Research and planning draft 3 part 2 a1




Transcript of Research and planning draft 3 part 2 a1

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Part M

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Extreme close up/ close up of peoples hands

They will be making the title from different pieces of food, whether it is Chips or even broccoli.

Hands suggests anyone

As our documentary is about “food” anyone can watch it.

The hand creates a sense of the audience having their say .

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Title Color- BrainstormRed is used as a symbol of guilt, sin, passion and anger, often as connected with blood or sex

ice, water, sky, sadness, winter, police, royalty, Hanukkah, boys, cold, calm, magic, trueness,

nature, growth, grass, hope, youth, sickness, health, Islam, spring, Saint Patrick's Day, money

royalty, imperialism, nobility, Lent, Easter, Mardi Gras, episcopacy, upper class, poison, friendship, engineering, passion, sharing, wisdom, rage,

soil, autumn, earth, skin, maple leaf, chocolate, coffee, caramel, stone, Africa, African culture, Indigenous, Malayan race, Thanksgiving, Nazism

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Although I have done a color brainstorm , for out title we don’t know if we will necessarily be thinking about a specific picture as we will be using food to create the titles, however we will consider the colors of the foods and what they represent.

Credits I have an idea to use the burger in two ways:

1. Instead of the credits flowing down the screen, the burger will eat it off the screen.

2. The burger regurgitating the peoples names as credits.

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Titles I have many ideas of the captions font and colour for our documentary. The titles and captions will be placed at the start of each episode and at the bottom of the screenC


I had the idea of using a simple and bold font like Ariel Bold and make the letters get smaller showing the hierarchy of society and the whole idea of capitalism.

Advertising1) This one has a reflection showing that with advertising you are reflecting an image of reality.

Advertising2) A woman holding the word advertising to show the gesture of showing a product.

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The brain shows what we think is associated with food or anything in society

Ideology is a set of ideas, so this is why I thought of a thought bubble

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Prospective titles


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Fruit (apples) Vegetables (peppers)

Sweets (liquorish)

Chocolate wrappers

KFCBurger King burger Pizza Hut shop front


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• This was the first design I made when this was our first title.

• Where the good food overlays the good, and the same with the bad and the unhealthy.

• But our title changed so I cant use this anymore.• I do like the idea though.


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Food For

Thought• Salad• Chocolate• Fast food• Chosen so the audience

will have an idea as to what the series is about

Looking in my fridge while all the labels were obviously different they looked similar and the font that matched up most was the one below.


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Food For


• I used a font similar to food packaging font so the audience would subconsciously think of food.

• I then made the thought bubbles up of food


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Prospective Captions/Credits


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Using fruits as head letters to introduce people.Example next slide


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ociologist im akwood

Clive JohnsonGastronomy Student

Example from previous slide

Using items of food at the side


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