Research and Planning Was One of the Largest Sections of the Course Work


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Research And Planning Chris Benisek 

Research and planning was one of the largest sections of the coursework. Therefore, there is a vast

quantity of points or me to draw upon and give an in-depth and detailed answer.

One of the largest areas of research was based around the BBFC and how we should go about rating

our clip. To gather research we visited the website to gain knowledge on the categories of which the

BBFC rates films upon, which are as follows:- theme, language, nudity, sex, violence, sexual violence,

horror, drugs and criminal or harmful actions. This research aided us to anchor our film into an agecertificate; we opted for a 15, due to the use of excessive language. Choosing this option over a 12

certification, to play it safe, avoiding under rating and issues surrounding suing if it were to go into

mainstream production. However, this was just a rough estimation, as it was only the title sequence we

analysed. A possible method of improving the accuracy of the certificate rating would be to have sent

it to the BBFC, or analyse films of a similar nature, and base our choice on an average.

Music was heavily research, as only uncopywritten material was allowed to be used. There was a

choice to either create our own piece, with the use of Garage Band, or a recommended programme

called Cubase. However, the group opted to search for a pre made piece to save time (as the editing is a

timely process).

Google was used to find a wide variety of tracks, of which the links are listed under the heading

‘editing’ in my blog.

We also used books for research, as well as the Internet. Especially ‘Falling in Love Again’, which we

used and it helped us get a fell for the genre. Providing music related tips ‘music in rom-coms may

often be superficial in its specific connection to narrative. But a rom-com without music is

unthinkable. Music is an integral park of Western society’s construction of romance’ – Robyn J


Also we decided to explore how to function I-movie and its various areas, i.e. to research the

 programme we used Apple’s instruction videos located on its site. I then made notes on how to work it,

which I posted on my blog. This research enabled me to share my knowledge with others, as well as

helping make the editing process easier, and of a higher standard.

To get an insight into the genre of the rom-com, I researched certain examples, e.g. Love Actually andFour Weddings…. These films helped to spark ideas for intertextual references, such as the various

swearing thoughout our scene which is taken from Four Weddings… Plot ideas were also triggered, as

well as ideas for character stereotypes which would be used to draw in an American audience. Shot

types and editing styles were also drawn upon to see what is frequently used throughout the genre. As

well as this, it allowed me to improve my analysing skills which I thought would prove useful for 

future reference.

Large amounts of planning was taken into consideration for the location, where it was going to be set,

and at what time it would be available for the group to use. As we had to plan when we were able to

work together as a group, and at what times – whether this be in or out of school time.

As well as this we planned into the various effects for the title sequence. In doing this we realised

certain effects either didn’t work, as we had imagined, or looked poor on camera, e.g. we initially

 planned to write on the mirror in condensation, we managed to achieve this effect with some difficulty.

However, once filmed the words were unable to be seen on camera. We therefore opted for toothpaste,

which still fitted in with the bathroom scene, and was more legible. Lack of planning or outcrops via

the fact that the title ‘Just Another Day’ wasn’t included in the same diogetic style.

Initially we planned to undergo a casting session, yet due to limited choice we had to pick from a select

few, opting to use a fellow group member’s brother, who was suitable for the role. Amongst this a

 production schedule was created to keep tabs on the progress we underwent, yet this wasn’t really

effective as the majority of filming was laid out into one session. This was not only due to poor 

organising but also the availability of group members and cast. Clearly this needs to be improved and

at A2 I will take more care to develop a plan and adhere to it.

Several ideas had to be changed, due to factors influencing the film, e.g. the weather, time/location

restrictions, and the availability of equipment. For these reasons the storyboard and screenplay were

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Research And Planning Chris Benisek 

adapted to accommodate these changes, such as filming an accident scene, as acting that sequence

would been too much of a risk.

Finally, vast amounts of effort was put into researching the target audience, and planning how to entice

this audience. We concentrated on several areas, age range, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status,

nationality, fans of and sexuality. All of these were taken into consideration to create a vastly

appealing piece.

In terms of age range, we based our production around the youth audience, 15-34. This was reflected

in the film by the age of the characters and the narrative of the sequence, which is based around a

morning routine, a situation which a vast audience can relate to. Again, a sound track was used to

appeal to a youth market as it is upbeat, fast in tempo indi music, which is currently popular. Fast

 paced editing was also used to entice the audience, therefore not boring them with one continuous

scene. The language we used also portrayed the youth audience, as younger people tend to swear more

often. With the cast being predominantly Caucasian, we did not feel it would cause any ethnical issues,

as the scenario portrayed is relevant to all.

As the film is a rom-com, it creates vast appeal as it is a hybrid genre. The romantic side draws in the

female audience and the pink pound, and the comedic side draws in the male, making it an acceptable

film for couples. The relationships are heterosexual, but yet again the basis of this can branch outappeal, as the characters can be seen as attractive.

Socio-economic status is in wide appeal so as not to isolate certain areas. The character has a mixed

 persona with an upper class dress sense but a lower class dialect. Fans of similar films and of the cast

will be drawn towards this production. Also if reviews are good, or it has been nominated for or won


To regain hegonomic status of the British male, we used a posh southern eastern accent which would

help aid the production into the world market, as Americans would be able to recognise the accent, and

not to isolate the UK audience we used jokes about the weather and recognisable products, such as
