REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington...

CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 401 N. Morton St. Bloomington, IN 47404 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS For PARKING GARAGE AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE UPGRADES RFP #2018-PW-PARCS Release Date: February 16, 2018 Pre-Proposal Meeting Date: February 27, 2018 Submittal Date: March 6, 2018 Affirmative Action Plan Due: March 5, 2018

Transcript of REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington...

Page 1: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


Bloomington, IN 47404





Release Date: February 16, 2018

Pre-Proposal Meeting Date: February 27, 2018

Submittal Date: March 6, 2018

Affirmative Action Plan Due: March 5, 2018

Page 2: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


1.1 BACKGROUND: ................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: ............................................................................................................. 1

1.3 LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS: ......................................................................................... 1

1.4 QUALIFICATIONS: ............................................................................................................. 1

1.5 SELECTION PROCESS: ........................................................................................................ 1

1.6 AWARD: .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.7 KEY DEADLINE DATES: ....................................................................................................... 2


2.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ....................................................................................................... 3

2.2 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: ................................................................................................................ 3

2.3 PROPOSAL COSTS: .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.4 ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: ......................................................................................................... 3

2.5 COMPLIANCE: ................................................................................................................................. 4

2.6 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING (Mandatory): ......................................................................................... 4

2.7 INQUIRIES: ...................................................................................................................................... 4

2.8 PROPOSAL FORMAT: ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.9 ADDENDA:....................................................................................................................................... 5


3.1 EVALUATION METHOD: .................................................................................................................. 5

3.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SCORING: .......................................................................................... 6


4.1 VENDOR/CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION: ........................................................................................ 7

4.2 PAYMENT PREFERENCE: ................................................................................................................. 7

4.3 TAX EXEMPTION: ............................................................................................................................ 7

4.4 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN: .......................................................................................................... 7

4.5 CONTRACT SUBMITTAL: ................................................................................................................. 7

4.6 AFFIDAVITS: .................................................................................................................................... 8

4.7 PERFORMANCE BOND: ................................................................................................................... 8

4.8 PAYMENT BOND: ............................................................................................................................ 9

4.9 RETAINAGE: .................................................................................................................................... 9

4.10 INDIANA STATE FORM 96: .............................................................................................................. 9

Page 3: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


5.1 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: ............................................................................................... 9

5.2 FACIILTY INFORMATION: ................................................................................................................ 9

5.3 GENERAL INFORMATION: ............................................................................................................. 10

5.4 MONTHLY PARKING: ..................................................................................................................... 11

5.5 TRANSIENT PARKING: ................................................................................................................... 11

5.6 EQUIPMENT: ................................................................................................................................. 12

5.7 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: ...................................................................................................... 13

5.8 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DATABASE & SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES: .................................... 14

5.9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: ........................................................................................................ 14

5.10 HOTEL REQUIREMENTS: ............................................................................................................... 16

5.11 HOTEL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ........................................................................................... 17

5.12 BLOOMINGTON IT REQUIREMENTS: ............................................................................................ 17


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN (EXHIBIT A): ............................................................................................... 19

E-VERIFY AFFIDAVIT (EXHIBIT B): ............................................................................................................ 25

NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (EXHIBIT C): ............................................................................................... 26

DRUG POLICY AFFIDAVIT (EXHIBIT D): .................................................................................................... 27

STATE FORM 96 (EXHIBIT E): ................................................................................................................... 29

Page 4: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms for the removal, and replacement of the Parking Access Revenue Control System and hardware currently in use at three (3) parking garages located in Bloomington, Indiana.


1.1 BACKGROUND: The City of Bloomington maintains three public parking structures that offer approximately 1,240 parking spaces for rent by the hour, daily, or monthly. All garages are gated and monitored twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Each garage has one (1) entry lane, two (2) exist lanes, and one (1) Pay-on-Foot station.

4th Street Garage: Located at 105 West 4th Street between Walnut Street and College Avenue.

Morton Street Garage: Located at 245 North Morton Street between 6th and 7th Street.

Walnut Street Garage: Located at 300 North Walnut Street between 7th and 8th Street.

1.2 SCOPE OF WORK: The Scope of Work will include, but not limited to, the removal and replacement of all existing gate arms and boxes, Pay-on-Foot (POF) stations, entry gate lanes and all hardware related to the automated parking equipment for all three (3) garages. The selected proposer will also be responsible for the upgrade or replacement of the Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS) currently being used to manage and control activities at all parking garages listed above. The selected Firm will be responsible for the provision of material, equipment, labor, software, hardware, and training for the installation of a new PARCS system and hardware which is compliant with the specifications and functional requirements contained within this request. 1.3 LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS: All relevant employees shall have all valid and up-to-date licenses required by the State of Indiana necessary for this type of project. 1.4 QUALIFICATIONS: Firms shall be responsive, responsible, and have the capability, experience, and personnel to render the services requested. Firms shall also have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience working with municipalities and shall be able to provide documentation that verifies this experience. 1.5 SELECTION PROCESS: All proposals deemed responsive to this request will be reviewed. Selection of the successful Firm will be based on multiple factors including cost, experience, ability, and references. The City may make an award to the Firm which submits a proposal, with the approval of the Board of Public Works, to the Firm who submits a proposal judged by the City to be the most advantageous.

Page 5: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


The Firm or an authorized Agent may withdraw a proposal upon written request before the scheduled closing time for accepting proposals. Negligence on the part of the Firm preparing their proposal confers no right to withdraw his or her response after the scheduled closing time for filing proposals. All proposals submitted shall remain open and valid until the proposal has been rejected, or accepted, and awarded. Furthermore, the City may reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities or informalities in a proposal, and to issue a new or modified request, or cancel the RFP if it is found to be in the best interest of the City. Discussions and negotiations may take place with the short list of Firms to ensure clarification and to obtain a best and final offer. 1.6 AWARD: Once the proposals are opened and evaluated by the City, taking into consideration the criteria stipulated in this RFP, the City, through its Board of Public Works, may make an award to the proposer who submits the proposal judged by the City to be the most advantageous. The award, if issued, will be issued at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Public Works. 1.7 KEY DEADLINE DATES:

Event Time Day Date RFP Issuance Date N/A Friday February 16, 2018

Pre-Proposal Meeting 10:30 a.m. Local Time Tuesday February 27, 2018

Proposal Inquiries Due 12:00 p.m. Local Time Thursday March 1, 2018

Responses to Inquiries Due 5:00 p.m. Local Time Friday March 2, 2018

Affirmative Action Plan Due 5:00 p.m. Local Time Monday March 5, 2018

Proposal Submittal Deadline 4:30 p.m. Local Time Tuesday March 6, 2018

Proposal Opening - Board of Public Works Meeting 5:30 p.m. Local Time Tuesday March 6, 2018

The Board reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust the RFP key deadline dates as it deems necessary. Any adjustment of the Deadline Dates shall constitute an RFP addendum. Any addenda will be posted on the City’s RFP Information web page listed below, and it is the responsibility of each Proposer to confirm no addenda have been issued before submitting their proposals.

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2.1 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Sealed proposals shall be submitted to the attention of the City of Bloomington Board of Public Works to the mailing address shown below. Submittals must include three (3) copies printed front and back on recycled paper and one (1) electronic PDF copy on a flash drive. All submittals shall be marked “RFP #2018-PW-PARCS”. Submittals will be due to the address listed below on or before 4:30 p.m. local time, March 6, 2018. No emailed or facsimile proposals will be accepted. Sealed proposals will be opened, and each Firm’s name will be read aloud, at the City of Bloomington Board of Public Works meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. local time. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers located at 401 N Morton Street, Bloomington, Indiana. Any proposals received after the deadline will be returned unopened.

Submit Proposals To: Mailing Address: Bloomington Board of Public Works Attn: Kyla Cox Deckard, President 401 N. Morton St., Ste. 120 Bloomington, IN 47404 2.2 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: Each proposal must be received by the date and time set for closing receipt of proposals. The envelope shall be identified with the RFP Title, the name of the submitting firm, and the date and time of closing. No electronic or facsimile proposals will be accepted. Note: Any deviation from this requirement may result in your proposal being considered non-responsive, thus eliminating your Firm from further consideration.

It is the responsibility of each Proposer to assure actual delivery of proposal documents with the City prior to the submittal deadline. To confirm receipt of your submittal, please contact Christina Smith at 812.349.3589 or [email protected].

2.3 PROPOSAL COSTS: Those submitting proposals do so entirely at their expense. There is no expressed or implied obligation by the City to reimburse any individual or firm for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting proposals, or providing additional information when requested by the City. This includes, but is not limited to, costs for travel and per diem, attending interviews, providing presentations or demonstrations, and participating in contract negotiation sessions. 2.4 ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: Submission of any proposal indicates acceptance of the conditions and requirements contained in the Request for Proposal unless clearly and specifically noted otherwise in the submittal documents.

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The City of Bloomington also reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, in whole or in part, to waive any and all informalities, and to disregard all non-conforming, non-responsive or conditional proposals. 2.5 COMPLIANCE: The Proposer warrants and agrees that its performance under this contract will at all times comply with all local, state and federal laws, codes, rules, ordinances, and regulations. 2.6 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING: A mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for February 27, 2018, at 10:30 a.m. local time. The meeting will be held in the Hooker Conference Room. A tour of the project sites will occur immediately following the meeting with opportunities to pose questions. The City will either respond to questions or document questions for later response. Any follow-up site visit questions should be submitted as per instructions listed in Section 2.7. 2.7 INQUIRIES: It is the responsibility of each proposer to examine the RFP and to seek clarification in writing via email if the proposer does not understand any information or instructions. Questions regarding the RFP must be submitted via email. Submissions shall include “RFP #2018-PW-PARCS” in the subject line. The City assumes no liability for assuring accurate/complete/on time e-mail transmission and receipt. Inquiries must be submitted via email no later than 12:00 p.m. local time, March 1, 2018.

1. Be sure to reference the page number and paragraph within this RFP relevant to the question presented for clarification.

2. The City will respond to all inquiries within two (2) business days of submittal. 3. Any ambiguities or inconsistencies shall be brought to the attention of the City through

written communication via email by 12:00 p.m. local time, March 1, 2018.

Submit inquiries to:

Julie Martindale, Purchasing Manager [email protected]

812.349.3474 2.8 PROPOSAL FORMAT: To facilitate the evaluation of responses to this RFP, proposers are required to prepare their proposals in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section. Each proposer is required to submit the proposal in a sealed package. Firms whose proposal deviates from these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified at the discretion of the City. Qualified companies interested in performing the work described in this Request for Proposal shall provide the following information presented in a clear, comprehensive, and concise manner illustrating the Firm’s capabilities and expertise.

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2.8.1 Firm Introductory Letter - Letter must state the name and title of the person(s) authorized to represent the Firm in any negotiations, the name(s) and titles(s) of persons authorized to sign any contract that may result from this RFP, the contact person’s name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address. A legal representative of the Firm authorized to bind the Firm in contractual matters must sign the Cover Letter and the Proposal. 2.8.2 Firm Qualifications – Provide a statement that documents the firm’s qualifications and as it relates to the experience described in the Scope of Work. The response should include the following:

a. Summary of the Firm’s general qualifications, specific disciplines that apply to the

proposed work, background, number of employees, and location or proximity of service and maintenance operations.

b. Outline the Firm’s capacity to carry out the scope and the extent of the work required. c. Provide a cost schedule for all services necessary to complete the project. d. Cost breakdown defined for each facility to provide the services outlined in the Scope of

Work. Please submit a detailed cost per line item. e. Provide references from the Firm’s three (3) most recent projects, including detailed

contact information. In addition, identify any municipal projects similar to the services requested in the Scope of Work.

2.8.3 Financial Statement Information – To determine the financial stability of a Firm, the Respondent shall include Firm’s financial statements, including an income statement and balance sheet for the two (2) most recent fiscal years. 2.9 ADDENDA: If revisions become necessary, the City will provide written addenda which will be posted on the City’s RFP website shown below. Any addenda issued by the City must be so noted on any proposals that are submitted to the City. The proposer shall contact the City to ascertain whether any addenda have been issued. Failure to do so could result in an unresponsive proposal.

PART III: EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS 3.1 EVALUATION METHOD: All proposals deemed responsive to this request will be evaluated. The City will consider the qualifications and demonstrated experience of each respondent, and the additional criteria listed in the Evaluation Criteria table in section 3.2. The award, if any, will be based upon the proposal that is determined to be the most advantageous to the City.

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3.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND SCORING: While cost is important, other factors are also significant. Consequently, the City may select a proposal other than the lowest cost proposal. The City’s goal is to choose the Firm capable of providing quality service and experience that will help the City achieve the goals within a reasonable budget.

Evaluation will be based on the criteria defined below.

Evaluation Criteria Table Possible Points

Responsiveness/Completion of Proposal Were all the requested data points such as reporting capabilities included with the proposal?


Experience/Qualifications Firm's experience working within the requested Service arena; firm's experience working with Municipalities and Private Parking Garages and the ability to complete the Scope of Work on time, and on budget.


Service Contract Did Firm supply service contract information as requested by RFP? Does the Service contract meet the requirements?


Proposed Solution and Scope of Services Does the Firm understand what it will take to successfully achieve the goals and objectives of the requested services? Did the Firm propose any revisions and/or changes to the Scope of Work that would better serve the City? How well does the Firm meet the technical and functional requirements as described in the Scope of Work?


Equipment Does the proposed equipment provide the necessary function as indicated in the Scope?


Software Does the proposed software meet all reporting needs and does it function within the scope requested? Did the Firm provide evidence of reporting and requirements listed in the scope?


Budget Does the budget seem reasonable for the Scope of Work proposed; does the budget provide the City good value?


Total Points Possible 100

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PART IV: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 VENDOR/CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION: Upon notification of an award, a Firm must meet the approval requirements of the City for becoming an approved vendor. Therefore the Firm shall submit a current and completed Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form (IRS Form W-9) to the Controller’s office as soon as they have been notified of an award or contract. A substitute IRS W-9 form can also be obtained from the City of Bloomington website located here: The completed documents must be submitted using one of the methods listed on the form. Please contact the Controller’s office at 812.349.3474 if you have any questions. 4.2 PAYMENT PREFERENCE: The City’s preferred method of payment is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Payments processed through an EFT save dollars by increasing efficiency and streamlining the payment process. This eliminates the cost of paper, printing, postage, paperwork, and time. If awarded a contract, the Firm shall submit a completed EFT form to the Controller’s office through one of the methods listed on the form. The form is located on the City of Bloomington website located here: Please contact the Controller’s office at 812.349.3474 if you have any questions. 4.3 TAX EXEMPTION: The City of Bloomington is exempt from payment of all state and federal sales taxes. Tax documents are available upon request. 4.4 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN (Exhibit A): Each Firm submitting a quote, proposal or bid over $10,000.00 shall submit and have approved by the City of Bloomington Contract Compliance Officer, Barbara McKinney, his/her written Affirmative Action Plan at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the submission deadline for requests. Proposals received that do not have an approved Affirmative Action Plan may be subject to disqualification. Each Firm must insure that all employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or housing status. All the protected classes must be included in your Affirmative Action Plan for it to be acceptable. In addition to other requirements, your plan MUST include a workforce breakdown, an internal grievance procedure, a non-retaliation statement, designation of a person by name or position who is responsible for implementation of the Plan, applicability to both applicants and employees, recruitment of minorities, equal access to training programs, and an explanation of your method of communicating the operations of your Affirmative Action Plan to employees and prospective applicants. Barbara McKinney, Contract Compliance Officer, may be contacted at (812) 349-3429, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Affirmative Action Plan paperwork is provided in this Request for Proposal.

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Please make sure you contact Barbara McKinney as soon as possible if your submittal is above $10,000. 4.5 CONTRACT SUBMITTAL: Each Firm shall submit a draft of their firm’s contract agreement with their submittal. Contact agreements are subject to review and approval by the city Legal Department prior to being signed by the Controller and the Board of Public Works members.

4.6 AFFIDAVITS: The selected Firm will also be required to execute the following affidavits for E-Verify and Non-Collusion as required by Indiana State statues.

E-VERIFY AFFIDAVIT (Exhibit B): Pursuant to Indiana Code 22-5-1.7-11, each Firm is required to enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all of its newly hired employees through the E-Verify program. An affidavit must be signed which affirms that the Firm does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. This affidavit is provided and should be submitted with your proposal.

NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (Exhibit C): Pursuant to Indiana Code 5-22-16-6, each Firm

is required to affirm it has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, corporation or partnership represented by Firm, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be offered by any person nor to prevent any person from making an offer nor to induce anyone to refrain from making an offer and that this offer is made without reference to any other offer. This affidavit is provided and should be submitted with your proposal.

DRUG POLICY AFFIDAVIT (Exhibit D): In accordance with Indiana Code 4-13-18-5, each

Firm that submits an offer for a public works project that is estimated to cost $150,000 or more shall submit with his/her offer a written plan for an employee drug testing program to test the employees of the contracting firm and subcontractors for drugs. The employee drug testing program must satisfy all the requirements contained in Indiana Code 4-13-18-6 for the policy to be deemed acceptable.

4.7 PERFORMANCE BOND: For all contracts in the amount of $100,000.00 or more, the Firm to whom a contract is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance Bond to the Owner in an amount equal to one-hundred (100%) percent of the contract price. The bond shall be executed on the form included in the Contract Documents by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Indiana and acceptable as surety to the Owner. Accompanying the bond shall be a “Power of Attorney” authorizing the attorney-in-fact to bind the surety company and certified to include the date of the bond. The surety on the Performance Bond cannot be released for one year, and the bond must require that the surety will not be discharged for:

Page 12: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


1. modifications, omissions, or additions; 2. defects in the contract; or 3. defects in the Proposal or awarding process.

4.8 PAYMENT BOND: For all contracts in the amount of $100,000.00 or more, a Payment Bond is required to insure payment of subcontractors, laborers, material suppliers, and persons furnishing services in an amount equal to one-hundred (100%) percent of the contract price. The Bond will be deposited with the Board, and its surety cannot be released until one year after the Board’s final settlement with the Firm. The bond must provide the same assurances as does the Performance Bond against conditions discharging the surety. 4.9 RETAINAGE: Contracts for public work in the amount of $100,000 for more, require retainage provisions. The retainage amount shall be placed in an escrow account. The City shall withhold five percent (5%) of the total contract dollar value for all work completed until the contract work is one hundred percent (100%) completed and approved by the City. 4.10 STATE FORM 96 (Contractor’s Bid for Public Work) (Exhibit E): While this is a Request for a Proposal, the scope of work does include a portion of work which will alter or improve a public building, because of this Firm’s will also be required to include a completed Indiana State Form 96 with their submittals. The form is included with this packet, and all sections are required to be completed and notarized. Proposals submitted without proper signatures and notarization will be considered invalid and shall be deemed non-compliant.


5.1 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: The selected Firm shall be responsible for the removal and replacement of all parking equipment which includes but not limited to gate arms and boxes, entry and exit gate lanes, Pay-on-Foot (POF) stations and all Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS) equipment and software. The Firm will be responsible for the installation, programming, testing, and training for the newly installed PARCS program. 5.2 FACILITIES INFORMATION: Information is listed below for each parking facility. A more detailed Information Grid is included in Figure A. 4th Street Garage located at 105 W 4th Street has the following access points:

• One (1) entry lane • Two (2) exit lanes • One (1) POF Station

Page 13: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - Bloomington, Indiana · 2018-07-10 · 1 . PURPOSE The City of Bloomington Board of Public Works (“City”) is requesting proposals from qualified firms


Morton Street Garage located at 245 N Morton Street has the following access points: • One (1) entry lane • Two (2) exit lanes • One (1) POF Station

Walnut Street Garage located at 300 N Walnut Street has the following access points: • One (1) entry lane • Two (2) exit lanes • One (1) POF Station

Figure A

Garage Locations 4th St. Garage 105 W 4th St.

Morton St. Garage 245 N Morton St.

Walnut St. Garage 300 N Walnut St.

Hours of Operation 24/7 24/7 24/7 Square Footage 26,620 per floor 30,020 per floor 25,254 per floor Number of Spaces 352 521 360 Number of Levels 4 8 6 Equipment Manufacturer Amano McGann Amano McGann Amano McGann

Lane Equipment Type Amano McGann Amano McGann Amano McGann Gate Manufacturer Amano McGann Amano McGann Amano McGann Number of Entry Gates 1 1 1 Number of Exit Gates 2 2 2 No. of Card Readers 3 3 3 Type of Card Readers Proximity Proximity Proximity No. of Tickets Issued Per Year 30,000 75,000 78,000

Proxcard Type Indala Indala Indala Entry Ticket Spitter Information

Entry Date and Time and lane #

Entry Date and Time and lane #

Entry Date and Time and lane #

Exit Ticket Spitter Information

Exit Date and Time and lane #

Exit Date and Time and lane #

Exit Date and Time and lane #

Cash Register No No No

Interface Program iPark Professional build 19.2

iPark Professional build 19.2

iPark Professional build 19.2

5.3 GENERAL INFORMATION: The City currently uses Amano McGann iPark Parking Technology for automated parking services. The Firm shall be responsible for replacing or upgrading all existing parking hardware, equipment, and software related to automated parking equipment and install new equipment according to specifications detailed in this proposal. The proposed system must comply with the following requirements:

1. All equipment must interface across a network. 2. Must be able to interface with the server over IP and LAN networks.

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3. Exit terminals, Entry terminals, and the POF stations must be able to calculate fees without server query.

4. Must comply with all federal laws in credit card processing. Selected Firm will be responsible for the following:

5.3.1 Replace or upgrade all existing gate arms, gate boxes, POF stations, entry gate lanes, exit gate lanes, and all hardware and software related to automated parking equipment and install new equipment according to specifications.

a. Replace all existing conduit. b. Install Metallic EMT 10-ft conduit to house electrical and communication wire from

junction boxes to each outlet. c. Install exterior use square ceiling/wall electrical boxes for junction boxes. d. Shall use weatherproof electrical outlet covers.

5.3.2 Firm shall coordinate with the City of Bloomington Parking Garage Manager and

the Information Technology (IT) Department representative to assure all hardware and software requirements are in compliance and installed correctly.

5.3.3 All low voltage wiring shall follow TIA/EIA standards. 5.3.4 When installing the new wiring, the Firm shall pull three (3) additional cables

through the main branch lines to allow for future equipment upgrades.

5.4 MONTHLY PARKING: Monthly Parking access points shall be either embedded in the entry/exit ticket systems or shall be set upon pedestals two feet (2 ft.) in front of the parking equipment. 5.5 TRANSIENT PARKING: Parking systems using magnetic stripe tickets are not acceptable and proposals including magnetic stripe tickets will not be considered. 5.5.1 Entry tickets shall display the date and time of entry.

5.5.2 Entry Stations tickets shall be Quick Response (QR) (preferred) coded tickets or barcoded tickets. 5.5.3 Exit Stations shall accept QR (preferred) coded, barcoded tickets, validation tickets, and have a credit card only processing option. 5.5.4 Pay-on-Foot Stations shall accept QR (preferred), barcoded tickets, validation tickets, cash and a credit card processing option.

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5.5.5 Every device must have Audio/Video capabilities to interact with customers and shall have “Help or Assistance” buttons available on every device. The Audio/Video equipment shall be capable of integrated interfacing with a Parker ™ Communication System.

5.6 EQUIPMENT: The following equipment shall be installed and operational at each facility listed below. 4th Street Garage

a. Entrance Station – Qty. (1) b. Transient Pay in Lanes – Qty. (2) c. Pay-on-Foot Station – Qty. (1) located next to the elevator on the ground floor. d. Monthly Proximity Readers – Qty. (3) Readers shall be located at each entry and exit

stations. Proximity readers shall be integrated into the Entry/Exit Stations (E/E) or placed two feet in front of the E/E Stations.

e. Entry/Exit Gates Boxes and Folding Gate Arms – Qty. (3) Shall be Magnetic Auto Controls with “break away” gate arms.

f. All Entry and Exit points shall be equipped with magnetic detection loops and include closing loops. These shall be a double loop system that includes an arming loop, closing loop, and necessary controllers.

Morton Street Garage

a. Entrance Station – Qty. (1) b. Transient Pay in Lanes – Qty. (2) c. Pay-on-Foot Station – Qty. (1) located next to the elevator on the ground floor. d. Monthly Proximity Readers – Qty. (3) Readers shall be located at each entry and exit

stations. Proximity readers shall be integrated into the Entry/Exit Stations (E/E) or placed two feet in front of the E/E Stations.

e. Entry/Exit Gates Boxes and Folding Gate Arms – Qty. (3) Shall be Magnetic Auto Controls with “break away” gate arms.

f. All Entry and Exit points shall be equipped with magnetic detection loops and include closing loops. These shall be a double loop system that includes an arming loop, closing loop, and necessary controllers.

Walnut Street Garage a. Entrance Station – Qty. (1) b. Transient Pay in Lanes – Qty. (2) c. Pay-on-Foot Station – Qty. (1) located next to the elevator on the ground floor. d. Monthly Proximity Readers – Qty. (3) Readers shall be located at each entry and exit

stations. Proximity readers shall be integrated into the Entry/Exit Stations (E/E) or placed two feet in front of the E/E Stations.

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e. Entry/Exit Gates Boxes and Folding Gate Arms – Qty. (3) Shall be Magnetic Auto Controls with “break away” gate arms.

f. All Entry and Exit points shall be equipped with magnetic detection loops and include closing loops. These shall be a double loop system that includes an arming loop, closing loop, and necessary controllers.


5.7.1 Firm shall be required to install a nested area at the 4th Street Garage basement for “Reserved Only” parking pass customers. The additional requirements shall include pouring a new island, installing card readers, gate arms, and all necessary wiring. 5.7.2 Firm shall add 3,000 proximity card monthly parking passes as part of the proposal. 5.7.3 Firm shall provide a separate line item cost for “reversible lanes” in the center lane at the Morton and 4th Street Garages. This shall be an optional item listed below the main proposal cost information. 5.7.4 Proposal shall include a cost for three (3) handheld devices with the ability to calculate fees and generate reports based on the data collected with the handheld devices. The devices must be able to interface with the newly installed, or upgraded equipment and software. 5.7.5 Proposal shall include a cost for a one (1) year service and maintenance contract, renewable annually, for service and repair of all industry standard items. The contract shall include the following: a. A four (4) hour service repair response time for service calls on equipment or software

during a firm’s normal business hours. b. Four (4) weekend service calls a year at no charge to the City. c. Major equipment repairs must be completed within a twenty-four (24) period after the

initial service repair call. d. Firm must maintain an inventory of parts needed to repair damaged or malfunctioning

equipment replaced within the scope of this proposal. e. Any equipment or waste removed shall be disposed of at the expense of the Firm. In

keeping with the sustainability goals of the City of Bloomington, this project will prioritize social equity, minimal environmental impact, reuse over recycling, and recycling over landfill disposal or incineration. To the extent possible, the contractor should locate end users for any reusable materials rather than simply recycling them, and prioritize materials that are locally sourced, contain recycled content or rapidly renewable resources, or otherwise meet City sustainability standards.

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5.8 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DATABASE AND SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES: Following are the minimum requirements for the parking software. Please list in detail any additional capabilities the proposed system can perform as a standard function of the software.

a. Maintain digital copies of all transactions for a minimum of ten (10) years in a

database accessible by staff. b. A digital back-up copy of the database, card access system, ticket transactions, and

user settings must be made every evening at 5:00 PM local time. c. Time of business reporting shall be from midnight to midnight – One complete

twenty-four (24) hour period, or as otherwise directed by management. d. Able to remotely log onto the system at any time from any computer that is

connected to a City of Bloomington Network. e. Able to support concurrent logins from multiple computers for any tasks needed

such as card activation, or report generation. f. Any licensing needs shall be included in the scope of work. g. Must have an active display of garage counts, user data, card access, and entry/exit

conditions at all times. h. Able to send automatic email alerts and reports to customers and management. i. Able to set fixed and programmable fees for Hotel card use. j. Capable of interfacing with GENEVA, PARIS, and ROME parking software and

upload parking data directly to the City of Bloomington server. k. Firm representatives shall work with the City of Bloomington IT Department and

have all server-side functions installed at City Hall in the IT Department.

5.9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: All software must meet current existing needs and allow for expansion should new facilities be added.

5.9.1 Must have a Card Access system that meets the following:

a. Able to automatically invoice parkers, and charge monthly parkers via credit card. b. Monthly Parking Cards must scale over 100,000. c. Must have detailed parker information in the parker database: (Name, Account

Number, Reserved Space Number, First Name, Last Name, Vehicle Make & Model, License Plate Number, and Last Use).

d. Able to lock out individual cards. e. Must have auto lockout feature available for delinquent accounts. f. Able to set cards for all access. g. Able to set cards for over-ride. h. Able to group parking cards into accounts. i. Must be able to offer a Timed Parking Pass or equivalent.

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j. Must be able to search for monthly cardholder within card access system using the following criteria:

i. Name, First or Last ii. Card Number

iii. Account Number/Account Name iv. License Plate Number v. Reserved/Stall #

vi. Vehicle Make/Model/Year vii. Address

j. Must have user groups to set card access and other privileges for end users. k. Must be able to “sync” all cards to neutral at any time. l. Must be able to set monthly parking cards by location and timeframe: Location

Specific, All Garages, and Timeframes such as 24/7, or M - F, and 6 AM – 6 PM. m. All monthly parking passes must be proximity cards.

5.9.2 Must have a Revenue Control system capable of:

a. Offering card validations. Firm shall add two (2) validations units as part of the scope as a separate line item.

b. Tracking tickets by fee, rate, entry time, exit time, and duration of stay.

5.9.3 Must have an Accounts Receivable system capable of: a. Emailing customers with billing information. b. Ability to email any report query. c. Generate Invoices for billing. d. A/R system must integrate with PARIS accounting software.

5.9.4 Must have a Count Monitor system capable of:

a. Displaying IN/OUT status in real-time. b. Displaying real-time information of gate arms (open/close), non-resettable

counters (NRC), and all E/E functions. c. Display Garage Count totals in real-time. d. Capable of displaying a separate line item count for the following categories:

1. Hotel Users 2. 4th Street Garage Reserved area 3. Monthly Counts for each garage 4. Transient Counts for each garage

e. Live and accurate garage counts for all garage locations. f. Able to remotely control gate arms and entry ticket spitters. g. Automatically open and close garages automatically using a macro procedure. h. Set and program macros for various other functions. i. Manually adjust parking counts at any time: Example: Monthly/Transient/Facility.

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5.9.5 Must have a Reporting system capable of offering the reports listed below as standard reports. Reports should also be customizable using the available information such as Account Name, Number, Card Number, First Name, Last Name, Address, Plate Number, Contract Rate, Last Use, Facility, Reserved Space Number, Access Privileges and Locked Out information.

a. Generating monthly Parker Usage report. b. Generating daily, monthly, annual, and date specific general total reports for ticket

holder use. c. Daily transactions report. d. Pay Stations total tickets and fees by amount report. e. Pay in Lanes total tickets and fees by amount report. f. NRC Lanes report. g. Hotel Use report. h. Report for remote vending of gate arms. i. Count statistics report. j. Duration of stay report. k. Entry/Exit report. l. Provide detailed reports of customer parking activity for Hotel use. m. Must be capable to request custom reports for any criteria within the database.

5.10 HOTEL REQUIREMENTS: The Onity DirectKey™ Parking System specified by Hilton Hotels is to be used for the digital key program and will be supplied by the Hotel, but installed by the Firm. All material and labor necessary for installation of equipment to be provided by the Firm. The Hotel Keycards use two (2) devices for garage access:

1. Proximity Cards. The Proximity Cards must be on a separate access code ID and scale as required by Hotel specifications.

2. Onity DirectKey™ Key Mobile Access system. 5.10.1 Proximity Card Readers capable of reading guest room keys for access to and from parking facility. Hotel Keying system is currently using Kaba/Saflok RT series RFID cards. All material and labor necessary for installation of equipment to be provided by the Firm. Proximity cards must have the ability to be programmed using the Hotel’s current key card encoders by Saflok. 5.10.2 Parking Software system must be capable of interfacing with Hilton’s OnQ Property Management software and Onity DirectKey™ Key Mobile Access system software. The cost to interface all systems must be included in the Firm’s scope of work. Software must be compatible and communicate with City of Bloomington’s

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Parking Management system requirements, as is defined by City of Bloomington IT Department in section 5.12. 5.10.3 Any work performed by the Firm inside of Hotel will be performed with a cooperative effort to minimize any impact on Hotels guests or customers. Work deemed (by Hotel) as disruptive, noisy, or posing an inconvenience to Hotel operations and guests stay will be done within time frames defined by Hotel. 5.10.4 Any form of Validation and Validation Equipment utilized by the City of Bloomington must also be made available to the Hotel and its vendors, guests, customers, and employees. 5.11 HOTEL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: All reports must be able to be generated or queried daily, monthly, and by custom defined date(s) up to one (1) year. All reports must also be available for up to seven (7) years, and accessible to the Hotel, and the City of Bloomington. Reports available shall include the following:

1. Number of active cards, including employees. 2. Number of cards generated by time, station, guest room number, and user who

generated parking access card. 3. Hotel parking charge report. 4. Adjustment report showing any manual and or automatic adjustments of

charges, and defined as such “manual” or “automatic”. 5. Key card report which includes employees, gate activity and usage with time

and date details.

5.12 BLOOMINGTON IT REQUIREMENTS: The following are additional requirements established by the City IT Department. Any deviation from these requirements must be approved in writing from the IT representative.

5.12.1 The 4th Street and Morton Street Garages currently have a limited number of available ports. When using IP addressing, Firm shall supply IT Department with the number of needed ports and cabling needs. Once this is determined, ITS will determine if enough space is available in current rack or if additional rack space will be required per location.

5.12.2 All networking hardware equipment shall be purchased through the City of Bloomington IT Department. This will ensure it is compatible with existing network. Please note if power over ethernet is required for powering equipment.

5.12.3 Any Fiber Optics that will be needed shall be Single Mode and approved by IT. Termination shall be LC Connectors.

5.12.4 Any additional Ethernet wiring shall be CAT6 from Belden. Installation shall follow Electronic Industries Association and Telecommunications Industry Association

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(EIA/TIA) standards. No cable run should exceed 100 meters. All Ethernet cabels shall be tested and certified. Test results should be delivered to IT in electronic format of .xls and .pdf. 5.12.5 Any IP scheme needed shall be coordinated with IT Department. 5.12.6 All communications shall take place over an IPV4 network. 5.12.7 Server, software and hardware specifications must be submitted and approved by IT before a contract is awarded. 5.12.8 Firm shall supply a list of all IP addresses for each device after IPV4 schema has been issued. 5.12.9 Entry and Exit Gate License Plate Recognition software and equipment will be installed by the City at a future time and will not interact with parking garage hardware or software. When cabling the entry/exit areas, an additional cable will be required.

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City of Bloomington Human Rights Commission


RE: Affirmative Action and Living Wage Ordinance To: Prospective Bidders/Vendors

Affirmative Action: All bidders and vendors with the City of Bloomington for projects in excess of $10,000.00 must submit an affirmative action plan to my office. This plan must insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated in a manner that provides equal employment opportunity and tends to eliminate inequality based upon race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status and housing status. Please note that the last four categories are new, adopted by the Common Council in September, 2015.

Even if your company already has a plan on file with the City, you must check with me to make sure that it complies with our current and recent ly updated requirements. If you already have a plan, but it does not cover all of the City's current requirements, you may submit a separate supplement with your plan to fill any gaps.

You must submit your written affirmative action plan (or supplement) to me at least twenty-four hours before the bid, quote or proposal deadline. You must submit your plan to me separately from your b id or quote. The twenty-four hours will give me sufficient time to review your and the other plans. I recommend that you submit your affirmative action plan to me earlier, if possible, so that you and I will have time to work out any problems that may be in your plan. Vendor’s who fail to submit acceptable plans by the deadline are subject to disqualification.

I strongly advise you to confirm with me that I have received your plan and that it meets our requirements well before the submittal deadline. We will make every effort to work with you to clear up problems. But it remains your responsibility to confirm that I received your plan and that it complies with our requirements. If you fail to confirm that I received and approved your plan, you risk losing your eligibility to submit a bid or quote. We will be glad to provide a receipt upon request. Please let us know if you want a receipt when you submit your plan.

You must insure that all the protected classes listed above are included in your plan. In addition to other requirements, your plan MUST include a current workforce breakdown, an internal grievance procedure, a non-retaliation statement, designation of a person by name or position who is responsible for implementing the plan, applicability to both applicants and employees, recruitment of minorities, equal access to training programs, and an explanation of your methods of communicating the operations of your affirmative action plan to your employees and pros pec t i ve applicants.


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Accompanying this letter you will find the following materials:

(1) A workforce breakdown form. You MUST submit a workforce breakdown (sometimes called a "utilization report") with your Affirmative Action Plan. This form is provided for your convenience. If you already have a current form you have completed for another jurisdiction that includes the same type of information, you may substitute a copy of that form instead of using our form. Your workforce breakdown figures must be updated every six months. Even if you already have an acceptable affirmative action plan on file with my office, you should submit a new workforce breakdown each time you bid for a city contract, to be sure we have up-to-date figures.

(2) An Affirmative Action Plan Checklist. I will use this checklist to review your affirmative action plan. If you compare your plan with this list, you should be able to tell whether your plan fulfills the City's requirements. If you omit any of the elements on the checklist, your plan will not be approved.

(3) A sample affirmative action plans. These may be useful if your company has never designed

an affirmative action plan before. Feel free to adopt this plan as your own or to amend it to meet your needs.

Additional materials, such as the City of Bloomington's Contract Compliance Regulations, are available

from my office upon request.

Living Wage: Also, please be aware that you may be required to comply with the Bloomington Living Wage Ordinance. Whether the LWO applies to your project depends upon the size and type of your project and the number of people you employ. If you have questions about the applicability of the LWO, click on the LWO flow chart at: or call me. For 2018, the living wage for covered employees is $12.64 an hour. If you have any questions, contact me at 812.349.3429 or email me at the following address: [email protected]. My office hours are Monday through Friday, 8-5.

Thank you.

Barbara E. McKinney, Human Rights Director/Contract Compliance Officer

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Model Affirmative Action Plan for

______________________________________, Inc., declares its policy to provide equal opportunity in employment, training and advancement, and to administer its employment practices without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or housing status.. Our policy of nondiscrimination will prevail throughout every aspect of our employment practices, including recruitment, hiring, training and all other terms and conditions of employment. We shall implement an affirmative action plan to make it widely known that equal employment opportunities are available on the basis of individual merit. We shall survey and analyze our employment workforce annually to determine what steps, if any, are needed to conform effectively to this equal employment policy.

Responsible Officer Mr. or Ms. _____________________________________________ (or the _____________________officer) is the equal employment opportunity officer for our company and is responsible for implementing this affirmative action policy.

Publication of Policy Our employees will be made aware of our commitment to affirmative action through the following procedures:

o posting notices on employee bulletin boards, o including our policy statement and plan in our personnel manual, o regularly sending out notice of our policy in paycheck envelopes, o and training supervisors to recognize discriminatory practices.

We will make potential employees aware of our policy through the following procedures:

o including the words "Equal Opportunity Employer" in all of our advertisements

and notices for job openings, o notifying employment agencies about our commitment, and o sending notice of our policy to unions.

Implementing Our Policy

Our affirmative action plan will be implemented by widening our recruitment sources. We shall advertise in newspapers and other media that reach people in protected classes. We shall send job notices to schools with large percentages of students in the protected classes and to local groups that serve these classes.

We shall examine our hiring practices periodically to insure that we consider only job-related qualifications in filling our positions. We shall discard irrelevant educational requirements and unnecessary physical requirements. We shall retain only job-related questions on our employment application.

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We shall keep affirmative action information on each applicant, but separate from his or her application. We shall keep records on our hiring decisions to evaluate the success of our affirmative action measures. We shall decide placement, duties, benefits, wages, training prospects, promotions, layoffs and terminations without regard to race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or housing status.


If an employee feels he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or housing status, he or she may bring the complaint to his or her immediate supervisor. If the complaint is not resolved readily at that level, he or she may submit it to _______________________________________ (personnel officer, corporate president, other) who will make a final decision on its validity. This grievance process does not preclude his or her complaining to local, state or federal civil rights agencies. We will not retaliate against an employee or applicant for voicing a grievance or for filing a complaint with the appropriate agency. Our current workforce breakdown is shown on the attached form.

Corporate President Date

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AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN CHECKLIST NOTE: This is not an Affirmative Action Plan Effective Date:

Contractor: Plan MUST Include: Yes No Comments: Policy statement of equal employment opportunity ☐ ☐

Covers: Applicants for employment ☐ ☐

Employees ☐ ☐ On basis of: Race ☐ ☐

Religion ☐ ☐ Color ☐ ☐ Sex ☐ ☐ National Origin ☐ ☐ Ancestry ☐ ☐ Disability ☐ ☐ Sexual Orientation ☐ ☐ Gender Identity ☐ ☐

Veteran Status ☐ ☐ Housing Status ☐ ☐

Designates a person responsible for implementation of the Plan

☐ ☐

Provides for communication of the policy: Within the Organization ☐ ☐ Outside the Organization ☐ ☐ (e.g., recruitment sources, unions)

Applies to all terms and conditions of employment (e.g., hiring, placement, promotion, duties, wages, benefits, use of facilities, layoff, discipline, termination)

☐ ☐

Provision for: Recruitment from minority groups ☐ ☐

Provision for: Equal access to training programs ☐ ☐

Grievance Procedure ☐ ☐

Prohibits retaliation for filing grievances ☐ ☐

Workforce Breakdown ☐ ☐ (figures up to date within 6 months)

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COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________


REPRESENTATIVE: ____________________________________________________________

PHONE: _____________________________________________________________________

Position, Title Class

or Category

Total Number Employees in Each Position

Total Number Minority


Percent of


Total Number Female


Percent of


Total Number

Employees with


Percent of


I swear or affirm under penalties of perjury that this workforce breakdown is accurate, to the best of my knowledge.

Signature and Title of Representative: Date:

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EXHIBIT B STATE OF ______________ ) ) SS: COUNTY OF ____________ )

AFFIDAVIT REGARDING E-VERIFY The undersigned, being duly sworn, hereby affirms and says that: 1. The undersigned is the __________________ of ______________________________. (Job title) (Company name) 2. The company named herein that employs the undersigned has contracted with or is seeking to contract with the City of Bloomington to provide services. 3. The undersigned hereby states that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the company named herein does not knowingly employ an “unauthorized alien,” as defined at 8 United States Code 1324a(h)(3). 4. The undersigned hereby states that, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the company named herein is enrolled in and participates in the E-verify program. ___________________________________ Signature ___________________________________ Printed name STATE OF ________________) ) SS: COUNTY OF ______________)

Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _____________________________ and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing this ________ day of _____________________, 2018.

_________________________________ Notary Public _________________________________ Printed name My Commission Expires: ___________________ County of Residence: ___________________

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The undersigned offer or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the Firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be offered by any person nor to prevent any person from making an offer nor to induce anyone to refrain from making an offer and that this offer is made without reference to any other offer.


I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing facts and information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Dated this day of , 20 .

(Name of Organization)

By: _

(Name and Title of Person Signing)


Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of _______________________. My Commission Expires:

Notary Public Signature

Resident of County

Printed Name

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AFFIDAVIT The undersigned, being duly sworn, hereby affirms and says that:

1. The undersigned is the ___________________________________________ of (job title)

_______________________________________________________________. (company name)

2. The undersigned is duly authorized and has full authority to execute this Affidavit. 3. The company named herein that employs the undersigned:

i. has contracted with or seeking to contract with the City of Bloomington to provide services; OR

ii. is a subcontractor on a contract to provide services to the City of Bloomington.

4. The undersigned certifies that Contractor’s submitted written plan for a drug testing program to test employees of the Contractor and Subcontractor for public works projects with an estimated cost of $150,000 is in accordance with Indiana Code 4-13-18 as amended.

5. The undersigned acknowledges that this Contract shall be subject to cancellation should

Contractor fail to comply all provisions of the statute.

_________________________________________ Signature

_________________________________________ Printed Name

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STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF __________________ )

Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared

____________________________________________ and acknowledged the execution of the

foregoing this _______ day of _______________________, 20_____.

My Commission Expires: ______________ ____________________________________ Signature of Notary Public County of Residence: _________________ ____________________________________ Printed Name of Notary Public

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CONTRACTOR'S BID FOR PUBLIC WORK- FORM 96 State Form 52414 (R2 I 2-13) I Form 96 (Revised 2013)

Prescribed by State Board of Accounts

PART I (To be completed for all bids. Please type or print)

Date (month, day, year): _

1. Governmental Unit (Owner):

2. County:

3. Bidder (Firm):


City/State/ZI P code:

4. Telephone Number:

5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable):

Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to furnish labor and/or material necessary to complete the public

works project of________________________________________________________

(Governmental Unit) in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by _

and dated for the sum of $

The undersigned further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, the undersigned submits a proposal for each in accordance with the notice. Any addendums attached will be specifically referenced at the applicable page.

If additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as

that shown in the original contract if accepted by the governmental unit. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of the units shall be shown on a separate attachment.

The contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or

applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract.


I, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory

obligation to use steel products made in the United States (I.C. 5-16-8-2). I hereby certify that I and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments.


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ACCEPTANCE The above bid is accepted this day of , subject to the

following conditions: __________________________________________________________

Contracting Authority Members:


(For projects of $150,000 or more -IC 36-1-12-4) Governmental Unit: _____________________________________________

Bidder (Firm) _____________________________________________________________

Date (month, day, year):

These statements to be submitted under oath by each bidder with and as a part of his bid. Attach additional pages for each section as needed.


1. What public works projects has your organization completed for the period of one (1) year prior to the

date of the current bid?

Contract Amount

Class of Work Completion Date

Name and Address of Owner

2. What public works projects are now in process of construction by your organization?

Contract Amount

Class of Work Expected Completion


Name and Address of Owner

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3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, where and why?

4. List references from private firms for which you have performed work.

SECTION II PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Explain your plan or layout for performing proposed work. (Examples could include a narrative of when

you could begin work, complete the project, number of workers, etc. and any other information which you believe would enable the governmental unit to consider your bid.)

2. Please list the names and addresses of all subcontractors (i.e. persons or firms outside your own firm who

have performed part of the work) that you have used on public works projects during the past five (5) years along with a brief description of the work done by each subcontractor.

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3. If you intend to sublet any portion of the work, state the name and address of each subcontractor, equipment to be used by the subcontractor, and whether you will require a bond. However, if you are unable to currently provide a listing, please understand a listing must be provided prior to contract approval. Until the completion of the proposed project, you are under a continuing obligation to immediately notify the governmental unit in the event that you subsequently determine that you will use a subcontractor on the proposed project.

4. What equipment do you have available to use for the proposed project? Any equipment to be used by

subcontractors may also be required to be listed by the governmental unit.

5. Have you entered into contracts or received offers for all materials which substantiate the prices used in

preparing your proposal? If not, please explain the rationale used which would corroborate the prices listed.


Attachment of bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to the governing body awarding the contract must be specific enough in detail so that said governing body can make a proper determination of the bidder's capability for completing the project if awarded.

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The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other

member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to include anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding.

He further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or

indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale.



STATE OF ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared the above-named and

swore that the statements contained in the foregoing document are true and correct.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of _

Notary Public My Commission Expires: _

County of Residence: _

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Part of State Form 52414 (R2 I 2-13) I Form 96 (Revised 2013)








Action taken_____________________________