RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVES IN ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Fondation Ipsen Editor Yves Christen, Fondation Ipsen, Paris (France) Editorial Board Yves Agid, H6pital Pi tie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Albert Aguayo, The Montreal General Hospital, Montreal (Canada) Luigi Amaducci, University of Florence, Florence (Italy) Brian H. Anderton, Institute of Psychiatry, London (GB) Raymond T Bartus, Cortex, Irvine (USA) Anders BjOrklund, University of Lund (Sweden) Floyd Bloom, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla (USA) Fran{:ois Boller, Inserm U 324, Paris (France) Carl Cotman, University of California, Irvine (USA) Peter Davies, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New-York (USA) Andre Delacourte, Inserm U 16, Lille (France) Steven Ferris, New York University Medical Center, New-York (USA) Jean-Fran{:ois Fon cin , H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Fran{:ois Forette, H6pital Broca, Paris (France) Fred Gage, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Carleton D. Gajdusek, National Institute of Health, Bethesda (USA) George G. Glenner, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Dmitry Goldgaber, State University of New York Stone Brook (USA) John Hardy, St Mary's Hospital, Medical School, London (GB) Jean-Jaques Hauw, H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Robert Katzman, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Claude Kordon, Inserm U 159, Paris (France) Kenneth K. Kosik, Harvard Medical School Center for Neurological Diseases and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) Yvon Lamour, Inserm U 161, Paris (France) Jacques Mallet, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) Colin L. Masters, University of Melbourne, Parkville (Australia) Stanley I. Rapoport, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda (USA) Andre Rascol, H6pital Purpan, Toulouse (France) Barry Reisberg, New York University Medical Center, New York (USA) Dennis J Selkoe, Harvard Medical School Center for Neurological Diseases and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) Michael L. Shelanski, Columbia University, New-York (USA) Jean-Louis Signoret, H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Pierre-Marie Sinet, H6pital Necker, Paris (France)

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Fondation Ipsen


Yves Christen, Fondation Ipsen, Paris (France)

Editorial Board

Yves Agid, H6pital Pi tie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Albert Aguayo, The Montreal General Hospital, Montreal (Canada) Luigi Amaducci, University of Florence, Florence (Italy) Brian H. Anderton, Institute of Psychiatry, London (GB) Raymond T Bartus, Cortex, Irvine (USA) Anders BjOrklund, University of Lund (Sweden) Floyd Bloom, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, La Jolla (USA) Fran{:ois Boller, Inserm U 324, Paris (France) Carl Cotman, University of California, Irvine (USA) Peter Davies, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New-York (USA) Andre Delacourte, Inserm U 16, Lille (France) Steven Ferris, New York University Medical Center, New-York (USA) Jean-Fran{:ois Fon cin , H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Fran{:ois Forette, H6pital Broca, Paris (France) Fred Gage, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Carleton D. Gajdusek, National Institute of Health, Bethesda (USA) George G. Glenner, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Dmitry Goldgaber, State University of New York Stone Brook (USA) John Hardy, St Mary's Hospital, Medical School, London (GB) Jean-Jaques Hauw, H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Robert Katzman, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Claude Kordon, Inserm U 159, Paris (France) Kenneth K. Kosik, Harvard Medical School Center for Neurological Diseases

and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) Yvon Lamour, Inserm U 161, Paris (France) Jacques Mallet, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) Colin L. Masters, University of Melbourne, Parkville (Australia) Stanley I. Rapoport, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda (USA) Andre Rascol, H6pital Purpan, Toulouse (France) Barry Reisberg, New York University Medical Center, New York (USA) Dennis J Selkoe, Harvard Medical School Center for Neurological Diseases

and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (USA) Michael L. Shelanski, Columbia University, New-York (USA) Jean-Louis Signoret, H6pital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris (France) Pierre-Marie Sinet, H6pital Necker, Paris (France)

Peter St George Hyslop, Massachussetts General Hospital, Boston (USA) Robert Terry, University of California, La Jolla (USA) Henry Wisniewski, Institute for Basic Research in Development Disabilities,

Staten Island (USA) Edouard Zarijian, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Caen (France).

F. Hefti Ph. Brachet B. Will Y. Christen (Eds.)

Growth Factors and Alzheitner's Disease

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Toyko Hong Kong Barcelona

Hefti, Franz, Ph. D. Andrus Gerontology Center University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

Brachet, Philippe, Ph. D. INSERM U 298 Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire F-49033 Angers Cedex

Will, Bruno, Ph. D. Departement de Neurophysiologie et de Biologie des Comportements Centre de Neurochimie du C.N.R.S. 12 rue Goethe F-67000 Strasbourg

Christen, Yves, Ph.D. Fondation IPSEN pour la Recherche Therapeutique 30, rue Cambro nne F-75737 Paris Cedex

ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46724-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-46722-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-46722-6

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This volume contains the proceedings of the sixth Colloque M6decine et Re­cherche organized by the Fondation Ipsen pour la Recherche Therapeutique and devoted to Alzheimer's disease. It was held in Strasbourg on April 25, 1990 and dedicated to growth factors and Alzheimer's disease.

The proceedings of the previous meetings were published as the present one in the same series: Immunology and Alzheimer's disease (A. Pouplard-Barthelaix, J. Emile, Y Christen eds., 1988), Genetics and Alzheimer's disease (P.-M. Sinet, Y Lamour, Y Christen eds., 1988), Neuronal grafting and Alzheimer's disease (F. Gage, A. Privat, Y Christen eds., 1989), Biological markers and Alzheimer's disease (F. Boller, R. Katzman, A. Rascol, J.-L. Signoret, Y Christen eds., 1989), Imaging, cerebral topography and Alzheimer's disease (S. I. Rapoport, H. Petit, D. Leys, Y Christen eds., 1990).

The next meeting of the series entitled Neurophilosophy and Alzheimer's disease was being held in La Jolla (California, USA) on January 11,1991. The proceed­ings will be published this year.

Yves Christen Fondation Ipsen

Acknowledgements. The editors wish to express their gratitude to M. Sensenbren­ner (Strasbourg), A. Bjorklund (Lund), R. Terry (La Jolla) for their collaboration as chairmen for the meeting, G. Vincendon, dean of the Facult6 de M6decine de Strasbourg, who made the introductive talk, Mary Lynn Gage for her editorial assistance and Jacqueline Mervaillie for the organization of the meeting.


Neurotrophic Factors and Neurodegenerative Diseases F Hefti and B. Knusel ............. .

Survival, Regrowth, and Reconnection of Injured Retinal Ganglion Cells A. J Aguayo, M. P. Villegas-Perez, L. McKerracher, M. Vidal-Sanz, D. Carter, apd G. M. Bray ................ .

Localizing Expression of the Three Members of the Nerve Growth Factor Family to Neurons in the Brain L. Olson, C. Wetmore, P. Ernfors, T Ebendal, and H. Persson

Nerve Growth Factor: Studies Addressing its Expression and Actions in the Central Nervous System F M. Longo and W C. Mobley

Nerve Growth Factor Gene Expression in Actively Growing Brain Glia B. Lu, M. Yokoyama, C. F Dreyfus, and I. B. Black ....... .

Human Nerve Growth Factor Receptor Expression in the CNS of Transgenic Mice N. Pati!, E. Lacy, and M. V. Chao ........... .

Involvement of Protein Kinase C in the Regulation of Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis: A Possible Cause of Impaired Trophic Supply in Alzheimer's Disease? P. Brachet, R. Houlgatte, I. Neveu, D. MacGrogan, and D. Wion

Distribution and Characterization of ~-Nerve Growth Factor Receptors in Alzheimer's Disease S. J Allen, J J S. Treanor, S. H. MacGowan, G. K. Wilcock, and D. Dawbarn ..................... .

Regulation of Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis in the Central Nervous System by Cytokines and Implications for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease D. Lindholm, F Zafra, and H. Thoenen ...... .

Nerve Growth Factor Expression and Function in the CNS F H. Gage, M. Tuszynski, K. Yoshida, and G. Higgins










VIII Contents

Nerve Growth Factor and Behavioral Recovery After Brain Damage in Rats B. Will, V. Pal/age, and F Eclancher

Functional Impairments that Develop in Nerve Growth Factor-Sensitive Neuronal Projections in the PNS and CNS of Aged Rats Are Ameliorated by Dietary Interventions 1. Diamond, M. Cameron, and B. Cassells ....... .

Morphological and Behavioral Effects of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Heparin on Transplanted Fetal Dopaminergic Neurons and Astrocytes in the Denervated Rat Caudate-Putamen M.1. Dolleman- Van Der Weel, A. Nijssen, 1. De Vente, F C. S. Ramaekers, B. Cordell, F Fuller, and H. W M. Steinbusch

Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor Localization and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Binding Sites in the Eye and Optic Nerve B. A. Faucheux, C. Dupuis, P. Delaere, D. Raulais, G. Soubrane, M. Vigny, 1. 1. Hauw, Y Courtois, and 1. C. Jeanny .....

Synthetic Peptide Agonists and Antagonists of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor: Increasing Cellular Specificity of a Multifunctional Growth Factor P. A. Walicke and C. Harrison

ACTH(4 -10) Analog Potentiates Cognitive and Morphological Recovery After Frontal Cortex Lesions in Adult Rats D. G. Stein, S. W Hoffman, and M. 1. Attella

Effects of Neurotrophic Factors on the Secretion and Metabolism of the Alzheimer Amyloid Precursor N. K. Robakis, K. Sambamurti, 1. P. Anderson, P. Mehta, and L. M. Refolo ................... .

Nerve Growth Factor Induces Differential Splicing of ~-Amyloid Precursor mRNAs in the PC12 Cell Line C. 1. Smith, D. D. Wion, and P. Brachet

The Role of Misdirected Plasticity in Plaque Biogenesis and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology C. W Cotman, B. 1. Cummings, and 1. S. Whitson

The Neuritic Dystrophy of Alzheimer's Disease: Degeneration or Regeneration? K. S. Kosik

Subject Index













Aguayo, A. J Centre for Research in Neurosciences, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada

Allen, S. J Department of Medicine (Care of the Elderly), University of Bristol, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK

Anderson, J P. Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiology Center, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1229, New York, NY 10029, USA

Attella, M. J Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, 222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545, USA

Black, I. B. The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Department of Neurology, 515 E 71 St., New York, NY 10021, USA

Brachet, P. INSERM U 298, Centre Hospitalier Regional et U niversitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Bray, G. M. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada

Cameron, M. Mc Master University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada

Carter, D. Centre for Research in Neurosciences, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1A4, Canada

X Contributors

Cassells, B. Mc Master University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada

Chao, M. V. Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Cornell University Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

Cordell, B. California Biotechnology, Inc., 2450 Bayshore Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Cotman, C. W Department of Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717, USA

Courtois, Y. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l'Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Cummings, B. J. Department of Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717, USA

Dawbarn, D. Department of Medicine (Care of the Elderly), University of Bristol, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK

Delaere, P. Laboratoire de Neuropathologie R. Escourolle, Formation Associee a I' Asso­ciation Claude Bernard, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 47 Boulevard de I'Hopital, 75013 Paris, France

Diamond, J. Mc Master University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Sciences, 1200 Main Street West. Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada

Dolleman- Van Der Weel, M. J. Department of Pharmacology, Free University, van der Boechorstraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dreyfus, C. F. The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Department of Neurology, 515 E 71 St., New York, NY 10021, USA

Contributors XI

Dupuis, C. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l' Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Ebendal, T. Developmental Biology, Biomedical Center, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Eclancher, F. Departement de Neurophysiologie et Biologie des Comportements, Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, 5, rue Blaise Pascal, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Ernfors, P. Medical Chemistry II, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Karolinska Institutet, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden

Faucheux, B. A. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l' Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Fuller, F. California Biotechnology Inc., 2450 Bayshore Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Gage, F. H. Department of Neurosciences, University of California, School of Medicine, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0624, USA

Harrison, C. Department of Neuroscience, M. 008 University of California, La Jolla, CA 92092, USA

Hauw, J. J. Laboratoire de Neuropathologie R. Escourolle, Formation Associee a l'Asso­ciation Claude Bernard, Hopital de la Salpetriere, 47 Boulevard de I'Hopital, 75013 Paris, France

Hefti, F. Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, University Park - MC 0191, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA

Higgins, G. A. Gerontology Research Center, Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, 4940 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

XII Contributors

Hoffman, S. W. Brain Research Laboratory, Institute of Animal Behavior Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ 07102, USA

Houlgatte, R. INSERM U 298, Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Jeanny, J C. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l' Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Knusel, B. Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California, University Park - MC 0191, Los Angeles, CA 90089., USA

Kosik, K. S. Harvard Medical School, Center for Neurologic Diseases, Brigham and Wom­en's Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA

Lacy, E. Molecular Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA

Lindholm, A. Department of Neurochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Am Klopferspitz 18 a, 8033 Planegg-Martinsried/Miinchen, FRG

Longo, F. M. University of California, V-127, Department of Neurology, Medical Center, 4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94121, USA

LU,B. The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Department of Neurology, 515 E 71 St., New York, NY 10021, USA

MacGowan, S. H. Department of Medicine (Care of the Elderly), University of Bristol, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK

MacGrogan, D. INSERM U298, Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Contributors XIII

McKerracher, L. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G lA4, Canada

Mehta, P. New York State Institute for Basic Research, 1050 Forest Hill Road, Staten Island, NY 10314, USA

Mobley, W C. University of California, V-127, Department of Neurology, Medical Center, 4150 Clement Street, San Francisco, CA 94121, USA

Neveu, I. INSERM U298, Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Nijssen, A. Department of Psychonomy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Amster­dam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Olson, L. Department of Histology & Neurobiology, Karolinska Institutet, Box 60400, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden

Pallage, V Departement de Neurophysiologie et Biologie des Comportements, Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, 5, rue Blaise Pascal, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Patil, N. Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Cornell University Medical College, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

Persson, H. Medical Chemistry II, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Karolinska Institutet, 10401 Stockholm, Sweden

Ramaekers, F. C. S. Department of Molecular Cellbiology, State University Limburg, Postbox 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands

Raulais, D. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l' Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

XIV Contributors

Refolo, L. M. Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiology Center, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1229, New York, NY 10029, USA

Robakis, N. K. Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiology Center, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1229, New York, NY 10029, USA

Sambamurti, K. Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiology Center, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine of the City University of New York, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1229, New York, NY 10029, USA

Smith, C. J INSERM U298, Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Soubrane, G. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 118), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de l'Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Stein, D. G. Brain Research Laboratory, Institute of Animal Behavior Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ 07102, USA

Steinbusch, H. W M. Department of Pharmacology, Free University, van der Boechorstraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Thoenen, H. Department of Neurochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Am Klopferspitz 18 a, 8033 Planegg-Martinsried/Miinchen, FRG

Treanor, J J S. Department of Medicine (Care of the Elderly), University of Bristol, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK

Tuszynski, M. Department of Neurosciences, University of California, School of Medicine, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0624, USA

de Vente, J Department of Pharmacology, Free University, van der Boechorstraat 7, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Contributors XV

Vidal-Sanz, M. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G lA4, Canada

Vigny, M. Unite de Recherches Gerontologiques INSERM (U 11S), Affiliee au CNRS, and Centre de Gerontologie de I' Association Claude Bernard, 29 rue Wilhem, 75016 Paris, France

Villegas-Perez, M. P. Centre for Research in Neuroscience, Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H3G lA4, Canada

Walicke, P. A. Department of Neuroscience, M-OOS. University of California, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Wetmore, C. Department of Histology & Neurobiology, Karolinska Institutet, Box 60400, 104 01 Stockholm, Sweden

Whitson, J. S. Department of Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717, USA

Wilcock, G. K. Department of Care of the Elderly, Frenchay Hospital, Frenchay, Bristol BS16 lLE, UK

Will, B. Departement de Neurophysiologie et de Biologie des Comportements, Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, 12 rue Goethe, 6700 Strasbourg, France

Wion, D. INSERM U 29S, Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire, 49033 Angers Cedex, France

Yokoyama, M. The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center, Department of Neurology, 515 E 71 St., New York, NY 10021, USA

Yoshida, K. Department of Neurosciences, University of California, School of Medicine, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0624, USA

ZaJra, F. Department of Neurochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Am Klopferspitz lSa, S033 Planegg-Martinsried/Miinchen, FRG