburnt clay bricks when needed

72 Barriers to the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks in the KumasiMetropolis The perceptions of the various respondents onbarriers to the use of burnt clay bricks are presented in Tables2 to 4 The results in the tables also show the frequenciespercentage of responses and ranking of the barriers by therespondents

Table 2 shows that the architects interviewed identifiedldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tionrdquo ldquononcompatibility with other materialsrdquo and ldquoqualityof output (poor workmanship)rdquo as the five most importantfactors that inhibit the use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tion in the Kumasi Metropolis However from Table 3 theperceptions of the burnt clay bricks manufacturers ldquounavail-ability of burnt clay bricks when neededrdquo ldquotransportationproblemsrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand forburnt clay bricksrdquo and ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricksin constructionrdquo are the five main barriers hindering theuse of burnt brick clays in construction in the metropolisThe results as shown in Table 4 further indicate that theinhabitants of burnt clay brick houses consider ldquoquality ofoutput (poor workmanship)rdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquononcompatibility withothermaterialsrdquo and ldquounavailability of burnt clay bricks whenneededrdquo to be the major factors that inhibit the use of burntclay bricks in construction in the Kumasi metropolis

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Table 3 Perceptions of manufacturers on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 4 44 6thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 7 78 3rdInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 6 67 5thLimitation in design forms 3 33 8thInadequate supply of clay 1 1 11thStructural problems 3 33 8thExcessive cost implications 7 78 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 2 22 10thTransportation problems 8 89 2ndConstructability problems 4 44 6thPsychological problems 3 33 8thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 9 100 1st

Table 4 Perceptions of house ownersoccupants on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 55 92 1stLow demand for burnt clay bricks 50 83 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 25 42 6thLimitation in design forms 15 25 8thInadequate supply of clay 5 8 11thStructural problems 4 7 12thExcessive cost implications 48 80 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 35 58 4thTransportation problems 20 33 7thConstructability problems 15 25 8thPsychological problems 10 17 10thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 29 48 5th

It could be seen from the results of this study that all thethree respondent groups had different perceptions on whythe materials are not being used in housing construction Forthe architects their main challenge was the cost aspect of thematerial To the manufacturers unavailability of burnt claybricks due to seasonal changes together with transportationproblems were issues of major concern The occupants onthe other hand in most cases were concerned about the poorquality of outputs arising from poor workmanship

Several possible reasons have been identified from theliterature for the persistent discrimination in the use ofindigenous building materials of which burnt clay bricks arepart These reasons include doubtful durability and life spanof the materials low aesthetic value poor social acceptabilityby the general public noncommercial status and lack ofstandards [2 4 8] From the results of the current study itcould be deduced that ldquolow demand for burnt clay bricksrdquoldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt claybricks in constructionrdquo and ldquononcompatibility with othermaterialsrdquo among others are barriers to the use of burnt claybricks in construction in the Kumasi Metropolis

From these findings it can be deduced that these barriersdo exist and the variableness of projects and locations couldhave largely influenced the respondentsrsquo choices However

the existence of these barriers should not be viewed as areason to abandon burnt clay bricks but could be a worthychallenge to enhance its acceptance and uptake by theconstruction industry

8 Conclusions

Even though burnt clay bricks have the potential for adoptionas alternatives to conventional building materials this studyhas found them to suffer persistent discrimination In Ghanaseveral studies have been conducted by the BRRI into the useof burnt clay bricks but the implementation of the results ofthe studies has been limited by inadequate patronage of theproduct Furthermore the use of burnt clay bricks in the con-struction of buildings has been inhibited by several barriersFrom the perceptions of the respondents interviewed ldquolowdemand for burnt clay bricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquoldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in constructionrdquo ldquonon-compatibility with other materialsrdquo ldquounavailability of burntclay bricks when neededrdquo and ldquotransportation difficultiesrdquoare the main barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks inconstruction Though the use of burnt clay bricks presentssignificant potential benefits these are yet to be fully exploredby professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


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2 Journal of Construction Engineering

varies from one administrative region to another in Ghana[11] The Ashanti region shows an average of 32 urbanresidency second to Greater Accra region with 58 [11] Inorder to meet the increasing population and urbanization inGhana the housing units or stock will have to increase Toachieve this it is very important to look into the possibilitiesof using available local materials which would be cost-effective

Studies have shown that despite the modern and innova-tive materials in the market there is still the need to return totraditional materials [8] In Nigeria for instance Abiola [12]identified building materials as one of the principal factorsaffecting the effective performance of the Nigerian construc-tion industry In Ghana the Building and Road ResearchInstitute BRRI [13] reported that despite the commendableperformance and properties of burnt clay bricks the usage ofsandcrete blocks containing cement produced from clinkerwhich is imported is widespread [13] According to BRRI[13] if part of the expenditure currently incurred in theimportation of clinker is invested in the production andusage of burnt clay bricks some substantial gains could bemade in solving the nationrsquos housing deficit Though severalresearchers worldwide have called for the need to revert toindigenous building materials [8 13ndash18] little is being saidabout the factors inhibiting the use of suchmaterials inGhana[19] For many years the government of Ghana has triedto find suitable ways to solve the housing problem of thecountry through various means One of such means is tryingto encourage the use of indigenous local materials such asburnt clay bricks and tiles [20] The efforts to construct morehouses have become a priority because the country is said tohave a housing deficit of 15 million [20] The critical factorin making the extraction of clay an available proposition isthe proximity of a market to absorb the bricks This studypresents the findings of the perceptions of architects burntclay brick manufacturers and owners or occupants of burntclay brick houses and the reasons behind the apparent lowusage of burnt clay bricks for building construction in theKumasi Metropolis

2 Brief History of Clay Bricks in Ghana

Clay bricks are man-made materials that are widely usedin building civil engineering work and landscape design[20] The history of clay bricks in Ghana dates back to theprecolonial era [21] as can be observed from the existenceof some old brick buildings in Accra Kumasi Cape Coastand Takoradi One of the legacies of the colonial governmentwas the scattered pieces of colonial and government flats builtwith clay bricks dotted within the countries especially alongthe coastal areas [21]

According to Hammond [21] the practice of burnt claybrick manufacturing for housing died down until after theSecond World War Before and during the war the mission-aries notably Basel and Scottish missionaries continued toproduce bricks and tiles on a small scale and all the skillswere taught at their teacher training colleges and schools[21] Hammond [21] further reported that in 1954 the Ghana

Industrial Holding Corporation (GIHOC) set up a brick andtile factory in Ghana and the demand for the products werevery high Heading towards the later part of the 1960s newbricks and tiles factories were set up in Ghana following thesuccess of GIHOC Through a mass importation of Brazilianbrickmaking machines more factories were established inthe late 1970s and early 1980s [21] However their productsexerted little impact on the building construction industryfollowing the closure of many large-scale factories [19]Research was initiated to support the industry and focusedon clay evaluation and kiln designThe research later focusedon identifying the poor performance of the brick and tileindustry to find means of overcoming the problems [21]

3 Properties of Bricks

Generally a good brick must be hard well burnt uniformthroughout sound in texture and colour and sharp in shapeand dimension and should not break easily when stuckagainst another brick or dropped from a height of aboutone meter [22] In using burnt clay bricks for constructioncertain desirable properties should be achieved Amongthese desirable properties are compressive strength densitythermal stability porosity sound insulation fire resistancedurability and so forth

Compressive strength is a mechanical property used inclay specifications which has assumed great importance forseveral reasons [23 24] Compressive strength is easy todetermine whereas other properties are difficult to evaluate[23 24] A higher compressive strength increases otherproperties like flexure resistance to abrasion and so forth[23] Compressive strength is the only property of brickwhichcan be determined accurately [25] Compressive strengthdepends on the raw materials used the manufacturingprocess and the shape and size of the brick The crushingresistance varies from about 35Nmm2 for soft facing bricksto 140Nmm2 for engineering bricks when tested in the drystate [23] Generally compressive strength decreases withincreasing porosity but strength is also influenced by claycomposition and firing [24]

Density is described as the ratio between the dry brickweight and the volume of the clay brick measuring theproportion of matter (clay) found in the volume It is evidentfrom this description that the higher this value is the denserthe brick is and obviously the better its mechanical anddurability properties are Typical values for the apparentdensity range from 1200 kgm3 to 1900 kgm3 [26]

Bricks generally exhibit better thermal insulation prop-erty than other building materials such as concrete Per-foration can improve the thermal insulation property ofbricks to some extent The mass and moisture of brickshelp to keep the temperature inside a brick house relativelyconstant The thermal conductivity of bricks measured atvarious water content and densities have shown that thethermal conductivity of denser bricks are higher than lessdense bricks [27] The increase in thermal conductivity dueto wetting varies from brick to brick and may be as low asfive percent (5) or as high as thirteen percent (13) for

Journal of Construction Engineering 3

one percent (1) increase in moisture content Generally thethermal conductivity is doubled when it is saturated withwater The thermal conductivity of bricks varies between 07and 13 wmk [27]

Porosity can be defined as the ratio between the volumeof void spaces (pores and cracks) and the total volume ofthe specimen Porosity is an important parameter concerningclay bricks due to its influence on properties such as chemicalreactivity mechanical strength durability and the generalquality of the brick [26] The amount of water a brick or abrick structure absorbs varies depending on the propertiesof the brick The dimension and distribution of the poresare influenced by the quality of the raw clay the presenceof additives or impurities the amount of water and thefiring temperature Cultrone et al [28] observed that if thefiring temperature increases the proportion of large pores(3ndash15 120583m) increases and the connectivity between pores isreduced whereas the amount of small pores diminishesThishas a strong impact on the durability of the bricks as it hasbeen shown that large pores are less influenced by solublesalts and freezethaw cycles Furthermore several studies byCultrone et al [28] and Elert et al [29] reported that theformation of small pores with a diameter below 1120583m ispromoted by carbonates in the raw clay (low qualitymaterial)and by a firing temperature between 800 and 1000∘C Suchpore sizes negatively influence the quality of the bricks astheir capacity to absorb and retain water increases A similarconclusion was given by Winslow et al [30] for bricks with apore size smaller to 15 120583m

Brick walls also have good insulation properties due totheir dense structure The sound insulation of brickwork isgenerally 45 decibels for 45 inch thickness and 50 decibels fora 9 inch thickness for the frequency range of 200 to 20000Hzwhich is specified for buildings [31]

Brick has excellent fire resistance 100mmbrickworkwith125mm normal plastering would provide a fire-resistance of2 hours and 200mm nonplastered brickwork would give amaximum rating of 6 hours for nonload bearing purposesBricks can support considerable load even when heated to1000∘C in contrast to a concrete wall which can sustain thesame load only up to 450∘C due to loss of water of hydration[31]

The durability of a material is its ability to withstand aparticular recurrent weathering effect without failure [23]Burnt clay bricks are extremely durable and perhaps are themost man-made structural building material so far Therehave been numerous ancient brick buildings standing forcenturies as a testimony of the endurance of burnt-clay bricks[24]

4 Sizes of Clay Bricks Used in Ghana

The extensive use of bigger 1810158401015840 times 910158401015840 times 610158401015840 sandcrete blocksmakes it very difficult for small-size standard bricks tocompete with it [32] On the other hand clay bricks cannot bemade in bigger sizes due to danger of cracking on drying andburning which is an inherent property of clay unless brick ismade hollow or perforated For this reason solid clay bricks

Table 1 Sizes of clay bricks proposed by BRRI for use in Ghana

Type Nominal Actual Mould sizeMetric (modular) cm 20 times 10 times 10 19 times 9 times 9 20 times 95 times 95Source BRRI [13]

are generally made in standard size which is 20 cm times 10 cm times10 cm nominal units Actual size of brick is slightly less thanthis as it includes thickness of mortar joint [32] Actual sizeof finished bricks and required sizes of green bricks for twonominal sizes are given in Table 1

5 Sustainability Importance of Clay as anIndigenous Material

Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the presentwithout compromising the ability of future generations tomeet their own needs [33 34] Brick masonry has been aprimary technique of the built environment for at least sevenmillennia and this makes it one of the oldest constructiontechnologies still in use [35] Recently clay bricks have comeunder different kinds of fire due to their environmentalimpact [35] Fired clay bricks have certain inherent sustain-able properties such as durability and high thermal masswhereas the kilning process has raised some sustainableconcerns because of energy consumption and greenhousegas emissions [35] New ways have been sought by thebrick industry to address sustainability altering certain time-honoured practices [35]

Sustainability is an umbrella concept that has come toencompass efforts to address a multitude of ldquoenvironmentalsinsrdquo [35] Sustainability issues surrounding brick manufac-ture (and construction processes in general) include rawmaterials consumption recycled content embodied energyand greenhouse gas emissions [35] According to the BrickIndustry Association BIA [33] every sustainable buildingis unique and designed specifically for its site and theprogramming requirements of the user However all high-performance sustainable buildings should consider certaincomponents of design such as environmentally responsivesite planning thermal comfort renewable energy waterefficiency safety and security and acoustic comfort amongothers [33]The versatility and durability of brick facilitate itsuse as part of many elements of sustainable design [33]

6 Materials and Methods

A multiple research approach was adopted to carry out thecurrent study The study involved a questionnaire survey ofsenior architects of architectural firms brick manufacturingfirms and inhabitants of brick housings in the KumasiMetropolis of Ghana and aimed at examining the key barriersto the use of burnt clay bricks in housing construction Face-to-face interviews andphysical observationswere also carriedout to aid in the data gathering

Data from the Architects Registration Council of Ghana[36] and The Building and Roads Research Institute (BRRI)indicated that there are 16 fully registered architectural firms

4 Journal of Construction Engineering

Table 2 Perceptions of architects on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 12 75 5thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 14 88 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 14 88 2ndLimitation in design forms 10 63 7thInadequate supply of clay 1 6 11thStructural problems 1 6 11thExcessive cost implications 15 94 1stNoncompatibility with other materials 13 81 4thTransportation problems 9 56 9thConstructability problems 10 63 7thPsychological problems 9 56 9thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 12 75 5th

in good standing and 9 active burnt clay bricks manufac-turing companies in the Kumasi Metropolis Using a censussampling approach the respondents (senior personnel) fromthe architectural and burnt clay brick manufacturing firmswere selected and interviewed This sampling approach wasused because a census is attractive for small populations of200 or less as it eliminates sampling error and provides dataon all individuals in the population [37] Information onthe total number of inhabitants living in burnt clay bricksin Kumasi was difficult to obtain As a result conveniencepurposive sampling approach was adopted to select 60inhabitants living in burnt clay bricks in Kumasi for thestudy All 85 questionnaires were sent out to the variousrespondents The questionnaire was administered through aface-to-face session which ensured the participation of allthe 85 respondents bringing the response rate to 100 Thequestionnaire was divided into two main sections The firstpart sought information on their experiences with the use ofburnt clay bricks and the second part sought information ontheir perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricksin the metropolis Data obtained from the questionnairesurveys were analysed with SPSS Version 20 based on theirfrequencies

7 Results and Discussions

71 Experiences with the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks All therespondents demonstrated in-depth knowledge on the useof burnt clay bricks in housing Twelve (12) out of 16 seniorarchitects interviewed indicated that they had been activelyinvolved in the use of burnt clay bricks for housing beforeAccording to these respondents they had frequently beeninvolved in the design of burnt clay bricks for clients for about8 years of their practices These architects further stated thatthough they had been involved in the design of these hous-ings clients normally shied away when they recommendedburnt clay bricks to them as alternative building materials

The opinions on the experiences of the 60 inhabitantsliving in burnt clay brick housings were sought For theinterviewed inhabitants about 50 of them opted to buildwith burnt clay bricks because of its aesthetic appeal All the

interviewed inhabitants indicated several reasons for theirchoice of burnt clay bricks All the interviewed inhabitantsindicated several reasons for their choices of burnt clay bricksAmong the reasons are that burnt clay bricks are aestheticallyappealing could be used without painting and are unique innature

The experiences of the senior members interviewed fromthe nine burnt clay bricks manufacturing firms were furthersought According to the respondents their respective firmsproduced burnt clay bricks and these bricks were mainlypurchased for government housing projectsThe respondentsfurther indicated some of their major challenges to includethe outskirt locations of the factories and unavailability ofburnt clay bricks when needed

72 Barriers to the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks in the KumasiMetropolis The perceptions of the various respondents onbarriers to the use of burnt clay bricks are presented in Tables2 to 4 The results in the tables also show the frequenciespercentage of responses and ranking of the barriers by therespondents

Table 2 shows that the architects interviewed identifiedldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tionrdquo ldquononcompatibility with other materialsrdquo and ldquoqualityof output (poor workmanship)rdquo as the five most importantfactors that inhibit the use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tion in the Kumasi Metropolis However from Table 3 theperceptions of the burnt clay bricks manufacturers ldquounavail-ability of burnt clay bricks when neededrdquo ldquotransportationproblemsrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand forburnt clay bricksrdquo and ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricksin constructionrdquo are the five main barriers hindering theuse of burnt brick clays in construction in the metropolisThe results as shown in Table 4 further indicate that theinhabitants of burnt clay brick houses consider ldquoquality ofoutput (poor workmanship)rdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquononcompatibility withothermaterialsrdquo and ldquounavailability of burnt clay bricks whenneededrdquo to be the major factors that inhibit the use of burntclay bricks in construction in the Kumasi metropolis

Journal of Construction Engineering 5

Table 3 Perceptions of manufacturers on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 4 44 6thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 7 78 3rdInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 6 67 5thLimitation in design forms 3 33 8thInadequate supply of clay 1 1 11thStructural problems 3 33 8thExcessive cost implications 7 78 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 2 22 10thTransportation problems 8 89 2ndConstructability problems 4 44 6thPsychological problems 3 33 8thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 9 100 1st

Table 4 Perceptions of house ownersoccupants on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 55 92 1stLow demand for burnt clay bricks 50 83 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 25 42 6thLimitation in design forms 15 25 8thInadequate supply of clay 5 8 11thStructural problems 4 7 12thExcessive cost implications 48 80 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 35 58 4thTransportation problems 20 33 7thConstructability problems 15 25 8thPsychological problems 10 17 10thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 29 48 5th

It could be seen from the results of this study that all thethree respondent groups had different perceptions on whythe materials are not being used in housing construction Forthe architects their main challenge was the cost aspect of thematerial To the manufacturers unavailability of burnt claybricks due to seasonal changes together with transportationproblems were issues of major concern The occupants onthe other hand in most cases were concerned about the poorquality of outputs arising from poor workmanship

Several possible reasons have been identified from theliterature for the persistent discrimination in the use ofindigenous building materials of which burnt clay bricks arepart These reasons include doubtful durability and life spanof the materials low aesthetic value poor social acceptabilityby the general public noncommercial status and lack ofstandards [2 4 8] From the results of the current study itcould be deduced that ldquolow demand for burnt clay bricksrdquoldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt claybricks in constructionrdquo and ldquononcompatibility with othermaterialsrdquo among others are barriers to the use of burnt claybricks in construction in the Kumasi Metropolis

From these findings it can be deduced that these barriersdo exist and the variableness of projects and locations couldhave largely influenced the respondentsrsquo choices However

the existence of these barriers should not be viewed as areason to abandon burnt clay bricks but could be a worthychallenge to enhance its acceptance and uptake by theconstruction industry

8 Conclusions

Even though burnt clay bricks have the potential for adoptionas alternatives to conventional building materials this studyhas found them to suffer persistent discrimination In Ghanaseveral studies have been conducted by the BRRI into the useof burnt clay bricks but the implementation of the results ofthe studies has been limited by inadequate patronage of theproduct Furthermore the use of burnt clay bricks in the con-struction of buildings has been inhibited by several barriersFrom the perceptions of the respondents interviewed ldquolowdemand for burnt clay bricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquoldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in constructionrdquo ldquonon-compatibility with other materialsrdquo ldquounavailability of burntclay bricks when neededrdquo and ldquotransportation difficultiesrdquoare the main barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks inconstruction Though the use of burnt clay bricks presentssignificant potential benefits these are yet to be fully exploredby professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


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[11] Ghana Statistical Service ldquo2010 Population and Housing Cen-sus Ghana Statistical Servicerdquo 2012 httpwwwstatsghanagovgh

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[13] Building and Roads Research Institute ldquoCommunique issue atthe Sensitisation and Social Advocacy Seminars on the use oflocal buildingmaterials in theConstruction Industry inGhanardquo2012 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17109-com-munique-issued

[14] Peakstoprairies ldquoSustainable design and constructionrdquo inGreening Your Ski Area A Pollution PreventionHandbook chap-ter 14 Peakstoprairies 2005 httpwwwpeakstoprairiesorgp2bandeskigreen

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[17] Y Mahgoub ldquoSustainable architecture in the United ArabEmirates past and presentrdquo in Proceedings of the CAA-IIAInternational Conference on Urbanisation and Housing GoaIndia October 1997

[18] UNCHS ldquoWomen and constructionrdquo in Towards a Strategy forthe Participation of Women in All Phases of the United NationsGlobal Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 A RamachandranEd pp 14ndash16 UNCHS Nairobi Kenya 1990

[19] A Acheampong J K Hackman J Ayarkwa and K Agyekumldquo Factors inhibiting the use of indigenous building materials(IBM) in the Ghanaian construction industryrdquo Africa Develop-ment and Resources Research Institute (ADDRI) Journal vol 8no 2 pp 1ndash15 2014

[20] G Ahiabor Durable and affordable housing the case of burntclay bricks National Daily Graphic 2014 httpgraphiccomgh

[21] A A Hammond Small and Medium Scale Brick and TileProduction in Ghana-1 An Overview Wall Building Case StudyGate Publishing 1997

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[25] S Emmitt and C A Gorse Barryrsquos Introduction to Constructionof Buildings Wiley Blackwell 2nd edition 2005

[26] F M Fernandes B M Paulo and C Fernando ldquoAncient claybricks manufacture and propertiesrdquo in Materials Technologiesand Practice in Historic Heritage Structures M Bostenaru DanR Prikryl and A Torok Eds pp 29ndash48 Springer 2009

[27] Claybricks amp Tiles 2010 httpwwwclaybrickscomAvailableat Accessed 190514

[28] G Cultrone E Sebastian K Elert M J de la Torre O Cazallaand C Rodriguez-Navarro ldquoInfluence of mineralogy and firingtemperature on the porosity of bricksrdquo Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society vol 24 no 3 pp 547ndash564 2004

[29] K Elert G Cultrone C Rodriguez Navarro and E SebastianPardo ldquoDurability of bricks used in the conservation of historicbuildingsmdashinfluence of composition andmicrostructurerdquo Jour-nal of Cultural Heritage vol 4 no 2 pp 91ndash99 2003

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[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

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one percent (1) increase in moisture content Generally thethermal conductivity is doubled when it is saturated withwater The thermal conductivity of bricks varies between 07and 13 wmk [27]

Porosity can be defined as the ratio between the volumeof void spaces (pores and cracks) and the total volume ofthe specimen Porosity is an important parameter concerningclay bricks due to its influence on properties such as chemicalreactivity mechanical strength durability and the generalquality of the brick [26] The amount of water a brick or abrick structure absorbs varies depending on the propertiesof the brick The dimension and distribution of the poresare influenced by the quality of the raw clay the presenceof additives or impurities the amount of water and thefiring temperature Cultrone et al [28] observed that if thefiring temperature increases the proportion of large pores(3ndash15 120583m) increases and the connectivity between pores isreduced whereas the amount of small pores diminishesThishas a strong impact on the durability of the bricks as it hasbeen shown that large pores are less influenced by solublesalts and freezethaw cycles Furthermore several studies byCultrone et al [28] and Elert et al [29] reported that theformation of small pores with a diameter below 1120583m ispromoted by carbonates in the raw clay (low qualitymaterial)and by a firing temperature between 800 and 1000∘C Suchpore sizes negatively influence the quality of the bricks astheir capacity to absorb and retain water increases A similarconclusion was given by Winslow et al [30] for bricks with apore size smaller to 15 120583m

Brick walls also have good insulation properties due totheir dense structure The sound insulation of brickwork isgenerally 45 decibels for 45 inch thickness and 50 decibels fora 9 inch thickness for the frequency range of 200 to 20000Hzwhich is specified for buildings [31]

Brick has excellent fire resistance 100mmbrickworkwith125mm normal plastering would provide a fire-resistance of2 hours and 200mm nonplastered brickwork would give amaximum rating of 6 hours for nonload bearing purposesBricks can support considerable load even when heated to1000∘C in contrast to a concrete wall which can sustain thesame load only up to 450∘C due to loss of water of hydration[31]

The durability of a material is its ability to withstand aparticular recurrent weathering effect without failure [23]Burnt clay bricks are extremely durable and perhaps are themost man-made structural building material so far Therehave been numerous ancient brick buildings standing forcenturies as a testimony of the endurance of burnt-clay bricks[24]

4 Sizes of Clay Bricks Used in Ghana

The extensive use of bigger 1810158401015840 times 910158401015840 times 610158401015840 sandcrete blocksmakes it very difficult for small-size standard bricks tocompete with it [32] On the other hand clay bricks cannot bemade in bigger sizes due to danger of cracking on drying andburning which is an inherent property of clay unless brick ismade hollow or perforated For this reason solid clay bricks

Table 1 Sizes of clay bricks proposed by BRRI for use in Ghana

Type Nominal Actual Mould sizeMetric (modular) cm 20 times 10 times 10 19 times 9 times 9 20 times 95 times 95Source BRRI [13]

are generally made in standard size which is 20 cm times 10 cm times10 cm nominal units Actual size of brick is slightly less thanthis as it includes thickness of mortar joint [32] Actual sizeof finished bricks and required sizes of green bricks for twonominal sizes are given in Table 1

5 Sustainability Importance of Clay as anIndigenous Material

Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of the presentwithout compromising the ability of future generations tomeet their own needs [33 34] Brick masonry has been aprimary technique of the built environment for at least sevenmillennia and this makes it one of the oldest constructiontechnologies still in use [35] Recently clay bricks have comeunder different kinds of fire due to their environmentalimpact [35] Fired clay bricks have certain inherent sustain-able properties such as durability and high thermal masswhereas the kilning process has raised some sustainableconcerns because of energy consumption and greenhousegas emissions [35] New ways have been sought by thebrick industry to address sustainability altering certain time-honoured practices [35]

Sustainability is an umbrella concept that has come toencompass efforts to address a multitude of ldquoenvironmentalsinsrdquo [35] Sustainability issues surrounding brick manufac-ture (and construction processes in general) include rawmaterials consumption recycled content embodied energyand greenhouse gas emissions [35] According to the BrickIndustry Association BIA [33] every sustainable buildingis unique and designed specifically for its site and theprogramming requirements of the user However all high-performance sustainable buildings should consider certaincomponents of design such as environmentally responsivesite planning thermal comfort renewable energy waterefficiency safety and security and acoustic comfort amongothers [33]The versatility and durability of brick facilitate itsuse as part of many elements of sustainable design [33]

6 Materials and Methods

A multiple research approach was adopted to carry out thecurrent study The study involved a questionnaire survey ofsenior architects of architectural firms brick manufacturingfirms and inhabitants of brick housings in the KumasiMetropolis of Ghana and aimed at examining the key barriersto the use of burnt clay bricks in housing construction Face-to-face interviews andphysical observationswere also carriedout to aid in the data gathering

Data from the Architects Registration Council of Ghana[36] and The Building and Roads Research Institute (BRRI)indicated that there are 16 fully registered architectural firms

4 Journal of Construction Engineering

Table 2 Perceptions of architects on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 12 75 5thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 14 88 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 14 88 2ndLimitation in design forms 10 63 7thInadequate supply of clay 1 6 11thStructural problems 1 6 11thExcessive cost implications 15 94 1stNoncompatibility with other materials 13 81 4thTransportation problems 9 56 9thConstructability problems 10 63 7thPsychological problems 9 56 9thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 12 75 5th

in good standing and 9 active burnt clay bricks manufac-turing companies in the Kumasi Metropolis Using a censussampling approach the respondents (senior personnel) fromthe architectural and burnt clay brick manufacturing firmswere selected and interviewed This sampling approach wasused because a census is attractive for small populations of200 or less as it eliminates sampling error and provides dataon all individuals in the population [37] Information onthe total number of inhabitants living in burnt clay bricksin Kumasi was difficult to obtain As a result conveniencepurposive sampling approach was adopted to select 60inhabitants living in burnt clay bricks in Kumasi for thestudy All 85 questionnaires were sent out to the variousrespondents The questionnaire was administered through aface-to-face session which ensured the participation of allthe 85 respondents bringing the response rate to 100 Thequestionnaire was divided into two main sections The firstpart sought information on their experiences with the use ofburnt clay bricks and the second part sought information ontheir perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricksin the metropolis Data obtained from the questionnairesurveys were analysed with SPSS Version 20 based on theirfrequencies

7 Results and Discussions

71 Experiences with the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks All therespondents demonstrated in-depth knowledge on the useof burnt clay bricks in housing Twelve (12) out of 16 seniorarchitects interviewed indicated that they had been activelyinvolved in the use of burnt clay bricks for housing beforeAccording to these respondents they had frequently beeninvolved in the design of burnt clay bricks for clients for about8 years of their practices These architects further stated thatthough they had been involved in the design of these hous-ings clients normally shied away when they recommendedburnt clay bricks to them as alternative building materials

The opinions on the experiences of the 60 inhabitantsliving in burnt clay brick housings were sought For theinterviewed inhabitants about 50 of them opted to buildwith burnt clay bricks because of its aesthetic appeal All the

interviewed inhabitants indicated several reasons for theirchoice of burnt clay bricks All the interviewed inhabitantsindicated several reasons for their choices of burnt clay bricksAmong the reasons are that burnt clay bricks are aestheticallyappealing could be used without painting and are unique innature

The experiences of the senior members interviewed fromthe nine burnt clay bricks manufacturing firms were furthersought According to the respondents their respective firmsproduced burnt clay bricks and these bricks were mainlypurchased for government housing projectsThe respondentsfurther indicated some of their major challenges to includethe outskirt locations of the factories and unavailability ofburnt clay bricks when needed

72 Barriers to the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks in the KumasiMetropolis The perceptions of the various respondents onbarriers to the use of burnt clay bricks are presented in Tables2 to 4 The results in the tables also show the frequenciespercentage of responses and ranking of the barriers by therespondents

Table 2 shows that the architects interviewed identifiedldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tionrdquo ldquononcompatibility with other materialsrdquo and ldquoqualityof output (poor workmanship)rdquo as the five most importantfactors that inhibit the use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tion in the Kumasi Metropolis However from Table 3 theperceptions of the burnt clay bricks manufacturers ldquounavail-ability of burnt clay bricks when neededrdquo ldquotransportationproblemsrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand forburnt clay bricksrdquo and ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricksin constructionrdquo are the five main barriers hindering theuse of burnt brick clays in construction in the metropolisThe results as shown in Table 4 further indicate that theinhabitants of burnt clay brick houses consider ldquoquality ofoutput (poor workmanship)rdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquononcompatibility withothermaterialsrdquo and ldquounavailability of burnt clay bricks whenneededrdquo to be the major factors that inhibit the use of burntclay bricks in construction in the Kumasi metropolis

Journal of Construction Engineering 5

Table 3 Perceptions of manufacturers on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 4 44 6thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 7 78 3rdInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 6 67 5thLimitation in design forms 3 33 8thInadequate supply of clay 1 1 11thStructural problems 3 33 8thExcessive cost implications 7 78 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 2 22 10thTransportation problems 8 89 2ndConstructability problems 4 44 6thPsychological problems 3 33 8thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 9 100 1st

Table 4 Perceptions of house ownersoccupants on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 55 92 1stLow demand for burnt clay bricks 50 83 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 25 42 6thLimitation in design forms 15 25 8thInadequate supply of clay 5 8 11thStructural problems 4 7 12thExcessive cost implications 48 80 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 35 58 4thTransportation problems 20 33 7thConstructability problems 15 25 8thPsychological problems 10 17 10thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 29 48 5th

It could be seen from the results of this study that all thethree respondent groups had different perceptions on whythe materials are not being used in housing construction Forthe architects their main challenge was the cost aspect of thematerial To the manufacturers unavailability of burnt claybricks due to seasonal changes together with transportationproblems were issues of major concern The occupants onthe other hand in most cases were concerned about the poorquality of outputs arising from poor workmanship

Several possible reasons have been identified from theliterature for the persistent discrimination in the use ofindigenous building materials of which burnt clay bricks arepart These reasons include doubtful durability and life spanof the materials low aesthetic value poor social acceptabilityby the general public noncommercial status and lack ofstandards [2 4 8] From the results of the current study itcould be deduced that ldquolow demand for burnt clay bricksrdquoldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt claybricks in constructionrdquo and ldquononcompatibility with othermaterialsrdquo among others are barriers to the use of burnt claybricks in construction in the Kumasi Metropolis

From these findings it can be deduced that these barriersdo exist and the variableness of projects and locations couldhave largely influenced the respondentsrsquo choices However

the existence of these barriers should not be viewed as areason to abandon burnt clay bricks but could be a worthychallenge to enhance its acceptance and uptake by theconstruction industry

8 Conclusions

Even though burnt clay bricks have the potential for adoptionas alternatives to conventional building materials this studyhas found them to suffer persistent discrimination In Ghanaseveral studies have been conducted by the BRRI into the useof burnt clay bricks but the implementation of the results ofthe studies has been limited by inadequate patronage of theproduct Furthermore the use of burnt clay bricks in the con-struction of buildings has been inhibited by several barriersFrom the perceptions of the respondents interviewed ldquolowdemand for burnt clay bricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquoldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in constructionrdquo ldquonon-compatibility with other materialsrdquo ldquounavailability of burntclay bricks when neededrdquo and ldquotransportation difficultiesrdquoare the main barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks inconstruction Though the use of burnt clay bricks presentssignificant potential benefits these are yet to be fully exploredby professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


[1] K Kern ldquoThe owner built home and homesteadrdquoMother EarthNews no 15 pp 8ndash11 2004

[2] P A Okereke Construction Materials Testing and QualityControl in Tropical Climate Crown Oweri Nigeria 2003

[3] T C Mogbo ldquoThe construction sector and the economicgrowth of Nigeria 1981ndash95rdquoThe Quantity Surveyor vol 35 pp8ndash11 2001

[4] Y A Sanusi ldquoStrategies for the development and use ofindigenous building materials for low cost housing in Nigeriardquoin Proceedings of the International Conference on NigerianIndigenous Building Materials E C Ike Ed pp 7ndash17 ZariaNigeria July 1993

[5] R F Fellows D A Langford R Newcombe and S A UrryConstruction Management in Practice vol 177 Longman Har-low UK 1983

[6] Y M D Adedeji ldquoTechnology and standardised compositecement fibres for housing in Nigeriardquo Nigerian Institution ofArchitects vol 1 pp 19ndash24 2010

[7] F H Abanda G E Nkeng J H M Tah E N F Ohanjah andM B Manjia ldquoEmbodied energy and CO

2analysis of Mud-

brick and Cement-block Housesrdquo Aims Energy vol 2 no 1 pp18ndash40 2014

[8] K J Adogbo and B A Kolo The perceptions on the use ofindigenous building materials by professionals by Professionalsin the Nigerian Building Industry Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria 2009

[9] UNCHS Earth Construction Technology Edited by ARamachandran United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(Habitat) Nairobi Kenya 1992

[10] UNCHSThe Use of Selected Indigenous Building Materials withPotential for Wide Applications in Developing Countries UnitedNations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) NairobiKenya 1985

[11] Ghana Statistical Service ldquo2010 Population and Housing Cen-sus Ghana Statistical Servicerdquo 2012 httpwwwstatsghanagovgh

[12] R O Abiola ldquoManagement implications of trends in theconstruction costs in Nigeria from 1989ndash1999rdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 30 pp 35ndash40 2000

[13] Building and Roads Research Institute ldquoCommunique issue atthe Sensitisation and Social Advocacy Seminars on the use oflocal buildingmaterials in theConstruction Industry inGhanardquo2012 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17109-com-munique-issued

[14] Peakstoprairies ldquoSustainable design and constructionrdquo inGreening Your Ski Area A Pollution PreventionHandbook chap-ter 14 Peakstoprairies 2005 httpwwwpeakstoprairiesorgp2bandeskigreen

[15] M T Lilly and J J Wai ldquoDevelopment and manufacture ofroofing tiles using local available raw materialsrdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 35 pp 14ndash19 2001

[16] M M Mourshed W M Matipa M Keane and D Kelli-her ldquoTowards interoperability ICT in academic curricula forsustainable constructionrdquo in Proceedings of the CIB W107 1stInternational Conference Creating a Sustainable ConstructionIndustry in Developing Countries Stellenbosch South AfricaNovember 2000

[17] Y Mahgoub ldquoSustainable architecture in the United ArabEmirates past and presentrdquo in Proceedings of the CAA-IIAInternational Conference on Urbanisation and Housing GoaIndia October 1997

[18] UNCHS ldquoWomen and constructionrdquo in Towards a Strategy forthe Participation of Women in All Phases of the United NationsGlobal Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 A RamachandranEd pp 14ndash16 UNCHS Nairobi Kenya 1990

[19] A Acheampong J K Hackman J Ayarkwa and K Agyekumldquo Factors inhibiting the use of indigenous building materials(IBM) in the Ghanaian construction industryrdquo Africa Develop-ment and Resources Research Institute (ADDRI) Journal vol 8no 2 pp 1ndash15 2014

[20] G Ahiabor Durable and affordable housing the case of burntclay bricks National Daily Graphic 2014 httpgraphiccomgh

[21] A A Hammond Small and Medium Scale Brick and TileProduction in Ghana-1 An Overview Wall Building Case StudyGate Publishing 1997

[22] S Gopi Basic Civil Engineering Pearson Education DelhiIndia 2009

[23] E A Okunade ldquoEngineering properties of locally manufac-tured burnt brick pavers for Agrarian and rural earth roadsrdquoAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences vol 5 no 10 pp 1348ndash1351 2008

[24] J O Adeola A review of masonry blockbrick types used forbuilding inNigeria [MS thesis] University of Benin BeninCityNigeria 1977

[25] S Emmitt and C A Gorse Barryrsquos Introduction to Constructionof Buildings Wiley Blackwell 2nd edition 2005

[26] F M Fernandes B M Paulo and C Fernando ldquoAncient claybricks manufacture and propertiesrdquo in Materials Technologiesand Practice in Historic Heritage Structures M Bostenaru DanR Prikryl and A Torok Eds pp 29ndash48 Springer 2009

[27] Claybricks amp Tiles 2010 httpwwwclaybrickscomAvailableat Accessed 190514

[28] G Cultrone E Sebastian K Elert M J de la Torre O Cazallaand C Rodriguez-Navarro ldquoInfluence of mineralogy and firingtemperature on the porosity of bricksrdquo Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society vol 24 no 3 pp 547ndash564 2004

[29] K Elert G Cultrone C Rodriguez Navarro and E SebastianPardo ldquoDurability of bricks used in the conservation of historicbuildingsmdashinfluence of composition andmicrostructurerdquo Jour-nal of Cultural Heritage vol 4 no 2 pp 91ndash99 2003

[30] D NWinslow C L Kilgour and RW Crooks ldquoPredicting thedurability of bricksrdquo Journal of Testing and Evaluation vol 16no 6 pp 527ndash531 1988

[31] Brick httpenwikipediaorgwikiBrick

Journal of Construction Engineering 7

[32] J K Boadi K Obeng J A Danquah F W Manu and P DBaiden-Amisah ldquoNeed to re-launch brick and tile revolutionas answer to national shelter problemrdquo in Proceedings of theNational Housing Conference CSIR-GIA Ed Accra GhanaOctober 2009 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17-59-24new119-proceedings-of-national-housing-conference

[33] The Brick Industry Association Technical notes on brickconstruction 2009 httpwwwgobrickcom

[34] ldquoStandard terminology for sustainability relative to the per-formance of buildingsrdquo Tech Rep ASTM E 2114-06a ASTMInternational West Conshohocken Pa USA 2006

[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

[36] Architects Registration Council of Ghana List of fully regis-tered architectural firms in Ghana 2010 httpwwwarcghanaorg

[37] G D Israel ldquoSampling the evidence of extension programimpactrdquo ProgramEvaluation andOrganizational DevelopmentIFAS University of Florida PEOD-5 2009

International Journal of

AerospaceEngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

RoboticsJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Active and Passive Electronic Components

Control Scienceand Engineering

Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

International Journal of


Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom

Journal ofEngineeringVolume 2014

Submit your manuscripts athttpwwwhindawicom

VLSI Design

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Shock and Vibration

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Civil EngineeringAdvances in

Acoustics and VibrationAdvances in

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Journal of

Advances inOptoElectronics

Hindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom

Volume 2014

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

SensorsJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Modelling amp Simulation in EngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Chemical EngineeringInternational Journal of Antennas and


International Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Navigation and Observation

International Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

DistributedSensor Networks

International Journal of

4 Journal of Construction Engineering

Table 2 Perceptions of architects on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 12 75 5thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 14 88 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 14 88 2ndLimitation in design forms 10 63 7thInadequate supply of clay 1 6 11thStructural problems 1 6 11thExcessive cost implications 15 94 1stNoncompatibility with other materials 13 81 4thTransportation problems 9 56 9thConstructability problems 10 63 7thPsychological problems 9 56 9thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 12 75 5th

in good standing and 9 active burnt clay bricks manufac-turing companies in the Kumasi Metropolis Using a censussampling approach the respondents (senior personnel) fromthe architectural and burnt clay brick manufacturing firmswere selected and interviewed This sampling approach wasused because a census is attractive for small populations of200 or less as it eliminates sampling error and provides dataon all individuals in the population [37] Information onthe total number of inhabitants living in burnt clay bricksin Kumasi was difficult to obtain As a result conveniencepurposive sampling approach was adopted to select 60inhabitants living in burnt clay bricks in Kumasi for thestudy All 85 questionnaires were sent out to the variousrespondents The questionnaire was administered through aface-to-face session which ensured the participation of allthe 85 respondents bringing the response rate to 100 Thequestionnaire was divided into two main sections The firstpart sought information on their experiences with the use ofburnt clay bricks and the second part sought information ontheir perceptions on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricksin the metropolis Data obtained from the questionnairesurveys were analysed with SPSS Version 20 based on theirfrequencies

7 Results and Discussions

71 Experiences with the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks All therespondents demonstrated in-depth knowledge on the useof burnt clay bricks in housing Twelve (12) out of 16 seniorarchitects interviewed indicated that they had been activelyinvolved in the use of burnt clay bricks for housing beforeAccording to these respondents they had frequently beeninvolved in the design of burnt clay bricks for clients for about8 years of their practices These architects further stated thatthough they had been involved in the design of these hous-ings clients normally shied away when they recommendedburnt clay bricks to them as alternative building materials

The opinions on the experiences of the 60 inhabitantsliving in burnt clay brick housings were sought For theinterviewed inhabitants about 50 of them opted to buildwith burnt clay bricks because of its aesthetic appeal All the

interviewed inhabitants indicated several reasons for theirchoice of burnt clay bricks All the interviewed inhabitantsindicated several reasons for their choices of burnt clay bricksAmong the reasons are that burnt clay bricks are aestheticallyappealing could be used without painting and are unique innature

The experiences of the senior members interviewed fromthe nine burnt clay bricks manufacturing firms were furthersought According to the respondents their respective firmsproduced burnt clay bricks and these bricks were mainlypurchased for government housing projectsThe respondentsfurther indicated some of their major challenges to includethe outskirt locations of the factories and unavailability ofburnt clay bricks when needed

72 Barriers to the Use of Burnt Clay Bricks in the KumasiMetropolis The perceptions of the various respondents onbarriers to the use of burnt clay bricks are presented in Tables2 to 4 The results in the tables also show the frequenciespercentage of responses and ranking of the barriers by therespondents

Table 2 shows that the architects interviewed identifiedldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tionrdquo ldquononcompatibility with other materialsrdquo and ldquoqualityof output (poor workmanship)rdquo as the five most importantfactors that inhibit the use of burnt clay bricks in construc-tion in the Kumasi Metropolis However from Table 3 theperceptions of the burnt clay bricks manufacturers ldquounavail-ability of burnt clay bricks when neededrdquo ldquotransportationproblemsrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquolow demand forburnt clay bricksrdquo and ldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricksin constructionrdquo are the five main barriers hindering theuse of burnt brick clays in construction in the metropolisThe results as shown in Table 4 further indicate that theinhabitants of burnt clay brick houses consider ldquoquality ofoutput (poor workmanship)rdquo ldquolow demand for burnt claybricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquononcompatibility withothermaterialsrdquo and ldquounavailability of burnt clay bricks whenneededrdquo to be the major factors that inhibit the use of burntclay bricks in construction in the Kumasi metropolis

Journal of Construction Engineering 5

Table 3 Perceptions of manufacturers on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 4 44 6thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 7 78 3rdInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 6 67 5thLimitation in design forms 3 33 8thInadequate supply of clay 1 1 11thStructural problems 3 33 8thExcessive cost implications 7 78 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 2 22 10thTransportation problems 8 89 2ndConstructability problems 4 44 6thPsychological problems 3 33 8thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 9 100 1st

Table 4 Perceptions of house ownersoccupants on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 55 92 1stLow demand for burnt clay bricks 50 83 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 25 42 6thLimitation in design forms 15 25 8thInadequate supply of clay 5 8 11thStructural problems 4 7 12thExcessive cost implications 48 80 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 35 58 4thTransportation problems 20 33 7thConstructability problems 15 25 8thPsychological problems 10 17 10thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 29 48 5th

It could be seen from the results of this study that all thethree respondent groups had different perceptions on whythe materials are not being used in housing construction Forthe architects their main challenge was the cost aspect of thematerial To the manufacturers unavailability of burnt claybricks due to seasonal changes together with transportationproblems were issues of major concern The occupants onthe other hand in most cases were concerned about the poorquality of outputs arising from poor workmanship

Several possible reasons have been identified from theliterature for the persistent discrimination in the use ofindigenous building materials of which burnt clay bricks arepart These reasons include doubtful durability and life spanof the materials low aesthetic value poor social acceptabilityby the general public noncommercial status and lack ofstandards [2 4 8] From the results of the current study itcould be deduced that ldquolow demand for burnt clay bricksrdquoldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt claybricks in constructionrdquo and ldquononcompatibility with othermaterialsrdquo among others are barriers to the use of burnt claybricks in construction in the Kumasi Metropolis

From these findings it can be deduced that these barriersdo exist and the variableness of projects and locations couldhave largely influenced the respondentsrsquo choices However

the existence of these barriers should not be viewed as areason to abandon burnt clay bricks but could be a worthychallenge to enhance its acceptance and uptake by theconstruction industry

8 Conclusions

Even though burnt clay bricks have the potential for adoptionas alternatives to conventional building materials this studyhas found them to suffer persistent discrimination In Ghanaseveral studies have been conducted by the BRRI into the useof burnt clay bricks but the implementation of the results ofthe studies has been limited by inadequate patronage of theproduct Furthermore the use of burnt clay bricks in the con-struction of buildings has been inhibited by several barriersFrom the perceptions of the respondents interviewed ldquolowdemand for burnt clay bricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquoldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in constructionrdquo ldquonon-compatibility with other materialsrdquo ldquounavailability of burntclay bricks when neededrdquo and ldquotransportation difficultiesrdquoare the main barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks inconstruction Though the use of burnt clay bricks presentssignificant potential benefits these are yet to be fully exploredby professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


[1] K Kern ldquoThe owner built home and homesteadrdquoMother EarthNews no 15 pp 8ndash11 2004

[2] P A Okereke Construction Materials Testing and QualityControl in Tropical Climate Crown Oweri Nigeria 2003

[3] T C Mogbo ldquoThe construction sector and the economicgrowth of Nigeria 1981ndash95rdquoThe Quantity Surveyor vol 35 pp8ndash11 2001

[4] Y A Sanusi ldquoStrategies for the development and use ofindigenous building materials for low cost housing in Nigeriardquoin Proceedings of the International Conference on NigerianIndigenous Building Materials E C Ike Ed pp 7ndash17 ZariaNigeria July 1993

[5] R F Fellows D A Langford R Newcombe and S A UrryConstruction Management in Practice vol 177 Longman Har-low UK 1983

[6] Y M D Adedeji ldquoTechnology and standardised compositecement fibres for housing in Nigeriardquo Nigerian Institution ofArchitects vol 1 pp 19ndash24 2010

[7] F H Abanda G E Nkeng J H M Tah E N F Ohanjah andM B Manjia ldquoEmbodied energy and CO

2analysis of Mud-

brick and Cement-block Housesrdquo Aims Energy vol 2 no 1 pp18ndash40 2014

[8] K J Adogbo and B A Kolo The perceptions on the use ofindigenous building materials by professionals by Professionalsin the Nigerian Building Industry Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria 2009

[9] UNCHS Earth Construction Technology Edited by ARamachandran United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(Habitat) Nairobi Kenya 1992

[10] UNCHSThe Use of Selected Indigenous Building Materials withPotential for Wide Applications in Developing Countries UnitedNations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) NairobiKenya 1985

[11] Ghana Statistical Service ldquo2010 Population and Housing Cen-sus Ghana Statistical Servicerdquo 2012 httpwwwstatsghanagovgh

[12] R O Abiola ldquoManagement implications of trends in theconstruction costs in Nigeria from 1989ndash1999rdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 30 pp 35ndash40 2000

[13] Building and Roads Research Institute ldquoCommunique issue atthe Sensitisation and Social Advocacy Seminars on the use oflocal buildingmaterials in theConstruction Industry inGhanardquo2012 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17109-com-munique-issued

[14] Peakstoprairies ldquoSustainable design and constructionrdquo inGreening Your Ski Area A Pollution PreventionHandbook chap-ter 14 Peakstoprairies 2005 httpwwwpeakstoprairiesorgp2bandeskigreen

[15] M T Lilly and J J Wai ldquoDevelopment and manufacture ofroofing tiles using local available raw materialsrdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 35 pp 14ndash19 2001

[16] M M Mourshed W M Matipa M Keane and D Kelli-her ldquoTowards interoperability ICT in academic curricula forsustainable constructionrdquo in Proceedings of the CIB W107 1stInternational Conference Creating a Sustainable ConstructionIndustry in Developing Countries Stellenbosch South AfricaNovember 2000

[17] Y Mahgoub ldquoSustainable architecture in the United ArabEmirates past and presentrdquo in Proceedings of the CAA-IIAInternational Conference on Urbanisation and Housing GoaIndia October 1997

[18] UNCHS ldquoWomen and constructionrdquo in Towards a Strategy forthe Participation of Women in All Phases of the United NationsGlobal Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 A RamachandranEd pp 14ndash16 UNCHS Nairobi Kenya 1990

[19] A Acheampong J K Hackman J Ayarkwa and K Agyekumldquo Factors inhibiting the use of indigenous building materials(IBM) in the Ghanaian construction industryrdquo Africa Develop-ment and Resources Research Institute (ADDRI) Journal vol 8no 2 pp 1ndash15 2014

[20] G Ahiabor Durable and affordable housing the case of burntclay bricks National Daily Graphic 2014 httpgraphiccomgh

[21] A A Hammond Small and Medium Scale Brick and TileProduction in Ghana-1 An Overview Wall Building Case StudyGate Publishing 1997

[22] S Gopi Basic Civil Engineering Pearson Education DelhiIndia 2009

[23] E A Okunade ldquoEngineering properties of locally manufac-tured burnt brick pavers for Agrarian and rural earth roadsrdquoAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences vol 5 no 10 pp 1348ndash1351 2008

[24] J O Adeola A review of masonry blockbrick types used forbuilding inNigeria [MS thesis] University of Benin BeninCityNigeria 1977

[25] S Emmitt and C A Gorse Barryrsquos Introduction to Constructionof Buildings Wiley Blackwell 2nd edition 2005

[26] F M Fernandes B M Paulo and C Fernando ldquoAncient claybricks manufacture and propertiesrdquo in Materials Technologiesand Practice in Historic Heritage Structures M Bostenaru DanR Prikryl and A Torok Eds pp 29ndash48 Springer 2009

[27] Claybricks amp Tiles 2010 httpwwwclaybrickscomAvailableat Accessed 190514

[28] G Cultrone E Sebastian K Elert M J de la Torre O Cazallaand C Rodriguez-Navarro ldquoInfluence of mineralogy and firingtemperature on the porosity of bricksrdquo Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society vol 24 no 3 pp 547ndash564 2004

[29] K Elert G Cultrone C Rodriguez Navarro and E SebastianPardo ldquoDurability of bricks used in the conservation of historicbuildingsmdashinfluence of composition andmicrostructurerdquo Jour-nal of Cultural Heritage vol 4 no 2 pp 91ndash99 2003

[30] D NWinslow C L Kilgour and RW Crooks ldquoPredicting thedurability of bricksrdquo Journal of Testing and Evaluation vol 16no 6 pp 527ndash531 1988

[31] Brick httpenwikipediaorgwikiBrick

Journal of Construction Engineering 7

[32] J K Boadi K Obeng J A Danquah F W Manu and P DBaiden-Amisah ldquoNeed to re-launch brick and tile revolutionas answer to national shelter problemrdquo in Proceedings of theNational Housing Conference CSIR-GIA Ed Accra GhanaOctober 2009 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17-59-24new119-proceedings-of-national-housing-conference

[33] The Brick Industry Association Technical notes on brickconstruction 2009 httpwwwgobrickcom

[34] ldquoStandard terminology for sustainability relative to the per-formance of buildingsrdquo Tech Rep ASTM E 2114-06a ASTMInternational West Conshohocken Pa USA 2006

[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

[36] Architects Registration Council of Ghana List of fully regis-tered architectural firms in Ghana 2010 httpwwwarcghanaorg

[37] G D Israel ldquoSampling the evidence of extension programimpactrdquo ProgramEvaluation andOrganizational DevelopmentIFAS University of Florida PEOD-5 2009

International Journal of

AerospaceEngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

RoboticsJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Active and Passive Electronic Components

Control Scienceand Engineering

Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

International Journal of


Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom

Journal ofEngineeringVolume 2014

Submit your manuscripts athttpwwwhindawicom

VLSI Design

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Shock and Vibration

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Civil EngineeringAdvances in

Acoustics and VibrationAdvances in

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Journal of

Advances inOptoElectronics

Hindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom

Volume 2014

The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

SensorsJournal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Modelling amp Simulation in EngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Chemical EngineeringInternational Journal of Antennas and


International Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Navigation and Observation

International Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

DistributedSensor Networks

International Journal of

Journal of Construction Engineering 5

Table 3 Perceptions of manufacturers on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 4 44 6thLow demand for burnt clay bricks 7 78 3rdInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 6 67 5thLimitation in design forms 3 33 8thInadequate supply of clay 1 1 11thStructural problems 3 33 8thExcessive cost implications 7 78 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 2 22 10thTransportation problems 8 89 2ndConstructability problems 4 44 6thPsychological problems 3 33 8thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 9 100 1st

Table 4 Perceptions of house ownersoccupants on barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks

Barriers Frequency Percentage RankQuality of output (poor workmanship) 55 92 1stLow demand for burnt clay bricks 50 83 2ndInappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in construction 25 42 6thLimitation in design forms 15 25 8thInadequate supply of clay 5 8 11thStructural problems 4 7 12thExcessive cost implications 48 80 3rdNoncompatibility with other materials 35 58 4thTransportation problems 20 33 7thConstructability problems 15 25 8thPsychological problems 10 17 10thUnavailability of burnt clay bricks when needed 29 48 5th

It could be seen from the results of this study that all thethree respondent groups had different perceptions on whythe materials are not being used in housing construction Forthe architects their main challenge was the cost aspect of thematerial To the manufacturers unavailability of burnt claybricks due to seasonal changes together with transportationproblems were issues of major concern The occupants onthe other hand in most cases were concerned about the poorquality of outputs arising from poor workmanship

Several possible reasons have been identified from theliterature for the persistent discrimination in the use ofindigenous building materials of which burnt clay bricks arepart These reasons include doubtful durability and life spanof the materials low aesthetic value poor social acceptabilityby the general public noncommercial status and lack ofstandards [2 4 8] From the results of the current study itcould be deduced that ldquolow demand for burnt clay bricksrdquoldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquo ldquoinappropriate use of burnt claybricks in constructionrdquo and ldquononcompatibility with othermaterialsrdquo among others are barriers to the use of burnt claybricks in construction in the Kumasi Metropolis

From these findings it can be deduced that these barriersdo exist and the variableness of projects and locations couldhave largely influenced the respondentsrsquo choices However

the existence of these barriers should not be viewed as areason to abandon burnt clay bricks but could be a worthychallenge to enhance its acceptance and uptake by theconstruction industry

8 Conclusions

Even though burnt clay bricks have the potential for adoptionas alternatives to conventional building materials this studyhas found them to suffer persistent discrimination In Ghanaseveral studies have been conducted by the BRRI into the useof burnt clay bricks but the implementation of the results ofthe studies has been limited by inadequate patronage of theproduct Furthermore the use of burnt clay bricks in the con-struction of buildings has been inhibited by several barriersFrom the perceptions of the respondents interviewed ldquolowdemand for burnt clay bricksrdquo ldquoexcessive cost implicationsrdquoldquoinappropriate use of burnt clay bricks in constructionrdquo ldquonon-compatibility with other materialsrdquo ldquounavailability of burntclay bricks when neededrdquo and ldquotransportation difficultiesrdquoare the main barriers to the use of burnt clay bricks inconstruction Though the use of burnt clay bricks presentssignificant potential benefits these are yet to be fully exploredby professionals in the Ghanaian construction industry

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


[1] K Kern ldquoThe owner built home and homesteadrdquoMother EarthNews no 15 pp 8ndash11 2004

[2] P A Okereke Construction Materials Testing and QualityControl in Tropical Climate Crown Oweri Nigeria 2003

[3] T C Mogbo ldquoThe construction sector and the economicgrowth of Nigeria 1981ndash95rdquoThe Quantity Surveyor vol 35 pp8ndash11 2001

[4] Y A Sanusi ldquoStrategies for the development and use ofindigenous building materials for low cost housing in Nigeriardquoin Proceedings of the International Conference on NigerianIndigenous Building Materials E C Ike Ed pp 7ndash17 ZariaNigeria July 1993

[5] R F Fellows D A Langford R Newcombe and S A UrryConstruction Management in Practice vol 177 Longman Har-low UK 1983

[6] Y M D Adedeji ldquoTechnology and standardised compositecement fibres for housing in Nigeriardquo Nigerian Institution ofArchitects vol 1 pp 19ndash24 2010

[7] F H Abanda G E Nkeng J H M Tah E N F Ohanjah andM B Manjia ldquoEmbodied energy and CO

2analysis of Mud-

brick and Cement-block Housesrdquo Aims Energy vol 2 no 1 pp18ndash40 2014

[8] K J Adogbo and B A Kolo The perceptions on the use ofindigenous building materials by professionals by Professionalsin the Nigerian Building Industry Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria 2009

[9] UNCHS Earth Construction Technology Edited by ARamachandran United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(Habitat) Nairobi Kenya 1992

[10] UNCHSThe Use of Selected Indigenous Building Materials withPotential for Wide Applications in Developing Countries UnitedNations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) NairobiKenya 1985

[11] Ghana Statistical Service ldquo2010 Population and Housing Cen-sus Ghana Statistical Servicerdquo 2012 httpwwwstatsghanagovgh

[12] R O Abiola ldquoManagement implications of trends in theconstruction costs in Nigeria from 1989ndash1999rdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 30 pp 35ndash40 2000

[13] Building and Roads Research Institute ldquoCommunique issue atthe Sensitisation and Social Advocacy Seminars on the use oflocal buildingmaterials in theConstruction Industry inGhanardquo2012 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17109-com-munique-issued

[14] Peakstoprairies ldquoSustainable design and constructionrdquo inGreening Your Ski Area A Pollution PreventionHandbook chap-ter 14 Peakstoprairies 2005 httpwwwpeakstoprairiesorgp2bandeskigreen

[15] M T Lilly and J J Wai ldquoDevelopment and manufacture ofroofing tiles using local available raw materialsrdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 35 pp 14ndash19 2001

[16] M M Mourshed W M Matipa M Keane and D Kelli-her ldquoTowards interoperability ICT in academic curricula forsustainable constructionrdquo in Proceedings of the CIB W107 1stInternational Conference Creating a Sustainable ConstructionIndustry in Developing Countries Stellenbosch South AfricaNovember 2000

[17] Y Mahgoub ldquoSustainable architecture in the United ArabEmirates past and presentrdquo in Proceedings of the CAA-IIAInternational Conference on Urbanisation and Housing GoaIndia October 1997

[18] UNCHS ldquoWomen and constructionrdquo in Towards a Strategy forthe Participation of Women in All Phases of the United NationsGlobal Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 A RamachandranEd pp 14ndash16 UNCHS Nairobi Kenya 1990

[19] A Acheampong J K Hackman J Ayarkwa and K Agyekumldquo Factors inhibiting the use of indigenous building materials(IBM) in the Ghanaian construction industryrdquo Africa Develop-ment and Resources Research Institute (ADDRI) Journal vol 8no 2 pp 1ndash15 2014

[20] G Ahiabor Durable and affordable housing the case of burntclay bricks National Daily Graphic 2014 httpgraphiccomgh

[21] A A Hammond Small and Medium Scale Brick and TileProduction in Ghana-1 An Overview Wall Building Case StudyGate Publishing 1997

[22] S Gopi Basic Civil Engineering Pearson Education DelhiIndia 2009

[23] E A Okunade ldquoEngineering properties of locally manufac-tured burnt brick pavers for Agrarian and rural earth roadsrdquoAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences vol 5 no 10 pp 1348ndash1351 2008

[24] J O Adeola A review of masonry blockbrick types used forbuilding inNigeria [MS thesis] University of Benin BeninCityNigeria 1977

[25] S Emmitt and C A Gorse Barryrsquos Introduction to Constructionof Buildings Wiley Blackwell 2nd edition 2005

[26] F M Fernandes B M Paulo and C Fernando ldquoAncient claybricks manufacture and propertiesrdquo in Materials Technologiesand Practice in Historic Heritage Structures M Bostenaru DanR Prikryl and A Torok Eds pp 29ndash48 Springer 2009

[27] Claybricks amp Tiles 2010 httpwwwclaybrickscomAvailableat Accessed 190514

[28] G Cultrone E Sebastian K Elert M J de la Torre O Cazallaand C Rodriguez-Navarro ldquoInfluence of mineralogy and firingtemperature on the porosity of bricksrdquo Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society vol 24 no 3 pp 547ndash564 2004

[29] K Elert G Cultrone C Rodriguez Navarro and E SebastianPardo ldquoDurability of bricks used in the conservation of historicbuildingsmdashinfluence of composition andmicrostructurerdquo Jour-nal of Cultural Heritage vol 4 no 2 pp 91ndash99 2003

[30] D NWinslow C L Kilgour and RW Crooks ldquoPredicting thedurability of bricksrdquo Journal of Testing and Evaluation vol 16no 6 pp 527ndash531 1988

[31] Brick httpenwikipediaorgwikiBrick

Journal of Construction Engineering 7

[32] J K Boadi K Obeng J A Danquah F W Manu and P DBaiden-Amisah ldquoNeed to re-launch brick and tile revolutionas answer to national shelter problemrdquo in Proceedings of theNational Housing Conference CSIR-GIA Ed Accra GhanaOctober 2009 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17-59-24new119-proceedings-of-national-housing-conference

[33] The Brick Industry Association Technical notes on brickconstruction 2009 httpwwwgobrickcom

[34] ldquoStandard terminology for sustainability relative to the per-formance of buildingsrdquo Tech Rep ASTM E 2114-06a ASTMInternational West Conshohocken Pa USA 2006

[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

[36] Architects Registration Council of Ghana List of fully regis-tered architectural firms in Ghana 2010 httpwwwarcghanaorg

[37] G D Israel ldquoSampling the evidence of extension programimpactrdquo ProgramEvaluation andOrganizational DevelopmentIFAS University of Florida PEOD-5 2009

International Journal of

AerospaceEngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

RoboticsJournal of

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Control Scienceand Engineering

Journal of

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Shock and Vibration

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Journal of

Advances inOptoElectronics

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The Scientific World JournalHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

SensorsJournal of

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Modelling amp Simulation in EngineeringHindawi Publishing Corporation httpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

Chemical EngineeringInternational Journal of Antennas and


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Navigation and Observation

International Journal of

Hindawi Publishing Corporationhttpwwwhindawicom Volume 2014

DistributedSensor Networks

International Journal of

6 Journal of Construction Engineering

Retraining of professionals in the construction industry isrecommended for better appreciation of the use of thesematerials The cost of the materials should also be subsidizedto encourage high levels and sustained production of burntclay bricks Clients should be educated on the benefits ofusing burnt clay bricks in housing constructions

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper


[1] K Kern ldquoThe owner built home and homesteadrdquoMother EarthNews no 15 pp 8ndash11 2004

[2] P A Okereke Construction Materials Testing and QualityControl in Tropical Climate Crown Oweri Nigeria 2003

[3] T C Mogbo ldquoThe construction sector and the economicgrowth of Nigeria 1981ndash95rdquoThe Quantity Surveyor vol 35 pp8ndash11 2001

[4] Y A Sanusi ldquoStrategies for the development and use ofindigenous building materials for low cost housing in Nigeriardquoin Proceedings of the International Conference on NigerianIndigenous Building Materials E C Ike Ed pp 7ndash17 ZariaNigeria July 1993

[5] R F Fellows D A Langford R Newcombe and S A UrryConstruction Management in Practice vol 177 Longman Har-low UK 1983

[6] Y M D Adedeji ldquoTechnology and standardised compositecement fibres for housing in Nigeriardquo Nigerian Institution ofArchitects vol 1 pp 19ndash24 2010

[7] F H Abanda G E Nkeng J H M Tah E N F Ohanjah andM B Manjia ldquoEmbodied energy and CO

2analysis of Mud-

brick and Cement-block Housesrdquo Aims Energy vol 2 no 1 pp18ndash40 2014

[8] K J Adogbo and B A Kolo The perceptions on the use ofindigenous building materials by professionals by Professionalsin the Nigerian Building Industry Ahmadu Bello UniversityZaria 2009

[9] UNCHS Earth Construction Technology Edited by ARamachandran United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(Habitat) Nairobi Kenya 1992

[10] UNCHSThe Use of Selected Indigenous Building Materials withPotential for Wide Applications in Developing Countries UnitedNations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) NairobiKenya 1985

[11] Ghana Statistical Service ldquo2010 Population and Housing Cen-sus Ghana Statistical Servicerdquo 2012 httpwwwstatsghanagovgh

[12] R O Abiola ldquoManagement implications of trends in theconstruction costs in Nigeria from 1989ndash1999rdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 30 pp 35ndash40 2000

[13] Building and Roads Research Institute ldquoCommunique issue atthe Sensitisation and Social Advocacy Seminars on the use oflocal buildingmaterials in theConstruction Industry inGhanardquo2012 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17109-com-munique-issued

[14] Peakstoprairies ldquoSustainable design and constructionrdquo inGreening Your Ski Area A Pollution PreventionHandbook chap-ter 14 Peakstoprairies 2005 httpwwwpeakstoprairiesorgp2bandeskigreen

[15] M T Lilly and J J Wai ldquoDevelopment and manufacture ofroofing tiles using local available raw materialsrdquo The QuantitySurveyor vol 35 pp 14ndash19 2001

[16] M M Mourshed W M Matipa M Keane and D Kelli-her ldquoTowards interoperability ICT in academic curricula forsustainable constructionrdquo in Proceedings of the CIB W107 1stInternational Conference Creating a Sustainable ConstructionIndustry in Developing Countries Stellenbosch South AfricaNovember 2000

[17] Y Mahgoub ldquoSustainable architecture in the United ArabEmirates past and presentrdquo in Proceedings of the CAA-IIAInternational Conference on Urbanisation and Housing GoaIndia October 1997

[18] UNCHS ldquoWomen and constructionrdquo in Towards a Strategy forthe Participation of Women in All Phases of the United NationsGlobal Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 A RamachandranEd pp 14ndash16 UNCHS Nairobi Kenya 1990

[19] A Acheampong J K Hackman J Ayarkwa and K Agyekumldquo Factors inhibiting the use of indigenous building materials(IBM) in the Ghanaian construction industryrdquo Africa Develop-ment and Resources Research Institute (ADDRI) Journal vol 8no 2 pp 1ndash15 2014

[20] G Ahiabor Durable and affordable housing the case of burntclay bricks National Daily Graphic 2014 httpgraphiccomgh

[21] A A Hammond Small and Medium Scale Brick and TileProduction in Ghana-1 An Overview Wall Building Case StudyGate Publishing 1997

[22] S Gopi Basic Civil Engineering Pearson Education DelhiIndia 2009

[23] E A Okunade ldquoEngineering properties of locally manufac-tured burnt brick pavers for Agrarian and rural earth roadsrdquoAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences vol 5 no 10 pp 1348ndash1351 2008

[24] J O Adeola A review of masonry blockbrick types used forbuilding inNigeria [MS thesis] University of Benin BeninCityNigeria 1977

[25] S Emmitt and C A Gorse Barryrsquos Introduction to Constructionof Buildings Wiley Blackwell 2nd edition 2005

[26] F M Fernandes B M Paulo and C Fernando ldquoAncient claybricks manufacture and propertiesrdquo in Materials Technologiesand Practice in Historic Heritage Structures M Bostenaru DanR Prikryl and A Torok Eds pp 29ndash48 Springer 2009

[27] Claybricks amp Tiles 2010 httpwwwclaybrickscomAvailableat Accessed 190514

[28] G Cultrone E Sebastian K Elert M J de la Torre O Cazallaand C Rodriguez-Navarro ldquoInfluence of mineralogy and firingtemperature on the porosity of bricksrdquo Journal of the EuropeanCeramic Society vol 24 no 3 pp 547ndash564 2004

[29] K Elert G Cultrone C Rodriguez Navarro and E SebastianPardo ldquoDurability of bricks used in the conservation of historicbuildingsmdashinfluence of composition andmicrostructurerdquo Jour-nal of Cultural Heritage vol 4 no 2 pp 91ndash99 2003

[30] D NWinslow C L Kilgour and RW Crooks ldquoPredicting thedurability of bricksrdquo Journal of Testing and Evaluation vol 16no 6 pp 527ndash531 1988

[31] Brick httpenwikipediaorgwikiBrick

Journal of Construction Engineering 7

[32] J K Boadi K Obeng J A Danquah F W Manu and P DBaiden-Amisah ldquoNeed to re-launch brick and tile revolutionas answer to national shelter problemrdquo in Proceedings of theNational Housing Conference CSIR-GIA Ed Accra GhanaOctober 2009 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17-59-24new119-proceedings-of-national-housing-conference

[33] The Brick Industry Association Technical notes on brickconstruction 2009 httpwwwgobrickcom

[34] ldquoStandard terminology for sustainability relative to the per-formance of buildingsrdquo Tech Rep ASTM E 2114-06a ASTMInternational West Conshohocken Pa USA 2006

[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

[36] Architects Registration Council of Ghana List of fully regis-tered architectural firms in Ghana 2010 httpwwwarcghanaorg

[37] G D Israel ldquoSampling the evidence of extension programimpactrdquo ProgramEvaluation andOrganizational DevelopmentIFAS University of Florida PEOD-5 2009

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Journal of Construction Engineering 7

[32] J K Boadi K Obeng J A Danquah F W Manu and P DBaiden-Amisah ldquoNeed to re-launch brick and tile revolutionas answer to national shelter problemrdquo in Proceedings of theNational Housing Conference CSIR-GIA Ed Accra GhanaOctober 2009 httpwwwbrriorgindexphp2013-10-02-17-59-24new119-proceedings-of-national-housing-conference

[33] The Brick Industry Association Technical notes on brickconstruction 2009 httpwwwgobrickcom

[34] ldquoStandard terminology for sustainability relative to the per-formance of buildingsrdquo Tech Rep ASTM E 2114-06a ASTMInternational West Conshohocken Pa USA 2006

[35] M Chusid S H Miller and J Rapoport ldquoThe building brick ofsustainabilityrdquoThe Construction Specifier pp 30ndash41 2009

[36] Architects Registration Council of Ghana List of fully regis-tered architectural firms in Ghana 2010 httpwwwarcghanaorg

[37] G D Israel ldquoSampling the evidence of extension programimpactrdquo ProgramEvaluation andOrganizational DevelopmentIFAS University of Florida PEOD-5 2009

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