Research Activities PlanetLab/GENI

Research Activities PlanetLab/GENI Aki Nakao Univ. of Tokyo / NICT 1 AsianFI 2008 Summer School


Research Activities PlanetLab/GENI. Aki Nakao Univ. of Tokyo / NICT. Outline. PlanetLab GENI Similar Research Activity in Japan and Asia. PlanetLab. The largest and most popular overlay network testbed Currently consists of 863 nodes at 447 sites 800+ Projects/ 1000+ Researchers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Research Activities PlanetLab/GENI

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Research ActivitiesPlanetLab/GENI

Aki Nakao

Univ. of Tokyo / NICT

1AsianFI 2008 Summer School

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Similar Research Activity in Japan and Asia

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PlanetLabThe largest and most popular overlay network testbed

Currently consists of 863 nodes at 447 sites

800+ Projects/ 1000+ Researchers

JGN2/NICT collocate overlay nodes in Japan

Several Universities in Japan have joined

863 nodes447 sites40+ countries1000+ researchers800+ Projects

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Brief History of PlanetLab

PlanetLab 1.0 (2002-3)UNIX account slivers

PlanetLab 2.0 (2003-4)Vserver slivers

PlanetLab 3.0 (2004-2006)PLCAPI 1.0

PlanetLab 4.0 (2007-)MyPLC1.0Federation Idea

PlanetLab 4.2 (2008)Federation (PLE, PLJ, (PLK, PLC,=>PLA?))New Development (RSpec/GENI-wrapper, New Node Type, Monitoring, QA,VINI)

We are here

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New Generation Network and Overlay Network Test-bed

What is Overlay

Network Testbed for ?


Creation of Ideas

Evaluation at LabsPublish

Evaluation at Planetary ScaleAcquire Users (Pilot Services)

Establish Innovative BusinessContributions to SocietyNew Generation Network

Our Goals

Overlay Test-beds Enables These

Limitations in Prior Models

Innovation Feedback Cycle

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CoDeeN: Partial Replication CDN


client server surrogate
















→ PlanetWorks (2007-)

Large File Transfer! Faster than BitTorrent!

→ Coblitz(2007-)

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What made PlanetLab successful?

Centralized trust

Centralized resource control

Decentralized management (unbundled management)

The bandwidth as free

Provide only best-effort service

Make Linux the execution environment

Do not provide distributed OS services (up to users)

Evolve the API

Self-Scaling Architecture[Tom Anderson, Timothy Roscoe, “Learning from PlanetLab”, WORLDS’06]

[Aki Nakao]7AsianFI 2008 Summer School

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Self-Scaling Architecture (as in P2P)

ConsortiumLoosely bound

Membership AgreementDonate a few resources

• At least two machines (minimum H/W requirement)

• Bandwidth

“Tit-for-Tat” • Resource reciprocity

The more join, the more useful the system becomesPrimary incentives in P2P applications

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PlanetLab Architecture

PLC(PlanetLab Central)

PlanetLab Architecture

The Internet










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PlanetLab New Generation

PlanetLabNG = GENI PrototypePlanetLab 4.2 + geniwrapper

PLC wrapper: prototype done, integration underwayNM wrapper: prototype in progress

Wrapper includes…interfacesnamespacessecurity mechanisms

Migration planseed registries from PLC’s DBCurrent and new interfaces coexistunbundle PLC over timeexperiment with peering

Overview, Deconstructing PLC and Meeting Notes (Larry Peterson)]

[PlanetLab Developer's MeetingMay 13-14, 2008 (Princeton University)


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GENI (briefly) with courtesy to GPO

Global Environment for Network Innovation

How we use GENI, how we build GENI?

GENI Spiral 1 / Prototype

Disclaimer: I have been granted permission to use these slides from Chip Elliott and Aaron Falk

And present these on behalf of them so that we share what is going on outside Asia.

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The GENI Vision A national-scale suite of facilities to explore radical designsfor a future global networking infrastructure

Mobile Wireless Network Edge Site

Sensor Network

Federated International Infrastructure

Programmable & federated, with end-to-end virtualized “slices”

Heterogeneous,and evolving over time viaspiral development

Deeply programmableVirtualized

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How to use GENI: A bright idea

I have a great idea! The original Internet architecture was designed to connect one computer to another – but a better architecture would be fundamentally based on PEOPLE and CONTENT!

That will never work! It won’t scale! What about security? It’s impossible to implement or operate! Show me!

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Trying it out

My new architecture worked great in the lab, so now I’m going to try a larger experiment for a few months.

And so he poured his experimental software into clusters of CPUs and disks, bulk data transfer devices (‘routers’), and wireless access devices throughout the GENI suite, and started taking measurements . . .

He uses a modest slice of GENI, sharing its facilities with many other concurrent experiments.

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It turns into a really good idea

Boy did I learn a lot! I’ve published papers, the architecture has evolved in major ways, and I’m even attracting real users!

His experiment grew larger and continued to evolve as more and more real users opted in . . .

Location-based social networks are really cool!

His slice of GENI keeps growing, but GENI is still running many other concurrent experiments.

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Experiment turns into reality

My experiment was a real success, and my architecture turned out to be mostly compatible with today’s Internet after all – so I’m taking it off GENI and spinning it out as a real company.

I always said it was a good idea, but way too conservative.

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Moral of this storyGENI is meant to enable . . .

Trials of new architectures, which may or may notbe compatible with today’s Internet

Long-running, realistic experiments with enough instrumentation to provide real insights and data

‘Opt in’ for real users into long-running experiments

Large-scale growth for successful experiments, so good ideas can be shaken down at scale

A reminder . . .GENI itself is not an experiment !

GENI is a suite of facilities on which experiments run

GENI creates a huge opportunity for ambitious research!GENI creates a huge opportunity for ambitious research!

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GENI Spiral 1 has now begun!First results expected in 6-12 months

GENI Project Office Announces $12M forCommunity-Based GENI Prototype Development July 22, 2008

The GENI Project Office, operated by BBN Technologies, an advanced technologies solutions firm, announced today that it has been awarded a three year grant worth approximately $4M a year from the US National Science Foundation to perform GENI design and risk-reduction prototyping.

The funds will be used to contract with 29 university-industrial teams selected through an open, peer-reviewed process. The first year funding will be used to construct GENI Spiral 1, a set of early, functional prototypes of key elements of the GENI system.

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1st GENI Solicitation – proposal areas

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Generous Donations to GENI Prototyping

Internet2 and National Lambda Rail

40 Gbps capacity for GENI prototyping on two national footprintsto provide Layer 2 Ethernet VLANs as slices (IP or non-IP)

National Lambda RailUp to 30 Gbps nondedicated bandwidth

Internet210 Gbps dedicated bandwidth

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GENI Engineering ConferencesMeet every 4 months to review progress together

3rd meeting Oct. 28-31, 2008 in Palo Alto, open to allReviews current GENI status, Working Group meetingsAlso discuss GPO solicitation, how to submit a proposal, evaluation process & criteria, how much money, etc. Travel grants to US academics for participant diversity

Subsequent Meetings, open to all who fit in the roomHeld at regular 4-month periodsHeld on / near university campuses (volunteers?)All GPO-funded teams required to participateSystematic, open review of each Working Group status(all documents and prototypes / trials / etc.)Also time for Working Groups to meet face-to-faceResults in prioritized list for next round of prototype funding areas (priorities decided by NetSE Council and GPO)

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Our Research Activities wrt PL/GENI Network Virtualization Research Lab

Recruiting PostDocs/Ph.D. students

Private PlanetLab InfrastructureGENI / VINI / PlanetLab

JGN2+ and JGN3

Federation of Test-BedsWithin Japan and Asia

With U.S. and Europe (OneLab2)

AKARINew Generation Network Research

Virtualization as an Architecture

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CORE: Private PlanetLab


Collaborative Overlay Research Environment Overlay test-bed based on “Private PlanetLab” Provision resources for mission critical services

Features we would like to have… Custom hardware to optimize overlay forwarding PoP/Core collocation (nodes “inside” network) Custom hardware to optimize overlay forwarding

Federation (e.g. PlanetLab, OneLab) Target overlay research

Not just on distributed system apps More on network core architectures

Utilize both private & public environments Local v.s. Global / Provisioned v.s. Best-Effort

New Generation Perspectives to Overlay NetworkNew Generation Perspectives to Overlay Network

- Testbed for prototype and evaluate a new generation network design- Evolutional nature of overlay network to incorporate into the design

• 10 sites, 52 servers• Multi-Homed













Hiroshima U.

Kochi-techOsaka U.

NICT Koganei

NICT Otemachi

U. Tokyo

Tohoku U.

Sapporo Medical U.



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PlanetLab Federation in Japan







Osaka Keihanna









Hiroshima U.

Kochi-techOsaka U. NICT Koganei

NICT Otemachi

U. Tokyo

Tohoku U.

Sapporo Medical U.



• GENI-like test-bed• Network virtualization research• Prototype of virtual routers

• GENI-like test-bed• Network virtualization research• Prototype of virtual routers

• Operate public nodes• Federation with PLC/PLE/PLA• Boost PlanetLab community

• Operate public nodes• Federation with PLC/PLE/PLA• Boost PlanetLab community

• JGN2plus official service• Private PlanetLab• Promote PlanetLab in Japan

• JGN2plus official service• Private PlanetLab• Promote PlanetLab in Japan

Public Production

Research (Beta)

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Net-Virt Lab MembersNAKAO Akihiro (Project Leader)YAMAMOTO Shu (KDDI)NAKAUCHI KiyohideOZAKI RyotaNISHIDA Yuji

Joined from abroad…Kurt TUTSCHK (Germany)Aun HAIDER (New Zealand)Yufeng WANG (China)Richard Potter (U.S.)Du Ping (China)…inviting more researchers3 more candidates (foreign)

Maoke ChenJonWong Kim

MURATA Masayuki (Advisory)

ATA Shingo


KAMEI Satoshi (NTT Lab)

KAWAHARA Ryoichi (NTT Lab)

Eng LUA (NTT Lab)

ENOMOTO Nobuyuki (NEC)


NISHIKI Ken’ya (Hitachi)

• SATOH Hiroki (Hitachi)

• MATSUI Susumu (Hitachi)

SHUDO Kazuyuki (Utagoe/NICT)

KDDI Lab people

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Research Lab Location

• Hakusan, Tokyo (near Utokyo)

3-Floors (3F, 4F, 6F)

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Our Research Activities wrt PL/GENI

• Network Virtualization Research Lab– Recruiting PostDocs/Ph.D. students

• Private PlanetLab Infrastructure– GENI / VINI / PlanetLab– JGN2+ and JGN3

• Federation of Test-Beds– Within Japan and Asia– With U.S. and Europe (OneLab2)

• AKARI– New Generation Network Research – Virtualization as an Architecture

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