Requirements and Acceptance Tests: Yes, They Go Together

Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Better Software Through Collaboration Copyright © 2011 Net Objectives 1 [email protected] 1 Copyright © 2007 Net Objectives. All Rights Reserved. 2 June 2015 Requirements and Tests – Yes They Go Together May 2015 2 Copyright © 2007 Net Objectives. All Rights Reserved. 2 June 2015 Ken Pugh ken.pugh Photo Size: Height: 2.25 Position: from top left corner Horizontal 0.75 Vertical 1. Picture Style: Simple Black Frame No code goes in till the test goes on. A journey of two thousand miles begins with a single step. Fellow Consultant OOA&D, Design PaAerns, Lean, Scrum, TestDriven Development Over 2/5 century of soLware development experience Author of seven books, including: Prefactoring: Extreme Abstrac4on, Extreme Separa4on, Extreme Readability (2006 Jolt Award) Interface Oriented Design Lean Agile Acceptance TestDriven Development: BeDer SoEware Through Collabora4on

Transcript of Requirements and Acceptance Tests: Yes, They Go Together

Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Better Software Through Collaboration

Copyright © 2011 Net Objectives 1

[email protected]

1 Copyright © 2007 Net Objectives. All Rights Reserved. 2 June 2015

 Requirements  and  Tests  –  Yes  

They  Go  Together  

May 2015

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Ken  Pugh  


Photo Size: Height: 2.25 Position: from top left corner Horizontal 0.75 Vertical 1. Picture Style: Simple Black Frame

No code goes in till the test goes on. A journey of two thousand miles begins with a single step.

§  Fellow  Consultant  §  OOA&D,  Design  PaAerns,  Lean,  Scrum,  Test-­‐Driven  


§  Over  2/5  century  of  soLware  development  experience  

§  Author  of  seven  books,  including:  –   Prefactoring:  Extreme  Abstrac4on,  Extreme  

Separa4on,  Extreme  Readability    (2006  Jolt  Award)  

–   Interface  Oriented  Design  

–  Lean  Agile  Acceptance  Test-­‐Driven  Development:  BeDer  SoEware  Through  Collabora4on  

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§  Show  how  requirements  and  tests  are  complementary  facets  

§  How  to  create  requirements  and  tests  collabora2vely    

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Overall  Rule  

§  There  are  excep2ons  to  every  statement,  except  this  one  


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§  Introduc2on      §  Acceptance  Test  Examples  §  Test  Anatomy    §  Supplemental  



6 2 June 2015


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5  W’s  and  an  H    

§  ATDD    – What  are  they  – Who  creates  and  uses  them  – When  are  they  created  – Where  are  they  used  – Why  use  them  –  How  to  create  them  

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What Are Acceptance Tests?

§  Acceptance  Tests:    –  External  view  of  system    

§  Examine  externally  visible  effects  –  Inputs  and  outputs    –  State  changes    –  External  interfaces     User  


Service  Provider  

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§  Acceptance  criteria  –  General  ideas    

§  Acceptance  tests  –  Specific  tests  that  either  pass  or  fail  –  Implementa2on  independent        

§  Triad  –  customer  unit,  developer  unit,  tester  unit    

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Fast  Car  Example  

§ Who  wants  a  fast  car?  §  Criteria  –  Run  on  a  closed  course,  measure  accelera2on    

§  Test  –  Detail  accelera2on  (0  to  60  mph  in  X  seconds)    

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ATDD  as  a  Prism  




Fast Car


Top Speed

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§  Rework  Down  from  60%  to  20%  § Workflows  Working  First  Time  §  LiAle  Room  for  Miscommunica2on  §  Saving  Time  §  Gefng  Business  Rules  Right  §  Game  Changing  §  Tighter  Cross-­‐Func2onal  Team  Integra2on  §  Crisp  Visible  Story  Comple2on  Criteria  §  Automa2on  Yields  Reduced  Tes2ng  Time  

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Value  Stream  Map  –  Classical  Development  

Elicit  Requirements  

Analyze  Requirements   Design    

Code   Test  

Why go back?


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Why  Mistakes?  

§ Misunderstandings,  missed  requirements,  mis-­‐other    

§  Feedback  helps  to  correct  misunderstandings    §  Quick  feedback  beAer  than  slow  feedback  

Desired Actual Actual

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Value  Stream  Map  –  Agile  Development  

Elicit  Requirements  

Analyze  Requirements  With  Tests  


Code  With  Tests   Deploy  

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Move  Tes2ng  Forward  

§  Two  types  of  tes2ng    §  AAemp2ng  to  find  defects                – is  WASTE  §  AAemp2ng  to  prevent  defects    –  is  ESSENTIAL  

§ When  are  defects  found?  –  Preven2on  is  just  early  detec2on    

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The    Team  

§  Customer  Unit    -­‐  develops  the  requirements  –  Product  Owner  –  Business  analysts  –  Users    –  Quality  Assurance    

§  Developer  /  Tester  Unit  –  develops  the  implementa2on  –  Programmers  –  Testers    

§  The  Triad    –  Customer,  developer,  tester    

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Who  Does  What  

§  Author  the  tests  (write)  –  Triad  -­‐  customer,  tester,  developer  

§  Connect  tests  to  system  (bind)  –  Developer  

§  Run  the  tests  (run)    –  Developers,  testers,  customers  –  Automated  –  part  of  build    

Test   write   bind   run  

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Usually  the  Case  

Code  write   run  bind  

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A  BeAer  Way  

Code  write  



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Requirements  and  Tests  

§  Requirements  and  tests  are  inter-­‐related    –  You  can’t  have  one  without  the  other    

§  Failing  test  is  a  requirement  –  Passing  test  denotes  specifica2on  on  how  system  works  

22 2 June 2015

Acceptance  Test  Examples  

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First Example

§  Input  Temperature  in  Celsius,  Output  Temperature  in  Fahrenheit    §  What  tests  would  you  run?    


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Input and Output Example (continued)

Celsius   Fahrenheit   Notes  0   32  100   212   Needed?  -­‐273.15   -­‐459.7   Precision?  -­‐273.151   Error   Below  0  Kelvin    500   932   Maximum  –  Needed?  

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Input and Output – “Unit Tests”

Celsius   Fahrenheit   Notes  0   32  100   212   Needed?  

Celsius   Fahrenheit   Notes  -­‐273.15   -­‐459.67   Precision  

Formula Tests

Precision Tests

Celsius   Fahrenheit   Notes  -­‐273.15   -­‐459.67   0  Kelvin    -­‐273.151   Error   Below  0  Kelvin    500   932   Maximum  –  Needed?  

Limit Tests

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A  Business  Rule  Example  

If  Customer  Ra2ng  is  Good  and  the  Order  Total  is  less  than  or  equal  $10.00,      Then  do  not  give  a  discount,        Otherwise  give  a  1%  discount.  

If  Customer  Ra2ng  is  Excellent,      Then  give  a  discount  of  1%  for  any  order.    

If  the  Order  Total  is  greater  than  $50.00,              Then  give  a  discount  of  5%.    

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Business  Rule  Table  =  Test  


Order  total   Customer  ra8ng   Discount  percentage?  

$10.00   Good   0%  

$10.01   Good   1%  

$50.01   Good   1%  

$.01   Excellent   1%  

$50.00   Excellent   1%  

$50.01   Excellent   5%  

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Ways  To  Implement  Test  

§  Tes2ng  script    §  Program  interface  §  Xunit  framework      §  ATDD  framework    

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Tes2ng  script    

§  Tester  creates  script  (usually  GUI  based).  §  Example:  –  Logon  as  Customer  who  is  rated  Good    –  Start  order  –  Put  items  in  the  order  un2l  the  total  is  exactly  $10.01  –  Complete  order  –  Check  it  shows  a  $.10  discount    

§  Repeat  for  other  five  cases      

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Program  interface  

§  Create  a  command  line  or  graphic  user  interface  


Discount Method

Discount Percentage Screen Customer Type: Good Order Total: 10.01 Percentage: 1 %

C:>DiscountPercentage Good 10.01 Percentage: 1%

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XUnit  Test  

class TestCase { testDiscountPercentageForCustomer() {

SomeClass o = new SomeClass()

assertEquals(0, o.computeDiscount(10.0, Good));

assertEquals(1, o.computeDiscount(10.01, Good));

assertEquals(1, o.computeDiscount(50.01, Good));

assertEquals(1, o.computeDiscount(.01, Excellent));

assertEquals(1, o.computeDiscount(50.0, Excellent));

assertEquals(5, o.computeDiscount(50.01, Excellent)); }


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Fit    (Table  =  Test)  


Order  total   Customer  ra8ng   Discount  percentage?  

10.00   Good   0  

10.01   Good   1  

50.01   Good   1  

.01   Excellent   1  

50.00   Excellent   1  

50.01   Excellent   5    

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Fit  Test  


Order  total   Customer  ra8ng   Discount  percentage?  

10.00   Good   0  

10.01   Good   1  

50.01   Good   Expected  1  Actual  5  

.01   Excellent   1  

50.00   Excellent   1  

50.01   Excellent   5    

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Tables  As  Requirement  and  Test    

Discount Rule Customer Rating Order Total Discount Percentage

Good <= $10.00 0% Otherwise 1%

Excellent Any 1% > $50.00 5%

Discount    Test  Order  total   Customer  ra8ng   Discount  percentage?  $10.00   Good   0%  $10.01   Good   1%  $50.01   Good   1%  $.01   Excellent   1%  $50.00   Excellent   1%  $50.01   Excellent   5%  



(Seems unclear)

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35 2 June 2015

Test  Anatomy  

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Scenario  Flow  

Ini2al  System  State  


Setup  (Given)  

Trigger  (When)  

Assert  (Then)  

Action or Event Expected  System  State  and  Output  

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Example  of  Scenario  

§  Given  (Setup)  –  Car  is  not  moving    

§ When  (Trigger)  –  Accelerator  pressed  

§  Then  (Assert)  –  60  MPH  reached  before  4.5  seconds  

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Test  Flow  

Ini2al  System  State  


Setup  (Given)  

Trigger  (When)  

Assert  (Then)  

Final  System  State  and  Output  

Action or Event

Expected  System  State  and  Output  


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Example  of  Test  Against  Scenario  

§  Given  (Setup)  –  Car  is  not  moving    

§ When  (Trigger)  –  Accelerator  pressed  

§  Then  (Verify)  –  Check  that  60  MPH  is  reached  before  4.5  seconds  

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Workflow  Example  

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§  Sam’s  Lawn  Mower  Repair  and  CD  Rental  Store  –  A  custom  soLware  package  for  CD  rentals.  


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User  Story  Examples    

§ As  the  clerk,  I  want  to  check  out  a  CD  for  a  customer.  

§ As  the  clerk,  I  want  to  check  in  a  CD  for  a  customer.  

§ As  the  inventory  maintainer,  I  want  to  know  where  every  CD  is—in  the  store  or  rented.    



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Use  Case  Example  

§  Name—Check  Out    CD.  §  Descrip8on—Check  out  a  CD  for  a  customer.  §  Actor—Clerk.    §  Pre-­‐condi8ons—The  customer  has  an  iden2fica2on.  The  CD  

has  an  iden2ty.    §  Post-­‐condi8ons—The  CD  is  recorded  as  rented.  The  rental  

contract  is  printed.  §  Main  Course:    

1.  The  clerk  enters  the  customer  iden2fica2on  and  CD  iden2fier  into  the  system.  

2.  The  system  records  the  informa2on.  3.    The  system  prints  a  contract  that  the  customer  signs.  



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Given  /  When  /  Then  Example  

§  Context:  Sam’s    Lawn  Mower  Repair  and  CD  Rental  Store  §  Given  (Setup)  

 Customer  has  ID  (ini2al  system  state)    CD  has  ID  (ini2al  system  state)    CD  is  not  currently  rented  (ini2al  system  state)  

§  When  (Trigger)    Clerk  checks  out  CD  (ac2on)    

§  Then    (Verify)    CD  recorded  as  rented  (final  system  state)    Rental  contract  printed  (output)    

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Full  Example  (1)  

Check  Out  CD  §  Given  Customer  has  ID              and  CD  has  ID              and  CD  is  not  currently  rented    

Customer Data

Name ID

James 007

CD Data

ID Title Rented

CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits No

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Full  Example  (2)  

§ When  a  clerk  checks  out  a  CD:  

Check Out CD

Enter Customer ID 007

Enter CD ID CD2

Execute Rent

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Full  Example  (3)  

§  Then  the  CD  is  recorded  as  rented  and  a  rental  contract  is  printed:    

CD Data

ID Title Rented Customer ID

CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits Yes 007

Rental Contract

Customer ID Customer Name CD ID CD Title

007 James CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits

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Full  Example  –  Extended  §  Given    

§  When  a  clerk  checks  out  a  CD  on:  


§  Then  a  rental  contract  is  printed:    Rental Contract

Customer ID Customer Name CD ID CD Title Due Fee 007 James CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits 1/3/2014 $3

Rental Fee Business Rule





Rental Time Business Rule


2 days

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The  Ac2on    

§  Can  drive  a  GUI  

§  Or  a  method    Rent(CustomerID aCustomer, CDID aCD);

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Example  of  Business  Rule  

CD  Rental  Rates  Business  Rule    Regular    $2  /  2  days  plus  $1  /  day    Golden  Oldie  $2  /  4  days  plus  $  .50  /  day  Hot  Stuff    $2  /  1  days  plus  $2  /  day  


CD  Rental  Rates    As  Table  

Type   Base  Rental  Period  Days  

Base  Rental  Fee   Extra  Day    Fee  

Regular   2   $2   $1  Golden  Oldie   4   $2   $.50  Hot  Stuff   1   $2   $2  

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Example  of  Business  Rule  Test  

CD  Rates  Test    

Type   Days   Cost?  Regular   2   $2  Golden  Oldie   5   $2.50  Hot  Stuff   6   $12  Hot  Stuff   50     IGBTYOT    

CD  Rental  Rates  Business  Rule    Regular    $2  /  2  days  plus  $1  /  day    Golden  Oldie  $2  /  4  days  plus  $  .50  /  day  Hot  Stuff    $2  /  1  days  plus  $2  /  day  


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Business  Rule  and  Flow  Tests  

§  Use  cases  /  scenarios  usually  include  business  rules.  §  Test  every  business  rule  separately    §  Flow  test  (of  scenario)  –  Uses  one  varia2on  of  business  rule    

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Full  Flow  Example  Revisited  Check  Out  CD  

Given  Customer  has  ID;  CD  has  ID  and  not  currently  rented    

   and  one  varia2on  of  business  rule  for  Rental  Rates  

Customer Data Name ID James 007

CD Data ID Title Rented Type CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits No Regular

CD  Rental  Rates    As  Table  

Type   Base  Rental  Period  Days  

Base  Rental  Fee   Extra  Day    Fee  

Regular   2   $2   $1  

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Full  Flow  Example  –  Extended  

§ When  a  clerk  checks  out  a  CD  on:  


§  Then  a  rental  contract  is  printed:    Rental Contract

Customer ID Customer Name CD ID CD Title Due Fee

007 James CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits 1/3/2014 $2



Check Out CD

Enter Customer ID 007

Enter CD ID CD2

Execute Rent

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§  Acceptance  tests  are  not  a  subs2tute  for  interac2ve  communica2on    –  They  can  provide  focus  for  that  communica2on  

§  Tests  in  business  domain  terms    –  Shared  between  customer  unit  and  developer  unit  


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§  Tests  and  automa2on  should  be  developed  separately.      –  Understand  the  test  first  –  Then  explore  how  to  automate  it.  

§  Automate  tests  for  regression    –  Use  in  con2nuous  build    

§  As  much  as  prac2cal,  cover  100%  of  the  func2onal  requirements  by  acceptance  tests.    

§  Can  break  down  stories  by  acceptance  tests    –  One  acceptance  test  per  story          

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Tes2ng  Strategies  

Meszaros, XUNIT TEST PATTERNS: REFACTORING TEST CODE, Fig 6.1 "Purpose of Tests" p. 51, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc

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59 2 June 2015

Not  an  Ending,  But  a  Beginning  

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§  Primary  goals  –  Discover  ambiguous  requirements  and  gaps  in  requirements  early  on.  

–  Create  a  record  of  business/development  understanding.  

§  Secondary  goals  –  Use  acceptance  tests  as  an  executable  regression  test.  – Measure  the  complexity  of  requirements.  –  Use  the  tests  as  a  basis  for  user  documenta2on.    

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[email protected]

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Go  Forth  and  Become  

Acceptance  Test  Creators  

   Thank  You  


[email protected]

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Supplemental  Slides  

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Context  Diagram  

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Context  Diagram    

§  A  context  diagram  shows  scope  


External Actors


Input / Output


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CD  Rental  Diagram  



Credit Card Processor




Send Transaction


Update Rental Info

Retrieve Rental

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External  Interfaces  

§  Connec2ons  to  external  systems  need  to  have  test  doubles  (mocks)  –  They  are  stand-­‐ins  for  real  system  during  tes2ng    –  Random  events  may  need  to  simulated    

§  Test  doubles  give  repeatability  and  speed    –  Cheaper  if  have  to  pay  for  service    

External system, device, service

Random events


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CD  Rental  Diagram  (Revisited)    


Clerk Test Double (UI or Mid-tier)

Credit Card Processor Test Double

Database Test Double



Send Transaction


Update Rental Info

Retrieve Rental

68 Copyright © 2007 Net Objectives. All Rights Reserved. 2 June 2015

Context  of  Automobile  

Drive  shaL    

Acceleration De-acceleration Movement


Engine     Wheels  


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Alterna2ve  Design  of  Automobile  

Acceleration De-acceleration Movement



Engine  Controller  


70 2 June 2015

Cucumber  Version  

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Cucumber  Version    

Scenario Outline: Compute discount Given total is <OrderTotal> and rating is "<CustomerRating>" When I compute discount Then percent is <DiscountPercentage> Examples: |OrderTotal|CustomerRating|DiscountPercentage| |10.00 |Good |0 | |10.01 |Good |1 | |50.01 |Good |1 | |0.01 |Excellent |1 | |50.00 |Excellent |1 | |50.01 |Excellent |5 |    

72 Copyright © 2007 Net Objectives. All Rights Reserved. 2 June 2015

Alterna2ve  (2)    

Cucumber  /  Specflow  with  Tables    

Feature: Check Out As a store clerk I want check out a CD for a customer So that I keep track of where the CDs are Scenario: Normal Check Out Given customer exists: |ID | Name | |007| James| And CD exists: |ID | Title | Rented | |CD2 | "Beatles Greatest Hits" | No | When CD "CD2" is checked out to Customer "007" Then CD is now: |ID | Title | Rented | CustomerID | |CD2 | "Beatles Greatest Hits" | Yes | 007 | And rental contract produced: |CustomerID | CustomerName | CDID | CDTitle | |007 | James | CD2 | Beatles Greatest Hits |

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Usually  the  Case  

Code  write   run  bind  

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A  BeAer  Way  

Code  write  



76 2 June 2015

Process  Notes  

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Process  Note  (1)  

Requirement Testable Requirement

Developable Requirement

At least one example for each test

Not schedulable Preferably all examples for all tests

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Process  Note  (2)  

Code  write  



Code  write  



Write previous iteration

Write within iteration

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ReseTng  Tests  

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Resefng  Tests  

§  Changes  in  system  state  need  to  be  reset  before  running  test  again  

§  Some  ways  –  Another  test  that  reverses  state  (e.g.  Check  In  CD)    –  Set  persistent  storage  back  to  original  state    

§  For  just  affected  records  (CD)    §  For  all  records  (en2re  database)    

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Full  Example  (1)  

Check  In  CD  §  Given  CD  is  rented    

CD Data

ID Title Rented Customer ID

CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits Yes 007

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Full  Example  (2)  

§ When  a  clerk  checks  in    CD:  

Check Out CD

Enter CD ID CD2

Execute Return

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Full  Example  (3)  

§  Then  the  CD  is  recorded  as  not  rented  

CD Data

ID Title Rented

CD2 Beatles Greatest Hits No