Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L



Transcript of Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Page 1: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L

Page 2: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L

Page 3: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L

Page 4: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L

Page 5: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Storyboard Part L

Page 6: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Shot list Shot/Angles Description

Establishing shot/ two shot As Melane and Aurora walks out of school

Over the shoulder shot As they are talking in front of school.

Establishing shot Saying goodbye to each other.

Long shot

Mid shotMelane walking home.

Close up shot Showing her face/weak

Long shot Opening the 1st door

Tilt As walking up the stairs

Mid shot -Opening the 2nd door-entering the door-walking to room

Close up shot Putting bag on floor

Long shot Walking in the kitchen ( to go to the fridge)

Mid shot Opening the fridge to get some food.

Close up shot Melane getting food from fridge

Part L

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Shot/Angles DescriptionLong shot Walking to microwave to heat up the

foodMid shot -opening the micro to heat up food

-eating the food

Mid shot Leaving the kitchen

Long shot -entering her bedroom-standing in front of mirror

Close up shot Clothes falling down.

Part L

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Part M

Page 9: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Melane walks up the stairs, going into her bedroom. Takes off jacket and bag.

Then, she gets straight into the kitchen and opens the fridge.

She takes the food from the fridge, and puts food into the microwave, and she takes the food into the eating area and eats.

She enters her bedroom, goes in front of the mirror, takes her clothes off (stays on her underwear) and compares herself to the magazine models. (Magazine on the floor)


Why can’t I be like them ????

Melane puts on the robe, she starts crying and runs into the bathroom.She kneels down in front of the toilet, and puts her fingers down her throat to force herself to vomit.

Part M

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After She makes her way to open the bath tab. She takes off her robe slowly. She enters the bath, and she lays in the bath and her legs are out of the bath.


Part M

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How are we applying the Theories of Todorov


To be Balance


To be Unbalanced


New Balanced

Girl goes to school to studyNormal teenager life. Good relationship with Family.

Eating disorder, when friends looks down to her, looks at models pictures in magazine and feel fat

The reason why we are not including New balanced its because the girl doesn't’t find a way to became balanced again during the opening sequence .

Only at the end of the film… when she becomes a model.

Part N

Vanessa Justino

Page 12: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

How are we applying the Theories of Prop

• Flashback - A scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached

• - There is not any flashback in our opening sequence, because the action doesn’t need to be seen back in time, we don’t want to give too much information for the viewers to make sure it builds enigma. (find out why she is has this disorder, how it started )

Part O

Andreea Cristea

Page 13: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

Flash-forward -scene that takes the narrative forward in time from the current point of the story in media or literature.

There is not flash forward in our opening sequence, because the story line is happening in the present and we don't want to give away what will it happen in the future with her

Part O

Andreea Cristea

Page 14: Reseach and planning draft 4 part 5

How are we applying the Theories of Strauss

• A pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning

• E.g. alive or dead

• Warm or cold

• Day or night

Part P

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Theories of Strauss in our opening sequence

Sad or HappyDepressed or confident

Melane’s character is mostly negative, because she is sad, confused, depressed

Aurora’s character is the opposite of Melane, she is confident, happy, always positive.

Part P